Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on May 1, 2005


Master told me to come to him and service him so I got on my knees and sir stood up and open pants and dropped his pants and stepped out of the and sat in his chair and spread his legs for easy access to his crotch and I took his cock into my mouth and waited for his next orders. I waited for Sirs' on my knees for his next request and then I felt his salt corn piss flowing down my throat. While was taking care of my Master. Mr. James Jon asked if he could have one of the your slaves for a week or two, I make sure they get to class on time and take good care of your slave stated Master Jon. I know your going to be busy with your new slave and I could use the help around my place, doing some chores. Sure you have to take his one, Sir pointed to me, Jed not train, Bert here is more experienced and I send you a list of rules he will have to follow. Boy still has school to deal with and other obligations. That's not a problem and if you like I can set up cam for you in my house and you can watch us, the computer is in the living room and I do have a web cam on it. My Master cock was still in my mouth and waited. Sir pulled his cock out of my mouth. Sir looked at me. Sir, Thank You Sir, For Using My Mouths Sir, And Thank You for Your Piss Sir. Slave Bert you will go with Master Jon for the next two weeks. You will be living with him and I give him your schedule and your rules you have to follow and you better be on your best behavior. Sir, Yes, Sir, Thank You, Sir. Now slave help you new master get dress and get your things and I will get your schedule for him. Master Jon was dressed by slave and then slave went to get his clothes on and report to his master. Master William gave Master Jon the keys to slave's chastity b2000. Sir handed Master Jon some paper and I had my leather collar on and Master Jon put a leash on my and I followed on step behind him and too his left. Was told to get in after Master Jon got in his sliver BMW convertible and to take my shirt off and unzip my shorts. We drove to the outskirts of the town and pulled up to a gated house with tall walls. Master Jon pushed a button, slave strip off those short ordered Master, Sir, Yes, Sir. Thank You, Sir.

Schedule Monday class, Wednesday 8 am History with Professor Higgins 1 hr 10am Economic class, with Mr. Jones 11 am running Coach Fox 1 hrs

Tuesday / Thursdays 10 am art class ten minutes really and the teacher, Mr. Philips, (2hr)

12am running Coach Fox At 2 o'clock computer class, with professor bill Newport (2HR) 6:30 pm posing 2.5hr.

Wednesday only 2 pm 11 am running Coach Fox 2 pm Math 202 Mrs. Green. 2 hr.

Fridays 10 am Science Sam Cook

1 pm running Coach Fox 2hrs 6:30 pm posing 2.5hr.

Protocols Rules for Slave to Follow

 Address me Master as Sir or Master at all times, you be address as boy , slave or dog if master choose  To show proper respect at all time, to me and others at all times, includes spelling of Master's name.  I am to obey master at all times, if Master has to ask more than once for boy to do anything , boy will be punished  To do assignments, and to done on time ( in timely way)  When not able to sending reports will hold on to them till asked for but must be done on time.(spelling is to be check before sending reports)  Not to touch dick (only time is to piss) (unless told other wise)  Not too cum unless told to.  Boy will be naked when no one home If master wishes  Boy will never use the word ok to master ( will get one warning on this one, boy must catch it and apologize letter to master for mishap)  Boy will ask for promotion to talk when master.  Rule can be wave only by master and boy will be give written notice  Slave to be clean inside and out, always be prepared! Shower frequently and be deodorant and cologne free.  Don't touch your self or others individual without their express permission  Safe sex and consensual. Practice safe sex and S&M, play safely, and free of drugs and alcohol and clear of mind.  Make sure all parities are consensually involved in all activities taking place.  A slave behavior is the direct reflection on their Master as well as their slave brothers.  A slave always carries themselves with dignity in all aspects of the slaves' life, both public and private.  A slave who refers themselves or other slaves in lower cases e in all written communications  Words like I should be avoided. Slave should use this slave, o the slave, o your slave.  Slave own only what is given by or permitted by his master.  Slave should always address all persons with respect and courtesy, whether Mater /save or not. It is not that the slave Is beneath everybody else, but that a slave see all persons an s being of worthy of that respect and courtesy.  Slave will not speak unless spoken to or invited to speak  Every statement will begin and end with Sir. Like: Sir Yes Sir or Sir However Sir, Or Sir, My Master Sir.  To ask a question. Is to be done as follow: Sir, Master, Sir , Do You Wish Me To ( ?) , Sir ///Sir, Master Sir, Do You Wish Me to Take Care of Myself, Sir  Respond to question sir, yes sir, do you wish me to ask a question, sir? Or if slave need to make a comment, he asks, "Sir, Do You Wish Me to Make a Comment, Sir?"  When slave make a mistake: slave should say: "Sir Beg Your Pardon Sir" (Slaves never says sorry or excuse me, he is asking to have that control extended beyond the Masters direct presence.)

