Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 10, 2005


There at the door was a young man in his late twenties, dressed in a flight attended uniform. The man ask to see Mr. Williams please, I said sir please come in, the man checked me out and walked pass me. Sir was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans. The tall slender black hair man, address my master as sir, and asked if he could stay over the weekend, sir asked when dog boy had to leave, sir my flight leave Sunday morning at 11am sir. Sir said dog boy you may stay and with that, dogboy started to take his uniform off, Thank You Sir for letting me is able to serve you sir. Sir just stood there and told dog boy that this boy is in training and to be treated as such, all dog boys could say "understand sir". Dogboy was naked and sir pulled out a thick black dog collar and put it on dogboy's neck and put a padlock to make sure it was on tight. I could see dogboy had both big rings hanging on his nipples pulling them down and a Prince Albert on his eight inch cock which seemed to pull his dick down more the usual and to my surprise the guy had no balls at all, and no body hair from the neck down. I was shocked, it's the first time I seen a man with out no ball, dam. Sir told me to stand in front of dog boy and I did as told, I knelt down and his cock was in front of my face, and to get a good look, one day you may loses yours to serve as a bitch for me or some other master, but that would only happen only when you prove your are worthy of the title of bitch. I then noticed the rings were his were his ball once were. Dogboy has been with me how long bitch, almost seven years this month sir and boy do u regret it boy, NO SIR, was the best thing to happen in my life sir, I hear to serve for your pleasure sir, sir the balls only got in my way of serving you sir dogboy said. Sir walked up to dogboy and gave him a big tongue kiss and twisted of his right nipples and all dog boy could do was moan with pleasures. With that sir put a leash on dog boy's collar and walked us both to the dungeon room/playroom. I stood at attention and waited to see what was going to happen. Sir told dogboy to grab his ankles and dog boy did as told and sir went to a shelf and picked up a tub of lube, a plug or dildo I didn't get a good look and put some lube and stuck the dildo up dogboy's ass. It went is with one thrust, I could hear dogboy gasp then a load moan. Sir then told dogboy to the stand up and dogboy did as told and sir grabbed dogboy's head and gave him another kiss wooden cross, put leg and wrist restraints on and hooked him to the cross and told me to come to him and sir hooked me up to the chains to the wall my arms were stretched spread eagle over my head and tied apart my legs. I could see what was about to happen, sir walk over to the wall of paddles and other toys hanging there, sir pulled off a leather flogger and walk to dogboy and made him kiss the flog whip and then sir ran it over dogboy's body, then walked over to me looked to see my reaction I did as dogboy did kiss it and hope sir wasn't going to use it on me I hope at least not now. My cock was now getting hard again, I was getting so turned on, and I couldn't believe it.

Sir stood in front of dogboy and hit him across his chest, whack, dogboy jumped and whimpered, whack, moan could be heard , whack more moaning but loader, red marks started to show, whack, whack, whack, this kept up for about twenty times before sir stopped and gave dogboy a kiss, thank you sir. Sri then stepped in front of me he sees my rock hard on and take the flogger and rubs it up and down , my ball are hurting so much again, the leather straps are hurting but I knew not to say a word. Sir then takes a whack across my chest. I almost said something, no I'm going to take it and endure the pain. Sir stopped and sad that enough for now and put the flogger back to its place and walked out of the room, and turned off the lights except for a night light in the corner of the room I could barely make out dogboy. I could hear his breathing but nothing else. Sir then returned and turns on the lights. My eyes took some time to adjust to the bright light that flooded the room. Sir walk to me and unhooks me and all I could do is moan in relief my are, no longer aching, then sir walked over too dogboy and release him and sir said , follow me, I looked at dogboy and followed sir and dogboy. Sir lead us back to the living room where sir sat in his wooden chair and told dogboy to stand at his right side and told me to kneel in front of sir. We took our places with out hesitation. Sir reach for a piece of paper and pen, boy, sir spoke to me, you now had a taste of what in store for you as my slaveboy. This is your only chance to leave; if you remain you're my property. Now decide there is no going back. Sam stated I will stay sir. With that sir handed me a piece of paper and told to read and sign it.

