Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jun 11, 2003




After a while of riding around town we arrived outside what looked like a disused factory on the outside of town, the sign over the door read 'GAY LORDS' in bright Pink and Blue neon lighting. I was feeling embarrassed but at the same time proud, to have been exhibited so publicly by my Master Rob on our Motor bike ride through the town. Which I assumed my Master had intended having taken the long way all around town to get here. There could certainly be no doubt as to what I was, sat as a pillion passenger on the back of the motor bike, dressed as I was. The bright pink crash helmet, bare back and chest, ladies white satin short style panties showing through the crotch less tight pink leather chaps and red sued ankle boots with at least a 4 inch heel and a red leather spiked and ringed slave collar locked around my neck and a pair of handcuffs fastened as a bracelet round my right wrist. The cold air having caused my nipples to peak like little hills with the pierced stirrup rings in each and a slave bell hanging from both. Even despite the cold my cock remained rock hard and the Prince Albert ring with a slave bell attached stuck out from the top of the panties. If there was still any doubt the bright red reflective lettering on the pink crash helmet and the tattoo across my shoulder blades could not leave any doubt, 'NICK - FUCK BOY BITCH - SLAVE BOY'.

Master Rob had stopped right outside the front doors of the club, and told me to get off, followed by him. He took off his black crash helmet and placed it in the pannier. He looked terrific in his black leathers and boots, dark ruffled hair, confident dark piercing eyes and designer stubble chin, so strong virile and young in his early twenties. I just stood there, tottering slightly as I had never worn 4 inch heels before and was having a little difficulty, which meant I was seriously having to concentrate on just standing up right. The concentration being made more difficult by the pressure of Master Robs cocktail of his spunk and piss he had filled by pussy with, before reinserting my shinny metal but plug. I then noticed the large chain in Master Rob's hand, no not a chain a Dog Lead, which he quickly attached to the front D Ring on my red leather slave collar, locked tight around my neck with a heavy silver padlock.

He turned to enter the club and just said to me "Come" and with a quick tug on the lead, led me into the club. Standing in the high heels had been difficult enough, but walking in them was definitely an art. So slightly stumbling I was led in to 'GAY LORDS' club for Master Rob's party. Being dressed as I was and still wearing my crash helmet and being led by my Master on a chain lead for the first time in public I felt humiliated but at the same time proud, what a mixture of emotions I was feeling, but I knew I was wanting to do this and was willing to do anything for my Master Rob.

Inside the club was clean and well appointed, carpeted throughout, large armchairs and settees, with large glass and timber tables dotted around. It was very spacious and had a number of large rooms, with upstairs a large club room which was stepped slightly down to the far end and a full size stage. I was led on the lead to the stage by Master Rob and on arriving so Steve or should I say Young Sir, standing waiting. Master Rob handed the lead over to Steve and told me to go with Steve and his two friends, they where going to prepare me for the first act of the show I was now informed I would be putting on. Steve removed my pink crash helmet, which by now I was pleased about as it was very hot inside that helmet, increased even more than normal because of the excited and also humiliated feeling I had welling up inside me. I was also in some discomfort now with Master Rob's cocktail deep inside my filled pussy.

It was also embarrassing to think he I was stood dressed as I was for everyone in the room to see and look at Steve stood before me in my Levi's and Fleece I had willingly given to him in that public urinal in town. The young Sir, stood before me clean and smart and myself Slave Boy Nick, dressed like the Slut Pussy Boy, Fuck Boy Bitch I was. The walk around the club however had got me more used to the high heeled boots I was wearing, my calf's and feet however where beginning to ache, but as I thought about it a Slave Boys Life is not one of pleasure for the slave but of service for ones Master, and deep down I was loving it.

Young Sir, Steve, led me up onto the stage and across to the centre, where there was a large raised rectangular podium. I was ordered to strip stark naked and hang my cloths on hooks on the back wall of the stage standing the boots on the floor beneath them. So I was going to be shown here on the stage naked and hairless to all of Master Rob's friends, shown for the submissive baby boy I had become to a young man half my age. Stripped of what clothing I had I walked back from hanging my cloths up to Steve standing by the podium in the middle of the stage, my cock rock hard and ridged, the useless piece of meat it was, it was now painful and uncomfortable having such a constant bonner and despite everything what had happened and all the orgasms I had felt it had not fired once, fucking useless, may as well not have one.

