Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 15, 2005


Now we need to get Jed off your case and make him ours to do with boy, yes sir. When do you see him Wednesday after class for our work out , we are supposed to run a mile each day for the first month , then extra mile each week till we get up too five miles, heck I do five miles every other morning before class, coach doesn't know that sir. Good I make sure you keep that up boy, no wonder you have hot ass. So this is what we are going to do. Friday you get Jed to meet you at the hole in the wall and I have him service him, have some video cameras hidden in the room, come in and make him service me. Then tell him I send the pictures to his dad big time senator, show him the pictures. Then go from there, yes sir. Sir told me to follow him and he went to a room were his computer was at and pulled the chair out and told me to get under the desk and wait to be told what to do. I did as told crawled under the desk and faced sir's crotch when he sat down to his computer. Sir scanned the pictures and information to his computer. And made some phone calls to some man, I don't know who, because sir never mentions names while he was on the phone. Sir used his left hand to push my head to his cock and I open my mouth and took his cock, then I felt the warm piss enter my mouth and I swallowed it all not losing a drop. When sir got off the phone, he told me thing are arranged to take care of Jed Carson.

I still had his dick in my mouth, pulls it out as he get up an announce time to eat boy. I follow sir to the kitchen and there is a pot of stew on the stove. Sir pour one in to a big white bowl and then he pour one in to my dog bowl, I come to realize I will eat my meal on the floor, and that were I belong at my master side eating off the floor. Sir sit at the table and starts to eat, I wait for my master to tell it is time to eat; this is my lot I have chosen to live for. I lick and ate as best I could; I was not aloud to use my hands to eat, only by my mouth. I lick my bowl clean, and waited for my master next command. Sir got up and put his dishes in the sink, boy clean the dishes and come to me when your done, then you do you homework. Then I decide to let you know what going to happen this weekend boy, yes sir. So I quick cleared the table and put things away, hope I put I put things in the right place. I quick as possible washed and dried the dish and took one more quick check to make sure everything was in its place, check the garbage, not full yet,. Went to were sir was at I sat at his feet, I saw my book on the coffee table. Sir said do you homework boy and I need to do finish on the details on how we are going to get back at Jed. Sir smiled at me and get to the books boy, yes sir. Sir made some more calls, I couldn't hear what they were talking about, and what ever it was sir was enjoying him self. I just finished my homework and it was getting to be ten o'clock. Boy, I will take you back to the dorm soon, sir stretched out his dick and told me to open wide and I lean forward to receive my master cock, I knew not to do anything till I was told to do, sir began to piss in my mouth, I swallow as fast as he could piss in me, sir is moaning haw I can not get enough of cum and piss. Then sir massive meat began to grow, and grow.

I could feel sirs think cock getting harder and larger in my mouth. His cock head seemed to double in size as he began pumping harder and deeper in my mouth I pulled off his cock a bit and licked his cockhead and turned my attention to his balls, licking first the sac & then taking each of them, in turn, into my mouth, I can not get enough of sir hot cock . Then I went back down on his cock and began sucking it faster and faster, now harder, deeper, up and down. He began pushing forward to meet the thrusts of my head and throat coming down as he pushed with his hands on the back of my head. Sir began breathing hard and grunting, tell me, I was his bitch and to take it master big fat dick and don't miss an inch cock sucker. I tried to pull back but my head would give, sir had his hands still tightly on my head. His dick deep in my mouth, sir didn't giving me room to swallow his load; I almost gagged on his cock. The hot cum just went straight down my throat and it was sweet to me, fresh cum and pee, what a day. I then cleaned the length of his cock with my mouth, licking it with my tongue as I was finished. Sir was still breathing hard and grunting, and tells me, It was the best I had done for him and called me his bitch, thank you sir, for using my mouth as a toilet and your seed sir.

