Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on May 29, 2005


When we got to master Jon estate and he told me to follow him upstairs to the bathroom were he told me to get in the tub on all fours. I saw the enema bottle hang there. I knew what was in store for me next. Master Jon stuck the end of the tube up my ass and I could feel warm soapy mixture entering my ass. At first it was no pressure then all of a sudden I could feel my bowls being filled to the max. Now you hold that till I tell you boy, you been fuck so much I'm going to make sure your clean out good. I don't want any other guys cum on my dick or in my bed, when you with me boy unless I say so. Yes understand sir. "I'm giving you an enema." master Jon said forcefully.

"Keep it in and don't let even one drop leak out beat you silly and use the whip on your nice smooth body. Master Jon inserted the tube up my ass .I cinched down on that hose with all my might. The water was not bad at first like always then all of a sudden it was making me feel uncomfortable, then slightly painful, then a lot. Damn, On all fours like a dog my gut started to burn like crazy. The warm water didn't stop. I started making some moaning-whimpering noises. Master Jon knew that I was getting pretty full, then he clamped off the hose. I was glad he didn't add any more in me, I felt like I was going to burst any time. Now hold your water for five minutes and if you lose a single drop you regret it you slave. Will do sir, I will hold it till you say so sir. Sir pulled the tube out of my ass then Sir put a digital clock to let me see how much time has gone by. I had only a minute to go and I was hoping sir let me go when the five minutes were up. Five minutes were up and he still had me on all fours and He made me hold it for what seemed like hours ... probably only 10 minutes. My guts were burning. I could hardly stand the pain but at the same time I was getting turn on by it. Times up, finally, he let me shoot it out. I felt the rush of the liquid I had in me flow out so fast. It all went down the drain in the tub. After the water was expelled, my belly felt relieved, but not for long! Sir shove that damned hose back in my butt and filled me up again. He must have let more water in me the second time, cause it hurt even more this time. Now hold your water for another five minutes and if you lose a single drop you regret it you slave. Will do sir, I will hold it till you say so sir. Sir pulled the tube out of my ass then Sir put a digital clock to let me see how much time has gone by.

I had only a minute to go and I was hoping sir let me go when the five minutes were up. Sir repeated my flushing 4 times, each was more painful than the last, but I managed to keep it all in until I was permitted to release it. "You did well, slave", he said strongly. "Sir Thank you, Sir", he turns the cold water on and rinses me off and thru me a towel and said get dry quickly. The cold water was a shock to me and I could feel my dick shrink up and it was in pain too. While I was finishing up drying Master Jon spoke, said get your ass here in my bed on all four you slut slave. Your night is not over boy it just beginning. I hurried to his bed were the sheets were pulled down and the pillows were on the floor.

I got on the bed, on all fours waiting to see what sir had in store for me this time. I had my ass up in the air like a good slave should be. He slapped a glob of something k-y in my crack. Working his finger in my, he pushed some of the lube inside. Two fingers ... three fingers. Oh man, it started to hurt as he twisted the forth finger in ... trying to push them in me. I was starting to enjoy what he was doing but my ass was sore from being fisted all night, I knew that he intended to fist my, but to my relief, he withdrew them and shoved the biggest and fat butt plug I have ever seen. I really didn't know how big it was, but it hurt. He held it at my sphincter right at the fat part. I was on the verge of passing out, when he gave it a hard push and it popped inside my sore ass. The pain shot though my body; all my muscles would tense up, including my ass rig. I was holding that plug so tight I though I'd squeeze it in two pieces.

Don't drop that plug sir told me. If you do, I'll whip your ass until it's a bloody mess ... you'll be scared for life, faggot slave", he sneered at me. I started to question sir actions and he slapped my face. Dam boy you know you're not to question me fagot slave boy nor speak unless you get permission fagot. He went to the closet and He selected a leather gag that had a short `dildo' attached. He shoved it in my mouth and fastened it in the back of my head. The dildo pushed almost back to my throat, but didn't gag me nor couldn't I talk.

Let's see if that did the trick", he leered at me. A cold chill went up my spine as he walked behind me and roughly pulled the plug all the way out and rammed it back in quickly. Again I screamed, but this time, not much sound came out. The gag was working Kneeling in front of me; he started to tie a rope around my nuts. He pulled on them ... it hurt a little and tied the rope around my sac several times.

My balls were being stretched further from my body, but the pain wasn't bad. He worked for a few minutes then pulled on the rope. I guess he must have run the free end through a hook on the bed, because he stepped back a few feet to admire his work, still with the end of the rope in his hand. He stepped back a few feet to admire his work, still with the end of the rope in his hand. He seemed pleased with my predicament, and then gave the rope a yank. Pain shot from my groin ... my entire body reacted with a shudder. I let out a yelp. He yanked the rope again ... and again and again.

