Mastered for a Day

By James T.

Published on Jun 29, 2023


This story is a break from the series Master Jonathan.

It's the same theme as Master Jonathan, but with different characters.

Mastered for a Day

Ralph Toland

I had been fantasizing about being a fucktoy for an older man for a long time. I had not acted on it because it held a certain level of fear for me. I had a, not so irrational fear that giving myself to a man would put him in control and if things got out of hand I would have no way to get myself out of it. I was not interested in being tied up, abused, tortured, or turned into the object of some man's sadistic fantasies. I wanted a man who was in total control of the situation and would use me as an object, as a sexual slave as it were. I imagined that back in the days of the Egyptian pharos a man who owned a young male slave would use him for his own sexual pleasure and would not think to communicate with him or ask him his opinion on what was being done to him. He certainly wouldn't talk to him as an equal and wouldn't "ask" him to do certain things, he would just tell him and expect immediate compliance. This was the kind of situation I fantasized about, CONSTANTLY.

One day, while all alone and feeling even hornier than usual I logged into a gay contact web site and signed into the Authoritarian chat room for my local area. Having created a profile with a picture of me in a pair of shorts and no shirt I was having no trouble getting messaged. I suppose being 19 helped quite a bit since most of these guys were looking for someone relatively young, but legal. I was also met with a certain amount of skepticism by men who were used to getting toyed with by men pretending to be something, and someone, they were not.

I chatted with lots of different men, dismissing most who immediately called me boy and suggested I need to be tied up, abused, or dressed up like a girl. If a man wanted me to dress like a girl that was fine, but that would be something he would expect as part of controlling me, and not as the way to be aroused by me.

Finally, I was messaged by someone who just chatted with me like a normal person. No demands, no abusive language, no power plays. We chatted for a while and he asked me a lot of questions about what I was looking for. His picture certainly made him interesting. He was hairy, dark, not exceptionally well built but certainly no Pillsbury Dough Boy, either. He told me that he was not in BD&SM and had no interest in it at all. He enjoyed using pretty strong language when he was fucking, but that was just something that came out of him as a natural part of his sexual energy. He described his favorite scenario, which was a young, very compliant man who wanted to be used completely. I told him about my Egyptian slave scenario and he said that while he had never looked at it that way, it was exactly the kind of scene that got him off. He also said that he was not interested in forcing anyone to do anything against their will, and that if we ever connected it would be understood that no one was being forced to do anything. He also said that he usually had some kind of safety word that his fucktoy could use in case he decided things were not going the way he expected them to go. The safety word would end everything immediately.

He kept describing the lovemaking as play sessions or scenes, which I found both intriguing and highly arousing. He really seemed to understand how much of a turn on giving my self to a man could be. It wasn't lovemaking, and it was certainly more than sex. It was a mental and a physical experience. He told me what he generally did when he was with a man who was submitting to him. He would basically treat him like a sexual pet, touching him, petting him, fondling him, ordering him to do things in a way which wasn't gruff or authoritarian but simply accepted that his fuck toy would comply without asking questions. He also asked me if there were any names he could call me which I would find unacceptable. I couldn't think of any.

Sitting in front of the computer in a highly aroused state I wrote, "I'd like to hook up with you sometime."

There was somewhat long delay before his answer popped up and I assumed he was thinking of a way to let me down easy. Or, I thought, maybe this was all a scam and he was just some old married guy living some online fantasy. But, then on the screen I read "what are you doing this afternoon."

"Nothing," I wrote, as fast as my fingers would type. My heart was racing like it's never done before.

"You want to come over?"

"Sure, what time?" I answered.

"How about now, and can you stay the night if things work out?"

"Yeah, sure, I'd love to," I typed, fingers fumbling all over the key board as I typed as fast as I could, before he changed his mind.

He gave me directions to his house which was no more than 30 minutes away, and told me to come over whenever I was ready, that he was going to jump in the shower and would be "ready" for me when I got there.

Just before signing off I said, "by the way, what's your name?"

"It's Jim," he answered, "but our names don't matter because you won't be calling me by my name and I will be calling you lots of things besides your real name :). By the way, I will expect you to submit to me as soon as I open the door. The safety word is "Egypt."

