Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jul 17, 2003




Once all the paperwork had been completed, the instructor left informing us that he was leaving us in the capable hands of Dave the Senior Trustee and his team of six other trustees. We would all be expected to carry out their instructions as if he himself had given them, and any failure to comply would be recorded on the court assessment reports. This meant Dave and his team where in a very strong position over us, as it could effect what sentence was recommended.

I had noticed one of the other prisoners, which is what we where, even though they did actually call us assessment students in secure detention (ASSD). He was no more than 20 years old I guess but was drop dead gorgeous to look at and I really fancied him something rotten. I felt I could quite easily wet my pants over him. I had no hesitation and approached him as quickly as I could and found out his name was Steve. Wasting no time I had also offered my services to him, either giving him a blow job or if he wished he could fuck my pussy hole anytime. To my supprise he just smiled back at me grabbed my 5 year old boys pee pee toy and ball bells through my skin tight Levi's 501, squeezed hard, making my ball bells ring out, and in a low deep voice told me not just yet but possibly later on PUSSY BOY. With my ball bells ringing as they had all the others in the room, both prisoners and trustees had turned to look at myself and Steve.

Dave announced it was time to get allocated our accommodation, then get showered and something to eat. He then went on to ask all the prisoners if they would prefer it if the TWO FAG BOYS should be kept together and separate from the main group, which they all agreed to. Turning to me and Steve, who I noticed was still holding my PEE PEE TOY and ball bells through my jeans, just said to us, right Steve and you, you pathetic PUSSY BOY follow us on at the back of the group and whilst here at the institute for these assessment you will do everything together and whilst walking around I want to see you hand in hand. So as we where led through to the accommodation area of 20 single rooms myself and Steve walked at the back of the group holding each others hand.

We passed down a wide corridor with a large toilet and shower room on the right and a large rest room and dinning room combined on the left. As we got to each room Dave called out a name and the prisoner took each single room in turn and went in to make their bed up. At the end of the corridor Dave turned to the two of us still walking hand in hand and informed us that due to the fact that one room was out of use the two of us would be required to share a room. We entered the room and found it had nothing in apart from an old single cast iron bed fastened to the floor with its head fastened to the far wall from the door and a single rubber covered mattress. There was no bedding and no other furniture in the room except for one hook mounted on the wall by the door and a large plastic bin in one corner of the room.

Dave : "Steve you can have the hook for your cloths, PUSSY BOY here can use the plastic bin to put his cloths in"

Nick : "Dave there's only one bed and no bedding. Is it possible to get the other bed from the empty room and some bedding ?"

Dave : "Look PUSSY BOY you may have been a teacher here in the past, but you are nothing now so shut the fuck up. If I want anything from you I will ask you and you can answer. Also you had better start addressing me correctly as I taught you before you left us or do you need a little bit more instruction with the blackboard ruler. You pathetic PUSSY BOY"


All the other prisoners went as a group into the shower room and then Dave called Steve and myself to the showers. With all the other lads now showered and dressed they remained sitting around the changing area. Both Steve and myself on Dave's instructions had to undress each other. The whole room burst with laughter when they saw my panties and bra and even more so at all the tattoo's on my body. This was seriously humiliating in front of all these young lads, who all knew now that I had once been a teacher here at the institute. With my high heeled boots off I had to remain on tip toe otherwise the pain in my legs was extreme. Many of the lads made derisory comments and jokes about the size of my boyhood and the tattoo on my abdomen and back 'SPUNK' 'BIN' 'USE BOTH ENDS' Steve was then ordered by Dave to wash me from head to foot and to make sure my PUSSY HOLE was also washed out thoroughly. Standing in the open shower area under a freezing cold shower jet Steve lathered my entire body inside and out. The feeling at having another man do this was great but the humiliation of having it done before all the other prisoners caused me to cry in utter helplessness. The total embarrassment was made even worse when Dave ordered Steve to make sure my hairless PEE PEE TOY and balls where scrubbed down well. Steve had to use the floor scrubbing brush and as he brushed my balls the bells inside my empty ball sacks rang and rang and the whole room erupted into hilarious roars of laughter.

Dave : "See lads the SPUNK BIN of a PUSSY BOY is so pathetic he doesn't even have any balls, instead he appears to have a set of BELLS. What a creature IT IS."

I then have to wash Steve off in exactly the same way, exploring Steve's body was so fantastic especially as he now sported a massive huge erect cock and balls. My eyes where riveted to his bonner and my thoughts where broken when I heard Dave speaking to me.


