Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on May 4, 2005


Spike just pulled out and got dress and left me in the sling piss soaked and cum dripping out of my ass. And Sir just sat in a chair in the corner and sat there looking at me drinking a glass of whiskey. He sat there which seemed like hour or so. Then he came up to me and gave a long kiss and reached down and rubbed my cock and chest. You did very well to night boy keep up the good work slave. And sir untied me and told me to take shower and make sure I get good and clean, I don't want to stink up my car. Sir then took off my leather collar, Sir, will do Sir. I went into the bathroom and left the door open, I got into the shower and saw a douche bag hanging from the shower so I decided to fill the water bottle and give myself an enema. I filled the bottle up with hot water and got on all fours and put the tube up my hole and open the valve and let the hot water in me. I shut the valve off and held the water for five minutes the let it go. I did the five times to make sure my hole was clean. Then I started to scrub my body hard to make sure I was clean as he requested. When I came out I found most of the equipment put away and my collar, pants, shirt and shoes were on the bed. Sir was no were to be seen. I waited for sir to return, I stood at ease till he returned. I could see from the clock it was going on eight pm. I still was standing waiting then I hear a key at the door. It was sir he turns on the light and saw I was standing at ease just out side of the bathroom door naked at -easy position. He said get dress boy and hurry up I don't have all day. I quickly got dressed and waited for Sirs next command. Sir then put the leather collar back on I was dressed and went back to at ease to wait sir next order. Sir told me to follow him and I did as told, I followed him down to his car and waited for him to tell me to get in. sir got in and he told me to do the same. We drove off to his place in the country side. When we got to the gate he told me to strip and proceeded to take my clothes off and fold them neatly. By the time we reach the front door I was naked and my clothes were folded. I got out and open his door and stood attention waiting for his next move. He told me to get my clothes and follow him. I quickly retrieve my clothes from the car and raced to his side. When we got in sir went up too his room and I ordered me to undress him, I started with his shoes and socks, and then I stood pulled his shirt over his head. Then I proceeded to undo his jeans and folded them on the chair next to his bed. Sir told to get on my knees he needs to pee and I was his toilet slave pig. Sir picks up a piece of paper with my schedule on it and told me 8 am History with Professor Higgins for one hour is it not Jed in the same class boy, yes Sir, he is SIR. I bet he has changed his attitude towards you by now. Sir I hope so SIR. Sir pisses a blue steak in my mouth. It was warm and salty. I drank it all and made sure I didn't lose a drop of the nectar from him. I looked up to Master to see what he wanted me to do next. He said it was time for bed and you have class in the morning and your morning run to do boy, SIR, YES SIR. Sir pointed to the left side of the bed that were you be sleeping boy as long as your good if not you sleep in the cage that was sitting in the corner of the room , I looked like I just fit barely. I was told to go pee and shit and I had ten minute to do it and not allowed to go in the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and left the door open so Master can see me if he wish. I didn't have to shit but I did piss some, but I was hungry but didn't want to upset SIR so I kept my mouth shut and made. Told SIR I was done and he told me to get into bed were he connected my collar to the bed with a chain and padlock. Sir went into the bathroom for a half hour or so. Came back and just turn out the light and went to bed. It was difficult to sleep with some one snoring all night but I finally fell to sleep.

Monday 5 am week one The alarm clock went off at 5am and Master Jon woke up and started to play with my body first pulling on my nipples and twisting them I had a rock hard on and SIR morning slave shit. Master Jon got out of bed and unlocks me from the bed and told me to get on my knees and drink his morning piss. I lowered my eyes and got on my knees and open my mouth to receive his piss. SIR, then put his cock in my mouth and began to piss, SIR had his cock so far back in my mouth it went straight in my throat and into my stomach. I could taste his musky maleness and his piss taste like corn chips yummy. And then he pulled said time for your run slave. SIR, YES SIR. Sir handed me my shoe and he was waiting for me he had his shoes on already, let's go boy and make sure you keep up. We walk down the stair case and out the front door. The sun was just coming up and it was going to be a scorcher.

I love the feel of running naked and the sun on my body and my dick bouncing from side to side and free as a bird but today my ass hole hurt after being stretched so much but I love it. I was getting a hard on from my dick hitting my legs when I ran the work out I had yesterday. We were coming around one of the bends were I saw the Chad and Steve the two hot men cutting the grassy area yesterday. SIR was only a step a head of me and I could see could hear SIRS breathing it was getting loader and loader as we ran. I wanted to see how he was doing but it might make me lose my pace. As we passed the front gate there was nothing going on. And down the path we went, the warm sun hitting my body I love that. When we ended back to the pool, Master Jon told me to do another turn on the path as I looked boy master Jon took off his shoes and jumped into the pool.

