Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 29, 2005


Boy its time that you leave me, so I can have time with the new slave hear alone, you can have the night off. In the morning reports here at 9am sharp and make sure you shaved and clean for me. Stay out of trouble. YES SIR THANK YOU SIR, you may go now boy. With that I left Jed with my master to get to know each other. 7pm I didn't know what I should do, call one of my teachers or call max or see what Tim is up too or even Hank Wilson? I found my self walking down town on Sixth Street in front of Hank Wilson shop. I stood there, why did I come here should I knock? Or call max? I was about to ring the door bell to his apartment when he open the door to his shop. I was just closing the shop when I saw you standing here. I thought you would be back, looked for you yesterday at the park and you were not there. I was out of town Friday and just got back this morning. How was your race, you did win you events didn't you? How did you know about the race? I was there, I support the university when I can and I attend most of the events when possible. Yes I won both of my events. Good I thought you did but wasn't sure. Hank lock the shop up and unlocked the door to his apartment...Want to come in and talk or have a drink, did the team meet at jerry pizzeria for the there celebrations? I walked up the stairs first how did you know that? I used to be on the track team when I went to the universities that were we went every time we won. Cool I said and reached the door at the top and waited for hank to open it. Hank rubbed my ass when he got to the top of the steps and unlocked the door. Hank opens the door and tells me to make my self comfortable. As I walk in and asked what I wanted to drink, he starts to take his shirt off. A beer if you got it, sure no problem Bert. Why not get out of those cloths and I will be back in a flash. I got out of my clothes as fast as I could.

Hank returned with the beers in hand and was totally naked I smile, he smiled. Hank sat next to me and asked where you're Master? How did you know I had a Master? For one thing slave written on your ass cheek and looks like its new , the dog chain around your neck ,the nipple rings and the Prince Albert on you dick.. I forgot about the slave tattoo, he's with a new slave, wanted time alone with him and gave me some time off; I got to report back at 9am ready to serve him. I don't care who owns you boy, longs as we can get together so I can fuck you once in a while, if you want too Bert? I might be able before school is out just having to play it by ear. I can live with that Bert. I finished my beer and hank suggested we go to the bed room and have some fun. Hank had a hard on and I knew what he wanted. When we got the room hank told me to get in the sling. I going to fuck your ass and abuse your body not so any one can tell. Don't want your master to know what you been doing tonight at least know for sure. Hank tied my wrist and legs to the chains and started to put a gag ball into my mouth, I told him that won't be needed so he left the room. Hank came back with a video camera and a digital camera also. Don't worry boy I keep these to my self and no one will ever see them. I show you some of the other guys I taken. Hank pops a video in the VCR and turns the TV on. On the TV was a three guy one was in a sling being fisted, the other one was getting sucked off by the guy in the sling. The guy face fucking the dude in the sling had a big cut nine inch cock and had to be two to three inches thick. And the dude was face fucking the dude. While the other guy doing the fisting was hank and hank hand his elbow up the guy's ass. My masochistic feelings started to surface, I need to be abuse. Hank put some lube on my hole and finger the lube in to make sure I was open enough so could fuck me. Oh yes, hank that feels so good I need more, more hank please give me more. You're a fucking slut boy, you want me to get rough don't you slut. Please fuck me fuck me deep and hard. The more you abuse my hole the more I like it so fuck me now pleases. Hank was fucking me as hard as he could shove his dick in my hole. I could feel hanks big meaty dick pulsing at the tip of my ass hole. My Moaning and heavy breathing filled the room, while hank pushed his groin for into me. His fingers were cupping my tight ass cheeks and were slowly, carefully moving dick in and out my sweaty hole. I could feel the pressure on my hole increasing. He had me where he wanted me, I was getting horny as hell, he wouldn't think that I would agree to some rougher play, I love it the rougher the better. Hank squeezed my golf ball sized testicles and pressed the tips of his fingers against the small area of skin between the nut sac and the ass. "Mmm ... mmm ...urggh," our animal like grunts filled the room while the tongues of hank, now entangled in sweaty embrace, hank was fighting for dominance over me. Teeth were colliding and lips were closing, trying to cut short the other ones air supply. "Fuck ... uhh," I felt hot and cold shudders running up and down my spine. Hanks dick was on fire in no time. Instinct made his hips fuck me harder while. My sweaty pecks were sliding on the leather surface of the sling.

