Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on May 2, 2005


I love the feel of running naked and the sun on my body and my dick bouncing from side to side and free as a bird. I was getting a hard on from my dick hitting my legs when I ran. We were coming around one of the bends when I saw these two young men cutting some grassy area. At first I was startled and almost lost my footing but I knew if I stopped or broke my pace I would be in trouble sir was only a step beside me and I could see the two guys checking us out as we ran past them. Sir said hello Steve and Chad as we continued to jog by. I could hear Sirs breathing it was getting loader and loader as we ran. I wanted to see how he was doing but it might make me lose my pace. As we passed the front gate there was a truck a green pick up, looks like a new one, it was park in side of the gate, it must belong to Chad or Steve. When we got back to the pool area we both were huffing and puffing and was sweating like pigs. Sir took me to the fence and told me to take off my shoes and hand them to him. You did not too bad for your first run with me boy. Then Sir tied me up to the fence, my arms and legs were tied above my head in a spread eagle style and my and put some tit clamps on my nipple ring and a weight was hang them down , then he put a parachute on my cock and balls and weight was attached to them. It was not a lot of weight just enough to make it painful. Sir took off his shoes and dove in for a swim I in the shade of a tree. As he came up from under the water sir yelled Head down you fagot slave!" he ordered. "You keep your head bowed when you're in my presence unless I give your orders otherwise. Is that clear?" Yes Sir," I gasped with surprise. My nipples and balls were stinging slightly but didn't realize then how much I had to learn about pain.

Sir did some laps in the pool and lazily swam around for some time. Every once in a while sir would look and see how I was doing. I kept my head down like master had ordered. When sir finally got out of the pool he grabbed the garden hose and sprayed me down. Sir reaches for the plug that still in my fuck hole and yanks it out with one fast pull. Moaning was all I could do. Then sir takes the hose and shoves it in sprays my hole out with cold water, my body started to cramp up badly I tried to move but I was still tied to the fence again I could feel the water rush out of me. I was in pain. Finally sir pulls the hose out of my hole and take off the tit clamps and the parachute then unties me. And I start to fall to the ground and sir puts me in a chair. The cramping start to go away, sit hear for a couple of minutes then get into the pool, sir dives in the pool and swims some more. Then he tells me to get my ass in the pool. I dove into the pool and swam towards Sir.

Now let see how good you in a swimming race boy. We swam to the shallow end of the pool and Sir said when I count to three, the first one back here wins. And has to do what ever the winner wants. Ready ONE TWO THREE we were off. Sir was taller then me and had a couple of inches tall then me. We were neck and neck and I just lost too Sir by one arm length. Just then Steve and Chad standing there naked with hard on, and was covered in sweat looking at Sir and I. Steve was in his late twenties smooth muscular , black hair that was very short, smoothed all over and bronzed body, with a ten inch uncut dick with a tattoo just above his dick, was a red dragon. Chad was a red head with short hair with a red bush around his ten inch cut dick, bronzed body, in his early twenties, twenty two or three, smooth muscular chest and legs , with a snake tattoo that went around his waist and down this left leg. Sir and I looked up at the two men sure said Sir. Both of them dived into the pool above our heads. We could see their cock fly by. When they came up to the surface then swam up to us. Both Steve and Chad were grinding ear to ear as they swam to us and they talk to sir. Sir then introduces them to me as his slave for the next two weeks. Steve and Chad looked at each other and had devilish grin on there faces then looked at me then Sir. Slave lost his bet and now has to pay for losing.

