Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 14, 2005


After the door shuts I said sir did you here that sir, yes boy got all on tape boy now we have our revenge on Jed Carson from New York boy, yes sir. Boys take off the shorts, sorry sir. I was so wrapped up in this Jed thing I forgot to take off my shorts and be naked in my room; sorry sir won't happen again sir. I need to get some things ready for Jed and hopefully he will be sing a different tune soon boy, needs just to get some more dirt on this slime ball. I did some checking with the clerk at the hole in the wall inn, it seem the guys who rented the room next to your dads was named fox, bill, cool sir, might be able to use that sir. I might know this guy sir, let me find out sir and get back, I need to talk to the coach at noon sir, that's coach fox sir. Boy you might be on to Jed's secret and might be able to use that on the coach as well boy, yes sir. Now do your homes work and I be in touch boy, yes sir thank you sir. With that put the cameras back where they belong and started do work on my homework for today classes. I work for hour or so, I was getting hungry so I call my master to see if it was ok to get something to eat. I ordered a pizza from jerry pizza, cheese and sausage to be delivered to my dorm so I wouldn't have to go out and I could study for my classes. There was a knock at my door it, I asked who is it and they said pizza, I got the money out of my shorts and open the door and an older man about 35,stood there with the pizza in his hand I think he was shocked to see me naked. Do you want to come in, your letting the cold drafty air in here? He walked in, how much I asked $11.50, I handed him fifteen dollars, keep the change. He stood there with his mouth wide open looking at me, is there anything else you want. No and just stood there for five minutes. The dude spoke, does they hurt, no just when they use the needle to make the hole and the one on your dick. The Prince Albert, at first didn't like it now it pulls my dick down and stretches, love it. Wow said the pizza guy, I'm Bert and you, oh, sorry max, max miller. Ever thought about getting one of these, yes and no. like to get one but afraid to do it. Oh, ok, I open the box, want a slice, no thanks need to get back to work. Can I give you a call do you think, max said? Sure here is my number and call me some time. With that max was out the door and gone. I eat my pizza and did more reading and homework and then went to bed. I left a light on in the corner of the room incase sir wanted to watch me sleep. I slept on top of the covers so sir could see me all night.

Tuesday 7:59 I woke up at am when I woke up sir phoned me and told me to wear only shorts today and a blue t-shirt, I was to shave my self on cam so he could watch me do my morning shaving. Then sir told me to go and piss and shit and to email my report on today event. So I sat down at my computer and emailed him my schedule for the day and what happen in class also. And sent it too him and shaved my self as best as I could do on cam for my master. I asked sir if I could go to the restroom, he said yes and make sure to wear only a towel to the restroom. I know I got some guys to do a double take, love to show off to all who like to see. I took only fifteen minutes and sir was still on the phone, I apologize to sir for taken so long but I did have to wait my turn to use the stall. That's ok boy, I understand boy, thank you sir for understanding sir. I sat down and shave the best I could in front of the camera. Sir told me to have a nice day and to get information on Jed and your coach boy, yes sir will try sir. With that sir said bye boy and hug up the phone. I went back to my studding till I needed to get dressed and left my room At ten I have my art class, and it was nine thirty so I got my art pencils and my tape recorder, a tube of k-y jelly , and put them in my book bag and my books for my other class. 10 am I arrived at my art class ten minutes really and the teacher, Mr. Philips, he's in this mid thirties six foot one and very hot teacher. Mr. Philips asked me I would like to do some modeling to day for the class. The model that was he had arranged canceled at the last moment and Mr. Philips said it paid seventy five dollars and I could get extra credit for class if I was interested. What kind of modeling is it, nude posing? Can I think about it, sure I need to know before class starts. I called sir to see what he wanted; I had a feeling he would tell me to do it. I called sir, told him what Mr. Philips had offer me and sir said do it boy, yes sir. Thank you sir for letting me does it sir, bye boy, bye sir. I hung up and told Mr. Philips I would do it, well when we get done I pay you and you can change in my office next door. I took my book bag and went to Mr. Philips office and he gave me the robe. I was getting nervous about doing this but if I can get extra credit and make it some money. I striped off my clothes and waited for Mr. Philips to come for me. Mr. Philips knocked on the door and asked, yes sir I'm ready. I walked in front of the class and Mr. Philips announced that I was going to be the model for today. I took off my robe and sat in front of the class, the more I sat in the room with all the eyes on me the more I relaxed and thought dam there no difference in being naked for sir and his friends and being naked in front of my class mates, who knows they might want to do it too, how cool is this. I could see in everyone's eyes that after they got over the shock of seeing me naked and seeing my nipple rings and Prince Albert. They thought I was a boring guy till they change there idea of me, dam this might my ticket to being more popular with my fellow students. I posed for class for two hours and it was a bit chilly being naked. When class was over I put my robe back on and Mr. Philips thanked me and told me any time I want to make some extra money just let him know. Mr. Philips couldn't keep his eyes off of my while I started to get covered up. I went and got pants on and pulling my shirt over my head and Mr. Philips came into the office to give me my money, he handed me an envelope with my money. In the envelope was one hundred dollars and Mr. Philips phone number in it. I asked Mr. Philips he had made a mistake with the money and he said no you earned it today Bert, and smiled at me. The number is if you like to do more modeling for me, anytime Bert anytime. I could see Mr. Philips had a tent in the front of his tight blue jeans. I looked at the time and it was almost noon, I told Mr. Philips I will like to do some more modeling for you, but right now I have a meeting I need to get to sir, talk to you next class time sir, have nice day sir, and thank you for the opportunity to pose for the class sir. I'm off to running practice 11 am Running on field with coach fox, I showed and started to do my stretching Coach blew his whistle, first group take your positions Jed and his buddies are in the first group, and then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach blew his whistle, second group take your positions that was my group, then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach yelled now everyone five lap around the track and then that's all for today. Coach waved me over to come to talk to him. Yes coach; I want you in my office tomorrow at 1pm in my office don't be late, yes coach sir. I ran my five laps 1pm:

