Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 10, 2005


Master Allen said bitch has a tight ass and a born cocksucker. With that master Jon was stroking his dick now my turn and this new meat. . Then he rubbed some more lube on my ass and his 11" tool and he started forcing his huge dick up inside me. He shoved it all the way in until he was grinding his hips into me cheeks. Then he started plowing me and beating me while he did it. "Take my big, my dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch" I must oh Passed out he fucked me so hard. I came to and was on my stomach, and he was still fucking me. My hands were still tied to the sawhorse I started to moan very loudly. He fucked loving it...and him. aye baby take it take my dick pussy The feeling of his body against me, dominance and huge manhood taking me left me complete, satisfied and wanting to do what this man said. I started crying. After more than an Hour he started moaning and bucking and he kept his giant rod and Held it in my ass. Gusher and gusher of my hot sperm juice shooting in my ass. Master Jon ordered me to take every drop and slap me a couple of time on my ass and back don't waste a drop of my hot cum boy. I could feel the hot sweet cum in my ass. Then the guy started to piss and held my head to make sure I wouldn't try to pull away. Man I took his cum with no problem and now he's pissing in my ass; I hope I don't let any leek out or I am in big trouble, he must have drunk ten gallons of water. The dude was pissing faster then I could hold it and piss was leaking out of my ass. Then as soon as it started it was over, luckily I only last just a few drops of piss and my master didn't see me dripping so I was lucky this time so far. And with that Jon pulled out of my and told me to hold it or I get a beating.

The masters left the room talking and left dogboy and I tied up alone. I don't know how long I can hold this piss enema in, I felt like I was about to burst. Master Bob came back in to the room and untied me from the sawhorse and was rubbing my ass. Boy you better not let any of that piss enema out or you be licking it up boy. As I started to rise my master pushed me back down to the floor, boy before I let you let you relieve your self your going to have to lick up your cum off the sawhorse and floor, the sooner you lick it up the sooner I let you get rid of that enema piss. So I quickly lick up all the cum on the sawhorse and floor, dam the floor was dirty, but I knew I couldn't hold much longer. Master Bob watch each stroke of my tongue on the sawhorse and floor. Good boy you clean it up well boy, now follow me to the shitter boy I did as told. Sit down boy and don't let it go till I say so, yes sir. Sir stuck his dick in my face and told lick my balls boy. I leaned forward and started to reach with my hands and saw sir was watching closely and I knew right then not to use my hands so I bent forward and caught his ball with my tongue. Sir moaned loudly and told me I got let it go, Thank You Sir. And let it good, dam what a relief to let the hot piss out of my ass, sir may I piss as well. Yes boy you may piss also. You're learning quick boy that's good, you know what happen when you are bad, or do something with out permission.

Sir pulled his balls out of my mouth and told me I did a good job with Master Allen, and Master Jon. I'm very pleased for your first time out with other masters. We are going out time for your nipples ring, and for you to wear my mark on you so everyone will know who you belong to boy, YES S IR ANYTHING YOU SAY SIR. You sit hear and make sure you clean out boy don't want a mess when your getting marked boy. So I sat on the toilet till my new master returns. Sir hand me a pair off short cutoffs, a pair sneaks and a white t-shirt that reads slave in big black letters on front and back. I still had my collar and restraints on and told me to clean my self and get dress, you got five minutes any longer and you get a lashing for each minute I have to wait. With that I hurried as fast as I could and got cleaned up and dressed in four and half minutes, good boy, you only had half a minute left boy. Stand here while it get ready, sir walk up to me with his pants, shirt, leather vest, socks, and boots. Boy put them on me one of your duties for today is to dress me. Yes sir first I put sirs socks on then his shirt, pants, vest then his boots. Good boy, now its time to take care of marking you boy. I open the door for Sir, boy you get the back of the truck and sit back there and don't move inch. It wasn't so bad sitting in the back of the truck, it was getting late and it was getting breezy out. I kept my head down, I didn't want to be recognized and sir open the rear window and told me if I was good at the tattoo parlor I could ride up front.

