Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on May 21, 2003




I arrived home from the first meeting with Master Rob, my mind still in a state of excited turmoil, at what had occurred and at how I had acted. My mind was not the only thing that was excited and despite the cool night air, the lack off underwear, and the alcohol I could not understand why my cock was still like a flag pole tented inside the tight Levi's I was wearing. My only conclusion I had, after everything that had happened, including the humiliation of it, was I really enjoyed myself, I hoped I had pleased my Master Rob.

I remembered Master Robs parting instruction to me, that I had to check my E-mail before going to bed and although I was excited and seemed to be obeying his every command, I felt I had to get a bath first before anything else. I went up stairs and for half an hour luxuriated in the warm waters of a steaming bath. I remembered that I was on no account allowed to remove the metal butt plug from my ass, except to go to the toilet, and I had to constantly wear the large metal cock ring that was tight wrapped around my cock and balls. Why I do not know but I just followed my Master Robs instructions keeping the butt plug firmly in place and as for the cock ring, with the bonner I still carried, I doubt if I could have got the ring off anyway.

Out of the bath, feeling clean and relaxed I slipped on a dressing gown and went down stairs to get a coffee and check out any E-mail's I had. There was the usual spam, loans, mortgages, on line pharmacy selling Viagra etc. So I quickly deleted them as I went, then came the last one Master Robs, I hesitated took a gulp of coffee then set about reading it. It started "Not Bad, has potential but lots of training required" Then followed by a further list of instructions to be followed the next morning. I was given an address in town to go to at 10.00 am and ask for John, who I had met already this evening, I should also have exactly twenty pounds and twenty pounds only in my pocket. I should go dressed as I was this evening and would need to be there for some time. I had to do everything for John as if Master Rob was there instructing me, and Master Rob would pick me up in his car tomorrow night at 7.00 pm, which was tonight now, and John would tell me where I had to wait, to get picked up from. The E-mail finished off by telling me if I fancied some bedtime reading I should go to a certain Web Page, as I may find it of interest.

Curiosity killed the cat, they say, so I went to the web page given, it was titled Master Robs latest Slave Boy in Training. Then underneath a series of pictures, showing quite clearly a grown man, standing naked in a back yard illuminated by a single electric light bulb, yes you've guest it there I was bending over a rubbish bin showing clearly a butt plugged stuffed ass, and further pictures of another, clearly younger man, wanking me off and me licking up my own cum. My mouth hung open while my brain turned slowly into gear. I stared unblinking at the photographs, taking my mind back to the evening which I had just gone through. They must have been taken from the window of the pub, and if Master Rob and John was out with me in the yard then how many other people had been watching and taking photo's. The further humiliation off this flooded over me, I must have gone beetroot red from head to foot, sat there going through the photos. Remembering now how excited and horned up I had been, in that yard, and if truth was out, still must be, as I found myself playing slowly with my own cock, which had finally started to get soft, until seeing these photo's.

All the pictures where of good crystal clear quality except, thank you lord, or should I say Master Rob, the faces had been blurred out and made indistinct. Though on the different shots you could clearly see the three tattoo's I had on my body, The arm band on my upper left arm, eagle in flight on upper right arm and the rose and dagger on my left thigh, so there where obvious clues to my identity. Master Rob was having a good deal of fun at my expense, which in a strange way turned me on, even more than I had ever been turned on. I still had my one controlling hand though, Master Rob did not know what my address and telephone number was, only my E-mail address and that I could change easily enough, when I was ready too. I was slightly concerned by the last picture which was blacked out but above it the words "PUNISHMENT FACE AND DETAILS" what did this mean. I then realised there was some writing under the photo, so I scrolled down further. "DURING TRAINING SLAVE BOY NICK WILL HAVE TO BE PUNISHED PHYSICALLY FOR INFRACTIONS OF THE RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS. FOR EACH PUNISHMENT GIVEN PHYSICALLY A SECTION OF THIS PHOTOGRAPH WILL ALSO BE REMOVED SO GRADUALLY SHOWING SLAVE NICKS FULL FACE IDENTITY TOGETHER WITH HIS NAME, ADDRESS AT HOME AND WORK AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS SO ITS DOWN TO SLAVE BOY NICK HOW WELL HE DOES THROUGH HIS TRAINING" Shock is not the word for it, think now, Master Rob must be bluffing, he hasn't got my address and telephone number, it must only be a face shot. This was not blackmail, just more humiliation for me, to be publicly identified as the Slave Boy, I was becoming. After a short time I settle down, satisfied that there is no way he has my address. Should I pull the plug now and get out? How many sections covered the photo? my mind reeling wildly, but I did still want to see my young Master Rob again, I decide to give it 24 hours and reconsider then what to do next, convinced fully that I still have some control and Master Rob is playing with my mind. Nice try Master Rob, its time for bed, so I switch off the computer and get to bed.

