Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 25, 2005


Wednesday I knew he was going to be in a fucked hard and good, my hole was still open from the fuck session earlier, and so I had to prepare myself. I heard him whispering above me, "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh, Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it" coach said. I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." after being fuck for an hour. He shot load up my ass then pulls his dick out of me. I love the feeling go being fucked , but my hole feels so empty .Now you cock sucker, clean my dick off now with that I did as told I took his cum covered ass juices into my mouth and lick it clean with my tongue. Just then the door open to the next room, it was my master with a camera snaps, snap, snap. Who told you can fuck my slave David fox my master yelled out. In walks my master taking pictures hanging from his pants were cuffs, belt rope two collars. Hey, come on, man I didn't know, ya I bet said my master. I didn't know he was a slave, cant your read, on his right ass cheek read slave. I didn't know said coach, he didn't tell me he had a master, I swear. I had coach by the balls in a tight grip and my mouth on his dick. Coach tries to push me away but can't get away. Master has his leather pants, vest on. Sir approaches us at the bottom of the bed. I move out of sir's way, sir flips coach on to his stomach and handcuffs him, then rolled him on to his back. Don't say a fucking sound or I will gag you and beat the shit out of you. And my boy here will say you made him have sex with you and you raped him. Think what your son would say and the other teacher think of you. And when they send you away for raping a student the guys in the joint would love to make them your fuck toy. So keep your mouth shut and do as you're told, you slim bucket. Coach David fox just nodded to sir questions. Sir grabbed coaches' balls and told him to come with me if you don't want to lose your balls or your life (not that he had Much choice under the circumstances).into the room adjoining room coach. When we reached the door to the next room, Sir Turns to coach and said, "I expect obedience you and I also demand respect from those who have been granted the privilege of serving me. Failure to obey these two rules will be met with severe punishment. Do you understand?"?" Yes, Sir!" came from David immediate response.

David was shocked and scared at the possibilities that lay ahead. I sensed a little hesitation from the coach as he saw sir's Equipment laid about the room coach David started to panic and pulled on his balls harder until I had him under my control I Maneuvered him into the centre of the room. Where a wooden cross was standing, sir quickly undo one cuffs wrist and fastened his wrist to the cross with him facing the cross, then and fastened the other wrist to the cross. I tied his legs to the cross; At least he wasn't going to get away from sir. Just what was I going to do to this? Obviously this coach was not a total willing slave yet? I was wondering what sir had in plan for coach, Then it hit me! Sir stepped behind him and paused to let the anticipation grow. Sir then attached a leather two inch collar on coach and locked it and took more pictures to use to keep coach David fox in line. I could see coach trying to figure what to do; I could see the conflict in coach's face and actions. I will go easier if you corporate if not I love to work over a slave the hard way. It is up to you, the hard way or the easy and more. Pleasurable way its up to you bitch. I would begin; sir reached for his whip, so what's it going to be boy. I laid a real hard one on his ass. What ever you want sir, Coaches body jerked against the restraints but he did not scream. Struggling will not work you are lock tighter the fort Knox boy. Coach huff and puff with the gag in his mouth. Sir reaches for his belt and takes a whack at coach's back and ass. You are to give your self to me boy freely understand, coach nodded. Sir takes out the gag ball. Do you give your self freely? Coach said, "Yes Sir". Sir walk to the back of the cross and look coach in the eye to see if coach was telling the truth or just saying to stop the whippings. Sir said this boy not telling the truth. Sir put the gag ball back in. sir told coach, you are saying the words but there no feeling be hide them. Coach mumbled some thing and sir took out the gag. Sorry sir said David, I will do anything you wish, please let me down; sir looked at David face then his dick. David dick was rock hard even though he just shot a load not twenty minutes ago. One thing was obviously David was turn on and sir knew how to deal with him now. Sir laid a real hard one on his ass. Sir whack David's ass with a second hit, a third, each one accompanied by A loud, "Thank you Sir may I have another one sir", until I had given him ten strokes. His ass was fiery red but sir knew he could take more than that because, when I looked, his cock was still rock hard and a Shiny drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip. "Are you ready to start earning the right to Pleasure me?" sir asked coach fox. "Yes Sir! My body is yours to do anything with you Want!" coach replied with tears falling down his face. This one has had some trained before. Sir grabbed coaches low hanging balls hard and pulled and twisted them "Whose balls are these?" sir demanded. Coach fought saying the word out loud "Yours Sir!" who do you serve, you sir said coach. You sir, I do anything you want sir, just let me go. Sir and I do what ever you want me to sir. I want you to be my slave for life boy. Sir have son to think of and to raise sir.