As I disconnected from the web site I was as aroused as I ever remember being. My cock had been hard for an hour and there was a big wet pre-cum spot on the front of my shorts. I quickly went to the bathroom and climbed in the shower. I didn't know exactly what he had in mind for me but I wanted to be clean and ready for anything. Not knowing was half the fun and the way I felt now I doubted there was much chance I was going to be saying Egypt in the next twenty four hours. I spread shaving gel all over my cock, balls, and asshole and then shaved myself smooth. I keep myself shaved all over down there anyway, but it had been a couple of weeks since my last shaving and there was a little stubble.

I didn't spend a lot of time picking out my wardrobe since I didn't expect it would take him long to get it all off. I slipped on a pair of extremely tight faded jeans, an old snug t-shirt and my running shoes. I am in good shape and looking in the mirror I was sure he would like what he saw.

The traffic was light, THANK GOD, and I had a raging hard on the entire drive, anticipating what the next hours held in store. I got a little lost at one point and panicked because I realized I had not gotten a cell phone number from him. If I got lost I would have to go home, get back on line and hope he was there. But, finally, after backtracking, I followed the directions and pulled up in front of his house. It was your typical suburban home, but beautifully landscaped and well taken care of.

I walked up to the door hoping there were no neighbors watching. My cock was throbbing and leaving a distinct outline as it rested snugly under my jeans, pointing up at my right hip. Looking down I could see a small wet spot around the head of my cock. I wondered if maybe I shouldn't have worn briefs.

I pressed the doorbell and waited for only a few seconds before the door opened. He looked exactly like his picture. So far so good, he hadn't sent me some old picture of himself. Things were starting out very nicely. He was wearing nothing but a pair of very tight black low-cut leather pants. His cock was also hard and traced a beautiful line down his inner leg. He was not massive, but there was no doubt his cock was on the "longer and thicker" side. His chest had just the right amount of chest hair, with a nice patch across his upper chest and a long thick line all the way down to his stomach, thinning out as it continued over his navel and down into his leather pants. He was very dark, but it appeared to be mostly from the sun.

"Come in," he said firmly.

I stepped through the door and walked past him, pausing in the foyer as I looked around at the "everything in it's place appearance" of the living room off to my left. I heard the door close behind me and then he was pressed against my back, one hand under my t shirt and the other gripping my cock through my jeans. He was slightly taller than me and I let my head tilt back and rest against his shoulder.

He turned toward me and put his open mouth over my ear, slipping his very wet tongue inside it. I am highly sensitive in my ear and having a tongue in it makes me crawl with sexual urgency. I moaned and put my hand over his hand that was squeezing my cock. He pushed it away without saying a word. He pulled his mouth off my ear and asked me softly, "do you remember the safety word?" I nodded.

I had never felt intensely stimulated so fast. His question about the safety word let me take that last step and surrender. He had no intention of going anywhere I was not prepared to go, and that question was his way of giving me a final sense of confidence before I became his fucktoy. He could make me do anything he wanted and if it was something I was not prepared to do I could back out instantly. But, I could not imagine anything I would not do for him right now.

The hand under the t-shirt found it's way to one of my nipples and he began pinching and squeezing it, sending sexual charges throughout my body.

"Good boy, I love a slut with sensitive tits," he murmured in my ear.

He brought his other hand under my t shirt and took my other nipple in his fingers. He worked them simultaneously, pinching and twisting them till they were stiff and swollen. All the while he was cooing in my ear, arousing me further with his words. "Nice, nice tits. I love boy tits that respond to rough handling. I'm going to pay a lot of attention to those little nubs. Going to suck them deep into my mouth and make the deep purple from my teeth."

I was responding in the only way my body would let me, my head tilted back, groans and moans escaping from my throat, as he stimulated my nipples and talked to me like I was his submissive slut, which by now I was, completely.

Finally, he let go of my nipples and slid his hands down my chest. As he unsnapped my jeans and lowered the zipper he said, "let's check out your boy dick and the pussy I am going to breed."

He was driving me insane with lust, his words and his hands taking me places I had never been. His voice was deep and masculine, and his tone exuded a sense of total confidence. There was absolutely no doubt he was in charge and there was also no doubt that in my mind I was giving my body to him completely. I would do anything to make sure this sexual euphoria I was experiencing would go on for hours, if not forever.

When my zipper was all the way down he pushed my jeans down to my upper thigh and then place the palms of his hand on my lower stomach and pulled me to him. His leather pants felt cool and soft against my ass and I had the urge to push back. His hand slid down lower and he cupped my balls. Gently squeezing and rolling my nuts in his fingers, he moaned softly. "Very nice, boy. Nice and full. I bet you produce a lot of sweet boy cream. I love to eat boy cream and I think you are going to keep me well fed. I'm going to milk you dry today and get every last drop of your sweet nectar." He spoke to me slowly, letting every word sink in, letting me know there was no rush, and that good things were going to happen when he wanted them to happen, and no sooner.