The next morning I am up early, to get ready to go and meet John for what ever reason Master Rob wants of me. I remove the butt plug and cock ring, then wash and shave, including shaving my entire body from my neck down, why?, because Master Rob has told me too, and I find myself obeying without thinking. I get my cock and balls back in the cock ring and stuff the butt plug back up my ass, put my Levi's, boots and fleece on and head into town, with œ20.00 exactly in my pocket. The address I was given had rung a bell, though last night it hadn't dawned on my excited and elated swimming mind. It was a modern concrete and full glass fronted shop, with the glass being heavily tinted so you could not see inside. I had been here about two years ago to get the armband tattoo done on my left upper arm. I approached the counter trying to concentrate on my instructions and keep my thoughts off what John had done for me the night before. It didn't work unfortunately and as I stood before the young girl at the counter I could feel the rising flag pole in my crotch and the tightening of my already tight but now well tented Levi's. Well aware of my rising emotional feelings I asked the young girl if I could see John. I was informed he would be finished with a customer soon and to take a seat, on one of the chairs positioned in the centre of the waiting area. I sat down facing the reception desk to wait, with ever growing anticipation of what was going to happen next. I was fascinated by the young girl and couldn't understand why a good looking young girl would want shocking pink and blue coloured hair, and about 6 ear piercings, a nose pierced and eye brows as well. As I've said though many times, each to his own, she seems happy enough and she can always change the hair colour etc. when she wants, though I was not certain about the piercings.

I was suddenly brought back from my thoughts by a deep voice I immediately recognised, John, and he was calling me in to his studio room around the back of the reception desk. It was very clinical and tidy and down one wall was in fact the stained plate glass window, the ones that from out side you could not see in through but now I could see that from the inside you could see out quite clearly.

John : "Master Rob has told me what he wants me to do so all you have to do is follow instructions and pay up, for the work"

Nick : "How much John ? Its only Master Rob told me to bring œ20.00, which is what

I've brought"

John : "Well that's certainly not going to cover the cost of the work, but I'll take the cash

You have got and you can pay the rest by 5 instalment's plus the admin fee

In services, if you agree?"

I agreed and he takes the œ20.00 and places it on the work bench, then tells me to strip naked starting with boots up. My eyes dart to the window and open doorway to the reception desk, I only hope I am right and you can't see through the plate glass window, and even more prey that the young girl behind the reception desk stays put. The apprehension and look in my eyes are seen by John but he just tells me to get a move on. I don't even ask or think about what John is going to do I strip off, placing my boots on the floor and my cloths over a nearby chair. I am told to get down on my knees and put my hands up behind my head facing the window and with the open door way to the reception just off to my right. I have to make the first instalment before John will start his work. I am now fairly certain I will be leaving here this morning with a new tattoo, which doesn't bother me that much, as I already have three

John : "Right Slave Boy start sucking"

At this point John is standing infront of me with his cock rigid and sticking out off his jeans in my face. Lost for words and with Johns reminder of what he had done for me last night I take his growing cock in my mouth and start to kiss, suck and tongue his cock. He puts his hands over mine which is clamped to my head and starts fucking my face. I can see people through the window going about there shopping and here I am in full view of them getting my face fucked, I find I am also getting aroused by all of this and would really like to play with myself, but John is keeping my hands firmly pressed to my head. I can feel Johns cock in my mouth and can tell he is about to cum. With an ecstatic moan John shoots his load into my mouth, telling me to swallow it all, before he pulls out and lets the last drops drip across my face, where he tells me to leave it to dry. Then I see to the right the young girl from reception stood in the doorway, camera in hand taking photo's, I can only wonder how long she's been there. Overjoyed at what I had just done for John, I was humiliated to think this young girl had been taking photographs of me a grown man naked and hairless as a new born baby, with a butt plug stuffed up my ass and cock ring round my cock and balls kneeling before a young man half my age sucking him off. She disappears into the reception area not saying anything.