When he had satisfied his sadistic mood he tied the rope off and told me not to move. He then came back wit a wooden paddle and brought it to my face and shown me what he had. Then walk the end of the bed and whack that's for showing disrespect to me by talking without permission whack, he did that twenty-five times then untied my balls. What a rush of pain and pleasures combined at one time. Master Jon informed me I will be sleeping with him and if you make one mistake boy you sleep in the cage for the rest of your stay here. Got that you fagot slave shit, Yes SIR, I will be on my best behavior and will take my punishment SIR. Now get your sorry ass in bed and don't you let that plug slip out or you regret ever being born you worthless slave. Jon got into bed and straddled my head and shoved his hard dick in my mouth. Then proceeded to face fuck me, you want it bad you fagot slut, you can not get enough and when you think you have you crave for more. Master Jon told me to get some rest; you do have classes in the morning boy. Tuesday 5 Am I woke up to a cock being pushed into my mouth. I still had the plug in my hole and I need to piss and shit badly. I just opened my mouth and take what ever is coming into my mouth. I'm here to serve who ever my master tells me to serve. Master Jon started piss in my mouth, which woke me up really quickly; I was able to keep up with his piss stream. It was salty and bitter this morning. I drank ever bit of master Jon piss and then he told me I better get my ass out of bed and on the trail before I get whip your sorry ass. I got up and looked at Master Jon, now go and I have a couple of calls and some papers to read before we go into town this morning. I put my shoes on and quickly run out side and started my morning run naked. I was contending to run and felt relief to run by my self naked, I could get use to running naked, running naked like a bird flying free. I love the feel of running naked and the sun on my body and my dick bouncing from side to side and free as a bird but today my ass hole hurt after being stretched so much but I love it. I was getting a hard on from my dick hitting my legs when I ran the work out I had yesterday. We were coming around one of the bends were I saw the Chad and Steve the two hot working on the grounds and they yelled to me and asked me to stop and talk to them. They had on jeans and pull over shirts that fitted snugly to there hot bodies. I stopped and told them I need to do my run or else. We know this wont take only a few minutes off your run. I stood there naked and they kept looking me over me. Steve said follow me boy or we tell your master that you tried to seduced us and to blackmail us too. Just follow us now boy or your regret it. We walked behind a wall and Steve pushed me to the ground to my knees and unzipped his pants and shoved his cock in my mouth and took both hands and fucked my face. Oh yea boy, take my fucking cock in your hot mouth. I didn't see where Chad was but I could feel his hands on my back and play with my ass. The next thing I was on all fours and Chad had his hands all over my ass and playing with my sore ass hole. Steve told Chad I was a good pussy mouth. And then I felt s pressure on my pussy hole. Chad just shoves it in and I jumped up and Steve just shoved his big dick deeper in to my mouth. I tried to relax and let them do as they pleased to me. I could feel Chad's dick all the way in me it was not too bad, I have bigger dicks up there last night. Chad grabbed me with both hands on my hips and was digging his claws into my flesh as he fucked me like a rabbit in heat. They both didn't say a word while they fuck me as hard and abuse me as much they can.

I whimper and take the head of his dick back into my mouth and caress his heavy sac with one hand, squeezing and pulling as I try to take as much of him in as I can. Chad fucks my ass with his big dick deep and hard. I kept sucks on Steve cock. I feel that familiar tightening and I try to put it off Steve cock; I was breaking into a heavy sweat. I try to concentrate on his fat piece of meat in my mouth and giving him all of my attention, but it's useless. The more attention I pay to his cock, the harder Chad pumps me in the ass. I cry out as Chad twists my dick and finds my button and drive me crazy. "Fuck! I'm going to fucking come!" Steve's yell out so loud I thought the state heard him, quiet master will hear you." Just suck my cock fagot or you regret it," He growls. I moan and take the head of his dick back into my mouth and caress his heavy sac with one hand, squeezing and pulling as I try to take as much of him in as I can. He growls as he shoots a big hot creamy load down my throat, spurting shot after shot of his hot spunk down my throat. I keep sucking though and his over-sensitized cock stays hard. It's never done that before said Steve. He smacks me hard on the head Chad pulls out his dick the slams it back in me again and slams his cock deep into my ass and I gasp for air. It hurts so much and is so fucking well at the same time.

Chad inches up even further on the ground. He's plowing my ass with long, deep strokes and I can do nothing but pant. My body is covered in sweat, a lot of it mine, most of it Chad also covered in sweat. He suddenly pulls out of me, then shoves I back in He's buried dicks deep into my ass again each time he fucks me his balls hit my ass each time. I scream out at the sudden pain of him pulling out and pushing back in so quickly, but I find that I'm enjoying every bit of hurt his cock is putting into my ass.

He reaches down and slides his arms behind my knees, pushes forward, bringing my knees up to my shoulders, opening my ass even wider. He leans forward and nips my ear. "I love the way your ass lips kiss my cock." Chad reaches between my legs to stroke my fuck tube "Oh fuck!" I scream. He slams his hips against me and all I can feel is the electrified massage that his cock is giving my prostate and his balls slapping heavily against my ass cheeks. "Shit! Your ass just keeps getting tighter fagot I love that in a fagot!" As Chad grunts in mid-stroke and paused for a moment then fuck me harder and deeper. Here it is fagot slut whore. Take this and don't your let any of it go or you be sorry fagot. I moan out load. "Harder! More fuck me harder!" Fuck! Oh yeah! I'm going to...ahh!"

In one long howl Chad emptying his load into my ass and keeps on fucking as his cum lubes me up even more. It's as if he can't stop and he's plunging into me the entire time, fagots take it all dick fagots I want to cum in your pussy boy. . He must have spurted seven or eight times before he finally looks down at me, his eyes glazing over. I had cum leaking both my mouth and ass. Steve and Chad got up and dressed and walk away. Hey fagot better get your run down or you have hell to pay. I looked at my watch I dam I'm twenty minutes behind and if I know my ass is grass.

I got up and ran as fast as I could as I ran cum leaking from my ass and flying in the around my body. I'm lucky master didn't make me wear a plug this morning. I ran as fast as I could and master was waiting for me at the pool side. Asked me if I had a good run, I told SIR it was not one of my best time SIRS. Must been the late night session last night sir, sorry sir I did my best in the time I had sir. Sir this slave would hope you forgive me for my poor work out this morning SIR. I had my head lowered looking to the ground. Take off your shoes and jump into the pool and do twenty laps then have your breakfast before you go to school. Tonight you got a modeling job right boy yes SIR. Modeling for your art teacher from 5pm to 10 SIR, since you agreed and has been set up already we eat in town, you can take a cab home and will go from there, yes SIR. I pick you up after your last class then go get a bite to eat and I drop you off. Yes SIR. That's four pm when you get off class right, SIR YES SIR. Good I make arrangements for dinner it be waiting for us when we get to Jack Steak House. I took off my shoes and jump in and twenty laps in the pool.

