Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jun 18, 2003




As I arrived back at the flat, I decided I was going to take it easy this afternoon, my pussy buns still burning from the class spanking, I had received that morning. I had time before having to go out to my night class at the university that evening, to get my Levi's jacket and jeans washed and dried and take nice long bath. I parked the motor bike up in the garage just as one of the Mark's was coming out.

Mark : "Looks like you've had some fun this morning, PUSSY BOY"

Nick : "Yes SIR, I've been spanked by my whole class and paraded through the institute naked and covered in their golden piss, before I resigned from the stupid job, it was really humiliating and degrading but I loved it SIR."

Mark : "Good. Now get your hot pussy on the back of my bike, Master Rob wants me to keep you entertained this afternoon."

I just jumped on the back of Mark's bike, thinking to myself that I would just have to delay slightly the bath and clean up till a bit later. We went to a pub outside of town and had two or three pints of lager and a couple of games of pool. Once finished we got back on Mark's bike and headed back towards town on the main road. Suddenly Mark pulled up by one of the stone built bus shelters, turned the engine off and told me to get off the bike.

Mark : "Just have to stop for a piss"

I realised I had not gone before we left the pub, and decided to join Mark in the bus shelter. As I entered behind Mark I was ordered by mark that I was not yet worthy of a piss and would have to earn the right to have a piss. He then told me to stand over by the wall to the right of the entrance door way. I then had to strip naked and place my cloths and boots about two foot infront of me placing them in the centre of the floor directly infront of the entrance. Mark then smiled at me and chucked me a set of handcuffs, which I caught and was ordered to fasten one cuff around my erect cock and balls as tight as they would go. Once done I then had to step back to the wall out of which a large solid metal ring protruded, which at some time had been a mount for the wooden bench seat, long gone.

Mark : "Now with your back to the wall pass the other cuff back through your groin and fasten the cuff to that ring in the wall."

I just reacted as instructed by Mark, not thinking, and found that by having my back on the wall and bending at the knees slightly I could get the cuff into the ring and fastened tight.

Mark : "Just look at you, naked, hairless, nail polish, butt plugged and cock ringed handcuffing yourself to a public bus shelter, on the main road back into town, with a boner most men would die for, and I bet your enjoying every minute."

Nick : "Yes SIR, I am really enjoying doing this for you, but could I have a Pee SIR ? Mark : "No !! You have to earn that privilege"

My bladder was starting to get slightly uncomfortable, but I thanked Mark for not letting me have a piss until I had earned the privilege. The pressure got slightly worse when Mark just pulled his cock out of his jeans and started to piss, all over the pile of my cloths and boots in the centre of the floor. I looked and with a slightly pained smile thanked him for using my cloths as a public urinal.

Then horror struck, I could hear young boys coming nearer to the bus shelter, and panic shot through my body and mind. I pleaded with Mark to let me go and let me get my cloths on before the young boys got here.

Mark : "Well I'd love to oblige but I appear to have lost the key, but don't worry I will go back to the flat and get the spare key"

Nick : "But SIR, you can't leave me here like this, at least give me my cloths so I can cover myself"

Mark : "Can't do. I'm not touching those piss soaked cloths for anything, but I can be back in about an hour"

Mark went out of the bus shelter as the boys voices I could hear where approaching the entrance. What the hell could I say to explain my current situation, fear, fright and total humiliation flowed like an electric current through my entire body. The feelings so strong and exciting making my whole body alive and yes enjoyable. I could hear Mark talking to the boys outside but could not hear what exactly was being said. Then Mark re entered the shelter, followed by three young boys.

Mark : "I couldn't leave you here all by yourself and this Young Master here and his two friends have promised to keep you company till their bus comes. All you have to do is entertain them and obey all their orders. I'll be back as quick as I can."

With that Mark was gone as I heard the bike start up and shoot of down the road back to the flat in town, to get the spare handcuff key. The young masters stood before me and told me I had to play with myself. I started wanking my erect and ridged cock with my right hand, occasionally slipping down to roll and rub my balls, ballooning in the cock ring and back to rubbing my full length of meat. At the same time my left hand rubbed and tweaked my nipples and flicked the nipple rings and bells. I was really hot and horny and starting to feel my balls boil, as my tong rolled around my lips, moistening the bright pink lipstick. As I approached my orgasm I worked harder and faster on my flagpole like rigid boner. The fear of getting caught in this public place, dressed as I was, and wanking myself off, along with the humiliation of having to do it on the orders of a 14 year old and two 13 year old young masters made the orgasm I had more like a nuclear explosion, deep down inside me. With my legs weak and nearly giving way on me and my entire body shaking I looked down at my still erect cock to see NOTHING except a small pool of pre cum leak out of my piss slit. The embarrassment in front of these young masters was crushing.

All three young masters just laughed and told me how pathetic that was, the fact that they would have thought with a cock the size of mine it should be able to fire bucket loads of spunk balls. They agreed to give me another try, I knew it was going to be useless, but not saying so, I thanked them for giving me a further chance. They decided though that it may be my hand technique. So the oldest one told me to put my hands up behind my head whilst he grabbed hold of my cock. I suddenly felt the pain in my bladder and realised I really did need to have a piss, so I asked the young masters if I might have a pee first. The reply was just like Mark's, not until I had earned the privilege. The Young Master started slowly at first building his rubbing action up as he went. It took a little while before I felt the boiling in my ball sacks and finally orgasm again before my Young Masters. I did not have to look down to know that once again NOTHING not one single spunk ball as my young masters called it appeared not even the smallest drop. My cock was useless, good to look at but in reality after having a full erection for five days and nights it was very uncomfortable and quite painful.