Sir turn to Steve and Chad how would you boys like to have some fun? Sir told them to follow him to the pool house. In the pool house there in the middle of the room was massaging table with restraints hanging down from it, on the far wall corner of the table and a couch bed on the far wall. In one corner was a full size bar with stools and bottles of liquor on a shelf beside it was a refrigerator next to it. Sir, Steve and Chad sat down on the couch with there legs spread out. Slaves go and get us some beers out of the refrigerator and service me and my buddies here. Steve and Chad had their legs spread and playing with their dicks and grinning ear to ear. All of us were still sweating in the one hundred degree temp. Even though we just been in the warm water of the pool, I handed sir and his guest the beer that I got from the refrigerator. And sir told me to get in front of Chad and take care of his dick. May I Have Your Cock SIR? Please SIR!!! Chad nodded his head. I went down on my knees, Chad's cock right in front of me. I could smell the scent of his musk. I started sniffing the air, inhaling his aroma. The scent was driving me crazy. First the taste of his pre-cum and now his men scent. Absent mindedly, I wrapped my hand around my cock and started to play with it. I watched his cock get closer and closer to my mouth. I opened wide sir slapped my face and yelled Who Told You Can Play With Your Self Slave, Beg Your Pardon Sir, I Lost My Head Sir, I Ask For Your Forgiveness Sir. I felt the head of his Chad's bone slide into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the head and started nursing on it bobbing my head up and down. His dick head felt so good, so natural in my mouth, my mouth hungered for cock. I started to taste the slime that started flowing from his dick. The taste in my mouth made me suck on his dick head that much more. I felt Chad push forward deeper into my mouth, more of his cock sliding into my eager mouth. My hand around his cock had felt great sir the slapped me again across the head, I didn't tell you could touch it boy just suck it. Sir I beg your pardon sir will not happen again sir. Now I was using my mouth only to service this hot red head. It felt even better being forced to do my master bidding. I could taste his skin and smell his crotch at the same time. The scent of his equipment and the taste of his pre-cum was driving me insane. "Fold your lips around your teeth, slave. That way you won't nick my dick with your teeth," Chad told me. I did as I was told, I felt him shove deeper and deeper of his cock into my mouth. He started thrusting back and forth, beginning to fuck my mouth. It felt so great. Here I was, being in service into being a cock sucked and fucked by my sir and his hired help. My cock was aching and starting to hurt like a son of a bitch. I started rubbing it as Chad's began to work his cock in and out of my mouth harder and faster. I started too reached up and grabbed his balls with one hand but I stopped my self. All of a sudden I felt a dick trying to enter my ass. I turn to see who it was that was about too entering my back door, it was Steve. He pushed his nine inch dick in my hole slowly till his dick made it all the way in me. Now I'm being fucked at both ends. Please take it easy please Steve, You're so big, go slow and you wont tearing me apart please.

Steve reaches around me with his big arms his right hands around my naked chest, and started to pinching and twisting my nipples. Oh yes , yes I love that, Steve stuck that ten inches in me , I was become accustomed to having to do getting Steve's big cock and love getting it at both ends at one time. Steve bits my neck and shoulders. Oh yes, yes do what you want fuck me till I tear apart do what ever you guys want. I then took Chad's cock back in my mouth. Both started to call me a pussy cunt slut whore. I could see sir there playing with Chad's nipples and rubbing Steve's smooth chest.