"Oohh ..." a soft moan escaped from my mouth. Hank's groins were heating up and inner parts were churning in almost unbearable heat. My nuts were bouncing in desperate spasms inside the swollen sac until they attached themselves against the base of the bobbing pole. Hank chuckled watching my pink hole clenching and opening. He couldn't resist and let his index dick slide inside my back entrance. Shit!" Hank's head lolled back, while he indulged the expert treatment he was giving to me. Are you ready to cum?" he whispered into my ear. "Fuck ... yeah," I groaned my eyes half shut. "Fuck ... yeah," as hank groaned his eyes wide open shut. I going to shoot yelled hank, you got a hot ass boy, really hot one boy. "Fuck ... yeah, "fuck me harder abuse my ass man fuck me raw I yelled out. That pushed hank over the edge to shoot his load right there and then. Hank fell on me and gave me deep tongue kiss and started to suck my balls and use his tongue to lick my shaft and then to my head of my dick.. Boy you're hot never met a guy like you. Hank saw I had a hard on. Hank got on his and started to suck the head of my cocks, licked the length of it, and began to thrust himself onto my cock, giving him me best blowjob. I told hank to slow down, hold off, man, or you'll have me Cumming already and I want to enjoy for a while. He then reached over the table and pulled out a small brown bottle and took a big sniff under each nostril from it. Then put it under my noise I took a big sniff and wow my heart went a racing got all warm and felt like I was flying high.

Hank want back down on my cockhead and turned his attention to my balls, licking first the sack & then taking each of them, in turn, into his mouth, to move around gently. Then he went back to my cock and began sucking it more furtively now, harder, up and down. I began pushing upwards to meet the thrusts of his head and throat coming down as he pushed up. I was pushing with my whole body into me...I could feel the sling shaking around me. Finally I began breathing hard and grunting from hank, and I could feel my cock getting harder and larger in his mouth. My cock head seemed to double in size as I began Pumping my hot sticky cum into hanks mouth. Mm boy you got sweet cum boy. You would make a good Sadistic Master hank, yes I know and you're a good masochistic boy I try to be hank that why like being a slave. Hank started to untie me and rubbed my chest and played with my nipples. Your master very lucky to have you as a slave boy yes sir. Hank helped me out of the sling and I looked at my watch and said, dam is it that late. You know you can stay the night if you like; I can make sure you get back to your master in time. Thanks for the offer but I want to get some air, and maybe some studding done. I do have three tests this week and if I don't get a good grades My Master will punish me for slacking off. Hank hands me a rubber jockstrap and told me to try it on. So I slip the jockstrap on and it was a smug tight but I could get use to wearing one. When I was trying on the jockstrap hank slipped an envelope into my back pocket. I told hank it fit great and thanks for rubber jockstrap. And since I didn't have any underwear on, I just got dressed and told I should be going back to my room and study. Thanks again and like to have an encore soon. Hank gave me another kiss and slapped my ass as I headed to the door. 9:35pm When I got on the street I took a short cut through the park. I Stopped at the restroom to see if anything was going on, but no luck so I headed to campus. The campus was a buzzing with life; it was a very humid night I went up to my room and was about to go in then I stopped turned and knocks on Tim's door. Tim answered the door in his white jockstrap and a t-shirt on. I walked and told Tim to get his shaving cream, razor and some scissors and a towel and to move it. Tim got them very quickly and handed them to me. Now strip boy your going to lose that bush of yours and you will keep is clean and smooth at all times. Tim removes his clothes quickly and didn't say a word. I sat at his desk and Tim stood naked in front of me. Now put your and behind your head and lock your finger together now. Tim locked his hands behind his head; his hard on told me he wanted this. I started to trim his red bush down so I could shave it. Once I had it trimmed down in no time. I use very little shaving cream to make sure I could see what I was doing. I started to shave what was left of his bush and his dick was rock hard. I started on the crotch area made him spread his legs as far he could do and still be standing, his dick was leaking precum and I lick it up. As I shaved his balls Tim's breathing increased I could tell his was about to shoot, I told him not too and if he did I was going to spank his butt red. I will try not to cum, but I don't know if I can say Tim. As I started to shave the hair off Tim's dick he shot his load on my face and in my head. I just finished wiped off his crotch. Sorry I couldn't hold it any longer, I'm sorry Bert, I'm really sorry. Now you clean you're cum off of me with your tongue and make sure you get it all. Tim bent down and started to lick my face with long strokes of his tongue and made his way up into my hair. Tim took his tongue and licked my head. I told Tim to get his belt off his pants and hand it to me. Tim handed me his black belt, I could smell newness of the leather of the belt, and the feel. I told Tim, do you want over my knee or over the chair. The knee sir, good boy, I pulled Tim over my lap and I told Tim I would give him five lashes on his ass and told him to count them and if he lost count he would have to start all over again. Tim said he understood sir. Whack one, thank you sir may I have another one, the belt was still stiff, Whack two thank you sir may I have another one, love too hear the sound of leather hitting a the flesh, Whack three thank you sir may I have another one, Whack four thank you sir may I have another one, Tim ass jump up and, Whack five thank you sir may I have another. I rubbed Tim's ass, it was redder then an apple and I could see he like it a lot. Tim had another hard on. Told Tim to stand, I could see Tim eyes were watering and then Tim apologized again. I told Tim I need to get some studding done; thank you for spending time with me said Tim. We can talk later dude sleep well. And I walked out the door. I walk to into my room and striped off my clothes and fell onto my bed, I was so exalted set the clock fell onto my bed and fell to sleep.