You do have to raise your boy, what is his name boy, David Jr. Like mine sir, he is sixteen sir. He is straight sir. I can not stop you from raising your son, and yes he does need a parent at home. For now you will have you come to me three days as week and the rest of the week you are on call. You have been around a master right boy, yes sir, when my wife was alive I had a friend who I was his part time slave sir. I though so said master .I will give you some time to think about it my bitch. Sir left him on the cross to think, I was on my knees watching the whole thing, and sir took me back to my room. I followed sir to my room, sir sat in the chair, and I knelt at his feet. Sir told me that I did a good job so far keep it up boy, thank you sir. Now what about Jed said master, how that is coming along. Sir, I got Jed bet the loser of the Saturdays run pays winner $100 dollars and get fucked at 5 pm at the hole in the wall inn. I told him I had a room weekend and will have beer on ice. Win or lose we win sir; I will try to win sir, either way we got Jed sir. And when this is over I have two new slaves to brake in my master stated. when we got Jed in chains you will get you revenge boy, I let you have him servicing you at school during the week and I will have him here the rest of the time till school is out. When we go back into the other room I want you to eat coach's ass out. I `m going to fuck his ass and then shave him. Then have him sign a contract, then were going to Jim's tattoo parlor for his markings and Prince Albert and nipple rings. I have to call Master Allen to be a witness, might even give coach to Master Allen. Sir went to the phone and dialed and started to talk. All I could hear was what my master was saying. This was what he said. Hi, I might have a new boy, here need to have a contract sign and wanted to see if you want to have some fun with10 him and is expecting another one on Saturday. I'm at the hole in the wall room 11. Ok see you in about thirty minutes, cool talk to you then. Sir hung up the phone. Master Allen will be here soon so get on coaches ass nice and clean and then I fuck him and shave him smooth. I got off of my knees and went into the room were coach was still tied up on the cross. I walked up be hide coach kneel down between his spread legs. Reached up and spread his cheeks apart, coach jumped at first then realized it was me not my master, Bert let me go please son, I'm sorry about what I did to you please let me go. I stuck my face, and nose to his smelly crack and my tongue to his very hairy crack. I flicked out my tongue and got my first taste of his rank ass. It wasn't unpleasant, but very ripe. I continued to lean and flick my tongue in and out of his crack as he still made no indication that he wanted me to stop. He just stood there moaning and his breathing started to increases , as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed right underneath his balls, and all my senses were on coaches' musky ass hole. Oh yes, more, more give me more said coach, fuck me, I need to be fuck , I want to be fucked said coach. This went on for a good ten minutes, and my knees were starting to get sore on the carpeting. I kept pushing my tongue deeper and deeper into his crack, trying to get my tongue in his hole. His hole was so wet. Now how's our guest doing boy, said my master. He's in needs some relief sir; he is ready and willing to be fuck sir. Sir walked in a pair of chaps and his harness on his hairy chest. Oh yes, more, more give me more coach moan out again and again. I got out of sir way as he approached coach.

