Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 26, 2005


I play with his balls. His dick head was purple from excitement and when he threw his head back, it happened...From the end of his cock, spurt after spurt of cum shot out! I was completely surprised. I quickly got my mouth on that eight inch cut piece of meat and caught most of it in my mouth and it surprised everyone. I made sure I clean his dick off really well. My master took a lot of pictures john, David and I that day. As soon as I finished cleaning johns cock off my master called me and I crawled to his feet, David stayed were he was till master Allen yelled his David's name out and then David crawled to his new master. John thanked master Williams and Master Allen for letting him have one on his dreams to come true. To have to hot guys at one time and hoped he can do it again. I do need to get back up to the desk. I want to thank you guys for letting a guy like me be apart of you fun. Thanks again, and john got dressed and left the room. 9pm: Now for David to get his nipple rings and a Prince Albert said Master Allen. Sir said David I thought you were going to wait till after you had Jed broken. Master Allen slapped David's face so hard that David was cut off guard and fell to the floor. Boys, who told you, can talk to me that way and I didn't give you permission to speak only when spoken and how dare you boy. Sorry sir if forgot my place, please for give me. Master Allen took David to the sawhorse and tied him down and told him. For disobedience you will be whipped five times and every time you do this I will increases the whippings by five more each time. I'm sorry Sir. I deserve to be punished for disobedience, I should ask for your permission. I'm sorry sir it will not happen again. I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you decide to give me." Master Allen put the whip too David face and told him to lick the whip that was about to be used on his back and ass again. Whack, David's body jumped with each lash that cross his body, David, said thank you sir may I have another one, whack thank you sir may I have another one, whack thank you sir may I have another one, whack thank you sir may I have another one, whack thank you sir may I have another one, whack thank you sir may I have another one, and one more for you too remember whack thank you sir may I have another one. Then his master treated his boy's abused back and legs with peroxide, and later lotion and rubbed it in and . I Listened to David's soft moans, sobbing as his master tended to him. 10pm Master Allen asked my master if he was getting hungry, I don't know about you after a good fuck session I like to get something to eat and a drink. Master Williams agree yes I'm starved let get some thing to eat and hit the bars. David and I dressed our master and then we got dressed. I still had my leather collar on and so did David. I had a pair of shorts on and a t-shirt and David was given a pair of cut off jean that my master brought for him and s see through shirt like the one I was wearing and sneakers . Both master had us on there leashes. Mine was a leather one and David's was just one made out of rope. We were put in the back of master Allen's van .We went to a burger joint in the next town. We were escorted to a table out side and told to sit on the ground. David had to be reminded of where to sit. Master Allen went and ordered some food. When he returned we sat next to our master waiting for a scrap of food to be given to us. Every once in a while sir would stick some food in my mouth and then pat my head. I knew better than to beg for food from the table. My master gave me less then half of his sandwich to me and I knew I had been a good boy. And David did get some thing to eat but he kept looking around to see if he noticed any one, it was dark out and not too many people around. When they finished we got back into the van. Then they head down the road, and came to stop at Jims tattoo parlor. They open the back door of the van and told us to get out and walked behind your masters. Master Allen and master Williams talk to Jim at the counter. Hello gentlemen what can I do you this evening. Master Allen tells Jim that I got a new slave that needs some work on him. What do you have in mind sir? Nipple rings and a Prince Albert a tattoo that reads slave on his ass .just pick out the ones you want and what can I do for you Mr. Williams another tattoo for my boy here a twisted rope around his right arm . Do you two want one room or two? Master Allen looked at each other. Two rooms please. Jim said I will be right back and came back with another dude, Paul take Mr. Allen to room three and I take Mr. Williams to room one. Two ok who want to go first. Master Allen said you go. Jim said let got to the back room and get started. Jim had his leather vest and leather pants .I could still see his tattoos and both nipples had big rings. Drop the pants and shirt and sit over there on the chair. I looked at sir and did as I was told too , with that Jim shaved around my right arm , then wiped them down with alcohol, and I looked at sir and said , thank you sir .

