Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 13, 2005


Sir yelled for me and I ran to him, boy let me inspect you boy. Sir looks my over and checked to see if my plug was in place. Pull the plug out to see if it was clean and it was. Good pussyboy, you be called pussyboy from now on, yes sir I said. Its time to go to sleep your dad has to get some rest you will sleep on the floor next to me. And in the morning you will clean your self up and do it right or you be punished, yes sir. If you need to pee boy do it know you won't get a chance to till morning boy thank you sir. I went in to the bathroom to pee. Got back into the bedroom and thank sir for allowing me to piss sir. Now lay down next to me on the floor and don't you move yes sir. Sir and my dad lay down together for the night. I on the rug next to my new master and my dad locked in each other arms a sleep. What a wild day this has been fuck and used by the two men in my life what could be. Monday

5 am next morning I woke up to noise in the bathroom, I looked on the bed and sir just waking up and dad was just walking back into the bedroom. I could see he had a hard on again, dad usually has one all the time. Sir got up and sat on the side of the bed and spread his legs open up boy and doesn't lose a drop pussyboy. With that sir started to piss in my mouth and it was warm little salty but hot to drink. Nice feeling going down my throat ah the nectar of the gods. I need cock in my mouth or my ass I need cock I said to my self. Bart said I see my son is at it again, boy likes dick. Sir Bob talks to Bert while I finish off his morning piss, and asked you and I are so much alike, I want you to think this as your home away from home. When you get out of the service why not live here and we can train boy together, I need a partner and I'm not getting any younger so what do you say. My last tour of duty is coming up and I was going to sign up for one more tour since boy in school and such. And now I'm thinking of retiring from the service and I will get full pay too. Let me think about sounds like a good plan. Take your time bob said, what you would like for breakfast Bert. Got any coffee and maybe some egg and toast would be nice. With that sir stood up and pulled his cock out of my mouth. Boys go and clean your self and I will inspect in thirty minutes and your better be clean inside and out boy, yes sir will do sir. Bert and sir were gone to the kitchen naked. I filled up the enema bottle and got into the tub and hung the bottle up and got on all four in the tub. I stuck the hose in my ass. I released the clamp on the hose I could feel the hot water enter my gut and could feel I swishing around in me, when I thought I could no longer hold any more I clamped the hose off and held the it in place for a couple of seconds and pulled the hose out of my ass and bared down not to lose any water. I set the timer and waited five minutes, then sat on the toilet for another five minutes, then let the water out of my hole, I sat for the proper amount of time and repeated the process three more times. I wanted to make sure I was clean for my master and dad. Don't want to let them down, always trying to do my best effort for my master and dad. when that was done I quickly and carefully went to shaving my body, first my head, making sure in the mirror to make sure I don't miss a spot then my face, down to my chest , arms ,legs and butt . And the most important area my crotch, balls, and dick, those areas I don't want to miss anything or cut my self. With all this work I had five minutes left. So I jumped into the shower to wash off any hair that might be left. Got out of the shower and dried off and put my plug in my as just as sir walked in the bathroom. Ready for inspection pussyboy, yes sir, arms up boy sir checks my armpits then my chest and legs. Spread your legs so I can inspect your crotch boy, I spread them as wide they would go. Good so far pussyboy, I see dogboy shown you how to do it right. Sir slaps my ass really hard good. Time to eat boy follow me boy, I followed sir to the kitchen were two plates were set at the table one were my dad was still naked and eating bacon and eggs, with toast and coffee. My dad just looked in my direction and kept on eating his food.