Sir spreads and started to rubbing coach's ass cheeks and spreading them then inserting two finger than three finger enters hole without lube. Coach start to moan with pleasure and push them in and out for a couple of minutes, his face started to turn red as Master's your huge thick long cock batters coach's asshole. Sir hips banging into coach buttocks, and with each thrust between his tight grips on his ass, masters cock plumbing his mass, and your hard firm thighs hitting into his, I was lost in both pain and pleasure. Master William said I doubt you've had a dick this big inside you before, and I bet I'm the first black dick you ever had white boy, yes sir, it is." I said. He laughed, and then coach yell out could I can feel sirs cockhead pushing between my cheeks, searching for coach's tight boy hole. Coach arched his back and stuck his butt in the air as best he could, being tied the cross, and sirs searching cock found its mark. Sir grabbed coaches' hips and forced his thick rod inside him. "Fuck!" he screamed, and I started to moan half in pain, half in pleasure. Sir fed his thick cock deeper inside him, stretching his hole to the max, until he got every inch of his thick long cock inside him. Then sir fucks his hole like a rabbit in heat. Sir fucks him hard and long and sir shoot his load up tight hole of coach. As sir pulls his dick out he tells me to lick up and excess cum that might leak out of coach's asshole. Sir left the room disappears into room 10. I lean into coach's funky hole and flick my tongue in and out of his crack I could tasted the scent of my master dick on coaches hole. Coach he pushed his ass out a couple of an inch, indicated to me that he wanted me to keep licking his hole. He just stood there moaning and his breathing started to increases , as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed deep in his ass hole, I tasted the sweet taste of cum and sweat off the back of coach's balls, and all my senses were on masters and coaches' musky scent. Oh yes, more, more give me more said coach, that feels so good Bert your master fucked me real good. I haven't had a good fuck like that since my old good master /buddy fucked me long ago, I didn't realize how much I miss his black dick up my ass. I had to stop when my wife found out I was seeing him. Then she was killed by a drunk driver and had to raise my son David alone. Then through my self in to my work and son and then Jed came around last year. He just turns sixteen this month. I heard a knock on room 10 door, this must be Master Allen. Sir must of answered the door due to I hear voices, I couldn't hear what was said. My Master and Master Allen walked in to the room wearing a pair of chaps, master harness. Master Allen is a black guy was six feet tall from his head to toe the guy had no hair on his body , looked to be around 35-40, about 175 lbs very muscular

had at least a seven inch uncut dick with a metal cock ring on. Where is this boy that needs to be shown a lesson said Master Allen? I couldn't wait to see what master Allen is going to do too coach. He looked like he had already made up his mind. He does know how to wear the guy down into complete submission he Knew Master Allen could succeed in breaking coach it would be intensive workout of pain and other ways too break a boy will. I should know he's knows what he wants and gets it too. Coach heard Master Allen voice and didn't recognize it and started to panic. Coach pleas and protested were amusing, and completely normal, but they had quickly tend to get on master Allen's nerves. Both masters was ready for the coach to suffer more, ready for him to make sure he understood his new place in life. Both master wanted coach too screams and beg for mercy, but of all they wanted to hear coach's screams. Better and more importantly, they wanted coach to hear his own screams. There was a silence in the room. Master Allen and my master picked up each a whip. Both masters Made coach kiss the whips. They wanted him to feel the leather On his lips, feel the braids and the grooves and the coarseness and wanted coach to respect it what they were about to do. Then all of a sudden with the graceful whoosh of the whip sailing through the air, and the snap of the whip making contact, Whack and coach's own non human moan. Whack, after five strokes from both masters coach went limp. My master gave coach some smelling sauce and that woke coach up quickly. Both master untied coach and put him on one of the beds. Master Allen said I know this dude, he use to come to me to be fucked, was hopping to make him a slave but he is married and stop coming around? No said my master, his wife got killed bye a DUI five or six years ago. What did he do to you, his boy Jed tried to blackmail my slave and he tried to blackmail him also into having sex with him. So my slave and I arranged this get to gather and Saturday we will get his boy too. Do you want this one or his boy who about the same age of my boy, hell yes I will take his young one off your hands if you don't want him. Ok, we can share this one for a while till you got Jed broke and then you can have him. Thanks I like that idea said Master Allen, when do we get Jed? Saturday at 5 pm after their race. My slave made a bet with Jed. the loser of the Saturdays run pays winner $100 dollars and get fucked at 5 pm at the hole in the wall inn. I told him I had a room weekend and will have beer on ice. Win or lose we win sir; I will try to win. My master asked Master Allen do you want to help with this situation this weekend. Hell yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world said master Allen count me in.