When we arrived at the Jim's tattoo parlor sir got out and waited to be told what to do. Sir told me to get out and follow him into the store. Sir walked up to the guy at the counter and said hi Jim how's business. Jim replied it's slow tonight. Jim I got a new slave that needs some work on him. Jim said let got to the back room and get started. Jim was about 5'11' 200 lbs wore a leather vest and I could see he had a lot of tattoos and both nipples had big rings on them. Drop the pants and shirt and sit over there on the chair. I looked at sir and did as I was told too , with that Jim shaved around my nipples , then whip them down with alcohol and stuck a needle in my right nipples, and Jim looked at sir and said , both nipples

and a pa right , yes that right and make the rings big ones and don't forget the Prince Albert . Jim left the room and came back with some things on a tray and put the nipple ring in my right nipple first, dam that hurts, sir was watching me the whole time then the left one blood was leaking from my nipples and Jim washed it away and dam that stings as he wipes up the blood on my chest. Jim reached for a bottle and told me to take a gulp and sir nodded his head and I took a drink. It was a whiskey; I burned as it went down. Now for the Prince Albert with at Jim grabbed my dick and washed it off with and stuck a big needle through my dick head. There was some blood but a lot of pain I yelled a bit and sir pour more of the whiskey down my throat and put the Prince Albert in, it hurt like it was on fire. Jim told me to move through whole five times a day and keep it clean and make sure I use alcohol ever day and if it gets infected go see your doctor. Yes sir, sir now boy show your appreciation to Jim for doing a good job. Jim started to rub his crotch and sir told me to get on my knees and thank him proper boy. Yes sir. So I got down on my knees and open my mouth," Open up, suck boy, I'm horny as hell," He said down to me. Jim stood and unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor, Jim was wearying no underwear and stepped out of his pants. I complied and opened my mouth to let His hard dick in my mouth. He didn't wait and immediately slipped His huge dick in my mouth and began sliding it back and forth. He met little resistance at the back of my throat as I had become so used to having a cock in my mouth. I felt His hairy balls press against my chin, and my nose was buried in His thick dark bush. He held His cock all the way to the root for a few moments before pulling it back. This went on for awhile like I knew it would. "You fucking fag, you really do love my cock boy, huh? I guess you would, that's all you get eat boy. Now open up, I want to feel your tongue on my dick cock sucker." He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. He was leaking pre-cum and I could taste him very strongly. Do you know how many guys want a chance at this cock?" Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, ha, ha, mmm, yeah, take it, take it, I know how much you like it, and I know how much you want it ". I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, swirling my tongue and sucking in my cheeks. "You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh oh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, and take my fucking dick..."

Please fuck me, Sir, please, fuck me sir please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please sir, please put your cock to me..."with that sir winks at Jim and Jim put me over the chair were I got my nipples and Prince Albert done. "So take it like a man, pussyboy. Without warning Jim grabbed the bottle of lube and generously fingered some all the way up my asshole. I knew he wasn't going to be in a fucked hard and good, my hole was still open from the fuck session earlier, and so I had to prepare myself. I heard him whispering above me, "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uh Ha-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like it" Jim said. I was doing my best to accommodate his thrusts and get him off, You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." after being fuck for an hour Jim pulls out his cock and rolled me over and shoots his load all over my chest and face. Now you cock sucker, clean my dick off now with that I did as told I took his cum covered ass juices into my mouth and lick it clean with my tongue and with that Jim pulls his cock out and tell me lie on my stomach so he can put sir mark on my ass and put his pants back on and get his equipment ready for to tattoo my ass. It stings as bad as my nipples ring were and when he was done with that he went to work on my neck. This took about hour or so, when done Jim took a picture of my ass and neck and showed them to me. The neck had a bar cord and on the right ass cheek read property of bob Williams. Now you belong to be slave and no one else can claim you as there's. THANK YOU SIR Master Bob told me to get dress and be quick about boy. With that I got dressed I could feel cum of Jim was still dripping down face and chest. I was to show all what I have been up too. We went back to the front counter and sir Bob paid Jim for his work. There were other customer waiting there turn to be taken care of. Two guys just look at me and grabbed there crotches and smiled at me. I followed my master to his truck and open the door. Sir told me to get in the other side so I waited for him to open the door and then sir told me to strip my shorts off. I did as told too. The truck was a bit higher than most trucks so it didn't bother me to be naked only semi trucks could see what I was wearing or should I say not wearing. While waiting a light a semi truck stop on my side of the truck and the driver honked his horn and smiled at me and stuck out his tongue at me. Then the light changed and we headed to my master home. It was eleven o'clock by the time we arrived at his home.

