Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Aug 25, 2005


I head footsteps coming to the dungeon the lights were turn on and I could see Master Jon. He was dressed in his blue jeans and a tight forming shirt and his leather boots on. Next to him was dale in his shorts with no shirt on but a thick black leather collar on.

Master Jon opens the cage and pulled me out of it and untied my bindings. I got to my knees and waited for what ever was installing for me. Master dropped a pair of short in front of me.

Stand boy and master put the leash back on my pa .Slaves put these on now and hurry; I got up, I saw a hole in the front of the shorts. I put the leash thru the hole in the gym shorts .I pulled the shorts up there I was with a gag ball in my mouth and being lead around by my dick. We headed out of the house and got into a van parked out side I never seen this van before. Master Jon open the side door and dale and I got in. we had to sit on the floor of the van which had no seats in back just a metal floor.

Dale was quiet and didn't look at me at all just looked at the floor. We arrived at Jim's tattoo parlor was busy with customers. Master Jon opens the door and led us both into the shop. There were two guys looking at art work trying to decide what they wanted till we walked in on a leash. When we entered the shop there were two guys kept staring at us and I thought I seen one of them before but couldn't remember were. They were dressed in blue jeans and t-shirts.

Jon what can I do for you today said Jim.

Got a new slave to mark and put his rings on him too, Master Jon said out load for the other guys to hear.

That's no problem said Jim just follow me to the back room and we can get started. Jim wore a leather vest and I could see nipples rings and tattoos. Let's see what we got here. Have him strip and get on the table.

Jim this is my new slave I want him to have the same gage and like this one here on this slave. Master pulls me closer to Jim

I remember this one he belongs to bob Williams does he not.

Yes, he has been on loan to me while he breaks his new slave in.

I know I already put rings on him yesterday said Jim.

Yes they are both are good specimens and yours is a good one too. How old is he.

He is 19 but he is willing to learn and I have to return the other one in the morning master Williams found a new owner for this slave here

Remember not to pull too hard or the ring will just tear thru the dick head. Jim said to Jon.

Yea and slave know not to struggle or miss behave, don't you slave as master Jon pulled on my leash.

YES SIR. I had my head bowed standing at the proper stance as I watched Jim start on dales.

I want one snake to spell out slave above his right nipple another snake below to spell out my initials (J.J.)

Master smiled as Jim started to apply tattooed word slave in a form that looks like a snake over dales right nipple Jim wipes dales chest dale didn't make a sound at all. I said as he wipes up the blood on dales chest. Keep it still boy or I have to tie you down boy, and slap my chest hard.

You better tie him down and I let you have some fun with him when your get done Master said.

Jim said cool I will enjoyed my self, wish all my customers let me abuse them a bit. With that I was tied down to the chair. Slave boys wrist was pulled and tied the chair and the legs spread apart. Dale looked at me but knew he had to comply or he would regret it. Jim worked on him for about thirty minutes on the word sake lettering slave above and below his right nipple.

Jim that looks great on his chest.

I'm glad you like the snake that spells out slave and I will put your initials (J.J.) above his right below the nipple ass nipples. Now that I'm done with his needle work on his chest now I do his nipples then

Jim you did an alums job on that snake.

Glad you like it what did you want on his ass.

Nothing now I'm going to brand him in a week or two.

Cool, bet it will be interesting to do that.

Jim wipes both nipples down and make sure there cleaned. Jim pulled out his needle. Inserted the right nipple first

Dale made a face and started to say something but just moaned out loud.

Then the left only a small amount of blood streamed down dales chest. Jim picked up gauze and wiped it clean. Since your so hot slave boy I like to pierce his ball sac before I do your dick head.

Jim showed sir some post that he wanted to do to dale balls. There is no charge for the post said Jim.

He will take the larges one you got Jim.

I could see the fear in dales face as Jim picked up dales nine inch hard dick and put a small dish under his dick head. Jim cleans the needle area and pushed the curve needle in.

Oh moaned dale and Master Jon looked to see dale grin and bare the pain for a moment. Some blood started to flow. Jim grabbed some gauze and held it over the dish that had some of dales blood in it. Jim held the dick head till it stopped bleeding.

Now boy that's wasn't so bad slave boy.

No sir thank you sir for having patient with me and I like what you done to me so far sir.

Jim when you're done with working on him, he has to thank you in the proper way. Have fun Jim. Jim just smiled at master.

Jim went about his work on dales when he was done he wrapped it up and told me to keep I clean. Then stuck the needles thru slave's nipples and inserted bigger rings than I had on.

