Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Jul 7, 2006


Master new slave boy part 24

Slave Jed Boy Get Castrated

I woke up in my chair taped and chain like I was before like nothing happen except my ass is so sore it can't sit still and the marks on my body. Then it was not a dream it happen, what is master going to say. I heard a noise in the other room coming down the hall. The door opens it is master Williams and Jed with some whip marks on his chest and his legs. Master wasted no time and cut me free and unchained me from the chair. You got 30 min to shit shave and shower for the both of you and if I hear a single word you both will be whipped. Both Jed and I held our head bowed to our master. Then we walked too the bathroom and left the door open for master to see what we are doing. I started to shave my body while Jed took his enema and we hurried as fast as we could go to make are selves ready for inspection. When I finished shaving and I made sure I was clean out while Jed shaved his body. That when I saw the welts on his back ass and legs. We both got in the shower and I washed his back carefully not hurt him then I turn and he wash my back. We dried off and I applied ointment too his cuts and to mine. Master watches me apply the ointment to Jed and smiled at me while I took care of Jed. The bathroom was cleaned up and we both were ready for our inspection. Master rubbed his hands over every inch of our bodies and was satisfied that we clean up well. You both have finales this week said master. Bert since you only have one too study for, your then help Jed with his. If he doesn't pass you both will be whipped 100 lashings. We were taken back to our room. Our left ankle was lock too the floor our books were on the table and the camera were locked on to us as we study naked with collars on our necks. I will be back later to see how your studying is coming along. With that master lock the door and we heard the front door slam shut.

Jed looked up to me with regret in his eyes. Bert I wanted to tell you before you left to go back home I'm sorry what I did too you and I know there's nothing I can do to make it up too you for the way I treated you back in your dorm room. I wanted to tell you why I wanted to become ball less. I told Master Williams that I wanted to be his full time slave and I wanted my balls to be removed to start my new life as his slave. I have been his slave for couple of weeks and I realized I wanted him to have my nuts removed because they getting me in so much trouble over the years ever since I was fifteen and it seemed just about perfect way to fix me. When sir first got me, I was not disciplined not even my father could control me that's why he sent me too this school it was my last chance to change but I didnt turn my life around but I still fell back in to the old pattern. First I would fuck any girl I wanted then I took advantage of you Bart. I used you as an outlet which was wrong and I'm sorry I treated you that way. In a way it was the best thing to happen to me when you set me up and made me face what I have became. Master Williams gave me information about my castration. He discussed the medical aspects of the procedure. I was never to discuss it with anyone, if I was ever question by a doctor or the police I woke up in the woods with my balls missing my ass was raped in the woods. He handed me a paper which give him permission to remove my balls. It read:

Castration Agreement:

I Jed CARSON agree to enter into a sexual relationship of bondage & discipline (B&D) and sadomasochism (S&M) with the below signed persons here after referred to as "Holder(s)". The intended purpose of this relationship is my castration (i.e. removal of one or both testicles). The purpose for this signed agreement is to insure that there is no misunderstanding by anyone not apart of this agreement as to my consent to enter into this relationship with the Holder(s).

  1. I understand and agree that the following conditions are a nonnegotiable part of this agreement: a) This relationship with evolve over one or more meetings over a period of time. b) The castration may be done at any point during this relationship. c) This relationship will involve extreme testicle abuse as well as any other sexual abuse. d) The abuse may cause sever pain, discomfort and swelling. Also the abuse may lead to destruction of the testicles even though they may still be physically attached and that this condition does not preclude them from being removed at a later time or from receiving additional abuse. e) The relationship will involve servitude, as well as physical and emotional training & conditioning at the sole discretion of the Holder(s) of this agreement. f) The Holder(s) of this agreement at his/their sole discretion may allow any other person(s) of his/their choosing to participate under the terms of this agreement. g) The Holder(s) may document using photography and/or video, digital or media, any part of any session. If such documentation is created it shall remain in the possession of and be the sole property of the Holder(s) so long as there is no facial identification on the media. This documentation may be distributed freely and the Holder(s) may benefit from any profit it might generate.

  2. Enforcement: a) Use of Force: I realize that since I will have no prior knowledge of the exact date and time of my castration that I may develop a temporary reluctance to be castrated at the moment of its execution. I have researched and thought about this procedure for many years I know that this is what I truly desire. Because of my desire to be castrated, I am asking and giving my consent to the Holder(s) to insure that I be castrated and that they use whatever means necessary to castrated me at that time.

b) Use of Captivity: I realize that I may be held by force during sessions.

This may include binding or imprisonment to any point necessary to insure that I comply with all actions and desires required by the Holder(s).

  1. Sessions: a) The length of a session is a minimum of 8 hours. Any session may be longer by simply notifying me prior to beginning the exact length beyond the 8 hour minimum. There is no maximum as long as it is stated prior to beginning. b) A session may be conducted at any private non-public location. c) The Holder(s) may request a session at anytime d) The Holder(s) may request a session at anytime in my city. This requires no travel distance and only minor other arrangements. I will make myself available to the Holder(s) within a maximum of 8 hours after being notified.

  2. Possession and Termination of this agreement: a) This agreement will remain in effect until it is terminated. b) Once signed, this agreement shall remain in the possession of the Holder(s) until it is terminated. c) To terminate this agreement: PRIOR to beginning a session I must be given the opportunity to destroy the original. Once destroyed this agreement is terminated. This is the only time that this agreement may be terminated. Once a session has begun this agreement cannot be terminated until the beginning of the next session without exception.

