Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on May 12, 2003



Here I was sat in a bar waiting for the first time to come face to face with Rob as I knew him and thats about all I did really know about him. I had first made contact with him some two months ago over the net and we had been in regular contact since. Thinking back now it had all been rather one sided, with me answering a number of questions that Rob had said he wanted answers to prior to any meeting. As time had gone on the questions had got more intermit and sexual in nature and at first I was slightly taken aback but found more and more that I was getting aroused and excited by the contents. Despite any reservations I had for some reason had been drawn by Rob and answered all his questions fully, as he had asked.

Then out of the blue, only two days ago I received instructions from Rob to meet him at this bar, he had selected in town. I was finally going to meet him, and although nervous I felt excited at the same time. The last time I had any relationship with a man was when I had been in my late teens and when Steve had moved away I had turned back to dated girls. He I was now in my 40's, married for the past 20 years, to a loving wife Lesley. In the past 6 months though Lesley had got a new job, and this took her away from home for days and weeks at a time. I know I still love her and would do anything for her, but I needed something else even if it was only a one off thing, this was the one reason I had not given Rob my home address, telephone number or works details, I could therefore always break off at any time, giving me a certain amount of control over this situation I was getting into.

Lesley was away on business this weekend, and would not be back till next Wednesday, it was also my long weekend off from work so I was not back at work till next Tuesday. I was really starting to look forward to this meeting and all the next day could only think about what I should wear for the occasion. I had decided on the slacks and sports jacket with a cream coloured shirt and the brown slip on shoes. On getting in from work I made sure the cloths I had decided on where clean and ready for tomorrow night and my first meeting with Rob. It was later on checking my E mails that I noticed one from Rob, my throat dried up as I knew that he was calling the meeting off. I felt let down and disappointed and went to open the E mail. I couldn't believe my eyes, the meeting wasn't off, but Rob had said that if it was to go ahead it had to be on his terms. In slight turmoil I replied immediately that I agreed and would meet on his terms, though I did not fully comprehend I did want to meet him. Robs E-mail with his terms as he called them, was more like a list of instructions, many of which shocked me but at the same time I felt excited by them and could feel myself getting rather horny at the thought of them. I had agreed to these without seeing them and nothing in them was of a permanent nature, so with trepidation in my heart I decided to take the plunge so to speak.

The next day I was off, so I went into town and got the shopping in I needed to comply with Robs instructions. Then in the afternoon rested up before getting a bath and preparing to go out. I had a light tea as my stomach seemed full of butterflies and started the final preparations as per Robs instructions. So here I was sat in this bar waiting for Rob to arrive for our first meeting. My emotions and feelings in turmoil, I had done as Rob instructed, removing all my body hair from the neck down, so my body was as smooth as the day I had been born. This sensation alone was quite weird but exciting, having never done anything like it before. Then I had got two of my new purchases that day as instructed, I lubed up the small shinny metal butt plug and with some difficulty, but following instructions had inserted it up my ass. This was followed by a slightly painful struggle to place the heavy metal cock ring on over my cock and balls. These items further adding to my mixed emotional state. Finally as instructed I left off all underwear and slipped into a pair of old Levi's, which were thin from wear and now tight fitting in what some might say where all the right places, and a fleece top together with my new black winkle picker ankle boots with a two inch heel I had been told to purchase. I now sat patiently in this public bar, dressed as I would never have dreamed to dress, feeling slightly embarrassed but getting slightly horny, at imagining everyone else in the bar could see through my clothing and observe my shaved baby like body, cock compressed in the cock ring, and ass stuffed with the butt plug.

I had just got a pint of lager from the bar, sat down at the table Rob had instructed me to sit at, looking at the time Rob was late, some 20 mins late, he wasn't coming. How could I have been such an idiot, getting dressed like this and for why, because I had been told too by some person I didn't even know, except by the name of Rob. I had not seen the young man approaching the table until the deep voice broke me out of my self recrimination.

Rob said "Not bad, I can see you've obeyed part of my instructions, I can check the rest out a bit latter. Nick get me a pint of Lager I really need a drink"

Nick : "Rob is it, sorry yes I'll get it"

As I got the drink from the bar I started to think again what the hell was I doing, Rob arrives late not a word of apology and I am here running to the bar for him. Well I think he needs to be told, when I get back with this drink. I return to the table and place the drink down infront of Rob, sit down myself and about to tell him what I think, before I can speak though Rob just tells me to sup up as we need to go into the back yard of the bar. Thrown by this I finish my drink off and following Rob out of the bar and up the corridor to the rear of the pub.

I make my mind up that once out there I will give him a piece of my mind, getting here late no apology, who the hell does he think he is anyway. Its dark out in the yard except for a single electric light hanging out from a corner over a dustbin. The door bangs behind me and before I can say anything Rob starts.

Rob : "Nick go and stand under the light so I can see you properly" I just do it Rob seems

To exude self confidence.