Then Jim went to work on dales

Jim untied him from the chair. Jim picked dale up if he was a sack of potatoes, flipped him over and pulled up with his hands around dales waist, and pulled up, he wanted him to get up on my knees and bend over, doggie style. Reached for some k-y from the table and put a glob of lube too my hole. Then he placed his cock at dale eager hole, put his hands on each side of his waist and began fucking him again. Once again he fucked me like a wild man. Jim shoved his nine inch dick deep inside dale ass.

Oh man dale moaned. Dale started thrusting my ass back at him at the same time as his thrusts forward, timing it so we hit each other with force each pump. Planted fully in my ass, he began to stand up, with his cock still in me, his hands around my waist pulling me into standing position without his cock falling out. Dale started to raise up to support his weight on his hands, but Jim pushed dales shoulders down, making his head hang upside down, practically touching the ground, supporting my weight on his fingers.

I was put over a chair and my ass up in the air for any one to walk by and see what's going on in the room. I backwards now and could see master big muscular legs behind mine and the forward motion of his body thrusting into me. Dale and I were getting are ass plowed.

Oh yes I moan under my breath knowing if I speak out of turn I would be whipped for sure.

He fucked me this way for a long time, I'm sure it was only ten or fifteen minutes, but time seemed to stand still. I was slightly lightheaded from my head dangling over the chair. Once again I felt that feeling of warmth. It was master shooting in to my ass, my master kept a close eye on us all the time.

When Jim was done with dale ass, my master walk up to him and pushed his dick into dales mouth boy clean this off dale eagerly took his shit cover dick that just came out of my ass and into dales mouth.

Jim came over to where I was he pushed me to the floor played with his cock. I open my mouth he started to piss in my mouth and I tried to get it all but sir pissed on my face and body. When sir was done I thanked him for his piss and thank you for using my body. I let some drops hit his boots with I quickly lick the up before he saw what I had done.

Good boy your master taught you well, I knew to lick my boots when you let my nectar drip on my boots. Jim rubbed my ass as I licked his boots clean.

Dale was also getting some fresh piss to drink, Master Jon was rubbing dales freshly shaved head it was odd to find dale so eager to become a slave. Boy I glad boy found you for me now I can send him to his master and I can train you all summer boy and you never have to worry you little head again on what you are going to do with your life boy. You're all mine now.

How much do I owe you Jim?

Let's see I figure $150 shall do it since you are a good customer.

Master Jon pulls two hundred dollars out and keeps the change you earn it today.

Master Jon put a leash back on both of now and pulled he leash thru a hole in front of your shorts. Master put the gag into dales mouth be fore we follow him to the counter to look at some art work that was on displayed. We both kept your heads bowed as we were lead out front. I could see there were other customers waiting their turn. I could hear the a guy say something to his friend as we stand waiting for master Jon too lead us to the van. When he finally did open door we both took our place on the floor in back.

When we return too master house .we were lead too the room where I kept my stuff.

Boy get your clothes and stuff together boy you got ten minutes to pack, your going back to you master now. And you boy help him and be ready or you both will get punished. With that the door was shut and locked.

Dales whisper to me thanks for introducing me to master dude.

Shish, I winked at dale any time dude I knew you needed someone in you life besides work and school. I packed all of my stuff in my duffle bag. Our leashes were still attached to our bodies.

The door open, your master is expecting you boy. You ready boy.

Yes sir all packed sir.

Dale you carry his bags too the van and boy come here. I stood in front of him not knowing what he was going to do. He reach down and pulled my shorts down and took off my leash he put the cb3000 back on handed me a t-shirt get dress boy. And waited for to get dress in front of him, now follow me boy and be quick. Master Jon still had a shirt in hand as we walked to the van.

Get in front boy and be quick as dale got into the back of the van. Master Jon thru the t-shirt to dale, boy don't put this on till we get too were we are going. Dale didn't say a word. We arrived master Williams residents

Jed answered the door naked with a think collar round his nice his hair shaved off with red mark all chest and legs his Nine inch cut dick was tucked away in a cb300 his polished nipple rings shine. He stood to one side with his head bowed as master Jon walked in with his new slave being pulled by his leash attached to his dick. As soon I entered my master house I stripped off all my clothes know I was where I belonged I was under his control now. I folded my clothes and took my place at his feet on all fours. I only looked at his feet as Jed kneels at my master side.

Master Williams was dressed in his leather chaps/blue jean with only his leather vest on and a cigar in his mouth.