I was ordered by Steve to mount the podium, and get down on my hands and knees, once down I felt the cold metal and the sound of the locks clicking too. I was now shackled to the top of the podium on all fours, by my hands and ankles to the four corners of the rectangular podium. The Stage lights adjusted so I was in two bright white spot lights and the area around just illuminated in a dark red light. So I was now the centre of attraction and Steve stood in front of me could not fully be seen in the dark red light. Steve has a radio mike in his hand and announces that the first act of tonight's show will begin.

Steve : "Are you ready to begin PUSSY BOY ?"

Nick : "Yes Young Sir, what ever you want Sir"

Steve : "Louder PUSSY BOY everyone wants to hear"


Steve : "Sorry everyone I forgot one thing"

Steve then moves round behind me and I feel his fingers at my Pussy crack, I suddenly remember the butt plug and behind which my masters cocktail has been fermenting. Ohh No I think to myself, please Steve not that not here. Its to late he steps sharply back from my pussy pulling the plug out from my hole. I quickly try to tighten my pussy hole muscles, as tight as I can, but to no avail, all you can hear is a loud Whoosh followed by a louder splash as Master Rob's Cocktail shoots out of my pussy and lands two foot behind me on the stage, the flow dying slowly and creeping towards my feet, finally empty I feel the remains running down my crotch, balls and legs to my knees, where it pools around the top of the podium. There is raucous laughter and wild shouts from the entire audience, at this my total humiliation, and my unhappy feeling that I no longer have Master Rob's seed inside me.

Steve : "So SLAVE BOY NICK do you like to suck cocks and eat cum?"


Steve : "Do you also like to have your PUSSY FUCKED ? Though I think everyone knows the answer to that one ( As Steve looks to the mess on the stage ).


Master Rob : "Its my party night tonight and my SLAVE BOY NICK's PUSSY IS FREE FOR USE BY ANY OF MY GUESTS"

The open invitation made the first act starts, John is first up and I open my mouth to receive his large cock, which I gratefully kiss, lick and suck on till he cums, eating it all down but for a few drops that leak from the corner of my mouth and down my chin. Then John is followed by Steve but he decides he will take advantage of Master Rob's free Invitation to my PUSSY. He rubs my pussy crack and circles my ring, teasing my pussy, which is now screaming for his entry.


I feel his erect cock enter slowly pushing in and ramming itself against my prostate, and the sweat and warm of this young mans balls slapping my pussy cheeks. Slowly he thrusts in and out of my pussy in rhythm to the music which is now playing. The audience is cheering and clapping as he keeps up the rhythm and fucks my pussy.


My ball sacks are boiling, stomach tight knotted, and my whole insides tremble as I climax and orgasm. With my cock bell throbbing and my slave bell end ringing loudly I fire, NOTHING, just a small amount of pre cum leaks from my cock. Once again I think what a useless lump of meat my cock has become, I am also humiliated to think that in front of all these people it is obvious that I have climaxed and NOTHING, such a proud erect bonner and yet NOTHING, so pathetic, what a PUSSY BOY I MUST BE. Then I feel the hot jets of spunk shoot up my pussy filling my pussy with Steve's boy juices, and I give out a low guttural scream of shear ecstasy to the rousing applause of the audience.

The next two up are Steve's two friends, which take me from both ends together, shackled to the podium in the middle of the stage with two young men. One fucking me in the mouth the other up my pussy. This must be heaven, and I want them both, need their juices inside my stomach and pussy. I am so hot and horny and climax myself again, but once again NOTHING comes from my cock. Well I might not be able to give anything but I can sure receive and after a short time and to two loud shouts from the two young men now using my pussy and mouth to service themselves they both cum together.


The next hour went by fairly quickly for me, sucking more cock from the audience and getting my pussy filled with more cum than I imagined it could ever hold. My pussy had got so loose though I now had problems holding all the cum in and it started running out and down my thighs. Steve noticing this as MC came across to me and inserted my shinny metal butt plug into my Pussy.

Steve : "Well Masters, Mistresses, Guests, and favoured slaves, that concludes the first act for tonight's show. Slave Boy Nick will now take an hours break before he will be back with you for the second and Final Act for tonight. I had really enjoyed myself even though I felt tired and a bit battered and bruised. The shackles where released and I got down of the podium legs slightly wobbly from the exertions of the first act and the number of climactic orgasms I had had, but still NOTHING had allowed my swollen and boiling ball sacks to release their treasure. Steve told me to towel myself down and just to put the red sued high heel boots back on and to go to my Masters table.

