Master Rico Training

By Male Black

Published on Sep 18, 2023


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This story, which is entirely fictional, contains dog slave training and full toilet training between two or more men.

If you are not into this, don't read on. Comments, ideas and constructive criticism are welcome.

Please write to: by Robin De Rico.

  • Continued from Master Rico - Training 2

Master Rico - Training 3

All of them returned back to the office after the lunch break. They all saw the dog slave was still staring at the wall, fully naked on its 4s kneeling position.The cup holder which was left on the dog slave's back fell off its back. All the pens were on the floor.

"How dare you drop the cup from your back doggy!" shouted the guy who kept the cup holder on the slave. Another guy came towards the dog slave and gave it a hard kick on its ball sack. The dog slave immediately dropped from its crawling position and screamed. The jockstrap from dog slave mouthed dropped on the floor covered with lots of its own dog salvia.

"Get back on your 4s!" shouted the guy. Randy came forward and grabbed the wet jockstrap and rubbed on the dog slave face covering with its own saliva.

Sam shouted across, "Since you dropped off all the pens and cup holder from your back, we will have to punish you doggy!. You will remain naked till work ends. In the mean time you will grab a pen using your filthy faggot mouth and crawl towards our tables and kneel. You will place the pen on our feet. You will go back to your 4s and remove our shoes using your mouth only, starting with the right shoe and left shoe. You will then take a deep smell of our socks for a good 30 seconds, then remove the socks from both our feets and place the socks and shoe at the side properly. You will then kiss the right feet and start sucking the toes one by one for 5 mins. Then you will go to the left feet and suck our toes for 5 mins. Make sure our whole feet are covered with salvia and dripping wet. Once you're done doggy, go back and grab another pen and continue to the next table." Everyone started to laugh and cheered. Some of their dick started to erect.

"Everyone go back to your individual table and carry on with work. Our dog here will come to your table and serve you." instructed Sam.

Sam then shouted "You can start on your punishment doggy! Don't worry I know you missed lunch and must be hungry. This will be your lunch treat. 2 in 1 doggy if you're lucky. You will get to swallow our saliva when any of us spit on your dog's face. You will start with me first doggy! You will continue doing this till 6pm till our work ends! If you can't complete on time, you will be severely punished later! Now crawl and grab a pen for me!"

The dog slavecrawled on its 4s to grab a pen from its mouth. It crawled towards Master Sam, kneeled and placed the pen on his table. The dog slave started to carry out its punishment as instructed by Master Sam. It removed Sam's shoes from its mouth, sniffed his both socks, removed them and it licked his both feets for 10 mins. Sam's feet were covered with saliva dripping from his feet.

When it was done, Sam patted the dog slave head "Well done doggy! I can see you're enjoying this. Your dick is hard and precum is leaking all over the floor. Well, you have 39 more to go! Carry on doggy!".

The dog slave continued to carry out its punishment. The dog slave crawled towards the pen, grabbed another pen from its mouth and went on to the 2nd person. After 2 hours the dog slave managed to complete about 20 of them. The dog slave was exhausted and its knee was burning in pain as it was crawling around the office for a long time. It was Peter's turn to receive it's foot licking from the dog slave. When the dog slave grabbed the pen from its mouth and crawled towards Peter's table slowly, Peter gave a kick to the dog slave's head. "Hurry up doggy, this is not some stroll in the park. This is your punishment doggy! Hurry up lick our feet and behave like a good doggy!" shouted Peter. The dog slave quickly recovered from its position and crawled towards Peter and started to carry out its task. While licking his toes, he tilted the dog slave head and spat on its face. "Here you go doggy, swallow my saliva doggy!". The dog slave swallowed Peter's saliva and continued licking. Once it was done, it crawled towards the stack of pens and continued doing the same for the remaining of them. This continued for another 3 hours. It was almost 5pm and the work shift was ending. The dog slave managed to complete 40 of them. The dog slave had no time to rest and it continued licking and licking their feets. its face was covered with its own salvia, their salvia and it was sweating. It was about 6pm and everyone started to pack.