Thank for the use of you boy, you boy here found me a boy.

Stand boy and let me see you sorry ass. I stood with my head bowed and hands behind my back. He took his riding crop under my balls to see if I had my cb3000 on properly and check me over. Turn boy and show me your ass. I turn and spread my ass cheeks to for any hair or what not. He slapped me on my left leg

As you can see boy is the same shape as you gave lent him out too me.

Yes, see and he is tanner too. Good to hear that

Dale was now stripped naked and standing next to Master Jon as he talk to master Williams.

I make him run at least five miles around my place naked every morning

Has his cb3000 been on all this time Jon?

No I took it off to abuse him, I made sure he behaved him self. His grade point average is still 4.0 ...

Yes I know I been checking with his coach and he has kept me informed as well my slave here. Master Williams slapped to Jed stomach, Jed didn't move an inch or make a sound.

Well I need to get going got some company coming over soon I do need to get my new slave ready. With that they headed for the door and master walk to the door, I figure master let dale dress before going out side.

When master came back into the room he informed me for the rest of the semester you two better get to studying and I want to see top marks or you have marks over your hides

While you're both here on will be the alpha slave and the other will the lower of the two. Master removed Jed cb3000 and saw his balls had been removed.

As you can see slave Jed's balls had been removed since you were last here, Jed is my alpha slave for life, he already told his family he is staying here saying he got a new position here and will visit when he can. Bert your contract has been sold who will pick you up the day you're done with school. Your father bought you contract he is your master now and you be his slave to work for him now on. Jed will not speak unless he is as school and only if he is spoken to by a teacher to ask questions, to answer a question give to him by those who are not slaves as sir or mamm. Other than that I will be keep his mouth shut.

I was shocked I really was in shock that my dad bought my contract. Yes sir, I know my place in your home sir. I kept my head down.

You new master has given me permission to beat you if you get out of line boy so watch your step, your master want you too keep that cb3000 till he take it off. I will send him the key tonight so it's on for a long time.

Sir yes sir. Thank you sir.

In the morning at5am you get up and run four miles together and I will be there running along side of you two. Its getting late alpha will see to your sleeping arrangements. As we entered the room where we would be sleeping was two areas one to do school work which it had our computers set up and across the room was one dog cages and an old fashion metal framed single beds with no sheets at all and no pillows just hand cuffs at top and bottom of the bed.

I put my stuff into the closet and my books on the desk neatly and took my cues from Jed. Jed stood next too his cage and waited so I followed suite master came in and inspected the room. One will be sleeping with me tonight the other will be tied to the bed you both got five minutes to shit and piss before I lock one of you up for the night and the other will be with me. Go Now.

I followed Jed alpha to the bathroom where he sat on the toilet and took a shit he made sure he was empty as he got off I got on and pushed with all my might to take a dump quickly and pissed and made sure my hole was clean. I made sure the bathroom was in order so I wouldn't get any of the blame if there was no mistake. We stood next to the bed and waited. Master put a collar on me as soon as he came into the room.

Down boy on your knees master Williams pulls his cock out of his pants puts his cock in my mouth he piss slowly at first then I could feel it shooting down my throat not needing to swallow it. I knew better to touch him with out permission so I just used my tongue and took keep it in my mouth. He took his hand made sure I didn't move. I see you kept your body shave boy

When Master Williams was done with me, I had my head down and sir Thank you sir thank you for letting me have your piss sir. And waited for his next orders.

Alpha did you finish your home work?


You know what you need to do boy, with that Jed bend over and grabbed his ankles. Master left the room and came back with a long thick dildo. It had some lube on it and alpha pulled his cheeks apart and in went the dildo.

Jed just moaned and I could see his face turn red.

NOW GET TOO YOUR HOME WORK BOY. Jed sat down at desk and opened his books. Then master chain him too the desk. I will be back to check on you boy.

You boy follow me, I followed master down the hall to his bedroom. I stood at the foot of his bed with my head bowed and hands behind my back. I saw on the table next too his bed was wrist and ankle restraints a rubber gag, nipple weights, hood and chains.

Boy take my clothes off me boy, I looked at him and quickly helped him out his boots as he sat on the bed he used my ass to brace him self as I pulled them off.

I'm going to see what you remember boy and if you do well you stay with me tonight if not you will be punished. I looked up to him when he pushed my head back. He stood and undone his chaps enough to get his tight forming blue jeans off of him. He was wearing a leather jock strap with snaps on the front for easy access to fuck anyone with his man hood. You had it too easy with Master Jon boy.