I left the stage throbbing cock, naked except for the boots with my stomach and pussy full of young men's cum. I found that by swinging my hips more and taking shorter strides I could walk better in the 4 inch high heeled boots, back to my Master Rob's table. As I arrived I noticed to Masters left was an empty babies high chair, which I thought rather odd, but presented myself back before Master Rob.


The chair indicated as mine you guest it, was the babies high chair, with a tray top over the front which lifted up allowing me to just get my pussy wedged into the seat before it was lowered back down and locked into place. My feet where dangling clear of the ground and I sat high up above all the seated people around. I must look like a right little baby boy sat here like this. Master Rob gave me my lipstick and told me to re apply it as it was all smeared off. Then I was given six pint glasses full of different coloured liquids, thirsty and tired I was glad of the sit down and a drink, so started drinking. I don't know and didn't care what was in the glasses but after 4 of them I felt slightly the worse for wear and realised I needed to go to the toilet quite bad. I also realised that the tray was locked down and holding me in my babies high chair so I would have to ask to go to the toilet. I asked Master Rob if I could go to the toilet but was firmly rebuked and told not to speak until told to do so and get my drinks finished as I had only 15 minutes left before I would have to start the second act. Sat in the high chair I wriggled and squirmed as best I could in the confined space, and drank the last of my drinks which only heightened my need for the toilet. Eventually I could hold out no longer and peed all over a huge jet shot up and hit me in the face and chest and ran down my whole body over my red boots and onto the floor. I was so ashamed of what I had just done, but I just could not stop. Master Rob called Steve over and told him to get me the naughty little baby boy out of his sight and cleaned up. He also told Steve to prepare me ready for act two.

Steve takes me into the stage dressing room and I have to get a shower, give myself an enema to clean my pussy out, get my boots back on and be back in front of the stage in 20 minutes. I finish as quickly as I can and get the boots back on but I am in a state of panic when I cannot find my butt plug. The time is up and I have to race to the front of the stage, where I find Steve standing waiting for me. I notice a smirk on his face and he just tells me to turn round and bend over, as I do so I feel him ram home in my pussy my shiny metal butt plug, which he must have had in a freezer because it was cold and I mean really cold.

Steve : "Next time pussy boy dress correctly"


Steve explains to the audience what is going to happen next, which at the same time is also telling me my instructions. The second act is going to be my six punishments, to be carried out publicly. The first five are easy he says, Slave Boy Nick will now dance round the room dressed as he is to the next five records. His punishment will be to stop at every table and not only dance but with his own hands slap his own balls as if they are tom tom drums, to the rhythm of the music and must not stop unless the music stops. If any one is not happy with the volume of the drums they must tell him to play louder. This is going to be painful especially as my balls are nice and ballooned in the cock ring I am wearing and the boiling they have received earlier from my orgasms. The music starts, yes it's 'Dancing Queen' by Abba. I start round the room dancing up to the first table slapping my own balls like they are a tom tom drum. It is really painful and I try to ease off on the slapping in rhythm with the music. I arrive at the first table and straight away told to play louder. This is totally humiliating, degrading and very painful but I carry on willingly doing it to please my Master Rob. I move slowly round the room and stop for a short period at each table, the pain in my balls and in my groin is intense and tears are streaked down my face while I try a grimace of a smile. Every now and then I am re told to increase the volume, as I try and get a respite. The room is filled with each record in turn as I dance and wriggle my body round the room, my slave bells ringing out and the slap, slap of my tom tom drum balls hang in the air. I arrive at the final table which is Master Rob's hardly now able to move for the pain in my groin and balls red and burning. I finish to the record "Relax don't do it.." Really slapping away at my balls, after all this is my Masters Table.


The five punishments complete I stand before Master Rob at the present, with my hands behind my head. The butt plug is removed from my pussy by my master and I feel his fingers inserted up my pussy and rubbed about inside me. Then they are out and I see he has a rubber glove on and dipping his hand in an unmarked jar of green coloured cream. Next my pussy crack and ring are smeared with the cream, followed by my crotch, balls and erect cock. A further handful of cream is obtained and rubbed into my arm pits and inside the thighs of both my legs finally with a small amount on the glove his hand is pushed into and around my mouth. Master Rob explains this will be my final punishment for tonight, the cream should help and is a cold cream mixed with some plant extract. My hands are then handcuffed together behind my head and clipped to my slave collar. Master Rob then tells me what the plant extract is, it's specially made for him by a friend in America. The plant extract used is 'POISON IVY'. I ask him in utter disbelief, but doesn't that cause a rash and severe irritation to the skin master. He just smiles back and nods his head, just at which point I feel my pussy hole start to itch which quickly intensifies to a volcanic type itch of such intensity I can hardly stand. Master Rob then points to Steve on the stage and I look to see Steve placing what look like toilet brushes in different bits of apparatus on the stage. The final brush placed in a hole in the centre of the stage. By now my pussy, pussy crack, crotch, balls cock, thighs, armpits and mouth are all in a state of volcanic proportions, ITCHING LIKE WILD FIRE.