Steve slightly taken aback took one step back as I dropped to my knees and took his large well built manhood into my pouting full lipped mouth. It was not long before Steve was getting hot and very horny at my mouth worked up and down his cock and despite us both under the freezing cold shower jet he started ramming my mouth harder with his cock. With one of his hands grabbing my hair at the back of my head he fucked my face, completely carried away in the heat of the moment. His other hand rubbed and twisted my nipples sending electric bolts shooting down my spine, causing my back to arch and my stomach to tighten and knot, making it difficult to breath. I could not stop myself and the truth be known really wanted to please Steve as much as possible. I also still felt the humiliation in having to do this in front of the other prisoners. The mixture in feelings only heightened my excitement and as Steve finally fired off my mouth filled quickly with his spunk, so much so that I could not swallow it as fast as he produced it and some slipped down my chin. With all the excitement of the moment I had not realised that I had been playing with my PEE PEE TOY and had myself cum and started to pee which dropped straight to the floor between my legs.

Dave : "Look at that lads PUSSY BOY has to wank his PEE PEE TOY to PISS and doesn't seem to be able to produce any MAN JUICE. That just shows you he isn't even a Man and looking at those Tit's he has, he most certainly is a PUSSY BOY, don't you all agree."

As I dry Steve off and he towels me down the other prisoners have been talking with Dave and they suddenly turn to us. I am told to put my boots on and only my boots. As I get my boots on Steve is given a Viagra tab to take which one of them had with him. I then have to bend over and lean against the wall and Steve has to stand behind me and wank his cock back to an erection. With the Viagra and the fact that Steve is well endowed he soon has another huge bonner. The lads then tell him to stop playing with himself, as he has a SPUNK BIN before him and it must be time to use the second of both ends. Steve agrees with them and find it highly amusing to watch as he slides his cock into my waiting PUSSY HOLE. After five minutes of Steve thrusting his cock in and out of my PUSSY. Which is going electric with its implants in he is told to stop with his cock thrust deep inside me pushing on my prostate which is sending me wild.

Nick : "Please Steve don't stop I beg you fuck my PUSSY please fill me with your SPUNK man I need to be filled"

The lads think this is so gross me begging and pleading for it, but I really do want it and want it real bad. The lads will not allow Steve to continue and I can feel his building urge to continue as my contracting and relaxing muscles working on his cock deep inside my PUSSY starts to drive him further and further into a hot and horny erotic state. Two of the lads produce rolls of tape given to them by Dave and with Steve's legs inside mine our legs are taped from ankle to thighs. Then with his cock still buried deep in my PUSSY I have to stand up. The taping continues from just above Steve's arse and my PEE PEE TOY stopping under our arms and my breasts. A tight rubber sleeve is forced over my PEE PEE TOY with a tube leading from it's head between our legs and up into Steve's Arse. Steve then has to grab hold of the device on my little boys cock and his hand and the device is totally taped up. So he cannot release the device and it cannot be removed from his arse. My right arm is taped to my body so that my fingers are the only thing free and laying across my nipple. Then both mine and Steve's left arms are taped together to just short of the wrist. We are completely bonded together and have to stagger back to our room at the far end of the corridor. By the time we get there the lads have had their tea and are waiting for us.

Once in the room standing bonded together at the foot of the metal bed I realised that the action of getting back to the room had been to much for Steve's cock and he had cum in my PUSSY. The viagra doing it's job had kept his cock fully erect and pressing against my prostate driving me even further into a frenzied and excited state of euphoria. Then a set of hand cuffs appeared and my wrist was cuffed to the metal bed. We where left like this all night and after a short time decided to make the very best of our time. Steve fucked my PUSSY time after time whilst I played with my nipples and Steve wanked my Boy Toy causing me on a number of occasions to piss down the tube and up into Steve's arse. Before Dave left us he informed us that we had better put on a good show throughout the night. If not then he may decide to leave us bonded together all day tomorrow, which he didn't really think we would want. The reason being that the tape was the type used to bond exhaust pipes on cars up. With the heat from our bodies in 18 to 24 hours the tape would bond like solid metal and would be near impossible to remove. This also helped make our decision to make the best of a bad job. With the room door left open and the light in the room left on we worked all night. By next morning I was hoarse with begging and pleading for more, so that everyone could hear. Also my PUSSY must be totally full of Steve's Spunk and I doubt very much if he could produce anymore. His own arse must be at busting point also with the amount of piss I had put in there.

Next morning Dave released us and the tape was thankfully removed, with some difficulty, our actions having caused more heat than expected had started the metal bonding tape process. But free from our bonds and little devices we where marched back to the showers to wash each other clean. Once clean and dry we got dressed and proceeded to the assessment rooms for 2 x 4 hour sessions with an institute psychologist. My psycho was Gary a raving fag himself and very good looking. Having said good morning I offered my services to him, even though I felt tired and bruised from the all night bonding with Steve.

