Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 28, 2005


Saturday Day of the race The meet starts at 8 am sharp and I go on at 8:30 sir and the second race is at 10 am sir. Boy I will be watch you from the stands and if you fail you will be punished after we get Jed and let him fuck you all day and you will be demoted to third boy instead of second boy yes Sir I understand boy will be severely punished if boy doesn't take first in all meets Sir. This boy will not let you down Sir. Good to see you shaved boy. I made sure my head was done as well Sir. May I go sir, I need to get to the field by 7:15 sir and check in with coach and the team sir. You may boy but you better win boy, YES SIR. Thank you Sir. I ran into the shower to get clean up for the race. Douche myself then scrubbed my body and made sure there was no hair left on my body. Then went back to my room to get dressed, I put my blue spandex one piece running suite on. I took a moment to see how my new body jewelry looks in my outfit. Yep you can see my nipple rings and Prince Albert outlined cool. I put a pair of sweat shorts and t-shirt on to wear to the field, 7 am I arrive at the field and caught up with coach and the rest of my team mates Coach blew his whistle three times to get our attention. Boys we are going up two of the top schools today and we need to win this round to advance to the state finals boy. A lot is riding on the meet to day, just give it you're all and I'm proud of you boys. Coach looks at me and smiles. Coach told us all to get in row of four and he wanted us to do some exercises and stretching for ten minutes and no slacken off today boys. While we stretching Jed said you are ready to lose and I told him you better not back out. After the exercises and stretching coach informed us who were going first and what positions we would have. I was in the second heat and my position was lane two and Jed was in lane five for the 100 meter run. Jed had the some color running suite as the rest of the team. I could see Jed's big chest, and dick pushing through the material. It was my turn to run took off my t-shirt and short, now everyone can see my in my blue spandex runner outfit. Runners take your position said the announcer. Coach told me I can take Jed easy and to do my best, I winked at coach and took my place on the track. On your mark, get set, bang the starting gun went off. I was off and running tiring to get the paces going, around the first bend. I was in the first group of runners every thing started to be a blur. I started to break free Jed was right next to me. I could see Jed getting ahead of me, now I caught up and no I'm breaking away from Jed and the group I was coming to the finish line and I broke the tape. I did it I won, I beat Jed and the rest of the group, I just hope my time is the best, I kept running to cool down. Now I was just jogging then a fast walk then I a slow walk. All of my team mate that was watching me came up to me and patted me on the back, ass and chest. Cool getting felt up in front of all these people cool. I made my way back to coach fox and to see how I did. My time was 3.349, so far it was the fastest yet today coach said how about Jed 4.997, he's in fourth place. I walk up to Jed and said at the hole in the wall at 5pm and don't be late. Fuck no, Jed I have to remind you. You owe me hundred bucks and a fuck, if you fail too show I will send your dad pictures of you getting fucking a guys send it too the team as well, so put it on the internet and make sure everyone see it and I do have a video with sound of you fucking me in the ass and getting a blow job. Just don't be late and if you decide to tell, well I have a couple of big guys that take care of you. Now I got to rest for the hurdles and I know you got the 200 meter relay. Be lucky I don't cash in the bet now Jed. I walked over to coach and he well done I knew you can do it, thanks coach. Coach winked at me and told me to rest and my posting on the 150 meter hurdles was lane 1 and two of my team mates were in this meet also they were on lanes 4 and 6. I still had a half hour till my race so I got a drink of water and kept moving so I would my muscle would stay lose.

The bleachers were crowded I could pick out my master but knew he was there. My dick was rock hard and my running out fit showed my sweating body. I had to go the restroom so I told coach were I was going; us runners had a separate restroom from the public. I went into the stall and piss and shitted and got right back out to the field, I didn't want to miss Jed's relay run and see how our team is doing. Our team came in second, due to Jed dropping the Patton, even when we came in second we all patted them on the back , when It came to Jed I just patted him on the ass. No one was paying any attention to what I was doing except the coach and Jed. Jed just gave me look that would kill, but I just smiled at him and walked away. I last run was coming up next.