Entering or leaving the presents of the Master  Slave never to say to Master , Hello Or Goodbye... proper way to greet Master is Slave will stand with arms behinds boy back when sir or Master enter the room is the proper way to great his Master  Slave will stand with arms behinds boy back when sir or Master leave room  Slave will stand attention with his hands behind his back above the waist and hand open, when walking with Master. In public or in private.  Default form , full resent (kneeling on both knees ) not on feet but up on knees  Presenting verbally-When slave has the attention of the Master as indicated by a word, look or gesture, the slave presents himself by saying "Sir, Master, Sir  Present and Waiting slave remains motionless it the presenting position until he is either told to continue or given other orders  Exceptions : if the master is busy and moving around the room when the slave enter the space and takes full or standing present position, and the slave may move his eyes while waiting to finish presenting in order to follow the masters location in the room and miss a hand signal or the gesture to approach. Is in the standing position, he may even change his own location in the room. To avoid losing track of the Masters'.  When Masters' quickly notice the slave and tell him to sit, stay or continue.  If told to stay the slave remains where he is and maintains the presenting position until given another order. Toilet usage  The door to the slave's bathroom is always left ajar when a slave is using it. Clothing and restraints  Clothing may be worn to run errands or to a job outside of his house and to greet unknown visitors to the house if no Maser is present or if the weather turns cold enough require. otherwise slaves remain nude at all times  Slave may be put into restraints at any time, or for any length of time. By the initiative of your master or another master in authority over him.  What master puts on stays on Eating and Drinking  A slave never prepares or serves food for him self until all masters present have been served and be has been told to take care of himself.  Slave may have to be told to explicit orders to begin eating.  At an eating table, a slave Presents Standing rather then kneeling while waiting orders to get food for him self and being eating.  Outside of mealtime, if slave feels the need for food or drink and a master is present, the slave always first asks master if he wishes anything. If receiving a negative response , or carry out the order implied by a positive, the slave may ask, SIR, do you wish me to get some (? Food or drink) for my self, Sir

Disrobing:  When a clothed slave enters the Masters' house from the outside, we will present as a possible. After being acknowledged, he will immediately ask if the Masters' wishes him to disrobe. Yes Sir! Thank You Sir. And immediately proceeds to the save quarters or other designated area to disrobe, and then return to the Masters' for further instruction. In public  Slave will stand attention with his hands behind his back above the waist and hand open, when walking with Master. In public.  When at a restaurant slave will stand next to master till master tells slave to take a seat, slave will then say. Sir, Yes Sir! Thank You, Sir! And quickly be seated.  Slave will be one step behind Master at all time when walking and to his left

Speaking master online  When a slave, whether they are owned in-house or owned over distance, comes online, the slave is required to seek out and acknowledge the Master whether or not the Maser is currently online at the same time as the slave. This acknowledgement should be first in the form of an online message to the master.  If the master is not currently online, it's proper for the save to send a personal email greeting to the master.  Once sent , slave has had fulfilled his obligation to the master and is free to chat with others  However if master comes online slave must devote all of his attention to the conversation to masters until master dismiss slave, were slave can resume chatting with others  Slave must offer master to view slave on web cam  Slave never to say to Master , Hello Or Goodbye... proper way to greet Master is Slave will stand with arms behinds boy back , then Sir or Master enter online is the proper way to great his Master  Slave will stand with arms behinds boy back when sir or Master seen online or leave online  Slave will stand attention with his hands behind his back .until told other wise

Punishments  Slave will be warn of first offence and pointed out to slave. And slave will repeat what he has done wrong  Hitting of wooden spoon on dick or balls first time 5time each repeat of offence add 5 more times and so forth.  Tit clamps on for 4hr straight add two hours for repeat offence  Lashing with the whip ten for the first offence and ten additional for repeat offences.