Sunday 5am The alarm clock went off; sun was coming into my room since sir told me never close the drapes. I heard noise from the hall someone was slamming door again. I dragged my ass out of bed. Got my razor, shaving cream and shaved my body to make sure I didn't have any unwanted hair. I put my running shorts on, shoes and sock no shirt and stuck my key in my sock and stopped off at the bathroom to take a quick shit and piss. Then started my run usually I head for the park then down town and back. But today I felt like a change so. Once around the campus not too many students around this time of day, I decided to take a different route to day instead of the park first I go down town down Sixth Street and go around town square and past the police station to see what's going there. As I ran by the police station I saw this guy in the blue car, the same car I saw at the park by the restroom. Now the car was across from the police station. I continued my run and headed to the park. When I got to the park, I took the bike trail instead of my usual route. I saw no one on the path, I stopped in a secluded spot and drop my shorts and took a piss to the bushes. After the last drop left my head of my cock, my cock started to get hard and I played with my right nipples and my left hand too my balls. I lost my self and jack off with my left hand. To feel the morning air and the sun against my body, I was getting turned on. All of a sudden I head some one running in my direction. I made a quick dash to pull up my pants. I just got them up when these two guys came around the bend of the trail. I had seen them around I think around campus. As they passed me the said hi to me and smiled at each other and I check them out as they went down the path. One of then turn around winked at me. I waited for about five minutes and follow the path they both took. I walked instead of running I heard some talking and I moved carefully not to alert them I was around. I heard some moaning but not too surprising to see one of the guys on his knees and give his buddy a blow job. The one dude on his knees had his hands full with his buddy's ass cheeks and getting his face fuck hard. They didn't notice me watching them. The dude shot his load in his buddy's mouth and that's when they saw me and I just jogged up to them and past them. They were in shock and didn't move an inch. And I whistle and winked as I past them. I kept on jogging and headed back to campus to get a quick bite and a shower. As I got I could see people leaving for church. So I in my running shorts and my chain around my neck and my nipples ring shining in the morning sun and the way the sun the nipple ring warm my nipples. And the way my dick flops around in my running shorts. I look at my watch and it was going on seven o'clock. So once around the campus then a quick shower. But first I make sure I run past the hole in the wall inn and see if can see if master truck is still there. I walked slowly past the windows of room 10 and 11 to see if I could see anything. Dam the curtains are shut tight. I walked the rest back to the dorm since I didn't see anything and I need to get a bite and cleaned up for my master and report back to the hole in the wall. Went to my room grabbed a towel and took a shower, which took five minutes. Looked at the clock it read 8 o'clock and I did have enough time left. So I got dressed and headed to the hole in the wall. 8:30 am at the hole in the wall inn. I stood in front of room 10, and knocked on the door; I still had the key for it but didn't want to use it. It was not my place to use the key this time. I waited for my master to open the door. He open the door naked and saw it was me and told me to get in. I could not see Jed yet, he must be in the other room, and I took off my clothes and folded them and put them on the table next to the door. Sir only said come and I followed him to the next room where Jed was tied up, hands and feet were bound lying on his side down. I could see welts on his ass and back, but Jed seems to be asleep. When I got closer he had a gag in his mouth. You will clean him up, he is to be marked and rings to be place on his dick and nipples boy at 10 am this morning boy .there was a knock on the door 10. I started to get some water to clean Jed up; Sir answered the door and heard some talking. I had no idea who he would be talking to at this time of the morning. Jed woke up and saw it was me who was washing his body, I could tell Jed had been crying and I wanted to take the gag out but I knew better. Sir came into the room and removed Jed's gag from his mouth. Sir told me to keep Jed tied up and work around his binding, YES SIR. And sir closed the door to the next room. Then I asked Jed what happen last night. Jed said, first I need to apologize to you for the way I treated you and I hope you can forgive me Bert. I know I have to say it again in front of Master and all, but wanted you to know I mean it and now I have to pay for it. What happen after I left you with Master Jed? First he tied me to the cross and gagged me, then whipped twenty times and I forgot to thank him each time and we started over again I got about thirty lashings and due to forgot to show proper respect to Master. Next he took me into the tub shaved all my hair off and gave me an enema , did the five times and made me take a cold shower to get cleaned off then he tied my dick and ball up and as you can see they are still tied up and hey hurt like hell. Then put me on the sawhorse and fuck me for four hour straight, then he shove a long fat butt plug up my ass and left me there for I don't know how long. Then untied from the sawhorse and tied me up and put me here on the bed and he just took out the gag just now. My whole body is aching. And I hardly got any sleep at all and now, you heard him I'm to be marked and have rings on my nipples and a Prince Albert on my dick. And I need to shoot my load again. I have been flogged ten times so far for shooting my load with out permission and as you can see, I'm already leaking again. Sir walk in and told me to stand I did as I was told. In sir hand was a cb2000; it was a chastity device for controlling of dicks. Sir put it on my cock and locked it up the device and tied my arms and legs to the cross with my face facing the cross. I started to ask what I did wrong but master face looked angry so I kept my mouth shut. When tied up to the cross sir asks one question, have you been fucking around with other guys. Yes Sir Tim across the hall, coach, Jed, whack with the whip, that's not what I asked boy, whack. Sir I visited a friend I met in the park the other day, did he fuck you boy, whack. My body jumped off the cross, whack. Sir what did I do wrong Sir, who the guy with the pizza box boy, whack. His name is max and he wanted my number and I gave it too him Sir. Whacks ever tell you to give out your number boy. Whack no Sir, I'm sorry sir I didn't think Sir. You gotten cocky boy now its time to take you down a peg or two boy. Yes Sir you know best sir. With that my master whipped me five more times across my back and ass. You will wear that devise till I say so boy. Yes Sir your right Sir. This boy asks for your forgiveness Sir.