Sir, I Bart Jackson AKA slaveboy, is a humble and unworthy applicant who comes to you seeking to be accepted for training as a slaveboy in your house. Sir, if you accept me to be trained as your slaveboy, I will swear my allegiance to you as follows, Sir: 1. I will obey any and all orders which you may see fit to give me, Sir. 2. I will obey all your orders immediately and without hesitation, Sir. 3. I will submit completely too any and all inspections and tests that you desire to administer to me, Sir. 4. I will submit completely to a comprehensive Physical Examination so that you can test my suitability for being a slaveboy, Sir. 5. I will answer any and all questions from my master bob, no matter how humiliating they may be, completely and fully and to the best of my ability, Sir. 6. Since I have not/or been a slaveboy in another master / men previously, I must tell my master Bob everything I have experienced as a slaveboy or with others before, so that he can devise training tasks for me that will equal and then exceed all that I have gone through before. I want and request that my master Bob haze and train me so completely and intensely that I will forget all about any previous experiences/slaveboy training that I might have had. The training from my Master Bob will become the most complete, and comprehensive, and intense training that I have ever had. Master Bob will take me and train me as he wishes his slaveboy to be. 7. I understand that a slaveboy learns fastest through repeated and continual application of the master will , so I willingly accept and welcome all such discipline that my Master Bob believes will be useful in training me. 8. I will remain as a slaveboy as long as my Master Bob wishes to continue my training. It is his authority to dismiss me immediately if I fail to meet his expectations. I cannot quit myself, without his prior permission. Once selected as his slaveboy, I become the property of master Bob Williams. Sign by Master bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson Witness by dogboy, David miller x David Miller

Dated 1-1-02

Dated 1-1-02 Binding Agreement

I, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to servitude to the holder of this contract, hereinafter known as my Master. I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and to be a slave. I am signing this contract in an attempt to affect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit my Master's rights and prerogatives under this contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional right to privacy. I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest language I request the government to NOT EVER protect me from the consequences of this decision. I give up any and all rights of any kind and description in this document. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent my Master from having total control over every aspect of my life. I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT EVER change my mind. Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while not making this contract completely unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break. I specifically request and authorize my Master to use force to compel my obedience and to always ignore anything I may say or does that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. My Master may apply severe punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behavior, for a completely arbitrary reason, or for His enjoyment, amusement, and gratification. This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this contract. If any part of this contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give my Master as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any disagreement of interpretation, my Master's desires shall always prevail. Initials X B.J.

Power of Attorney

I give my Master complete total control and absolute rights of ownership of my physical body and mind and become His property. I have absolutely NO RIGHTS as an individual whatsoever. I have no freedom. All decisions will be made for me and I willingly agree to all decisions my Master makes regarding this abusive relationship. I affirm that once and if we ever live together, that ALL my possessions (including all my clothing and all my I.D., etc) will be turned over to my Master and that I will own NOTHING, and will also agree to give my Master complete total control of all my finances. I affirm that I will be owned by my Master financially and that all my savings earned prior to the union plus my own bankbook be under His total control, all my paychecks will have to be automatically transferred to His account, I will not ever be allowed to have my own checkbook, ATM card, credit card, etc, only my Master will be responsible for paying all household bills, including the cost of food, and any other additional costs that I must contribute will be deducted from my paychecks with the remaining put into my own savings account, I will only be given a nominal allowance each month ($150, say) for my own 401K Plan (Pension) from my own money, and no spending money or allowance is ever allowed for me whatsoever, no matter what, unless only to use for work, but only if my Master says so. By my signature below, I grant my Master unlimited Power of Attorney. I desire that my Master be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint, or interference of any kind. Also, according to the state I will be living in, I will sign a Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and have it registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents. This signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the date of my signing this contract below.