We drove up to the house and I got out and waited for my master to wait his orders. My leash was hanging down and sir grabbed it and walked me behind him. I understand you run every morning. I there is a running path one mile square inside my walls boy you will run it naked every morning, no one see you except me , there's are cameras all around the property. I usually work nine to five every day except for weekends. Sir take me to a room in the basement, this is my dungeon slave. This dungeon has everything, from slings to chains on the wall to cages and cells and it totally sound proof. I have a male cleaning crew that cleans the place twice a week and you will remain naked all the time boy. And let get his thing off your cock, I love work over cock and don't like to see you're hidden behind a b20000 boy.

Sir undid my b2000 and put it on the table next too the door. I know you like to run at 5 am and run though the downtown area and then the park, then twice around campus then too your dorm building. Slave you like to stop at the restroom in the park too pee slave. Sir, how did you know Sir, I haven't even told Master William what I do when I run in the morning sir. I have my resources slave, like the guy on sixth street you been seeing also. I was shocked no one know I what I been up too. Now follow me slave, we then went back up stairs Sir lock the door and it was hidden behind some shelves. Sir took me into the kitchen and shown me were things were at, then he took me though the house. Stopped at the den where the door led to the back yard. In the back yard was in ground pool and pool house. Sir yanked the leash once again, "Slave, You Are Beautiful and I Want You to Submit to My Will and Desire." He caressed my torso some more and then said, follow me slave Then we went up to the second floor were the bed rooms are. There are three rooms all the rooms had big beds and mirror in them, and have a full bath also. Master Jon went into his room. He stood here and told me to undress him so I took off his shirt, shoes and his shorts. I waited at standing present. And waiting for master orders, sir walked up to me and ran his hand up and down my body, when he gets to my balls. Sir gave them a hard squeeze and wanted to see how much pain I could take. Sir twisted and pulled all I could do is stand still and moans in pleasure. Good I like a slave who likes a challenge. Sir yanked the leash again, "Slave, You Are Beautiful and You will submit." He rubbed my face with his left hand, then caressed my chest some more and twisted my nipples, Now follow me, I followed him to the dungeon where he lock the door as soon as we entered down the stair case. Sir put restrains on my wrist and legs and the he hooked me up to the chains from the rafters and floor. Then Sir put a parachute on my balls and weights them down so the weight was just off the floor. A chain was added to my nipple rings that went down to my Prince Albert and they were connected and my dick was made to be slightly stretched up to my nipples. Head down!" sir ordered. "You keep your head bowed when you're in my presence unless I give your orders otherwise. Is that clear? Sir Yes Sir.," Don't worry, slave. Your master told me all about you." His hand dropped to his crotch, massaging his cock and balls. "I got something here that I'm sure you will like." Watching him rub his crotch had my own cock now completely stiff. "Well we can both see how much you want it; I was effectively restrained contributing to my complete submission to Sir. At this point I was still had my leather collared on, leashed, bound and controlled. Sir dominance was total and I was for all intents and purposes, completely his to humiliate and use. I desire your body and crave you ass from the fist time I saw you at your master home. I knew I would get a chance at you ass slut. Are you going to give it to me?" I meekly nodded and in my arousal mumbled -- Yes, Sir, Thank You Sir. "Oh fuck yeah...." Sir moaned. "That's it, slave whore. Take my fucking my cock Oh fuck yeah! That's it. Keep that up, whore. Ah!" Before I knew it, Sir stud was unloading in my ass. I can feel his cum as spurt after spurt shot onto my ass. The guy kept pumping his dick into me, not stopping while he shot like so many guys did. You are going to teach boy who's the boss. Sir then walk to the wall was the whips are kept and picked a short one and told yell all you want no one will hear it. Sir stuck the whip across my back whack, whack butt and whack the thighs. The constant stinging pain from the strokes only added to my misery the ache from all my muscles and the burning sensation from all over me where my sunburn back its hurting me. "Aahh! Please Sir. Please stop!" I cried. "I'll stop when I'm good and ready," he said, pulling a distressed groan from me as I clamped my teeth.

