Mastering Situations

Published on Sep 18, 2011


Mastering Situations" Part 03

If you are offended by, man-to-man sexual contact or you are under legal age in your country or state, then read no further. and if you are looking for role models or standards of acceptable or safe behavior, you shouldn't be reading Erotic stories. All of the characters in my story are over 18.

Story by Richard Barber

03 Meeting New Friends

I had settled into my new college life at the Frat house with my mate, Jason and the other men. Life was different now that I had become so close with this hunk of a man. He was not only one of the most popular men on the campus, but the best looking. Jason was very thoughtful and kind to me and made no bones about our close relationship.

One day he told me he had to go to his home in Boston for a few days. His father had taken ill and he wasn't sure how long he would be gone. He was going to be in partnership in the family law firm once he passed the Bar Exam, and had to do some family business before he returned.

I helped him pack a few things and sent him on his way. This was the first time we had been apart since I first met him a few months ago. I was going to miss him, but had a few things on campus that I wanted to check out and thought this would be a good time to do it. I had been pretty much of a loner, even though Jason and I went to several parties. I still didn't know too many people on campus, except for some of the men at the house. Jason and I spent much of our time together, and it had been fine for me.

I went to the library to use the computer and remained there longer than I had planned. I was on my way back to my House when I notice this same car pass me several times. I assumed they were students at the college. The second time around the block, they stopped and the passenger on the driver's side yelled out to me.

"Hey, dude. Do you want a ride home? We are going by your place." I recognized one of the men but the other three were not familiar to me.

"Sure" I said. And then hopped in the back seat with the other two men.

"Hey. You live in that big frat house on Payton Place, right? The one with the big Lions at the entrance? My name if Jack and this is Dave, our chauffeur tonight and next to you is Rocky and Mat. We all go to college here, except Mat. He is a beach bum and lives in that place on Look Out Point."

They all chatted back and forth about football, surfing and cars, typical men talk when Jack said to our driver, Dave.

"Hey, Dave, let's stop by my our place for a few minutes. I need to pick up something, and it's on the way." Dave agreed and turned the car at the next intersection and drove towards Jack's place a few miles away.

It was not along my route at all, but I went along for the ride. We all stopped at Jack's house and everyone hopped out of the car and headed up the driveway. I followed along but had no idea what was in store for me. We walked around to the side entrance of the basement and went inside.

"Come on Ron, we won't be but a minute." I followed two of the men and two followed me.

When we went down a few steps, we entered a large open basement divided into bedrooms, a small kitchen and living area. A large TV at one end of the room with various chairs and couches. Bookshelves and posters were at various locations and at one end of the room was a workshop where someone used to work on surfboards. Sliding doors lead out onto a small patio that was being used for motorcycle parking.

Someone turned on the TV, Jack went to the closet, and one went to the head. Jack came out with a large bag of marijuana and some papers. He sat down to roll a few joints while Dave threw in a "fuck film" in the VCR. I had not visited many people off campus and this was kind of nice for a change. Jack proceeded to smoke a joint and pass it around to the rest of the room. I was fascinated with the `Fuck Film' and was already getting high from the joint I was smoking. The lights had been turned down and one of the men started to strip off his clothes followed by another.

"I can't stand to sit around watching a fuck film with all my clothes on. I need to let my 'wager' out of its cage." He said as the others laughed.

"Yeah, good idea. I will join you but don't let your 'wager' out. That thing always gets you in trouble." Another laughter echoed the room. Dave looked at me and said.

"Why don't you join us? Don't be so shy."

I lowered my head but did not make an effort to remove my clothes.

"Ah, he is shy. Perhaps we should help you undress." Dave said, as he nodded at Rocky and Jack.

Then the three of them jumped on me laughing and pulling at my clothes. I playfully fought back, but they overpowered me and had most of my clothes off in a few minutes. I got excited at their play and started to get a hard on. I tried to cover it but Dave and Rocky noticed, and Jack made a comment.

"Well, lookie here! The dude has got a boner. I guess he likes our man play... and look at the size of his cock. It's a big one. Not as big as yours Mat, but it is big."

They all laughed and continued to take off all their clothes. I was the only one naked at this time but soon the other four men had taken off all their clothes. We were all watching the fuck film and getting high off the grass. I noticed the others started to get hard and manipulating their cocks.