Sign by Master bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson Witness by dogboy, David miller x David Miller

Dated 1-1-02

Model's Release (for Blackmail purposes)

I will submit to photos and videos of myself naked or any situation that my Master requires and I affirm that He may resort to any means necessary to always ensure that I am not ever able to escape this lifetime predicament, including BLACKMAIL of notification of my current situation to my parents, family, relatives, employer, etc, and using the photos and videos (above), copy of this actual signed contract, etc. as genuine proof (with or without the use of a color printer). By my signature below, I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable Model Release in favor of my Master covering all pictures, films, video, audio, public performance, and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion, and all associated material, including promotional, either factual or fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including commercial & BLACKMAIL. I hereby give my Master the right and permission to copyright, publish and/or distribute any and all photographs and videos for which I have signed a waiver. I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless my Master or any of His representatives, from and against any liability as a result of the publication and/or distribution of said photographs and/or videos. I hereby warrant that I am of legal age and competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment, mental distress & ridicule specifically and all other claims of any sort generally. If I ever try to make any serious attempt to escape from my Master's ownership, I will immediately expect that He automatically mailed all of the above to all of the people who know me and is keeping all of my money and I also understand I will be responsible for paying Palimony/damages of at least 90 percent (90%) of my net income for the remainder of my life as another part of that penalty for trying to escape. Even if I ever reported it to the Police, this contract will clearly indicate that I clearly signed and agreed to these specific severe penalties. I must also abide to any other additional rules that my Master adds to this contract or else I must suffer the consequences described above, as extremely realistic severe penalties. Sign by Master bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson Witness by dogboy, David miller x David Miller

Dated 1-1-02

Mandatory Rules

I affirm that if my Master ever gives me a list of all domestic duties that I am to complete, including running outside errands, that I must always willingly comply without the slightest hesitation,

I affirm that my dress code will only consist that I must always either be completely partially naked and totally indoors at all times

Master will tell me what to wear outdoors in public the whole time, and that outdoors in public places I will always hold my head in the submissive position, unless told too.

I must always wear either my running short-shorts, nylon biker-shorts (without anyway underwear underneath), no matter how cold the weather is outside, I will wear no shirts unless told to I will leave all decision to my master to make for me. When Wearing of leather jacket &/or nude, no shirts, and proper shoes When running i must always keep my hands away from my body when running. I will remain standing till I'm told to sit in public and told where to sit I will let master order for me any food he feels I need to eat I will keep Legs spread wide-open whenever you sit on the subway, train, fast-food restaurant, etc. I shall walk two steps be hide my master and to his right. Outdoors in public, which should never forget my place and not speak unless given permission mean that I'm, excused enough to have that freedom or that privilege I should always be grateful that my Master in his presents in public, I should use proper replies when addressing anyone I talk to with permission. The only time that I can ever wear pants is only for work and/or occasional family get-togethers. Either way, whatever I do wear, but only in those particular specific situations described above, will always be my Master's property and I will always have to get permission to 'borrow' it to wear from Him prior. Initials X B.J.

Domestic Chores: Cooking/serving (breakfast/lunch/dinner)

Cleaning (washing dishes, sweeping/mopping the floors, oven/stove, refrigerator, bathroom, dusting/polishing furniture, vacuuming, windows)

Laundry (washing/folding/ironing) [always completely shirt unless told different and wear shorts]

Taking out the trash, yard work, washing your car, mowing the lawn, etc.

Outside Errands: Dress code: up to master - no underwear allowed.

Food shopping, Laundromat, dry-cleaning (pick up/drop-off), post-office, walking the dog (if applicable) Carrying all your bags when you shop at malls, etc.

Sexual Duties: [dress code: always completely naked unless told] Serving/servicing, oral, anal, toilet duties (piss and scat) any thing I'm told to do.

Punishment/Discipline for: [Dress code: always completely naked]

For bad work or work not done, - severe spankings, strapping (with belt), ass-whippings, etc

When I Accompany You to the public beach: [dress code: me always in a G-String (not thong) or naked with no change-of-clothes] I'm to carrying everything (from the parking spot & across the boardwalk), from setting the sheet out, applying suntan lotion on You, going back & forth to the refreshment stand for You, shaking out the sand, etc. - - all of the above, only if applicable. Initials X B.J.

Only if applicable, Whenever my Master ever uses the car with me,

I must always stay naked until He gets in first and wait for master to unlock the passenger door from the inside

Stay naked as He drives, then once we get to the destination .

I will wait naked till master hand me my shorts or clothing,

shirt, and sneakers (or just my g-strings, no shorts, at public beach parking lots, etc) When return to car I will wait for master to unlock the car and wait for him unlock the door. When I get back into His car, I must always remove them, be naked.