The room had no window for sound to escape. I pulled at my chains and restraints I began to realize the power that a Sir had, and the power the whip has over my naked body aching body. "Slave, I desire your body and crave you ass. Are you going to give it tome?" I meekly nodded and in my arousal mumbled Yes, Sir My Body Is Your Sir." Ground rules need to be established here slave these are only a few you have to remember." You will follow all Protocols Rules for Slave, but most of all. ^' I will give you a written copy and make sure you read and follow all rules. ^' You will be naked at all time here. ^' I will inform of you what you are wearing to school and when I will be pick up. ^' You will give a full report on what you did and who you talk to and what you talked about and if I find you left one bit of information out I you will be punished. ^' Speak only when spoken too. I you need to ask a question get my attention and I ask you if you need to speak. ^' Do as told the first time, if I have to repeat my self you will be punished

There's no way I can prevent the whip from striking my tanned flesh, there's no clothing to cushion from the whips sting. I just have to endure, especially as I anticipated another stroke was about to hit my flesh. My body jerked each time a blow struck, I started to screamed and moan my head off , his guys worst then master Williams, even though I was warn out and my muscles were screaming for relief, he worked on and on my body till I passed out.

I found my self laying on the floor when I woke still chained; the leather collar was gone but my chain collar still there attached to the leash was in Sir Hand. Sir was sitting on a chair with his leg spread and sir looking at me. Slave you need to clean this off. Sir holds his cock and balls in his hands. You got it dirty now clean it. Yes Sir, Thank You Sir. I crawled up to his crotch and stuck out my tongue and began to clean his massive tool with my tongue. I could taste the salty man juice that was just in my ass not too long ago. Mm I can not get enough of cum, cock or being fuck no matter who it belongs too. Sir yanked the leash once again, "Slave, your hot and you will submit to me fully slave and you better don't you dare hold back or I will punish you slave, Yes sir. Keep your hand behind you boy or I whip you some more. I just kept my hands behind my back. Sir put his hands on back of my head, feeling my throat muscles clench as his drove his cock into my head. He pulled his hips back, dragging his cock out of my mouth then spiked my throat again. I had my hands my back. His dick thrust deeper into my throat, he fucked my face long and hard. Every time I tried to reach for his leg or ass sir would slap me and tell me to put my hands back were they belong. His hips were moving faster now and the taste of his precum was filling my mouth. I wanted to take my hands and explored the ridges of his abdomen, then the mounds of his pecks. He let out a low moan as he continued to fuck my mouth. "Oh fuck yeah...." he moaned. "That's it, boy. Take my fucking my cock. Take it all boy down the hole you call a mouth. Oh fuck yeah! That's it. Keep that up, whore. Ah!" Before I knew it, sir was unloading in to my mouth. I can feel his cum as spurt after spurt shot onto my mouth. The guy kept pumping his dick into me, not stopping while he shot like so many guys did. Several spurts hit the back of my throat, almost choking me. His hands had dug his nails into me to my head. It was to the point of being almost painfully too bare, but with his cock filling my mouth with his white cream cum. there was no way for me to protest, even if I had wanted to. So I knelt there in sir's dungeon, sucking his cum down my throat as he fucked my face. Finally, his hips stopped fucking me and he pulled his cock out of my mouth. His hot cock was still leaking is hot white cream. Lick it up boy and don't miss any boy and don't swallow till I say so. I nodded and lick as much as I could. Boy you're really good I hate to let you go back to your master. Now boy you may swallow it and show me you have done so. I swallow his cum and open my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue. Sir, I open my mouth as wide as I could. Sir held his dick near my mouth and started to piss in it and the piss over my face then my body. We made our way up stairs went into the back yard. I still was covered in piss. Sir tied me to a fence that was shaded from the hot sun. With me tied by the pool Sir Spray me down with ice cold water from the garden hose. The cold water woke me up completely and my dick and ball shrank, dam the water was ice cold and I started to shiver from the water. After being hosed down Sir jumped into the pool and swam a couple of laps in the pool. Sir got out of the pool water dipping from his naked hairy body. Are you going to be a good slave boy, Sir, Yes Sir? Sir untied me, sir pointed to the pool and said give twenty laps boy now. Sir yes sir. I jumped into the pool and started to do laps in the pool as Sir watch me intensely. The water was warm and soothing and it also helps my aching muscles too. Love the way water ran past my cock and ball. I must of done about twenty laps and I was pooped I said to Sir. Sir, May I Get Out Sir. Sir looked and me. Sir told me to get out and crawl to him and lay on down over here to him. He pointed to a spot in front of him on the deck. I crawled to him and waited at his feet on the concrete which was hot at the moment for his next order. I kept my eyes low so Sir would not get mad at me. who who's master bitch?" "You sir I reply". Sir throws a bottle of sunscreen to me and told me to put some on him and make sure you get enough on and if I burn due to your incompetence I will whip you boy. Yes sir, I stood up and put a glob on my hands. I started on his right leg and work my way up, when I got to his ass, sir stood up and I made sure his ass and even his crack was well covered with sun screen. As I was doing his crack in his ass I rubbed his hole and sir hit my hand and said, who told you could play with that slave. Sir No, One Did Sir, Beg My Pardon Sir. Next time I hang you by your fingers boy. Yes Sir, Understand Sir. Sir should I continued to do sir back and shoulders. Yes boy do that, I applied a good coat of sun block on sirs back and shoulders. I then went to work on his face making sure not to get in to his eyes or mouth. Then rubbed into his neck, and now for his hairy chest, I put extra amount of sunscreen on my hands and rubbed it over his hairy chest and paid special attention to his nipples. The more I worked on his chest the more turned on sir got. And work my way down to his crotch. I made sure his hard cock and balls were covered with sunscreen. I stoked it not too long didn't want to be punished for playing with his cock. The sir told me to stand with my legs apart and my hands behind my head with the fingers locked. I quickly obeyed his orders. Sir started to put sun block on my head and went down my back. Sir stopped and put extra amount of sun block on my ass and hole. Sir put two fingers in and made sure they were well lubed for his pleasures. Then continued down my legs and up my chest, skipping my crotch area went to my chest and made sure my neck and face was done. Sir then too another glob of sun block and made sure my crotch was covered since it never saw sun light at all. Sir went back to work on my ass again. He was slapped a glob of something greasy in my crack. Working his finger in my, he pushed some of the lube inside. One finger, then two, and three fingers Oh yes sir, it started to feel such ecstasy with his finger in my ass as he trying to push them in and out of my hot horny ass. I was starting to hope that he intended to fist my ass hole, but to my disappointment, he withdrew them and shoved in a 12inch 3inch wide butt plug. I knew how big it was, but I was in heaven. He held it at my sphincter right at the fat part.