Sir picks up a bowl off of the counter and sat down at the table. Sir leans over to put the bowl on the floor next to his chair. Here pussyboy this is you be eating you meal here boy so get to it. Get on all fours and eat your food, you may not eat with your hands boy and don't make a mess, I f you do you have to clean it up with you tongue boy. To assume the position and eat your food mutt, I got down on all four and ate my food. It was hard to do, I have never eat this way and found it difficult to do it, this was so humiliation and degrading in my life. Sir patted my head as I eat my food, sir said; pussyboy would you like a piece of bacon. I looked up at my master and he fed me a piece of his food like he would treat a pet. My dad whistled and said pussyboy come here and I knew I better go to him. My dad turns in his chair and spread his legs and said here is something to wash the down with. And grabbed his dick and pointed at my mouth. I took it only because I didn't want to be punished by the whip so soon. I took his cock in my mouth, no biting boy, yes sir. He started to peeing, his nectar was strong and fast, I almost was able to keep up with him but some how managed to drink it fast enough. Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh, Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it "I'm going to piss now slut! And you better not miss a drop slut or you regret it boy. I'm going to piss boy Right in your mouth, boy, Swallow it, Swallow my sweet piss, slut! Get your reward; I will feed you my piss right now. Swallow it boy!' pussyboy groaned. As the flow went down my throat I hoped I didn't miss a drop. Man I can't get enough of this, but I better not let on I like it too much. So gag and make him think I don't like it. Bert said good slut you didn't miss a drop for that I'm pleased boy. Sir may I use the restroom sir, I like to take a pee sir. Wait till I say so boy, yes sir. With that sir got a glass off of the table and told slut to pee in the glass, so I did. I felt like I could piss for ever but I filled the glass and I knew what sir had in mind but kept it to my self. Now boy drink your piss, sir hands me the glass which he held for my and I drank it, making sure I drank it all. Sir smiled as he saw I drank all of my piss. "Yes Sir! My worthless body is yours to do anything with you Want!" pussyboy replied I didn't move, just waited for sir and dad to tell me what they wanted. Sir told me to finish my meal and never waste food or drink in his presences. Dad looked at the clock on the wall and said I need to get ready leave or I will miss my bus connections, sir asked cant you stay a day more, no said Bert sr. your always welcome here Bert and think my offer over ok. Bob I will its tempting offer, yes I will think it over. I had just finished licking my bowl up and sir told me to get dressed so I could see your father off at the bus station.

I got on a pair of shorts, as I was putting my shorts sir thru a black shirt that read slave on the front. My dad had pack up his stuff and had on a pair of tight jeans and a paper thin white t-shirt and his army black boots on, he looks so hot, you can see his basket in his jeans and his t-shirt you can see his big nipples through the shirt , dam he's so hot. I carried his duffle bag to the truck and him and master got into the truck, me I was in back of the truck. As we drove to the bus depot I could hear my dad and master talk, not ever word but bits and pieces of there conversations. When we got to the depot I got out and jump to the ground grabbed my dad's duffle bag and carried to the station. He told master he had his ticket already and the bus was just starting to board.

He told Bob that he knew his son was in good hands and turn to me and hugged me and told me to do well in school and make me proud son. You belong to Master Bob and do everything he says, yes dad, dad I miss you, me too son, me too. Bert sr. picked up his bag and walk to the bus, Master Bob stood beside me and squeezed my shoulder and I cried to see my dad leave me again. Let's go boy you need to get to school boy yes sir. I opened the door for sir as we left the station, and sir told me boy I know it hard to see a parent go off with out you and he's the only family you have had.

But now boy your family just got bigger boy, yes sir I know you're my family now sir but, yes he will be part of you family still boy. When you dad gets out of the service he is going to move in with me and be around to help me train slaves. We are going to open a training camp for slave and he is going to be around to abuse and use you as before boy. That s when he's done with this duty serving his country boy. I have given him my address and phone number so he can keep in touch and he said he would write when he gets settled at Fort Hood. Get inside and I need to get you back to your dorm before you class begins, remember your grades must be nothing but your best or you will be punished boy with the whip. Yes sir I understood that clearly sir. Sir starts the truck and take off the short boy you know the rules no shorts in the truck boy only unless I say so, understood sir. I took off my shorts and still had my leather collar still on and the chain collar which I can never take off yes sir. Master Bob drove me to my dorm just as we turn on the street to my building sir said put my short back on boy. I had them on as quickly as I took them off. You got hour before you first class, you are to wear your shorts, socks, shoes, and a tight t-shirt to class no underwear and a jockstrap for track and field understand boy, yes sir. Good as the truck stop at my building and don't forget to be naked in your room boy, I will be watching boy, yes sir. Sir unlocks the leather collar and put it on the seat of the truck. Thank you sir for the meal and the time I have spent with you sir. I waited for sir to pull away before I went to my dorm room. The halls were busy with guys going to class and to there room. I arrived at my room and stripped as soon I shut the door. I laid on my bed with my legs wide open and feeling my body for the first time with the ring in my nipples and Prince Albert pulling my dick down. How hot, I need to move the around to keep them from getting infected and so they will heal properly. I grabbed my books for the day and got dressed and left for my first class which was history with Professor Higgins. 8 Am: I could feel the rings and my Prince Albert rubbing my clothes, what a turn on. I hope I don't get so turn and have a hard on all day. I sat in my chair for Professor Higgins, he was about five foot ten, and 145 lbs in his late 50's and wore a full beard and salt and pepper hair. The bell rang and is ready for his lecture. Like always I little dry but, what he taught is usually on his tests or quizzes. He hand back the midterm grades for the semester Jed walk up to me after class and asked how I was doing, we have to talk Bert , sure what's up? Who the dudes you with yesterday at The Hole In The Wall Inn, my father stop in town on his way to his next assignment at fort hood, and wanted to spend time with me, that's all. Jed, yea right and the other guy your uncle I bet no a friend Jed. And when did you get the nipples rings fagot. I'm no fagot Jed yes you are I saw your so called dad fucking you in the window explain that fagot. I knew I was caught and if he tells everyone I'm sunk. I can explain Jed, I do like to get fucked you wont tell any one will you, If you told everyone, I would be finished here. Maybe we can work out a deal here Bert one that all can agree grinned Jed. I meet you back at my dorm room after practice at 130 pm, and if you don't show up the whole team going to know you a fagot and every guy will want you to fuck your mouth and your ass boy, so don't be late fagot.