As soon as we entered the house I striped off my clothes and sir told me to follow him as I did. We entered the bedroom he told my to undress his master and I started with the boots, then his socks. Boy while your done there lick my feet clean boy, yes sir, I lick his big toe and worked my way a to the heal and back to his toes where I suck on them for a while. Then sir said that's enough now my vest and shirt and then the pants. When I got his pants off sir grabbed his cock and told me to stick out your tongue boy Bert said, I want to feel your cock down my throat, Sir, please sir. With that I reached for his dick. Without warning, he smacked my head throwing me to the ground, with an anger tone. "Boy who told you may touch my dick; I was sprawled on the ground on my side at his feet, and I knew better than to move. I just wasn't sure what he wanted me. "Oh, sir, I'm sorry sir, please let me service you and Make you feel good. I want to feel your cock down my throat, Sir, please. Let me suck it" I said in my most respectful tone. Do as you are told not before I decide what you do here boy, sorry sir. Sir slapped my face and I dared not move or say a word. He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. He was leaking pre-cum and I could taste him very strongly. "Boy, you don't know how good you have it. Most master would beat you for making that kind of mistake. Get over here now boy, I got to my knees, and made my way over to him, crawling to him on all fours. "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit. A whiff of his stench filled my nose his crotch smell was more pungent than last time. I reached in with my face, and put nose to his balls, and my tongue to his slightly hairy crack. I flicked out my tongue and got my first taste of his rank crotch. It wasn't unpleasant, but very ripe. I continued to lean and flick my tongue in and out of his crack as he still made no indication that I was even there. As my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed right underneath his balls, and all my senses were of Jimmy's musky crotch. This went on for a good 15 minutes, and my knees were starting to get sore on his hardwood floor. I kept pushing my tongue into his crack. Then all of a sudden he said stay were your at don't move a muscle boy. With that sir was out the room and about five minutes he returned with dogboy. With a leash on and arms tied up behind his back. And chains from his nipples too his dick and making his dick is pointed up and stretched also and a mussel over his mouth. Then through him on the bed and tied the leash to the headboard. Now boy bend over and spread your cheeks. With that sir reached for a tube from the night stand lubed my hole with his two fingers and then put in a big butt plug and said don't you lose it boy or you get a bigger one next time and no lube Yes sir. Now get in bed, if you make a sound you end up on the floor to sleep. So we all were lying on a queen size bed with sir in the middle. It was hard to fall a sleep in a strange bed and all the things that happen to me so far.

The next day was Sunday, I laid in bed awake and trying not too disturbed sir, I didn't want to start the day on the wrong foot with sir and my dick and nipples are throbbing and a bit swollen too. Sir woke up and told us to follow him as he untied dogboy and time to get cleaned up inside and out with that sir pulled out an enema bottle and told dogboy to show what needs to be done in the morning then left us two to do our daily cleaning, oh boy you need to get a web cam for your computer at school and we will get that today and we will have installed so I can watch you while your at school and you be naked at all times boy, yes sir I held my head down, boy you do have cell phone right, yes sir, good I need you number so you can ask to piss or shit and I will be able to contact you any time I want yes sir. Dogboy showed me how to fill now get in the tub on all fours boy and did as told. Got on all fours and I stuck the tube up my ass and let the hot water flow, dogboy said to queasy my ass and hold the water in till told too. Dogboy told me to get up and sit on the toilet and hold it till told it was ok to let it go. I was holding it as long as I could and dogboy put an egg timer for two minutes and was told not to let it go till you here the bell ring. While I was waiting, dogboy filled the bottle up again. Then the timer went off and dogboy said ok now and sit there for four minutes to make sure it's all out. Then back into the tub for one more bottle to make sure I'm clean out good.

Next thing you must do is to shave all over to make sure you are hairless. Since master has shaved you already, your must shave your self every day and make sure your body is smooth at all times. Dogboy filled the enema bottle for him self and I shaved my body as best I could. After dogboy clean his insides now was for the outsides which he shaved all hair off except his head then shave parts of my body like my ass hole, dogboy was luck since he working in public and his job requires hair to be a certain length. And used a razor to shave his body and make sure his crotch is smooth or there be hell to pay from master. Which took about hour to do all of the require duties by our master. And master will inspect. By this time sir appeared to inspect his slaves and told both boys good job. Sir was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that showed off his chest, sir told dogboy to kneel in front of him. Dogboy kneeled in front of sir and sir unzipped his short and pulled out his cock and told boy time to for a drink and sir put his cock in dogboy's mouth , mmm good boy and I could see dogboy dinking some piss from master dick. When sir pulled his nine inch dick out, dogboy thank you sir. For the honor of allowing me to drink your piss sir.