"Before everyone leaves, take a good look at this doggy! It won't be joining us tomorrow as it will undergo the Processing and Initiation phase. Master Rico wants to break it down even further to a total doggy by the end of its 30 days training. When it returns back to the office, it will be a full dog slave. Everyone started to cheer and laughed as they were leaving the office, they patted on veejay's head while it still remained on its 4s naked.

Only Randy, Sam and Peter stayed back while everyone left the office.

"Hey guys, I really think veejay I mean, the dog slave really did a good job today." said Randy.

"Guess, it still needs improvements. Hope Master Predo can break it down to a good and obedient dog slave by the end of 30 days." replied Sam.

"I heard Master Predo has experience training lots of dog slaves in his farm. They really turn out to be a true dog by the end of his training session. Not sure what his secret is but I saw a guy I knew turned into a filthy animal by the end of his 30 days training. The guy even lost his speech and his body was fully modified with piercings and tattoos." The three of them were talking about the dog slave, while the dog slave was on it's 4s naked listening to them talking about it. The dog slave was humiliated and nervous as it didn't know what to expect after this. The conversation continued for 15 minutes till they heard the door opening.

"Come on in everyone!" shouted across. It was Master Rico, their boss. The 3 of them, including the dog slave, entered the Master Rico office. It was a seperate cabin from the other employees. His office was huge. The 3 of them sat on the sofa while Master Rico sat on his big black director chair, while the dog slave remained on the floor on its 4s naked.

"Well Veejay, it's time for you to be who you really want to be. I will make your dream come true. Besides, you still owe me a big amount of debt. I will be loaning you to one of my best friend, Master Predo. He owns a big farm and in there you will be trained for 90 days. After completing the training phase, I will probably reduce one-third of your debt." said Master Rico.

Randy, Peter and Sam were laughing. "Let's celebrate shall we?" asked Sam. "Sure, I have this old bottle of whisky given by our rich client. Let's celebrate" replied Master Rico. He opened his drawer taking out 4 glasses and pouring the whisky into the glasses. The four of them continued to talk about their day and work while the dog slave still was on it's 4s naked.

"Oh yeah before I forget to mention, doggy when you go for this training, you can fully forget about being a human again. Your assets, properties and whatever you owned will be ours to keep to clear your debt. Master Predo has the full rights over you and you will need to pass his dog slave test in order to leave the farm. Or else you will probably stay another 120'days in his dog farm."

"Hey Boss, before veejay leaves us for it's 90 days training, can we fuck him? Since we are celebrating?" asked Peter.

"Sure, that will be a good idea." replied Rico. Sam, Peter and Randy stood up to remove their shirt. "What are you guys doing? Let that doggy remove the clothes for you guys. Sit and enjoy the drink!" Master Rico told the 3 of them.

Master Rico ordered the slave "Doggy, the 4 of us are going to breed you. You're going to listen to my instructions carefully. Firstly, you are going to remove our shoes one by one and place them in the corner of the room. Then you will remove our socks and place them in our respective shoes. You are going to kiss our feet 10 times each. Once you're done you will approach me first followed by Master Sam, Master Peter and Master Randy. You will kneel in front of me to remove my shirt. Crawl back to where our shoes are and fold the shirt neatly beside the shoes. Then you will crawl back to me to remove my pants. Fold them neatly and remove my underwear. You will do the same for all of us. Once you're done, bark 3 times."

While they were all enjoying their whisky, the dog slave was crawling to their feet to remove their shoes and socks. It started to kiss them and it crawled to Master Rico to remove his clothing. the dog slave got hard after seeing Master Rico fully naked, with his bulky hairy chest, six pack abs and very muscular body. His 10 inch dick was sticking out. While the dog slave was admiring Master Rico's body, it became hard. Master Rico grabbed dog slave hair and slapped it across its face. "How about the rest of them doggy! Remove their clothes as well."