I affirm that whenever I sleep, I must now always sleep completely naked uncovered above the sheets and/or blanket. I will sleep were ever I'm told to sleep, inside a small locked metal dog-cage, box ect. I also affirm to ALWAYS expect CONSTANT Heavy verbal, psychological, and physical abuse to include severe beatings, rape and public humiliation Repeatedly and nonstop at all times by my Master, showing no mercy no matter what with No limits -- with me in an abusive relationship within an abusive lifestyle. By my signature below, I strongly acknowledge mainly that there's no possible way out even if I regret it later, no matter what! I have read this contract and have no questions. There are no other provisions whatsoever. Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson Witness by dogboy, David miller x David Miller

Dated 1-1-02 By signing this contract I forfeit my current goals and am prepared to follow a new lifestyle of my Master's agenda. This predicament starts upon my signature of this contract and will not ever be expected to end. This contract is permanent and for life. In summary, I do hereby swear to both agree to all of the above, word for word, and to fully comply and abide by ALL the rules in this contract, word for word, and do realize that it will include me always being constantly severely used and abused INDOORS + publicly humiliated OUTDOORS = TOTAL ABUSE for the rest of my life with my Master. I affirm that failure to ever agree or comply will result in 100% REAL severe penalties as described above. Once signed, there is absolutely no possible way out, any cancellations & this contract is legally binding in any civil or criminal court of law. Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson Witness by dogboy, David miller x David Miller

Notary's signature: James Jon Date of notarization: 1-01-02

*************************************************************** ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO SIGNING THE ABOVE My Current Full-Name: Bart Jackson Social Security Number: 355-56-9869

Address: Manor Hall, 32125 Land O Lake Rd, Tampa. Fl

Phone Number:

Current Employment's Name: Student: Florida State University Address Phone Number: Parent's Full-Names: Bart Jackson Sr. Full-Addresses: Us Army Ft Hood Telephone Numbers:

Sister's / Brother's Full-Name, None Full-Address Na Telephone Number: Na My Relative's Full-Name Na Full-Address: Na Telephone Number(S): Na ****************************************************************

Sir I have only one question, yes boy, what about my schooling at the university, sir said, you be living there and when school in not in session you be here with me and when your father want to see you, it can be arranged and provisions to see him can be arranged, think this over carefully and don't take it lightly, yes sir didn't hesitate to sign the paper .There sir I'm now your property sir. Sir sign then dogboy signed. Good, when your are called you have thirty minutes to get here, that how long it take to get here from your campus and not a second more, and your are require to wear a jockstrap at all time when your not here, when you're here you be naked at all time unless told other wise . Sir sat in his big chair, boy said; I was of course extremely excited. Follow me boy, so I followed behind sir and waited to see what he has in store for me as we walked into the dungeon. Slaveboy you will be first of all tied to a cross, held by leather cuffs and chains to the cross. You will be supported only by your wrists and ankles when I take away the supporting platform. You will stay suspended for thirty minutes if you can, but will be able to ask to have the support back on the understanding that for every minute under twenty that that happens you will receive one lash across your midriff. The lash will not cut you or mark you but has many soft leather tails and will be very painful, I turn my head to see what sir was doing, he went the self where the whips and dildo are kept and walked over and told dogboy to spread my cheeks and lick it clean. With that dogboy spread my ass and began to lick my ass out. Dogboy used his tongue and roughly clean my hole, it was exciting to have some one eat me out, my cock was getting an erection was rigid and twitching in anticipation in no time. Sir pointed out what he expected me to do, if you scream you will be muzzled and if you pass out you will have to do it all over, boy, got it, YES SIR. Sir pushed dogboy to aside and slowly insert the dildo up my hole. With that he lifted me up bodily and placed me on the small platform in front of the centrally sited cross. I noticed that straight in front of me was a large wall mirror and I could see myself. Sir then reach around and bound my balls and dick to the cross, I hope I don't shoot my load.

