Mastered for a Day

By James T.

Published on Aug 9, 2023


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Ralph Toland

Mastered for a day - Part 3

I awoke the next morning exhausted and struggling to open my eyes. Jim and Daniel had used me for a good part of the night, taking turns fucking me in every conceivable position. As I struggled to wake up I could hear Jim and Daniel talking off in the distance.

I couldn't understand much but from the sounds of it Daniel was doing most of the talking, with Jim occasionally grunting in agreement. I laid in bed, drifting in and out of sleep and shortly was interrupted by Jim, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me.

"You awake?"

I slowly nodded but let my eyelids, still heavy with sleep, close once again.

"Daniel wants to have you for the weekend. He's really taken with you and wants you to be his lover. Neither of us are going to make you go, but I think you would really enjoy yourself. He's really a good guy and because he has strong feelings for you he wants you to be your lover and not your master."

I slowly opened my eyes, becoming more awake with the news Jim had just sprung on me.

"What does that mean^Å my lover not my master?" I asked.

"Well, even a dom guy needs someone special in his life. With most guys Daniel is just after raw sex. He gets off being totally in control. It's just in his nature. But sometimes Daniel comes across someone special and then he takes him as a lover. Don't misunderstand, he will still be in control, but he will treat you like a lover and not just someone to fuck." Jim paused, watching my reaction.

I was now fully awake and I pulled myself into a sitting positions.

"What about you and me?" I asked.

"Well, Daniel is special to me, and if he wants you I want him to have you. Nothing says we can't get together once in a while. But, for us this was just a fling. For Daniel this is serious. He really digs you."

"How long does he expect me to stay with him? I asked.

"Only the weekend. The rest is up to you. He has no long term plans for you. Whatever happens, happens." Jim stared at me momentarily, waiting for an answer.

I had to admit, I REALLY liked Daniel. He knew how to touch me and make me more excited than anyone ever had. A weekend actually sounded good.

"So, what do you say," Jim asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess so. If it's only for a weekend," I answered.

He reached over and took my hand and squeezed it. "Wow, that's great. Daniel will be really happy. And, I know you will have the time of our life."

Looking down at my cum encrusted thighs and cock, he smiled, "Go take a shower and then Daniel will take you to his house."

The shower felt terrific on my sore muscles. My legs were stiff from having them repeatedly push back to my chest while Jim or Daniel fucked me. I leaned against the wall and let the hot water run over my shoulders and down my back. I reached back to my ass with a bar of soap and felt crusts of dried cum still clinging to my skin, the results of cum running out my ass and into pools I had slept on.

When I was out of the shower and dressed Daniel came to me. His behavior was different and it was most obvious when he took me in his arms. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it till I was looking into his eyes.

"Thanks for coming with me this weekend, boy. I promise you it will be worth your while."

And then he gave me a full open mouth kiss. Not a sexual "I wanna fuck you" kind of kiss, but an "I think I am in love with you" kind of kiss.

He broke the embrace and took me by the hand, leading me out of Jim's house and to his SUV. We waved good bye to Jim and took off.

The drive was unusual. From a man who the day before was treating me as if I didn't exist, he was now talking to me like a coach to a high school football player, or a professor to one of his pet students. He would occasionally put his hand on my leg and squeeze.

His touch was electric and I was rock hard most of the drive. He noticed and commented on it casually. In fact, what was drawing me to him so strongly was his casual attitude about sex, mixed with almost obsessive quality. He had a magnetism I could feel but not. He wasn't particularly good looking, with a rugged paunch and enough body hair to make him masculine but not coarse. His cock was definitely big but not what you'd call massive. His hands were a huge turn on. They were big, with thick fingers that gave them a powerful look as if he could bend heavy steel with little effort. His casualness about sex and the "anything goes" attitude he exuded gave me confidence that any fantasy I could come up with he would encourage and explore.

I leaned closed to him, wanting to be as close as possible to this man that made feel sexy and safe. I looked down at his legs and could see the outline of his hard cock pointing down the fabric of his snug sweat pants. I reached over and put my hand on it, confident he was in the mood to let me do whatever I wanted. When my hand grabbed his cock he looked over at me with a knowing smile.

"You want your daddy's cock, don't you baby?

I nodded and squeezed gently on it. Then I slid my hand down the through the waist band of his sweat pants and wrapped my hand around the full length of it, marveling at how hard but velvety it felt in my hand. From my position it was hard to stroke so I simply slipped my hand up and down his cock, occasionally stopping at his huge balls sack and cupping it gently. He acted as if what I was doing was as normal as could be and simply let me play with him to my hearts content. If he had pulled over and asked me to let him fuck me up against the hood of the car while traffic zipped by, I would not have protested. I felt free and open and the idea of a weekend with this powerful man was intoxicating.

He kept up a running dialogue as he drove. If I hadn't experienced his sexual prowess all night his words would have left me with the impression he was an egomaniac with an over inflated sense of his own sexual abilities. But having been fucked and fisted by him I knew he was just talking about himself in a matter of fact way. He told me he had fucked well over 500 men in his life, and that he was very selective. He loved having a reluctant partner who he could turn into a total slut, pleading for more and more of his cock. He said he had long ago figured out how to get men to abandon their own egos in a quest to get the kinds of orgasm he could pull out of men. He felt that most men wanted someone stronger and more dominant to control them and as soon they gave in to his superiorority in the bedroom they always experienced a sexual euphoria they had never imagined existed.