"Let's have a circle jerk." One of the men said.

"No, I have a better idea. Lets butt fuck our new friend here." He said as he looked at me with a shitty grin on his face.

" I didn't know if they were serious or not but I was getting a bit paranoid and nervous. I tried to ignore the comment then Dave said.

"I think that's a good idea." then Dave and Jack jumped me again and threw me over on the large bed.

I struggled back as they proceeded to tie my wrists with some rope while the other two came over, took my legs, and tied them to the other 2-bed posts. I fought back this time but in vain. I am not a weakling, but these four guys were strong and built very well. I knew Rocky was a football player because I had seen him on the field. They all had great bodies and pretty good equipment between their legs. I hadn't looked too closely for fear, they might think I desired their cocks. Now I was in no position to fight back.

I was starting to yell as one placed his hand over my mouth and another took his used jock strap off his body and tied it over my mouth. It still had the musky man odor of his body. At any other time, this might have turned me on, but right now, I was frightened. I think these dudes planned this all along and now I was at their mercy. I had only started to get my ass fucked by Jason my lover and he was very careful and very loving in our sexual encounters. He never hurt me.

Jack pulled some baby oil from the drawer and started to rub it on my ass.

"Wow, What a beautiful ass we have here. Man it has been such a long time since I had any pussy even this ass looks good to me."

Dave was next to me and reached for the oil that Jack was holding. He rubbed it on his cock as he started jacking it back and forth. By this time the other 2 men, Mat and Rocky had come over to the bed and were also putting lube on their now hard cocks. I could see them from one side as I lay at their mercy tied to all four corners of the bed. My legs were spread wide open and I could not do anything about it. I could feel a couple of hands rubbing my ass and between my legs. Jack reached under, pulled my cock down between my balls, and placed a pillow under my hips. This placed my ass up and ready for fucking.

"Hey, Dave" Jack said. Look like we have picked a winner here, men. This dude is getting a boner. I think he likes being manhandled. Let me feel that ass some more." He continued rubbing my ass then he placed his finger near my asshole.

He did not shove it in, as I feared he would, but gently put his finger in me slowly until it was all the way in. It did feel good even though I did not want to let them know, at least just now. He finger fucked me while the other three men were getting their cocks ready for the slaughter.

Rocky, the other man about 22 hadn't said much until now. He reached for my head and pulled the jock from my mouth. I took a deep breath of relief as he placed his knees close to my head, took his cock, and rubbed it on my face and then down to my mouth. I could sense his manly balls and cock as they headed for my mouth. He had a nice cock about 7 inches long with a large tulip shaped head. His cock was already dripping with pre-cum as he put his finger to my mouth and offered me his cock. He looked down at me and said.

"Look here, you cocksucker, I am offering you my manhood. You better not bite or scrape my dick or I'll knock you silly. Do you hear me?" I nodded yes and slowly opened my mouth for his cock.

He leaned forward and I took his cock into my mouth. I began licking the juices from the slit of his dick. It did taste good so I continued to let him pump his dick into me. Meanwhile Dave and Jack were messing around with my asshole. Jack finally pulled his finger out as Dave straddled me placing the head of his cock near my hole. Surprisingly he moved in slowly but determined. He did not stop to let me relax. He went all the way in with one big shove. I jumped in shock and some small pain then I held on for the ride.

"Shit, this is a warm hole. Best one I ever had." He started to pull out for another plunge then he moaned out. "Oh, fuck, fuck. I'm so hot I am going to cum. Damn. I didn't want to cum that fast." Jack laughed as Dave's hot load shot into my asshole. Then he lay there for a brief time and pulled his cock out with one pull.

Rocky was still moving in and out of my mouth. Then he pulled out and moved around to my ass.

"Let me fuck his ass. I'll show you how a man does it. No wonder Bonnie calls you ` Wham, bam." Rocky teased Dave as he sat back all upset with his quick fuck.

Rocky immediately got between my legs, aimed his cock head, and put it right into my hole. It did not hurt all. In fact, I was beginning to enjoy this. Rocky spoke up and said.

"Yeah, this is a nice hole. You have lubricated it up nicely with your cum, Dave. Perhaps you can come back for seconds after we show you how to fuck. Oh, Yeah, this is good."