I was on the verge of passing out, when he gave it a hard push and it popped inside me what a relief. Sir then gave me a big kiss on the lips and told me we are going to go jogging with the plug up you sweet ass. Sir handed me a pair of running shoes. You are to keep up with me boy and if you lag behind you be punished boy. I also jog in the here in the mornings also till I found out you been jogging in the park. "Don't drop that plug. If you do, I'll whip your ass until it's a bloody mess and I don't want to ruin you prefect body of your do you slave. Sir runs his hands over my chest and ass. We can't have you scared for life, faggot slave", can we, sir sneered. Shit! Now I'm scared. Sir could see the fear in my eyes and body gestures. You will run next to me and keep up or punished fagot slave. Yes Sir, will do my best to keep up with you sir. We started our jog down a well defined path along the walls and trees. Sir was two steps ahead of me, I could see his ass it was tight and as well his legs. Sir was hairy dude but his ass and back was very little hair on them. The path had twist and turns and past some benches and I could see on some of the light post were the camera Sir had mention to me earlier. Sir yelled to me to take the lead and if I slowed down he would push me down and I would be punished for not keeping a strong pace in our jog. We got to an open spot on the path and sir let me pass him, he gave me a swat on ass as I pass him. That's all I need to keep up a good strong pace. At this point I was sweating like a pig and I knew Sir was also.

More to cum.

Next: Chapter 14

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