The clock in the hall chimed five times. I kneel on the floor before him and wait for master to begin to do as he wishes with me. He started with leather wrist and ankle cuffs for which HE had locked each one. Next was the rubber gag strapped into my mouth I just open I knew if I resist I would be punished. Then the collar was tightened around my neck then I heard the lock click shut. Next a set of weights to my nipple rings, first one was attaché to my right nipple ring the weights was more then I had before then, It had up to at least half a pound or more. He hangs the weights for the other one

Mmm oh man Ouch I said to my self still getting used to the gag in my mouth.

He enjoys putting weights on me he got them firmly set in place. It was just heavy enough to put a good pressure on my tits. I knew from experience that they would get sore quickly but it was a relaxing feeling that swept over me.

Next came a full hood with eye holes and mouth hole snapped closed just holes at the nose to breathe through, he laced up the back good and tight and then locked at the neck with a padlock. He then put in a long big plug into my ass with very little lube.

Bend over boy so I can give you something to think about while I'm taking care of alpha slave. Master pushed the long cold object into my ass; luckily it went in without a hitch. After getting fully into the hood he then picked up the last three locks which I had positioned so I couldn't find all I could hear was the lock clicking shut.

On your knees pussy boy as he pushed me too the floor. I knelt on the floor master put one lock through the d-rings on my ankle cuffs, locking my ankles together. Then he put another one through the d-rings on my wrist cuffs; click as he locked my wrists together behind my back. Then the final click it was one went through these two locks locking my wrists to my ankles. So now here I was locked in a kneeling position hands behind my back, mouth gagged, head hooded, nipples weighted down waiting for my MASTER next move. Don't you move an inch boy or you be punished? I could hear him leave the room and walk down the hall.

My mind was wondering just what punishment he had planned for me. Whatever it was I deserved it I know I not been a good slave lately. I knew better after all. I belonged too him till I was turned over to my new master.

My cock and balls were my masters not mine to use. I heard the clock in the hall strike eight times. My tits hurt felt like they were on fire, my ass hurt too the dildo was pushing into me. My knees were starting to hurt a little. I waited for the whip to fall the clock struck the half hour again. I had been waiting for him to come back. My tits had started to go numb, but my back hurt as well as my arms and legs too. With nothing else to think about than the plug it felt immense and it had been stretching my hole. My knees hurt too and with my hands and feet locked so close together there was no way I could do to adjust my position short of falling onto the floor.

MASTER had said I was to stay put. If he found me on my side he would be very agree. Finally I heard foot steps in the hall. Master was coming. I waited to hear him enter the room. Finally after what seemed forever I heard some one come into the room. The footsteps walked across the room and I heard someone opening a drawer or cabinet. The foot steps stopped in front of me. Not a word was spoken only one I could think it was would be my master. One hand pulled on the weight connecting my nipple rings and pulled on it. He pulled then let go sending waves of pain rushing into my chest. One hand reached out to stroke my inflamed tits then twisting them some more sending more pain through my chest. Then a slap to my chest, it was a flogger hitting my chest,

It hurt like hell, I tried to deal with the pain the flogger hit my nipples on both sides. My dick is pressing in the cb3000 and I experienced more pain all over.

Ready to begin your punishment boy?" master William asks. I just nodded since I could not speak properly to my master.

I hear him move across the room and take a seat. I know he is watching me enduring in pain and He sits there calmly in a leather chair in his room, I can hear him the noise of the leather chair and I hear ice noise from a glass so he sipping his usual evening drinks whiskey and ice.

The fire in my tits starts turn into pleasure he beat me and I fall over too the ground he uses his foot to play with my nipples weights. Then I hear him move in his seat and I feel his hand grabs both tits with his fingers and massages them. Once again pain coursing through my chest and body. If I was not gagged I would be screaming of pleasure and pain.

All I can get out are muffled moans and groans. As master pulls on his slaves tits

Is there a problem boy, I could tell he just wanted to tease me.

I shake my head no, I knew better then to complain to him.

I thought it would only appropriate to remind me of my place as a slave. He twists and turns them in all directions

Mmmmm dam they hurt; I try not to moan too much or show any signs of the pain I'm going thru.

HE waits a moment attaches an extra weight that He lets drop onto my chest. As I feel the pain increases and shoots throughout my body. My ass still hurts, my knees are aching but all I can focus on is the pain in my tit that engulfs my chest? I hear him walk back across the room to fix him another drink returning to his chair. the numbness to start in my body .he again grabbing the my nipples weight and starts to pulling. How long will this go On I said to my self? But I know I deserve the punishment I knew better he has kept track of my even while in Master Jon service.