I took my place at the 75 Meter hurdles in lane 1. Runners take you position said the announcer. Coach told me I can take Jed easy and to do my best, I winked at coach and took my place on the track. On your mark, get set, bang the starting gun went off. I was off and running jumped the first four hurdles and cleared them knocked down the next one and I crossed the line first. My time was 0.3459 the best time of the day. Won't know how I did till its all over, well it was over for me and now just of a mater of time to see how I did over all. There were two more runs till the results are in. I hate the waiting part. At least I get to fuck Jed and my master will be happy, so I waited around to see how I did. The last race just started, coach came up to me and told me so far no one close to my time to day and patted me on the back and rub my back up and down. He Said looks like your won both of your races Bert and I very proud of you boy, thank you coach , I hope Jed pays up his wager and show up. You want me to talk to him Bert, no coach I don't want to drag you in anymore then necessary coach. Yes, yes I won both of my runs. Even with Jed we barely made it to the next level of the state competition. Coach told the group that he is proud of you of you guys and to meet at jerry's pizza in hour, pizza on him. All of the guys on the team cheered and we went our separate ways to get cleaned up. And to meet at jerry's for pizza

1pm I just won my first two meets and going to walk back to my dorm if I couldn't find my master. I stood and waited for him. Then I felt a hand on my shoulders it was my master wearing jeans, sunglasses, baseball cap and a white t-shirt. Boy I'm proud of you today, thank you sir. Sir talk to Jed and he said no to your bet so I reminded him that I have video of him fucking me and me sucking him off and told him if he didn't show I would send a copy to his dad and his dads opponents and if he tried anything like call some one, I would have him taken care of. And send videos to the team mates too. He should show up then said Sir. And the team going to meet for pizza at Jerry Pizzeria to celibate, may I go Sir. It's an hour, coach buying the pizza. Good you may go and meet me at the hole in the wall after that no later then 3:30 boy, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir. Now go and have fun, doesn't be late boy yes Sir. Oh Sir the kid across the hall want to have a three way Sir, what should I tell him Sir? Tell him I call you Wednesday and make arrangements, yes Sir. I ran to my room and striped off my running outfit and headed for the showers and then put on a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt and shoes and headed for jerry pizzeria. 2pm Jerry pizzeria was a hopping everyone from the team was in the back room celebrating our standing. Jed made a point to avoid me, finally I got him cornered and told him he better not be late and have the money or else. Pizza and soda was every where. Coach told me he was glad I shown up. Coach asked everyone to be quiet for a moment; I have like to say a few words team you did very well as a whole, and want to say how proud I am, and to Bert Jackson who won the 150 meter and 75 meter hurdles today to say well done, well done the team some of them patted me on the back. Now eat you all deserve it everyone cheered. Then everyone started to talk to each other. Coach sat next to me and told how proud he was that I won today. Thank you coach thank you for the encouragement coach, coach I think I go now and see if I can find my master coach. Thanks aging and talk to you later coach. I got up and left the pizzeria. 3 pm Got bored being around my team mates and not really hungry rather be with my master. Went back to the inn and see if I could find my master or not. I walked over the inn it was only four blocks away. When I got to the inn I knocked on the door 11 and waited for sir to answer the door. When no one answered the door I knocked on room 10. I waited and was about to leave when Sir pulled up to the inn in his green pickup truck still in his jeans and t-shirt. Boy I thought you be at the party boy. No Sir It was ok for a while but rather be with you sir and you abusing my body Sir. Sir just smiled and opens the door to room 11. Get in boy yes Sir, as soon as I was in I striped off my clothes and knelt at the feet of my Master. You did well to day boy. Thank you sir I said with my head lowered to the ground. Now boy go and clean your hole out and shave your body again I want to make sure all the equipment is ready for Jed. I got up and went to the bathroom were there was an enema bottle and razor on the sink. I filled the enema bottle with hot water then shaved my body again. I filled the enema bottle, Got on all fours in the bathtub, I stuck the tube up my ass and let the hot water flow held the water in till I could not hold any more. I put an egg timer for two minutes went over the toilet and held it in till it was time to let it go. I was holding it as long as I could put an egg timer for two minutes and was told not to let it go till you here the bell ring The egg timer went off and I let my water go. I love the feeling of getting cleaned out. I filled the enema bottle again. Then back into the tub for one more bottle to make sure I'm clean out good