I was contending to run and felt relief to run by my self naked, I could get use to running naked, running naked like a bird flying free. It took me just about twenty-five minutes to do the course one time by my self. I ended back at the pool were I was huffing and puffing and was sweating like pigs. Master Jon was sitting on one of the deck chair and orders me to the fence and told me to take off my shoes and hand them to him. You did not too bad boy. Then master Jon tied me up to the fence, my arms and legs were tied above my head in a spread eagle style and my and put some tit clamps on my nipple ring and a weight was hang them down , then he put a parachute on my cock and balls and weight was attached to them. It was not a lot of weight just enough to make it painful. SIR dove in for a swim. As he came up from under the water sir yelled Head down you fagot slave how many times do I need to tell you!" he ordered. "You keep your head bowed when you're in my presence unless I give your orders otherwise. Is that clear?" Yes Sir I ask for your pardon sir this slave should know better sir," I gasped with surprise. My nipples and balls were stinging slightly but didn't realize then how much enjoyed the pain. Sir did some laps in the pool and lazily swam around for thirty minutes or so. Every once in a while sir would look and see how I was doing. I kept my head down like master had ordered. When sir finally got out of the pool he grabbed the garden hose and sprayed me down. Sir reaches for my cheeks and spread them and sticks two fingers up my hole. Moaning was all I could do. Then sir takes the hose and shoves it in sprays my hole out with cold water, my body started to cramp up badly I tried to move but I was still tied to the fence again I could feel the cold water rush out of me. Finally sir pulls the hose out of my hole and take off the tit clamps and the parachute then unties me. And I start to stumble but caught my self sir tells me to sit in the chair. The cramping was not so bad this time, sit hear for a couple of minutes then get into the pool, sir dives in the pool and swims one more lap. Then he tells me to get my ass in the pool. I dove into the pool and swam towards Sir and SIR gets out and tells me to swim till he gets back. SIR come back with a tray of orange juice and some toast and a news paper and sit down at the table and reads the paper. All I did was swim back and forth till I was told to do other wise. After ten minutes and ten more laps SIR call me to his side, I got out of the pool and stood at easy next too him with my head down. Sit was sir said and handed a glass of orange juice sir told me. Tonight is orgy night and it starts at 11pm boy so make sure your ready for it and it will last till 6 am and you're expected to perform boy and do as your told too with no questions got it boy. SIR, YES SIR I will not let you down master Jon SIR. I could see Master Jon had a hard on and he did spread his legs for me to see. SIR do you want me to take care of that for you SIR, He just turn his chair to make it easy for me to work on and went back to his reading of the paper. I got on my knees and started to suck his cock and balls.

I could feel Master Jon thick cock getting harder and larger in my mouth. His cock head seemed to double in size as he began pumping harder and deeper in my mouth I pulled off his cock a bit and licked his cockhead and turned my attention to his balls, licking first the sac & then taking each of them, in turn, into my mouth, I can not get enough of sir hot cock . Then I went back down on his cock and began sucking it faster and faster, now harder, deeper, up and down. He began pushing forward to meet the thrusts of my head and throat coming down as he pushed with his hands on the back of my head. Sir began breathing hard and grunting, tell me, I'm a fagot cock sucker and to take it master Jon big fat dick and don't miss an inch cock sucker. I tried to pull back but my head would give, sir had his hands still tightly on my head. His dick deep in my mouth, sir didn't giving me room too breathe; I almost gagged on his cock. All of a sudden Master Jon pulled his dick out of my mouth and told me to get on all four to fuck your fagot hole. "Ready to get fucked, sissy boy?"

Master Jon put two fingers in my hold and fucked me hard then he shoved his cock up my hole raw. I pushed into his cock, tightened my ass muscles, and squeezed his hard cock. He was larger than normal by a long shot, but he fit perfectly as he practically raped me there on the cement floor next to the pool. Then I felt something new, something strange. He was pissing again--this time up my ass. It wasn't a huge load of piss, but I definitely felt him expand my guts. He looked down at me and kept pissing as he fucked, watching my surprise, watching me take it. I could only moan with delight.