Sir started lowering the platform, which legs me stretched up and out as far as my arms and leg could go. Now don't forget, you can call for release before your thirty minutes, and for each minute you fail to achieve you will be given one lash across your body. This will be given with you still held spread on the cross, but with the platform back for you to stand on. He turned away, looked at his watch. I gasped as my weight came on my wrists and ankles. My body was stretched out as far I could stretch; I struggled to get into a better position. I to sweat like a pig , I fought against my bondage, but I knew it was a waste of my energy and my penis was rigidly and giving my master thrill to see me struggle .sir told me its been five minutes. All this time dogboy was tied up too the wall were I was earlier today, I could see his balls were being weighted down and weight were on his nipple rings which made stretched more and could see he was in pain. Ten minutes boy, by then I was in tears, my sweating and breathing hard and rapid. Another five minutes had passed as I struggled with my chains, I did not know how much longer I could take it, I wanted to call for release, but at fifteen minutes had past then I screamed. SIR I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE SIR, PLEASE SIR.

SIR, put the platform under my feet and I was able to stand without pain, still spread by my bonds. I make that fifteen lashes I need to give you said my master, yes master I know sir. Sir walked to the wall were the whips were and came back and told me to kiss the whip, then to lick the ends, so I kiss the whip and lick it also. Sir stood out to one side of me, drew back his arm and the lash slashed across, just above my butt. I screamed out in pain and tugged at my bonds but that only increased the pain in my arms and legs. Whack of lash, then another whack, and I found myself struggling, sweating, crying but getting more and more sexually excited as I saw myself in the mirror, after the fifth lashing of my back, sir stop and made me kiss the whip. Sir said crying is not going to stop, If need I'll gag you boy. So take it like a man. Yes sir, sorry sir. I still had a hard on still but now I had some precum leaking. Your got ten too go boy we can do it the hard way or easy, It's up to you boy. Sir I'm trying sir. Sir walked over to dogboy and whipped him four times and dogboy didn't even get a reaction from him, boy this dog here love to be whipped that why he comes to me all the time. With that Sir then turn to me put the whip to my lips I kiss the whip and lick it and started to whip me, this time it was on my ass.

My sore arms and legs, my ass was tender and marked with thin red welts, I tried screamed out in pain and tugged at my bonds but that only increased the pain in my arms and legs. Whack of lash, then another whack, and I found myself struggling, sweating, crying but getting more and more sexually excited as I saw myself in the mirror, after the final lashing of my ass and back. I was relieved that it was over. Sir brought the whip to my lip and I knew he wanted me to kiss it again, so kissed it and sir smiled. Sir then took the whip and wrapped it around my neck and started to rub my back and butt. My hair wet with sweat, my arms and legs aching as I watched my reflection and felt my penis so hard erect with excitement, Sir rubbing my cock. Sir then told me I better not shoot my load till he told me too or you be punished even more. Yes sir. My body was on fire and sir reached for the dildo which he pulled out in one thrust and my whole felt empty and cold.

Sir was wearing only a master harness and a black leather jockstrap stood back then and standing in front of me and watching me he slowly started to peel off his jockstrap. Sir went and untied dogboy and dogboy fell to his knee and started to kiss sir feet. Sir told dogboy to follow him, and dogboy crawled beside him. Sir then came over to look at me and took his big hands smoothed down my back, my buttocks, then around my chest and nipples before that familiar action of rubbing my hair which was already getting wet from my sweat. Sir told dogboy to get around and into position on my cock, but not to take in his mouth till he said so, with that dogboy got around and got into position were he could get to my cock. Sir then spread my ass cheeks and inserted his cock and shoved it at on push, I must of jumped two feet, but I didn't due to I was still chain to the cross. I could feel sir's big cock filling my hole, I moan, and moan. Sir told dogboy to start sucking and sir said to me boy, you better not shoot till I have shot my load or you get fifteen more lashing, I try sir with that sir hit my in the head. Boy you will not shoot got it, yes sir I do. Sir fucked me hard and wild, with each thrust I thought I was going to shoot and dogboy mouth is so hot, I had to try not to shoot. The I cold feel sir body tensing up so I knew he was about to shoot and not more then two more thrust he shot his load. Sir moans and shot his load and it was about that time he said you may shot boy, I was glad, just as he said that I shot my load in dogboy's mouth. Cum was coming out dogboy's mouth. Well, well, well, said my master.