John : "What a slut bitch boy you are, done this before then? Nick : "No sir" I say meekly, with my head down and my eyes looking to Johns feet.

John : "Mandy will you come in here, this pussy boy wants to pay you the admin fee, while

I get the equipment ready"

Mandy comes back in from the reception area, while I remain kneeling, head down, hoping to hide my blushes at this new humiliation. What does John mean calling me a slut and a pussy boy. Mandy moves up behind me and tells me to put my hands down behind my back, which I do instantly, they where getting tired holding them to the back of my head. I feel the cold of metal around my wrists and hear the click of the ratchets, as my hands are cuffed behind my back. I am slightly sup prised at this but say and do nothing except for my ridged and flagpole like cock gives an involuntary twitch of excitement. Mandy moves to the chair, picks up my cloths and drops them to the floor, so she can sit down.

Mandy "Pussy Boy crawl over here and kneel before me you worthless piece of shit"

How can this young girl talk to me like this, who does she think she is? But here I am crawling across on my knees, naked, hairless body, cock ringed, butt plugged ass with my hands cuffed behind my back, doing exactly as she has commanded me, a grown man twice her age, old enough to be her father, the humiliation of it is getting me really quite hot and very horny. I kneel before her, head lowered in respect for her total control over me, and hear the creaking of her leather mini skirt as she pulls it up. I look up and my mouth drops open, eyes wide, there infront of me is a small but large girth cock, sticking out from under Mandy's skirt. She I mean He, that is Mandy tells me to get started, I just take her I mean his, hell this is confusing, I take Mandy's cock in my mouth and start sucking her cock as hard and fast as I can. Mandy is soon ready to cum, after having watching me and John she/he was obviously excited and hot for this. As Mandy cum's she pulls out of my mouth and fires several loads of her young boy spunk into my face and hair. The amount she shot was huge I thought, she/he obviously hadn't cum in some time, and now my hair and face was covered in it.

Its now time to get started on the work, John gets me to lay face down on the bench, while Mandy sorts her/his self out. The cuffs have been removed but once on the table my hands are cuffed to each top corner, with two sets of cuffs. John starts work with some tattoo being but across my back between my shoulder blades. I don't dare ask what he is doing, I just lay there willingly, as Mandy's spunk dry's on my face and hair. While John continues with his work Mandy comes round to the top of the bench like table and tells me to lay my cuffed hands palm down flat to the table. Then she gets out and starts applying a very bright coloured deep pink nail polish to all of my finger nails. I manage to say what the hell, before Mandy tells me to shut up, and before I can say anything else I am wearing a ball gag, tied tight behind my head. I decide to just accept it and let them get on with the work, as after all it is what my Master Rob has instructed.

Thinking it would soon be over now, I was proved wrong, John having finished on my shoulders, now started work on the small of my back, then moved on to my left ass cheek, followed by my right thigh. The cuffs where removed from my wrists and I was only too pleased it was over with, I thought, until Mandy told me to turn over onto my back and replaced the handcuffs. Not more I thought, as the table like bench I was laid on had the top half raised and the bottom bit dropped and I found myself sitting on what now was a large chair, facing the plate glass window. Sat there naked, except for the gauze patches covering the tattoo's already on my back, ass and thigh. My ass stuffed with a butt plug, cock ringed, ball gag in mouth and hands raised above my head handcuffed to the top corners of the chair. The deep pink nail polish on my fingernails matching the colour of my heavily blushing face, which together with my hair was covered and matted with Mandy's dry cum. At least I was going to be able to see what the tattoo's would now be, and in this position I was now open to John to please me as he did in the back yard of the pub, was it only last night, I couldn't wait and at the thought of this my cock began growing again into its flagpole like state. It was not to be though and now I wish I couldn't see what John was going to do.