I got out of the pool water was dripping from ever possible place; I stood at attention with my hand at the back of my back waiting for my masters attention. I must have waited for six or seven minutes till my master acknowledges me and told me to sit and eat my breakfast. I eat my breakfast in an orderly. And finished all that was given me to eat and waited for my next orders, I sat with my hands to my side and head bowed down. Master said good boy you finished your oatmeal with piss. I eat my oatmeal and shown Master Jon the empty bowl and he said Good boy. Now go and get dressed your clothes are on the bed as well as your plug and make sure you leave on your cock ring at all times. Sir yes sir. I got up and went up stairs to clean up and shower and shave my body head to toe. I filled a 3qt bag the first two were hot peppermint castile soap enema followed by 4 rinsing enemas. I wanted make sure to be clean from top to bottom. I filled the first bag hooked on a hook on the wall. I got into the tub and inserted the catheter tube into my ass and got on all fours and opened the valve. I could feel the tube expanding even more inside me. Soon my colon was filling with hot soap water. When the bag was about half empty the water was at my rectal opening since my entire colon was now filled. I held it for four minutes and made sure to wiggle my ass to slop it around inside of me. I then turn around do the liquid would go down the drain in the tub. When I released it came out fast. But the flow was constant and I could see my shit come guising out of me. I ran the water in the tub to wash the shit and liquid down the drain. When the first bag was empty I filled the second. Each bag took about 10 minutes to empty. After the fifth bag I was getting pretty spent and I had to take 3 more. Each bag was a different water temp. The sensation was different but rather erotic I loved it and just as hot as being fucked. The water going out of me as cool water was flowing into me the feeling was weird as the tube slowly made its way out. I could still see some shit left in me so I took more enemas to make sure I was totally clean. By the time I had the fifth it was clear liquid. I was now sure that I was cleaned out and ready to get raised off so I could get ready for the day. I

I grabbed the razor and began to shave my self started with my head and worked my way down to my body and trying not to miss any body hair that might have grown since the last time I shaved my body. I looked in the mirror I rubbed my body to make sure I was smooth as a new born baby. I took a quick shower to rise off any left over I ran my hands over my body to make sure I was totally smooth. Then went into the bed room to wait for Master Jon to inspect me before getting dressed, so I waited for master to enter the room I stood at attention with my head bowed and hand behind my back and head down.

Master Jon entered the room and inspected me and ran his hands over my bare body to make sure I didn't miss a spot. Master Jon told me to bend over and pull my ass cheeks apart so he can inspect my hole and to make sure it was clean. He inserted his finger in my hole and pushed in deep inside of me. And pulled it out and looked it over, good job slave. Sir Thank You SIR, you did a good job now stand still while I put your plug in you and your not to take it out unless I tell you so. You have to call me and get permission to remove it, understand boy. SIR Yes Sir, Boy Will Not Remove Plug Unless Gets Permission For Your Sir. With that Master Jon pushes plug into places and slaps my ass and now you may get dressed boy and be quick about it. I have appointments to keep. I get dress very quickly and wait for Master. I stood with my clothes on and my head bowed for Master. He said he had an early meeting and to keep in touch by phone. SIR YES SIR. Boy you can study in the library till your first class. I grabbed my bag on our way to the front door. Master took off my collar and told me he pick me up in front of the campus at after your modeling for your teachers art class tonight. And you better be a good boy or you be punished severely slave. SIR, I will be on my best behavior SIR. With that we were off down the road. When SIR stopped in front of the college. Master told me to keep the plug in or I regret it. SIR UNDERSTANDS SIR. I got out of the car and master drove off. 6 AM MY first class was not until ten so I decided to stop by my computer teacher and asked him a question before class and see if he was in or not. I knocked on Professor Bill Newport door and waited to see if he was in. I was about to walk away when I heard my named called out, I turn to see Professor Bill Newport walk up behind me and with a big grin on his handsome face. Bert what brings you too my door at this time in the morning. Sir I was wondering if you and time for me sir. Professor Newport look both ways down the hall to see who was around, there were no one around at that time of morning. Come in boy come and we can talk. He unlocked his door and had me walk in first, and lock the door behind him as he entered the room. So Bert what can I help you with boy. Sir I can get what we did the other day out of my head and was hoping. Bert I can't get you out of my head too. With that I dropped my bag on the floor and I moved closer to him. Professor Newport dropped his paper on his desk and walk up to me and began to caress my chest and my nipples and nipple rings. Boy I can't wait to have you again. I shouldn't be doing this but you came to me boy and I need a good fuck and I have hour till my first appointment. I unbutton his shirt and took off his tie and pulled his shirt out of his pants.

I reached out, running my fingers on his chest lightly before giving his right nipple ring a hard tug. I step closer and bend my head down licking the flat disc of his left nipple ring. I swirl my tongue around it several times and as it begins to harden, I suck it into my mouth and nip it with my teeth. "Fuck!" He says softly. I continue with the assault on his nipple and then move over to his right nipple, repeating the torture over and over again. His hands land on either side of my shaved head and he pulls me up into a blistering deep kiss. His hands move down and pull my shirt over my head as he continues kissing me. I moan into his mouth and suck in his tongue as my hands quickly find the zipper to his pants. I quickly release him, pushing his pants down his hips but leave his boxers on. My hand finds that hard bulge that my eyes had found so mind-numbing earlier. But what I feel as I caress him makes me pull away from his kiss and look down as I pull his boxers away from his body. The man is hung like a fucking horse and with that big Prince Albert on that dick head. He has to be at least ten inches and thick. I swallow hard and look back up into his eyes. I pull my pants off I'm naked in his office.

His hands find my head again, but they seem to be just resting there, as if he only wants to touch me. I work both of his nipples again and he is soon arching his back, pressing my face even closer to him.

My tongue laves down his stomach, following each cut and defined muscle and I love feeling the exquisite texture of his hair against my tongue. When I come to his navel, my tongue dips inside, teasing him. He moans a low grunt and his breathing picks up. His hips arch against me and his cock is soaking my chest with his natural lube. I raise my eyes to look at him and he's watching me intently. I let my tongue trail down, keeping eye contact with him and I begin to tongue his balls with his Prince Albert and rings on his ball sac. His musky scent of sweat and man is almost dizzying.

With one hand, I keep his cock away from me. I lick and caress every square inch of his balls and when he spreads his legs even further, giving me access to his puckered hole, I groan. I push his legs back even further and lick up and down his crevice, burying my tongue into his hole on each pass and he begins cursing. "Fuck yeah, lick my fucking ass." He nods quickly; I roll my tongue in a complete circle around his dick head, and then I take him in. Slowly, inch by inch, I feel him stretching my lips and I moan around him. His smell, his taste, the groans and cries from his mouth, and the feel of his monstrous cock in my mouth is nearly enough for me to shoot. I could feel the metal ring sliding down my throat "Turn around," He says, but it's so hurried that I don't understand.