Got on all fours and I stuck the tube up my ass and let the hot water flow held the water in till I could not hold any more. I put an egg timer for two minutes went over the toilet and held it in till it was time to let it go. I was holding it as long as I could put an egg timer for two minutes and was told not to let it go till you here the bell ring The egg timer went off and I let my water go. I love the feeling of getting cleaned out. I filled the enema bottle again. The last time I sat on the toilet longer then usual I wanted to make sure all the water was gone so I sat there for ten minutes to make sure it's all out. Next thing you must do is to shave all over to make sure I'm hairless. So I took the razor over my head and made sure I was smooth and the worked my way down to my chest. Then made sure the lower half was as smooth. It took me about hour to make sure to please my Master.

I came out and Sir checks my body over carefully and told me I missed my pussy hole. Sorry master I not able to do it by my self Sir. Bend over slave and spread your cheeks, Master took the straight razor and shaved my hole. I thanked my Master for doing it for me Sir. Sir was still dressed in his jean but no shirt or shoes. It's almost time for Jed to show up you better get ready. Yes Sir, my master handed me a pair of black shorts and a see through black t-shirt, put these on and make sure you get Jed to pay you first and then make him strip, then have him strip you and lick you toes and clean your hole then your fuck him and have him lick you dick clean that's when I come in and take over boy, got it. Yes Sir, and then do as I tell you. I tell you to leave and come back when I call you on your cell phone. So don't go too far boy, it might take some time to break this asshole punk. Understand sir will do as you say sir. 4:45pm Waiting for Jed I got dressed and put on the black shorts and a see through black t-shirt I looked in the mirror and saw how hot I looked. I waited for Jed to show up it was now going on five o'clock. Five o'clock and no Jed, I sat and watch some gay movies on the television at five- fifteen there was a knock on the door. I open the door it was Jed wearing a button down white shirt and black pants. I told Jed he was late, get your ass in here. Jed walked in and stood just inside the door. Where is my money, come on cough it up? I want to see the pictures you said you had. I handed him the pictures and popped the video in the machine. Jed was surprise to see the pictures of him being fucked and sucking a guy's dick and the video of him fucking me in my room. Ho you can keep the pictures I got copies already and they are safely stashed away so don't try and funny business. And Jed most of the guys in my dorm all ready know I might be gay so you have nothing to blackmail me. On the other hand I do what I say and just go with the flow and I keep my mouth shut. So hand over the money and get out of the clothes NOW. With that Jed reached into his pocket and handed me a check, no check Jed cash and cash only that was the deal. So I handed the check back to Jed. Give me my money or I will send out the pictures and the video. No, no I got the money hang on Jed reaches for his wallet and hands me five twenty dollar bills, I count again. I put it away and told him good boy. Now strip and we can finish the rest of our bet. Jed unbuttons his shirt slowly and undoes his belt. I grabbed his belt off his pants; Jed heard the leather belt slid off his pants. I take the belt and fold it in half and slap in my other hand. Hurry up Jed I don't have all day for this. Jed pulls his shoe and socks off then drops his pants to the floor. The underwear too Jed, I snap the leather belt together. Jed you don't want me to get mad do you. No pleases can we just call this even. Jed you're the one who wanted the winner to fuck the loser, yes I know but I thought I would be doing the fucking. Well you lost so time to pay the piper Jed.