I might have you to come over each night to suck him off before I go to bed each night. Next semester you be living here boy as well as this summer too bitch, yes anything you say sir. I smiled and sir just grinned at me. Now get up and get your books together, boy, yes sir. Sir got dressed by the time I got my things together. And put on my shorts and shirt. This is what we are going to do. You are going to get Jed to meet you at the hole in the wall inn, I will be in adjoining room, cameras will be hidden in the room, taping and recording everything we want to use on coach first. Then when we have Jed were we want him we go for the Jed. Yes Sir Coach Fox needs to be put in his place first, to use his position as a teacher, bad example for his students, yes Sir. Sir gave me a deep kiss and slapped my ass, do as your. Tomorrow is Tuesday and we will do Jed this Saturday and the coach on Wednesday, it's going to take time to do this right and need to get things and people together to pull this off so not a word and let Jed and coach fox think they are in control. Coach Fox will be are first victim. Wednesday we get him, at the motel then Jed, great sir. I'm going to have to take some time off this week to do this, yes sir, I do anything you say sir. Let Jed and teach think you do as they want, and you will put up a little resistance to keep them off balance yes sir. Get Jed to come to your room and do it on web cam and tape it too boy like last time, yes sir. Don't forget to run in the morning boy make it extra mile boy, I want you to get up at 5 am sir and run for hour and half in your running shorts only boy no shirt at all and no jockstrap and expect a report on your day boy, yes sir, and boy, yes sir, you may drink you morning piss on cam for me boy, yes sir. Will run for one and half hour, extra mile, drink piss in morning and run with running shorts only sir. Good boy, we left masters house and open door for master. Then sir told me to get inside, as soon door was shut I took off my shorts and we drove off. Sir reaches over and plays with my dick, so how was the modeling for your art class, hot sir, like the other to watch me, got a hard on too sir, class was shocked at first to see my nipple rings and prince Albert. My teacher Mr. Philips, like my work so much asked me to pose for the class any time I wanted too sir. I made a hundred dollars sir, I thought you said it was 75.00, boy, yes sir, but the teacher was impressed that I didn't move much and told me I did such a great job modeling sir. Were the money boy, here sir I pull the hundred dollar bill out of my pocket sir. It's still in the envelope sir, sorry sir I forgot about it sir with coach and Jed was still on my mind sir, I forgot sir to asked what you want done with the money sir, it belongs to you sir, since I'm your property now sir. I handed sir the money and opens the envelope and smiles at me good boy. Sir grabbed my hanging balls hard and pulled. "Whose balls are these boys, Sir demanded, Yours Sir!" What are you boy, sir I'm your property, your slave, I'm just what ever you want me to be sir. Your toilet your, hole to deposit piss, cum or anything you want sir. With that sir squeezes my ball and cock hard real hard. Squeezing and twisting harder, sir then reached over and began to play with my pierced erect nipples. All I could do is moan, and moan with pain and pleasure. 11pm Then we arrived at my dorm sir told me to put my shorts back on. I always do what ever master wants, tonight you can sleep nude no plug to night and you may relive your self before you go to bed , get a good night sleep boy. Yes sir, sir then told me to go and talk in morning, not to call him but will be watching you on cam boy, yes sir. Sir took off my leather collar and I grabbed my book bag and got out of the truck, and waited for sir to pull away, went to my room. On the door was a message for Jed, telling me to be to call him as soon as I got in. I open my door and dropped off my book bag stripe grabbed a towel, soap and went and took a shit and a shower. When I got back to my room I called Jed. Jed was pissed I was not in my room; I told him I was out getting a something to eat, your fuck buddy I bet, No! I'm coming over, be there in five minutes ok what ever. I fix the camera to point to the bed, and set the camcorder to tape all that happens tonight. There was a knock on the door; I still had my towel around my waist. I open the door it was Jed, fagot when I come around you are to be here, what do you think I'm your slave or something, yes unless you want everyone one to know you're a fagot, come in Jed. Jed shut the door , boy who do you think you are, what's it to you Jed your going to black mail me , right, yes fagot, you do as I say or I will tell everyone. With that Jed pull off my towel, dam I thought you might have done that to your dick, no wonder you didn't take a shower after the run fagot. On you knees and suck my dick, Jed grabs his pants crotch, get over here and take care of this fagot slut pussyboy. Sure just lay down here on the bed and take off your clothes and I suck you off if that's what you want Jed. Yes fagot I want you to suck my dick and then I will fuck you hard and deep, so get busy boy now! Jed strips and lays on the bed with his back resting on the wall and his legs spread wide apart, Jed what happen the all the girls that take care of your needs Jed? I do have a girl who puts out but most of these bitches or out for my money, girls cant be trusted they try to get pregnant and try to worm there way into my money , my dads would be run out of office the scandal work rune the family name, my old man would kill me.