I let his cock slip from my mouth and look up at him.

He moans and looks down at me. "Turn around and let me taste you." He sits on the couch in his office and pulls me to his eager mouth He begins sucking my cock, his tongue swirling all around it as his lips caress my tool. I can feel my Prince Albert in his eager mouth. His finger sinks into my ass and I cry out. "You're going to make me fucking come. I don't want to come yet." "Just suck my cock and let me worry about making you come," He growls. We both lie on the couch and get into a sixty-nine position

I moan and take the head of his dick back into my mouth and caress his heavy sac with one hand, squeezing and pulling as I try to take as much of him in as I can. I begin to suck him with abandon as he fucks my ass with his fingers and sucks on my cock. I feel that familiar tightening and I try to put it off, breaking into a heavy sweat. I try to concentrate on his fat piece of meat in my mouth and giving him all of my attention, but it's useless. The more attention I pay to his cock, the harder he pumps me. I moan softly as he finds my button and massages it as he swallows me whole. "Fuck! I'm going to fucking come!" I try to say trying to catch my breath. He moans as I shoot my load, spurting shot after shot of my hot creamy spunk down his throat. He keeps sucking though and my cock stays hard. It's never done that before. He smacks me hard on the ass. "Get up and lay on the desk." he see the plug in me and smiles at me and yanks it out and lays it on the desk next to my head and put on a condom over his dick.

Professor Newport clears his desk off quickly and tells me to lay on it and be quick boy. My body is still shaking from my orgasm and now I know that he's going to ram that horse-cock up my ass. My cock is pointing up at the ceiling as I lay back, as if I hadn't yet come. Instead of just lifting my legs and baring my ass though, he lays his body over mine and begins kissing me. My mind is reeling at the sensation of his chest pressed to mine. He takes my hands and raises them above my head, and then moves up, kissing along the underside of one arm until he comes to my pit. He nuzzles his face into the patch of hair there and nips the skin with his teeth. His mouth continues to my chest where he gives my right nipple one good lick; and then nips it hard. I nearly scream at the pleasure-pain of it. He pulls out again and slams his cock deep into my ass and I gasp for air. It hurts so fucking good. Professor Newport inches up even further on the desk, and let's goes of my legs. They slide down and I wrap them around his waist as he fucks me. He's plowing my ass with long, deep strokes and I can do nothing but pant. My body is covered in sweat, a lot of it mine, most of it was Professor Newport. He suddenly pulls out of me, rips the condom off and I don't have a chance to object before he's buried balls deep into my ass again. I start to scream and Professor Newport shoves the plug in my mouth. With him pulling out his dick with out warning I was not ready for sudden pain of him pulling out and pushing back in so quickly, but I find that I'm enjoying every bit of hurt his cock is putting into my ass. He reaches down and slides his arms behind my knees, pushes forward, bringing my knees up to my shoulders, opening my ass even wider. He leans forward and nips my ear. "I love the way your ass lips kiss my cock you cock sucker." I want to reach between us to stroke my fuck dick, but his body is pressed so tightly to mine, I couldn't. He sees I'm having trouble breathing and pulls the plug out of my mouth. He shakes his head. "No touching boy.

I'm making you come, remember?" Suddenly he shifts his hips and on the next stroke punches hard right into my button. "Oh fuck!" I scream. He slams his hips against me and all I can feel is the excitement that his cock is giving my prostate and his balls slapping heavily against my ass cheeks. I love the way my balls hit your ass each Time I fuck your deep boy. "Shit! Your ass just keeps getting tighter!" He grunts in mid-stroke. I want more I begged. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" Fuck! Oh yeah that's it deeper! I'm about too...ahh!" In one long howl he's emptying his load into my ass and keeps on fucking as his come lubes me up even more. It's as if he can't stop and he's plunging into me the entire time it takes for him to come. He must have spurted seven or eight times before he finally looks down at me, his eyes glazing over. He lets my legs fall and collapses over me, his cock still buried in my ass. He nuzzles into my neck and sighs. "That has got to be the best fuck I've ever had boy." We stayed that way for a couple of minutes and then he got up and open his bottom drawer and pulled out a couple of towel he then put the plug back in my hole to keep the hot cream in so I could feel it all day. Then he told me you better clean up and get ready for your class. With that he step into to his private bathroom and clean up. He returned dress and told me to use his bathroom before leaving and to be quick about it. To clean my self off it was going on seven thirty. And Professor Bill Newport had a class at eight o'clock. 7:45 Am I walked around campus with hot sticky cum up my ass and it made me even more horny, I found my self back at my old dorm building. I thought I would stop to see if Tim the guy I use live across the hall from my old dorm room. I stood at his door and knocked and waited to see if he was in or in class. I was about to leave when he open the door wearing his boxers. I could see he been sleeping and he was surprised to see me. At first he didn't recognized me it took a minute or so Dude, where have you been you left without tell me anything and I been looking for you around campus and no one knew where you move too. As Tim shuts the door he locks it and told me I need some of your ass now, I have been choking my chicken for the last four days. With that he drops his boxers' shorts and grabs his hard dick in his right hand and grabs my head and kisses me a hard long kiss and then starts to run his hand on my chest. I want that ass of your now and I wont take no for answer so strip and bend over NOW. I miss you so much Burt as Tim looks into my eyes and had his dick in hand. With that Tim walked up to me and pulled my shirt over my head and undid my pants and they fell to the floor. Now bend over the desk and spread your legs now. I stepped out of my pants and walked to the desk and bend over and spread my legs apart. Tim started to rub my ass and found the plug up my ass. Tim said I see you have been busy as he hit the end of the plug. I jumped as he hit the plug. Then Tim took the plug out and put on the desk next to me. He laid it on some notes he had been working on. When he took the plug out me could hit a popping noise. My ass had such suction; I thought I was pulled from the inside out.

