Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jun 27, 2003




I don't remember actually travelling back to the flat, but I awake as if from a very deep sleep. As my mind starts to take my surroundings in, I realise I am laid, flat on my back, on the bed in my flat. I stretch as best I can, and realise my hands are cuffed to the bed head and my ankles to the foot of the bed, and look up at the mirrored ceiling taking in the full picture of my body, laid there on the shinny red rubber undersheet, with my head on the large pink PVC covered pillow.

As my mind focuses more sharply, I take in the full sight before me, I was laying there wearing only a brilliant white towelling nappy inside a pair of pink tinted rubber pants, the sort with tight fitting elastic around the waist and legs to prevent piss from leaking out. I felt quite humiliated at being dressed like this, a grown man in his forties, dressed in baby diapers and rubber over pants in girlie pink. I could feel from the cold damp feeling around my groin that I must have soiled my nappy as it felt very heavy and sloppy and I think I may also have shit in them as the stench is very strong in the room. What the hell is Master Rob going to think of me his FUCK BOY BITCH tied to the bed dressed in a nappy and having shit and pissed himself. I tried to get the cuffs off, but they where solid metal and securely locked in position.

Laid there I started to think back at what I could remember, I remember arriving at what I now know to have been some kind of clinic, to see a Mr Ian Smith. I recall waiting for him sat naked in a waiting room and having a drink of orange juice, then nothing. I racked my brains trying to remember. It was just a blank though and I could not remember anything more of that time. The next I can remember was coming to in the private room laid in a bed covered with a white sheet. I had come too and Master Rob was there with another man, I presume it was Ian Smith, but I cannot focus on his face at all. Things started to flood back and at what they had told me they had done surgically to my body and that I was now a full FUCK BOY BITCH in looks as well as in mind.

I looked up at the ceiling to look more closely at the reflected image, laid out before me and looked at the face. Yes my eyebrows where thinner, my nose was slightly thinner and shorter, I wasn't quite as lined and I didn't have much of a beard growth. My face however was not really that much altered it just looked slightly more younger, boyish with a slight femininity to it, some would say softer look about it. At least I could accept my face although I was in my forties, I had always looked about 35 and now I looked to be about 30 which in a very vain sort of way I was very pleased about.

My throat looked no different, and I could still see my small Adam's Apple, but I was sure Ian had said he had removed this. I must have got that wrong, I would have to ask Master Rob when I saw him. I also remembered Ian telling me about enhancing my breasts to an 'A' cup, but stretched out like this on the bed I could not really tell much from my reflection. Looking down with my head I could make out a difference, yes they had definitely been enhanced and breast implants put in and my nipples where more prominent. The change however where not that drastic that I looked like an out and out woman. It gave more of the impression of a young boys breasts, with a slightly feminine look which again I could live with. What the hell a lot of men have breasts and after all I was a BOY BITCH.

The waistline was also thinner and I would have said that although before I could wear a 30 inch waist I could probably get away with a 28 inch now, not bad really for a forty year old FUCK BOY BITCH. The wider thighs also helped with the over all shape and look of a thinner waist line. I could not see but felt the fuller firmer buttocks against the bed, and now felt the slimy, slippery shit filling my nappy. That bloody stupid nappy and over pants prevented me from seeing the real and biggest shock I had really received. If I remember rightly I no longer had any cock but it had been replaced by a girlie clitoris. This I don't think I am going to like at all, it was really a bit OTT. If only I could see it, I had to know the damage Ian had done. I did not feel any pressure in my bladder but I realised that I was pissing myself filling my soiled nappy up even more. The warm sensation around my groin as the towelling absorbed my baby boys golden piss from my girlie clit.

I was shocked to see Steve and the two Marks, standing in the doorway to the bedroom, and felt more like a naughty boy as I lay on the bed before them pissing into my nappy I was wearing.

Steve : "What's the matter then, has the naughty little baby FUCK BOY BITCH pissed and shit in his nappy then?"

Nick : "Yes young Sir's, this pathetic little Baby Pussy Boy has messed in his panties Sir's and needs his nappy changed."