Chad said to me you fucking fag, you really do love my cock boy, huh cock sucker? Now open up, I want to feel your tongue on my dick cock sucker." He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. He was leaking pre-cum and I could taste him very strongly but I kept on his sweet meanwhile being bounded from the rear. I could tell Chad was about to shoot his balls tighten up and his breathing started to race and that when he shot his load of hot creamy white man juice into my eager mouth. Take it you fagot cock sucker I know you been waiting to get a taste of my cum pussyboy. I pulled off his cock a bit and licked his cockhead and turned my attention to his balls, licking first the sac & then taking each of them, in turn, into my mouth, I can not get enough of Chad's hot cock . Then I went back down on his cock and began sucking it faster and faster, now harder, deeper, up and down. He began pushing forward to meet the thrusts of my head and throat coming down as he pushed with his hands on the back of my head. Chad began breathing hard and grunting, tell me, I was his bitch and to take it Chad's big fat dick and don't miss an inch cock sucker. I tried to pull back but my head would give, sir had his hands still tightly on my head. His dick deep in my mouth, Chad didn't giving me room to swallow his load; I almost gagged on his cock. The hot cum just went straight down my throat and it was sweet to me, fresh cum Steve pick up his pace and bounded my hole deeper and faster I could feel each of his veins on his cock. "Please, Steve, please fuck me full of your cum. I know I'm a pathetic pussy boy and your cum is too good for me, but please Steve, please! I can never earn your cum, I can never work hard enough to please you, I'm just your bitch, Steve. Please, grace me with that which I am unworthy to receive. He grabs my hips and just plowed faster and deeper till he shot his load and push. And shot so much cum up my hole it was started to leak out to the ground. Steve moaned in my ear fagot you're the best fuck I had in weeks and includes my old ladies tight ass fagot boy. Steve shot his load and still was hard so he just started to fuck me again and each Time he pushed in tells me how does it feel cunt, and fuck me for another five to ten minutes then suddenly stops and says oh yes and I start to feel warm water then realized its Steve's pissing in my ass. Chad reaches down and twists my balls and makes me moan in pleasure and pain. Let see how much you can take pussy boy he bites my neck and leaves his teeth marks on my neck. Steve looked up to sir and they both grin. Steve yanked his dick out and my hole felt like lost its best friend. Sir grabs my ear and pulls me between his legs.

Sir slid to the edge couch and spread his legs open up boy and doesn't lose a drop pussyboy. With that sir started to piss in my mouth and it was warm little salty but hot to drink. Nice feeling going down my throat ah the nectar of the gods. I need cock in my mouth or my ass I need cock I said to my self boy love dick. Sir plays with Chad nipples while I finish off his drinking sirs piss between his legs. I could feel it going down my throat can't get enough of it. The more I sucked on sir and he pissed in me the more I got a hard on. Sir looked up at the clock and said. Boy time for me and this slave to go. We have a lunch appointment to keep so we have to do this some other time boy but we must go now. Steve and Chad got up and just walk away and left. Sir told me to jump into the pool and get rinsed off so I jump into the pool and sir followed. I dove into the deep in and got out the sallow side. Sir was right behind me and handed me a towel and was told to follow. I dried myself as I followed sir into the house and up the stairs to his room. Were we went into his bathroom, Sir step into the shower and told me to get in. sir handed me a bar of soap and I knew what he wanted so I washed back staring with the neck and made my way down to his feet and made my way back up the front. I dare not spend too much time on one spot and risk of punishment. Sir just smiled at me then I handed to him and he did the same to me. Boy likes to spend more time with you here but we do have a luncheon to make on time. We both rise off and Sir hand me a towel and he dries him self off, I do the same but keep my eyes on sir the whole time. Sir put the towels in the tub and tells me to follow.