"Ready to get fucked, sissy boy?" taunted me. I looked down, overwhelmed and excited by the sight of master Jon huge cock dwarfing by "my little boy dick and nuts" and even enjoyed the gentle pressure of the cockhead against my asshole. As I began to smile and relax .My sphincter just a loosed up as master Jon suddenly drove his massive meat into my ass, all the way to the hilt, in one powerful motion. The pain was incredible and hot at the same time. I heard myself moan and keep on moaning as master Jon pounded away, his cock stretching my ass and his pubic bone pounding my nuts and dick. I heard myself whimpering and panting, and begging for more. Master Jon fucked me hard and long with a big smile on his face, banging to the hilt on each stroke. He seemed to go on forever, but finally Master Jon slowed down to a slow powerful, much shorter thrusting rhythm. Incredibly, when Master Jon stopped pounding his hard bone into my hole, the pain subsided; I started to feel a wave of pleasure.

To my amazement, Bob changed the angle of his cock so the huge head put pressure deep at the internal base of my dick on each, now gentle, stroke in and out. I craved for the pain and cruelty I had just suffered from master Jon sadistic use of his massive masculine cock and, peering down, grinned with fascination as the big cocked stroked gently in and out of my asshole providing mounting, surges of pleasure. Without a trace of shame I suddenly exclaimed, "Now you are fucking my ass sir and I love it don't stop sir please keep fucking me hard sir. Sir pulled his dick out and then said you need to get to school bitch and never forget it you bitch fagot. Master Jon got up and walked to the house boy get your ass in gear. I got up and hurried to his side. When we got to master Jon bedroom on the chair in the corner was a pair of shorts as thin white shirt, shoes and socks. This is what you are wearing today said sir, sir yes boy, may I use the bathroom sir, I need to go sir the pressure sir. You may boy but make it quick you need to get to school and I promise your master, I get you there on time boy. Sir Thank you sir, I walked quickly to the bathroom and left the door open and let the piss flow out of my ass. And you school book bag is there next to your clothes. It was going on 7:15 you slave shit. Sir thank you sir. for using this slave and my hole for your personal toilet sir then as I return to the room. Sir was dressed already. I quickly got dressed and sir was looking at his watch the whole time. I asked sir to forgive me for taking so long and it will never happen again sir. We got in the car and Master Jon didn't talk to me till we reached the university. Master Jon told me he will be picking me up at 1 pm at the spot you get dropped off at boy and gave me his cell phone number if I need anything. SIR, THANK YOU SIR. He stopped the car and waited to be told to be dismissed. I waited for four minutes then sir handed me a fifty dollars bill, for lunch and emergency if needed boy. YES SIR UNDERSTANDS SIR. DISSMISSED said Master Jon. I got out of the car and headed to class.

7:50 am. I just had enough time to get to class and I didn't get to read the assignment but I think I can fake it through today. Just got to the class and to find out it was cancelled for the day. I stood around to see if Jed was around and just then he walked up his head was shaved and he was wearing a chain collar like mine. Jed seem to be acting different the usually. I told Jed History class with Professor Higgins has been cancelled. At first I though Jed was upset with me for tricking him but Jed's head was down when he talk to me. Jed voice was soft and almost broken, I'm sorry how I been treating you and I have seen the error of my ways, our Master made it clear how mean I have been towards you. I'm in your debt and a slave to you from now on till you can forgive me. can we go some where we can be alone, follow me please, please, Bert, I begged you , Jed pleading, I got to show you something now. I look surprised that Jed was begging me to show me something.

Ok we can go into the rest room. Jed led the way and went to the last stall, Jed stepped in and strip off his shirt and dropped his cut offs. To my surprise to see the work FAGOT COCK SUCKER written in black marker down the center of his chest and big nipple rings on both nipples and I do mean big ones. Master told me I had to run with out a shirt and let all see me and a tattoo on my ass the word slave and a b20000, you know how I get a hard on two too three time or more a day. Yes I told Jed I felt some of your hard dick action. Jed looked like he was in pain. Master took me to get my nipple rings and Prince Albert which is bigger then you're by the way due to the dick cock I have. And after that he put it on me and only gets taken off to clean my dick one a day and then it goes right back on, I been sitting to take a piss ever since then. And when I get a hard on I'm in such pain I piss in my pants some times. Oh man I getting another hard on. I could see the pain in his face. Then Jed turned around to show me a big plug stuck up his hole and an arrow pointing to his ass hole. Jed ass was red and had welts on it, I rubbed it and Jed jumped a bit, still sore yes my hole and butt hurt like hell. Master whipped me for being so defiant and disobedient. I deserved the beating for being so mean to other and disrespectful to my fellow man Jed held his head in shame and I thought he was going to cry on me. Too bad we don't have our room still we could kill some time. Jed perked up. I know a place were we can have some privacy, follow me please. Jed quickly got dressed. And told me what happen after I left with Master Jon. As we walked across campus, you'll see, said Jed with a smile on his face.