Master smiled as Jim started to apply the design to my arm. And starts to tattoo my arm, Jim wipes my arm it away and dam that stings I said as he wipes up the blood on my arm. Keep it still or I tie you down again boy, and slap my chest hard. Master said better tie him down and I let you have some fun with him when your get done. Jim said cool I enjoyed my self the last time you were here, wish all my customers let me abuse them a bit. With that I was tied down to the chair. The wrist was pulled and tied to a post across from the chair. Jim worked on me for about hour the he pulled out his needle and said, since I like you slave I like to pierce his ball sac and showed sir some post that he wanted to do to my balls. There is no charge for the post said Jim, sure go ahead go for it and you can fuck him again. Jim went about his work on my arm when he was done he wrapped it up and told me to keep I clean. Jim untied me from the chair and post. Jim flipped me over and pulled up with his hands around my waist, and pulled up, he wanted me to get up on my knees and bend over, doggie style. Reached for some k-y from the table and put a glob of lube too my hole. Then he placed his cock at my eager hole, put his hands on each side of my waist and began fucking me again. Once again he fucked me like a wild man. Jim shoved his nine inch dick deep inside me, oh man. I started thrusting my ass back at him at the same time as his thrusts forward, timing it so we hit each other with force each pump. Planted fully in my ass, he began to stand up, with his cock still in me, his hands around my waist pulling me into standing position without his cock falling out. I started to raise up to support my weight on my hands, but he pushed my shoulders down, making my head hang upside down, practically touching the ground, supporting my weight on my fingers. I was facing backwards now and could see his muscular legs behind mine and the forward motion of his body thrusting into me. He fucked me like this for a long time, I'm sure it was only ten or fifteen minutes, but time seemed to stand still. I was slightly lightheaded from my head dangling. Once again I felt that feeling of warmth. It was Jim shooting in to my ass, my master kept a lose eye on us all the time. When Jim was done my master walk up to me and pushed me to the floor and pulled his cock out. I open my mouth and sir started to piss in my mouth and I tried to get it all but sir pissed on my face and body. When sir was done I thanked him for his piss and Jim sir thank you for using my body. 9:30 pm It time to go boy get dressed said my master by this time Jim was just putting his vest back on. Mr. Williams you got a hot boy there, cant wait to work on him again; sir just smiled and said yes we will be back. Yes sir. You want me to check on you friends, would you please said my master. Jim came back and said they should be ready in a minute or so. Just then Master Allen and coach came out of the booth. Coach just had his short on and I see he got the big nipple rings on. Have to wait and see what else happen later. Master Allen was smiling ear to ear when he got to the front counter and paid his bill. My master told Master Allen he needs to be getting back to the inn to pick up his truck and head on home. Master Allen opens the back door the van David and I got in. 11:00pm When we arrived at the inn my master opens the door and pulls the leash to get out. I jump out and sir takes me to room 11 and Master Allen leaves the parking lot with David. Don't worry he will be back in a couple of hours boy. "Get those things off now Boy Strip!" yes sir. I stood there with my head bowed waiting for his next Command. Sir grabbed my balls and told him to follow me (not that he had much choice under the circumstances). Into the room 11 we went In, sir turned to him and said, "I expect obedience I also demand respect from those who have been granted the privilege of serving me. Failure to obey these two rules will be met with severe punishment. Do you understand?" yes sir I fully understand sir. And lays me on the sawhorse and ties me up good and tight. Sir slaps my ass really hard. Thank you sir, May I have another one .You done good boy, I didn't get the coach for my self and you might get a piece of Jed ass for a while boy , if you win and you may fuck Jed first but if you lose I bet boy, you wish you had won boy. Don't like my boys to lose at anything boy. Sir spread my ass cheeks and pushed his dick up my ass raw. I was in pain real pain. Boy relax and breath or you be tore up inside. Oh the pain I felt I was having a Mac truck pushed up my ass. Inch by inch sir pushed his massive tool up my hole. The pain, the pain but turns to pleasure, oh sir fuck me deep sir deeper sir. I can feel sir balls hitting my ass each time he pushes his dick deep and deep up my ass. I can feel the veins on his dick stretching my hole. Oh sir fuck me, fuck more, more sir fuck my hole. I was getting all sweaty as well as my master. Sir slapped my back really hard, oh boy I'm going to shoot up your ass and you better not lose it boy. Sir just kept on fucking deeper and deeper, then I heard a moan from master and I could feel the warm hot cum shoot into me. Take it, take it my slave boy. Take it all and don't you