Mastered for a Day

By James T.

Published on Jul 19, 2023


This is chapter two of Mastered for a Day. Comments and suggestions welcomed.

Mastered for a Day - Part 2

Ralph Toland

"Ok, some advice before Daniel gets here," Jim urged. "Don't talk to him or make eye contact, and most importantly, don't say no to him. He is an expert master and he expect s total subservience and obedience at all times.

We stood in the living room waiting the arrival of the friend who had called him while we were in the middle of a very hot session of master/sub sex. He had invited him over and was now going to deliver me into a situation I had not planned for. I was nervous as could be but also excited at the possibility of an even more intense sexual experience.

"Who is he, what's he going to do to me, " I asked, my voice giving away my raw nerves.

"He's the dom who has been training to me for the past few years, " Jim explained. "I met him a few years ago at a BDSM convention. He's like me, just into dominating without all the gadgets like ropes and chains. He's taught me everything I know and I still have a lot to learn from him. If you don't want to be submit to him just say so and he will leave you alone.

He has an uncanny ability to detect when no really means no, so unless you really don't want to experience what he has to offer, tell me now. But, I know you will really get a lot out of a few hours with him, so I think you ought to just go for the ride, so to speak."

"I guess I could give it a try, " I responded, my nervousness and excitement combining into a sexual tension I had never experienced.

I stood in the living room, clad only in my briefs, feeling out of place next to James, who was fully dressed. "Are you sure I shouldn't get dressed? What happens if I don't like him and want to leave, where are my clothes?"

"Look, just calm down. If you really don't want to be with him he will know it and tell you to get dressed and leave. Just go with the flow, ok."

I nodded, standing there with my cock semi-hard, my body torn between fear and sexual arousal.

The doorbell rang giving me a sudden start. "Well, here goes nothing, " I thought.

"Remember, no eye contact or talking unless spoken, too, " said Jim as he opened the front door and let his guest in.

As Daniel and Jim exchanged greetings I had the opportunity to look at the man who would shortly be using me. Except for the fact all he had on was a pair of tight low cut black leather pants and black motorcycle boots, he was fairly average looking. He appeared to be between 55 and 60, of average but solid build. He had thinning gray hair, combed straight back. He was darkly tanned and had some hair on his chest that was also graying. His hands were those of someone who did a lot of physical labor and were thick, strong and rough looking. What drew my attention the most was his ample package. His cock was laid out snuggly down the front of his thigh and nestled dramatically on an oversized ball sack. I had only seconds to check him out before he looked at me and I quickly diverted my eyes.

"So this is the hot bitch you were fucking when I called, huh," said Daniel as he walked toward me.

He moved right up next to me and put his meaty hand on my upper arm and squeezed.

"Very nice, Jim, Very nice," he said as his eyes gazed up and down my body. He slipped his hand down the back of my briefs and I flinched at the speed with which he was making his moves on me.

"Hot ass, " he said, as his finger began probing between my ass cheeks and slipped inside my asshole. He moved it around as a very soft moan escaped from my throat.

"Feels like you bred him already. I hope you didn't loosen the bitch up too much. I like a tight pussy. It still feels a pretty tight, but there is still a lot of your cum in him." With that he pulled his finger out of my ass and put it up to my mouth. Pushing it into my mouth he let me suck it for a moment before pulling it out. "Good boy," he murmured.

Slipping his hand down the front of my briefs he grabbed onto my now erect cock. Holding it firmly, he gently squeezed and stroked it as he carried on his conversation with Jim. "Uncut, I like that. Makes em more sensitive and easier to milk. Get me a small glass, will you Jim?"

Jim walked to the kitchen as Daniel's hand moved down to my balls. He cupped them and massaged each of my nuts individually, as he murmured his approval over what he was feeling.

James returned with a glass and handed it to Daniel, who had moved behind me. Pulling my briefs down he wrapped his meaty hand around my cock and began stroking me.

"This bitch is almost ready to cum. I think it's best to milk him straightaway so we don't have an accident in a few minutes and waste all his boy nectar," Daniel told Jim, as he continued to stroke me.

Daniel moved the hand with the glass around the other side of me and pulled me tightly to him. I suddenly felt his leather encased erection pressed against my ass and it sent chills of expectation up my back. He was an expert stroker and I could feel the cum churning at the base of my cock. I knew I had only seconds before I would cum. As he stroked I started thrusting my hips into his hand, wanting more of what he was doing me.

"You see what he is doing, Jim? Horny and needy bitches always thrust against you as if they can't get enough. I'm going to enjoy your boy, Jim. He's a hot one."