  3. The Holder(s) agree to the following: a) The castration will be done only after a verbal approval from my MASTER b) All actions will be done with close attention and care to insure a sterile environment to prevent unnecessary infection. c) Any sex act will be conducted using condoms and safe-sex practices. d) The Holder(s) will ensure I perform any action he/they desire completely to his/their satisfaction and that I will not be allowed to influence his/their actions in any way.

I understand that possession of this agreement means that I have given my full and complete consent to any action(s) that the Holder(s) desires under the terms set forth in this agreement. Once castrated, this document becomes the permanent property of the Holder(s)

Signed: Jeremy Carson JR Date: March 19, 2002

Thumb Print:

Holder(s): Robert William

March 19, 2002

I had a feeling master Williams had a guy that did his cutting. I knew master Williams enjoyed Cbt with his slaves and I enjoyed it but it was time for me to get rid of them. I began to talk almost nonstop about my love, devotion, etc towards master Williams. The night of the ritual arrived. You were drugged so you would not know where we were doing. I was taken blindfolded in the middle of the night one Friday night I was and taken to a building back door and ushered in to a room striped naked. The ceremonies began of my new life as a slave.

My head was turn to view a television set my head completely immobile. I could only open my eyes and view myself on the television. I was basically confined to the table. I was so tightly tied I could barely breath. I tried to relax by slowing my breath and not to panic. It helped. I tried closing my eyes for Awhile but I was slapped in the face to watch what was going on. I could feel the warmth from the overhead Spotlights on my body. The light was bright it was the only lighting in the room. Everything else in the room was in darkness. I could hear the fans gently circulating air throughout the room. I was left on the table to wonder what was going to happen to me now.

I was obsessed with the passage of time my body started to cramp up. I began to sweat under the hot lights.

I heard a noise at the door. It opened and in came Master. He came over to me and checked me all over for circulation problems and to make sure I was still tied up. My eyes followed him with such focused, he didn't acknowledge me at all I felt like I done something wrong, and he was treating me as an object to be inspected. I wondered when we would get started, and the guy who was going to remove my balls.

My question was soon answered the door open and closed. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and another figure emerging from the surrounding darkness.

He came to my head; he had a white mask on over his face, and stared blankly and directly into my eyes. This doctor is naked except for his mask. His face was upside down to me, giving it a sinister appearance, strangely lit and shadowed as it was by the overhead spots. This was the person who would be sticking needles into my arm. He winked at me ominously, continuing his awesome stare, then pulled suddenly away and walked too my feet.

My attention was diverted back to Master who was doing something with my balls. He was shaving my ball sack and crotch area.

Master Williams told the guy behind the camera to make sure it get it all and stay out of the way of the doctor. I could see all this Due to the cameras man walking around me making sure he got all of it on film.

Make sure he is secured said the doctor.

Master Williams checked my restraints.

My hands were bound together and were tightly stretched over my head to the top of the table, and my legs were spread wide and secured under the table. Doc ordered to secure a belt tightly around my abdomen, arms securing it to the table as well, preventing me from moving anything but my head; we do want him to watch it all.

"Very nice, very nice indeed boy said the doctor!" I glanced down across my well-muscled belly and surveyed my cock was dripping precum. The doctor then placed a covered metal tray on the counter beside the table, then went to the sink in the corner and filled a small basin with warm soapy water and proceeded to give my genitals a sponge bath. I tried to calm himself while. The doctor continued to do his work as he work my private parts, How many guys or girls have you enjoyed boy?" The doctor asked. "Ten? Fifty?? Well, no matter with a grin. Next to me lying on the table was a tray of instruments and needles and medicine.

I nodded and master just said yes. He then moved the cloth covering the tray he had placed on the counter and removed a small roll of adhesive tape, tore off a strip two four inches long strips, and taped my cock up tight to my belly. I now saw the stainless steel surgical items on the tray, plus another thing that suddenly caused him to once more test the bindings his arms: A jar, about four inches in diameter and the same height with a screw-top lid half filled with a clear liquid, and more importantly adorned with a paper label bearing my name and master name on it! I was still staring rigidly at the jar when the master removed a small length of latex tubing from the tray, stretched it a couple of times, and then retuned to my side. With a hypodermic with xylocaine, I felt a sharp pain as doc made several injections in my scrotum. When he was done they waited for the anesthetic to take effect.

Doc kept pinching my sack every couple of minute and asking if he felt that.

When I finally answered "sir no sir" doc said do you want the sac remove to or left behind. He turned to my master.

Cut it all off with an evil laugh. "I hope you enjoy this as I do," he then proceeded to grab my by his balls and wind the tubing tightly several times around them up high, trapping my nuts in a fist sized bulge of stretched skin. "All done," the master announced.

Doc removed the lid from the jar and picked up a wicked looking scalpel prom the tray and placed the edge lightly against my rapidly darkening scrotum. Increasing the pressure on the sharp blade as it cut thru my nuts. Trying to ignore the pain radiating through his belly from the constrictor around my balls, I took several deep breath, stared at the TV. "Suddenly I felt like I needed to scream a primal scream as the pain, both physical and mental, flooded through my entire body. My balls were now in the jar floating in the liquid doc quickly use some hot iron too stop the bleeding as I no longer felt my ball I must of past out after that. I woke up on the table my body covered in sweat I looked down and saw my dick hanging free. Master Williams came and untied me and help me too the next room. Where they were showing my castration to a boy that was tied up too a table. I recognized the boy as a kid that worked at the pizza as a busboy named matt.

Next: Chapter 25

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