Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jul 15, 2003




Here I was a pathetic PUSSY SLAVE BOY arriving back, in the custody of the police, at the secure unit of the Institute, where I use to be a member of the teaching staff. As I sat in the waiting area to be processed and handed over to the institute staff by the police I reflected on what had happened to me over the past 15 weeks or so.

I had been loaned out by Master Rob for the day to The young teenage master Brian, and his mates. I had not felt well that morning and shortly after arriving at the meeting point as arranged I became very ill and had such severe pains in my groin that Brian had called Master Rob and I had been rushed by car to Ian's Clinic. Where it was found that my testicles implanted inside the special sack, inside my groin, had become seriously infected.

As I was only a PUSSY BOY SLAVE, Mr Ian Smith consulted with my Master Rob on the course of action available. I willingly accepted this as my body now belonged wholly to my Master Rob and what ever he wanted was fine by me. I found out later that Master Rob had also consulted with my ex wife and her new husband Chris and with Steve, the Two Mark's, John and Young Teenage Master Brian, who was not happy at losing his day of my being loaned to him. He finally accepted a postponement, and it was agreed that whilst in the clinic John would carry out the tattoo body markings Brian wanted for me, which had been agreed with Master Rob and that on my release from the Clinic I would be loaned to Young Teenage Master Brian for the first full day.

As was normal I was kept under medication for the 15 week stay at the clinic, so all memory of my stay I could never remember. The drugs just acted like a mind block and I was still able to get up and move around. The side effect was that I was susceptible to just follow all commands and instructions given through this period. I now knew that Master Rob and the others had taken the time to install pre recorded instructions in my brain, by playing taped messages through headphones over and over again.

Some of the instructions Master Rob and the others had taken great delight in telling me about last night at the pub.

Messages :

  1. I will have an irresistible urge to approach all guys I fancy and offer my services to them only charging them if they ask what the price is. 2. I will always prefer to suck cock over getting my pussy hole fucked, ( this is done because they know I get far more pleasure out of getting my PUSSY fucked and is to teach me that I am there as a Slave to give pleasure not receive it.) 3. Whenever I am wearing nappies, and I am in a room where there is a babies high chair or play pen I will automatically get into it, and if there is a pacifier around I will stick it in my mouth and suck on it avidly, crying if it is taken away from me. 4. I will always prefer to wear high heeled footwear of 4 inches or more, unless told to wear other footwear. 5. On the words "I COMMAND YOU PUSSY BOY TO ....." I will carry out the command as ordered what ever it is, and if asked during or after the carrying out of the command you will reply that "I JUST FELT LIKE DOING IT". 6. Whilst carrying out any of the above you will have no inhibitions or will to be able to stop yourself, you will just do it. You will however be fully aware of what you are doing and feel totally used, abused, humiliated, degraded and helpless. Still totally aware as you are you will always feel the need to thank the other person for allowing you to do what you have done and will even beg them to allow you to do it again if they so wish.

There are other smaller messages, pre installed in my brain, which I do not know about but over time will find out, and will only wonder at why I have done something.

I had been returned from the clinic and came to out of the medication, laying on the bed in my flat, still dressed in my skin tight and worn Levi's jeans and trucker jacket and red sued high heeled ankle boots. I got up and went through into the lounge where Master Rob, Steve and the two Mark's where sat. Master Rob looked at me and smiled, and commented that my trucker jacket seemed to be getting a lot tighter around the my tits. I agreed with my Master and as I looked it dawned on me that they did look bigger.

Mark one : "They must be bigger I had to go shopping and get PUSSY BOY here a new Bra it appears he now sports a full 36 B cup rather than the 'A' cup he use to, I think his Ex Wife must have been on to Ian, Master Rob."

Mark two : "Master Rob can we see what other sup prises PUSSY BOY here has for us, please Master Rob. (Master Rob Nods his agreement) I COMMAND YOU PUSSY BOY TO STRIP NAKED NOW !!"

I start to strip out of my cloths ladies panties, bra and boots, and stand there naked in the centre of the lounge. My face must have been a picture at what I saw reflected back from the large wall mirror on one of the walls and from what I could see as I stripped off..