Jed explained to me that master took him to get this tattoo Jims tattoo parlor. Was made to strip in front of Jim and be let tied down. I any way had to suck him Jim off when he got done with my Prince Albert, nipple rings and tattoo on my ass. The guy took pictures of me naked and of my tattoo. We were headed to the gym area and Jed was pulling some keys out and told me I got the best place to have some privacy the coaches office , no one goes there unless they get a chewing out , and Jed winked at me and we both smiled. When we got into the building was quiet there no class scheduled till ten or so we should have the place to our selves said Jed. Then we headed for a room in the locker room area where coach gives rub downs as we got closer we could hear moaning coming from the room. "Please ....PLEASE. ... No more PLEASE!!" coach was whimpering from the room take it you slut sissy boy. Jed open the door just enough to see who was in there and it was the coach was getting fuck by some young guy on the massage table. We could hear him say take my dick up your fuck bitch ass. Fuck my ass hard and deep with your fucking prick son. The guy was about six foo145 lbs nice ass and well developed body tan all over and had short black hair.

We couldn't see the dudes face, the young kid had a very short hair cut and no body hair. We stood there till the dude fuck harder and call coach a fagot slut whore and a pile of shit. Coach begged for more please give me more I need it yelled coach. I've been craving for to you fuck like a whore slut said the dude. They were both sweating like pigs and coach kept on saying was his load up coaches ass and then the dude started to spank his ass while he fuck more and pound his ass so much we both can hear the dude body ramming coaches. The all of a sudden the dude moans, take it all you maggot trash of human being I about to shoot my load. He moans and groans loader and loader. Then it was all over the dude fell onto coach and said thanks for the birthday present and then the guy turned around. Dude look like coach, the dude had no hair between his leg and his dick was huge bigger the old mans dick, it had to be at least twelve inches long semi hard dam. Any time nephew I owe you more than that much for your birthday present. Then they both saw us standing there watching them go at it. Both look surprise to see us there then coach said come in and join the party. I saw coach have b20000 attached to his ball and cock and I could see some cum dripping from it. Hi guys this is my nephew Thomas Fox my older brother son, coach gets on his knees and starts to suck tom's dick clean. Come on in and join the party my boys the more the merrier. So I looked at Jed and he looked at me and we both smiled at each other and entered the room and I striped off our my clothes but Jed was hesitant to remove his in front of a stranger, but I order him to strip or I would tear the clothes off him. Jed held his head down and slowly striped off his clothing. Tom and coach were shocked to see that Jed had written on his body front and back and the big nipple rings and b20000 on his dick and balls. Jed was embarrassed and I think he was getting off too by the attention he brought on to him self. I told him to get on his knees and lick toms cock clean, it still had some shit on it from coaches fuck session. Jed did as he was told and coach looked on as Jed sucked toms twelve inch uncut meat. I then told coach since

You had you nephew fuck you the least you can do is clean his ass out well and proper. Tom was I bit shocked at first and smile and me and pulled me closer to his eager mouth. Our lip lock and his tongue were shoved down my mouth then he pulls it out. Hey uncle is the one you been telling about who your so hot about ended up a slave too Master Allen. At first I thought he was going to hit me or something, but he gave a grin and played with my nipple rings. Thanks my uncle much happier now that he got back with his old Master. Tom was smiling and playing with my dick now. Tom asked can you fuck a guy with that Prince Albert on your dick. I hoping you fuck me since you're the only one here with a dick that not at the moment in a ball chastity b2000, how about it I could use a deep hard fuck. By the time you get done fucking me I`ll be ready for another hot plowing, If you want me to fuck you or your friend here. So what do you say slave stud. Sure but you have to get on your knees and suck my cock and get it hard. Tom looked down as saw that I was semi hard already, and smiles sure anything you want.