ever lose a drop. With that sir slams his dick deep and hard, his ball hitting my ass at the same time. My master pulled his cock out of my ass I felt empty without it. Then sir stood in front of me, open you mouth boy, I open it without hesitation and sir shove his cock in and I started to lick his meat in my mouth, I could tastes the cum and my ass juices and some shit too. Mm, mm, good I quickly work my magic on his tool. Yes, boy, that's the way to take care of your master boy. Keep it up boy; keep your tongue a working boy. Sir pulled his dick out of my mouth, I was not ready for him to take it out yet, but sir was. Sir walk to the toys on the table .sir chose a big black butt plug and approached my ass shoved the plug up my ass. I started to complain and sir slapped my head .I knew better so I just moan and relaxed while I was being shoved in my ass. You will keep this in till I say so boy, and in the morning you take it out to shit but it back in. you will run with it in and I be checking on you boy, yes sir. Sir went to get a belt and gave me ten lashes for attempting to complain about the plug going up my ass. Remember boy how belongs to who, sorry sir I forgot sir, sorry sir. I should leave you tied up here for the night boy for your actions boy. You walk back to your dorm with only your shorts on and I leave the leather collar on and run with it on and take it off to shower. And if any one asks you tell that you have been a bad slave boy. Yes sir, sir releases me from the sawhorse and cut my short really short and told me to leave his sight and he will be watching me all the way to my dorm room yes sir sorry sir didn't me to be disrespectful sir. I know boy you're still learning. Yes sir, this boy will try sir you better slave sir. Now go boy, bye sir. Thursday 1:25 am Sir shut the door be hide me, I walked back to my dorm room there were not too many people out at that time of morning. When I got to my dorm, no one was around. And took off my shorts and went right to bed. And lay on top of the covers. I set my clock and fell to sleep. 5: oo am My alarm clock went off and I dragged my ass out of bed. Got my razor, shaving cream and shaved my body to make sure I didn't have any unwanted hair. The phone ran I put it on speaker phone. Good boy, see you made sure you shaved before you run this morning, remember leave the plug in and run extra half hour, and leave the leather collar on till you get ready to shower boy. Yes sir, now get going boy, bye sir. I hung up the phone then I put my running shorts on, shoes and socks and stuck my key in my sock and stopped off at the bathroom to take a piss. Then pulled the plug out and took a shit, when done I put it back in, man my ass hole was sore from last night fuck with master. Then started my five mile run, first through the campus then to the local park then around down town, not to many people up at this time of day. When I got to the park I stopped to get a quick drink of water. And I had to pee again so I went into the rest room and started to piss. There was Hank Wilson taking a piss again. Do you always be here this time of day, well no not really? Hey Bert love the leather collar, I was hoping you and I. I want to fuck you ass and was hoping you and I can get it on. Not here dude, too many cops know about this spot and I don't want to get into trouble hank. No, no, I thought we could go back to my place and I could, we can do it there. I stood at the toilet and thought real hard. I don't know if you need money I can get you some. It's not far Bert; please I need some tight ass Bert. I should run my two miles hank I do have a meet coming up. We can run to my place and only keep you for thirty minutes and then you can get back to your run Bert. I run with you to your place and decide then ok, not promising anything but a run for now. Ok said Hank, hank smiled and he pulled his running shorts up and off we went running down main then too sixth street and stop at a door next to his shop. Well are you coming in, I don't know I should do my run, just for a drink of water. That won't hurt will it; no I guess it will be ok. Hank opens the door and I went in up the stairs to his place. Sit and make your self at home, what do you want to drink water, soda, what. Water is fine, back in a minute, when he returned he was naked, he handed me a glass of cold water thank you for the water, and I do have to go hank hate to wear clothes. Hank rubs my chest; I drank the water, I don't think so hank I belong to some one and I can't have sex with you today. The room started to spin, I feel funny, I couldn't move. Hank raises my arm and drops to the chair. I can move, well now we are going to have some fun. Don't worry boy, it wear off in hour or so and you be good as new. I would have given you fifty dollars, your master won't know, I certainly won't tell any one. You college kids are all alike prick teas and think your better then others. With that hank pulled off my shoes, sock, and running short. And carried me to his bedroom were he put in a sling me and chained me to the sling and put a gag ball in my mouth. In the corner of the room there are four video camera set up. Don't worry I get every thing on tape boy. That does just incase you decided to scream for help. I see