  1. Tattoo across chest above my tits. COCKSUCKER



  1. Tattoo around right nipple read - RUB ME HARD.

  2. Tattoo around left nipple read - TWIST ME HARD.

  3. Tattoo in middle of abdomen below tits and above navel and repeated in middle of my back :



USE BOTH ENDS 5. Tattoo above my 5 year old boys cock





  1. Tattoo on my left arse cheek - FUCK BOY (with my pussy cat tattoo between lines)


  1. Tattoo on Right arse cheek - SPANK




  1. Tattoo on the soles of both feet - TICKLE



  1. Tattoo on both legs from just under the soles of my feet up over the top of my feet and up my legs to my thighs. A pair of black lace fish net stockings with seam at the back and small pink garter tops to each. They looked so realistic I thought at first I was wearing a pair of stockings.

  2. I could not see these last three as they had been tattooed on my head which had been shaved and the hair had now grown back sufficient to cover them, unless you looked closely. The pictures I was shown showed however at the back of my head above the neck the words :

SLUT BOY And on each side of my head a sketch picture of an erect cock and balls ejaculating. The joke being I had cock on the brain.

The tattoos where all bold black and brazen and totally humiliating and degrading which pleased my Master Rob immensely. This is what Brian would have had done at Johns studio on my day on loan to him. Young Teenager Master Brian had with my Master Robs consent wanted to cause me maximum discomfort and humiliation to me, and it was a great success, but if my Master wanted me to have them I was willing to have them and would have to just get use to dealing with the humiliation when seen.

It was getting to late evening and having had a coffee I got dressed in my ladies panties, bra and boots and my skin tight worn Levi's and trucker jacket. My Master Rob took us all out to the local pub for a drink. He informed me that I was loaned out to Young Teenage Master Brian and his friends for tomorrow and at what time I had to meet him and where. Master Rob would be away for a week abroad on business. Steve and Mark had received their instructions about me and next Saturday I would start working at the Club in the Slave Pit and during some days would work at the adult shop in town. When Master Rob got back next Friday I was going with him that night to the Club for my Fully Fledged Slave Boy Coming Out Introduction Party. Which I was looking forward to with immense expectation and excitement.

I met Brian and his six mates at the bus station in the morning and we all went for a coffee and talk. Well Brian and his mates talked about what they had planned for the day whilst I stood by the table fetching and carrying coffee to and from the counter. Dressed in my normal attire and 4 inch high heels with my tits trying to break out from the trucker jacket with the tattoo COCKSUCKER BOY BITCH partially visible above my cleavage. The fish net stockings tattoos also showed partially through the tares and rips on the legs of my Levi's 501's as well as the thread bare left arse cheek showing my tattoo there of FUCK BOY the pussy and underneath words FILL MY HOLE. Not only was I feeling degraded at having to run around after these teenagers but humiliated at the way I must look to everyone around. I realised I was going to have to get some new cloths at the first opportunity.

At about lunch time Brian and his mates decided it was time to go to the local town park and on arrival I asked if I could please go to the toilet as my bladder was starting to get in a state of discomfort. I was sup prised when Brian and his mates agreed and did not even bother to come into the public convenience with me. I stood at the urinal and pulled my jeans down to my thighs and my panties as I had learnt to do at the clinic. I then put my finger and thumb around my 5 year old boys cock, sorry my PEE PEE TOY and started WANKING myself off, in order to stimulate my bladder so I could PEE. This was the only way I could now take a piss thanks to Ian's surgery. As my testicles had been totally removed now due to the serious infection in them I could no longer produce any spunk and had to with the enhanced sensory implants in my PEE PEE TOY and attached to my Bladder could get to PISS. After about 10 to fifteen minutes of playing with myself, and feeling the humiliation of it, mixed with the pulsing feeling in my PEE PEE TOY and Bladder I started to Pee, not in great spurts but more like a pouring tap it ran out of me. I had to keep up wanking myself throughout the piss in order to continue the flow until it died to a few drops and stopped, meaning my bladder was now empty.

My mind and feelings on my action had taken over my brain totally and I had not heard the man coming in and standing behind me just watching. That was until I had finished taking my Pee. He had been standing there for a good five minutes I found out later as he was a police officer. I was cautioned and taken by him to the police station in town, and charged with Lude and Indecent Behaviour in a Public Place. As it was my first offence ever I received a Caution and released three hours later. I was met outside the station by one of Brian's mates and taken to meet with Brian at his school. It was Sunday and the place was all quite and locked up and I met Brian and his other mates on the front steps of the School.