Tim knelt be hide me and spread my butt apart to get better access. His dick was about to feel the cum and lube that was still in my ass. Ohhhhh, yes, eat my ass...I want you to go deeper Tim please oooohhhhh...oooooooohhhhhhhh as I moan out loudly. You like that fagot jock? You like having my tongue up your slut shoot, don't you? You really are a fucking whore, aren't you boy?" One by one Tim began probe my hole with his fingers and was doing so in a much more aggressive manner. First he used on finger then two. Oh, ooohhhhh... ahh. I continued to moan as my Tim began to really test my ass. I noticed that I was taking the assault with relative ease and that Tim was now fucking me with full 3 fingers. I began to wonder if Tim was going to fist me but this thought was interrupted when Tim got up and went over to his closet and returned bedside with a black bag. I hardly noticed the bag until he got back to me ass because I was to transfix by the erect piece of meat between Tim's legs.

Get ready boy, I am really to going to stretch you out now and see if you will be able to take this cock I got, he removed a gigantic black dildo from the bag.

The thing was huge, the thing was massive and I had wondered why I had never seen that thing before. Tim was not a gentle lover, I just noticed, his main concern was his pleasure and not that of me. With one swift and violent shove he buried all 8 inches of the plastic cock up my ass. AHHHHHHHH, I CAN'T take it, IT HURTS, STOP!" You'll take this whore and you'll like it said Tim! I really enjoyed being fuck but want him to slow down some.

Please, I can't" s tears formed in my eyes my ass was still sore from being fuck the other night and this morning. I didn't think Tim was not a violent man and withdrew the dildo from my ass and threw ME onto my back on the bed. He reached over for the pack of condoms on the bed, but not the lube. He gave my ass a smack and said: Well, whore, looks like you're lubed up enough already. You are full of ass juices and the lube up, you made this one sloppy pussy and I am going to pound the shit out of it. Once I get going there will be no stopping, so you better take it like a man!" And with that my Tim began his anal assault on the man, but unlike with the dildo the man surely was enjoying being stuffed with my Tim's eight inches. Oh, yeah... give me that ass, boy. Give it up. Give up that ass to your daddy." I had never heard Tim call himself big daddy to anyone. You like me fucking your ass, you little faggot? Big dick, isn't it boy? Big, real man's dick up your ass, isn't it? Thank your daddy for putting his big, thick dick up my ass.

Mmm, yes sir thank you sir, I was able to mutter out too Tim. OOooooh yes, fuck, I'm going to cum you whore, I'm going to cum...Yes, shoot all over me. Here is comes boy and you better take it all, here is comes, ohhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ooooooooooooo..." and with that last gasp Tim Pulled his cock from my hole with one loud POP, threw the condom off and shot the largest, thickest load I had ever seen in my life down onto me, far outdoing my own load that I ejaculated along with him. We laid there for a couple of minutes and held each other arm. I could feel the heat and sweat cum from our round of hot sex. I asked Tim if he had an extra towel he smile at me and said lets hit the showers so we both wrapped a towel around our selves and headed for the showers. We didn't care who saw us as we walk side by side down to the showers. After a quick shower and got dressed as soon as I got back to Tim's room, I made sure I put the plug back in my ass with no problem. Tim gave me a deep passionate kiss when I picked up my book bag and headed to the door. Tim was still naked with a towel around his waist. Don't be such a stranger, with that he swatted my ass.

9 Am. I knocked on, Mr. Philips door to find out what time he wanted me for modeling tonight. He answered the door, I could see that he had a student in his office, said oh Mr. Jackson I be with you in a couple of minutes I have a student now so you have to wait out here in the hall. He smiled at me and pointed to the chair across the hall. So I turn to sit in the chair. I heard the door slam shut. So I sat and waited for him to get done with girl she walk by and gave a quick wink and said hi there in a sultry way. Mr. Philips stood at the door and asked out so the girl that left his office could hear him. How can I help you Mr. Jackson! I could see that his grin was more than I needed to play along. I got some questions about my grades sir. I could see the girl slowly made her way down the hall to I could see she was trying to find out what going on. Her name was Jill she's in my art class. She's the girls class the like to giggle when they had life models in class. Mr. Philips told me to come in his office and we can talk more in here.

As he shut the door and I asked you still need me to model for you tonight's classes right. Yes and it's a six to nine thirty class. Depends how the class is doing, some times I let them take pictures of the models if they don't abject to it. As we talk like nothing going on Mr. Phillips pulls my shirt up too my neck.

He reached out, running my fingers over my smooth hairless chest. He step closer and bend his head down licking the flat disc of his left nipple ring. And tugs on it the he swirl his tongue around it several times and as it begins to harden, he suck it into his mouth and nip it with my teeth. "Fuck!" I say softly. He continues with the assault on my nipple and then move over to my right nipple, repeating the torture over and over again. His hands land on either side of my head and he pulls me up into a blistering kiss. His hands move down and unbutton my shirt as he continues kissing me. I moan into his mouth and suck in his tongue as his hands quickly find the enclosure to my pants. He quickly release me, pushing he pants down my there I was exposed with my dick hard and my Prince Albert sticking out at him. My hand finds that hard bulge in his pants. But what I feel as I caress him makes me pull away from his kiss and look down to my body. The man had a hung budge showing from his slacks. I swallow hard and look back up into his eyes.

He whispers to me in my ear, I can't wait too much longer I need you badly. I can't sleep and think straight. I turn around and show him my ass to him. He sees the plug in my ass as I lean over his desk and that did it. He was on the floor pulling the plug out and licking my ass like he has not been feed in a year. Fuck yeah, lick my fucking pussy ass. You really wanted it bad don't you? "AHHHHH, AHH mmm, that's it you ass licking slut. Yes I need it I need so bad I do any thing you want. Let me have some of your pussy hole. I said to teach, make sure you clean it good with that tongue of your, or you will not get any for a long time you pervert Mr. Phillips looks at me and smiles from ear to ear.