"Lets me see if you've followed my instructions then"

Nick : "How ?" I ask rather shocked.

Rob : "Get your kit of, I want you stripped naked starting from the boots up, Do it!!"

I look round apprehensively, excited by Robs raw and cold command, not fully understanding why, I do as I am being told. I remove my boots and drop them on the floor, unbutton my Levi's and squeeze out of them, before I can drop them next to my boots Rob asks me to throw them across to him, so I throw them into the shadow where Rob is sitting on another dustbin. Then I unzip and remove my fleece and drop that next to my boots. I don't fully understand what I am doing, as I stand there in this public bar back yard, naked as the day I was born, and as hairless except for my head, wearing only a cock ring and butt plug. I a man in his 40's doing what I am told by a young, dark haired rather handsome man in his 20's I would guess. I feel humiliated stood here like this, but excited, which I must be judging by the bonner I am carrying, despite the cool night air which is causing my nipples to peak, it seems to have no effect on the rather large flag pole my cock has become. I have to turn round and bend over the dustbin so Rob can check on the butt plug. Satisfied Rob gets me to sit on the dustbin legs dangling slightly off the ground, the handle of the bin fitting up the crack of my ass forcing the butt plug as deep as it will go. My shoulders rest against the cold brick wall, Rob throws me a pair of hand cuffs and I have to handcuff my hands above my head to the drainpipe fixed to the wall. Why I did it I do not know, but I do as I am told, quickly and without argument.

Rob : "It looks like you need a bit of release on that flag pole you have there"

Just then I'm brought back sharply to reality, the back door is opening, I try to move away into the shadows but I cannot move, my feet are clear of the floor, ass impaled on the dustbin lid and hands handcuffed to the drain pipe. A mans voice booms out from the shadows, having obviously seen me now in my very humiliating position, even with this my bonner remains rampant and rock hard.

Rob : " Hi John what do you think to my new slave boy?"

John : "New is he ?"

Rob : "Yes first time out, but he has followed all my instructions to the letter, so he's not

Doing to bad."

My mind is in turmoil now, what does Rob mean Slave Boy and how could he degrade me by putting me in this position, so that others could see me like this. Rob then offers me to John to play with for a while so he can watch my reactions, inorder to make a fuller assessment of my Slave Boy possibilities.

Rob : "Right Nick, John is going to help me relieve that great pole of yours, but you have

To beg and plead with the two of us to do wank you off. Also as you are my Slave

Boy now and obviously liking it you will call me Master Rob now and in the future.

If you don't I can stop now and we will leave you here as you are, its up to you and

The quicker you do it the sooner we can release you and let you get dressed."

What would be worse getting left like this and being found by anybody who comes along or play along with Rob for now, get the night over with and break of all contact as I can change my E-mail address quite quickly.

Nick : "Master Rob and John please I beg you play with my cock, wank me till I cum, I

Beg you I need to be wanked hard, will you please Master Rob or let John Wank


They agree and John starts to wank me, rubbing his hand up and down the shaft of my flag pole. The helmet showing large and purple as he makes the down stroke. Its not long before I am squirming in ecstasy, the butt plug pressing on my prostrate and despite the restriction of the cock ring I am soon getting ready to Cum.

Nick : "Ohhh yes please Masters keep going Ahhhh I I I am going to Cum Yesssss!!!"

I shoot five or six large wads of cum over my face, chest and abdomen, and sink back into an exotic bliss. Quickly my hands are uncuffed and I am told to clean myself up, by scooping my own spunk up from my body using my fingers and hands, then licking my own hands clean. In my stupor I carry out the orders, eating all my own Slave Boy juices, willingly and gladly, all I want to do now is please my Master Rob. Some of the juices drop from my body to the cobble stones and I have to get down on my hands and knees and lick the stones clean. Then Master Rob throws my jeans back to me and tells me to get dressed, which I am only to pleased to be able to do before anyone else comes out to witness my humiliation.

I am still in turmoil though, with my own feelings and emotions at all that has happened and as Master Rob points out I must have liked it because my cock was once again like a flag pole, rock hard and throbbing. Once dressed I follow at Master Robs direction back into the bar, where I buy the drinks for Master Rob, John and Myself. Master Rob then instructs me that I am to remain in the bar for at least a further three pints, he and John are going now, once I am finished I can go home and he will have sent me an E-mail which I should check before going to bed. I felt everyone now in the bar was looking at me, knowing what had occurred in the back yard, and the fact that my cock was pressing hard to get out of my tight fitting Levi's even after what had taken place. I felt dirty, humiliated and could not understand why I had just done what I had done, but I had enjoyed the way John had wanked me off like he had. Yes I had done it willingly, as a consenting adult, yes I was excited by it, which was pretty evident from the hard tent in my jeans. I stayed and had the three pints before going home, I would then see what Master Robs E-mail was after all he had no idea where I lived, phone number or works, all I had to do was change E-mail addresses and I would control the end.

To be continued .......

Next: Chapter 2

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