"You don't cum unless I tell you, boy. If you think you are going to cum you tell me and I will stop it. Don't wait till it is too late or I will be very unhappy. Your sperm belongs to me and I want to eat it, if you spill it on the floor or anywhere besides my mouth I will punish you. Do you understand?

"Yes," I murmured, "yes, yes, I promise, sir."

"Good boy," he said as he wrapped his thick fingers around my twitching cock. His fingers held my cock just under the head and he was rubbing his thumb over the pre-cum coated slit. Waves of pleasure rolled down my cock, into my balls and up my back. I knew that if he kept it up I was going to be spraying cum all over the floor and walls. A part of me didn't want this to stop and for a split second I considered just riding with it, but then I realized I would be disobeying the first order he had given me.

"You are going to make me cum soon," I groaned.

He quickly moved his hand under and behind my balls. His finger found my perineum and he pushed hard, lifting me up to the balls of my feet. It was slightly painful but the urge to cum passed immediately. After a few seconds, when my cock had lost a little bit of it's rigidity, he let go, and backed away from me.

"Good boy. Now, take of the clothes."

I pulled my t shirt off then bent over and pushed my jeans to me ankles and then kicked them off, along with my running shoes. As I stood up straight he moved beside me and wrapped his arm around my upper stomach, pulling my shoulder up against his hairy chest. With his free hand he started gently rubbing my ass.

"Very, very nice," he said softly, to no one in particular. "You have a delectable boy butt. Nice and round, and smooth. They are going to look very sexy spread open and pressed against my stomach."

He pulled his hand up and put the two middle fingers in his mouth. After wetting them out he put them between my ass cheeks and started worming them toward my asshole.

"Let's see how tight that boy pussy is," he said as his finger tips made contact with my butt.

He moved his finger tips around the edges of my ass, gently probing. The sensations were electric and my ass cheeks were contracting uncontrollably. I wanted his finger inside me, now.

"My, my, you are nice and firm, almost virginal. I don't think you've had that pussy bred very much from the feel of things. Let's see how tight it is," he said as he slipped a finger into my tight rectum.

"Damn, it's going to take some effort to squeeze my cock into you. You are really tight," he said as he slipped his finger in deeper. "Ok, lets feel you milk my finger."

I started to contract my ass, not sure if what I was doing was really squeezing his finger or just moving muscles around inside. His moan of pleasure was evidence I actually was having the desired effect.

"Oh yeah, you got some good strong muscles in that cunt. It feels like you are trying to suck my finger deeper. Now, lets see how sensitive your boy clit is," he said as his finger tip made contact with my prostate.

As soon as he dragged his finger across my prostate my hips thrust forward in an uncontrolled response, a loud "NNNNNGGGGHHHHH" escaping from my throat. He instantly pulled his finger out and pressed it against my perineum, once again lifting me up with the pressure, and forcing the urge to ejaculate to recede.

"Damn, son, how long has it been since you shot a load of boy cream. You're kinda having trouble controlling it," he said chuckling.

"It's been three days, Daddy" I answered, calling him daddy as a natural response to being called "son." I had never had any dad-son fantasies, but the role he was guiding me into made calling him daddy seem natural and highly pleasurable.

"Well, as long as you keep letting me know in time, things will work out just fine. I know you really want to cum, but I am not ready for it yet, and my pleasure comes first," he said, smiling slightly.

Slapping my ass he turned me toward him and looked into my eyes. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me into a deep, open mouthed kiss, his tongue quickly slipping into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled myself up against him. My chest was heaving with lust and I was breathing as heavily as if I had just run a marathon. I was breathing noisily through my nose as our lips locked in a long and passionate kiss. A couple of times, desperate to get more oxygen into my adrenaline wracked body, I breathed into his open mouth and he simply inhaled my hot breath. In a matter of five minutes he had taken me to a sexual peak I rarely experienced in so short a time. My hips were thrusting against him, my body reacting to the natural desire to breed with this hot stud of a man.

Pulling away, he chuckled at my condition. "You are one horny little fucker, aren't you, son."

"Yes, daddy, I need you," I said, my voice quavering with lust.

"Ok, lets go play," he said, walking down the hall, with me following right behind, my hard throbbing cock leaking a long thread of pre-cum as I walked.