your wearing a plug boy and pull it out. I put it back in when I'm done with you ass boy. Too bad you didn't want to fuck me, oh well maybe next time. I tired to scream and hank just slapped me on the face, be have and I let you go boy. Hank reaches of some K-y and put a glob on my hole and finger fucked me for a while. Boy I see you been fuck recently and by the feel your master has a big dick boy. Lucky for you that your open still boy. Now to get down to business boy with that hank shove his dick up my ass , tells me I'm a scum of the earth, lower then dirt, a pussy cunt, a whore, white trash. And while he's fucking my hole , he is also pulling at my nipple rings , I hope he don't pull them off, dam what did I get my self into with his guy. How could I be so stupid and put my self in this position? Then hank shot his load in me and pulled his dick out then put my plug back in. Something to remember you of me boy, Oh and if you tell anyone you will disappear and never be found again and you will be paid for the fuck boy. So It's my word against yours I got a lot of friend to take care of you if you try something boy. I started to get my feeling in my arms and legs back. With that hank told me next time, I don't think so, you will be back and you will not tell anyone especially your master boy. Hank unties my arms and legs and hands me the money, take it, you earned it and there is more where that comes from boy. I took the money and got dressed and left hanks place as quick as possible. By the time I hit the street I had full use of my body. Dam, how could I let some one do this to me? Instead of getting angry I thought how cool would it be to use on some one I wanted to get back at. I shouldn't of refuse hank; I hope I see him again; I put the money in my sock. I better get moving I'm running behind. I better not tell my master he would cut off my balls and beat me to death. And I can use the extra money for emergency. I about an hour behind on my running, I hope master not see that, I could tell him I lost track of time? Dam I have a raging hard while running, cool. My dick making a tent and flopping back and forth, nipples rock hard and the ring sparkle in the morning sun. I'm

enjoy running and showing off my body now., the closer I got to campus the more people around to look at. 8:45 am I noticed that theirs more guys around today. I was all hot and sweaty. I head for my room to get a towel and shower; I hid the money in my socks as I strip off my clothes. I grabbed my towel and soap and headed for the showers. I just let it hang all out since the bathroom was just two doors down, I did get some looks, and I just went on my way to the bathroom showers. The showers were full so I had to wait used the showers so I leaned against the wall and waited for my turn. The last one open up, man did I get a lot of guys checking me out. I didn't hide my body, I proud of what I got some of theses guys needed to work out or didn't have much in the meat department. There were a couple of guys that did stop to see me naked, after a bout fifteen minutes in the shower I got out and dried my self really slow to see if I had anyone watching me or not. 9:15 am Got back to my room and the phone rang I automatic put on the speaker phone when I answered the phone now a days. It was sir on the phone, boy where have you been. Sorry sir got side tracked this morning. There is a runner Mr. Hank Wilson we been running into each other and asked if I like to run with him today and then we got a talking and I lost track of time sir. Sorry sir. Boy is your plug still in yes sir. I turn and show it to him on the camera. Good boy no wear it for the rest of the day. Have you heard from Jed today boy, no sir nothing yet sir? Let me know if you do boy, yes sir. Not get ready for class and wear your sweat pants and a t-shirt, yes sir and you may take off the leather collar but you must keep it with you at all times boy, yes sir, I understand sir. Have a nice day boy. Bye sir. I put my books and the things I need for today into my book bag and got dressed and left my room to grab a quick bite before class. 10 am art class I got to class fifteen minutes early, eat on the way and was hopping to talk to Mr. Philips and see his reaction. Bert how are you doing today, fine sir. I looked down and saw a tent in Mr. Philips pants. Bert can you come with me I want to talk to you before class starts, sure sir. I follow Mr. Philips to his office and shut the door. Bert I wonder if you do some more posing for me I have night class next week. . Same pay but it's from 6 to 9:30pm Tuesday, I also would like to do portrait of you nude if you don't mind it would be only a couple of hours during the week we can schedule it some night while you pose for my night class and I some time at my home as well . I would make a copy for you of course. Sir I let you know by the end of class to day sir. Ok we better get back to class it's about to start and we are doing a bowl of fruit today. Yes Mr. Philips, as we walk back to class I quickly called sir and asked for his permission. Sir answer the call on the third ring, yes boy what do you want boy. Sir my teacher would like me to pose for his night class and want to a portrait of my self also sir. The portrait would be in