Right then tom moved, toms cock fell out of Jed's mouth and lost his balance and sat down on the floor. Coach was told to rim Jed's ass out, Jed was to get tom's hole nice and wet so when I fuck him it will be lubed up good. Tom got on his knees and started to lick my balls with only his long thin tongue, tom said I want you to have the best blow job you ever have. Tom went down like a pro, started on the balls and worked his way up to my shaft too the Prince Albert. And tom played with it with the tip of his tongue for a good ten minutes. oh that's it cock sucker make sure you get it nice and wet so I can fuck you for your birthday present and give you your birthday spanking too. Tom just looked up at me and went to work; he didn't waste any time now he was down the whole shaft. And I could feel the Prince Albert down his throat. Oh yes men work your magic on my cock. Oh yes that it use the tongue man get I really wet. I want to fuck you hole so bad. Now get it really wet and slime so I can fuck your nice and hard. Tom looked up and glaces me a wink at me. I could see that coach and Jed enjoyed working on tom's ass and cock.

Guys it's my turn to use toms ass, Jed and coach stepped back and told tom to lean over the table and coach and Jed spread his ass cheeks so I can get to his hole. Jed leans with his back to the table, tom straddled over Jed and the table. so toms dick was in Jed's mouth and his chest was on the table. So coach and Jed took one cheek and spreads tom's ass. I stuck two fingers in his hole, then three to make sure he was opened up enough to accept my dick head and Prince Albert. I stuck my dick head and Prince Albert in his tight hole. I could feel every inch of his fuck hole the more the Prince Albert move in his tight young hole the harder my dick got. I slowly pushing my way up his hole the more I pushed them more his ass met my dick. Tom kept saying deeper I want it deeper. Tom also said he could feel the Prince Albert in his ass. Once I got my dick all the way in I fucked tom fuck hole with all the strength I grabbed his hips and fuck away.

The more I fuck tom the more tom would stick his ass in the air. I fucked with all my might and not let up. Tom started to scream fuck me hard and split my ass open I need to be fuck rough and hard and shown no mercy. With that I just plowed tom's ass as hard and deep I could go. Then shot my creamy hot sticky cum in his ass. I didn't realize it but tom shot a load in Jed's mouth. Cum seem to be flowing out of his ass and on to the floor coach was on tom hole as soon as I got off it. Tom was panting and sweating like a dog in heat and Jed just kept sucking tom till tom was dry.

I ask where tom where coach has been keeping you. He said in the closet, just came out and my folks kick me out and cut me off. They caught me sucking off a friend of mine and my parent's freeked out. I looked up at the clock on the wall and it said 9:30 am. Dam I need to take a shower and get to my next class. As I started to turn to the door tom grabbed me by the shoulder and planted a hot long kiss. Tom told me to come and see him some time like a repeat performance and winked. Jed stayed on the floor and started to work on tom ass again.

I grabbed my clothes and headed to the shower, coach was a step behind me with a pair of black tight short coach had thrown on, coach asked me not to let Master Allen find out about his nephew tom and what they were doing. Coach went on explained that Master Allen knew tom was coming to live for a while but told him he was straight and had a girlfriend. Also if master Allen found out I was letting some one fuck him with out permission it would be fifty lashings on my back and ass. I'm not ready for that many lashings yet. Ok coach I keep my mouth shut but you have to what ever I say and keep me happy or I might let it slip out and Master Allen is always looking for a new slave to brake in to his flock. Sure any you say Bert sir anything you say. I put my clothes on he bench near the shower and started to turn on the shower, boy speaking to coach I want you to wash me and make sure you do a good job. Yes sir any thing you say.

Coach strip off his shorts and begins to soap my body down and no funny business I got class to get too and if I'm late you pay for it you slam ball slave. Coach did a good job of cleaning my body wish I had more time to play with him knowing if I got him all hot and bothered he would be lot of pain with the b2000 on his dick. I could see in coach eye he was in some discomfort. But he knew what he was getting into and wanted to be Master Allen's slave. I like to have some control over those who abused me for there pleasures. Coach tried to use me like Jed but I still lick some control over there ass's. coach washed me down and then I told him to get me a towel and dry me off and no funny business I don't want to be late for my next class. Coach is good following orders surprised he didn't try to find master Allen after his wife died. Well I started to dress after I was dried off by coach and then coach started to put his short back on. I slapped coach did I tell you to get dress fagot, coach was startled but he quickly lowered his head and asked forgiveness what he did. I ask for your forgiveness for my rude and use of poor judgment sir. Coach I would punish you for your remark but I need to get to my next class so bend over and I give you a punishment. Bend over and grab your ankles and count them out each time and say it the right way or I start over. Yes sir this boy will do it right sir. I took my hand and whack coaches ass really hard, whack one, one thank you sir may I have another one, whack two, two thank you sir may I have another one, three thank you sir may I have another one, thank you sir may I have another one, whack five, five thank you sir may I have another one, six whack, six thank you sir may I have another one. Now remember who your talking too boy. Yes sir thank you sir for punishing me. Sir this slave will remember sir. I was dress, book bag in hand. I could see my hand print on coaches' ass and now you may get dressed boy. With that I left and hurried to my next class. I was running late

