Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 12, 2005


I already sweating from the pushups and the torture for before and he position me over the chair in the room next to the window and the curtain is not all the way shut so if some one walks by they see everything. After lubing my hole with two finger and then slowly inters my hole slowly till he has it all the way. Then fuck me slowly and each time he enters me he pushes it deeper and deeper each time till I can feel his balls hitting my ass cheeks. As soon as he thinks he got me were he wants me and pick up the pace and bangs me harder. Each time I tell him harder and faster. Some times I think he digging a hole to the other side and this go on for two hours long. Each time he about to shoot be back down and holds it for a minute or two the starts all over again, and again. All I can do is moan and hope he doesn't stop. Then my phone rang, it was sitting not the table next to the chair I was being fucked, and my dad answered it and it was my master. Hello, who's this? I'm Bert's father, who's this, all the person would say may I talk to Bert jr. please. My dad still had his dick in my and deep in my ass and hands me the phone. Hello, yes sir that's my father, sir he fucking me at the moment sir. Yes sir, I told him about you sir, yes sir. Dad my master would like a word with you sir. Dad took the phone and said, hello, yes, yes, were at The Hole in the Wall Inn down the street from the dorm room ten. Sure, cant wait to meet you bye. My dad continued to fuck me with his monster nine inch dick. Your master will be here soon and we going to talk slut. please fuck me, Sir, please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick deep in side me, shoving it in and out, I want to make feel you in my ass, please sir, please fuck me harder please dad fuck me hard and make me pay for it please I need dick in my hole I'm goanna make you do every fuck in perverted thing I can fuck in think of......." don't think of resist from me punk with that he fuck me hard I thought I would pass out then he shot his hot load up my ass and I fell on the chair and must of passed out.

The next thing I remember was a knock at the door. When I finally focused enough it was my dad sitting on the bed dressed in his jeans and a glass in his hand and sun on my body. My father told me answers the door, I did as told and there was my master in his jeans and black shirt. Hello sir, come in, I said to my master. Sir this is my father captain Bert Jackson sr. sir. Dad this is Master Williams's dad. Dad got up and greeted my master and my dad asked would you like a drink Mr. Williams, call me bob if you don't mind. They both shook hands yes we only have whiskey and soda, sorry. No problem slaves get me a whiskey short on the rock, yes sir. Both of them sat at the table at the window and talk for a bit. Master asked my dad how long is he going be in town Bert told him just the night and then he had to get back to fort hood in Texas were he be there for at least six to months or so. Who knows with the army in all? Has told me some thing about you bob but wont give out details yet. That's my fault I told him to keep his mouth shut till decide what he can say Bert. Bert good to keep a tight leash on this puppy he can take more then most boys can. Good said bob, I plan on use and abuse him, good most guys couldn't handle this slut and even Special Forces couldn't handle and they tried. Bob said I can handle him.