I knew he was not being a bullshitter. I had experienced it the night before and I was experiencing at we sped down the highway. I felt as if my balls were going to explode if I didn't cum soon. The base of my cock was aching for relief and I occasionally let out a low moan as my hand slipped up and down his cock and I imagined it deep inside my ass.

"Why don't you suck my cock, baby. I think you need it," he said after hearing me moan for about the tenth time.

I didn't waste any time and as he lifted his ass up off the seat I pushed down on his sweat pants, moving them well enough down his ass so his cock was free. As I maneuvered myself to get my head into his lap he slid the seat a few inches back so my head wouldn't hit the steering wheel. I bent over and took as much of his veiny cock into my mouth as I could manage. He didn't let out a sound but put his hand on the back of my head and gently ran his fingers through my hair, as he firmly pushed me down on his cock.

"Now, don't spill any of my seed, baby. We don't want to mess up daddy's new car with cum stains,"

I took my free hand and cupped his massive balls, kneading them and feeling their heaviness in my hand. I could feel them churning cum to feed me.

"You didn't get breakfast this morning, did you my love? Well, this load will have to do for now. And, don't worry about not getting some in your ass later. I can cum as many times in a day as I want to. Your going to get plenty of breeding cum in your pussy. so enjoy this treat daddy is about to feed you."

His words were turning me on as much as the feel of his thick cock in the back of my throat. I felt as if I might cum in my own pants at any moment, but I desperately wanted to save it for him. I was fighting a mental battle to control my own orgasm but between the sensation of his cock in my mouth, the feel of his heavy ball sack in my hand, and the gently rubbing of my cock head against the fabric of my shorts every time the car hit a small bump, I knew I was fighting a losing battle.

"Ok, baby, daddy is going to let himself cum. Get ready for it."

I was amazed at the lack of excitement in his voice. His self control was powerful and strangely erotic. He pushed down on my head and suddenly I felt a thick hot stream shooting to the back of my throat. I had sucked enough cocks so I knew to just let it erupt and

settle in the back of my throat before trying to swallow. As I felt the full effects of the first stream end, I took a big gulp and and then quickly took my lips to the base of his cock head, pursing them, and then sliding them down again to the base of his cock, forcing another hot rope of his viscous juice to shoot to the back of my throat. I swallowed and pumped his cock again. I did this 4 times till I felt the last and weakest stream, then I proceeded to gently suck on his cock. If there was one thing I knew how to do it was give a man a great blowjob, and I hoped he appreciated that I wanted him to enjoy it completely. He sighed deeply as I sucked the last few drops of cum out of his cock.

I knew I was not going to be able to control my own orgasm much longer and as I suckled on his slowly softening cock I reached a powerful orgasm. With just the gentle friction from my shorts on the head of my cock I erupted in stream after stream of cum. I wet spot spread across the front of my shorts as I emptied my balls. I laid there panting in his lap as my check rested against his softening cock.

"You are a very good little cocksucker, baby. Daddy enjoyed that. Later I'll teach you how to do a few things that will even make you better at it."

I drifted off slightly as the gentle rocking of the car and his fingers running through my hair put me in a state of total bliss.

I awoke suddenly to lack of movement in the car and the sound of the gear shift being popped into park.

"C'mon baby, were home."

I sat up in the seat, a little bleary eyed and immediately felt a chill in my crotch as the wet cum spot rubbed against my stomach. Seeing me grab the wet spot and pull it away from my skin, Daniel said, "we'll have you out of those in a sec."

We got out of the car and as I followed him to the door he stopped by a washing machine. He lifted the lid on the machine and turned the knob to get the water flowing.

"Let's get out of these clothes and start them washing," he said as he bent over and pulled his shoes off. I pushed my shorts down and after climbing out of them dropped them in the open washer. He did the same, and as he pulled off his shirt, said, "may as well wash everything. " I took of my shirt and dropped it in the washer , too.

We both stood there naked as he dropped some soap in to the machine and closed the lid. Looking at me he moved closer, putting his arm around my back and dropping his hand over my ass, squeezing and fondling my full cheeks.

"You sure are keeping me hot and randy, baby. Seems like I can't get enough of you," he murmured in my ear as he moved to kiss my neck and pull me even closer.

I put my arm around his back and pulled him close, too. Moaning softly as his lips found all the pleasure points on my neck, I slid my hand slowly up and down his back. My cock was getting hard again and I gently pushed it against his thickening cock.

"Let's go take a nap. We have guests coming and we are going to need to get some rest before they arrive, " he said as he took my hand and led me into the house.

He led me directly to the bedroom, not giving much chance to see much of the house except for a quick glance at the living room and the enclosed swimming pool behind glass doors at the rear of the room. The living room was sparsely furnished with only one large sofa, a couple of straight back chairs and lots of big pillows. It struck me that it looked like a room more for activity than for just sitting around being sociable.