Coach finally realized a familiar face, oh hi, what happen, you pasts out David, hi, hi sir. Why is your boy blackmailing him and why are you doing it also. Sorry sir, David speaks to master Allen, I think Bert is so hot been trying to get in his pants since I seen him run and seen his dick get so hard and big. Sir you know I need ass and cock or I go crazy. Why haven't you been back boy? I been raising my son who's sixteen this month sir, between work and my son no time sir and ashamed of not telling you sir. I miss your abusing my ass sir, missed your big dick. Since you had him before, do you want him back? I let you know after Saturday. Master Allen went into the other room and brought back a black leather bag. He pulled out twenty clothes pins that were tied together. Master Allen said be better tie him up and stuff his shorts in his mouth. Coach spread his arms and legs with out being told too. Both master tied David down, then Master Allen pissed on coach's jockstrap then stuffed it in his mouth, Master Allen made sure his mouth was full of his jockstrap. After coach was tied up Master Allen started to put the clothes pins on his cock head down one side of his dick and around his balls. David moaned loudly even when with the soaked pissed jockstrap in his mouth. When they got his dick covered with clothes pins. They proceeded to go up his stomach and to his left nipple and to end at the right nipple. Now coach you will wear them for an hour or so. You could see the pain building on coach face; his dick was getting rock hard. Master Allen smiled see you have lost your thirst for pain I see white boy. Coach's face started to turn red a bit. I was sitting watching this all my master told me to get on the sawhorse boy, I quickly crawled over to it and assume the position on the horse. My mater tied my wrist and legs to the saw horse. Then my master asked which end you want front or back. Back said master Allen love his hole, cant stop thinking of it since I had him last.

I arched my back and stuck my butt in the air as best I could, being tied the sawhorse, and his searching cock found my hole. Master Allen grabbed my hips with his big black hands and forced his black rod inside me. "OH YES, FUCK!" I screamed, and I started to moan half in pain, half in pleasure. Master Allen fed his thick cock deeper inside me, stretching my hole to the max, until he got every inch of his black cock inside me. He started to thrust in and out, now rocking back and forth, punishing my white hole. "Give me your black dick sir!" I screamed, and he fucked harder. His sweaty legs were pressed up against mine, and I could feel his stomach against my ass at the end of his powerful thrusts. He was pounding me like no one had done before, calling me a bitch, making it hurt, and the pleasures it brought in me. Thrusting his black man meat in and out, it must been eight to ten inches long and fat, deeper, deeper, pulling my ass and ramming it in me I didn't know how much longer I could last. "Take my big, black dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch" my master shove his dick in my mouth and I was being fucked at both ends for an hour or so. My master took my face and fucked me so hard I thought me going to split in half. I could feel the head of his cock moving in and out, I could feel each vein on his massive tool. The at about the same time the both shot there loads, I didn't taste my master cum it went straight to my stomach and Master Allen hot cum just filled me up and I was leaking a bit, but not enough to notice . When both master finished with me and turn there attention on to David, my master was taking pictures of David tied up and with the clothes pins on his body. When Master Allen ripped off the clothes pins. David screams as much as he could with the soaked pissed jockstrap in his mouth. My master kept taking pictures till the last pin was off and David stopped screaming and Master Allen rubbed David dick and body, tears were rolling down David's face. Master Allen took out the pissed jockstrap. Thank you sirs, thank you for abusing my body. My body is you're to use as chooses.