Sir unties my arms and legs, boy Jed will receive a cb2000 when his Prince Albert's heals. Jed will be move in with me for the rest of this semester and next year as well. Jed might be staying this summer with us if Jed can convince his father to let him stay? Cb2000 will remain for now and can only be unlocked with this key. Sir shows me the only key to the cb2000. The cb2000 fasten around the base of my cock and goes around my ball, the cock fits into a clear tube and points my dick down so I have to sit and pee. 10 am Jed and I are dressed in shorts, t-shirts and shoes and sock nothing more or less. Master told us to load the back of the truck. First Master disassemble the cross and we had to loaded it up then the saw horse, and finally the camera equipment into boxes into the cab and master had us ride in back of he truck. Master drove us to his house, when we got there Master back into his driveway and we got out and waited for master to tell us what to do next. Sir unlocked the door to his house and told us to being the camera stuff in first then the cross, and sawhorse last. Jed and I got the boxes out of the cab and each carried one box and entered the house, sir looked at each box and told us to follow him down stair to the basement. When our eyes adjusted to the light we saw two cells, two dog cages, and chains handing from the wall and the rafters. There were no window and it was damp there only one door and a long coffin box with holes in it. This is the isolation room, where I keep slaves who don't follow orders and need a time out here. This room is sound proof and the door has three inches of steel and four locks on it and is lock at all times. Now that you see it, you better hope you never have to spend some time here slaves. Now get the cross back were it belongs and we have a lot of thing to get done before sundown. Jed and I rushed up stairs to get the cross back into place. Sir was waiting for us in the play room/dungeon. Sir had is dick out slaves strip and get on your knees before me. We both striped and dropped to our knees, sir grabbed Jed by his head and told him I need to piss boy open his mouth Jed tried to resist then sir used both hand and told Jed don't you dare lose a drop or you will be punished boy. Jed gave up the struggle and opens and closed his lips around master big meaty dick and I knew Jed was luck to receive master nectar, Jed gagged a lot and some of it dripped down the corner of his mouth. But he didn't lose too much and when master pulled it out he told me to lick Jed's face and give it back to Jed to swallow. So I lick Jed's face and stuck my tongue in his mouth to make sure he got it all. Now Jed that wasn't so bad was it, sorry sir that was my first time to take pisses Sir. After the cross was back in its place sir said it was time for Jed to receive his nipple rings and Prince Albert. Sir then pulled some paper out. Jed read this and sir made a call. And understand what you're giving up boy. Jed read carefully and told sir he is ready to sign it .there was a knock at the door sir told me to get the door, I still naked so I open the door and a man I recognized as James Jon he had a briefcase and wearing shorts and a polo shirt on, dam his chest was very muscular for a lawyer. I shut the door behind him. James shake hands with sir and they both sat on the couch. Were the boy in question, here he is Jed stood naked in front of Mr. Jon, good now let get this over quickly. Jeremy Carson Jr. right. Yes sir said Jed. You are signing of this contract of your own free will and no one has forced you to do this in any way shape or form. I Jeremy Carson Jr. want to sign this contract with Mr. Williams of my own free will and I are not being force in any way shape or form Mr. Jon. I feel certain that Jeremy Carson Jr. want to sign of his own free will now sign the papers. Jeremy sign here and here and here, bob sign here and here, Bert sign here and here. We all sign Jeremy contract I will send you copies after I have these dropped off at the court house. And get copies to you Jeremy and bob.