Then, suddenly, it was over and I was being released. First my ankles so I could keep my balance, then my wrists until my master lifted me down and gave me a big hug. Boy you did well for your first time at the cross. Sir, I need a pee, good dogboy come here and open your mouth, dogboy knelt in front of me and dogboy took my cock and sir said pee boy. I was stun but did as told and pissed in dogboy mouth. Boy you learn how to take piss in the mouth as dogboy has shown you. Dogboy drank my piss and didn't miss a drop in fact he kept sucking my cock and sir said that's enough dogboy. And dogboy let go of my cock. Sir gave me a kiss and then took me into a room there was some mattress on the floor. This well is you will be sleeping when not with me. Sir handed dogboy a tube and told him take care of his back, I be back soon .Now you two behave and go lay down and I will call you when I need you. Rest and no talking, with that I laid on the mattress which had no sheets just a mattress no window just a light on the ceiling. I lay on my stomach and Dogboy put some ointment on my wounds, with that sir turn the light off and shut the door. I must have fallen a sleep and was woke up by someone foot on my ass shaking me. I was my new master. Sir pulled me up by my arm and told dogboy to follow. We went back to the play room/ dungeon and there was a wooden table in the center of the room. He picked me up and pulled me over to a large sawhorse covered in black leather in the center and laid I face down on it. Hold out your hands boy, as my master instruction, and then he quickly binding them together with soft cord, next the same to my ankles before he laid me out on the sawhorse, securing hands above my head and feet to the bottom.

I wondered what would happen next and watched as he then tied up dogboy to another sawhorse the room. In walk two men one black and one white guy, both in leather chaps and harness. The black guy was six feet tall from his head to toe the guy had no hair on his body , looked to be around 35-40, about 175 lbs very muscular had at least a seven inch uncut dick. The other guy was 5"11' muscular, nine inch cut dick and very hairy, all most looked like a black bear. Both had a smile on there faces and the black guy was playing with his monster of dick and was growing bigger by the minute. Boys this Master Jon and Master Allen follow there orders as you would follow mine. No answer was needed we both understood what would happen if we didn't do as told. Master Jon points his dick at my face and tells me to open my mouth. I do so just in time to catch a mouth loud of piss. Your golden stream fills my throat with its foul and unfamiliar taste. I start to swallow as fast as I can, not to let too much dribble, but you soon start to piss on the rest of my face, my hair and . Your piss starts to slow and then soon stops. At the same time I can feel someone rubbing my ass cheeks and spreading them and a three finger enters my hole without lube. I start to moan with pleasure and push them in and out for a couple of minutes. My face started to turn red as Master Allen your huge thick cock batters my asshole. Your hips banging into my buttocks, and with each thrust between his tight grips on my ass, your cock plumbing my mass, and your hard firm thighs hitting into mine, I was lost in both pain and pleasure. Master Allen said I doubt you've had a dick this big inside you before, and I bet I'm the first black dick you ever had white boy, yes sir, it is." I said. He laughed, and then I could feel his cockhead pushing between my cheeks, searching for my tight boy hole. I arched my back and stuck my butt in the air as best I could, being tied the sawhorse, and his searching cock found my hole. He grabbed my hips and forced his black rod inside me. "Fuck!" I screamed, and I started to moan half in pain, half in pleasure. He fed his thick cock deeper inside me, stretching my hole to the max, until he got every inch of his black cock inside me. I immediately came, and squirted it all over the sawhorse. He started to thrust in and out, now rocking back and forth, punishing my smooth white hole. "Give me your black dick sir!" I screamed, and he fucked harder. His sweaty legs were pressed up against mine, and I could feel his stomach against my ass at the end of his powerful thrusts. He was pounding me like no one had done before, calling me a bitch, making it hurt, and the pleasures it brought in me. Thrusting his black man meat in and out, it must been eight to ten inches long and fat, deeper, deeper, pulling my ass and ramming it in me I didn't know how much longer I could last. "Take my big, black dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch" Even he just shot a load in his dick was still hard.