Gary just stood up walked around the table to me and slapped me across the face.

Gary : "What you waiting for PUSSY BOY get down on your knees and start sucking BITCH."

I undid his trousers and together with his boxer shorts started to lower them, at which point I was slapped again only harder.

Gary : "What the fuck are you doing get STRIPPED NAKED first you PUSSY."

I quickly stripped naked and Gary could not help but laugh at the way I looked, commenting on how pathetic I really was. I got down on my knees and licked, kissed and sucked his cock for all I was worth. Gary must have come at least three times filling my mouth with his glorious spunk which I swallowed down with great joy. I was left in the room over lunch time and told by Gary to remain naked except for my boots standing in the corner facing out wanking myself. So by the time lunch was over and Gary returned I was bright red with the embarrassment of standing in a large puddle of my own piss I had milked out of me.

The afternoon session was only different from the morning in that Gary had me bent over the table whilst he fucked the PUSSY of me. The day finished with me walking from the assessment room totally exhausted and full at both ends with Gary's spunk. The SPUNK BIN WAS FULL AGAIN AT BOTH ENDS and I needed to get cleaned up. I quickly showered and cleaned myself up as best I could inside and outside, grabbed some tea and went back to mine and Steve's room. I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep in seconds. I was woken by Dave about 4 - 5 hours later feeling a bit more refreshed but aching from the action which had taken place over the past 36 or so hours. I was given my report Gary had prepared for the court, how he had compiled it I do not know but he had. In most cases you can read the report before signing it but Dave instructed me just to sign it as it had been cleared by Master Rob. I signed it in utter shock at this revelation and at the realisation that my Master Rob was behind all of this, except possibly the court and police which I doubt even he could control. The report was then taken away by Dave who as he was leaving just smiled at me and told me to have a good night tonight and that I needed to make sure all the other prisoners enjoyed their last night here at the institute assessment centre. He also informed me that my play mate Steve would not be back as he had tried to attack one of the assessors and was now back in police custody. I felt very sad and empty at this news and felt sorry for Steve who I had been made to bond with all last night.

I stripped naked and placed my boots and cloths in the plastic bin in the corner and laid on the rubber mattress on the bed. The room door as instructed was fully open and it was not long before three of Dave's assistants arrived and had me tied spread-eagle on my stomach to the bed, with my head hanging over the bottom of the bed looking at the door. Throughout the night until breakfast time next morning there was a steady stream of prisoners coming and going from my room. As each came in I offered my services as their personal SPUNK BIN offering both ends for their use. By the time I was released from the bed for breakfast I must have had two or three loads of cum out of each of the 18 prisoners left, either inside my pussy hole or in my mouth and stomach. My bladder was also full and causing me some serious pain which I had managed to relieve myself by humping the mattress with my PEE PEE TOY and milking my piss out that way. So I lay on the bed Pussy and stomach filled with all the spunk I could carry, in a pool of my own piss. As Dave entered with his assistants to release me he placed a butt plug up my pussy hole, and told me that was to ensure I was still full when I got to court later that morning, as my Master wanted me to be.

I was going to go to the shower room to get washed as my body was coated from head to foot in more spunk and piss which was drying out slowly. I was instructed by Dave that I was to late for a shower and would just have to get dressed as transport would be here shortly. I got my cloths out of the bin to find that not only had I been totally used through the night but a number of prisoners had used the bin as a urinal and my cloths where soaked in piss and spunk. I dressed as quickly as I could and followed Dave down the corridor to the reception area to await transport to the court. On the way Dave told me that when in court I was to accept what ever the court decided and to thank the magistrates what ever they had decided on. If asked I had to say I had been given time to read the report and accept everything in the report.

I appeared in court just before lunch time by which time I was smelling like a over ripe SPUNK and PISS machine. The smell filled the whole of the court room as I stood in the dock, ASSESSED by Gary, in both ends of my SPUNK BIN, PREPARED by Dave for what I had to say, and FILLED with Spunk in both my Mouth and Pussy Holes, by all my fellow prisoners. I now was on DISPLAY in PUBLIC in COURT. I finally left the court about half an hour later, humiliated, totally used and degraded and WANTING MORE, which I was sure I was going to get. My sentence was that I now had to attend the Institute as a student for Monday and Tuesday of each week for the next six months, and follow the training course and community work as laid out in the report training programme. As I had not been allowed to read the report I didn't know what I would be doing, but if Master Rob and Dave have anything to do with it I will be in for some testing times, which I will find out about next Monday on my first day's training.

To Be Continued......

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