I was in Special Forces in Vietnam. Good then you might be the one to do it. I love fucking my son, hot hole and hot body too. With that dad kissed my master and they tongue kiss for two minutes. Bart said I wish I had more time to spend with you and my boy, well we got the whole night. Why not come and stay at my place and we can really give your son a real work out before you leave. Are you sure Bob; I don't want to put you out. No, be a blast having my new slave's father/ fuck buddy and I can get to know you better, are you sure bob? Sure I'm sure plenty of room and we can use the dungeon and really have fun with slut here. Cool, let me get my stuff together, no my slave will do that for you, your going to be my guest and my slaves take care of the packing. I heard and I obey. I started to gather my fathers stuff into his duffle bag. As I bent over master saw that I didn't have my plug in my ass and asked were it was and Bert said its here I took it out and didn't put it back in. with that sir told me to come here and bend over. Sir inserted my plug in my ass with one thrust and I yep a bit and sir slapped my ass so hard I lost my balance and all most fell. Slaves are to be seen not heard, sorry sir. Bob asked Bart what did you guy do today? Bart said I made my boy drink my piss , I haven't had a mouth to piss In so long I just couldn't wait ,we ate across the road then came back here. When we got back here he told me he had a master, that's when I started to treat him like a slave should be, came in his mouth and rough him up tied him up and CBT and hot wax on the dick and ball and made him cum and fuck his ass for hour or so at the window so all could see him being fuck by a guy. Good to fuck my boy again, always get off more then once when I fuck my hot horny son ass and mouth. I could tell you stories how he took ten guys at one weekend and still was able to run two miles that day. Sir my fathers stuff is all pack sir's what would you want me to do next sirs. Put only your shorts on no shirt and put your fathers stuff in the back of the truck and get in the back of the truck and wait there for us pussyboy. Yes sir, right a way sir. With that I was out to the truck waiting and hoping no one would see me but I was wrong. Jed the captain of the track team walked by slowly and stopped and looked surprised and then walked on. Dam I hope no one would see me and by the time I get back to practice it will be over the team. I was fairly popular with my team mate but now I don't know what to think Jed does like to talk, I lettered in Varsity swimming last year and wrestling the same season, Jed been with every cheerleader twice and brags about his sex life. I see him the lock room boosting how the girls can't keep their hands off him, that's what he said. I like to see how long he last as a slave, probably wont makes it the first five minutes. Then my master and dad came out and dad out of the room as they were old buddies meeting for the first time in years, they were talking about their time in the service while they reached the truck. Master asked if things were ok, I told my master my team captain walked by a minute ago he came out of the room next to my dads room got into the truck and we drove off past my dorm building on the way to my master home, there were some students around but I don't know if they knew me or not. We stopped a several traffic lights and I know some driver just stared at me and on guy grind ear to ear and winked at me.

When we arrived at master house sir and Bart Sr, got out and I jumped out of the back of the truck and I grabbed dads' duffle bag and followed behind them. As soon I was in the door I sat down the duffle bag and striped off my shorts. And folded my shorts and followed them to the living room. Boy comes here my master ordered. On your knees boy, I kneeled in front of my master. I want you to open my pants, yes sir. I got down on my knees, and made my way over to him. Take my shoes off boy. He was rubbing his crotch, takes care of his my boy, he spreading legs open so I reached up and undid it. He slapped me in the face. Did I tell you to use your hands boy, no sir, and then use your mouth boy? With that I used my teeth and mouth to undo his belt and then his zipper. Sir then lifted his ass off of his chair and pushed his pants down. Then he took off his shirt. Now take your A waft of my stench boy. I stuck my nose as I opened his crotch. His crotch smell was muskier than last time. It must have been that he hasn't showered at all to day. I reached in with my face, and put nose to his balls, and my tongue to his slightly hairy crack. I flicked out my tongue and got my first taste of his rank crotch. It wasn't unpleasant, but very ripe. I continued to lean and flick my tongue in and out of his crack as he still made no indication that I was even there. He just sat there talking to my dad, as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed right underneath his balls, and all my senses were of my master musky crotch. This went on for a good twenty minutes, and my knees were starting to get sore on his floor. I kept pushing my tongue into his crack, trying to keep it wet. Now do our guest, cant you see he's needs some relief too. "Come over here, cocksucker," So I took off my dads' shoes and socks and then with my mouth I undid his belt and got his zipper down. Oh, yes, boy that the way to take care of the old man. I looked up dad and dad was getting more excited then I have ever seen before. I used my teeth and mouth to undo my dads' belt and then his zipper. My dad then lifted his ass off of his couch and pushed his pants down. Then he took off his shirt. By this time sir had gotten beers for dad and himself. I bent down further and his sack was huge, hanging down glistening in sweat. I flicked my tongue out and lapped up the underside of his balls which made him moan - it was so hot. I dragged my tongue all over his balls, savoring the taste of his ball sweat. My whole face stank of his Crotch smell by this point, and it was all I could breathe. You can't get enough of my dick, huh? Well you're goanna earn it today; that what you want, fag? That's it, pussyboy, you love my nasty dick, don't cha? You can't get enough of my dick, huh? Well you're goanna earn it today; that what you want, fag? You want my huge dick fucking the crap out of your scrawny ass? Answer me, boy..." he said as pushed my head into his crotch even further. What ever you say sir's, I'm here for your pleasures sir, my body belongs to my master sir and what ever he says I do sir. My dad grabbed by the ear and pulls me to my feet "Come there, pussyboy," he said as he lifted his left arm exposing his hairy musky armpit, the smell was so strong. With his right hand on the back of my head, he shoved me into his arm pit and I started licking like crazy. I lapped out his armpit the best I could, my tongue taking long strokes the entire length of it. I felt the hair on my tongue, the taste of his sweat musky consumed my mouth. My whole face began to stink of him and his rank musky smell as I continued to suck out armpit. Boy, ooh yeah, that's it baby, lick them...mmm, that feels good, now the other one, with his left hand on the back of my head, he shoved me into his arm pit and I started licking like crazy. I lapped out his armpit the best I could. Now the left nipple boy, my head was going crazy. So I lick and lick and licked around his nipples, then the right one. While this was going on my dad was squeezing and twisting my dick and balls. Boy, ooh yeah, that's it baby, lick them...mmm, that feels good. Then all of a sudden whack and pain on my ass, It was my master with his belt.