That's right teach, stick that in me, oh yea that's it right there teach. Stick your tongue into my pussy, mmm that feels so good and right in my hole you perverted teach. Keep it up keep it up oh yes, right there. I moved my leg up on the desk, yes that's the spot. He stood up and turns I around give me a deep passionate kiss then put me on the desk and lays me down on my back then grabs my legs puts them on his shoulders, scoots my ass to the edge of the desk. He takes his fingers and slowly rubs my bud. I softly started to moans were now muffled by his hand upon my mouth. Mr. Philips and unzips his pants and slowly pushes his prick into my eager hole. As he enters me slowly pushes his dick all the way in and waits for my hole to except his dick then picked up speed and that when things starts to go crazy from there we had ended things and started his brutal fuck on my ass. Between his balls hitting my ass, the feel of his slacks against my butt what a turn on it was for me. He begins to push deeper and deeper into me. Inches slowly push it deep in side me then lean down and kiss my chest then right nipple ring then my chin. Teach started to pull out till just his dick head in me. With one hard push he shoved his dick in me. Ohh yes that's the way I like it hard, deep and rough I need more of it. Teach need not be told twice. He just went a head and raped me like he had not had sex in years. He was not holding back, he started to calling me his fuck boy and how he was going to fuck me all semester every day. That's when he shot his load up my ass. Right then my cell phone rang. Teach reached down for my cell phone and handed it tom me it was Master Jon calling me. I answered Hello Sir. Sir I waiting for your next orders Sir. I'm here for your pleasures; I listened to my master voice. Master Jon said I won't be able to meet for lunch or dinner tonight you on you own today, do what your teacher want to do today when you're posing for him and his class. Yes Sir This Boy Will Follow Your Orders to the Letter Sir. I might be late picking you up, so I will call later about that. SIR yes SIR I understand SIR. With that master hung up on me and turn to teach and told him that my master just told me I'm on my own and to make sure I follow your instructions today SIR. We better get clean up and dressed I have a class to teach and you got classes to get too boy. With that teach thru me a towel and I clean him up then my self. Mr. Philips told me to get clean up and class starts in ten minutes and there be some of your classmate are in the room already and you put on the robe and we use you for model and you get some credit and some spending money too not the usual but some money from me Mr. Philips winked his eye and walked out of his office all flushed. I waited to the bell to ring and I walked into the room, disrobed and lay on the table in front of the classroom. I had a pillow and lay on my back half way and with one leg bent to show off my cock with my front fully exposed to the class and Mr. Philips told the class to get sketching and went about like nothing happen. My cock was soft and I stretched it out to get its best side. I laid there for two hours and then the class was done for the day. 11:50: Class was over; Mr. Philips thanked me for sitting for him again. I got off the table my body was stiff from laying for two hours. I put my robe back and went to Mr. Philips to retrieve my clothes. So I put on my spandex shorts and shirt to get ready to run. I just put my shirt on then my shoes and grabbed books bag and put my street clothes and plug into my bag and left for the track field. Then I ran all the way to practice. I just made it in time.

12 noon's Running Coach David Fox 12:08 I got to the field and hope no one noticed I was standing in the back of the group and coach was just starting to get us guys for a pep talk. Coach blew his whistle three times to let us know that practice was beginning. Coach told us how proud Coach blew his whistle now I want to see you in row of four and he wanted us to do some exercises and stretching before we did our laps around the track. Coach told Jed to stand in front and show how he wants them done. I could see Jed's basket you could see he was what look like a cup but I knew it was his cb3000 shown. Jed's big nipple ring on each nipple was showing he just. Jed held his head down and told the rest of the guy get ready and in row of four and get to it. The coach yelled out lets get going girls we don't have all day. With that everyone got into the positions and stated to do there jumping jacks. Some of the guys snickered and some were whispering to each others and a couple was so fascinated on Jed's chest that they started to show they had hard on growing in there shorts. Coach blew his whistle and everyone started there exercises

Coach yelled out for standing around you do fifty jumping jacks the coach announced, then fifty push ups, fifty knee bends. Every one stated to complaining and the coach said if I hear any more moaning I make seventy- five we took your positions. So coach blew his whistle and we begin our exercise and we all counted out each jumping jack. When the jumping jack was done we were all sweaty for that and then coach said twenty push ups. Couple of the guys moaned out and coach heard that. You guys think just you made it to the state level that you can slack off. You guys got it wrong were going to work harder till we break our own records. So we did our exercises and when the last push up was done we all fell to the ground. Coach blew his whistle and announced time to do two lap around the campus today instead of around the track and you run in a group to. And don't take any short cuts I have people around campus to make sure you do as you're told and any one not doing will regret it. Now every one get ready on your mark get set go. Coach blew whistle and they were off Jed and his buddies started to distance them selves the group me I knew better to take the lead and paced my self. First we went past the student union hall down seven blocks and made a right turn and went another six block past the main building and down past the maintenance garage and past the west dorms and back up a hill the snake back and forth and at least it were a good day out for a good run. We past up the gymnasium and then past the field house and track field. As the group seem to lose there energy I made my move and took the front of the pack with Jed at my side and step to step we were neck and neck and till the last turn to the field were Jed lost his stride and I pulled away. I crossed the line first and Jed was a couple of seconds behind me and we were all huffing and puffing. I kept moving around till I caught my breathe. Coach said nothing till we all made it back to the field and most of the guys just laid down on the ground and we all were sweating like pigs. Coach told all to get cleaned up and be here at 5am and be ready to run the same route in the morning. Some started to moan and coach said if I hear one more moan about it we can be here at 4am if you like girls. No Sirs all the guys shouted out, good hear at 5am and don't be late. Most of the guys headed for the shower as I was this time. Coach yelled for me and asked me to stay for a minute. I wonder if he noticed that I was late for practice. Chad you were late why, sorry coach I was doing some modeling for class and I tried to get here coach. Coach reaches and rubs my sweaty back and grabs me by the back of the neck. I want you at my office after your last class. ok coach I get out at 4 pm and I have modeling for night art class coach that good and make sure you are to be at my office at no later than 4:15 pm boy. I got some thing we need to talk about. YES COACH, can I go now sir I need to take a quick shower before my next class. I ran to the gymnasium and to my locker and strip off and ran to the showers. The shower was not busy most guys went back to there dorms and took showers there only a hand full was there and Jed was there washing himself down and most guys got used to seeing Jed with nipple ring and his cb3000 on . Most of the guys were fascinated with Jed's cb3000. One of the guys asked Jed why he was wearing it. He said it was a fraternity pledge so he had to wear it at all times put it on him. And they believed him but I knew the real reason. One guys named dale wanted to know how it felt what it feels like. Jed said like wearing a supporter cup, cool said dale. Jed washed it like it was not there at all and just went on to rinse as I was just lathering up. Jed patted me on the back as he left the shower and I quickly soaped up and rinsed. And headed to my locker and dry off by the time I reached my locker and dale stopped by and wanted to ask me a question. Dale asked me if he could talk to me for a moment, I said as I was getting dried off, dale said he had no one talk to and hope I didn't get the wrong impression. Dale had a towel wrapped around his waist, I said go ahead. Dale looked both ways and said I a low voice. Dale Madison has a swimmer body with little hair on his chest and legs and kept his brown hair short and always wears baggy and out dated clothes and was about 19 yr. old I knew he was here on a school grant and money was tight worked part time as busboy at the Denny's worked the dinner shift when not at school and most guys wouldn't give him the time of day and only puts up with him due to he was a good runner. And dale kept to him self and had his nose in a book most of the time. His folks both dead and lives with uncle and aunt in Springfield and worked on the farm in the summer. Are you gay some of the guys said you were and Jed is bi right. Why do you ask that I looked at dale? Well I think I'm gay, I don't know for sure but I been have feeling and dreams about you and Jed. I get a hard on every time I wake up in the middle of the night and I have to jack off twice some times. Really dale, by this time every one was gone from the locker room. Dale was surprise when I bent over and gave him deep kiss on the lips and dale stood up and let his towel drop to the floor.