With that sir put his dick away and told dogboy you better get ready for work, I don't want you missing your flight boy, yes sir, thank you sir for letting me stay with you sir. With that dogboy left the room and came back in about ten minutes to make sure sir approve of the way his uniform looked and fitted. Sir turns to me and said boy do you have your homework done, Yes Sir, I have a two chapter to read and that's all sir. Well before you are let go we must get the web cam put on your computer so you can show me your naked at all times when in your dorm room, do you have a roommate boy, no sir I don't. Good then you will be naked at all times in the room and you do have a cell phone right. Yes sir, I want your number and I give you mine so you can ask permission to take a piss and I will hear you take a piss boy or you will be punished. You will remain naked till we leave to the store and then to your dorm room to set up the camera yes sir Bert said. You will not wear underwear till the your dick heals and then you are required to wear a jock strap only and when you in your room your to be naked. Sir told me to bend over and grab my ankles, with that sir pushed a lubed butt plug up my hole, you wear this at all times boy and the only time its allowed out is to take a shit and you better call me to get permission boy, got it bitch. Yes sir, dam sir was not gentle inserting the plug in my hole. I knew better to refuse my master wishes. Sir puts a chain dog collar and locks it with a padlock and takes off my restraints but leaves my leather collar on and tell me never take off the chain dog collar, yes sir. Sir handed my clothes and told me to get dressed and make it quick bitch. I got dressed quickly as possible as were ready to leave dogboy was waiting at the door for sir to take him to the airport. Sir said, first we will drop dogboy off at the airport then I will take care of you boy. Dogboy told sir thank you sir for letting me servicing you and your friends' sir, I hope I served you well master, dogboy you were a good bitch this time and you may come back when you are in town, Thank you sir. Dogboy you may sit up front and bitch you get in back. I waited for my master it get in and sir open the door for dogboy and sir told me to get in back and hold on. It was I bit chili in back but knew if I was good I would be load to sit up front with sir. My nipples were getting hard from the cold breeze and my dick was still hurting from the Prince Albert what a turn on. As we approached the airport sir told me to get in the front seat when we get to the airport. Sir told dogboy to keep in touch and see him next week; bye sir said dogboy and dogboy gave me a quick wink.

As I got into the front seat sir told me to drop my pants and to ride like that till we got to the store to get a web cam for my computer. I had a hard on all the way to the store and it hurt like hell to with my new Prince Albert. Sir reaches over and stroked my dick and left nipple. They are still sore and hot at the same time. When I get you back to your dorm room I want a list off all classes and times and names of your teacher and a copy of all of your phone numbers. Yes sir, I will write it down as soon as we arrive at my dorm room sir. We arrived at best buy and sir told me to cover up and you address me as sir or master at all times and I will call you what ever I chose too got it bitch boy, yes sir understand you are to be address as sir or master and I will be called anything you wish sir. And you will not leave my side not for a moment, yes sir.