The dog slave quickly crawled towards them and started to remove Master Sam, Master Peter and Randy's clothing and place them neatly in the corner of the room as instructed by Master Rico.

All 3 of them were muscular and their dicks were about 8-9 inches. Randy and Peter were Latinos while Sam was a white American. All of them grew hard. They still continued to drink their whisky. The dog slave dick grew hard and it's precum started to lick from its dick.

"Crawl towards your Master Rico and start licking his dick and ours too. Make sure you do a good job and keep away your fucking teeth dog!Choke on it like you really mean it doggy!." shouted Sam.

Dog slave crawled towards Master Rico and started to blowjob his huge dick. Master Rico began to moan and pushed away the dog slave to Sam. One by one took turns to face fuck dog slave till it was covered with its saliva.

Get onto the table and display your ass to the edge of the table doggy!" instructed Peter.

They took turns to face fuck and fuck it's ass. While fucking dog slave it started to moan. A slap across its face. Dogs don't moan! They will bark!. After 1 hour of fucking, they took turns to cum in dogslave ass. Cum was licking from dog slave ass.

"Lick the floor clean and make sure I don't see any of our cum and your dog saliva on the floor".

Dog slave continued to lick the floor clean for 20 minutes, while the rest of them continued to drink and finish their whisky. They wore back their clothes while the dog slave reamined naked.

Master Rico grabbed its neck and pushed it to his feet. "Lick and kiss our feet to thank us for fucking you dog slave."

After licking and kissing for the remaining half an hour, they finished their whisky and were about to leave the office. It was about 9pm. "Let's leave. It's getting late" told Master Rico. The 4 of them left the office with their belongings and made the dog slave crawl out of Master Rico's office.

"Kneel on your 4s and stare at the wall" pointed Master Sam to the entrance of the office.

Master Peter patted on its head and said "Good luck with your 90 days training veejay. Can't wait to see how you behave like a real dog slave and forget about being a human again"

"Master Predo will come and fetch you to his farm. Wait here dog slave. Don't even think about running away as the office door will be locked after we leave." Master Rico told the dog slave and left the office.

The whole office was dark and the dog slave waited and waited. It was about 12am midnight, 2 hours since the 4 of them left. Its knees were sore and it was tired. Cum was leaking from its asshole. Suddenly it heard a loud bang and the door opened.

A tall black man entered. He was very muscular and big in size. Dog slave's heart started to pump even faster.

"I am your Trainer Predo! You'll address me as Master Predo. I'm here to take you to my farm where I will change you to a full dog slave! I'm going to insert a temporary dog collar and attach it with a leash. You will crawl out of here and remain naked like how you are now. You will obey and listen to my instructions carefully!" shouted Master Predo.

He then attached the collar and leash and led it out of the office to the elevator to the carpark. dog slave complied with his orders and was nervous and did not know what to expect.

"Before entering the van, I want you to crawl around my van and kiss the four wheels and come back to my feet dog!" instructed Master Predo.

the dog slave did what it was told, it crawled to the front of the van and kissed the right two wheels followed by the left wheels.

"Get in the van doggy from the back!" Dog slave entered from the back while master Predo followed it into the van from the back.

It lay on its stomach exposing its back. Master Predo made the dog slave stretch its hands and legs wide apart to cuff them to the metal railing which is part of the van frame. This caused the dog slave to restrict its movement while traveling to Master Predo's farm. He then took a black hood and hooded it's face and whispered to dog slave ears;

"Enjoy your little doggy ride, this will be the only time you will enjoy being outside. The next 90 days is going to be a living hell for you doggy! It's going to be a long drive to my farm. I'll stop in between to check on you and for my toilet breaks." He then exited the van and shut the door to enter the driver's seat.

Master Predo set off and made his way to his farm. It's a 10hours drive to his farm.

To be continued in Master Rico - Training 4

Planning to introduce more characters soon, with 90days training from day 0.

If you're enjoying this story, do share with me on how to improve and continue this story. Reach me at this email.

See you soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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