the nude sir also. There was a long pause in the connection. Are you getting paid boy, yes sir I believe the same amount as last time, I need to pose at night sir some at school and sometimes at his house sir. You may do it boy, I will pick you up each night after your session's boy. Yes sir I tell Mr. Philips I can do it sir. I went into class and sat down to start to sketch the bowl of fruit, there was an apple , two peach, grapes and one long banana which had to be at least nine inches long. The banana and peaches kept reminding me of a long hard cock and balls. And the butt plug did nothing to help and top it off my cock was rock hard and I was in pain. Mr. Philips kept looking over my shoulder and pacing around my chair. I could see as the nose on my face his dick tenting out and mine was no better. I need some relief soon or I will be going out of my mind. On top of it all I can get what happen this morning with hank out of my head also. I told Mr. Philips I need some relief now or me going to go nuts on him. He told me to go to his office and he will be there in a minute. I pick up my things and headed for his office which was across the hall. I waited outside his office. Mr. Philips was all smiles and unlocks the door and told me to go in. Mr. Philips shuts the door and locks it. Mr. Philips walk up behind me and rubs my back, lets see what we can do about your problem boy. He whisper into my ear, strip and I take care of your big problem boy, do it now boy. Yes sir, I stripped and when I turned around Mr. Philips had his pants and underwear down to the floor and his shirt was open. I stood there naked, Mr. Philips grabbed my ass rubbed both my ass cheeks, played with my plug in my ass. Turned Mr. Philips ordered me around. Mr. Philips grabbed my cock and pulled me towards him and he sat down on the chair. Mr. Philips face was in my crotch he opened his mouth and started to suck my dick. It was so hot; I could feel his tongue playing with my Prince Albert. He moans and moaned, dam boy you got such juice piece of meat here boy, mm, boy. He reaches for my nipples and began to play with them. Keep this up teach and you have a mouth full of cum, mm, oh good. Teach reaches and plays with my butt plug and that did it I shot my load deep in his mouth, teach started to gag a bit but recovered well. After shooting my load , I was weak and fell to the floor, Mr. Philips caught me and laid my over his desk face down and spread my legs apart and pulled my plug out and laid it to one side and replaced it with his nine inch three inch wide dick. Boy just relax and every things going to be fine

He grabbed my hips and forced his nine inch rod inside me. "Fuck!" I moan, and I moan half in pain, half in pleasure. Teach fed his thick cock deeper inside me, stretching my hole to the max, until he got every inch of his cock inside me. I immediately became hard again. He started to thrust in and out, now rocking back and forth, punishing my smooth hole. "Give me your dick sir!" I moaned, and he fucked harder. His sweaty legs were pressed up against mine, and I could feel his stomach against my ass at the end of his powerful thrusts. He was pounding me like so many have done in the last couple of days, calling me a bitch, making it hurt, and the pleasures it brought in me. Thrusting his man meat in and out, it must been nine inches long and fat, deeper, deeper, pulling my ass and ramming it in me I didn't know how much longer I could last. "Take my big, dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch" "You like that bitch?" Yes sir," I replied softly it." Then he started to spank me, hard, and harder, still probing my ass with his cock, his strong hands slapping my smooth ass, making it red, adding to the pleasure. Now he fucked faster, he was on the balls of his feet, and fucking me as fast as he could, moving in and out, pounding, thrusting, and fucking me harder! I heard him moan softly, and he started ramming it in me, pushing me forward with his cock. Fuck I'm going to cum." he moans, and blew his huge load all in me; I can feel his warm juice in me. He fell on top of me and I could feel his sweaty body all over mine. After a couple of minutes to recover Mr. Philips put the plug back in my hole , then he hands me a towel and tell me to clean up quickly and go on home for the day you can work on the sketch by memory and I see it Tuesday. Mr. Philips wiped himself down and got dress now keep this between us boy ok , I winked at Mr. Philips and put on my clothes and head back to my room. 10:45 am I head back to my dorm room, instead of going to my room I hit the shower, and I had couple of towels in my bag. I striped off my clothes and pulled the plug out. I need to shit badly and I didn't want to fib again today to my master. I sat on the toilet and let my hole drain of shit and cum. After shitting a brick of cum, then got into the shower and clean my self off again and stood under the hot shower for about ten -- twenty minute. 