Sir opens his closet and took out a pair of pants and shirt. And told me to try these on they should fit. I try them on and they fit like a glove. Dam he must know more than he letting on. Sir hands me a tie and sir looks like he just came out of a GQ magazine cover. I still had my choker chain on still, sir then hands me some silk sock and a pair of expensive leather shoes. We must get going or we will be late, Yes Sir. We are going to a benefit luncheon so be on your best behavior boy, Yes Sir. We got into his sliver BMW convertible and drove off, it was still really hot out and the top down made it a bit cooler. We pulled up to the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center on 1150 Camp Hill Bypass; there in one of the banquet halls were we to go for a local fund raiser for the local bar association. We were seated with two other lawyers from around the state. All looked hot but they were married I think, I could see their wedding rings but they were hot and both in their early thirties. Sir introduces me as his slave to his fellow associates as Jack and Alex. They all looked at each other and smiled at each other and just drank there drinks and said cheers. Jack was six two big hands, dressed in a black suite coat and well tailored pants and shirt. Alex was about five nine well dressed in a black shirt and black pants with a white tie. We just sat down when this cute young waiter came up to our table and asked is there anything I can get you and Alex said your name and number and what time do you get off and we have a room upstairs if you like to join us for some fun. Names Ed and I get off about in an hour or so and we can talk about that later gentleman but first sirs what will you like to drink, Alex said rum and coke, jack said scotch and soda, and sir said bourbon neat. Ed was about to leave and Alex grabbed Ed's leg and rubbed it up and down a few times. I could see Ed's dick tenting through his black pants. Ed must have at least a six inch dick. Ed is about five seven skinny dirty blond hair and well developed body. Ed asked me what I wanted to drink sir said he will have just water. Ed smiled and walked away and came back with a tray of drinks. Ed asked what the room number is Alex said room 222 cool I be there as soon a I get off and smiled as he put our drinks on the table. I sat and listen to the other talk and make dump jokes to each other and talk about their cases and how the won or loss and drank there drinks. Some guy made a couple speech and it was over and the everyone looked at each other and Alex said now the games begin. It was around two in the afternoon. We all headed up to room 222. Alex open the room in the room was dark and cool. As I entered the room I could see a six dildo of all sizes two black and least ten inches long three inches wide, three whips, some handcuffs, rope, and a gag ball, there was also two wooden paddles a big can of Crisco and four different kinds of liquor on one of the desks. In one corner was a portable sling next to the bed. As soon as the door was shut the attitude of the guys changed? Sir yelled at me to strip and get in to the sling. Jack pours a glass of whiskey down my mouth and chains my wrist and legs to the sling. Sir was holding a can of Crisco in one hand and his other was stuck in the can scoping out a large glob shows me the Crisco. Come on fagot cunt, open up I want you to see fagot what's in store for you fagot. Sir greased up his hand then his arm up to his elbow.

Sir then thrust of his arm deeper into my ass till he's was up to his elbow. This time sir step up the pace of the fisting was fast, hard and deep- punch fucking me to the elbow first one fist in then out as the other fist went in a good rhythm was built up. As the speed increased my hole was getting fuck in trashed and I was writhing and pushing back for more. Alex took his turn as he started chewing on my nipples rings, stretching, pulling my pa, crushing my balls- sending waves of pain n pleasure through my body. The room started stank of sweat, piss, cum, ass raunchy and sex- what a turn on! My ass was now being stretched to the limits sir had is elbow deep, working' it back n forth, stretching my cunt. I was fucking gaping, my open ass lips swollen n raw. A mix of Crisco, and my cunt juice was dripping out my abused hole. Jack came to my mouth and shoved his cock in and started to piss in my mouth, slowly at first then the stream of piss increased. Alex pushed the popper under my nose and all I wanted to do was breathe in deeply to get the maxim of popper up my nose. Alex then poured more whiskey in my mouth after jack was done pissing in it. I just breathing in deep, sir pushed the popper under my nose and letting the poppers send me off in a drug induced high. "Please, Sir, please fuck me full of your cum or what ever you please sir. I know I'm a pathetic pussy boy and your cum is too good for me, but please Sir, please! I can never earn your cum, I can never work hard enough to please you, I'm just your bitch, Sir. Please, grace me with that which I am unworthy to receive

Then there was a knock at the door, jack went to the door naked and open it. There was Ed in his waiter uniform and pulled Ed in. and told Ed to strip. Ed just looked at jack cock swing from between his legs. Ed was pulled in and Jack and Alex started to rip the clothes off of Ed's body. Ed was thrown onto the bed and tied spread eagle face down and tied to the bed. Then Alex put a gag ball in Ed's mouth. Jack was greasing up his fist to take a crack at Ed's hot ass, he told Ed that he was in luck today and was going to be fisted by three guys and won't be allowed to go free till they were done with his body and get bored with him. Ed was in shocked and started to protest but with a couple whack of the whip on his bare back shut his mouth up quick. Jack was greasing his entire arm. His fisted went in easily to the elbow; from then on he opened Ed up deeper n deeper. all ed could do was moan in pain and pleasure. Never had Ed done to him before and he still moaning for more, jack way past his elbow and his bicep is stretching Ed cunt lips wider. I don't know how much more Ed can take. He just breathing in deep, Alex pushed the popper under his nose and letting the poppers send him off in a drug induced high. With a deep grunt his bicep pushes through my ring- he's as deep as he can go in my ass, and starts pulling back his fist.