I run, squirming and screaming demented for the stage and those round headed hard bristled toilet brushes. As I get onto the stage I see all the brushes around the stage are covered in shit, vomit and spunk, but at the present moment I could not care less. I kneel over the brush in the centre of the stage and push down to get the brush inside my pussy hole. Once impaled I bob up and down feeling relief from the intense itching inside me. As relief dawns the itching in my crotch pussy crack and balls take over and I get of the brush I have just humped with my pussy and move to another brush which has a hollow ring made of hard bristles and really go to town on humping this brush over my cock and balls. There are brushes at higher angles that allow me to get at my arm pits and some lower so I can get at my thighs together with another for my pussy crack and groin. I move spastically from brush to brush as each area in turn burns with the intense ITCHING. As I move around the brushes are removed by Steve and fully dipped into fresh buckets of shit, vomit and spunk, before they are replaced for my use.


Steve : "It normally last about 3 to 4 hours at the full intensity, then it drops drastically to just mild itchiness for about 24 - 48 hours"

After nearly 4 hours of this humping every shit covered brush going including the one set on a mike stand at the front of the stage, which I used on my mouth, the itching eased greatly and only needed gentle rubbing. I dropped on my knees to the stage exhausted humiliated, degraded and well and truly ITCHY PUNISHED. The audience thought it had been great and I stayed slumped on my knees panting and sweating covered under my arms, in my mouth, pussy, groin, cock and balls and inside thighs in shit vomit and spunk. I had orgasmic many times whilst humping the brushes in an attempt to get relief and through out had not once fired any spunk of my own, just small amounts of leaked pre cum had seeped out of my piss slit. I was led into the changing room, showered cleaned up and booted, butt plugged and led back to my baby boy high chair and fastened back into it.

I then got the shock of my life there across the table was the man I had given a blow job to in the car park, his name was Chris. The shock however was the fact that sat next to him was my wife, smiling and laughing. Master Rob escorted my wife away to the bar whilst Chris told me what was now going to happen. Chris was a solicitor and had all the legal papers ready. I didn't even both to read them all, shocked and humiliated by this sudden turn I accepted every thing Chris told me.

I now had no home, money, car, or marriage within a few months we would be divorced, all the necessary papers Chris now had. The only thing I did have was my party cloths hanging up on the stage and a pair of piss soaked Levi's jeans and jacket and winkle picker boots in the panniers of Master Rob's motor bike. I even had to hand my house keys over to Chris there and then, which Steve had got from my Levi's. I was also required to go back to work on Tuesday and take the letter of resignation I had now signed in the sealed envelop, work till lunch time and see my boss and leave at that time. The night class I myself attended at the local college I would also attend on Tuesday night and hand in my letter of termination of the course. I was now totally Master Rob's Slave Boy Nick, and he would look after me from now on. Master Rob then returned with my wife who just laughed at see me in this situation, naked except for collar and boots trapped in a babies high chair with all the markings of the Pussy Fuck Boy Bitch slave markings. She asked Chris if they could now go home and they both started for the exit hand in hand. Turning back to me she just told me that it had been a good idea of hers to get me in contact with Master Rob after all, Every thing had worked out fine for her, "YOU PATHETIC PUSSY BOY, SEE YOU AROUND MAYBE Then she was gone.

I had 6 more pints now on my baby tray to drink up, I had lost everything, but deep down even though shocked, humiliated, degraded and broke, I now had my new life with Master Rob just starting and I felt elated at the prospects ahead. I finished my drinks, as I was really thirsty, got dressed back into my party cloths and was led out from "GAY LORD's" on my lead by Master Rob. He told me he had a flat in town I could use till things sorted themselves out and as I sat pillion behind my Master Rob I smiled and thought about the evening I had just enjoyed as my Masters Slave Boy. The only thing now was I wish this mild itching would hurry up and stop as I rubbed my useless balls and cock with my hand and my pussy up and down the seat. Riding off into the night to find my new all be it temporary home.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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