Master Nixs New Life

By Master Nix

Published on Dec 29, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline through participation between a Master and slave.

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Master Nix's New Life

Chapter 5 -- Face to Face with Potential Slave -- part 2

I started to prepare the room once again after the man pussy left. He looked so defeat as he closed the door leaving the room in his new outfit. I wish I could have put camera's in the hallways, elevator and parking lot I am sure he raced to his car in the hopes that no one saw him. He was one nervous submissive bitch that his embarrassment was greatly outnumbered by the feeling he got losing all control to his potential Master.

I took the man pussy's glass and threw on the counter. I then grabbed a new glass and filled it with the six bottles of my piss and mixing once again another cocktail for the next potential slave. I know some other Master's out there would question why I would give them anything at all however by giving them a small sample of this Masters piss, if they weren't lucky enough to be selected as my slave, every time they tasted piss it would make them wonder of the "what if". This always gives me the upper hand and all the control of the "what if" throughout the worthless potential slave's life.

I placed the new glass of piss on the desk along with a new questionnaire and placed the next potential slave's file folder containing his application and photos into the brief case awaiting new documentation to be added. Next was adding the new sign to the door for the potential slave to start his interview.

Dear potential slave,

Welcome to your interview and your possible one year contract with your new Master. Be on your best behaviour tonight and you will stand a chance. Your next steps are to undress in the hallway and put on your outfit from the picture. Fold your clothes neatly, place them on top of your lockbox then get on your hands and knees. Once ready, reach up open the door then crawl into room 802 to determine your fate. You must determine how to bring your lockbox with you at the same time without allowing your hands or knees to leave the floor. When inside close the door and kneel facing backside of the door until you receive your next command.

One last thing, your safe word is Nate......

I then went to lie down on my bed in room 804 awaiting the arrival of the next potential slave.

I heard the doorknob in room 802 and looked at the clock and it was 6:21pm. My next potential slave was early for his appointment with me. I thought to myself, smart boy as this Master does not tolerate lateness. As I am always early for my appointments of any kind whether work related or personal there is no reason to be late especially without some kind of communication if you are to be late.

Unlike the potential slave who went by Nate, I would make him wait for my arrival. I must admit, it made me a little curious to know what they were thinking about in their pathetic minds awaiting the arrival of their potential Masters. Were they having second thoughts, trying to figure out what was in the room without moving their head in the fear of being caught or were their minds blank due to the unknown of what was about to happen. Finally at 6:45pm I got up from my bed and entered into room 802, closing the door behind me as he wasn't privileged to know what was behind the door.

As I entered the room, I cleared my throat and demanded "crawl to me with your lock box and then squat in front of the desk and place your lock box on the corner and stay in your squat position while doing so." This used slave said he enjoyed going to the gym in his free time so squatting for an hour or so should be no problem.

He surprisingly was able to crawl to the desk faster than I expected without lifting his hands or knees off the floor. He tucked the lockdown between his knees under his crotch so that when he crawled forward the lockbox just follow with him being pushed forward with his knees. Once he reached the front of the desk he asked "Sir, I was ordered to keep my hands on the floor and I would ask your permission for them to leave the floor so I may place my lockbox on the desk as per your request."

"Potential slave, I have already given you the order to raise your hands to the corner of the desk when you arrived here. Do not play dumb with me; I don't have time for your games." I said to him with disgust for him in my voice.

He quickly raised his hands with the lockbox and placed it on the corner of the desk. This was the first time that I got a really good look at his body as I was standing behind the desk looking down. He was nicely fit as he stated in his email but at a quick glance, I noticed that his crotch looked like it was all balls and no dick. Could it be that he was wearing something that I missed in the photo he sent of his outfit? I guess I would have to wait and only time would tell as I had other business to get to.

As he kneeled there in front of me with the desk between us, I grab a seat in the chair and once again pulled out my laptop. I placed it on the desk so that the screen was facing me turned on the volume and placed the skype call. As the call was ringing, this potential slave had a wave of fear wash through his brown eyes and a shudder went through his body. He had no idea who I was calling, however he must have thought it was going to be a bad call for him in the end due to the look on his face. While waiting for the call to go through, I offered him my glass of piss letting him know that it was the only drink he would get until he left and there would be no refills to drink wisely.

Finally the call was answered and the normal communications were exchanged. "Good evening Master Bill, I am Master Nix and I am calling in regards to this potential slave in front of me who goes by his given name Nate. How are you doing?" I spoke with respect as I addressed his former Master, who really wasn't his former Master as he was giving him orders still through email. While first speaking on the call, I kept my eyes on the potential slave in front of me and as soon as I said Master Bill, I could see the colour drain from him as he realized what was happening. What he didn't realize was that he copied his Master in on the email, which made it extremely easy to be able to contact him and set up this appointment.

"Good evening Master Nix, thank you for your email regarding my faggot slave. He will be a very loyal slave for your use and if he isn't than you notify me and I will force him to become loyal again to your needs. I am under the understanding that you want my release of my faggot slave to become your slave for one year and then I get the piece of shit back under my command. I would agree with this, however you need to run your thoughts and ideas past me and I will give the final order." He stated, probably not with the same respect as I gave him.