Jed took his thumbs to pull his black bikini underwear down to the floor. Nice underwear Jed gets those from you girl friend or the last guy you fucked? Mine said Jed, like the low cut Bert. Jed stood there naked. You will do as I say and after this you be a bit nicer too me Jed. I'm sorry for being to mean to you Bert. Now you will take my clothes off of me and I will tell you what to do next, got it. Yes Bert, I will do as you say Bert. Take off my shirt first. Jed stood in front of my and pulled my shirt off, now fold it and put It on the table, good now my shorts. Jed got on his knees and pulled my shorts down and I stepped out of them. Jed folded them and was crawling on your hands and knees the table put them with my shirt. Jed then crawled back to me and waited for my next order. Good Jed, I sat at the edge of the bed now Jed lick each of my toes and lick my feet clean. Jed started to protest and I still had the leather belt in my and whack him lightly on his back. That's for protesting do my feet now. Yes I will do your feet. Jed got on the floor and I raised my foot for Jed to put in his mouth Jed paused. What are you waiting for Jed? Jed opened his mouth and started to lick my big toe and work his way down. Yes that feels nice Jed keep it up. When I thought Jed was ready for the other foot I raised it to his face. Jed just went to work on it without pausing. When Jed was done with that I had him lick my armpits first the right one then other one. Oh Jed you have a great tongue why don't you use it more often then to make fun of others. Now that you clean my armpits and get my dick nice a wet so I can fuck your ass. And put you out of you misery dude. "Get on your knees between my legs", I ordered. Jed Quickly I dropped to his knees in front of me. "Lick my nuts, boy". Jed started to lick my under my balls were I got my recent ring put on earlier this week. Suck my man cock". "Yeah, boy feels good. Suck my man cock". Oh Jed that tongue of yours is hot, yes work on it boy work on it. I had to pull Jed off my dick, I wanted to save my load for his ass and with that I told Jed to get on all fours on the bed. I grabbed a tube of k-y from the table. Jed quickly got into position on the bed on all fours and I spread his ass, his ass facing up toward me. I touched his ass, I using two fingers to grease his ass working my finger into his hole. Jed felt my finger at Jed's very lose pucker hole. It was electrifying rubbing his hole a time. I wanted to make sure his hole was loosening up for my dick. My fingers went with little resistant, it seem Jed been fucked just recently! Jed who fuck you; I don't know what you're said Jed. Jed you hole is too well used. Just then Jed wanted jacked off cock but I told him to stop that and he took his hand away. You said you only fuck, not get fucked. Jed never said a word. With that I stuck three fingers up his hole and he moan and moan, oh yes, oh yes. Fuck me please fuck me, I'm sorry I picked on you just fuck me and get it over with please. With that I pulled out my fingers and slowly inserted my dick. Relax and breathe dude your going to feel every inch of my dick up your ass. Please fuck me, Bert, please, fuck me Bert please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please Bert, please put your cock to me..."with that Bert. "So take it like a man, Jed... Jed you're going to be fuck like you never had before, your going fucked hard so I had to prepare your self. I whispering in Jed's ear, "Take it you cock sucking piece of shit, uhHa-ha, mm, yeah, takes it, take it, I know how much you like being fucked and hope you never for get the time I fucked you in a motel dude. I push my dick deeper and deeper into his hole; the more I pushed the more he pushed back into my dick. Please fuck me, Bert, please, fuck me Bert please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please Bert, please put your cock to me. I fuck him hard as I could and as fast. I could feel my cock sliding in and out of his ass, the more I fuck him the more his ass muscles contracted on my dick. I couldn't hold back any longer and shot my load in Jed's ass. Just then sir appeared and took some pictures of me fucking Jed's ass.

Nice to see you two having such a good time Jed Carson are you the one who trying to blackmail him into sex. In walks my master taking pictures hanging from his pants were cuffs, belt rope two collars. Hey, what's the hell going on here Bert Jed demanded? Jed this is my Master. I didn't know he was a slave, cant your read, on his right ass cheek read slave. I didn't know said Jed, he didn't tell me he had a master, I swear. I had Jed by the ass in a tight grip and on his dick. Jed tries to push me away but can't get away. Master has his leather pants, vest on. Sir approaches us at the bottom of the bed. I move out of sir's way, Master pushes Jed on to his stomach and handcuffs him, and then rolled him on to his back. Don't say a fucking sound or I will gag you and beat the shit out of you. And my boy here will say you made him have sex with you and you raped him. Think what your dad would say? How would you father the senator feel that His son blackmailing guys into sex and money?