Master William here has given you sorry ass to me, since I had you once before, you do as master Williams tells you and you report to both of us till I tell you so. As for you son David jr. you will now walk at home naked boy, and I will be checking up on you and encourage you son, that being naked is natural and you will comply. Yes sir master Allen I will do as you requested sir. I'm ready to become your slave master Allen. You will help us set up Jed, and when a slave you will be marked, and your nipples pierced and dick will have my crest on you ass boy. And if you son turns out to be gay, he will become a slave also for one of my buddies. David lowers his head and says, yes sir anything you say sir. Master Allen untied David and produced a contract, make sure you read it all boy then sign it and we will have to get another person to witness his signing , my master went to the phone and called some one, hey john, can you come to room 11 for a minutes, good ok see you in a couple of minutes. About ten minutes passed, Master William answered the door. There stood a man in his late 50's slightly chubby, wearing white shirt and black pants. Hi said master Williams, come in we need a witness to a signing of a slave contract. We want you to be our witness so the contract is on the up and up. Sure said john, john walks in to the room. And sees coach David fox naked on the bed sitting up and reading some papers.

Master Allen hands David a pen to sign the paper. Do you sign these papers at you own free will and you are not forced in any way to sign his contract said Master Allen. I sign this contract of my own free will, and no pressure has been force to do so say coach David fox. Coach signs the contract, then Master Allen, then The owner of the hole in the wall inn, and then my master signs the last line. Master Allen said let your boy sign it also, he is the one that help brought this boy to me. Sir turns to me and hand me a pen and told me to sign under his name.


Binding Agreement

I, David Allen Fox the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to servitude to the holder of this contract, hereinafter known as my Master. I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and to be a slave. I am signing this contract in an attempt to affect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit my Master's rights and prerogatives under this contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional right to privacy. I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest language I request the government to NOT EVER protect me from the consequences of this decision. I give up any and all rights of any kind and description in this document. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent my Master from having total control over every aspect of my life. I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT EVER change my mind. Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while not making this contract completely unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break. I specifically request and authorize my Master to use force to compel my obedience and to always ignore anything I may say or does that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. My Master may apply severe punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behavior, for a completely arbitrary reason, or for His enjoyment, amusement, and gratification. This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this contract. If any part of this contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give my Master as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any disagreement of interpretation, my Master's desires shall always prevail.

David Allen Fox David Allen Fox Master Daniel W. Allen Daniel W. Allen John Smith John Smith Bob T. Williams Bob T. Williams Bert Jackson Slave Bert Jackson Slave April 4, 2004

Power of Attorney

I give my Master complete total control and absolute rights of ownership of my physical body and mind and become His property. I have absolutely NO RIGHTS as an individual whatsoever. I have no freedom. All decisions will be made for me and I willingly agree to all decisions my Master makes regarding this abusive relationship. I affirm that once and if we ever live together, that ALL my possessions (including all my clothing and all my I.D., etc) will be turned over to my Master and that I will own NOTHING, and will also agree to give my Master complete total control of all my finances. I affirm that I will be owned by my Master financially and that all my savings earned prior to the union plus my own bankbook be under His total control, all my paychecks will have to be automatically transferred to His account, I will not ever be allowed to have my own checkbook, ATM card, credit card, etc, only my Master will be responsible for paying all household bills, including the cost of food, and any other additional costs that I must contribute will be deducted from my paychecks with the remaining put into my own savings account, I will only be given a nominal allowance each month ($150, say) for my own 401K Plan (Pension) from my own money, and no spending money or allowance is ever allowed for me whatsoever, no matter what, unless only to use for work, but only if my Master says so. By my signature below, I grant my Master unlimited Power of Attorney. I desire that my Master be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint, or interference of any kind. Also, according to the state I will be living in, I will sign a Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and have it registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents. This signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the date of my signing this contract below.