The bedroom was warm and inviting with lots of warm tones and a big California king bed covered in a thick and luxurious comforter. There were lots of big down filled pillows at the headboard and it practically invited me to lay down and sleep. He pulled me to the bed, pulled back the comforter and told me to get in.

I climbed into the bed letting out a deep sigh as the cool sheets hit my tired body. He climbed in next to me and spooned up behind me. I wiggled my ass up against his cock as he reached around and took my cock in his hand, squeezing softly. We laid like this for a few moments and I could feel his cock growing harder against my ass crack as he very slowly hunched against me. He groaned softly in my ear.

Damn, boy, you got me all hot and bothered again. Now what are we gonna do, " he said.

I shrugged.

"Well, I know what I am gonna do, or I won't get a wink of sleep," he said as he got up on his knees behind me. I could feel the bed move as he leaned over and got something off the night table. Then he grabbed my upper thigh and pulled me on my back. Grabbing my legs he pulled them apart and got between them on his knees. I looked down to see him coating his turgid cock with a fistful of some amber oil.

"It's olive oil, baby. It's my favorite lube. If I want to stop fucking and eat your pussy it tastes good, " he said, almost giggling.

He grabbed my legs and lifted them in the air, spreading them apart as he raised them.

"Hold them, " he commanded.

I grabbed my legs from behind the knees and held them up for him. He poured some of the oil onto his fingers and then quickly pushed his hand up to my ass before any of it could run off onto the bed. He quickly slipped his two middle fingers into my ass and moved them around. I let out a small gasp as his fingers found my prostate and sent a small shock of pleasure up my back.

"You're tight, "he exclaimed. "I figured you'd still be loose from that fisting I gave you last night. You have one really flexible pussy, baby. I like that."

I pretty much knew what he was doing but I was surprised at his desire and stamina. I was dead tired and here was a man some thirty years my senior who should have been more exhausted them me, but was preparing to fuck me one more time. He pulled his fingers out of me and grabbed my ankles, lifting my ass up off the bed and close to his twitching cock. He looked down and maneuvered his hips till his cock was touching my asshole. Then in one quick motion he pushed himself into me, balls deep. Even though I was well lubed and still a little loose from the night before, I sucked in a deep breath at the pressure and slight pain his cock caused.

He kept his cock deep in me and lett go of my ankles as he rolled forward, leveraging my ass up with his upper thighs as he laid his body on top of mine. As his lips moved to mine I leaned forward to meet his kiss. He wrapped and arm around my neck as his tongue slid deep in my mouth.. As we kissed he began a slow but long stroked fucking motion against my upturned ass. We both moaned at the incredible urgency that was building between us.

He pulled his lips away from mine and looked into my eyes. "Jesus boy, you have the tightest most velvety pussy I have ever fucked. It feels like your cunt is milking me. Every part of my cock is wrapped in boy pussy."

I had been fucked by a lot of men, but I had never had a cock feel so good inside me. I felt full and as if I could feel the shape of his cock with the walls of my rectum. I wanted him to go deeper. I knew his cock was in me as far as it would go, but there was an overwhelming urge to have him go deeper. I pushed my ass up as best I could given his body weight crushing down on me. I pulled him close and nuzzled his neck.

"Fuck me deeper, daddy, " I urged. "shove your cock deep in my cunt. Fuck me as hard as you want. C'mon, fuck me, fuck me. "

My voice was raspy with lust and I felt like I would cum just from having my ass filled with man cock. He slipped his arms down my sides and under my ass, grabbing a cheek in each meaty hand and spreading me open, almost painfully. It allowed him to go just that little bit deeper , sending me over the edge. My cock was rubbing against his hairy belly and the combination of the friction and an ass full of meaty cock brought me to an intense orgasm. I started thrusting against his stomach, thick gobs of cum lubricating the spot where my cock head was rubbing. I was letting out a loud and deep groan as I felt wave after wave of spasms shoot up from the base of my cock.

"Oh yeah sweet baby, cum for daddy. That's it, cream on me, cover me in boy seed, let it all out baby,," he moaned, as he thrust one last time and then held it deep in me.

"God damn boy, your pussy is working the cum out of me. Get ready for a hot breeding baby, here it comes, " he hissed through clenched teeth.

With his cock pushed deep inside me he pulled his head back and let out a long scream of pleasure. I could feel his cock exploded deep in my bowels and a warm sensation fill my gut. He pulled his cock out a couple of inches then thrust deep inside again, holding it and letting out another cry of pleasure. I held him close as he bred my cunt, pushing his hot daddy sperm deep into my hungry pussy.

Suddenly, he collapsed on me in a heap of panting flesh. Our breaths were coming in deep pants as our hearts pounded in our chests. We laid there, covered in sweat and cum, his cock slowly losing it's hardness and slipping slowly out of my wet pussy. I felt his cock slip out of my ass and a ticklish trickle of thick cum and olive oil run down my lower back. Sleep overcame me, and closing my eyes, I drifted off.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, The Bear Party.

Next: Chapter 4

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