Rocky started to build up a rhythm as he pumped his cock into my ass. He would slap my ass causing me to jump. He rode me like a cowboy riding a horse. I could do nothing but take it all and enjoy it.

As soon as Rocky left my mouth, Mat began to put his cock into my mouth. I took one look at his uncircumcised cock and wondered if he was planning on fucking me too. He was about 10 ½ to 11 inches long and very thick around. He tasted a little salty and the pre-cum was still oozing from his cock as he placed it near my lips. I stuck my tongue out and licked it several times. He then pulled the skin down from over the cock head as I placed my tongue into the loose skin. He gasped and sighed as I licked on him. Meanwhile Rocky was giving me a good fuck. I was beginning to relax more as they fucked away at my ass. Rocky looked up at the action and said to Mat, the man I was licking.

"Are you getting that horse cock of yours ready to fuck this ass, Mat? Did you leave any of that pussy juice on your cock from last night's fuck? How in the hell does your girl ever take that horse cock anyway?" Rocky continued as he fucked away at my hole.

Now I knew why he had a different taste under his foreskin. It was that leftover "pussy juice" from the night before. I was enjoying it anyway. I would often suck Jason after he had fucked a girl. It seemed to turn us both on. Now I was licking a complete stranger's uncircumcised cock that still had his and his girl's love juices on his cock. It was exciting. He started to get bigger as I tried to suck on him. He could see it was difficult for me because I still had both of my hands tied to the bedpost.

Rocky was getting close to cumming and started pumping me harder and faster. He pressed his body on top of mine and turned to watch me suck on Mat's cock. He was just a few inches from his cock. I could tell it excited him even more, and then Rocky started to talk dirty to me and lick on my ear.

"Oh, yeah, fucker, suck on his cock. Lick that pussy juice from his cock. Yeah, Yeah! I am going to shoot my hot fucking load up your fucking ass. Oh, yeah." Then he cut loose with a moan still pumping his body into mine.

I was afraid I was going to cum before he did as he rubbed against my prostate. He pulled back from me and sat on my ass with his cock still in my hole. He slapped my ass once again and then pulled his cock out with a pop. I was trying not to release his and Dave's cum from my ass. I felt some one touch my hole with a towel and wipe it carefully. I was hoping to rest but no way.

Another cock was about to enter my well-lubricated hole. Jack was ready for his turn. He did not wait very long and placed his cock near my hole. He looked at Mat and asked him if he wanted to fuck me first. Mat said, no, he would wait until I was well lubed before shoving his 10-½ inch cock up my ass. I was grateful for that at least. Jack continued his onslaught. Jack did not have a small cock either. I noticed him earlier before it got real hard. He was almost 8 inches or more. He had a great body too and a big set of balls.

I felt his cock go right in and then he paused to let me get used to his cock. I felt his big balls slap against my ass as he moved in. He waited then he started to slowly pump his nice cock into my hole while pulling my ass up to meet him.

"I am glad we found this one. What a nice fuck. Hand me another joint. I want this to be a good long fuck". Jack took a deep puff on his joint then put it down to my lips so I could have another toke.

I released Mat's cock and took another smoke as did Mat. Then Mat moved away from me and positioned himself behind Jack so he could watch him fuck my ass. He placed his hands under my cock, pulled on it, and played with my balls as Jack slowly enjoyed my ass. Jack reached under my pillow, pulled out a small vibrator, and placed it near my mouth for me to wet. He then handed it to Mat who took the vibrator, placed it under Jack's cock, and started to place it in my asshole as he fucked me. I could feel a new sensation I had never experienced before. Not only Jack's big cock was fucking me but also his vibrator was moving in and out of me in the same rhythm.

I was really enjoying this and started to moan as Jack continued to pump my ass with long but firm strokes. Jack and I were moving in rhythm together. I could feel him starting to build up to a wild climax as he pumped into my willing ass. The vibrator was driving us both wild and then I could feel Jack's cock swell and start to pump load after load of hot cum into me. I could not hold back and I started to cum as he touched my prostate gland. I shot all over the pillow and down my leg as Jack emptied his sperm into my welcome asshole. He collapsed on top of me as our body sweat mingled together.

"That was a good fuck, man. We will have to do this again." Jack whispered in my ear.

"Only next time, I want you all to myself." Then he pulled his big cock out slowly still wet with his cum.