10:05 Economic class, with Mr. Jones I arrived to my economic class late and I did read the chapter the door to the class was closed and I knew Mr. Jones had started class and if I could get to my seat without him seeing me I might be able get caught. I quietly took my seat and Mr. Jones back to me so I thought I was in the clear. Then Mr. Jones said your late Bert sees me after class, yes sir. So I opened my books and listen to my blond hair blue eyes a hot teacher explains the text in the book. Class was let out twenty minutes early and told me to follow him to his office. When we got to his office he closed and locked the door. What am I going to do to you Bert you not paying attention in class and late. Sir, Mr. Sal Jones I'm sorry, I thought I was paying attention in class. Get over here and I'm going to give you something that might keep you attention boy. I walk to the side of Mr. Jones desk and he had his dick out .do you think you can deal with this boy. Now get on your knees and take care of his before I mark you down for being late for class. Teaches dick was hard as a rock I jump on it as fast as I could. Teach grabbed my head and pushed it down deep on his cock. It didn't take long for him to shoot his load in my mouth. All he did was moan a bit and shoot. And told me he like to tutor me once a week to make sure my grade stay were they are. Sure I do need to get going to track practice want me to change here, I said to teach. Sure why not and with that slipped off my shorts and shirt and put my track shorts and shirt I wore no jockstrap like the feeling of my balls hanging. Teach couldn't keep his eyes off of me. I had dressed for running and stuck my street shorts and shit into my bag. And told Sal I needed to go to practice. He just smiled and sure doesn't for get to set up some tutoring boy said Sal sure take a crack at that 7inch long division and winked at him. With that I smiled said for sure and left and grabbed my crotch. And unlocked the door and left. Looked at my watch to see I just got enough time to make it to practices.

11 Am Running Coach David Fox I jogged to the field were coach was just starting to get us guys for a pep talk. Coach blew his whistle three times to let us know that practice was beginning. Coach told us how proud he is that we won the last Saturdays meet and not to let it get to your heads and get cocky, you still need to train hard and long to win and we only have to win two more out the next three to go to state competition at the state level. The other schools are not going to take it lying down so we got to push and push hard back to win. Coach blew his whistle now I want to see you in row of four and he wanted us to do some exercises and stretching before we did our laps around the track. Coach told Jed to stand in front and show how he wants them done. I could see Jed's new bigger basket then Jed looked around and hesitated. Jed looks like he was seeing if there was some one watching him. Then took off his shirt, first covering his chest then dropping the shirt to the ground and everyone just stared at the words in marker on Jed's chest and the big nipple ring on each nipple. I could see Jed wanted to hide but knew better. Master Williams could be watching anywhere. Jed held his head down and told the rest of the guy quit looking and get to the work out before coach gets mad. Some of the guys snickered and some were whispering to each others and a couple was so fixed on Jed's chest that they fell over there feet. Coach blew his whistle and everyone started there exercises