AHHHH, AHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHH, Dale moaned so softly, this brought his eyes directly to mine. Well dale how you liked your first kiss from a guy. AHHHHH, AHHHHHH, oh man I love it said dale. We both looked at dales dick dripping cum on to the bench I hadn't even touched it: said dale. I told dale I Want to fill one of your fantasies, dale I want to give you your first blow job I said in a low voice. Dale grabs his dick and I put a towel on the floor. I get down on my knees

His hands found my head, but they seem to be just resting there, as if he only wants to touch me. I lean forward and went to work both of his balls in my mouth; he is soon arching his back, pressing my face even closer to his body. My tongue laves up his shaft, then down the other side following his defined man muscle and I love to his manhood feeling the exquisite texture of his shaft against my tongue. When I come to his dick head, my mouth dips inside, teasing him.

His hips arch against me and his cock pushing deeper and deeper into my mouth, mm dale. I raise my eyes to look at him and he's watching me intently. I let my tongue swirl around his dick in my mouth, I keep eye contact with him and his musky scent of sweat and man is almost dizzying. I moved back down to his balls lick and caress every square inch of them he leaned against the locker and I didn't miss a stroke of his balls his legs spread even further, with one hand I started get access to his puckered hole, I groan. He was in heaven I push my mouth back to his dick and that did it he shot loads of hot cream man seed into my mouth dale legs go weak I NEED IT REALLY BAD Chad I had so many dreams of this day. He sit on the bench to catch his breathe. Now it's your turn boy I got you off now it my turn we can do this one of two ways up your virgin ass or you suck my cock here and now. Can I just suck you off like you did me or fuck you , its up to you an d you better make up your mine I got class and I don't want to be late dale. Dale said better let me suck you off, this way you can get to class. Fine on your knees and open your mouth and relax and I try not to choke you with my man seed.

Dale got on his knees started to suck my balls and made his way up my shaft of my cock, he kept his eyes on me the whole time he was working me over like a pro, this dude done it before or is a natural cock sucker. I looked up and saw coach watching me and dale and he put his finger to his lips and just watch dale suck me. Coach stood there for about four minutes then slowly walk away , I could feel my balls tighten up and I knew I was about to shoot a good load of my seed in his mouth. I told dale I was about to shoot but his kept his hot mouth on my dick. I just moan in a low voice, I grabbed dale head and made sure he would not lose a drop of my seen from his mouth. Each time his tongue touched my shaft it brought me to more of sexual high. Than I shot my load down his throat. Dale took ever bit of my seed in his mouth. Dale stood up and gave me a kiss. On his mouth was some left over cum and we both enjoy the cream together. Our bodies rubbed each other as we kissed at my locker. I told him to meet me after my computer class, with professor bill Newport around 4pm and don't be late I got something to talk to you about some thing important. Dale agreed to meet with me at my computer class. I took my towel and whipped off my dick and face and got dressed and ran to my next class. I wonder if he likes to meet my master and become a full time slave so he won't have to work. It didn't take long for dale.

Coach stopped me and told me to stop by later. We got to talk

At 1:55 pm 2pm class (computer class, with professor bill Newport) I just got to my class I was huffing and puffing but made it to my seat. Turn on my computer and Mr. Newport gave our assignment for the day we where to design our own company website named Newport Travel Company. We are judged by the quality and the appeal of the site. We had the next class session to have that done. Mr. Newport walked around the class and watched us do the assignment. He stopped behind me and rubbed my shoulders and told me how well I been doing in class.

I decided to do an exotic website with promoting dreams getaways. No request too small and too large. Go for the high price getaways. Spend a week on an island too living in a castle. Mr. Newport saw my idea and thought it was new a brilliant angle on the assignment. He stood so close to me I could see his dick out lined in his tight slacks. I looked up at him and smiled and he winked at me. At the end of class Mr. Newport told me he couldn't wait to see my webpage. And told me if I need any suggestions let him know and he winked and grin at me, I did the same back and told him I let him know if I need help. Mr. Newport gave me his office and home numbers and told me if I find I need some assistance give him a buzz and walk out of the room.

Waiting for me was dale out side of my class room door. I asked dale what he was doing for the next hour or two. Dale said he off today and was just going back to his dorm room and study. I told him I had to stop by the coach's office then do some modeling for my art teacher but that's not till 6pm. Why not you come with me to the coaches off ice and after that we can pick up were we left off and if you want we can go back to your dorm room and discus what happen.

Dale said sure why not. I explained to dale I don't think coach will mind if you tagged along with me, I shouldn't be long with the coach, he's just going to chew my ass off for being late for practice.

We arrived at coach's office at 4:10pm and coach was on the phone and he waved us both in. We stood and waited for coach to get off the phone. Coach kept looking at the both of us as he listened to his call.

When coach got off the phone told dale and me to follow him. We walked past the showers to a room in back of the locker room. Till coach open the door. He told us to go in, dale followed behind me and as coach walked in he lock the door. In the middle of the room was Tim was lying on the table naked. I fucked him deepest I have done so far. And then I filled his ass with all my cum. I was so exhausted I fell on to dales hot sweaty body and gave him a kiss. I could feel his dick pushing into my stomach.