David Allen Fox David Allen Fox Master Daniel W. Allen Daniel W. Allen John Smith John Smith Bob T. Williams Bob T. Williams Bert Jackson Slave Bert Jackson Slave April 4, 2004

Model's Release (for Blackmail purposes)

I will submit to photos and videos of myself naked or any situation that my Master requires and I affirm that He may resort to any means necessary to always ensure that I am not ever able to escape this lifetime predicament, including BLACKMAIL of notification of my current situation to my parents, family, relatives, employer, etc, and using the photos and videos (above), copy of this actual signed contract, etc. as genuine proof (with or without the use of a color printer). By my signature below, I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable Model Release in favor of my Master covering all pictures, films, video, audio, public performance, and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion, and all associated material, including promotional, either factual or fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including commercial & BLACKMAIL. I hereby give my Master the right and permission to copyright, publish and/or distribute any and all photographs and videos for which I have signed a waiver. I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless my Master or any of His representatives, from and against any liability as a result of the publication and/or distribution of said photographs and/or videos. I hereby warrant that I am of legal age and competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment, mental distress & ridicule specifically and all other claims of any sort generally. If I ever try to make any serious attempt to escape from my Master's ownership, I will immediately expect that He automatically mailed all of the above to all of the people who know me and is keeping all of my money and I also understand I will be responsible for paying Palimony/damages of at least 90 percent (90%) of my net income for the remainder of my life as another part of that penalty for trying to escape. Even if I ever reported it to the Police, this contract will clearly indicate that I clearly signed and agreed to these specific severe penalties. I must also abide to any other additional rules that my Master adds to this contract or else I must suffer the consequences described above, as extremely realistic severe penalties. David Allen Fox David Allen Fox April 4, 2004

Mandatory Rules

I affirm that if my Master ever gives me a list of all domestic duties that I am to complete, including running outside errands, that I must always willingly comply without the slightest hesitation, and I affirm that my dress code will only consist that I must always either be completely naked and totally helpless indoors at all times or half-naked and totally helpless (without a change of clothes) whenever outdoors in public the whole time, and that outdoors in public, I do wear the running short-shorts I must always keep my legs spread wide-open whenever I sit on the subway, train, fast-food restaurant, etc. I affirm that whenever I'm outdoors in public, I should not ever be allowed to wear pants and just because I'm outdoors in public, that should not ever mean that I'm excused enough to have that freedom or that privilege to not be half-naked and I should always be grateful that my Master 'let' me be half-naked in public, as opposed to remain completely naked, as I should be. The only time that I can ever wear pants is only for work and/or occasional family get-togethers. Either way, whatever I do wear, but only in those particular specific situations described above, will always be my Master's property and I will always have to get permission to 'borrow' it to wear from Him prior.

Domestic Chores: Cooking/serving (breakfast/lunch/dinner), cleaning (washing dishes, sweeping/mopping the floors, oven/stove, refrigerator, bathroom, dusting/polishing furniture, vacuuming, windows) Laundry (washing/folding/ironing), taking out the trash, yard work, washing your car, mowing the lawn, etc. [dress code: always completely naked] Outside Errands: food shopping, Laundromat, dry-cleaning (pick up/drop-off), post-office, carrying all Your masters bags when You shop at malls, etc. dress code: Always half-naked , in my running short-shorts/no underwear allowed]. Sexual Duties: serving/servicing, oral, anal, toilet duties, etc. Dress code: always completely naked Corporal Punishment/Discipline

For bad work, etc - severe spankings, strapping (with belt), ass-whippings, etc. Dress code: Always completely naked Accompany You to the public beach: carrying everything, applying suntan lotion on you slave, going back & forth to the refreshment stand for you slave, shaking out the sand, etc. of the above, only if applicable.

