Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on Jun 25, 2003




After a couple of pints at the local pub, Master Rob took me back to my flat, and on getting back into the flat I striped naked. It had now become so natural for me I stripped off automatically once inside the door. I then put back on the red sued 4 inch high heel ankle boots, I had been wearing out that evening. Having got Mater Rob a drink from the kitchen, he ordered me to go into the bathroom and give myself two enemas.

I returned to Master Rob as quickly as I could having completed my tasks, at which point he led me into the bedroom. I was then told to lay down on the bed belly pressed down onto the red rubber under sheet and my wrists and ankles fastened to the four corners of the bed. Then Master Rob took one of the large vibrating dildos from the wall display and before stuffing it up my pussy hole made me lubricate it in my mouth, till it was covered in my spit. Once stuffed up my pussy, stretching and filling my entire hole he switched on the vibrations. With the head of the dildo turning left and right and rocking back and forth at a slow speed I moaned in short sharp breaths, muffled by the fact my face was buried in the large pink PVC covered pillow. "Oooooooooooohh, Yeeeessssssss, Ooooooohhh".

Master Rob : "Shut the fuck up you PUSSY BOY I did not tell you to say anything, Did I ?"

Nick : "No Master Rob, Oooooooohhh, Yeeesssssss, Sorry Master, I cannot help myself."

Master Rob : "Well we can soon fix that"

He left the bedroom and came back in carrying a very large penis gag from the display on the sitting room wall. Master Rob quickly pushed it hard into my mouth and fastened it tight behind my head before I heard the click of the lock being applied behind my head. The gag was large and I could not utter a sound as it filled my mouth completely. He then proceeded to increase the vibrations on the dildo that filled my pussy hole. As the vibrations intensified my whole body felt like an electric shock was passing through it. Master Rob informed me that he would leave it set like that, on half setting for a while. My body started to twitch and spasm from the vibrators action on my pussy hole and prostrate.

I lay on the bed twitching and squirming as much as I could with my hands and feet firmly fixed to the four corners of the bed. My breathing heavy and laboured only being able to breath through my nose, as the penis gag totally filled my mouth. Then I suddenly felt the sharp crack of the whip on my back, three cracks on my back and three on my buttocks. By twisting my head around, out of the corner of my eye I could see in the mirrored ceiling my back and buttocks, shinny in sweat now and six large seriously red welts on my back and buttocks. I quickly turned my head face down to the bed again as a further three cracks of the whip landed on my back again and my buttocks. The pleasure from the vibrating dildo causing my whole body to shake in ecstatic pleasure mixing with the serious pain now being inflicted to my pussy buns and back caused tears to well up in my eye's. I was really getting very hot and horny and enjoying the sensations I now felt, including the pain. Master Rob stopped whipping me and said he would be back shortly, he was going to get another drink from the kitchen. I heard him leave the room and heard his leather motor bike boots clump off down the hallway towards the kitchen.

On Master Rob re entering the bedroom, I was by now really writhing about on the bed in shear ecstasy. Then Master Rob informed me that there was a film on TV he wanted to watch, and as I looked to be having so much pleasure he would leave me to enjoy myself. He then picked up the vibrators control and turned it up to full power. I must have jumped despite being bound to the bed, which had I not been would have hit the ceiling with my entire body.

Master Rob : "I'll be back in a couple of hours PUSSY BOY, if you've had enough before then just give me a shout, I'll be in the sitting room"

I was by now bouncing around the bed like a demented rag doll, with my rigid boner uncomfortable and painful as it was being hammered again and again into the rubber under sheet. My slave nipple bells and cock bell on the Prince Albert ring sounding out like a demented alarm clock going on and on. Master Rob left the bedroom smiling and laughing to himself and locked the iron gate to the bedroom, confirming to me that I was his play toy here for his amusement and pleasure and not for mine. How long was I going to be able to take this for, with the penis gag in my mouth there was no way I could shout out to Master Rob, so it was going to be a very long and painful two hours of shear tormented ecstasy.

Master Rob returned to the bedroom after two hours, having finished watching his film, whilst I continued to throw my body as best as I could all over the bed. I was covered from head to foot in a river of sweat and piss. My entire body now racked with pain from the continual pounding I had given it in throwing myself around. I don't think one muscle in my body was not battered and bruised. I had pissed myself three times at least through my BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY and it had not once fired a drop of spunk. It was totally useless and may as well not be there as all it did was to stand erect and ridged constantly. Suddenly Master Rob turned the vibrator off and pulled the dildo out of my pussy hole, leaving it gapping and dripping with its own juices as my pussy ring twitched and danced from the hammering it had just received. My feet and hands where un cuffed from the corner of the bed and I lay curled up in the middle of the bed worn out, exhausted, body battered and bruised and shaking from its exertions. Master Rob unlocked the ball gag and removed it and I gasped in lung after lung full of air.