We entered a large master bedroom, beautifully, but sparsely decorated in what could only be described as minimalist. The king sized bed had only a crisp white sheet on it with big fluffy pillows scattered around. The headboard was heavy and made from a dark satiny wood, with long columns running vertically across its length. It occurred to me that he probably selected the headboard for the handholds it offered and not necessarily for its beauty. I pictured young men, gripping the poles as he rutted into their tight holes.

He stood at the edge of the bed and beckoned me to him.

"Take off my pants," he ordered.

I knelt in front of him, my hands shaking. I unsnapped his pants and lowered the zipper, then grabbed a handful of leather at his thighs and pulled them down. His uncut hard cock sprang free and bounced in front of my face. It was thick, veiny and nothing short of gorgeous. I was mesmerized by the thin foreskin, covering only half his purple, oversized helmet. I wanted desperately to reach up, wrap my hand around the meaty shaft and pull the foreskin away from the delectable morsel of purple flesh, but I waited for directions.

I pushed his pants down to his ankles and he stepped out of them, flicking the pants away from his feet. He put his hand against the back of my head and grabbing a handful of hair he tilted it back so I was looking up at him.

"I am going to fuck your mouth. I want you to open it and make it a nice hot hole for me. Don't suck on my cock or close your mouth over it. And, don't swallow.

If you have the urge to gag, go ahead, but don't close your mouth. Understood?" he said, a command as much as a question. I nodded and opened my mouth for him.

He tilted my head down and pushed his cock into my mouth and thrust in and out. I rolled my tongue under the head and he stopped thrusting.

"Don't use your tongue. Just lay it flat and let me fuck your mouth," he ordered. I nodded.

He started fucking in and out of my mouth slowly, groaning and moaning quietly. He was thrusting deeper and deeper into the back of my mouth and each slow thrust brought me closer and closer to gagging. I had sucked a good number of cocks in my time, but was never able to fully deep throat a cock. I had a normal gag reflex and once in a while I could take one fairly deep for a few seconds and with a lot of concentration control my gag reflex, but no matter how hard I concentrated, eventually the reflex would get the upper hand and I would open my mouth wide and expel the cock in a reflexive and powerful gag. Right now, I was concentrating as hard as possible in order to please my incredibly exciting master.

Eventually, he thrust it past the point of my ability to control it and I jerked my head back. As the reflex overwhelmed me, my lips tightened into a big circle, my eyes rolled back, and I gagged. He held my head firmly, pulling his cock back an inch, but not removing it from my mouth. My desire to close my mouth and swallow was overpowering by with his cock in there it was impossible. He simply stood there, holding my head as the saliva flowed out around my lower lip and ran down my chin.

"Relax boy, it will pass," he said soothingly as my throat began to relax and gag reflex receded.

My mouth was full of spit and precum, and the more he fucked in and out of my mouth the more saliva I was producing. It was running down his cock and over his balls and legs. My chest was covered in it and some of it was foaming a the base of his cock. It was messy but deeply arousing. I loved being used for his pleasure and the fact he loved seeing my drool all over this cock, while he fucked in and out made it all the more erotic.

He continued fucking my mouth for what seemed like hours but was probably only 10 or 15 minutes. I gagged several times and each time he pulled back and let me recover, offering words of encouragement. My jaw was getting sore and my eyes kept rolling back as I fought the urge to swallow, but I was in ecstasy as my master used me as his fuck toy.

I suddenly felt the urge to cum. I hadn't touched myself but the state of arousal he had brought me to was causing the cum to churn deep inside me. My balls were contracting and I knew I was going to cum soon. I couldn't pull off his cock and tell him because he had ordered me not to. But, neither did I want to cum without his permission. Finally, I reached my hand behind my balls and pushed hard on my perineum. The urge slowly passed.

Finally, he stopped thrusting and held my head in place, his cock halfway in my mouth.

"I'm going to cum now, slut. I want you to wrap your lips tight around my cock. You may swallow now and then I want you to try and swallow my cock. When I cum you will swallow every drop and you will look up into my eyes as you swallow it. Understood?" I nodded.

"Ok, swallow," he ordered.

I swallowed a big gulp of my own saliva then began sucking on his cock, drawing more of the spit on his cock to the back of my throat and swallowing it as well.

"Ok, start trying to swallow my cock," he ordered.