His words were enough to send me over the edge and I started to thrust faster and with more urgency. Suddenly he stopped stroking and used his precum lubricated thumb to rub right under the base of my engorged cockhead. A few rubs across it was all it took and I started to cum. He quickly placed the glass under my cock head and caught the first thick eruption in it. My head went back and my knees buckled slightly as the second thick rope hit the inside of the glass. His arms held me up as he continued milking me with his thumb. I shot two more thick streams into the glass before my orgasm receded.

He milked the last bit by gripping the base of my cock and sliding his gooey fingers up the length, squeezing a big drop out and into the waiting glass.

Letting go of me he took the glass and held it up to Jim as if in a toast. "Here's to sweet boy nectar, may there be more where this came from tonight." With that he put the glass to his lips and threw it back like a shot of tequila. He held it back as my thick gooey cream slowly poured into his mouth. When the last of it had drained into his mouth he took a big swallow and then smacking his lips let out a long "aaahhhhhh."

"I milk my bitches like this several times a day. This stuff is the best aphrodisiac around. I credit my ability to hold an erection for hours to my daily regimen of boy juice. Besides, I love how it tastes, " he said, laughing.

Putting the glass down, Daniel turned me around and and held me by the arms. I looked into his eyes momentarily and he quickly slapped me across the face, firmly, but not enough to do more than sting. "That was a warning, bitch. You don't look in my eyes. I am the master here and you avert your eyes when I am looking at you."

I looked down immediately and wrapped his hand around my suddenly growing cock. The sudden show of power had not only shocked me, it had aroused me intensely.

I wanted this man to use me in any way he wanted. Whatever that little display of power had done to arouse me, I wanted more of it.

Holding my engorged cock in his hand he said "you see this Jim, a good bitch loves being controlled. Look at his cock, it's getting hard as a rock. There is nothing this bitch won't do for me now. This is the goal of the lifestyle, Jim. To get a bitch so under your control you can do whatever you want and know the bitch will deliver."

Pushing me down to my knees he commanded me to pull down his zipper. I took the tab and pulled down. The pants appeared to be specially made and the zipper continued under his balls and almost clear back to his asshole. When I had pulled the tab as far as it would go I reached in and grabbed his cock. I was stunned by the girth. As I pulled his cock he spread his legs slightly so that as soon as I released his cock, his grapefruit sized balls sack fell free. His cock was dark, veiny and shiny from precum. His deep purple and massive cockhead glistened in front of my face. I took the cock head in my mouth and rubbed my tongue gently under the base.

"Has he been toilet trained, Jim?" Daniel asked.

"Not yet, that was going to be my next lesson," responded Jim, as he sat down in a straight back chair to watch the performance.

"Well, no time like the present, I guess," laughed Daniel

He took hold of my head and pushed an extra inch into my mouth. "Just swallow till I am done," he told me.

I knew what was coming and in my state of arousal his words didn't raise the sense of revulsion I might have otherwise felt. In fact, I was anxious to experience this mans piss flooding my mouth.

Suddenly, a rush of hot, acrid fluid sprayed into the back of my throat, causing a slight gag reflex. I managed to control the reflex and swallow it down. The second one took several quick swallows to get down and then I worked into a rhythm of big swallows as he emptied his full bladder into my waiting mouth. He must have had an incredibly full bladder because he kept the flow going for what seemed like minutes, but was probably only 30 to 45 seconds. As I continued my rhythmic swallowing he was rubbing my head in an affectionate way, and talking to Jim.

"Making them drink your hot piss is the ultimate in surrender. Right now this bitch is in heaven, having surrendered to me in the most degrading way. He is feeling the full depth of what it means to be submissive to another man, and drinking my piss is the way he can tell me he wants me to own him."

When the flow stopped he kept up a slow but steady fucking motion in my mouth till his cock was cleansed of all residual piss and my saliva had washed it clean. Then he lifted me up and backed up till the back of his calves were up against the middle of the sofa. He sat down then pulled me over his lap so my stomach was drapped across his legs. He rested his hand on my ass and his other hand on the back of my head, holding it down.

"I need some lube, Jim," Daniel said.

Jim retrieved a jar of coconut butter from the coffee table, took off the lid, and offered some. Daniel stuck three fingers into the jar and pulled out a sizable dollop on his finger tips. He moved that to my ass and slipped his fingers down between my cheeks till he found my quivering asshole. I felt one finger enter me and immediately slide in as deep as he could go. It felt delicious, probing my ass and occasionally pausing on my prostate to gently massage and stimulate me. The first finger was followed quickly by a second one which, unlike the stretching from a single digit, cause some pain. Before I could settle down and get comfortable with two fingers a third one was pushed inside me and this one hurt a lot. I moaned and vainly tried to squeeze his fingers out of me.

Tapping the back of my head firmly he said "stop resisting. Your pussy belongs to me and if I decide to put my entire fist up there I will."

I stopped resisting and he kept sliding his fingers inside me.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to fist you till later. I want you good and tight when I breed you. Fisting tends to loosen the pussy lips up for a few days."

