Mastered for a Day

By James T.

Published on Aug 10, 2023


This is part 4 of Mastered for Day, and the most sex packed story I have written. Comments are always welcome. It's nice to hear from the readers to know reactions and get ideas.

Mastered for a Day - Part 4

Ralph Toland

I awoke gradually from a deep sleep to the subdued sounds of water splashing and the murmur of men talking and softly laughing. I looked over at the clock to discover I had been asleep for a good three hours. I laid in bed, enjoying the comfort of the smooth sheets and the soft pillows all around me. Gradually, I began to awaken fully and with an increasing curiosity about the sounds I was hearing. As I collected my thoughts I began to wonder about Daniel, who was no longer in bed with me. I reached my arm out to feel cool sheets next to me, indicating I had probably been alone for a while. Rolling to the edge of the bed I put my feet on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing the remains of deep sleep out of my eyes. I could hear a grunting noise coming from somewhere outside the bedroom and I finally rose and stretched.

I walked to the door and the source of the noise I was hearing. Unsure of what was on the other side of the door I cracked it slightly and peered out. I couldn't see much except the hallway, but the grunting noise I had heard was now louder and joined by a repeated "yes, yes, yes." Each desperate sounding "yes" was followed by the slapping noise of skin hitting skin. There was no doubt this was noise generated by someone enjoying some kind of sexual coupling and my cock rose in reaction to the hot sounds. I opened the door and quietly walked toward the sounds. As I reached the end of the hallway I could see into the living room and the source of the noise.

I was greeted by highly arousing sight. In the middle of the living room floor, was a man who appeared to be about sixty, with graying hair and the weathered skin of an older man. He was on top of a much younger man, perhaps even a teen, whose legs were spread wide ,allowing the older man's thick cock to penetrate his ass. The older man was taking long strokes in and out of the boy who's arms were wrapped around his partners neck. Each time the older man sunk his cock deep in his lover the boy's ass would quiver and the slapping sound I had heard would echo through the room. The slap of thighs hitting ass would be followed by a satisfying "yes" from the boy. As the older man would pull out the boy's tight ass ring would stretch out along the shaft of the thick cock, as if not wanting to let go of the delicious shaft of hot flesh. They were oblivious to my presence and clearly close to coming to a climactic end of their breeding. The older man's balls were tight and pulled up snuggly to the base of his cock. I stood there mesmerized and incredibly aroused at the sight. As I watched and absentmindedly toyed with my own cock I was suddenly startled by a hand on my back.

"You ok boy?" Daniel asked, quietly chuckling.

I looked over at him and smiled. "You scared me. I didn't hear you coming."

"Yeah, you looked like you wer e in a trance watching those two. Hot, isn't it?" he whispered to me, his hand sliding down and stroking my ass.

"Let's watch them cum, ok?" he said. I nodded and went back to staring at the two on the floor.

We watched for another few moments and then the older man started talking to the boy.

"You ready bitch? Daddy's going to pump a hot load of cum in your hot, boy pussy. C'mon, spread that tight cunt for Daddy. Let him go deeper and breed that tight hole with steaming hot load of cock juice."

The words served to excite the boy even more and he began to cry out, "oh yes Daddy, fuck my hot cunt, shoot a load in me. I'm gonna cum hard. Fuck me, FUCK ME, FUCK ME."

Pulling his arms from around his lover's neck he grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart hard, opening his ass up for deeper penetration. The older man gave one last thrust and then his ass tightened up hard as he held his cock deep, letting out a long, loud "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

I could see his balls quivering and every muscle in his legs tighten up into long hard knots. Then he pulled out a couple of inches and thrust in so hard the boys slid forward on the floor. The boy was thrashing around, his toes curled tight and his head thrown back in a gut wrenching orgasm.

The thrusting continued a few more times till the older man collapsed on top of his boy, who wrapped his arms around him and engaged him in a deep and open mouthed kiss. They laid there as the older man's softening cock slipped out, allowing a thick stream of cum to run out of his gaping ass and all over the carpet.