He lay next to me, as Mat was still hard and more ready than ever to fuck me. Mat said to Dave and Jack.

"Untie him and let him go to the bathroom. He has too much cum in him right now. I want a clean fuck with this dude." Dave untied my legs as Jack released my wrists.

I was relieved and tried to get up but I was weak and a bit dizzy. Mat caught my arm and said.

"Take it easy. You go to the bathroom and douche. I will make love to you like you have never had it before." I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and empty three loads of cum from my body.

I really like having it in me right now but if I was to get Mat's big cock in my asshole I had to make room for it. I relaxed and emptied myself and washed up real good. I was really looking forward to getting fucked by Mat now. I went back into the room where the four men were watching the fuck movies and smoking. Mat offered me a cool glass of water as I sat down beside him on the couch. He was still naked but his cock had gotten somewhat softer. It was still big and beautiful hanging down between his legs resting on his big balls.

I took a smoke then some cool water as Mat placed his hand down behind my head and pushed me down on his cock. I took his cock and showed him what I could do with it now that my hands were free. He laid back on the couch as I sucked on him. The other men started to watch us and were getting turned on watching his big horse cock being sucked.

"I could cum this way but I want to place my cock up your ass. Mat said.

"Get up on the bed again but this time lay on your back." I did as he bid as he came over to me and crawled on top of me, lifting my legs into the air placing them over his shoulders.

Jack, Dave, and Rocky moved back to the bed to watch. Dave started to tie my wrists to the headboard but Mat said.

"I don't think we need those anymore. I think we have this buckaroo tamed. I want to ride him like a cowboy should." Then Mat wet his finger, as he looked me in the eyes.

He placed his finger in my asshole very slowly then all the way in. I jumped a little because I was a bit sensitive from the three fucks I had already received. He seemed to sense this then he suddenly pulled me up and stuck his long wet tongue into my asshole. The others just watched in amazement as he tongued my ass. It was a good way to get my attention. After he seemed satisfied that my asshole was ready for his penetration he dropped my legs and aimed the head of his 10-½ inch cock up and down the crack of my ass then slid the head of his cock into my hole. He waited then put it in further, and waited, then in further as I felt it go all the way to his balls. I sighed in pleasure and actually shook. He held on to me tightly and then started his horse cock moves. He moved that cock with expert precision going in all the way then almost all the way out then back all the way in. I could tell it was driving the other men crazy watching that big fucking cock go into my asshole. Jack gave me another toke on the joint as his buddy was plowing me. It was great. I was experiencing great pleasure as my body responded to my new penetration. I wrapped my legs around his neck giving him full control of my body. He leaned into me popping his balls against my sweating body. He leaned forward and started to kiss my neck and ear then as he started to reach his final climax he planted a big tongue-sucking kiss on my lips as he unloaded his sperm into my welcome body. I could feel his huge cock rubbing my prostate gland again and I also started to shoot load after load of hot cum between our bodies. Jack, Dave, and Rocky were now standing over and behind us watching every hot move. They were so hot they were beating their cocks over us, were now starting to cum, and shoot their manhood juices over the two of us as we pumped and gasped. Jack was close to our heads and his cock juice was shooting on my face then Dave and Rocky started cumming on our bodies. The juices were dripping down our face and draining into Mat's and my mouth. Now mingling the kisses with the cum. Mat did not move away but started lapping the cum from my face as the cum from Rocky and Dave joined in perfect timing.

Everyone came at the same time. Rocky was in back of us and even though he had cum, started to lick the base of Mat's cock that was in my hole. Dave started to lick my back as Jack fell back on the bed still with his cock in his hand. Dave went to Jack's cock and hand and licked the cum from his hand and licked his cock. Everyone was in such frenzy and was so hot they were doing things they had never done before. No one said anything but lay where they had fallen. I opened my eyes as Mat kissed me on the mouth with a very sweet loving kiss. I responded and he smiled and winked at me and slowly pulled his cock out of my ass. He lay back against Jack and Dave and Rocky placed his head on Mat. We were all completely spent. No one wanted to move until Dave said.

"Ron showers first . . . and no one can join him otherwise we will be here all week end." Everyone laughed and someone said.

"I have no objection to that." I got up as Dave threw me a clean towel as I headed for the shower.

End of 03 Word Count 4,178 01/19/2005

Next: Chapter 4

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