Tim got off the table and walked up to me and gave me a long deep kiss. PLEASE SIR, I NEED IT REALLY BAD! I have to have that cock in me, I looked over at dale.

Coach told boys strip off your clothes now.

Tim kept begging me please! Fuck me hard and deep sir.

I told Tim to take dales cloths off then mine. Coach was naked before dale could take off his shoes. I could see coach still had his cb30000 on and his nipple rings were a gage larger than last time. Dale was still in shock when Tim and coach help dale out of his clothes. And by the time dale was naked he was sporting a hard woody.

Coach got on his knees, coach had his hot mouth on dales cock and playing with his virgin ass.

Coaches don't touch his ass. That belongs to me. I get first crack at it after that.

You can have him fuck your ass later coach.

Yes sir said coach fox. Coach just smiled at me.

You see dale coach here is a slave that's why he's wearing chastity on his dick and balls his master doesn't trust him to keep his dick in his pants. Tim take coach over to the table and fuck his ass real good and make sure he begged for it. Tim just smiled at me and grabbed coaches arm and took him to the table and bend him over one end.

Dale get your ass over here now and get on your knees you need to get this dick of mine wet enough to fuck your virgin hole and don't keep me waiting.

Dale rushed over and got on his knees and went to town on my shaft.

That's it boy you're a born cock sucker, by the time I'm done with you. You will want to be a slave too. Dale looked and I saw lust in his eyes.

Shoved the first few inches into his hot mouth that's right, that's right Your pussy feels so good and right on my dick boy and its just going to get better. Dale was putting a hundred percent into it. I then pulled it out of his hungry mouth. I grabbed is arm pull him to the table were Tim was fucking coach fox ass like two bitches in heat. "AH, AHH, AHHH, dale screamed at the top of his lungs, which brought his eyes directly to mine. Relax dale you like better if you just relax.

Boy, you are going to be fucked and fucked by all of this meat, so quiet Down and enjoy this. He was no longer allowing his whole an opportunity to Adjust to the assault, rough, hard and nasty. I slammed into his ass with all the weight I had. My balls banging his ass each time I pushed hard into his ass.

I could see in his face that he was in pain, He looking at my face so he didn't see that I shoved another few inches into his butt.

Ah, AHH, AH, he screamed softly, which brought his eyes directly to mine. You enjoying this are you not.

Dale said in a low voice, at first I hurt like hell but turn into pleasure that I have never felt before.

"Whore, you love to be fucked and fucked by all of this meat don't you boy.

Dale replied, so quietly I am so turned on by this entire sir. He was no longer allowing my hole an opportunity. I started my assault his ass, rough, hard and nasty. He slammed his ass into my dick as I fuck him.

Dale moans, Oh yes fuck my hole fuck me deep and hard, I knew I would enjoy this but didn't know it would be so eager as we sweated like a pig.

He had been turned into an incoherent slut boy. He was to enjoying this. Coach reached over and put a brown bottle under dales noise dale took a deep breath. Dale began to relax as the assault to his ass continued. Slowly I became more capable of taking the thrusting cock in his ass. Some reason deep inside dale tears that had been pouring out of my eyes began to stop.

Dale said In fact, my cock has never been this hard and for a long period of time. Was harder than it had been in my life and I hadn't even touched it.

Dale you have a hot pussy, it feels so good and right on my dick boy and its just going to get better. I flipped his body around and raised his ass over my shoulders

His pleaded and moans were ignored. I picked up from where we had ended things and started his brutal fuck on my ass once Again. He was really going to town on dales hole when I heard Tim shooting a load in coach's ass and cum leaking from coach's cb3000.

I fuck dales ass more hard and more of my weight with each blow to his man pussy. I went deeper and deeper. That's it boy take my cock and you want to be fuckin slut. Yes that's it take it oh man you got it. All of a sudden I shot my load in his hole. We both sweat like pig. I laid down on him and gave him a deep tongue probe of his mouth. At first he resisted but gave into lust. Now dale you turn to fuck me and later tonight I introduced you to a guy who's looking for a young man like you to make him is own. If you think you can handle being fuck daily and taken care of you. I rolled off dales hot sweaty body. I lay down on my stomach and told dale to give me his best. I know you been wanting my ass since you saw me win last month.

Dale got down on his knees and spread my ass cheeks and licked my fuck hole.

That's it dale get it nice and wet before you stick me with your manhood. Mmm yea oh yea work that tongue boy mm yes. I turn to see dale reach for a bottle of lube. And coach walked over and

Dale stuck his finger into my hole and started to finger fuck me.

Dale sticks your dick into me now I want you to fuck my hard and deep. Just shove it in and get going boy.

As our tongue parted I dale now I want to fuck your hole. Dale stood up and started to put his dick in me

Dale was up my ass with his dick. I told him to take it easy or some one might find out. I don't give a fuck who knows said dale.

Oh my! Dale cried out. As he started to push his six inch dick deeper, harder into my ass. I tried stroked my cock with increasing strength as I knew what was going to happen. "Oh yes, dale! Please..., I need you fuck me harder, dale!" I feel his hands stretching my buttocks wider apart, and dick digging into my rectum, as my ass started to tighten around his dick, I could feel my own balls started to rise in anticipation.

I can feel dale's throbbing cock shaft in my ass, dale continued to drive his cock into the dark recesses of my bowels, and the dale's massive shaft, slammed into my body I push back meet the howling dales thrusts.

"Ooh, please. Please dales fuck me more!"

I could barely get out the words with this stud in my hole. You really like that bitch, you got a hot tight hole dude. With that dale shot his load up my sore ass but that didn't stop him from fucking my hole. Till he lost his breath and fell on to me and whisper in my ear that was so hot, I been dreaming of this day.

I looked at the clock and told coach in needed to get cleaned up for a gig doings some modeling for Mr. Philips.

Coach tell me you better hit the shower all of us. We all walked out to the shower naked. We all took a shower and I dale wash down the coach and had Tim wash me down. I watch coach wash dale slender body down with a bar of soap.

More to cum

Next: Chapter 18

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