The fingers were beginning to feel good inside me. In fact, they were beginning to feel very good. I wanted this to go on all night. The occasional pause at my prostate for a short massage was making me delirious with desire for him. He was using me, but in the process giving me pleasure such as I had never known. I started to open my legs so he could go deeper, which he did. I had this sudden desire to feel his entire fist up inside me. I wanted him to shove his fist as far as he could till my lips were stretched around his forearm. I was crazy with lust.

As suddenly as it began he pulled his fingers out of me and pushed me off his lap. Taking me to the side of the couch he bent me over till my hands were holding on to the arm of the sofa. Gripping my hips with his beefy hands he placed the head of his cock up against my gaping asshole.

"Time to get fucked, bitch."

With that, he pushed his thick cock as deep as it would go. The penetration of my anal ring didn't hurt at all, but once his cock head was past the point where his fingers had lubed my rectum I felt as if I was being torn open. I let out a long painful moan, which didn't distract him from his fucking in the slightest. He pulled his cock all the way out, put the head up against my ass ring again, then shoved it in one more time. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the first time. He did this several times till I was stretched and ready for some good hard rutting. He started fucking me faster, without pulling his cock all the way out with each stroke. His thighs were slapping against my ass and he was groaning as he pumped his fuck tool deep inside me.

As he continued to fuck me he reached around and grabbed hold of my nipples, squeezing and twisting them hard, and sending shocks of pleasure/pain through my whole body. My cock was hard as a rock and leaking pre-cum in copious amounts. I looked over at Jim from the corner of my eye and he had his cock out and was stroking it. A look of lust in his glazed eyes.

The fucking went on a long time and I never wanted it to stop. His strokes were sliding up and down my prostate and sending surges of pleasure all through me. I knew it was a matter of time before I came and I wasn't sure it was ok to cum unless he told me to. I didn't reach for my own cock, but knew that eventually, touching it or not, I was going to cum.

Daniel reached for my shoulders and pulled me hard against him, pushing his cock into me just a little deeper than before. Looking over at Jim, Daniel said "come over here and let the bitch suck the cum out of you while I breed him."

Jim came over, took my hands off the sofa arm, and placed himself in front of me. I grabbed his ass and pulled his cock as deeply into my mouth as I could take it. He grabbed my head and started to fuck my mouth. I simply held my head as steady as I could given the pounding my ass was getting, while Jim fucked in and out of my mouth.

Suddenly, Daniel said "Going to cum, bitch," and he pushed his cock in hard as he pulled back on my shoulders. The feeling of his cock pushed deep inside me was enough to put me over the edge and cum started flowing out of my cock like a leaky faucet, forming a pool on the carpet between my feet. At almost that same moment, Jim pushed his cock into my mouth, causing me to gag when a big thick squirt of hot cum shot to the back of my throat. All three of us stood there moaning loudly as the cum shot out of our cocks.

The smell of sex in the room was intoxicating and I began to feel copious amounts of Daniels cum trickle down my leg. After a few more short thrusts, Daniel pulled his cock out of my ass.

"Hold him in place," I heard Daniel tell Jim as his cock plopped out of my mouth. Jim held me by my upper arms as Daniel reached for the open jar of lube and took half of it with one big scoop. Placing the gob of lube up against my still open asshole he pushed much of it inside me, followed by three fingers. It was soon followed by a forth finger. He moved his fingers around, spreading the lube freely throughout my rectum. Soon, I could feel a tightening in my ass as he pulled his fingers into a cone shape and inserted all four fingers along with his thumb into me. There was some pain, but not as much as I would have expected. As he pushed more and more of his hand into me the pain increased. I could feel amazing amounts of pressure and then suddenly my ass ring popped over the last knuckles and his fist slipped inside me. The feeling of fullness was overwhelming and when he gently pulled on his hand I could feel my tight anal ring stretching around his fist. It felt absolutely wonderful. I just stood there, bent over, in state of sexual bliss.

"Most bitches don't take to this so easily. I've had to use a lot of force most of the time, but this little cunt seems to love it. You picked a good one here, Jim. This bitch should give you years of pleasure."

He was still working his fist inside my ass and I was not anxious for him to stop. Finally, I felt him pull back and with a sudden stab of pain I heard a small pop as his fist left my ass. I felt a sudden sensation of cold inside me as my gaping ass slowly closed from the invasion.

Slapping my ass, Daniel said, "go take a shower, bitch, then come to the bedroom. Jim and I are going to fuck your pussy at the same time. I think you can handle two cocks at once, don't you?"

I nodded vigorously and headed to the bathroom, leaving them laughing at the cum, lube, and ass juice smeared all over my legs and ass. I knew the night was just beginning and I wanted it to go on forever.

Next: Chapter 3

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