I thought that my voice had come back and realised that my vocal tones had risen a couple of pitches. It was not as deep and masculine as it had been, but in time I could live with it. At least it wasn't a really female voice, thank goodness. The two Mark's unlocked my restraints and I slipped off the bed. As I tried to stand up the pain in my legs was tremendous and I jumped back onto the bed landing on my buttocks and splattering the shit in my nappies even more around my crotch. I then remembered about the shortening of the tendons and ligaments in my leg, so I got off the bed again remembering to stay on tip toes. Steve told me to get to the bathroom and clean myself up, I would find fresh nappies to put on in the bathroom cupboard. I got to the bathroom and took of the rubber over pants, put no matter how hard I tried I could not get the large safety pin of the nappies undone. In the end as one of the Mark's was stood in the bathroom doorway, laughing at my predicament I had to ask him if he would undo the safety pin for me.

Mark : "What's the matter is the little Baby Pussy Boy unable to undo a simple little Safety Pin then ?"

Nick : Hanging my head in total humiliation "Yes Sir, Baby Pussy Boy is so pathetic I can't undo my own nappy's safety pins Sir."

Once he had undone the safety pin I peeled the shit and piss caked nappy off, and with trepidation looked down at what I now had between my legs, expecting to see my manhood gone and a girlie clit in it's place. My mind or something must be playing tricks, because I still had a cock, if you can call it that. I got into the shower quickly and cleaned of the shit from my crotch so I could see better. Yes, I pinched myself hard to see if I was dreaming, the pain told me I wasn't. I still had a cock, my manhood or should I say looking at it my baby boy hood had been preserved. I was over the moon my cock was no longer erect, rigid and throwing a constant boner which had become very uncomfortable and painful at times. Yes it was the width of my ring finger and protruded no more than just over an inch it was magnificent. I also still had a set of balls though these to had been reduced greatly and would be about a ¬ inch diameter each ball, in tight fitted skin sacks at the base of my BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY. On washing my tiny balls in the warm water of the shower I was humiliated to find that Ian or Master Rob had decided to have a laugh at my expense, as they had inserted a round bell in each sack as filling. This meant that when they hung free and I walked or if you tapped them they both rang out. It then also dawned on me that the Prince Albert ring and bell had been removed, but I could see that with a cock this size it would have looked stupid and the bells forming my balls made up for the loss of my Prince Albert bell, which I had got very much used to. I then realised that the cock ring had gone, but now with the size of my cock and balls would not have stayed on anyway.

With my body showered I lay down on the floor and put a new towel nappy on, put struggled to get the safety pin fastened. Once again I had to ask Mark who was still standing in the door way to the bathroom, laughing his head off at me. Mark quickly fixed the safety pin into place and slipped my pink rubber over pants up over my clean white nappy. We then joined the others in the sitting room. As I entered I noticed at the far end of the room sat a babies high chair. Steve gave me my coffee he had made for me and told me Master Rob would be here soon to talk to me. I thanked Steve for the coffee and tip toed over to it, raised myself up into it and sat down, then closed the tray down infront of me and started to drink my coffee. At the same time I started to think why had I got into this high chair, there where other seats available in the room, and nobody had ordered me into it, I had just done it myself, which now caused me some humiliation at seeing the room erupt into laughter at my realisation as to what I had done. What was even more disturbing was that despite this awareness I did not make any effort to change my seat, but sat slightly red faced drinking my coffee.

I felt cleaner and fresher in my changed Nappy and pink rubber over pants and was very pleased with what Ian had done with my body apart from possibly the bells in my ball sacks and my feet. The rest I could get away with though now in an upright position the 'A' cup tits I had been given with the peaked nipples looked decidedly a bit to feminine possibly, but maybe with time I can get use to them. After all I can always get the implants removed. I don't know where I got the idea of the girlie clit. It was not till later that I found out Master Rob and Ian had been discussing possibilities for my cock whilst I was asleep in the same room and I must have subconsciously picked up on the clit idea probably through shear fear.

The truth now out and sat in my babies high chair in my clean white nappy drinking my coffee I awaited the arrival of Master Rob. Steve and the two Marks having drunk up, left to go out for a couple of hours. I was sat in the chair for some time before Master Rob Entered the flat and came into the sitting room. Due to the diaretic nature of coffee I had now refilled my new nappy with a huge load of my own shit and three loads of my piss which just ran out of me. I had tried to get the restraining tray up so I could go and change but I was unable to get the catch undone. Master Rob sat down and started to tell me what had been done to me and why, whilst I sat in a babies high chair in my soiled nappy and pink rubber over pants.

To Be Continued...........

Next: Chapter 12

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