Don't know what I'm going to do about Jed, I better let my master know what just happen. I call mater on the way to my next class that was hour away. I dial sir number he gave me and he wanted to know why I was calling him. Sir I got a problem sir, Jed the captain of the track team saw me out side the hole in the wall being fucked by my dad and seeing us come out to the truck, I think he is going to blackmail me sir. I'm to meet him back at his dorm room after practice at 5pm, and if you don't show up the whole team going to know you a fagot and every guy will want you to fuck your mouth and your ass boy sir. I also think he want me to service him and if I don't he is going to tell everyone I a fagot sir. What am I going to do sir? I have a plan boy but you must not panic boy. Now tell me everything you know about this guy, everything you know boy, yes sir. I told my master he is the team captain to the track team and very Popular with my team mate, on the swimming last year and wrestling same time I was, Jed Carson, he's 20 or 21 and six one 134 lbs, blonde hair and drives a black truck. Said he's been with every cheerleader thinks he's a stud with the girls around campus and brags about his sex life. How the girls can't keep their hands off him, has a room mate, his father was some lawyer back east, I think New York I think sir. No brothers or sisters that I know of I see what else I can find out sir. Do that boy and I see what I can do about getting this punk off your ass? Try to get his truck license plate if you can. That's no problem sir I know were he parks it sir. Ok get that for me and see what I can do, bye boy don't let this punk get to you boy, yes sir. I go and get it now sir, I have time before my next class sir and call you back sir. I went looking for Jed's truck and get his plate number, I found it so easy, and he parks in the same spot all the time. I sir and he asked for the plate number and told him it was stud 1, got it sir said now go to class and I see what I can find out on this Jed Carson from New York. 10 am I went to my next class that was economic class with Mr. Jones he's a hot teacher 35, single five- five 124 lbs, blond hair blue eyes wears the tights pants and all the girls cant wait to talk to him after class and get his point of view on the topic of the day. Sir called back and said were first going to get some dirt on this guy, try to get him to your room instead of his place and have the cam on and I tape it and use it blackmail him. You said he came out of the room next to your dads write, yes sir, I don't know who he was with in the room sir, no problem I find out for you boy and see how straight he really is boy, might be a closet queen for all we know boy, and if so I might just have another slave to break in boy, yes sir. I had Jed in my math class and it was the last class before track and field practice and Jed sat on the other side of the room. I could feel Jed's eye on me the whole time in math 202, which Mrs. Green taught, I tried to keep my thoughts on the class on hand. After class Jed said, fagot your going to show up at my room at 5 pm or not. Jed why not use my room, you have a room mate and I don't, we can talk better in my room, ok fagot if your not there your dead meat. No problem Jed I be there waiting for you dude. And Jed walk away and I stood looking at his ass, he make a good slave for my master I said to my self. I started for my room but I need to piss so bad I call sir, sir yes boy, sir may I take a piss sir. Go into the bathroom, I want to hear you piss boy. Luckily I was next to the men's rest room and it was empty and put the phone to the urinal so sir could hear the piss hitting the urinal. good boy now did Jed agree to meet in your room at 5 pm yes sir , good make sure the web cam is working then turn the screen off so he wont know the cam is on and hide the cam under some books or towels so he wont see it boy, yes sir will do sir. I hurry back to my room with my books, to get ready for track and field practice and set the trap for Jed. I striped first when I got to the room then fixed the camera so Jed wont see hidden and to trap the bitch. And took the plug out of my ass and got ready for track practice.