I don't know how much more I can take, who getting the better deal here me or ed. Then only thing keeping me from passing out was controlling my breathing with deep inhales, sir pushed the popper under my nose and letting the poppers send him off in a drug induced high. With a deep grunt his bicep pushes through my ring- he's as deep as he can go in my ass and starts pulling back his fist but my hole was sucking him deeper into my hole. I feel as if I'm turning inside out, sir use his other hand too pinch and pull my tits rings and punch and crush my balls ,the pain I'm feeling is giving me an intense high and I'm fucking floating and loving it all. He's pulled out now until he's just in up to the elbow, and then in one steady push goes in deep again till his bicep I screamed a bit boy sir put his hand on my mouth. the pain I'm feeling is giving me an intense high and I'm fucking floating and loving it all. He's pulled out now until he's just in up to the wrist, and then in one steady push goes in deep again till his bicep is through my stretched wide ass again, back out again then back in repeatedly opening up a deep tunnel into my body. he repeated this six or seven times jack tells them sir that he can bring him to his place anytime. `Fucking great, this cunt id going have the time of his fucking life, both laugh Jack said I think I keep this one in a cage when I get him home on the farm as he looks at ed. My ass muscles have been beaten into submission and my cunt is just gaping wide and leaking cum Crisco and cunt juice. with that Sir pulls his arm out of my ass and walk over to be Alex and jack on the bed. Sir then come back to me and untied me from the sling and I slide out of the sling and onto the floor like a bag of potatoes. Sir handcuffs my arms behind me and tied up my legs with some rope and dragged me next to the window. Jack pulled out of ed's hole and Alex and Sir untied him and picked him up and put him into the sling and chains him to the sling where I was just being fisted. I could see ed had been crying from his assault on his cunt hole.

Sir pours some whiskey down Ed's mouth from he bottle, Alex chains Ed's wrist and legs to the sling. jack was holding a can of Crisco in one hand and his other was stuck in the can scoping out a large glob shows him the Crisco. Come on fagot cunt, open up I want you to see fagot what's in store for you fagot. jack greased up his hand then his arm up to his elbow again. Ed eyes bugged out at the sight of the gob of Crisco.

Jack then thrust of his arm deeper into Ed's ass till he's was up to his elbow. This time jack step up the pace of the fisting was fast, hard and deep- punch fucking him to the wrist first one fist in then out as the other fist went in a good rhythm was built up. As the speed increased his hole was getting fuck pushing back for forth. Alex took his turn as he started chewing on my nipples, stretching, pulling on his dick and balls sending waves of pain n pleasure through ed's body which I just went through. All ed could do is breath deeply and don't let the pain get to him. but ed passed out from the pain. So jack waited with his hand up ed ass. Alex went to get something. Alex came back with a hood and covered ed's head with it and Jack pulled out his hand and pulled some sheets from the bed and Alex went back to the bathroom and rolled out a laundry cart and tied ed up and then wrapped him up and put in the laundry cart and put some blankets on top of him. jack and Alex put their suites on and rushed ed out of the room. And that was the last I saw of ed .Sir told me not too worry ed was jack slave and they arranged ed to serve them at the brunch and had plan this for him to experience and I was just a bonus in the fun they had planed. Sir said later in the week we will be visiting jack and ed at jack farm down state next weekend. And that jack and Alex are brothers and share a farm in the next county. I don't know, I said to my self, Ed looked really scared to me. What did my master get me into? Sir put me on the bed and got dressed and left me there on the bed.