Daniel reached around and took my stiff cock in his hand and whispered, "seems like you could use some of that, huh boy?" I nodded slowly.

"Let's go check out the action in the pool," he said, his arm around my waist, guiding me to the sliding glass doors leading the swimming pool.

As we opened the door I was greeted by an amazing sight. There were more naked men than I had ever seen in one place. The pool, relatively small, and clearly more for soaking and floating than for any kind of swimming, was crowded with men. Around the pool, laying on mats, sitting in deck chairs, or just standing around were even more naked men. They were all shapes, sizes, and ages. No matter what your taste in men, there were easily half dozen that would match it. Some of the men had paired off or were joined in clusters of three or more. Some of the men were actively engaged in one form of sexual activity or another, others were laying around relaxing, and others were just quietly chatting. As Daniel and I approached the edge of the pool several of the men looked up at me and smiled. Many stared, lust spreading across their face. Some simply stared at my hard cock, licking their lips in an exaggerated display of desire. I smiled back at them, quietly enjoying the attention. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Go ahead and get in, boy," Daniel told me. "There are no rules, just enjoy yourself."

I stuck my foot in to the water to discover it was more of a jacuzzi than a pool. The water was warm but not hot. Comfortably warm, in fact. I walked down the steps and after stepping on the floor of the pool bent my legs so I could submerge myself up to my neck in the warm water. It felt glorious and I closed my eyes as I let the warmth penetrate my body.

When I opened my eyes I looked around at all the erotic scenes outside the pool. On the deck of the pool I could see two men on deck chairs chatting as each of them were getting sucked. They seemed to only be paying slight attention to the cock sucking as they chatted with each other and sipped from tall frosty glasses. One had his hand on his cocksuckers head and was absentmindedly rubbing his hair as his cock went in and out of his lovers mouth. The other man was almost completely ignoring the expert cocksucking he was getting, and his lover was vigorously stroking his own cock as he took the veiny cock deep in his mouth.

Near them was a rotund man laying on his back, his legs up, his big but firm gut forming a mound that blocked my view of his head. He was holding his ass cheeks apart for a very skinny man who was eating his ass, to the obvious pleasure of both. It might have been a funny scene had it not been so arousing.

In another corner stood a large hairy bear, who was jacking his cock while a much younger man kneeled in front of him, mouth wide open, waiting for a load of cum. I watched, hoping to see the climax to the scene, but I was interrupted by a hand grabbing my ass.

"Nice body, boy. You must be Daniels new bitch," he said, as he squeezed my ass harder.

I turned to find myself facing an incredible stud of a man. Obviously a body builder, with a hairy chest, thick black hair, and a bushy black mustache. I looked into his dark eyes and was immediately aroused.

I am not normally turned on by body builders because I find they often look too artificial, as if they have tried to transform their body into some extreme version of the ideal male form. But, he was different. His body was perfectly proportioned and exuded strength and power. I wanted to touch his pecs, and run my hands all over his taught muscles. I prayed his cock was as big as the rest of him.

He stood close to me and gently stroked my arm. "Always nice to see fresh meat at these events. Daniel mentioned he had a special boy, and I can see what he was so enthusiastic about. You ARE a hot one, aren't you?" he said, smiling broadly. I found myself feeling shy around this incredibly hot hunk, and simply shrugged.

"I've been coming to Daniels parties for a while now, and they are always fun. Nothing like a bunch of like minded men getting together to do whatever they want, without any rules or hang-ups."

I nodded, "yeah, it sure is a hot scene."

"You haven't seen anything yet. Later on everyone gathers in the living room and have a good old fashioned orgy. It's an amazing scene, and never fails to get everyone off."

"Sounds like fun," I said, suddenly feeling stupid and awkward. I wanted this man, and a fear rose in chest that I was going to let him slip through my fingers with my clumsy attempts at conversation.