With that we entered the store and walked around and sir told me to find a cute clerk and say sir my master is looking for a speaker phone and a web cam for my computer can you help my master sir. I would be embarrassed but I knew I could not refuse my masters wishes. So I went looking for a cute clerk to find out where the web cams were located at. I found this young cute guy and said "sir my master is looking for a speaker phone and web cam for my computer can you help him sir." At first the guy just stared at me for a minute then saw how my face was turning red, and said sure were is your master at boy, over there sir next to the CD's sir the guy in the jeans and black tight shirt sir. With that we both approached sir were he was standing. Sir you're looking for web cameras sir, I see me bitch found you, and yes I'm looking for a web cam that has very little distortion with movement. Sir if you come this way we have two types of web cam you might be interested in sir. This one has a built in microphone. This one good to keep track of your boy movements in dim light as well as bright lighting and has a built in microphone sir. I take this one sir said, my name is Dave Miller and if there is anything you need just ask for me sir. Yes a speaker phone so I can listen to my boy, with that I looked down and saw bill's pants make a big tent as well as sir did. The speaker phones are over here and there is a good selection of them but, my opinion this one here is the best price and best quality for your money. I take both, good the Dave grinned at sir. Sir said, Do you have a card incase I need any help with this product. Sure said Dave he reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a business card and writes something on the back of the card. I'm don't usually do this but I give you my home phone incase I'm not here at the store. With that Dave took our purchase to the cashier and putting the web cam into a bag. Thank you and come again. Dave hand his card to sir and we left the store. Sir said I be back and winked at Dave and left. Sir got into the truck and waited for sir to unlock the door and I got in and dove off. On the road sir said to drop them, so I did, boy would you like to be fuck by that guy boy, if you wish it sir, I do anything you wish sir, with that sir grabs my balls and squeeze them and I moan out load. Good boy, I like a slave the gets off on pain. As we pulling up to my dorm building sir tell me to pull up my pants. As we stop sir take off my leather dog collar and puts it on the seat next to him. Sir get out first then I get out. Lead the way boy to your room. We get in the elevator two other guys from my class and stand beside us, we got off on the forth floor. And showed sir were I lived and let him in. as soon as I got in I stripped off all my clothes and sir just smiled and sat down at my computer worked on my computer. Sir turned and spread his legs and told me to get down here and take care of me boy. With that

I got down on my knees, and made my way over to him. His pants were still zipped up, so I reached up and unzipped his pants and pulled them down and took them off sir took off his shirt and through it on the bed. Sir wore no underwear a waft of his manly smell filled my nose as and his crotch smell was muskier than last time I reached in with my face, and put nose to his balls, and my tongue to his slightly hairy crack. I flicked out my tongue and got my first taste of his musky crotch. I continued to lean and lick my tongue in and out no his dick as he still made no indication that I was even there. He just sat there watching the computer, as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed right underneath his balls, and all my senses were of sir's musky crotch. This went on for a good 15- 20 minutes, and my knees were starting to get sore on concert floor. He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. Sir moan a couple of times then sir let go his piss and I knew it was an honored to receive this from him. I drank as fast as sir could flow. Dam I never knew I would enjoy this so much and I was getting a charge out of this. Then sir all of a sudden pulled his dick out of my mouth and said now was is my list of numbers and your class schedule boy. With that I grabbed a pad of paper and wrote down my class schedules and teachers names and I see your starting track this semester, yes sir, then your feel the weight of the Prince Albert when you run and a lot of your teammate will see you naked good boy. This is getting better and better all the time my bitch boy where are your addresses boy. Then reached for my address book and quickly copy it down for sir. And then presented the information sir requested. On the paper was the following

Monday class, Wednesday 8 am History with Professor Higgins 1 hr 10am Economic class, with Mr. Jones 11 am running Coach Fox 1 hrs

Tuesday / Thursdays 10 am art class ten minutes really and the teacher, Mr. Philips, (2hr)

11 am running Coach Fox At 2 o'clock computer class, with professor bill Newport (2HR)

Wednesday only 2 pm 11 am running Coach Fox 2 pm Math 202, Mrs. Green 2 hr.

Fridays 10 am Science Sam Cook

1 pm running Coach Fox 2hrs

Sir then told me your computer I linked to my webpage and I will be able to see you when you're in your room. Remember you are to remain naked at all times and you are to call me for permission to use the toilet and you remain on the phone when you take a shit or piss boy. Yes sir and next week I bring you a scanner so you can send me information to me any time, you will send my copies of you mail and your test result from you class work. Got it bitch Yes sir. If I catch you not naked or doing your homework, you be severely punished boy. I will be inconstant with your teachers and I be watching you boy. And make sure you leave the plug in your ass boy and make sure you carry a tube of lube you never know when you need it boy, yes sir. Now dress me boy and be quick about it. I quickly pulled up sir pants and reached for his shirt and help sir get dress. Sir stood up and kiss my and grabbed my ball and cock and squeezed them hard and all I could do is moan with pleasure. With that sir walk out of my room and was gone. I looked in the mirror and thought for a second what in the hell did I get me self into. Then the phone rang it was my father, he said hi son, this is your dad. Dad where are you at, I'm at the bus station, been trying to get a hold of you since last night when I got off the plane. I meet you at your dorm in about thirty minutes, ok dad. I need to call my master and tell him what's going on. I dialed sir number on the new speaker phone and sir answer yes boy, sir my father is in town sir, good boy, let him see the new you and explain what's going on, you meet him down stairs and hug him and spend some time with him. You explain you new position to him boy. And you can have the day with him but you need to-do you homework. Then bring him to your room before you go out and spend the day with him and when you enter you must strip and show him your new jewelry boy, yes sir. And If your father wants a piece of your ass, you may this time have sex , but you must write me a report of what happen and leave no details out got it boy. I usually don't let my slaves have sex with me there so, I giving you the ok too have sex just this once boy, thank you sir, I make sure you get the entire details sir. Thank you sir, thank you sir.