After doing my laps I grabbed my book bag and ran to the coach's office which is on the other side of the campus. I had only five minute to spear. I knocked on his door which was in the connected to the men's locker; no one was around so I waited for the coach to show up. Coach Fox showed up as I was about to leave, well you're here sorry I'm late had to talk to one to the dean he was next door. Come in Bert we need to talk, yes coach fox I reached into my book bag and started my tape recorder. Let talk about your position on the team shall we. You know we have only ten spots on the team, how bad do you want the stay on this team Bert. Coach I'm one of your best runners this year, you think so, coach stated. Yes sir, I keep up with and pass some of the others who been around since last year sir. Coach then told me to take off my shirt , what coach, boy I told you to remove your shirt pussyboy, do it now or you history here boy, Jed used the same words to me yesterday. I took off my shirt and coach fox stood next to me to look me over. It has come to my attention you were seen being fuck by a man at the hole in the wall inn a couple of days ago, is that true boy. Yes coach it is true, good now the shorts boy, drop them now boy, I dropped them and coach smiles ear to ear, coach grabbed my dick and balls and squeezes them hard. I moan loudly and then grab my ass cheeks and spread them. Come with me now boy, I follow him to the weight room. Coach had me bent over a weight bench. He stripped off his sweat pants and t-shirt in front of me. Coach had a very hairy chest and a nine inch cut dick and man he was build like a god. He had conveniently put a pile of dirty jock straps on the bench by my head. Coach reaches over and pressed one of the still damp pouches to my face while his other hand fingered my ass. I played sports in high school and at here at western college. Locker rooms, showers, and the smell of man sweaty musky is a turn on. I sure never can get enough of the fresh musky smell that a guy's jock, coaches three finger entered my mouth? I suck on the finger and the coach fucks my mouth till my fingers were really wet. I know sir had training me to be a talented bottom, but I went from being fuck by my dad and his friend to becoming a slave for a master and doing everything he wishes. And now a sex addicted whore in seconds. It did not add up. Coach Fox put my legs over his shoulders took out his finger out of my mouth and Coach forced them up my ass. Yes, yes coach I have some k-y in my book bag, let me get it and you can fuck me coach, ok get it and hurry boy, yes sir. I grabbed my book bag and sat it next to the bench in the weight room. I got out the k-y and hand it to coach, now you can fuck me coach, Coaches cock slid deeply into my ass without effort. My hole was well loses form all the ass fucking I have been through lately, but non-resisting. Coach told my hole tighter than any cunt he had fucked .he seemed to like my ass then any one else he had played with. I sure liked it your ass Bert, I had my eye on you since the first day you signed up for track and a lot more than I had in resent days. His cock was hot and his body was quivering. He was skewered on my ass with his fucking a raging hard-on and was his hip going a mile a minute. I realized he was massaging my ass with his cock. He also raised his body fucked me like a rabbit in heat. With each thrust his ball hit my ass and beat my ass cheeks. More, more coach fuck me harder and deeper coach. He was pounding like a mad man. My prostate was his punching bag. I moaned when I couldn't hold back my climax any longer. "That's it! I'm shooting too!" he exclaimed. Our orgasms merged. We relaxed, then pulled out of me and we and then I showered and then I sucked his cock once more. As we are headed to coach's office I picked up my bag and asked if you had fucked Jed? What do you mean Bert, I saw Jed leave your room at the hole in the wall inn last Sunday. Coach Fox was shocked that I knew his secret about Jed and him. You much be wrong Bert I don't know what you're talking about. It's not true. I got pictures coach, dam coach sat at his desk with only a towel on. What do you want Bert, I will keep my mouth shut and not say a word, call this my insurance policy on you and Jed. From now on you're going to be very nice to me, and Jed, let's say for now you tell no one and I do mean no one, not even Jed. Let's see all the dirt you have on Jed. I want it all you have on him, I know Jed was a prick when he join the team and you got him to straighten up so give or I will go to the dean and show every thing I have on you and get you fired. Don't do that Bert I give you anything you want just don't do that. With that coach fox goes his cabinet and pulls out a metal box, while he does that I get dressed. Coach opens the box and hand me a thick envelope. I told coach to get dress. He stood up and told him to stand while I sat in his chair and went through the yellow envelop carefully. In side was pictures of Jed sucking some old guy's dick and being fuck too and Jed jacking off while sucking dick with another man, one being pissed on. I smiled and said to coach, I let you have these back as soon I get copies made, oh next Saturday after our track meet you