Even though I felt the respect was lacking on his end, this did not diminish my respect for another Master when I spoke. "Master Bill, I will not have a slave obey me through another Master. At this time, you have relocated to another place due to work and cannot continue your methods with your slave. Obviously, receiving orders through emails is not enough for this slave and he requires personal face to face interaction and if he did become my slave from his current status as potential slave, he will have no direct contact with you until the one year contract has ended and/or I give him special orders to contact you. Also, if I did take him on as my slave and then found out he was secretly communicating with you behind my back, I would use your slave one last time in ways that you cannot even imagine that would ruin him for the rest of your life. I am not here to act as your minion Master who will give your final orders based on how or what I want to do to the slave I select as my property for one year. Either you are in agreement of releasing him for one year and giving the slave the opportunity to service a present Master as he was intended to do, or you reject me and order your slave to leave my presence immediately ultimately leaving the final decision with your slave as to what Master he wants to serve."

A brief minute of silence followed what I said before he spoke to me with anger and rage "You call yourself a Master when you are starting out and you dare to take me on? You have a lot of nerve and balls to even think you are on the same playing field as me. First off, a new Master does not speak to a seasoned Master as I and secondly you do not scold me as one of your slaves." Fire flashed through his eyes and his face was getting redder and redder as he spoke. "You order my faggot slave out of your room this instance and do not speak to him again after that." He demanded.

"Potential slave, you have heard your Master and the time have come for you to leave. You may grab your clothes from on top of the lockbox and leave. You may also dress in the hallway as I do not want you in my sight any longer. Also, unlike your Master, I have respect and admiration for another Master and since you are still under his command, even though only through email, his orders are final in my eyes." I said to the slave in question.

"Sir please may I have a moment in private with Master Bill to speak with him before you throw my faggot ass out of your presence? I beg you and Master Bill the permission for me to stay in this room a little longer to speak to him before I am thrown outside as a worthless slave not good enough for any Master." He had the look of fear in him knowing that he was speaking out of turn with two Master's present.

"You may take exactly five minutes with Master Bill, either you will be squatting here in front of the desk when I return or Master Bill will want to speak with me." I said to him as I started to walk out of room 802 and into room 804. Right before I closed the door behind me, I stated "the five minutes start officially now" and I closed the door.

Now I must admit that while I was in room 804, I was hot under the collar. How dare another Master speak to me the way he did. Did he really think that I was just another pussy that he is use to demanding orders from and having them followed? I almost walked back into room 802 instantly to tell them both to fuck off and get the fuck out of my presence although I decided that this potential slave really wanted to stay and score the one year contract with me. However if I was in his shoes a slave (not that I ever would be) I would much rather a Master in person than a Master through email. The alarm went on my phone to tell me that it had been four minutes since I left the room. To show Master Bill that he didn't own me in anyway, I opened the door to room 802 and entered.

As I entered room 802, I announced my presence to Master Bill and said that I determined they had enough time to speak and I wasn't going to give them the remaining minute to speak. This was my way of showing the potential slave that even as a new Master, I was in charge and not his Master Bill. "Master Bill and potential slave, have you reached a decision on how you two are proceeding?" I asked in a general voice no longer with respect towards Master Bill.

"The faggot slave and I have spoken and have come up with an agreement between the two of us. I just announced to him that in exactly one year and half, my employment will be bringing me back to the City and that I will release my faggot slave to you Master Nix until I return to collect him from you. Once our call is completed, he will tell you the agreement that he and I came to around me releasing him to you. During the one year contract, should he be awarded it, I will no longer have contact with the faggot slave so that I am not undermining another Master, however I will be reaching out to you Master Nix just so I know that my faggot slave is doing well and will be returned to me after the year is over. If you are in agreement than I give my blessing and we can all move on." Master Bill said with determination in his voice that attempted to hold control over the situation.

My reply was quick and short "Your faggot slave or my potential slave will notify you through email of the decision" and with that I closed the skype call keeping the upper hand over Master Bill.

"Potential slave you will remain in your squat position and fill out questionnaire on the desk in front of you to answer in two ways: First question will be "Have you participated in, answer will be Yes or No. Second question will be interest in __________, you will answer in the following way:

Limit (means you do not want to do this, but it is still up for


Maybe (possibly attempt might need some persuasion)

Curious (means let explore it and see)

OK (means if you want it Sir)

Do It (means fuck ya)

Do you understand man pussy and are you a top or bottom?"

"Sir Nix, yes I understand your direction and I am a versatile top and only bottom in rare occasions." He stated with strength in his voice, something I would have to break down if he was to become my slave.

I replied without a care in the world as I stood over him squatting in front of the desk, "You have exactly three minutes to complete the questionnaire, if you do not finish the question I will assume the answers to the unfinished questions are DO IT! If you understand follow the orders given."