By the time I got down stairs I saw my dads cab drive up. The taxi ride from the bus depot to the dorm was the last leg for my Dad's journey. When he finally arrived, the driver helped dad to unload his duffle bag from the trunk of the cab. And here I stood on the sidewalk looking at my and me staring at him in awe at my dad and watch him pay the cabbie, I saw that he was wearing tight jeans and a very tight white t-shirt. Dad stood six-two about 200 lbs and last I can remember a hairy chest and a nine fat uncut dick and ball like large eggs. And ass, that you could bounce a dime off and most guys would kill to have. I had on a thin white t-shirt and my running shorts on. I ran up to him to give him a big hug. Dad hugged me and felt my nipple rings and took his hand and rubbed my nipples nice hot, boy what have you been up to boy. Will dad I have met this guy and I really dig him and he turns me on and I can't get enough of him dad, just like you sir. Really boy let go some where were we can be alone. So is there some place we can talk more about this son, I know I have not been around and you know I could help that boy. Yes sir my room I don't have a roommate this semester , good boy lets go .That's ok sir I need discipline and you gave it to me and I love you dad, you also taught me that running is the best way to stay in shape and the next best way is sex. I'm on the track team this year sir. Sir let go to up to my room and talk more dad. Good idea son, I could use a good piss now. Yes dad, as we walk to the dorm building dad kept asking how I was doing and I kept saying dad I'm fine sir really fine. When we enter my dorm room door I let my dad in first and through his duffle bag on one of the beds. I followed and soon as I shut the door I started to strip off my shirt then my shoes, and then my short. And dad turned around and saw me naked and dad said, dam boy gone for ten months and you changed boy you're got your nipples done and your dick, I could see dads surprise and see it excited him too. My dick was rock hard, I miss you son so bad, Yes, sir." I could now feel a stirring in my loins. I was developing an erection, come here boy and let me get a look at you boy, your one good looking man son. Thank you sir, with that dad pushed me down to my knees and unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick, boy you don know how much I missed you boy with all toughs guy around and no meat to play with and put his cock in to my mouth. I need to take a piss boy open up, with that dad stuck his dick in my mouth and pissed away. I could feel the piss flowing down my throat and it was musky and bitter but it was nectar from the gods. A moan was all dad, could do at the moment and when he was done he pulled me up and gave me a deep tongue kiss. Woof I been wanted one of those for a long time son. How long do you have dad, I have to go back to be at fort hood in five day and I can only stay over night son, wish I could stay longer I have to leave by 10 pm tomorrow and catch the bus then a plane to fort hood, I be there for six weeks and I wont know where till then. I need to get a room and catch up on what's going on in your life son. How's your classes boy, All b's sir, not bad, but I know you can do better son, yes sir. I will work on it sir. Now tell me when you decided to get nipple rings and a Prince Albert boy? Sir , I have this guy in my life who give me the discipline like the way you do sir, and he is my master sir, I signed a contract with him and now I belong to him , I really want this dad, sir. I'm really into to this sir , I been interested and found him online and he is going to teach me all there is to be a slave sir, I know you might not approve sir but it make me happy dad, Bart sr. looks at his son, your old enough to make your own decisions son, are you sure son. What about school? I will still finish school and get my degree dad; I just want to be with this guy sir. I'm really into master slave sir, hope you understand dad. Son I'm proud of you, I'm glad you found some one to spend your life son. Like to meet your new master, son, maybe next time I'm in town but today I want to spend time with my son. I need to find a room and we can get a bite and catch up on things boy, yes sir.