"Best part of this party is that there is a match for every sexual desire. No matter what your tastes there is probably someone here who has the same desire," he said, as he stared into my eyes.

Feeling a little bolder and figuring I had to take a chance or lose this hot man, I said "so, what's your taste?"

"Young studs like you that love to get fucked hard and deep and never say no to me." He smiled, waiting for my reaction.

I smiled at him and he pulled me to him. His lips met mine and we kissed softly, his hand once again on my ass, stroking and exploring.

We stood close to each other in the pool chatting and getting to know each other for a long while. There was no rush. The room was a buffet of sex and there was so much to go around that there seemed no reason to rush anything. I knew that soon enough I was going to be in his arms.

Eventually, he asked me, "you want to go off for some private fun?"

I nodded and studdered a "yyyes."

Laughing he took my hand and led me out of the pool. Walking to a pile of towels he handed me one and took one for himself, rubbing it down his massive arms and chest, and finishing by bending over to dry his muscled legs. As I dried myself off I got a chance to look at the cock I hoped would soon be in my mouth or deep in my ass. It was thick and cut, with a big mushroom head, but completely flaccid. I wondered how he could NOT have an erection considering what we were going to be doing any moment. I figured he must have amazing self control. What really drew my attention was his massive ball sack. He was completely shaved and his balls hung low and heavy between his legs, like a breeding bull's.

When we were both dry he moved close to me and with a serious look on his face, said, "one thing, if we go inside you do anything I ask. If you aren't prepared to do that we can just get back in the pool, no hard feelings."

"I want to do anything you want to do," I answered quickly, before he changed his mind.

"Good. C'mon, I'm going to make you my slut wife," and with that he picked me up in his arms like a honeymoon bride to the sounds of clapping and approving whistles. He looked toward the crowded pool and smiled. Turning, he carried me into the living room, which was now empty of other partiers.

He put me down and immediately pushed me down on my knees in front of him pulling my head to his cock. "Take it," he commanded quietly.

I took his cock hungrily, moaning softly as I felt the thick head on my tongue.

"Don't spill any bitch. Daniel doesn't like piss on his carpet."

With that I felt a hard stream of hot piss shoot into my mouth. It came quickly and caught me by surprise, but I managed to start swallowing before any leaked out of my mouth. I was not new to watersports but it wasn't something I pursued. It didn't bother me, but it also wasn't a huge turn on, either. Till now. Now I was swallowing it down with a lust I had not experienced from drinking pee right out of a cock. My hands went to his ass and gripped his buns hard. His ass was hairy and very, very hard. And the knowledge I was slutting for this hot hunk of man was making my heart race with lust.

"Massage my nutsack," he ordered.

I didn't need to be told twice and I put both my hands under his heavy sack and gently massaged it. His balls were shaved and smooth. They felt hot and velvety in my hands as I gently massaged with one hand and explored behind it with the other. As I thrilled to the feeling of his sack in my hands, I felt them contract as he shot a couple of final short squirts in my mouth.

"Keep sucking till I tell you to stop," he said.

I was quite happy to suck his cock forever. I began working my tongue under his cockhead and was rewarded with a low moan as he pulled my head hard toward his cock. As I worked his cockhead I felt it beginning to grow. As it expanded in my mouth he began to thrust gently in and out.

"That's a good boy. I love fucking a piss soaked mouth. You enjoying this boy?"

I nodded and grunted to acknowledge the pleasure I was getting from his cock.

He fucked in and out of my mouth for a while, urging me in graphic terms to suck harder and take it deeper.

I was already taking the full length down my throat, timing my breathing to avoid gagging when he pushed it deep. As I continued sucking I began to notice, out of the corner of my eye that there were other people in the room. I wondered if the orgy he had talked about was beginning.

Eventually, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and a long strand of drool ran down my chin and onto my chest. As I wiped it off I saw men sitting around us about 10 feet away, just watching. They all had hard-ons and a few were either stroking themselves or helping each other out with some mutual jacking.