Jed you are going to cooperate and not make a fuss over this. This is what you're going to do. You're going to be my slave for the rest of the term; you will do as you're told and not complain to any one or say a word to anyone, well if you do you regret it I can promise that boy. All of these pictures and video will be sent to your father's opponents and to your team mates even the gay one you fucking around with, yes I know all about you and your family and friends will get a copy. You stay all weekends and holidays at my house were you will you'd be crawling on your hands and Knees while I lead you around with a leash attached to your dog collar. You will address me as master or sir nothing else you ask to speak other then that you be quiet at all times. You'd eat when I felt like feeding you, and you'd eat like a dog you'd pee when I told you and you'd shit when I allowed. If I wasn't in the mood to let you pee or shit then you'd hold it until I allowed you to go. You'd be sucking my dick and every one I tell you to service you will swallow my e load. I'd fuck your ass whenever I wanted and as often as I wanted. You'd sleep when told too and you not cum unless I say so. Punishment when is whatever I decided to use. I might use a paddle or belt or one of my whips. If you failed to thank me after your beating I would likely start again. And if at the end of our time together if I wasn't pleased with your performance during you will be punished again and again. "Shit! You're like some fucking' sadist or something Jed yelled. And boy you will wear what I tell you to wear and nothing else. And you computer will be sending images to me so I can see what your doing and I be checking up on you also. At the moment you're under my slave Bert, so if he tells you something you better do it and if I hear you not done what you're told you will be punished by me. Got that Jed, yes Sir, sorry to mistreat your slave boy Bert Sir. Well you need to be punish and will receive it today and with that. Master grabbed Jed by the arm and dragged him in to the other room . Sir tied Jed face down on the cross and told him to be quiet or he will have to put a gag ball in his mouth. "Sir spreads and started to rubbing Jed's ass cheeks and spreading them then inserting two finger than three finger enters hole without lube. Jed starts to moan with pleasure and push them in and out for a couple of minutes, his face started to turn red as Sir puts his huge thick long cock Jed's asshole. Sir hips banging into Jed's buttocks, and with each thrust between his tight grips on his ass, masters cock plumbing his mass, and your hard firm thighs hitting into his, I was lost in both pain and pleasure. my Master said I doubt you've had a dick this big inside you before, and I bet I'm the first big dick you ever had white boy, yes Sir, it is." I said. He laughed, and then Jed yell out could I can feel Sirs cockhead pushing between my cheeks, searching for Jed's tight boy hole. Jed arched his back and stuck his butt in the air as best he could, being tied the cross, and sirs searching cock found its mark. Sir grabbed Jed's hips and forced his thick rod inside him. "Fuck!" he screamed, and I started to moan half in pain, half in pleasure. Sir fed his thick cock deeper inside him, stretching his hole to the max, until he got every inch of his thick long cock inside him. Then sir fucks his hole like a rabbit in heat. Sir fucks him hard and long and sir shoot his load up tight hole of coach. As sir pulls his dick out he tells me to lick up and excess cum that might leak out of Jed asshole. Sir left the room disappears into room 10. I lean into Jed funky hole and flick my tongue in and out of his crack I could tasted the scent of my master dick on coaches hole. Jed he pushed his ass out a couple of an inch, indicated to me that he wanted me to keep licking his hole. He just stood there moaning and his breathing started to increases , as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed deep in his ass hole, I tasted the sweet taste of cum and sweat off the back of Jed's balls, and all my senses were on masters and Jed's musky scent. Oh yes, more, more give me more said Jed, that feels so good Bert your Master fucked me real good. Sir walked in and smiled at me. Boy its time that you leave me, so I can have time with the new slave hear alone, you can have the night off. In the morning report here at 9 am sharp and make sure you shaved and clean for me. Stay out of trouble. YES SIR THANK YOU SIR, you may go now boy. With that I left Jed with my master to get to know each other.

More to cum.

Next: Chapter 12

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