There's a motel down the road about four blocks dad its called the Hole In The Wall Inn , then let get walking boy, yes sir, get dressed and we can I can get a room and we can get a bite to eat and talk more about your new life. So I better get dress and as I tuned around my dad saw my plug in my ass, good to see your not letting the get out of shape boy, no sir , my new master requires me to wear it at all times and only can take it out for you. Master said you can have me if you wish sir. Good I haven't had a good male ass since I fucked you before I left son. With that I got dress and I pickup dads' duffle bag and off we were to get a bite and get him a room to sleep for the night. First we got a room and dropped off his duffle bag and went to get some thing to eat. We found a burger joint and grabbed a burger and told me how much he misses me. I remained him we exchanged emails all the time but not the same son, cannot get my hands on you to show how much I love you son, yes sir I understand sir. We ate our dinner and stopped and got a bottle of whiskey and some soda and went to his room. As soon as we got into the room my dad told me to strip now you slave boy, I was shocked at first then he pushed me to the floor, now strip or I will tear those clothes off you bitch. I just strip and said yes sir. As soon as I got my clothes off sir, dad told me to undress him and make it quick, I glad you found a master boy but still want to meet him "Take my big, my dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch he grabbed my head and He buried his cock all the way down my throat, pressing my head to his musky, sweaty crotch. I pulled his cock out so I could work on his balls were far too big to have them both in my mouth at the same time so I just licked them and then put one at a time in my mouth. After about five minutes of balls treatment, dad rammed his cock back into my mouth. After here complete strokes, my dad pulled out this time sapping my face with his cock. This type of degradation is turning me on to no end. He stopped slapping me on the ace with his dick and put it back in my mouth. Again, interlacing his hands in my hair he started banging into my mouth like crazy. My throat was feeling the effects of this treatment.

His whole body stiffened and then he blew his load in my mouth. I did not taste the first three shot, because they went right down my throat. After the first three shots, he pulled his dick back a bit and blew the fourth shot in my mouth. The taste of his cum was slightly sweet and spicy I almost forgot what it tasted like, it been so long. "That was amazing son. You will have a fruitful future as a cock sucker if you keep that up." What I found strange for my dad to say that, but I was not in the least bit offended by that remark. And his dick was still rock hard and then dad sir told me to get on all fours on the bed. Then dad slowly strips off his jeans and shirt. I did as I was told I jumped up on the king size bed and wait anticipation of my dad, sir, mounting me. My dad has not fucked my hole for almost a year since his last assignment and my hole was sore for weeks but I enjoy a good fuck. With that sir dad went and poured him a big drink of whiskey and took a slug and walked up to me. Slapped me on my ass really hard and left his hand print on my ass and I jumped. Dad told me how lucky he is to have a son was to be fucking by his own man and have a good-looking son like me who could suck cock so well. And dad rubbed my ass and played with my butt plug and moved it in and out for at least thirty minutes each time he pulled it out he would shove it in deeper at one point I though It would be lost in my hole. Bitch ready to fuck by your old man boy, yes sir any thing you wish sir. With that my dad pushed it all the way in as much it could go and do you know how many people want a Chance at this cock boy?" my dad grabbed his dick and shook it at me. With that he kept slapping my ass with his hand, harder and harder.

Now lie on your back boy and grasp your ankles boy. "Dad manhandled me with that I rolled over and grasps your ankles. Then my dad went to his duffle bag and dumped the contents out on the dresser and floor. He pulled out some rope and some shoe lasses and a tube of lube. Dad pickup his drink and handed it to me and told me to drink it all up, the glass was half full so I started to drink it, I cough when I drank whiskey , I usually don't drink it but if my dad said drink It I knew better then to disobey him.

As I finished up the drink my dad took my legs and tied them to the end of the bed, making my leg spread out to the max as they could stretch. With the drink finished my dad told me to sit up and then tied my arms behind my back it the rope. When I asked what he going to do he told me to shut up or he would shut you up boy, but dad what are you going to do to me. He just finished tying my wrist together and pushed me back down to the bed. Since you keep asking questions boy, I'm going to muzzle you. With that he went back to his duffle bag, grabbed something I couldn't see and stuffed it in my mouth and tied it place. It was his dirty jockstrap which he never washed, he told me one time he like the way it felt when he was working out. the jockstrap stunk and reek of piss and sweat and grime and all I could do is wait and see what he hand in mind for me. My dad get this way when he has not had sex in along time, this has happen to me a couple of times and each time it get rougher and kinky. The last time dad got this way he fucked me at both ends for two days straight and I was sore for a week and he slept for sixteen hour when he was through with me and my holes.