Nick : "Thank you Master Rob for that wonderful time YOUR PUSSY BOY HOPES HE HAS PLEASED YOU"

Master Rob : "You have not finished yet my PUSSY SLAVE BOY, get on your knees with that pussy of yours over the side of the bed"

I adopted the position as quickly as my tired and exhausted body would allow, hoping not to up set my Master. I then felt Master Rob's large and well endowed manhood sliding up and down my worthless pussy crack.

Nick : "Please Master Rob I beg you please fuck my pussy, fuck me hard and deep, please Master, fill my worthless pussy with your spunk."

His large and erect meat slides into my well worn pussy and I concentrate at tightening my pussy hole. I feel my Masters balls slapping methodically against my buttocks as he thrusts in and out, long slow and deliberate. As he speeds up I feel myself moving back and forth with my hips, pushing back as he thrusts forward, slamming my prostate with the head of his cock. After only a short time Master Rob shoots his full load of manly spunk up my pussy filling me with his warm rich seed. I notice that I am once again pissing myself and apologise to my Master immediately for pissing myself. Master tells me not to worry about it as he understands how embarrassing it must be for me, not having a cock, but a BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY which I can only pee through, but we can get that sorted later today. Then before Master Rob pulls his cock out of my pussy hole he takes a piss himself, filling my pussy with his warm and glorious golden piss. He stuffs my butt plug which was lying on the floor back up my pussy whole before he says good night to me and leaves the flat to go home. I collapse onto the bed completely spent and quickly drift off into a deep sleep, lying there in my own piss and sweat, with my insides warm with my Masters spunk and piss. A thought drifts briefly through my mind before a fall asleep, 'What did my Master mean, my pissing would be taken care of later today ?'.

I woke up late after 10 am and quickly got up bathed, enema, shaved my face and body, renewed my nail polish on my fingers and toes and my lipstick before I cleaned up the bedroom, replacing all the toys used in to their respective wall displays. I then sat down for a coffee, thinking about the fantastic night I had just spent with Master Rob.

I suddenly remembered I needed to get my Levi's jeans and trucker jacket washed, as they still stunk of piss and spunk. I was just heading back with them in my arms to the kitchen when Steve and Mark one entered from the internal stairs. Steve told me I had better hurry up and get dressed as I had an appointment to go to, which Master Rob had arranged. I looked down at the jeans and jacket and took a deep intake of breath smelling the pungent odour of piss and spunk arising from them, which had the effect of turning me on rather than that of disgust. I poured myself into the skin tight, worn and threadbare Levi's and trucker jacket and went into the bedroom to get my black winkle picker boots. Mark stopped me and told me I should wear the red sued high heel boots, as they looked much more PUSSY like. I asked where we were going but received no reply. We left on the motorbikes from the garage and headed out of town. Steve with Mark on the back of his bike and me on my bright pink trials bike, with my pink crash helmet with the lettering on the front 'NICK' and on the back 'FUCK BOY BITCH'.

After nearly three hours riding we turned into a long winding drive up to some large mansion house. The had been a sign on the wall at the gate but we past it so fast I did not get a chance to read it. Once parked up in a large car park at the front of the large house, Steve told me I had to go in as I had an appointment with a Mr Ian Smith, I had to report to the reception desk and ask for him, if I was asked my name I had to say I was PUSSY SLAVE BOY NICK. As I was also going to be here sometime Steve and Mark where not waiting for me and Mark would take my bike back with him. I entered the house having watched Steve and Mark zoom off down the drive and out of sight. There was a lady sat behind the reception desk so I went over and told her I had an appointment with Mr Ian Smith, I then had to tell her whom I was "PUSSY SLAVE BOY NICK" I replied slightly humiliated at the slight laughter I received in return. I was told he would see me shortly and I needed to go to room one and wait. I found room one at the top of the stairs and entered to find a small sitting room which was furnished with plush chairs and a couple of small coffee tables.