So a fagot like you who has no real money will keep his mouth shut or be beaten to death. So you get suck off by guys and fuck them, yes fagot, you got it. I got on my knees and Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh, Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it "I put my whole face in Jed's Crotch, Jed must not shower today it smell like piss and shit, and it was all I could breathe. You can't get enough of my dick you fagot, huh? Well you're goanna earn it today to do as told; that what you want, fag? That's it, pussyboy; you love my nasty dick, don't you? You can't get enough of my dick, huh? Well you're goanna earn it today; that what you want, fag? You want my huge dick fucking the crap out of your scrawny ass? Answer me, boy..." Jed pushed my head into his crotch even further. What ever you say sir's, I'm here for your pleasures sir, what ever you say Jed. Jed grabbed by the ear and pulls me to my feet "Come there, pussyboy," he said as he lifted his left arm exposing his hairy musky armpit, the smell was so strong. With his right hand on the back of my head, he shoved me into his arm pit and I started licking like crazy. I lapped out his armpit the best I could, my tongue taking long strokes the entire length of it. I felt the hair on my tongue, the taste of his sweat musky consumed my mouth. My whole face began to stink of him and his rank musky smell as I continued to suck out armpit. Boy, ooh yeah, that's it fagot, lick them...mmm, that feels good, now the other one, with his left hand on the back of my head, he shoved me into his arm pit and I started licking like crazy. I lapped out his armpit the best I could. Now the left nipple boy, my head was going crazy. So I lick and lick and licked around his nipples, then the right one. While this was going on Jed was squeezing and twisting my dick and balls. Fagot, ooh yeah, that's it pussyboy fagot, lick them...mmm, that feels good. I'm going enjoying fuck you fagot, fagots are born to be fucked abused dog. What ever you want Jed you got me were you want me Jed, good now get on all fours and let my fuck your ass boy. I told Jed there is some lube on the night stand, lube for whips, your going to take it just as is fagot pussyboy. Please Jed use the lube, with that Jed pushed his eight inch dick up my hole and didn't take it slow, no he just push and pushed till it was in. I started to yell Jed put his hand over my mouth and reached for my jockstrap, stuffed in my mouth, your going to be quiet or I will cut your balls off and you will never get a hard on again, got it fagot. I nodded my head tears were coming down my cheeks. What the madder fagot can't take some meat up you ass boy. You nothing but a pussy fagot, real men don't cry or complain, with that I knew I would not show no mercy to him when master lets my turn at his ass. Ha, ha, mmm, yeah, take it, take it, I know how much you like it, and I know how much you want it said Jed". Take it, boy, uh oh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, and take my fucking dick..." "So take it like a man, pussyboy you fagot."Take it you cock whore and a piece of shit, uh, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it". The pains was unbearable and have my dirty jockstrap, I would enjoy it more if it was my master cock in my ass. Let me hear you moan, Jed slaps my ass then my head ,come on, boy, and take my fucking dick..." after being fuck for half hour Jed finally shot his load up my ass and falls to the bed huffing and puffing and full of sweat. Now fagot lick my dick clean of your fagot juices and make sure you do a good job. Yes Jed, I rolled over and took his cock with his cum and my ass juice and lick the shaft, then the head, then licked his balls clean. Enough fagot your enjoying your self too much, dam you're the best whore I been with in a long time. When I can not find some one to fuck or suck my dick I be by for you to take care of me. Got your fagot whore, and if you tell any one I kill you fagot. Under stand Jed, one of these days I like to get a room at the hole in the wall so we can do it with out any body hearing us Jed, good idea fagot whore, yes Jed. How about after the race Saturday I pay for the room, you will pay for it and more boys right after I beat you at the race. Then do you want to wager 100 dollar and the winner gets fucked fucks the losers, anything they want and no backing out agree, agree said Jed. That after the race, at 5pm and loser pays winner 100 dollars and get fucked, yes I said. And I have the room paid for and beer too ready said Bert. You're on said Jed hope you can take being fuck for hours whore, well see said Bert. Jed left and I fell to sleep with he cum and Jed sweat all over me. Wednesday 5 am. I got up, put my running shorts on, shoes and socks and stuck my key in my sock and stopped off at the bathroom to take a quick shit and piss. This has been the first run I could do since last Thursday I said to my self. Then started my five mile run, first through the campus then to the local park then around down town, not to many people up at this time of day. When I got to the park I stopped to get a quick drink of water. And I had to pee again so I went into the rest room and started to piss. Then this man in his twenty's came in , wearing black spandex running pulls his shorts down half way and piss in the toilet next to me , there are no dividers . The dude looks over and says cool Prince Albert and nipple ring dude. I turn to him and says thanks got them last week. Cool he responds he finishes pissing but leaves his short down, and I noticed he's stroking his dick and it's getting longer and thicker. Man I think body jewelry hot on you dude. Can I touch it, never seen one this close, seen pictures but never in person. Dudes stroking his dick faster and faster, his breathing deeper and deeper, he licks his lips. Please let me touch you man please. Your not a cop are you, no I'm not I'm a tailor, have a shop on sixth street, please ok. I turn to face him he reaches with his left hand and rubs my right nipple, then the left one and he beating off faster and faster. Then he grabs for my dick, oh, oh yes, plays with the head of my dick and shoots his load all over my leg, sorry man I couldn't help my self , well you better clean it off I can run with that on my legs. He pull his shorts up as I do too at the same time. Then he get down on the floor and lick his cum up and the guy only uses his tongue, nice long strokes, like to lick leg that are smooth but also like hairy legs. This dude took ten minute to lick my leg clean. The dude then thanked me for letting him touch my nipples and dick. Stop by any time you like, and we can work out a deal on you repairs to your clothes if need, oh by the way name Hank, Hank Wilson, Bert Jackson as we shook hands, I'm at the university. I do need to finish my run maybe some time we can run together, maybe I said. Bye, bye. I went back to my run, I'm ten minutes be hide. Dam I have a raging hard on while running, cool. My dick making a tent and flopping back and forth, nipples rock hard and the ring sparkle in the morning sun. I'm going too enjoy running and showing off my body now. Got to remember not to let this go to my head, the closer I got to campus the more people around to look at. 7 30 am I noticed that people were up and about. I was all hot and sweaty. I head for my room to get a towel and shower. I got to my floor which was the top floor, got in to my room striped down and got out my shaving cream, spread cream all over my head and looked it the full length mirror on the back of my door and started to shave my head making sure I didn't miss I spot, then my face, shaved my right arm pit, then the other one. Now working my way down my body, took off my metal cock ring to making sure my balls and cock didn't have any hair. Now that my balls were shaved properly I shaved my legs. Satisfied I got all the hair off I put my cock ring back on and check my self once more in the mirror to see if I had missed any. Like the feeling of being smoothed satisfied that I did a good job I headed to the showers. I grabbed my towel and soap and headed for the showers. I didn't hide my body since the bathroom was just two doors down, I did get some looks, and I just went on my way to the bathroom showers. The showers were not being used so I took the first one; I wanted to give any one the chance to see me with my new Prince Albert and nipples rings. There were a couple of guys that did stop to see me naked, after a bout fifteen minutes in the shower I got out and dried my self really slow to see if I had anyone watching me or not. 8:45 am