That enough slave for now boy, yes sir, sorry sir. Get your ass over here boy now sir put my leather collar on, now I have my leather collar and my chain collar which I wear at all times. "Oh, sir, I'm sorry I wasn't more attentive, please let me service you and Make you feel good. I want to feel your cock down my throat, Sir, please let me suck it" I said in my most respectful tone. "Yes, sir" I replied, and promptly. "You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my sucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick in that pussy mouth of yours." He held with both hand and shoved my head on his cock. "Lick my nuts, pussyboy". I did. They were hairy and musky. I ran my tongue up one side of his cock and down the other side then I wand to work on my masters' nuts. They were salty sweaty musky. I love licking my master's balls. Master moans and moaned. He pulled away, grabbed his Cock in his hand and pointed it at my mouth. I opened wide. "Oh, sir, I'm sorry I wasn't more attentive, please let me service you and Make you feel good. I want to feel your cock down my throat, Sir, please let me suck it" "MMM", sir groaned as he shoves his massive cock into my mouth. "Yeah, boy Pussyboy how does it Feels. Suck my master's cock". I look up at my master and I kept sucking it. He was shoving it so far into my mouth that it was at the back of my throat. I gagged a bit but knew not to complain. He began fucking my face harder, and harder and groaning like an animal in heat. "Yeah, boy now I could taste his pre-cum. It was delicious. I slid my mouth down on his cock as far as I could. I heard another groan. I was glad he was enjoying the service I was giving him. My dick was now so hard I though I might shoot right there and then. I knew he was getting close to shooting, and prepared to swallow his load. Just about that time, he stopped and pulled out abruptly. Without saying anything, he stood up and left me sitting on the floor at his feet. I started to raise up to support my weight on my knee, he pushed me down. I didn't tell you to get up boy. No sir then keep you ass put. Yes sir.

Don't you think it time we really had some serious action with this pussyboy Bert? Hell yes, pussyboy needs to be put in his place and make sure he doesn't forget it ether , dam right lets take him to the dungeon.

When I got into the dungeon is had restraints put on my legs and wrist, then put on the cross. I was facing the cross. I could only see what happening by looking into the mirror and my master put a gag ball put into my mouth and tied tightly. Them my master left the room. I still had my butt plug up my ass and it was starting to get uncomfortable. When my master returned he was wearing a black master harness, a black cap and black sun glasses and then my father entered the room wearing the same thing, dam these two looked so hot in leather. My master asked Bert, have you ever whipped a guy before, no I haven't but always wanted to try it out. Sir said, watch what I do and then you do it, ok said Bert. Whack across my back; see that's how it's done. Sir then gave the whip to Bert and whack across my lower back, not bad for a first time, sir told Bert. Remember it's in the wrist and make it a quick jerk in the wrist. Try again and this time more of the wrist, whack better, better for him and pain for me. Give a couple more times Bert; try this time for his ass whack, good right on the mark. The only thing I could do was just bare with it and enjoys and gets to be exotic and it's starting to make me hot for more and more abuse. Whack that hit my ass and my dick, ouch that hurt. Boy had enough for one day and sir and Bert untied me from the cross. And took me to my master bed room were I was tied to the end of the bed in a standing position. Sir and my father got on the bed and sir made love to my father in front of me