Sir, I Jeremy Carson JR AKA slaveboy, is a humble and unworthy applicant who comes to you seeking to be accepted for training as a slaveboy in your house. Sir, if you accept me to be trained as your slaveboy, I will swear my allegiance to you as follows, Sir: 1. I will obey any and all orders which you may see fit to give me, Sir. 2. I will obey all your orders immediately and without hesitation, Sir. 3. I will submit completely too any and all inspections and tests that you desire to administer to me, Sir. 4. I will submit completely to a comprehensive Physical Examination so that you can test my suitability for being a slaveboy, Sir. 5. I will answer any and all questions from my master bob, no matter how humiliating they may be, completely and fully and to the best of my ability, Sir. 6. Since I have not/or been a slaveboy in another master / men previously, I must tell my master Bob everything I have experienced as a slaveboy or with others before, so that he can devise training tasks for me that will equal and then exceed all that I have gone through before. I want and request that my master Bob haze and train me so completely and intensely that I will forget all about any previous experiences/slaveboy training that I might have had. The training from my Master Bob will become the most complete, and comprehensive, and intense training that I have ever had. Master Bob will take me and train me as he wishes his slaveboy to be. 7. I understand that a slaveboy learns fastest through repeated and continual application of the master will , so I willingly accept and welcome all such discipline that my Master Bob believes will be useful in training me. 8. I will remain as a slaveboy as long as my Master Bob wishes to continue my training. It is his authority to dismiss me immediately if I fail to meet his expectations. I cannot quit myself, without his prior permission. Once selected as his slaveboy, I become the property of master Bob Williams. Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Jeremy Carson JR.X JEREMY CARSON JR. Witness by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson

Dated 2-22-02 Dated 1-1-02 Binding Agreement

I, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to servitude to the holder of this contract, hereinafter known as my Master. I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and to be a slave. I am signing this contract in an attempt to affect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit my Master's rights and prerogatives under this contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional right to privacy. I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest language I request the government to NOT EVER protect me from the consequences of this decision. I give up any and all rights of any kind and description in this document. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent my Master from having total control over every aspect of my life. I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT EVER change my mind. Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while not making this contract completely unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break. I specifically request and authorize my Master to use force to compel my obedience and to always ignore anything I may say or does that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. My Master may apply severe punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behavior, for a completely arbitrary reason, or for His enjoyment, amusement, and gratification. This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this contract. If any part of this contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give my Master as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any disagreement of interpretation, my Master's desires shall always prevail. Initials X J. C. Power of Attorney