After a short wait a woman came in, wearing a bright white uniform, and I was asked if I was PUSSY SLAVE BOY NICK, which I replied yes to. She told me Mr Ian Smith was slightly delayed but would be here soon. She then told me that Master Rob had telephoned and left instructions that I should treat this house as if it was my flat, and I would understand what that meant. She then asked me if I would care for a cold drink whilst I waited, I accepted and asked if I could have an orange juice, which she went away to get. I then realised what Master Rob's message meant and stripped of my jacket and jeans but kept the boots on as the floor felt cold on my feet. When the lady returned she entered and gave me my orange drink and didn't raise an eyebrow at this naked and shaved hairless man standing in this waiting room. "Please she said sit down and enjoy your drink, and could you just sign this form for me before I go." I sat down signed the form quickly and sipped my orange, which was very refreshing after the long ride down. I started to feel very sleepy and remember seeing the lady picking my cloths up from the floor before leaving the room. I then must have drifted off to sleep as I remember no more.

When I came round I was in a different room laid in a bed covered with a white sheet my arms and legs felt heavy and it took all my strength just to open my eyes. Master Rob was there and another man Master Rob was calling Ian, obviously this was Mr Ian Smith the man I had the appointment with. What had happened though, I just couldn't remember. Both saw I was awake and came over to the bed. Rob explained that the other man was Mr Ian Smith a consultant surgeon and a very good friend of his. I was then briefly told that Ian had been kind enough as he had had a cancellation to take me in for the past 10 weeks to help sort me out. My mind swam and fogged and cleared again. What did Master Rob mean 10 weeks, I had been here ten weeks. I tried to shake my head and clear it more and ask what had happened. I was told not to speak yet as it may strain the operation Ian had done on my vocal cords. This was weird and to wild for words.

I was told everything Ian had done for me, and as my mind cleared more and I got more feeling back into my body I tried to comprehend what master Rob had got Ian to do. The tendons and ligaments in my legs had been shortened, this would mean that I would have to walk about in tip toes if going barefoot. I could wear a minimum two inch heel but my legs would ache after three to four hours. The best footwear would preferably be 4 inches or higher. Ian had decided on the height himself having seen my preferred boot heel size from the boots I had arrived here in, at his clinic.

He had also carried out implant surgery on my calf's, thighs making them larger and fuller and my buttocks making them fuller and firmer. My waist had been reduced and the small amount of fat removed. The breast implants had been reduced from the large B cup suggested by my ex wife for a pair of firm pirt large A cups with erect nipples which he had put increased sensory implants into, making my nipples 200 to 400% more sensitive. The Adam's apple had been removed and vocal cords operated on so I would now have a higher pitched quite wispy voice. I was also told about the cosmetic surgery to my face, more pronounced cheek bones, fuller pouting lips, laser removal of all facial and body hair which combined with hormone treatment would stop facial and body hair growth completely. My nose had also been shortened and narrowed, in total my face was a great deal more boyish in looks bordering on feminine.

Finally Ian told me about my penis, which he had removed my testicles from their ball sacks and placed them in specially developed man made plastic sacks inside my groin, the sacks had implants in them which help to stimulate my testicles to produce sperm. As I had asked he had reduced my penis to a small stub which when fully erect stood no longer than of an inch. It was now sat in the front of my groin and the skin from the ball sacks he had used to make protective cover for my penis. This gave the outward impression as far as I was concerned of having a clitoris. Also when erect my penis would actually stand out just proud of the lips and point straight down between my legs. When the penis was flaccid it would retract under the skin lips and all one could see was the Prince Albert Ring and slave bell protruding between the two lips of my clit, it was really now a slave clit ring and bell.

This was going to get some getting used too, but as Master Rob explained I had wanted the changes, I had begged and pleaded in public. The breasts looked good as well and as my ex wife had said would remind me for the rest of my life how I had humiliated her by becoming the slut I now was. Ian also added that the sensory implants in my nipples had also been implanted in my pussy hole and on my prostate however because of the operation on my penis I would have very limited feeling in my BABY BOYS PEE PEE TOY which really was now nothing more than a clit cock. The sperm my hidden testicles would now produce with the implants would mean that I would be able to produce spunk every half an hour to an hour. It would not however fire out quickly but would run out of my clit cock more like a tap. Master Rob concluded by putting it al into context, I had to agree apart from the breasts everything else deep down I did really want, I was simply a PUSSY SLAVE BOY and did not need a cock of my own as I was not there to please myself but to please my Master and his friends. The work performed on my body now made me look about 25 to 30 years old and a very feminine FUCK BOY BITCH and with the sensory implants would make me a real mean sex machine. So here I was A REAL FUCK BOY BITCH SEX MACHINE born from the work of this kind and generous Master Rob. Within two hours I was fully able to get up out of bed get dressed and head back home to my flat sat behind my Master Rob astride his large black throbbing motor bike, my pink crash helmet telling all what they could now see in my body and face NICK - FUCK BOY BITCH.

To be continued.........

Next: Chapter 11

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