When they got on the bed and into a sixty-nine position and started to suck each others hard big dicks. It was hot to see my master and my dad having sex and the first time seeing them with any one else. I got so excited Sir suddenly started to lick dads ass and finger him Dad started to moan even louder and said: "Fuck my ass with your huge dick of yours. I want you to show my son how his old man likes taking a big fat dick." When I saw how sir started fucking my dad I nearly shot a load already. Till then I only knew my father as a real top man -- but now this turned me on even more. I wanted to fuck him too! Sir fucked harder and harder and suddenly shot a huge load deep in dad's ass. Man I need that, jr. had fucked me a dozens of time but not like you, but your one hell of a fucker bob. they were both sweaty and moaning Thanks and they had a deep kiss, now fuck me Bert, I want you to fuck me hard and deep don't let me boys do it. One boy has his nuts cut off. He was given them one time to fuck me before I had him clipped for good. And sir went down on my dads' dick and balls and was moaning so loud. I though I might shoot just watching these two guys going at each other like animals in heat.

Dad put his big dick in sir ass and started fucking his hole slowly at first. Sir seamed to really like it. Then when dad got it in all the way he asked how you do like my big cock up in your hole. Sir said man I love having bid dick beating my hole and there ball hitting my ass while being fucked. With that dad increased his rhyme and began pounding his ass and each time sir said harder, faster, deeper man fuck my more, more deeper. Both men faces were getting redder and redder. While dad was pounding him, sir's huge dick was getting hard again, you can see sir dick flapping all over the place. Dad shot his load in sir tight hole; both were moaning and sweating all over the place then all of a sudden the collapsed on the bed. Puffing and sweating, sir got up and untied me from the bed and shoves me to my knees "Lick my cock and nuts, boy". I did. They were covered with cum, and man juices. I ran my tongue over the sir's cock. They were salty, Very tasty. I love licking cum off of sweaty cock. He moaned. He pulled away, grabbed his cock in his hand and pointed it at my mouth. I opened wide. "Ha, ha, ha", sir groaned as he slid his big cock into my mouth. "Yeah, boy, clean my dick boy feels good. Suck my cock do a good job boy". I could taste his cum. It was delicious. I slid my mouth down on his cock as far as I could. I heard another groan I was glad he was enjoying the service I was giving him. Boy you did a good job of cleaning me cock now do your dads boy, yes sir right away sir. I approached my dad, he was lying on his back play with his nipples, and I like to get a nipple ring some day, maybe when I get out of the service. I crawled on to the be between my dads legs and started to clean the cum on his semi soft cock "Lick them nuts, jr. pussy-boy, ooh yeah, that's it baby, lick them clean...mmm, that feels good, now get your tongue on my nuts boy you better do a good job boy now "Lick my cock and nuts, boy". I did. They were covered with cum, and man juices from my master's hole. I ran my tongue over the dads cock.

They were salty, Very tasty. I love licking cum off of sweaty cock. He moaned. . I opened wide son and watch out for your teeth boy. "Ha, ha, ha", dad groaned as he slid his big cock down my mouth. "Yeah, boy, clean my dick boy feels good son just like the first time I fucked you on your eighth birthday. Suck deeper son on your old my man cock". It was delicious to clean dads and sirs cock one right after another. Hot it seem like a dream but it was true, having my dad and new master having sex and me getting to clean them both up. Sir was watch me clean my dad up and told me to come to his side of the bed. I got off of the bed and waited for sir next order. Sir told me to go over my dad and jack off over his chest and lick it up. So I went to the side of the bed were my dad was laying and jacked off on his chest. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load, I must of shot six times over his chest. The cum was all over his chest , from his left nipple to his belly button, lick it all up, love the tastes of sweat and cum . I made sure all my hot sticky cum was cleaned up. I could hear my father heavy breathing each time my tongue lick his body. It was the greatest feeling I ever had so far I realized that sir and dad became I realized that Jim and dad really hit it off and became good friends. Sir said it time to clean up and change the sheets. Sir told dad were the bathroom was at and sir told me to strip the bed. Sir went to a closet in the hall and came back with sheet and told me to be done by the time they were done with their showers.