"Do you like that white bitch?" Yes sir," I replied, "I love it." Then he started to spank me, hard, and harder, still probing my ass with his cock, his strong hands slapping my smooth ass, making it red, adding to the pleasure. Now he fucked faster, he was on the balls of his feet, and fucking me as fast as he could, moving in and out, pounding, thrusting, and fucking me harder! I heard him moan loud, and he started ramming it in me, pushing me forward with his cock. Fuck I'm going to cum." he screamed, and he took it out of my ass and walked up and put it in front of my face, and blew his second huge load all over me. I opened my mouth and tried to get as much in my mouth as I could but I could barely see, then he shoved it in my mouth and told me to milk him. I gladly took his black meat in my mouth, and sucked all the cum out of his huge massive meat. It was so good. Then took his cock out of my mouth my master walk up with a Polaroid and took a picture of my face covered in cum and said "That's a keeper. You point your dick at my mouth again and I start to suck on it. Cleaning your cum off it. Its times like these that I am glad I make sure I am clean down there or else this would be unpleasant. After Master Allen's cock is completely clean my master tells me that I was a good dick washer, you be punished for shooting your load with out permission. With that my new master walks over to the whips, being on to my face and tells me to lick the whip well. I stick out my tongue to lick the whip and sir smiles and stands back and give me ten lashings. Whack, I jump against the restraints, two whack, three whacks, and then four till I received the ninth one.

Then master says now boy what will you not do again. SIR I WILL NOT SHOOT MY LOAD WITHOUT PROMISSION SIR. WHACK. The tenth one. By this time I'm sweating like a pig and pain is so painful and so erotic at the same time. I had a good view of dogboy's ass, I could see dogboy being fisted bye Master Jon lubed dogboy's hole and began sticking one, two then four fingers up his ass, first the hand was in, then part of his arm was gone and I could hear dogboy scream with pleasure and telling Master Jon to go deeper, deeper, the more dogboy yelled the more Master Jon pushed and till his arm was gone up to his elbow. Dogboy face was all red and was drenched is sweat. My master told me in time you are willing and able to take a fist up the ass and get so much pleasure you will begging for it bitch. Yes sir was all I could say. Master Bob walked up to dogboy and stuck his cock in his mouth and grabbed his head and started to fuck his eager mouth. Sir started moaning and bucking and he removed his giant rod and held it inches from dogboy open mouth. Gusher after gusher of hot sperm came shooting into dogboy's waiting mouth. Dogboy swallowed all of him has he put his tool in dogboy's mouth and ordered him to take every drop. Then master turned around and shoved his ass in dogboy's face and told him to suck his ass and he did. Dogboy's mouth and tongue were buried in his master butt. See what you get if you're a boy bitch. Just then Jon pulled out of dogboy ass and you could hear a load pop coming for dogboy asshole. Jon then came over to me and was rubbing my ass and asks Master Jon how the bitch, is he worth the fuck.

Master Allen said bitch has a tight ass and a born cocksucker. With that master Jon was stroking his dick now my turn and this new meat. . Then he rubbed some more lube on my ass and his 11" tool and he started forcing his huge dick up inside me. He shoved it all the way in until he was grinding his hips into me cheeks. Then he started plowing me and beating me while he did it. "Take my big, my dick like the pussyboy you are...fucking bitch" I must oh Passed out he fucked me so hard. I came to and was on my stomach, and he was still fucking me. My hands were still tied to the sawhorse I started to moan very loudly. He fucked loving it...and him. aye baby take it take my dick pussy The feeling of his body against me, dominance and huge manhood taking me left me complete, satisfied and wanting to do what this man said. I started crying. After more than an Hour he started moaning and bucking and he kept his giant rod and Held it in my ass. Gusher after gusher of hot sperm shooting in my ass. Master Jon ordered me to take every drop and slap me a couple of time on my ass and back don't waste a drop of my cum boy. I could feel the hot sweet cum in my ass. Then the guy started to piss and held my head to make sure I wouldn't try to pull away. Man I took his cum with no problem and now he's pissing in my ass; I hope I don't let any leek out or I be in big trouble, he must have drunk ten gallons of water. The dude was pissing faster then I could hold it and piss was leaking out of my ass. Then as soon as it started it was over, luckily I only last just a few drops of piss and my master didn't see me dripping so I was lucky this time so far. And with that Jon pulled out of my and told me to hold it or I get a beating.

Next: Chapter 3

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