"Lay on your back, slut, " he ordered.

I quickly lay on my back, surprised he was going to fuck me so quickly. I started to lift my legs to give him access to my ass when he reached down and pushed my legs down.

"I didn't tell you to lift your legs yet, slut. I'll tell you when I want access to your cunt."

I let my legs down, wondering what he wanted me to do.

He suddenly moved so he was facing my legs with his feet on either side of my chest. Squatting he lowered his hairy, muscular ass right over my mouth. Reaching back he spread his ass cheeks and lowered himself down on my mouth.

"Eat that ass, pig. I expect to feel a hot tongue deep inside me."

Suddenly his ass lips were pushed against my mouth, the smell of his musky hole sending me to new heights of arousal. I could hear murmurs of approval from the men watching. As I ate and tongued his ass he moved it back and forth over my mouth, his heavy sack occasionally striking my chin. For long moments at a time he would push down hard so his tight ring was pushed hard against my mouth. Spreading his ass cheeks he would open himself up to my probing tongue. I would shift between tonguing him and sucking his thick ring of ass muscle into my mouth. The crowd of men around us was getting more vocal.

"Damn, this is hot. Look how that bitch is eating his ass. Go boy, eat that hot ass," were some of the things I was hearing. The words were turning me on even more and having an audience was making me feel like a complete whore.

Eventually, he stood up, pulling his ass from my hungry mouth. As he raised up I got a glimpse of the matted spit soaked hair around his gaping ass. It was an incredibly hot sight.

Grabbing a couple of large throw pillow he stacked them next to me and told me to get lay on them so they were under my belly. Laying on them as he ordered, my ass was thrust lewdly into the air. Getting between my legs he kicked them apart, spreading my ass cheeks.

I was open and waiting for his cock.

"You,and you, come over here and lube this cunt for me, " he said, pointing to a couple of the men gathered round us.

The two men came over and as one stood next to me jacking, the other leaned over and started to eat my ass. I moaned in pleasure as the long wet tongue pushed it's way passed my ass lips.

"That's it, get him ready. Don't push too hard, I don't want him too loose. I like a tight boy cunt to fuck and I want him to feel his pussy getting stretched hard when I mount him," he said to the man eating my ass. "Ok, that's enough, now lube him up."

At that command, the man who had been eating me got on his knees behind me and started jacking his cock near my ass. Suddenly I heard him grunt and I felt a thick rope of hot cum shoot against my spread ass. He shot a couple of more streams of cum then backed away. The man jacking next to me took his place and after a few strokes he too shot his hot load. I knew why he had been selected to lube me when I felt stream after stream of hot cum coat my ass. He had produced an extraordinary amount of sperm.

I was quickly becoming delirious with lust. The entire scene was so unusual and erotic. My hot lover was using other men to prepare his slut bride for breeding. I was waiting desperately for his cock.

As he climbed between my legs and aimed his cock at my ass I was overcome, and raised my ass up toward his cock.

"Be still, bitch, " he yelled. He took his open hand and slapped my upturned ass, hard. His hand hit my cum covered ass and sprayed it all over me, some landing on my cheek. It simply turned me on more.

I felt his cockhead up against asshole and his powerful hands grabbing me tight around the waist. Suddenly I felt his cock popping through my tight asshole. The pain was excruciating and I let out an uncontrolled moan. I only knew he had shoved his cock all the way in because I could feel his thighs pressed against the back of legs. He held it momentarily then pulled out and shoved it in again, forcing air out of my ass, and emitting a loud farting noise. There was a murmur of approval from the audience. Some even commenting with lusty voices.

"Damn, this is hot. Nothing hotter than wet pussy farts," someone exclaimed.

My stud continued to long fuck me with no let up and the pain from his initial drilling was replaced with intense pleasure. I could feel his balls sack hit my balls every time he down stroked into me. Each thrust was followed by a loud grunt as my tight ass enveloped his cock.

Finally, he pushed in and held it there as he panted to regain his breath.