I went back to my room to study for my class for the day and some math to keep ahead of the classes. I usually wear underwear or short to do studding but being naked make me feel freer and less inhibited, and since I met my master I feel like I call sir and waited for instruction on what to do to coach fox. Sir told me he be down stairs in hour and tell you what you need to do, yes I be there sir, oh and boy nice shave this morning boy, I'm here to please you sir, now get to your studding and talk in one hour boy, yes sir. I hung up the phone and thought to my self, I have more of propose and more energy and more drive in my life. I will study till about an hour then get something to eat and go to my first class. I got dressed and headed out side too wait for sir wearing my running shorts and a tank top and sneaker. 9:45 am. I have just arrived out side of my building when sir pulled up in his green truck. I got in and sir handed me a key to room ten at the hole in the wall inn. We have it all week, I have arranged to be in the room next-door and your room is wired with cameras and audio so we can get everything, there nine cameras so we wont mess a thing one in the shower and one in the rest room so not too miss a thing. You're to get the coach to your room at 4 pm and I do the rest, you need him to fuck you and suck you off and to admit having sex with Jed and any other guys also, yes sir. Do you have his number at home and at the school, yes sir right here on this tablet sir. Good boy now once we got him we go for Jed and I have special plans for that punk. Yes sir, sir handed me his cell phone and I dialed coach fox's number. 10 am Hi coach this is Bert Jackson, coach sir; I want to spend some time alone with you coach sir. I have the pictures to return and don't want anyone to see me give them to you and I want you to fuck me hard and long so I got a room at the hole in the wall room ten at four pm coach sir. Good can't wait till then sir, and see you at practice coach fox. 10:15 sir told me to get some food in my stomach and see you later, make sure your cleaned out too boy, yes sir will do sir, bye sir. I got out of the truck and headed for the cafeteria and got me some toast I didn't want to run on a full stomach. Then went back to my room I grabbed my book bag and made sure I had a tube of lube before going to running practice. Then walked to the practice field, I got there early and did my stretching exercises. 10:30 I saw coach fox walking on to the field. I was the first to show up and coach approached me and said since I was the only one around he wanted to talk. Yes coach fox, what do you want sir. I want you to give me the pictures back. Not until we meet at the inn coach sir. Like I said on the phone I want you and I to have sex or I will turn all to Dean Larson. Also you're to keep me on the team and I better be happy or else sir. I looked at coach fox's sweat pants and I could see his dick pointing out, hay coach better lose the hard on if you don't want everyone to see it dude. You know I get a hard on when you talk that way to me Bert. Coach I'm going run a bit to warm up sir and we can talk more later at the motel. With that I started to run around the track. 11 AM: Coach blew his whistle three times to let us know that practice was beginning. Coach told us all to get in row of four and he wanted us to do some exercises before we did our laps around the track. Coach told Jed to stand in front and show how he wants them done. First were twenty jumping jacks the coach announced, then twenty-five push ups, twenty knee bends.