I give my Master complete total control and absolute rights of ownership of my physical body and mind and become His property. I have absolutely NO RIGHTS as an individual whatsoever. I have no freedom. All decisions will be made for me and I willingly agree to all decisions my Master makes regarding this abusive relationship. I affirm that once and if we ever live together, that ALL my possessions (including all my clothing and all my I.D., etc) will be turned over to my Master and that I will own NOTHING, and will also agree to give my Master complete total control of all my finances. I affirm that I will be owned by my Master financially and that all my savings earned prior to the union plus my own bankbook be under His total control, all my paychecks will have to be automatically transferred to His account, I will not ever be allowed to have my own checkbook, ATM card, credit card, etc, only my Master will be responsible for paying all household bills, including the cost of food, and any other additional costs that I must contribute will be deducted from my paychecks with the remaining put into my own savings account, I will only be given a nominal allowance each month ($150, say) for my own 401K Plan (Pension) from my own money, and no spending money or allowance is ever allowed for me whatsoever, no matter what, unless only to use for work, but only if my Master says so. By my signature below, I grant my Master unlimited Power of Attorney. I desire that my Master be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint, or interference of any kind. Also, according to the state I will be living in, I will sign a Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and have it registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents. This signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the date of my signing this contract below. Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Jeremy Carson JR.X JEREMY CARSON JR. Witness by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson

Dated 2-22-02 Model's Release (for Blackmail purposes) I will submit to photos and videos of myself naked or any situation that my Master requires and I affirm that He may resort to any means necessary to always ensure that I am not ever able to escape this lifetime predicament, including BLACKMAIL of notification of my current situation to my parents, family, relatives, employer, etc, and using the photos and videos (above), copy of this actual signed contract, etc. as genuine proof (with or without the use of a color printer). By my signature below, I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable Model Release in favor of my Master covering all pictures, films, video, audio, public performance, and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion, and all associated material, including promotional, either factual or fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including commercial & BLACKMAIL. I hereby give my Master the right and permission to copyright, publish and/or distribute any and all photographs and videos for which I have signed a waiver. I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless my Master or any of His representatives, from and against any liability as a result of the publication and/or distribution of said photographs and/or videos. I hereby warrant that I am of legal age and competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment, mental distress & ridicule specifically and all other claims of any sort generally. If I ever try to make any serious attempt to escape from my Master's ownership, I will immediately expect that He automatically mailed all of the above to all of the people who know me and is keeping all of my money and I also understand I will be responsible for paying Palimony/damages of at least 90 percent (90%) of my net income for the remainder of my life as another part of that penalty for trying to escape. Even if I ever reported it to the Police, this contract will clearly indicate that I clearly signed and agreed to these specific severe penalties. I must also abide to any other additional rules that my Master adds to this contract or else I must suffer the consequences described above, as extremely realistic severe penalties. Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Jeremy Carson JR. X JEREMY CARSONJR. Witness by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson

Dated 2-22-02 Mandatory Rules I affirm that if my Master ever gives me a list of all domestic duties that I am to complete, including running outside errands, that I must always willingly comply without the slightest hesitation, and I affirm that my dress code will only consist that I must always either be completely naked and totally helpless indoors at all times or half-naked and totally helpless I must always keep my legs spread wide-open whenever I sit on the subway, train, fast-food restaurant, etc. I affirm that whenever I'm outdoors in public, I should not ever be allowed to wear pants and just because I'm outdoors in public, that should not ever mean that I'm excused enough to have that freedom or that privilege to not be half-naked and I should always be grateful that my Master 'let' me be half-naked in public, as opposed to remain completely naked, as I should be. The only time that I can ever wear pants is only for work and/or occasional family get-togethers. Either way, whatever I do wear, but only in those particular specific situations described above, will always be my Master's property and I will always have to get permission to 'borrow' it to wear from Him prior. Initials X J.C. JR.