He started off just reviewing the questionnaire and after about 2 minutes and thirty seconds passed he finally picked up his pen to fill out the questionnaire. He finished about five seconds later and set his pen down.

Anal sex -- yes - limit

Beating (soft) -- no answer

Beating (hard) -- no answer

Blindfolds -- no answer

Bondage (soft) - no answer

Bondage (hard) -- no answer

Clothes pegs -- no answer

Cock worship -- no answer

Collars -- no answer

Cuffs -- no answer

Electric play -- no answer

Exhibitionism -- no answer

Face slapping -- no answer

Following orders -- no answer

Forced masturbation -- no answer

Forced nudity -- no answer

Full head hood -- no answer

Gags -- no answer

Hot waxing -- no answer

Humiliation private -- no answer

Humiliation public -- no answer

Humiliation verbal -- no answer

Ice play -- no answer

Nipple clamps -- no answer

Nipple weights -- no answer

Spanking -- no answer

Orgasm denial -- no answer

Shaving -- no answer

Suspension -- no answer

Voyeurism -- no answer

I picked up his questionnaire and placed in the brief case along with the rest of his file for review later. I then moved over to his lockbox and put his password into the lockbox 8-0-2 same as man pussy's code. I then ordered the potential slave to stand in front of me and to remove his mask that he felt was what this Master wanted him to wear.

Before grabbing anything out of the lockbox, I went for a better examination of this potential slave's crotch and realized that he was a grower (or at least I hoped he was for his sake). His flaccid dick must have been maybe an inch long and his crotch was of a great bush of curly pubic hair with a medium size sack. I went back to the lockbox made a small chuckle to myself as I realized what this potential slaves name would be. Reaching into the lockbox, I reached in and pulled out his penis cage then handed it to him.

He took it from my hands and stood there awaiting further orders. I then spoke to him, "Weenie, give me the main reason you want to become my slave! Just so you are aware, I am recording tonight via cameras and recording devices do you approve of that or should we delete everything together?"

"You may keep the recordings Sir, they do not bother me as I am too worthless for someone out there in the main world to care about." Then he just stood there in silence. He then looked me in the eye as he spoke, "At first, I wanted to become your slave to make my previous Master jealous for leaving me behind, however after listening to you speak to my Master, I realized it was more about me and not my Master. I was serving a Master through emails and living a solitary life while my Master was out doing whatever he wanted and sent an email here and there. I would then have to video tape it and send it to him to show that I followed orders, but it was just me doing it to myself, how was I truly serving a Master I asked myself? Tonight showed me that my only pleasure in life is serving a Master face to face and if I must leave my current Master for the next year to get that, so that my life finally has meaning again, then I need to take matters into my own hands and become your slave and service you the way you want it." He was fighting back tears when he finished because of his realization.

"Weenie, I want you to place that penis cage on your dick, but only do so if after tonight's interview you still want to be part of the selection process of becoming my slave on a one year contract." I gave him the demanded and waited.

Immediately, weenie had placed the penis cage securing his "growing" penis into place. I than grabbed the lock from the lockbox and handed it the weenie. "Weenie, I want you to place the lock in its place on the cock harness and lock it, if you trust your potential Master to give you the five letter word that will open this lock if you are not selected as my slave. You will know either way tomorrow by six in the evening."

Once again, there was no hesitation by him. He secured the penis cage with the lock and clipped it shut without hesitation. I reached into the lockbox and pulled out the final item and placed them in the weenie's hand. This is your new outfit and you are to wear these every time I see you in the future.

Weenie wasted no time putting his two feet into the boxer briefs. He went to pull them up to his waist and learned that they were about a size too small for him and had to struggle to finish putting them on. I then walked over to weenie and pushed the button that was stitched into the waistband of the underwear. Weenie gave me a weird look as he was still trying to figure out what the button was for and then he realized what was happening.

The waistband was constructing to a size smaller and when I pulled on the waistband the underwear did not attempt to leave his hips.

"Weenie, these are special underwear that gives you no access to your crotch or ass without my permission. Should you need to go to the bathroom or need to take a shower, you will call me from this special cell phone (that I grabbed from the brief case on the desk) and I will give you a code that you will need to enter into the side panel by the button. You also need to know that once this code is entered, a camera will activate in the front of the waistband and I will tell you over the phone where to put them so I can guarantee you do not do anything you shouldn't do while they are off. Once you are done using the bathroom or shower, with my direction you will put the underwear back on and then press the button." The colour left his face as I told him how he not only lost control of his dick, now he lost full control of his crotch and ass without my permission and to make matters worse, I was going to be able to see him when he was doing his business and taking away any privacy he had left.

I then placed his clothes and mask into the lockbox, locked it and ordered him out of my sight and to take his lockbox with him. He gathered his lockbox and started to crawl for the door as he had entered. Just as he was about to close the door behind himself, I asked "What deal did Master Bill want Weenie to tell me?"

Without hesitation weenie spoke "Master Bill has asked that my asshole is off limits to any penetration of any kind." He was on his hands and knees waiting for my response when the door closed between us.

Author Master Nix

Next: Chapter 6

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