First group take your positions Jed and his buddies are in the first group, and then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach blew his whistle, second group take your positions that was my group, then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach yelled now everyone ten lap around the track and then that's all for today. And reminded us Saturday was a meet here at 8 am and don't be late. 1 pm just finished work out on the track field, was walking back to my room when Jed stopped me, let go to you room I need some quick relief and he garbs his dick through his running shorts. We walk to my room, as soon as the door shut I striped and so did Jed. On your knees boy, Jed lays on the edge of the bed. He pushed my face down into his sweaty crotch he lift his left leg to the side and shove my face into his shit hole my face into his musky ass. The smell me hard as a rock and it was so hard It started to thumb. Just a whiff of his send me crazy, I felt like I was on popper trip. I darted my tongue in and tried to get as much as I could get of the sweat in my mouth. I was lapping his hole as fast as I could. I couldn't get enough of male musky sent, like I'm addicted to musky sweat. Tasting of Jed ass crack drove me crazy and I couldn't stop. The musky sent making me to go deeper and deeper into his taste sweet hole. He moans and groaned with pleasure as I rimmed deeper and deeper my tongue went rimming his hole. He told me on as I thrust my pointed tongue tip as far as I could into his hole. Oh fagot that's how to do it I you're a good cock fagot cock sucker and now I know you love to clean my asshole boy. That, it boy deeper oh, ya fagot boy that's it. 'Yes eat me fagot, eat my hole oh, yes, yes '. 'I know what you need and want it. I know all your desires; eat your my shit asshole. Jed drops right leg down between my head; I have his cock in my face. Jed grabs me head with his left hand and forces his dick in my mouth. Fagots take this and make sure you don't scrap my cock. My lips opened and I swallowed sir's cock, he pushed my head down further. I felt the huge cock meet the back of my throat, I started to gagged, I was willing my throat to open I felt the cock get through it was all the way in my mouth and not gag If possible. I could taste sir musk of his sweat. My throat started to spasm as Jed pushed his cock in more, I though I was choking and tried t convince my self I was not going to choke. I had to relax or I might pass out. So far I'm able to take it all at once but I did, then I started to bobbin my head up and down, I played with his balls and sticking a finger in his asshole and rubbing it back and forth. He moans and groans loader and loader. Then he takes both hand and shoves his cock to the back of my throat and shoots his load. He must have shot six or seven loads of cum. My mouth was full and I could feel it slinging down my throat. After the last spasm of cum in my mouth pleasure of delight and discuses shot through my whole body I looked up Jed who smiled back as I knelt and began to lick up my still hot cum from his rock hard, tan muscled legs I thought I can't wait till I have my revenge on Jed. I hope master lets me have my way with him Saturday. Jed said, I can't wait till our next session fagot. With that he got up put his running short, shirt and shoes and left with another word. I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower, I didn't bother to wrap It around me, like for others to see my body