Coach yelled out for standing around you do forty jumping jacks the coach announced, then fifty push ups, fifty knee bends. First group take your positions. Most of the guys where complaining and coach said if you complain once more you get double do you he me. So we did our exercises and all eyes were on Jed. Jed and his buddies started to distance them selves from Jed at first and then just got ready for the laps around the track. Is the first group ready for a ten lap run the first group took there positions and Jed took his regular spot, and his friends kept looking at the words on his chest and back? Coach blew whistle and they were off, one lap around the track. Jed was at the head of the pack and none of the others in the group could keep up with him. Coach blew his whistle as soon as the first group past the half way point, second group takes your positions yelled the coach; I took my usual spot lane four. Then coach blew it again the group two was off I stayed at the head of my group and was never caught by mine but I managed to catch up to Jed's group and pass them as well. Now it was just me and Jed to see who the better runner was. Jed and I were neck and neck. Both were sweating up a storm and passed him up and reach we finished just at the same time. We were both huffing and puffing and coach came over to see how we are doing. Both did good now all of you the coach yelled clean up and see you here tomorrow and don't be late or you do extra laps have it boys now go. Coach slapped me and Jed on the ass and rubbed our asses and winked at both of us. I told Jed I needed to stop by Mr. Philips my art teach. I needed to find out what days he wanted me to pose for his night class and for him. Then I told Jed I catch up with him later, I know I should get cleaned up before seeing him but my time was limited time I wanted to speak to Mr. Philips. Jed put his shirt back on and told him I keep his secret longs he do what I say. He agreed and I was off and running. I ran to Mr. Philips office hoping to catch him in the office and not in class. I was just in time to catch him; he just got done with a student he was talking too. As I stood in his door way he asked what I wanted. I asked what Time this week he wanted me to pose for his night class. He said Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6pm to 10 pm and I pay fifty dollars a session and twenty extra for group posing with a women and a little more for two guys to posing. I cool with that. The Mr. Philips told me to shut the door and lock it and strip now boy, so he could talk more privately. He kept his eyes on me the whole time.

Mr. Philips commented how my muscular physique was glistening through a thin layer of sweat, which shown on my pecks an abdomen as he looked me over. Mr. Philips approached me slowly rubbed my pecks then down my back. I am so glad that you came by all across the campus just to see me Bert."` You have no idea how exciting this is for me hot stud." He got up from his chair and walked up to me with his eye glued to my body .Mr. Philips smiled, put his hands around my torso and pressed his lips to mine. Our tongues swirled with pleasure, never thought of Mr. Philips nor more then a quick suck or fuck. "You are sexier looking than the last time I saw you I my class. I never expected and I think I could fall for one of my students. I know we are going to have a marvelous time working together said Mr. Philips."

I definitely desire this and want you to have me my mouth went dry and my knees were knocking with anxiety and anticipation of what to come. I desire your body and crave you ass Are you going to get it Bert?" I meekly lowered my head and nodded, my arousal mumbled -- yes sir. Your beautiful and I want you to submit to my will and desire for you son. Now get on your knees and take out my cock and get it ready for a fuck you never forget son. I unzipped his pants and reach in and his dick fell out of his pants. I was faced with his massive dick. I open my mouth and he shoved it in and I felt his hands on the back of my head. Before I could take a breath he shoved it in and his dick head hit he back of my throat making me gag a bit at first .oh aye slut that it, take it and don't you dare crape my dick you will be paying for it with your grades and your balls boy. He was fucking my face deep and hard then all of a sudden he pulls it out then tells me to lean over his desk and spread your legs and ass I going to fuck you so hard you wish your hole was big as the Washington tunnel. I heard him get undressed. I quickly got up and over the desk not looking to see what Mr. Philips was doing. Then I felt his lubricated fingers working at my hole, wetting and widening me as his fingers entered my ass. I could tell how much His lusts for me he enter my hole with one powerful, slammed he slammed all 7 inches of his dick up my ass hole with one quick thrust .My ass was tingling with arousal as this massive dick intruder Moved past my prostate gland I started to moan shut up bitch I don't want the whole school knowing that I'm fucking the new track star in my office. With that Mr. Philips shoves something in my mouth a rag or something. I could tastes cum and piss this must be his cum rag he shoved in my mouth. Oh man this is so hot I'm a slut for sure. I can't get enough sex, I need and crave sex, can't get enough cock piss or torture I crave raw sex and I don't care who I get it from. Mr. Philips fucks me long and deep with each trust he went deeper and deeper in to my body. Boys take his cock and you get a big surprise and make me very happy son. That's it take it and relax for the ride of your life. That it, its coming, its cummmmmming, oh yea, Yes, yes that it boy open up, shit yes oh, oh, all of a sudden all I could hear was heavy breathing in my left ear. Oh yes, thanks boy I needed that since our last fuck session.