11:20 Went to the field to work out some extra time before my daily track practice began and saw coach fox with this young man I never saw before, six -- one tall, 145 lbs nice ass and well developed body all prime beef , very short black hair wear tight fitting shirts and shorts and coach had his arms around the guy? When I approached the two guys coach handed the guy some money and patted his ass and said I talk to you later. Oh hi, Bert, I wanted to know are you mad at me, I should be pissed at you boy but I need to thank you. I was puzzled, you made me find my self and you brought me and my son closer then anyone has done before since my wife died. That was my son Dave, I told him about my sexuality last night. I had shown him my nipples rings and my tattoo. He thought they were hot and sat down and told him of my sexual past. At first I thought he upset it turns out he might be gay also. He has some encounters with guys his own age and was glad we brought it out into the open. We talked all this morning and want me to get him a dildo and cock ring for him. Cool coach, I showed coach my new tattoo and told him I got a ring behind my balls sac. Coach told me then that master Allen was going to stay at his house a couple nights a week. Has aloud me not to call him sir in front of my son but do have to wear a chain like yours all the time. No big deal, he seen when I showed my nipples rings and prince Albert to him and my tattoo with master Allen's mark on my ass. The tattoo is crest with two stars on it. Dave wants nipple rings and a tattoo on his left forearm as soon as possible, I think he wants snake going up his arm? I still like to fuck you once in a while if you don't mind Bert. And what about Jed coach asked, don't worry about Jed. Jed going to get his ass tattooed soon and you find him a changed boy by next weekend coach. I winked at coach and both started to laugh and that's when Jed showed up. 12 noon Coach blew his whistle three times to let us know that practice was beginning. Coach told us all to get in row of four and he wanted us to do some exercises before we did our laps around the track. Coach told Jed to stand in front and show how he how it to be done. First were twenty jumping jacks the coach announced, then twenty-five push ups, coach announced, twenty knee bends.

First group take your positions Jed and his buddies are in the first group, and then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach blew his whistle, second group take your positions that was my group, then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach yelled now everyone fifteen lap around the track and then that's all for today. And reminded us Saturday was a meet here at 8 am and don't be late. After practice I ran to the cafeteria grabbed a bit and went the dorm and dropped off my bag and called sir to ask for it was ok to shit and pee. Sir asked how practice went told it went right. Was told I could pee and shit but had to put the plug back in and sir told me have nice day. 2pm (1 .5 Hr) class time I arrived ten minutes early to my computer class with Professor Bill Newport was sitting at his desk , Bert come here please I got something to show you my son. I put my book in front of my computer. When I got to Mr., Newport desk he looked a round to see who was there in the room. And open his briefcase and shown me pictures of his nipple rings and his Prince Albert and all the rings he has on his ball sac. And several tattoo also on his body. I told Mr. Newport that I got a new tattoo on my arm and a ring on my ball sac. Like to see them some time Bert and Mr. Newport and I looked down say him grab his crotch and smiled at me. The bell rang and most of the class were at there seats. We went over chapters ten and eleven. They dealt with how to make your own web page and set up presentations. By the time class ended I was hard a rock again. The bell rang and everyone left the room. 3:3O PM

I made sure I was the last student out of the class and walked out with Mr. Newport down the hall. We stopped in front of Professor Newport door and talked about the class assignment and then he asked me to step into his office. I looked at my watch and walked in and shut the door Professor put his briefcase down and open his case up again. He pulled out the pictures and I sat down in a chair. He goes to the door and locked it. Then professor starts to rub my shoulders your fine looking man Bert, thank you sir, then starts to rub my chest and then my nipples. Since you shown me you're Bert I'm going to show you mine if you like. Yes sir, always like to see others who like to show off their bodies sir. Good to hear that Bert. Professor starts to undo his tie and then his shirt, till he was totally naked. And professor had a semi hard on. He came up to me and said let see your now boy. I stood and striped and showed off my tattoos and body jewelry to the professor. He then pushed me to floor, and shoved his nine inch cock down my throat. I pulled off of his cock, I licked his cockhead and turned my attention to his big hairy balls, licking first the sack & then taking one of them at a time into my mouth then I went back to his cock and began sucking it faster now, harder, deeper, up and down I could feel his veins on his meat. He began pushing forward to meet the deep thrusts to my head and throat. He was pushing with his whole body into me. I could feel the chair to shaking me. Finally he began breathing hard and grunting and I could feel his cock getting harder and Larger and fatter in my mouth. His cock head seemed