2 pm Math 202, Mrs. Green, she a cool teacher in her late 50's and it just advice math, algebra, you know the basic boring work; I'm getting a B+ in here class. And it's a two hour class. I asked Mrs. Green told here I had a doctor appointment at four, would I be ok if I left early around 3:30, I asked. Sure, I hope it is not serious Bert. Just haven't been sleeping well and better to make sure it not some thing that the doctor can't fix's. Here is the assignment for today read and do all in chapter 12 in your book. Thank you Mrs. Green, so I left at 3:25 and headed to the hole in the wall inn, I didn't want to be late.

3:45. just got out class and headed the inn. I got the key out of my book bag and waited for coach to show up. I stripped and waited, at five minutes after four there was a knock at the door, it was coach wearing a blue jeans and a t-shirt. Were are the photo's Bert, sex first and photos when we are done, want a drink coach, ya sure anything to get this over with. Relax coach no one knows we are here. I handed coach a glass of whiskey. He slowly drank it; now let's get those things off of you coach. I pulled off his shirt, shoes then his pants. After I pulled off then, I went down on my knees and started to lick his cockhead and turned my attention to his balls, licking first the sack & then taking each of them, in turn, into my mouth, to move around gently. Then I went back to his cock and began sucking it more furtively now, harder, up and down. He began pushing forward to meet the thrusts of my head and throat coming down as he pushed up. He was pushing with his whole body into me finally he began breathing hard and grunting, and I could feel his cock getting harder and larger in my mouth. His cock head seemed to double in size as he began pumping his cum into my mouth. I pushed coach to the bed and had him lay on his back. Now fuck me with hot massive manhood. Coach then shouted you can take it slut, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh oh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, and take my fucking dick..." Please fuck me, Sir, please, fuck me please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please sir, please put your cock to me..."with that sir winks at Jim and Jim put me over the chair were I got my nipples and Prince Albert done. "So take it like a man, pussyboy. Without warning coach grabbed the bottle of lube and generously fingered some all the way up my asshole. .I knew he was going to be fucked hard and good, my hole was still open from the fuck session earlier, and so I had to prepare myself. I heard him whispering above me, "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it" coach said. I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." after being fuck for an hour. He shot load up my ass then pulls his dick out of me. I love the feeling go being fucked , but my hole feels so empty .Now you cock sucker, clean my dick off now with that I did as told I took his cum covered ass juices into my mouth and lick it clean with my tongue. Just then the door to the next room open, it was my master with a camera snap, snap, snap. Who told you can fuck my slave David fox my master yelled out. In walks my master taking pictures hanging from his pants were cuffs, belt rope and

more to cum, buz me if you like it

Next: Chapter 8

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