I quickly made the bed and sir yelled pussyboy get your ass in here now. I ran to the bathroom to find sir in the shower washing my dads back. Be ready to dry us when we get out of the shower boy Yes, sir. On the sink there is two towels, I stood there while sir washed my dads' ass with a wash cloth. I could see clearly them both the shower door was clear glass and I could see all that was happening. I could see the water dripping down their bodies, what a turn on. Then sir rinsed off and stepped out of the shower first. I began to dry off my master and he told me to get in the shower you stink like a skunk boy and now get in the shower and be good, yes sir. I gave the towel to sir and entered the shower with my father. Dad started at my head and worked his way down the front of my chest and played with my nipples. Son you know I love you and I would not do anything to hurt you, right. Yes sir, but you belong to Master Bob now son. Now dad was washing my cock and balls, he looked me in the eyes and gave me a deep passionate kiss. It was hot to whip you boy, so hot I need more of it son. I wish I knew you liked it so; I would done it sooner son. I could see my dad was getting turned on again. And with that he reaches behind me and pulled my plug out of my ass and told me to lean on the wall and spread your cheeks son. I'm going to fuck you again my slut boy. With that he shoved is dick in with one trust up my shut. Ouch I yelled, whack at the back of my head. Shut the fuck up "You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, son, take my fucking dick..." All you did by resisting me is going to piss me off even I'm goanna make you hurt boy. I'm goanna make u hurt real bad.....then I'm goanna make you do every fuck in perverted thing I can fuck in think time you'll think twice about resisting me! dad told me what a little faggot you been boy please fuck me, dad, please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please dad, please put your cock to me..." "You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." you love my cock up you hole boy, yes sir, I love the way you fuck me. please fuck me, dad, please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please dad, please put your cock deep into me..." I'm sorry to be a bad son, I will not resist you dad or anyone else, any more sir. Oh yes dad fuck my hole any way you want I'm a cock slut and a pussyboy, fuck me hard abuse my ass sir please. Oh yeah daddy, make me take that big dick of yours up my ass and down my throat. Make me wish that we'll never be apart so long again make me gag on that monster sick of yours feed me every fucking inch of that in my holes. Make me take your load daddy. With that dad fucked his son again banging his ass deeper each time he fuck his sons hole and each time son could feel the balls of his dad hitting his ass each time. It felt like a drum being bounded on his ass. Then his father shot his load in his son ass. Shot so much it started to ooze out of his sons ass. Take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take it... MMM", dad groaned as he shoves his massive cock up my ass. I slid to the floor of the shower and my dad just turn around and washed his cock and told me to get up. I was weak in the knees but barely mange to get up. In my dads hand was a douche wand that was connected to the shower head. Now boy time to clean you out, we work on the inside first, need to clean the stinking hole of yours pussyboy. Dad slid the wand in my hole it was cold metal then the warm to hot water cleaned me out. It took only a couple of minutes to do it job. I haven't had my hole use so much since dad had one of his beer parties on base. When I took care of ten of dads officers buddies, in one day. Thoughts were the days hot officers who needed servicing due to there wive didn't give enough to there husband. My dad told me to clean my self off and rinse and get out of the shower. I quickly clean my self and put the plug back in so my master wont be angry at me. I got out and my dad was drying him self, I asked dad if he wanted me to dry him. No boy I'm done and through the towel at me. I use the towels to dry my self off quickly dried my self off and cleaned up the bathroom and put the towels in the hamper.

Sir yelled for me and I ran to him, boy let me inspect you boy. Sir looks my over and checked to see if my plug was in place. Pull the plug out to see if it was clean and it was. Good pussyboy, you be called pussyboy from now on, yes sir I said. Its time to go to sleep your dad has to get some rest you will sleep on the floor next to me. And in the morning you will clean your self up and do it right or you be punished, yes sir. If you need to pee boy do it know, you won't get a chance to till morning boy thank you sir. I went in to the bathroom to pee. Got back into the bedroom and thank sir for allowing me to piss sir. Now lay down next to me on the floor and don't you move yes sir. Sir and my dad lay down for the night. I on the rug next to my new master and my dad locked in each other arms a sleep. What a wild day this has been fuck and used by the two men in my life what could be better. , more to cum.

Next: Chapter 5

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