On arriving I apologised for being side tracked and getting arrested like I had been and would be more careful in future when peeing in a public place. Brian just looked at me and smirked along with his mates. What the hell was going to happen next I thought as Brian started to speak.


I did as commanded without hesitation, what the hell was I doing I would be naked here at the front doors of this school in full view of the road and my cloths out of reach in broad daylight. But I went ahead and did it without question and then found myself thanking Brian and his friends for allowing me to do it. Brian then told me to pick up an Iron Bar and follow him around to the back of the school. He pointed out that I now had two options, either walk home naked if I left now or break in to the school and get my cloths back. I broke into the school through a window into the gym changing room, then opened the fire exit doors in the gym to let the boys in. In the Gym Office I was commanded to smash open the lockers and cabinets, trash the place and piss in one of the draws, I also had to shit on the top of the desk and rub some of my shit inside the broken locker. As COMMANDED I carried out the orders, realising this was criminal and wrong as well as degrading but helpless to fight back the urge I had to do it. Thanking them once again for allowing me to do what I had done seemed even more humiliating but I still felt I had to thank them.

They then took me into the changing rooms again and told me it was time I followed my body advertising and they where going to use me as their SPUNK BIN Using BOTH ENDS. I got down on all fours in the shower area and loudly offered my services, freely and willingly, begging and pleading with them to use me. They sure enough did and for the next two hours I was filled in the mouth and up my pussy hole with their raw young teen spunk. I was in heaven slurping sucking and thrusting till I ached from head to foot. The lads finished off by spanking me each giving six of the best with a cane they had found in the office I had wrecked. With a red hot flaming arse and a full stomach and pussy hole I was sent to the foyer to collect my cloths and get dressed.

Brian and the lads then paraded me back to town and the park with me begging and pleading with them to let me service them even more and thanking them for what they had already done and allowed me to do. As we approached the public toilets Brian Commanded me to drop my jeans and pants and bend over, I then had to insert a small plastic vile on a string up my pussy hole. I dressed once again and was commanded by Brian to go across to the Public Toilets and Sell my services to the first man which came in. I did as commanded and waited in the toilets, hoping that the first man in was not to bad looking and fairly young.

In walked a lean good looking well dressed man in casual wear and went over to the urinal. I stood in the corner and without any thought just said.

Nick : "Hi mate I'm Nick a Pussy Slave Boy, would you like me to give you the best blow job you've ever had for œ20.00 or if you prefer you could fuck my pussy arse for œ50.00."

I got no further as he stopped having his piss spun round lunged at me, grabbing my hand he spun me round and hemmed me up against the wall whilst grabbing my other free hand. I felt the cold steel of the handcuffs and saw the warrant card of a police officer shoved into my face. I was again taken to the police station for the second time that day and charged with Male Prostitution, I was also given a strip search which greatly amused the officers conducting it at seeing my naked body and all its markings. They saw the string hanging from my pussy hole and pulled it out. Inside the plastic vile was a small quantity of cannabis and a couple of E's. I was now further charged with Possession of Drugs. Under questioning I also admitted to the Criminal Damage at the School, Breaking and Entering, and Public Exhibitionism outside the school. I was kept in the cells overnight and taken to court next morning.

I pleaded guilty to all the charges before the Magistrates and as had been arranged my date of birth before the court had been altered. I was just over 24 years old and eligible for offending behaviour work at the Institute I use to work at as a teacher. I was convicted on all the counts and although the court felt the offences where disgusting and serious as it was my first time before a court I would be Remanded to the Institutes secure unit for forty eight hours for pre sentencing reports. I would then be brought back before the court on Wed for Sentencing.

So here I was a convicted criminal sat in the reception waiting area of the Institute being handed over from the police for assessments to be carried out tomorrow before taken back to the court for sentencing the following day Wednesday. As soon as the police left and the Instructional Officer on Duty and his trustee inmate came out into the reception area I knew I was in deep trouble. The trustee inmate was Dave the lad in my ex class who had completed my down fall from SIR to PUSSY BOY in front of the whole class. The Instructor on duty I had also had many run in.'s with over teaching matters and he really did hate me with a vengeance. I could see by the smiles on their faces the next 48 hours was going to be hell for me. I was led through to the next room and started to be processed by Dave along with 19 other offenders here for assessment. MY RETURN TO THE INSTITUTE FOR PUNISHMENT ASSESSMENT was beginning and the first stage was underway.

To Be Continued......

Next: Chapter 14

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