That hurt like hell, and the next was excruciating, I nearly passed out, I was now the proud owner of two stirrup shaped silver nipple rings. As I laboured to get my breath back, John told me that they would normally unscrew for removal but Master Rob had ordered super glue be put on the screws, which meant they where now sealed and would need to be cut off, they where my Slave Boy Nipple Rings. Hanging from the centre of the bottom bar was a small chain at the bottom of which was a small silver bell, like you get on pussy cat collars, this meant that when I moved they would ring out. This was so that my Master would know where I was at all times when in his presence. Then the worst was kept till the end, as John started to play with my cock, I was ready for release by now and was really looking forward to this when John just stopped, smiled at me, and then wham bamm I nearly hit the roof. It was very quick and with expert hands John had put a largish silver ring through the piercing he had just made in my cock. He called it a prince Albert or something, going down through my cocks piss slit and out the front below the helmet but under my foreskin. I was told again that under Master Robs orders this two was to be sealed in place, and inside the ring was a further small cat collar type bell. The sudden pain had caused a rapid deflation of my cock, but as John finished off his hand brushing against my cock brought it back up at least to attention if not fully rigid. As my cock twitched back to life and I regained my breath I could hear my cock bell ringing loud and clear, it probably wasn't that loud but to me it sounded like big ben going off. I really started to feel humiliated at this point especially when Mandy made the joke about my cock really did have a bell end now.

I suddenly noticed three young lads, locked like they where sixteen to eighteen, looking in the window directly infront of me. They where really close up to it and had their hands cupped around their faces and stuck to the glass. As I was sat like I was I started to prey that the glass was tinted sufficiently that they would not be able to see me in this predicament. At the same time I realised Mandy was now sat on a stool at my feet and carefully applying the deep pink nail polish to all my toe nails. Will this marking up and ringing never stop, I thought, surly Master Rob has had me humbled enough. I also wished those young teenagers would get away from that window, at which point they did walk off out of view. The fact they where laughing their heads off, made me think they must have been telling a good joke. It was only to reduce my rising feeling of humiliation that they may just have seen me, I dreaded the thought, and settled for the joke being told.

Once the nail polish was dry I was finally released from the table, told to get dressed quickly and come through to the reception counter. John was professional giving me all the instructions of how to look after the tattoo's and piercings. He said it helps to take vitamin supplements while they heal and was kind enough to give me a full course of multi vitamins in three large containers. Just take one of each container twice a day in the morning and at tea time he had found best. He then said if I take one of each now and then one at tea time it helps to get into the pattern, I did as he said and started to take them. He then reminded me that I still had 4 instalments to make for him, which he would be in contact with me over. All he needed from me now was a signature on the form he placed on the counter, it was my authorisation for the tattoo's and body piercings he had done. I picked the pen up and signed at the same time as scanning the form quickly, so as not to upset John. I also thought it might tell me what tattoo's he had actually put on my body. I got no further than the first few lines as the form had been pre prepared and there under my full name was my home address and telephone number and day time works number. Any control I thought I had left, in being able to break the contact between myself and Master Rob was gone. By now I didn't really care though, I was enjoying myself, together with my cock which was once again I noticed throwing a real bonner and tenting the front of my tight Levi's.

I turned to leave the shop, as the three teenagers I had seen through the window earlier entered through the door. The eldest looking one shouted something to John as he entered, while I hurriedly shoved my hands into my fleece pockets, in an attempted to hide the pink nail polished fingers from view and dropped my head to hide my cum stained covered face. At the same time making for the doorway past the three young lads, I stopped in my tracks when I heard the young lad say to John. "This the Pussy Slave Boy Master Rob sent me to see?" and John telling him it was. He just looked at me and told me his name was Steve, and Master Rob had sent him with further instructions for me. I had to address Steve as Young Sir and obey his orders as if they had been given by my Master Rob. Dumb founded and struggling to come to terms with this I just nodded and said "Certainly Young Sir". So here I was a grown man in a public shop openly and willingly agreeing to follow the orders of these three teenagers, what ever the instructions might be, just for my Master Rob.

Steve pointed to a place in the waiting area just to the left as you came in.

Steve : "Kneel down there and put your hands on the back of your head, until I have finished

Talking with John and Mandy."