and I are going to have some fun just you and me got it coach, yes sir anything you wish sir coach fox said. Good boy coach you learn quick it's almost time for my next class and I don't want to be late. Give me your phone number an address so I know where to get in touch with you and if you got a cell phone I want that number too. Yes Bert here is my numbers and address also. Nice boy, I give these picture back after I make some copies and put them in a safe place remember not a word to Jed or anyone or the dean will see what I have and see what he thinks about you fucking students on campus and in motels. I keep my mouth shut Bert just don't let anyone know, your secret is safe with me just don't try anything funny or you and Jed will regret it. Thank you Bert sir, I keep my mouth shut sir good I now need to go, I will be in touch. I put the pictures in my book bag and left coach fox office and headed to my class. At 2 o'clock computer class, with professor bill Newport, he's in his late 50's five ten, 220 lbs a chubby teacher; make class fun to learn, a very friendly guy too who a lot of student doesn't know him. We talk about how to use of computers. When class ended Mr. Newport asked for me to stay after class. I was wondering why, my grades in his class were doing fine. As the class empty out and Mr. Newport was gathering his notes and books, he said Bert I just wanted to say well done on your midterm paper, excellent work. I hope you don't take this too personal Bert I notice something I never saw before, do you have nipple ring on, yes sir, and my new master put them on this weekend. Mr. Newport was shocked at first and then said cool, he looked around and asked can I see them, sure I got nothing to hide, I pulled up my t-shirt and showed them too him, like them sir. Mr. Newport licked his lips and said, as a mater of fact, yes I do, and I have some too on my nipples also Bert, cool I show you but I would have to take my shirt off to show you. Bert said I also have a Prince Albert on also and it pulls my dick down all the time and cant wear briefs or underwear till it heals up. Mr. Newport lick his lips more woof and turn and pulled my dick out, showed him my hairless crotch, dick and balls to him. He fell back to his chair and said, dam that look good enough to eat .I kept looking around to make sure no one would see me then put my dick back in my shorts, told him I need to get going and Mr. Newport said wait a minute and wrote some thing down on a slip of paper, it was his phone number. I you ever want to talk, or need some help with homework, just call me and winked his left eye at me. And with that I was out the door and on my way to grab a bite before I went to call my master and tell him what I got on Jed and the coach fox. 4 30 pm Sir answered the third ring, yes boy sir got some good new, got coach on tape having sex with me in the weight room and got some good pictures of Jed sucking older men cocks, and getting fucked, piss on and drinking it too. Good boy, I be at you building in hour be ready, shorts and t-shirt and shoes nothing more and the dirt you got on both of them, yes sir. It was around Four o'clock when Sir pulled up in his truck. I got in and handed sir the envelope I got from coach fox. Sir puts my collar on my neck and then opens the envelope and take out the photos of Jed with other men smiles and starts to laugh, boy I think I got me another bitch to break in, you said you got these from coach fox. Yes sir, I told coach I had proof that he and Jed were having sex, and he also didn't know I was taping him when he tried to blackmail me so I turn the tables on him and blackmail him instead. Sir said, let listen to the tape boy. I turn the tape on and sir heard coach having sex with him and tries to blackmail me in being one of his sex toys, but I got him to admit having sex with Jed Carson and handing over his proof to me. Nice work boy, got your homework done, no sir, do you have your books with you, yes sir right here in my bag, good. Sir started his truck and took off. I stripped my shorts off as required. I knew better to ask sir were we where going. 5:45 we arrived at sir house; I put my shorts back on as required and got out of the truck. I followed sir into the house; I stripped off my clothes and folded my shorts and shirt. Sir was standing in the living room and I ask sir if he wanted me to undress him he just nodded, I first took off his shirt, he put down the envelope and raised his arms so I could take off his shirt, the whole time he acted I was not there, he picked back up the envelope. Then undid his pants, and pulled them down, sir than sat down and I kneel down and Then I Pulled off the shoes and socks, pausing only to breathe in the pure smell of sweat of his feet, I did so and noticing my sir's smile of pleasure. Then I pulled down his pants off and neatly folded them and place the couch next to him. He was now naked. Dam Master looks like I god sitting there naked. His legs spread, his balls hanging low, his cock hanging low between his legs. He raised his hand to motion me to him. 'Come here Boy'. I stepped near and he shoving my face into his cock. My head spinning with the sight of my master sitting there, I could smell of musky sweat is turning me on.