Damn, you are one tight bitch. I've fucked young teens who weren't as tight as you," he said, breathlessly.

Pulling his cock out of me he took my hand and pulled me to my feet, facing him.

"Put your hands around my neck and hold on," he ordered.

As I wrapped my arms around his neck he reached down behind my thighs and lifted me up so my legs went around his back.

"Lock your legs," he grunted as he his hands slid up and gripped my ass.

Spreading my ass open he shoved his cock up inside me then lowered me down onto him. I moaned loudly as his cock slipped deep inside me. Pulling myself to him I laid my head on his shoulder and groaned with deep pleasure.

As he lifted me up and down on his turgid fuck pole he slowly turned around so all the spectators could see his cock penetrating my gaping ass. The crowd was clearly pleased and so aroused they were beginning to couple off and engage in their own play. Several of the men had picked partners and were fucking, while keeping their eyes glued to the scene before them. A few had cum running down their jacking fists but were so aroused they kept right on jacking. I was aroused not only from the deep ass fucking I was getting, but also from the lewd scene I was presenting to the crowd of rutting men.

As he continued fucking me I pulled my head from his shoulders and looked into his eyes. The look of lust in his eyes was powerful and felt as if I was falling in love. I wanted this man to carry me off and fuck me forever. He leaned forward and kissed me. His mouth opened and he sucked my tongue into his mouth. I pulled my arms tight and pressed my mouth to his so hard I bruised my lip. The pain was wonderfully erotic. He broke the kiss and once again looked in my eyes.

"Damn baby, you are one truly hot fuck. I am going to fuck you all night. I want to breed you till you can't walk," he said quietly.

I nodded my head vigorously and told him I loved him and wanted his cock in my cunt all the time. I told him I was his bitch, his slut, his fucktoy. I wanted him to know how much I wanted to be his, but I couldn't find the words to express exactly how I felt.

"You ready to eat my hot load," he asked.

"YES, YES, YES, YES," was all I could think to say.

Pulling his cock out of my ass he put me down, and with his hands on my shoulders pushed me gently to my knees. Taking his cock in his hand he pushed it into my waiting mouth. His hands moved to my head and he started to fuck my hungry mouth.

"Now you are going to find out why my balls are so big," he said, chuckling.

I reached around and grabbed his firm buttocks in my hands, pulling him into my mouth. He let out a long deep groan and I felt his tight ass turn into two rock hard globes as he clenched himself for the first spasm of his orgasm.

The first shot of cum was so powerful it made a squirting noise in my mouth as I felt a massive shot of hot thick cum fill the back of my throat. It was unexpected and more cum than I had ever taken in one shot. I gagged uncontrollably and tried desperately to swallow, but couldn't. His cock slipped out of my mouth with a thick glob of cum running down my chin.

He grabbed his cock with one hand and the hair on top of my head with the other while jacked the second shot on my face. It went across my nose, over my eyelid and forehead, and into my hair. He jacked the next rope across my mouth and cheek. He shot three more heavy loads across my face till I was covered in a thick gooey mass of cum. Finally, he squeezed off the last few strands across my lips. Pulling his cock away from my face, he leaned down he kissed my cum covered mouth. Leaning back he looked at me and smiled.

"No worries, baby, you weren't ready for it. You'll do better next time, " he said softly.

As if on cue, two of the spectators walked over to us and waited for him to give the ok. He nodded at them.

One of them grabbed my head, leaned forward and started to lick the hot cum off my face, groaning with pleasure as he sucked big wads of cum off my face, and swallowed them with relish. The other man gently pushed him aside and completed the job. I looked up at my stud lover and saw him looking down at me approvingly.

For the next few hours I was passed around from man to man, getting fucked repeatedly and eating more cum in one night than I would normally eat in a month. I was brought to orgasm repeatedly and by the time the evening was done I found myself curled up in a corner, covered in sticky cum and feeling as if my tight ass would never recover. In pain and exhausted, I had never felt better.

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