Fearing upsetting my Master or this young man I move quickly to the point indicated, turned to face the reception desk, dropped to my knees and placed my hands on my head, just as I had been instructed. Steve and his two mates stood at the counter talking to John and Mandy interspersed with hilarious laughter. I could not hear everything but I caught Steve saying something about I know I saw through the window. I could feel the colour of my face changing to a brighter shade of red. As I held my position I noticed all three lads had the same brand new trainers on, Levi jeans and trucker jackets with white T-shirts. The only real difference was Steve's jeans and jacket where really worn. His jeans had no rear left pocket and the seat was thread bare, clearly showing a red pair of boxers. The boxers could also be seen through the torn slashes across the rear top of the legs just below the seat, and when he leaned on the counter the boxes showed themselves through two large frayed holes either side of the crotch seam. The front of his jeans had two torn slashes across each knee, together with one slash on the upper left front thigh and two on the right leg. The jacket likewise was well worn, thread bare at the elbows, frayed and thread bare at the collar. It was noticeable however that although well worn they where clean. All three lads had short scruffy cut hair, which had been dyed bottle blond and looked nearly white.

The shop door opened once more and in walked a couple in their early twenties, I just stayed put as I had been told. What they thought I don't know, but I got the weirdest look from both of them. I could not look directly at them, as I felt so ashamed, a grown man kneeling as I was, wearing pink nail polish on my fingernails, clearly visible with my hands clamped to my head, and my face and hair covered in spunk stains, though I did not know how visible these were or were not. Steve just turned round and told them that I had been naughty and was being punished by him for being so naughty. I could have crawled under a rock and died, what must this couple think of me a grown man being punished for being naughty by a young teenage man. It got worse

Steve : "Isn't that right Pussy Boy, you've been very naughty and deserve your punishment?"

Nick : "Yes young Sir, I have been very naughty, thank you for punishing me"

What the hell was I doing, will someone cut my tong out, and get that rock over me, pleeeeease. The couple took another look at me and I could here them say what a pussy I was before they continued on into the shop laughing. The door went again and in walked two men who stopped dead when they saw me. Once again Steve said why I was their as before with the couple followed by asking me the same question as before which once again I responded to in the same way. One of the men just said how pathetic I was and asked Steve if he could take me away. Sure Steve responded where just going.

Steve : "Okay Pussy Boy on your feet its time you took me to get my new cloths for the party


Nick : "But young Sir I don't have any money"

Steve : "Doesn't matter that's all sorted, just shake your bells for me and we can be off"

I stood up, shook myself and heard the ringing of my nipple bells and cock bell as I followed Steve out of the shop with his two friends. As I left I could hear the woman and all the men in the shop laughing their heads off. I followed Steve and his two lads to the park on the outside of town and into the public conveniences. There was nobody inside and once in Steve ordered me to Strip off from the boots up. I stripped off quickly and stood there infront of the urinal trough facing back towards the entrance. Steve told me to hand my cloths over to him and he disappeared into the nearest cubicle. While Steve was in there I was told I had to play with my flagpole cock and wank myself off. I had not to cum though without permission. I started rubbing my cock up and down, it was slightly painful from the piercing and I felt ashamed and humiliated at standing before these three teenagers wanking off for them, whilst any moment someone may just come in. The sound of my cock bell ringing out with every stroke and the laughter from the two lads stood watching me I thought was enough to attract anyone's attention that may be passing. The lads told me I could stop as Steve came out from the cubicle, he was now dressed in my Levi jeans and fleece, with his own T-shirt and trainers on.

Steve : "Thanks for the cloths Pussy Boy they fit very well indeed, once were gone you

Can get into the cubicle and put on what's left, they're yours now"

Nick : "Thank you young Sir I hope you enjoy your new cloths and thank you very much

For giving me some new cloths"

Steve : "Right then Pussy Boy get your pussy into that other cubicle on your knees with

Your head over the toilet bowl"

I adopt the position ordered, and the two young lads come in behind me, I then hear the snip of scissors followed by the tugging of my longish well styled hair being hacked at. At least it will get rid of the spunk matted hair and latest styles are to have the slept in look. Then the two lads tipped some liquid up over my head and rubbed it in and all over as well as they could. One lad then stuck a woollen hat over my hair and Steve told me they where off now and I could go into the other cubicle and get dressed. Once you get home you need to get bathed and I would seriously get your hair washed as soon as you get in, as it will take you about 30 mins to get yourself home from here.

I slipped into the other cubicle and got dressed in the cloths left by Steve, The jeans where skin tight though and it took time to get my cock inside them and buttoned up. The Jacket was also tight fitting but I got into it and managed just to get it buttoned up. I put my boots on and ran for the door and away before anyone came along and I really needed to get home quickly to find out what John and the lads had done to me, I think one could say I had been truly Marked Up and Rung Up today and I still had to get ready for Master Robs party tonight.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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