It must been twenty to thirty minutes being fuck by Mr. Philips. I was more sweaty and hot for sex. I had hot sticky cum leaking from my ass. I looked at the clock on the wall it said 12:45. dam Mr. Philips I need to get going so I be here at 6pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6pm to 10pm posing for your class and your , I will make sure I clean and ready for the class. but I do need to sir I have a master waiting to pick me up at one and I just have enough time to get to the spot or he will whip my body and I will be no good for you posing with whip marks on me sir. May I go, yes you may go don't miss our appointment and might have you pose again for class with a model I have for tomorrow. Cool talk more about it later sir. I quickly got dressed and told Mr. Philips I be on time for class and the posing for his night class. Mr. Philips slowly put his pants back on and just smiled and winks his right eye at me. And I was off to meet Master Jon at the drop off site. I ran to the spot hoping I was not be late for master Jon. I got there a half of a minute before master Jon drove up. He told me to get in and we headed to the orgy and we to get going its started already and I don't want to miss any of it said master Jon.

Like that we were off and speeding through town and out to the country side and turned off to a gravel road lined with pine trees. The road was not even marked by a mail box or sign. Sir stopped and told me to get naked and put the leather collar on me and handed me a butt plug and get out and put it in. I got out of the car and bend over to put the plug in my ass luckily my hole was still lubed with cum from Mr. Philips creamy cum and the plug went right in. then sir told me to get back in and not to speak unless spoken too. Yes sir, understand sir. Master Jon dove down the dusty gravel road. When we finally got to the house there were pickup trucks and four BMW cars parked on the lawn. We parked next to the black BMW. Master Jon opens his trunk and pulled out a leather bag. Follow me boy and remember be on your best behavior or you get a whipping, then he puts a leash on my collar and started to the house. I'm not use to walking up to strange houses naked out side in the open I stated to get a hard on and I was hot, but I didn't have any chose in the matter. I was led to the side of the house and I started to hear people talking. As I was being lead to the back of the house where there were at least ten people some naked some with just underwear on and some just leather chaps on and four guys with collars on naked like me. This tall tan naked skinny guy greeted Master Jon and I then he looked me over. He will do fine. Then the guy started to play with my dick and balls. We are going to have a fun, fun time. Master Jon pulled on my leash and told me to keep up slut. We went into the house and sir strip off his street clothes and put on his caps and master harness, vest and a leather g-string. And told me to put this bag back in the car, so took the bag out to the car and put it in the back seat. When I returned I saw Master Jon talking to a guy in leather shorts so I stood behind him at with my hands behind me and my head down. Sir and this guy named terry were talking about some advertising that terry was tiring to sell to master Jon. Terry was about six one, around 35 yrs old, very hairy muscular body and a basket bulging out of his shorts. Once I was standing behind master terry asked to check out my body and master said, go for it, he will be the hit of the orgy and asked what I get for letting you have first crack at him. Terry started to check me over like some meat being sold. I give half price on you advertising for the first week on radio in the 9am to 11 am radio block. But I get to fuck his ass first before any one else. Terry was still feeling my body, the more talked to Master Jon the more aggressive his rubbing. Sir pulled my leash and I followed I guess it was time to go inside. So as we entered the house sir told me to not too refuse any one now matter what they look like or if you know them. What goes on there stays here got boy, yes sir this boy doesn't need to be reminded sir.

The rooms I seen had two mattresses on the floor and mirror on the wall and all kinds of sex toys on tables and a sling in the corners of the room. I was taken to the bathroom and forced to take an enema no one noticed the cum coming out of my hole. Then hulled back to the room with the mattress I was placed in one of the slings and popper shoved under my noise. I was tied to the chains could feel some one put Crisco in and around my ass hole.

Terry walk up to me with his hand began to smear more Crisco of the up the elbow of his right arm. I knew then what I was in for next as he began to insert a digit in my ass hole. First two, then three fingers probed and stretched my hole. "Relax, slave I will not hurt you if you don't relax. I just wants you to know the pleasure of doing just relax and enjoy the trip. I sensed now that terry was working his magic on my hole the Crisco fingers were calmly working at my rosebud, stretching and massaging the tissue and opening my tightly wound hole up like it had never been before. I bit down on the stick they put in my mouth; I moaned with helpless demeanor and watched as terry hand disappeared into my ass. His arm nudged in deeper and within moments he had at least nine inches of arm pressed into my writhing rear end. His fist was stretching and probing my organs and my cock was stiff with intense arousal. Some one kept putting popper under my nose. I could see about nine or ten guys watching me get fisted, some were taking pictures or videoing me and all the action going on. The more terry fisted me the more his arm get sucked up in my ass. Oh man I love this but can tell sir, I enjoying or the thrill would be gone, so I protest and much as I can. I'm in exotica heaven and hope this dude keeps it up for a long time.

More to cum

Next: Chapter 16

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