It seems like eternity master Williams finally stops. I have lost all track of time. Master unlocks my feet and helps me stand up.

Boy I very proud of you boy. Have learned my lesson, I nod my head yes as I am still gagged and could not talk but moan with joy. I felt him reached around me and pulls out the plug there was a small popping sound and I hope he puts his dick in their soon. After all that time in me it feels like part of me is missing.

Master leads me to the edge of his bed and he pushes down on the bed then pushes massive man hood into my ass all in one thrust. Master walked me too the bed leaving the hood and gag on and my hands locked behind my back. He relocks my arm behind my back. He pushes me too the bed.

With that he pushed forward and I felt the pressure of his dick head trying to get into me. I didn't exactly know what to do, and I suppose by reflex tried to relax my ass for him, and master pushed forward with more force. "Relax, slave.... He told me, again in that strong voice controlled tone.

His dick head slipped into me quite easily then - well, I know now of course that with master stretching and the lubrication with is seven inch cock that was to be expected. I gave a gasp of moaning and feeling whole again with his dick in me. Nice inviting pleasures having him use me for his pleasures.

Master began to shove is dick in me until I could feel his pubic hair and balls resting against my butt, and the front of his thighs pressed right up against me.

He'd taken his hands off my butt and now rested them on my shoulders, digging his fingers into my muscles exactly, but exerting pressure so that I knew he was there, on top of me his hot body rubbing against mine, skewering me with his dick and controlling my body totally for his pleasures.

He began to fuck me then, pulling almost out very fast, and slamming it back in again, and the combination of the way that my body was responding to his dick and the feeling of his skin pressed against mine was hot - I couldn't help it, I found myself making little groaning noises of pure pleasure.

Mmmmm I moaned in time to the rough rhythm of his movements.

I wanted it to go on for as long he wanted to I was not concerned, but suddenly his action changed: he started to pull out much more quickly, and then slammed forward as hard as he could so that there was a distinct slap of his balls against my smooth ass; his skin collided with my butt. This was much joy to me as it was for him. His needs come before mine.

I was feeling was the most intense pleasure I'd ever had in my life, or pure pain and pleasure. My little low muffled moans.

His moans of "yes, yes, yes take it boy. Changed to be more ones of oh YES with each thrust of his tool, but then he stopped. Master had loosened his grip on my shoulders, and grabbed my ass and dug his nails in to my flesh and started up again fucking my pussy hole. I could feel the roughness of the hands rubbing all over my back and ass

You're my slave till your new master claims you and I intend to use your body as much as I can till then boy. You will followed that long tradition of master asserting their rights to use a slave for their satisfaction and enjoyment.

I could feel him push his dick deep in my again his dick sliding out of me. This time he wasted no time and filling my hole with his cum. My dick was in pain but I knew I was in heaven right now.

Take it boy and don't you dare lose any of my seed slave. He kept fucking me till his cock shot jet of hot cream in me. Then he replaced his dick with a plug. It went in so easy, you will wear this till I take it out, and he grabbed me and took me down the hall.

My tits are so sore it but I am so happy, I still was wearing the weights I found my self being released from the cuffs he laid my on my back and tied to the bed spread eagle too the bed. The weight fell to the side of my chest he bent down and lick my tits. I could hear Jed still working at the desk.

Master tied me to the bed and rubs my chest and both nipples are still on fire. I just laid there and enjoy the pain and pleasures I can do for my master.

Are you not done yet boy he yelled at Jed.

Yes sir just finished reading my work sir.

Good, I heard chains being removed and he dragged Jed alpha slave down the hall. A couple of minutes I heard the strap being used on flesh, it must have been Jed being whipped, and I heard moans and some crying. Then I heard master dragging Jed to the room. I then heard master put Jed into the dog cage and heard the noise of a lock being closed

I give you time enough time to do your home work and you don't finish it boy and I expect it done.

Sir This Boy Is Wrong And I Ask For Your Forgiveness Sir. Sir I Will Not Happen Again Sir.

It better dog now get into your cage and you will stay in here till I let your out. With that I heard locks clicking on the metal cage. And the door to the room is shut. I try to turn my head to hear how Jed is doing. All I hear is some low moaning and him trying to get more comfortable. He never spoke a word when we were alone. I figure the room is bugged and master has cameras hidden in the room so he could watch us sleep.

Next: Chapter 20

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