Domestic Chores: cooking/serving (breakfast/lunch/dinner), cleaning (washing dishes, sweeping/mopping the floors, oven/stove, refrigerator, bathroom, dusting/polishing furniture, vacuuming, windows), laundry (washing/folding/ironing), taking out the trash, yard work, washing your car, mowing the lawn, etc. [dress code: always completely naked] Outside Errands: food shopping, Laundromat, dry-cleaning (pick up/drop-off), post-office, walking the dog (if applicable), carrying all Your bags when You shop at malls, etc. [dress code: always half-naked - in my running short-shorts/no underwear allowed]. Sexual Duties: serving/servicing, oral, anal, toilet duties, etc. [dress code: always completely naked] Corporal Punishment/Discipline: for bad work, etc - severe spankings, strapping (with belt), ass-whippings, etc. [dress code: always completely naked] Accompany You to the public beach: carrying everything (from the parking spot & across the boardwalk), setting the sheet, applying suntan lotion on You, going back & forth to the refreshment stand for You, shaking out the sand, etc. [dress code: me always in a G-String (not thong) with no change-of-clothes] - - all of the above, only if applicable. Initials X J. C. JR. Only if applicable, whenever my Master ever uses the car with me, from His garage, I must always stay naked until He gets in first and wait patiently for Him to unlock the passenger door from the inside, then go in and stay naked as He drives, then once we get to the destination (shopping mall parking lot, etc), I must always get out first naked and wait for Him to get out and slam lock His door shut and wait patiently for Him to open His trunk and hand me my shorts, half-shirt, and sneakers (or just my g-strings, without the shorts, at public beach parking lots, etc) and when going back to His car, I must always remove them, be naked, watch Him toss them in the trunk as He slams it shut, wait for Him to get in & unlock the passenger door from the inside to let me in, and sit naked on the way back home, etc., & similar routine for whenever entering & exiting His home as well. I affirm that whenever I sleep, I must now always sleep completely naked uncovered above the sheets and/or blanket instead of under it or completely naked inside a small locked metal dog-cage. I also affirm to ALWAYS expect CONSTANT heavy verbal, psychological, and physical abuse to include severe beatings, rape and public humiliation - repeatedly and nonstop at all times by my Master showing no mercy no matter what with no limits - with me in an abusive relationship within an abusive lifestyle. By my signature below, I strongly acknowledge mainly that there's no possible way out even if I regret it later, no matter what! I have read this contract and have no questions. There are no other provisions whatsoever.

Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Jeremy Carson JR. X JEREMY CARSON JR Witness by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson

Dated 2-22-02

By signing this contract I forfeit my current goals and am prepared to follow a new lifestyle of my Master's agenda. This predicament starts upon my signature of this contract and will not ever be expected to end. This contract is permanent and for life. In summary, I do hereby swear to both agree to all of the above, word for word, and to fully comply and abide by ALL the rules in this contract, word for word, and do realize that it will include me always being constantly severely used and abused INDOORS + publicly humiliated OUTDOORS = TOTAL ABUSE for the rest of my life with my Master. I affirm that failure to ever agree or comply will result in 100% REAL severe penalties as described above. Once signed, there is absolutely no possible way out, any cancellations & this contract is legally binding in any civil or criminal court of law.

Sign by Master Bob Williams x __ Bob Williams Sign by Jeremy Carson JR. X JEREMY CARSON JR Witness by Bart Jackson slaveboy x Bart Jackson

Notary's signature: James Jon Date of notarization: 2-22-02

*************************************************************** ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO SIGNING THE ABOVE my current full-name, Social Security number, address, & phone number: x JEREMY CARSON, 234-759-9769 WEST hall, 21225 NEW YORK, NEW YORK

current employment's name, addresses & phone number: student Parent's full-names, full-addresses & telephone numbers JEREMY CARSON. New York, New York Brother's full-name, James Carson 21225 NEW YORK, NEW YORK

Sir said now that we have that taken care of Jed you are now my slave. Your first duty as my slave is to take care of our guest needs boy and make him welcome in my home. James spread his legs and grabs his crotch. Yes Sir, Jed take off James shoes and sock. And the help James with his shirt and shorts Jed takes off Mr. Jon shirt and the rest of his clothes boy... James wore no underwear and had a cock that must have been nine inches long. I James sat down on the edge of the couch and spread his leg and shove Jed's head into his crotch. Take it boy take it all, get it wet so I can fuck you long and hard boy. All Jed could do is just moan and make slurp noises. Master told me to come to him and service him so I got on my knees and sir stood up and open pants and dropped his pants and stepped out of the and sat in his chair and spread his legs for easy access to his crotch , get to work slave as master looks down on his new property. More to cum

Next: Chapter 13

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