He stopped thrusting and let me find the right spot at the back of my throat that would allow me to try and swallow his cock without causing a gag reflex. I could feel his cock twitching in my mouth and I knew I would soon be rewarded with a mouthful of his wonderful cum.

"C'mon boy, swallow your Daddy's cock. Drink all that fuck juice down, slut. That's it, bitch, suck my big dick. OH FUCK...FUCK....FUCK....FUCK, EAT IT BITCH."

As he approached his orgasm he gripped the base of his cock and pulled his skin back causing the thick meaty cock head to pop out from its sheath. The thick smooth head finally mine, I sucked on it with relish, exploring the newly exposed base with my tongue.

"Here it comes, cunt. Take it all," he ordered, his voice rising in volume as his hot sperm shot up through his cock. He pulled my head back and looked into my eyes as his first geyser of cum exploded into my mouth. I looked up into his eyes as he had commanded and saw him smile as my eyes widened from his cum flooding my mouth. I managed to keep sucking without swallowing the first eruption, and was rewarded with another thick flow from his cock head. I paused momentarily and swallowed most of his sperm gift with a loud gulp, earning a big smile from my master. He pumped again and delivered another thick rope of man seed into my mouth. I could taste his cum and it was deliciously acrid and slimy. I wanted him to keep squirting huge wads of cum into my mouth until my stomach was full. He had me so much under his spell there was nothing about him I didn't find delicious.

Finally, he let out a long sigh and stopped pumping. His eyes closed slowly, and he whispered, "suck it clean, boy."

He let go of his cock and the foreskin slipped forward, covering most of his cock head. I ran my tongue around the foreskin trying to work it between the sheath and his cock head in order to clean out any remaining cum. Before I could reach my target he pulled his cock out of my mouth and sat down hard on the edge of the bed. "You got a hot mouth, slut. You did good," he said softly, as I kneeled between his legs, waiting for instructions.

After catching his breath, he ordered me to get on the bed, laying sideways, facing the center of the bed. I did as instructed, not clear on what he had in mind. He climbed on the bed and laid facing me in a 69 position.

"Ok, bitch, I'm going to eat your pussy and get it ready for breeding. I expect you are so close now that as soon as I start sucking your cunt you will have an overpowering urge to shoot. Tell me when you are going to cum so I can eat it. Understood?"

"Yes, Daddy, yes, yes" I answered, unable to control the rising excitement in my voice.

He took my upper leg and flexed it around his back, and wrapped his arm around my upper thigh. I felt him spreading my ass cheeks with his hands and suddenly felt something hot and wet probing my tight ass. I could hear him moan with pleasure as his tongue penetrated my tight ass and sent jolts of pleasure up my cock and balls. I immediately felt the cum surging in my balls.

"I AM GOING TO CUM," I yelled.

Instantly, he pulled away from my ass and slipped my cock deep in his mouth. I don't know how he did it, but his lips were wrapped around the base of my cock, my entire six and half inches of thick cock was buried in his mouth. He grabbed my ass in a tight bear hug and slipped a finger up my wet ass, finding my prostate with his finger tip. I was unable to move except for short thrusts which moved both of us back and forth on the bed. I could feel my orgasm passing the point of no return.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH," I yelled as the hot sperm shot up my cock and erupted in his mouth. His sucking action was making the orgasm more intense than any I had ever experienced. I went into some kind of altered state of consciousness and simply thrust as hard as I could, trying to go even deeper into his mouth. He continued to milk me through wave after wave of intense pleasure.

"YES, YES, YES, OH DON"T STOP, PLEASE DON'T STOP, OH GOD, OH GOD," I said, the words flowing from me in a frenzy as cum shot from my cock and into his waiting throat.

Finally, the peaks became less and I relaxed into a state of total bliss. I felt the cool air hit my wet cock as he pulled his mouth away. I then felt his mouth once again cover my tight ass, and I lay there peacefully as he pleasured my sphincter with his probing tongue.

After my ass was loose from the efforts of his tongue, he pulled away, slapping my ass as he got to his knees.

"Ok, boy, time for breeding."

I looked at this cock and it was once again hard and ready for action. While I had just had the most intense orgasm of my life, looking at his cock I too began to get hard

"Get on your knees and grab hold of the headboard," he said, confirming my earlier suspicion about the construction of the headboard.

As I got into position his cell phone rang. He told me to hold on and while he took the call. I grabbed the headboard and waited.

Looking at the name on the screen of the cell phone, he put the phone to his ear.