Only if applicable, whenever my Master ever uses the car with me, from His garage, I must always stay naked until He gets in first and wait patiently for Him to unlock the passenger door from the inside, then go in and stay naked as He drives, then once we get to the destination (shopping mall parking lot, etc), I must always get out first naked and wait for Him to get out and slam lock His door shut and wait patiently for Him to open His trunk and hand me my shorts, half-shirt, and sneakers (or just my g-strings, without the shorts, at public beach parking lots, etc) and when going back to His car, I must always remove them, be naked, watch Him toss them in the trunk as He slams it shut, wait for Him to get in & unlock the passenger door from the inside to let me in, and sit naked on the way back home, etc., & similar routine for whenever entering & exiting His home as well. I affirm that whenever I sleep, I must now always sleep completely naked uncovered above the sheets and/or blanket instead of under it or completely naked inside a small locked metal dog-cage. I also affirm to ALWAYS expect CONSTANT heavy verbal, psychological, and physical abuse to include severe beatings, rape and public humiliation - repeatedly and nonstop at all times by my Master showing no mercy no matter what with no limits - with me in an abusive relationship within an abusive lifestyle. By my signature below, I strongly acknowledge mainly that there's no possible way out even if I regret it later, no matter what! I have read this contract and have no questions. There are no other provisions whatsoever. Slave David Allen Fox David Allen Fox April 4, 2004

My Signature

By signing this contract I forfeit my current goals and am prepared to follow a new lifestyle of my Master's agenda. This predicament starts upon my signature of this contract and will not ever be expected to end. This contract is permanent and for life. In summary, I do hereby swear to both agree to all of the above, word for word, and to fully comply and abide by ALL the rules in this contract, word for word, and do realize that it will include me always being constantly severely used and abused INDOORS + publicly humiliated OUTDOORS = TOTAL ABUSE for the rest of my life with my Master. I affirm that failure to ever agree or comply will result in 100% REAL severe penalties as described above. Once signed, there is absolutely no possible way out, no cancellations & this contract is legally binding in any civil or criminal court of law.

Slave David Allen Fox David Allen Fox

April 4, 2004


current employment's western university, coach Sister's full-name, N/A Relative's Son, David Allen Fox Jr. 12 Anderson lane ****************************************************************

I did as I was told; you coach David Allen fox you're my slave said master Allen. Now boy assume the position of obedience. David got off the bed and sat on the floor and head looking to the floor. Good I see you have not forgotten what I trained you boy. John which of theses boys you like to have said my master. John looked both me and David over; well I had coach here twice already this month. I don't want to seem greedy can I have both boys. Boy said my master take care of your guest and make sure he totally satisfied or you get the whip boy, yes sir, I will sir make his day sir. Master Allen boy you too, take care of your guest and make sure he totally satisfied or you get the whip boy, yes sir, I will sir make his day sir. With that we both crawled to john and waited for his next move, you guys don't mind if I take them into the other room for some private time? No go a head said both masters at the same time, but like to take some pictures when you get going and then we will leave you alone, leave the door open ok, sure said john. Let's go boy and john put a leash on each of us collar and take us into the other room. John sat down on the edge of the bed. Now boy take off my shoes and socks, so coach and I got on your knees and started to remove john's shoes and socks. I didn't want to rush the scene; I bent over and slowly pulled off his shoes. I held one up to my nose and breathed in the aroma from my sweaty feet. Now boy each of you to take a foot and lick them clean then suck each toe clean. Yes sir we said together, I started at the big toe and work my way too the baby toe. With each toe I sucked and licked clean john would moan and tell us what a good job we are doing. Boys since you did a good job on my toes. John stood up and told us you may remove my shirt boys, so we both stood up and unbutton his shirt. When that was done he raised his arms and said, lick my armpits, coach take the left one and you boy take the right one and make sure you lick them clean. Master William walked in and started to take some pictures of us boys working john over. I made my way to his nipples after lick clean his sweaty, musky armpit. His nipples are big as silver dollars. John moan with pleasure, didn't know if it was me or coach or the combination of us both that was making him moan. While sucking his nipple I was undoing his belt and pants and let them fall to the floor, sir just snapping pictures away. Stepping back a bit and I started to rub his full crotch thought his pants and finally loosened the last button. As I slid his pants down, his cock sprang free and I could see the eight-inches came into full view. i was really cock-hungry. I forward to play with his balls. His dick head was purple from excitement and when he threw his head back, it happened...From the end of his cock, spurt after spurt of cum shot out! I was completely surprised. I quickly got my mouth on that eight inch cut piece of meat and caught most of it in my mouth and it surprised everyone.

Next: Chapter 9

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