Dad then tied up my balls and dick tight with the shoe lasses and when and got a drink for him self." Dad walk up to end of the bed and drank his drink then started to Dad manhandled me, though I moved where he wanted willingly, roughly twisting and pushing me while I was on my back on the bed. He knelt proudly between my spread legs and I got my first look at my cock which had taken my cherry on my eighteenth birthday. It was as thick as he had imagined when he first put it in his mouth, but it was longer than my own. Probably a good nine inches throbbed between dad's legs, I thought. I watched as the grin I had seen earlier returned to dad's face. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he grabbed my cock and played with my balls. You don't know how good you have it boy as He stroking my dick roughly and then taking my balls in his mouth. I have been dreaming of this time we share boy. My dad sucking on my balls and dick and I had a hard on and my dick head still hurt from my new Prince Albert and all I could do was moan and roll my head around .You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh, uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like your old man suck your cock and playing with that plug up your ass boy. I moan loader and loader. And all of a sudden I shot my load; it was pleasurable and painful at the same time. My, cum flew all over on my dads face my chest and my leg. My dad said good boy and he started to lick my stick cum off my body. It was hot having my dad lick my hot sticky cum off of me. The he got to my balls and the decided to whack them about twenty times in a row and I started to scream each time he would hit my nuts. Luckily I was gagged and tied up at the time. I would be screaming and each hit to my nuts sent shock wave of pain throughout my body. Then my dad rubbed my head and kissed my forehead. Then dad went to his duffle bag pulled out a candle and lit the candle over my chest. I can do this the easy way, or the hard way boy. I just stared at my dad and I could see some of the wax drip down the candle and I know what was going to happen next. Dad took the candle and placed it over my balls and I waited for the first drips of wax to hit my body and then it happens. Hot wax was being dripped on my balls and dick head and I could do was scream and scream and as the pain turn into pleasure of exotic pleasures. This went on for an hour.

Then my father lay next to me on the bed and licked neck and made his way up one side and down the other. He told me not to speak a work or the gag will go back on, I shook my and agree to be good. Dam his jockstrap tastes so much like him I had missed that about or sex time together. Enjoying your self boy, yes sir Yes, sir" I replied, and promptly.

He untied my legs, arms and undid my balls as well. Boys get down on the ground and start doing push-ups about fifty of them boy now. And do them right or you have to do them all over, yes sir. I got on the floor and started to do my push-ups, one, and two, three, get that butt down boy, and start all over pussyboy. Yes sir sorry sir. It took me about ten minutes to my fifty push-ups and then was to stand in front of him and turn so pussyboy ass was facing my father face, now grab your ankles boy, and when I did he yanked my plug out with one thrust and dam my hole felt empty and I heard a pop sound coming from my ass. Thank you sir and dad slapped my ass really hard and so hard I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I didn't tell you to move you pussyboy, no sir, sorry sir. Oh, sir, I'm sorry I wasn't more attentive, please let me service you and Make you feel good. I want to feel your cock in my ass, Sir, please let me have it" I said in my most respectful tone, Sir, please let me have it", Sir, please let me have it" I need you cock in my ass sir; it's been too long sir I need you dick in my ass. I need to feel it in my ass sir, please, please sir. Please fuck me, Sir, please; I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please sir, please put your cock to me...". You are a pussyboy slut, yes sir may I have it sir. With that sir grabbed the bottle of lube and generously two fingered some all the way up my asshole with two fingers up my ass hole. I knew my dad and I knew he wasn't going to be in a gentle mood, so I had to prepare myself for the hard long fuck. Pussyboy if you make too much noise I put the gag back on you, understand slut pussyboy cunt, Yes sir.

I already sweating from the pushups and the torture for before and he position me over the chair in the room next to the window and the curtain is not all the way shut so if some one walks by they see everything. After lubing my hole with two finger and then slowly inters my hole slowly till he has it all the way. Then fuck me slowly and each time he enters me he pushes it deeper and deeper each time till I can feel his balls hitting my ass cheeks. As soon as he thinks he got me were he wants me and pick up the pace and bangs me harder. Each time I tell him harder and faster. Some times I think he digging a hole to the other side and this go on for two hours long. Each time he about to shoot be back down and holds it for a minute or two the starts all over again, and again. All I can do is moan and hope he doesn't stop.

More to cum, if you like let me know

Next: Chapter 4

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