"Hey man, what's up?..... Naw, not right now, I'm busy," he answered, looking over at me and smiling. "well, if you must know, I'm fucking a hot little bitch, no one you know, I just met him today.......don't know yet, I haven't fucked him, but he sure felt tight to my finger. I was just getting ready to mount him when you called.......possibly, if you don't mind sloppy seconds" he said, laughing. "ok, make it two hours. See ya..... Yeah, bye."

Putting the phone down, he started moving behind me and said, "my buddy's coming over and I'm going to let him fuck you. I kind of owe him, so this will be a good payback. You'll enjoy him, he's really into hot bitches like you and knows how to get them off."

The idea of being given to another man as a gift or as payback for a loan sent shivers up my back. How much more proof could I offer that I was giving myself to a master than to allow the master to lend me out to other men.

I felt his hands spreading my ass wide and then a warm creamy feeling as he coated my hole with lube. Next, I felt his hands gripping my hips and his cock head up against my tight hole. He started to push but his cock kept slipping and sliding up my ass crack.

"Damn, bitch, you got a tight cunt. Reach under and put my cock in your pussy," he ordered.

Letting go of the headboard I reached under between my legs and grabbed his cock. Rubbing it up and down my ass I pulled hard till the head was centered over my fuck hole. "Now," I said. He pushed and the head popped passed the tight little sphincter.

I winced as the sudden penetration sent small jolts of pain through me.

"Wish I had a camera, boy. Your little boy cunt looks so hot wrapped around my cock head. Let me push in a little deeper.

He pushed another inch in and although painful, it was less so than the first penetration. He held it in place, then slid another inch in, then another, then another, till he was balls deep in my tight hole. He gripped my hips hard and pulled me into him, moaning with pleasure.

The pain was gone, replaced with a pleasant full feeling and I gripped the headboard, welcoming the assault I was sure was coming. He pulled his cock out till only the head was inside me, then slowly pushed it back in. The pleasure was intense and I wanted it deeper.

He kept plunging his fuck meat into me at a faster and faster pace, till he was pounding me. I looked over to the right of the bed and was greeted with our reflection in a large mirror. The image was intensely arousing. I could see his cock disappear between my ass cheeks every time he thrust into me. His balls were whipping back and forth and slapping my perineum when he drove his cock home. I looked over and while still holding on to the headboard I lowered my lower chest to the bed, arching my back down and raising my ass in the air in a provocative and sluttish display of wantonness.

It was not lost on my master and he slapped my ass as he said, "you sluttish bitch, you want this don't you, you want daddy's cum deep in your cunt? You want daddy to breed your sloppy cunt, don't you. Tell me you want it, tell me."

"Yes, daddy, I want it," I moaned, "fuck me, give me your hot thick cum. Pump me full of your hot seed. Breed my cunt, breed me, OH YEAH, FUCK ME HARD, FUCK ME, FUCK ME.

Each "fuck me" ended with a grunt as he drove his cock deep into my rectum.

The breeding in the doggie position went on till both of us were bathed in sweat and I was getting too tired to hold on to the headboard. At that point, his legs getting tired as well, he flipped me on to my back, wrapped his arms around behind my thighs and pulled my butt into the air, my distended asshole was gaping and ready for his fuck tool. His cock slipped in easily and he began fucking me languidly, the strokes long and deep and sometimes ending in a deep, penetrating grind. His mouth found mine and we kissed, open mouthed, with an urgency brought on by the desire to breed.

Finally, he pulled his mouth away from mine and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm ready to breed you, baby. Make yourself cum when I deposit my seed in your. I want to watch your eyes when you feel my cock juice fill up your cunt. You ready baby? Start stroking your dick while I cum."

His face turned read as he pulled hard on my legs, lifting my ass up a little higher and penetrating as deep as possible. He let out a long hissing sound through clenched teeth as the first shot of sperm exploded deep in my rectum. He pulled out an inch then drove it home again. I started to cum as I stroked by blood engorged cock, spraying cum all over both of us. His relentless pounding of my tight ass made my cum spray hard, covering not only us, but the pillows at the base of the headboard.

Finally, our peaks had passed and he collapsed on me.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulled him tightly to me, and gently chewed on his shoulder, as I felt his cock get soft and trickles of hot cum run out of my ass and down my butt cheeks, forming a pool under me.

We laid there for a while, quietly resting in the glow of our wonderful coupling. Soon, he pushed himself up and looked down at me.

"Go get cleaned up, bitch. My friend's coming over and I want you nice and fresh for him.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 2

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