He directed my face and tongue to his balls, I stuck out my tongue to except my masters juicy ball with my nose so close to master hole was driving me .I licked his hard balls, worked my tongue down his shaft. I wanted his cock, but he had other plans. He lean back on the couch and pulled up his right legs exposing his pink, puckered, glistening ass hole surrounded by a hairy black hair, sweat-wet hairs. He pushed my face down. The smell me hard as a rock and it was so hard It started to thumb. Just a whiff of his send me crazy, I felt like I was on popper trip. I darted my tongue in and tried to get as much as I could get of the sweat in my mouth. I was lapping his hole as fast as I could. I couldn't get enough of his musky sent, like I'm addicted to his musky sweat, never been like that before. Tasting of his ass crack drove me crazy and I couldn't stop. The musky sent making me to go deeper and deeper into his taste sweet hole. He moans and groaned with pleasure as I rimmed deeper and deeper my tongue went rimming his hole. He told me on as I thrust my pointed tongue tip as far as I could into his hole. Oh boy that's how to do it I you're a good cock sucker and now I know you love to clean my asshole boy. That, it boy deeper oh, ya boy that's it. 'Yes eat me Boy, eat my hole oh, yes, yes '. 'I know what you need and want. I know all your desires; eat your Master's shit asshole, that give me pleasure boy'. Sir drops right leg down between my head; I have his cock in my face. Sir grabs me head with his left hand and forces his dick in my mouth. Boys take this and make sure you don't scrap my cock. My lips opened and I swallowed sir's cock, he pushed my head down further. I felt the huge cock meet the back of my throat, I started to gagged, I was willing my throat to open I felt the cock get through it was all the way in my mouth and not gag If possible. I could taste sir black pubic hairs and the musk of his sweat. My throat started to spasm as sir pushed his cock in more, I though I was choking and tried t convince my self I was not going to choke. I had to relax or I might pass out. So far I'm able to take it all at once but I did, then I started to bobbin my head up and down, I played with his balls and sticking a finger in his asshole and rubbing it back and forth. He moans and groans loader and loader. Then he takes both hand and shoves his cock to the back of my throat and shoots his load. He must have shot six or seven loads of cum. My mouth was full and I could feel it slinging down my throat. Oh sir After the last spasm of cum in my mouth pleasure of delight shot through my whole body I looked up and smiled at my Master who smiled back as I knelt and with unquestioning delight began to lick up my still hot cum from his rock hard, tan muscled legs I thought I was in heaven. I knew then I was with the right person to be my master, next to my dad, but now I'm master now. Now we need to get Jed off your case and make him ours to do with boy, yes sir. When do you see him Wednesday after class for our work out , we are supposed to run a mile each day for the first month , then extra mile each week till we get up too five miles, heck I do five miles every other morning before class, coach doesn't know that sir. Good I make sure you keep that up boy, no wonder you have hot ass. So this is what we are going to do. Friday you get Jed to meet you at the hole in the wall and I have him service him, have some video cameras hidden in the room, come in and make him service me. Then tell him I send the pictures to his dad big time senator, show him the pictures. Then go from there.

more to cum

Next: Chapter 7

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