to double in size as he began pumping his cum into my mouth. When he finished shooting in my mouth, I could sense his whole body relaxing and settling back down. His cock, almost immediately, lost about half of its hardness, while still in my mouth. I pulled back until just the head was still in my mouth, giving me room to swallow his load, and I then cleaned the length of Professor Newport cock with my tongue , licking it with my tongue as I was finished. I was taking my time, and remember thinking someone might try to stop and see Professor Newport about the class work and might stop by. I was enjoying myself too much on this hot dick. Finally I pulled off of him and moved back. He popped up, and sat back on his desk. Then Professor Newport stood up and pulled put his pants, shirt back on. I got dressed in a hurry and Professor Newport sat behind his desk and told me. He likes the work I'm doing in class and to keep up the good work and we both grind ear to ear and Professor Newport winked at me. Don't forget next week is a test on chapters ten and eleven Bert. Yes sir, I know I could use some help with chapter eleven Professor Newport. Any time boy, anytime. I got up made sure I was dress properly and grabbed my book bag and left Professor Newport office. 4:15pm I called my master as soon I reached my room on the speaker phone. I striped for him and waited for my master request. He didn't answer his phone strange, so I sat down and did my homework from today's class. So I lay on my bed naked, and read my computer book with my legs spread a part for maxim view for my master pleasures. Around 4:45 the phone rang. Hello, I put sir on the speaker phone. Were have you been boy, sir professor Newport was helping with a computer class problem was not able to get in class so he offered to help me some sir. Was he able to help you with your problem boy, yes sir, I was putting information wrong sir. Meet me down stairs 5:15 boy, yes sir. What should I wear sir. Shorts, shoes, and an old t-shirt boy and make sure you are clean inside and out. Yes sir will do sir. I got out the enema bottle I had stashed under my bed and headed for the shower. I filled the bottle with hot water and too it into the shower and stuck the hose up my ass. This red head came in and saw me doing it and they just stood there and watch for five minutes and stripped off his robe and dropped to his knees and started to suck my cock and jack off at the same time. You like boy, yes. I'm Tim across the hall. I heard your door shut and figure you headed into here. You want my cock boy, yes sir, I try to be in here when you are here and try to get a peek of your body sir. I grab his head with both hands and fucked his eager mouth with all my might. While I was fucking his mouth Tim started to jack off. I slapped his head, who told you, you can play with you self boy. Sorry sir. I grabbed the back of Tim's hair and pulled his mouth off of my dick. I thought if you want a piece of my cock you do as I say got it boy. Tell me boy how bad do you want it, really bad sir. I do anything sir, anything at all. Are you sure boy even become a slave for life boy. I wouldn't go that far Tim stammered out. I push him to the floor. Then you really don't want it that bad, just a quickie now and then boy. I guess it can be arranged boy. When I get back to the dorm tonight I come and let you have it once a week boy only if you can handle it boy, yes sir, I be waiting for you sir. Now go to your room and we will talk about it later. Now go boy and don't get dress just go now. Tim gets up and gathers his clothes and walk out of the shower room. I let the enema fill me up and held it in as long as I could then squatted and let the water out I did this about six times till I was cleaned out. I love the feeling of being cleaned out and the pressure it make when I'm full of hot water. I quickly soaped my body head to toe and see I need to shave again. Dam I got five minutes dam, some hair on my balls I better dry and shave it off before I go down for sir. Jumped out of the shower and gather my stuff ran back to the room and found my razor stretched the ball out so I could get all of the hair. I'm going to have to find a cream to remove my hair better, will get some today or after my run in the morning. I got dressed as ordered and ran to the curb to wait for my master. I got there just as he was coming around the corner. 5:15pm I got in the truck and I handed sir my leather collar and he put on me and I striped off my short. Sir while cleaning up for you a boy who lives across the hall from me might be a candidate for a possible slave sir. Good when you able boy you're to get him to make an appointment to bring him along some time. Will try sir ask him if he wanted to be a slave and said no sir. Slap across the chest, next times don't try to recruiting with out my telling me first boy, yes sir, sorry sir. We drove for an hour out of town. Sir pulled up this old farm house. Theirs three pickup trucks out front, I was still nude and sir told me to get out. Sir put a leash to my collar and walked me to the barn. Sir opens the door and took me into a stall and padlocks me to the stall full of hay and left me there.

Next: Chapter 10

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