I could see the sun going down when I heard a noise at the door. It was master and he was wearing not his suit but jeans and t-shirt. And he was not a lone. With him was a guy wearing leather vest, blue jeans chaps, boots, a biker maybe, he had a beard and seems to be about six foot. As soon as they were in the room they striped off there clothes but the biker dude put his chaps back on. Sir pours the dude a drink and they stood looking at me. The biker dude walk over to the bed and takes his hand and rubs my chest then pull on my nipple rings and then he reaches down and suck on my dick for a while drinking his drink. Sir told the dude we can put him in the sling so you can fuck his ass spike. Cool haven't had a slave hole in a long time. Don't worry boy, I just fuck you silly till you pass out the start all over when you wake up. Up close I can see his dick had to be at least twelve inches long or more and uncut. He went down to his knee on the bed I almost fainted at the sight of that dick up close. If I can take an arm up my ass I can take that massive dick.

The biker spike took hold of his cock and started spraying his piss all over my body as it seemed his stream had no end. Some of the piss hit my face and I recognized the salty taste and wanted more. Just when I started to open my mouth his stream stopped and was only a trickle. I tried to get to his cock and sucked it into my mouth trying to force even more of the nectar from him. I managed a few drops before I felt his cock starting to swell in my mouth. Spike grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my mouth. Slow at first then pick up speed and the more he tried to face fuck me with an uncut cock and I could feel something metal in my mouth. The more I gagged the more spike pushed it in my mouth. That's when sir untied my legs and the spike pulled his massive dick out of my hungry mouth. Piss was everywhere on me and the bed. When he popped the head out of the foreskin I noticed the large ring that had been pierced through the head. The metal of the ring had a titillating effect on my tongue. He moved his cock back and forth as he held my head in place while his cock got hard. Sir told the spike that my mouth and ass was still in good form as he reached down and pinched my nipples and rings.

I knew something was about to happen when I felt each of my thighs being grabbed and spread apart and I was put into the sling and some one rubbing my cunt. Just then I felt a cock being forced up my ass. This caused me to gasp for air even though my throat was filled with someone's cock. The spike wasted no time as he started pumping his cock massive cock in and out of my burning ass. Spike was telling sir he was going fuck the bitch hard and deep as he grunted.

Spike was pumping into me furiously now as he was calling me all kinds of names that referred to a bitch, whore, slut, pig, white trash. He grinned down at me as he said he would have to see if my pussy was no longer tight enough to satisfy a hot hungry cock after being fisted by sir. I instantly opened my mouth for a cock. Spike was uncut and had a very big sexy cock and he was fucking my hole with all his might.

The pain shot through my tits as they began to get hard just like my cock. Sir pumped slowly into my mouth as he alternately pinched my tits and rubbed them. He moaned a few times before sir pulled his cock out of my mouth He had me excited now and as he stepped behind me and watch spike spread my legs more so he could watch spike fuck my hole. Sir rubbed my cock up and down making my hole tighter for spike to fuck. Spike leaned in and his cock slid right inside me as I gasped from the warmth of his cock. I now felt whole again with a cock in my hole. Sir started to piss over my dick and chest. Spike just pushed harder and deeper in me. Sir put the popper under my nose and I'm flying high and I yelled for spike fuck me harder and deeper. I could feel the warm dick go up my body and I wanted more and I didn't care how I got it, I only knew I wanted more dick up my ass. Spike said I was the first guy to ever get so much of his dick in some one. I could hear spikes breathing rapidly and sir jacking my dick off and twisting my nipples. The room is spinning and I don't know what going to happen next. All of a sudden I shot my white creamy load all over my chest and crotch. That all spike need to see and filled my hole with his hot cum, he kept shooting and shooting his cum in me. He shot so much it was squirting out of my hole. Spike kept on fuck me not missing a stroke while his cum filled my hole. The he stop and said now it time to clean your hole out. With that spike began to piss in my hole. I was getting a piss enema too. Hot dam, fucked and cleaned out at the same time then sir started to piss on my face so I open my mouth to see if sir would piss in it. Oh yes said spike it so hot fucking you fagot and using you as my toilet pig.

Next: Chapter 15

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