11am I showed up early to do my stretching and talk to the coach fox. Coach fox was in his early 40's in great shape , six-one 175 all prime beef , black hair and rumors that has a nine inch uncut cock and has one son who live at home him, and his wife died in a car accident. Coach like to wear tight fitting shirts and shorts to show off his body around us guys on the field .I told coach about my new chain and nipple ring which he noticed thought my shirt, he told me to keep It cover as possible and see him after practice, I told him I had appointment that I couldn't be late for so he pulled me to aside and said I needed to wear a tighter shirt and if it effects my running I will have to leave the team, ok sir I hope it doesn't happen sir, I would do anything to stay on the team sir. About that time the other guys from the team showed up and Jed was with his usual buddies. Coach blew his whistle, first group take your positions Jed and his buddies are in the first group, and then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach blew his whistle, second group take your positions that was my group, then blew it again the group was off, one lap around the track. Coach yelled now everyone five lap around the track and then that's all for today. Coach waved me over to come to talk to him. Yes coach; I want you in my office tomorrow at 1pm in my office don't be late, yes coach sir. I ran my five laps, I was last to finished due to I was talking to the coach and checking him out at the same time. I ran back to my dorm, I wanted to get there before Jed had a chance to get there. Talk to sir on the way to my room and asked to be clothed when Jed arrived, sir said only you shorts you may leave on till things get started. Yes sir I said as I entered my dorm building. Just got in the room and I called sir and put him on the speaker phone, so he could hear everything that went on with Jed and I. 1:30 pm About two minutes to 1:30 Jed showed up wearing his blue jeans and his track t-shirt. I let Jed in and demanded what do you want Jed Carson. Here's the deal you become my personal slut and I won't tell anyone of you getting fucked by a guy, who you says was your dad, fagot. I think your some kinky freak too with the nipple rings in all fagot said Jed. We can start by you giving me some head boy; Jed grabs his crotch through his jeans. And If I don't, I will tell everyone how you like to be fucked by guys. I guess I don't have a real chooses do I, Jed lets do on the bed here so you can relax and I can take care your dick properly Jed, good thinking fagot, I knew I was going to have the last laugh on Jed and his buddies. Jed stood and unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the floor and step out of them, Jed was wearying no underwear and stepped out of his pants. I complied and opened my mouth to let His hard dick in my mouth. He didn't wait and immediately slipped his nine dick into my mouth and began sliding it back and forth. He met little resistance at the back of my throat as I had become so used to having a cock in my mouth. I felt His hairy balls press against my chin, and my nose was buried in His thick dark bush. He held His cock all the way to the root for a few moments before pulling it back.

This went on for awhile like I knew it would. "You fucking fag, you really do love my cock boy, huh cock sucker? Now open up, I want to feel your tongue on my dick cock sucker." He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. He was leaking pre-cum and I could taste him very strongly and Jed didn't shower after track practice. Do you know how many girls want a chance at this cock?" Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, ha, ha, mmm, yeah, take it, take it, I know how much you like it fagot pussy cunt, and I know how much you want it , I see you checking me out when I'm running ". I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, swirling my tongue and sucking in my cheeks. "You can take it fagot , come on fagot, you like it, take it, boy, uh oh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, and take my fucking dick..." Jed I love you cock and want it Jed, I "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh ,Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it" Jim said. I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." after being fuck for fifteen minutes, Jed shoots his load. Fagot you gave me the best blowjob I had ever had fagot, better the girls you have been with, Bert your mouth is better than any girl I been with , most only give me a hand job, the girls thinks it too grossed to suck a dick and some want to save them selves for when they get married. And tell me to be ready to service him when he needs it or I will tell everyone on team fagot. He gets up and leaves the room. After the door shuts I said sir did you here that sir, yes boy got all on tape boy now we have or revenge on Jed Carson from New York boy, yes sir. Boys take off the shorts, sorry sir. I was so wrapped up in this Jed thing I forgot to take off my shorts and be naked in my room; sorry sir won't happen again sir. I need to get some things ready for Jed and hopefully he will be sing a different tune soon boy, needs just to get some more dirt on this slime ball. I did some checking with the clerk at the hole in the wall inn, it seem the guys who rented the room next to your dads was named fox, bill, cool sir, might be able to use that sir. I might know this guy sir, let me find out sir and get back, I need to talk to the coach at noon sir, that's coach fox sir. Boy you might be on to Jed's secret and might be able to use that on the coach as well boy, yes sir. Now do your homes work and I be in touch boy, yes sir thank you sir. With that put the cameras back where they belong and started do work on my homework for today.

More to cum

Next: Chapter 6

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