The urge to have a piss was now immense and with the Young Masters hand still firmly around my cock, I could not stop myself. I started to pee. The golden stream of piss now having been pressurised for so long shot in an arch from my rigid cock. The Young Master just held onto my cock and moved it about from left to right and back and forth slightly. The release evident from my face was wonderful, but this was mixed by the humiliation of seeing my golden stream arch upwards into the air and back down in it's parabolic path. It was not splashing onto the hard stone floor of the bus shelter but being directed by the Young Master all over my cloths piled in the middle of the floor.

Young Master One : "See what happens PUSSY BOY when you piss without permission. You are really pathetic"

Nick : "I am sorry Young Master, this PUSSY BOY is so pathetic. My COCK is so useless and is really quite uncomfortable and painful, rigid and fully erect as it is. I wish it was much smaller SIR, In fact I would be more than happy if it was less than an inch in length. It refuses to fire any spunk at all, and the only thing my cock seems to be good for is peeing with."

Young Master One : "I totally agree with you, as of now it is no longer your COCK, you will call it your LITTLE BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY as that is all it can do. I think you should also think about getting it reduced surgically if it is causing you so much pain and discomfort, but that is totally up to you"

Nick : "Thank you YOUNG MASTER for your considered opinion I think I will consider your suggestion most seriously. Does Young Master wish me to play further with my BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY ?"

Young Master One : "No not yet, I think you need to be shown what a real cock can do, and your BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY looks like it needs some lubrication"

I stand back against the shelter wall hands on the back of my head, with my knees slightly bent cuffed by my BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY to the wall behind me. Whilst the three young masters stand in front of me beating their cocks off. They keep telling me how pathetic I am and how much of a man they are. The fact that I have no body hair clearly demonstrating what a PUSSY FAGOT BOY I AM, compared to their bodies with really manly body hair, even though I am in my forties and they are only 13 and 14 years old. That is why they are Young Masters and I am a pathetic little PUSSY SLAVE BOY. Soon they are firing huge amounts of spunk, aimed at my BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY.

Young Master One : "See that's what real men with true COCK's can do. Now get playing with yourself again I want to see your BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY and BALL's covered in our shinny and silky Man Juices, we have been gracious enough to give you, PUSSY BOY"

I willingly get to work once again making sure that their spunk is spread well over my BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY and BALL's before I commence to wank myself again. It takes me some time having already orgasmed twice to no avail. Whilst playing with myself one of the young masters has gone outside and I notice him coming back with a paper bag in his hand. The other two have wanked themselves off again only this time shooting another full load of spunk over the pile of my cloths in the middle of the shelter floor. I am ordered to stop playing with myself, which I do reluctantly as I am once again getting very hot and horny, having watched these young masters at work on themselves.

Young Master One : "Our bus will be here shortly, so this is what I want you to do. You will continue to play with yourself until the bus has gone and you have ATTEMPTED to cum. Also if you should meet up with us in the future you will drop to your knees and start rubbing your BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY. You will further announce at the top of your voice what a pathetic PUSSY BOY You are and that your Pathetic BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY is unable to get any SPUNK out of it and is only good for PEE PEE's. Do you understand ?"

Nick : "Yes Young Master, but please Masters would you give me my cloths before you go so I can get dressed once you have gone. Please SIR's If I am caught like this in here I could get arrested and thrown in jail SIR's"

Young Master Two : "We couldn't give a shit about you , you pathetic little PUSSY SLAVE BOY. And if anyone catches you whilst we are here we will just tell them that you have sexually assaulted us. Now that would be trouble for you"

Young Master Three : "Bus is coming lads"

Young Master Two : " Open your mouth PUSSY BOY I've got you a present"

I open my mouth and Young Master Two places a large and still warm dog turd in my mouth, which I have to chew well before swallowing. With the foul smell and taste I carry out my instructions, gagging slightly but managing not to embarrass myself and vomit. The fear and panic of getting caught heightens my excitement as I continue to wank myself for my three young masters. The bus pulls up outside and thank you lord for answering my silent prey, nobody gets off. The young Masters depart and I listen to the bus pull away, I hope Mark will get back here soon. Naked, cuffed by my Cock sorry my mistake BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY to the bus shelter, cloths and boots piled in the middle of the floor, soaked and marinated in piss and spunk. With my mouth coated in dog shit which also coats my pink lipstick covered lips as Young master two had wiped the paper clean on my lips. I had an orgasm once more after they had gone and was just recovering, despite the fact that once again not a drop of spunk had come forth, as Mark walked into the shelter.

He un-cuffed me from the wall and I quickly got dressed in my stinking piss soaked and cum soaked Levi's and soaking wet black winkle picket boots. Mark then gave me some change and told me that I would have to get the next bus home. It would be about half an hour before it arrived. I pleaded with him to take me and how humiliating it would be if I had to go on a bus in public in my present sate of dress. He just laughed and said tough, but there is no way anything smelling like you are going to get on my motor bike. In the end I had to get back as I had to get out for the night class as Master Rob had ordered me. With no options left I got the bus back to town and had to walk from the bus station through the centre of town as most of the workers where on their ways home. If the ground could swallow me up I would be grateful.

I got back to the flat thinking of the afternoons experiences, totally humiliated and stinking of piss, shit and spunk. I no longer had a COCK as this had now been replaced by my BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY. Time was now short as I wanted to get in and get cleaned up for my night class at the university, stripping naked once inside the flat as per the flats instructions from Master Rob.

To Be Continued....

PS - Fact or fantasy I don't really know as I sit here typing my story, naked and hairless as the day I was born, tattoo's on my body as described except for one of them, my nipples pierced and stirrup slave rings in place butt plug in my pussy hole and cock ring circling my BABY BOY PEE PEE TOY. So yes some fact with a little fantasy, hope you continue to enjoy my story.

Next: Chapter 9

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