Master New Slave Boy

By moc.liamtoh@eteprehtorbgib

Published on Apr 9, 2005


I was ringing the door bell at this home which was an old grade school converted to a home. His place was on the outskirts of town I waited with eagerness I been taking to this guy named Bob William. I have exchanged pictures and talk on the phone and online for the last two week and was eager to meet face to face. I wait and waited and the door opened, there stood a six foot tall man with coal black hair and wearing a white t-shirt and jean and wearing mirror glasses, he must been around 195 skinny but well built. Bob said, you must be Bert Jackson, yes sir, I replied with a broken voice, follow me Bert, and I walked in brushing by Bob body as I passed him in the doorway. I should tell you how I found Bob was surfing the internet and found the bulletin board and it said. If you're looking for discipline, order in your life, gay or bi. Want to learn to serve. Answers at rwmaster@; don't waste my time if not serious about it. So I answered the ad. I'm 5'7' 175 lbs white male blonde hair in good to far shape, Wearing tight blue jeans and a black shirt and sneaks.

Bob took me into the living room, I sat down. He offered me some soda and I told him, I would like one, so Bob went down the hall and came back with two glasses of soda. I kept and eye on him wondering were he had gone off too. I was still a bit nervous about the whole thing. He sat down in a high back wooden chair, Bob asked about my family and I told him my mother died ten years ago and my father is a captain in the Marine Corps, now he's on an assignment oversea. I live with him till started school here at the local university; this is my second year here, studying law. Bob then asked if I worked out , I told him, my dad makes me run two miles when he get home and sometimes with some of his officer buddies and on the weekends we go to the gym on the post we usually work out for two hours. Tell me more about your dad and your relationship. My dad is very strict, once I forgot to clean my room and he told me to strip and spanked me over is knee with his belt, I knew better then not done my chores and had to pay for the price, I was spanked after doing my chores. My father says a man never cries only babies do and women. I and my father are close, very close, and he taught me how to have sex. When I turn sixteen and caught me jacking off one day, after seeing getting changed out of his uniform. And he sat me down and asked me if I was gay and told him I thought I was and after that we slept together when and my father was the first guy I fuck , dad gave me my first dildo and told me not to let anyone fuck me till I was eighteen. And on my eighteenth birthday my father fucked my hole for the first time, and after that we fucked every chance he got, we slept together till I started college.

Bob just nodded and the told me I might be looking for what he's looking for, on of his main rules is if I didn't do what' he said at the time or don't want to do it you must leave at once and never come back. And if your not ready for the commitment leave now. I'm looking for a slave boy, I can teach you things you never imagine .I looked at Bob in the eye and said I'm ready to learn. Bob said stand and from now on u address me as sir or master and you will do as I say or never come back here again, yes sir said Bart, Bob (sir ) said I will call you boy , slave or anything I chose at the time and you will do as I say, got boy, Bart said yes sir. Now stand and with that Bart stood up and waited for his new master to tell him what to do. Bart's new master told Bart to take off his shoes, socks and shirt. Now, with that boy start to take off his shoes and socks and lay them on the couch, then my shirt, sir stood in front of me and was looking me over, it was unnerving and exciting at the same time, then walked be hind me like he was inspecting some prized object , now the pants boy, I started to hesitate and sir yelled out take them off now or leave at once, with that I unbuckled my paint and took them off and folded them and place them on the couch , kept my eye forward not wanting to piss him off any more. He had anger in his face, which scared me but also excited me even more. The sir ran his hand over my chest and twisted my left nipple really hard, I tried not to show any reaction to the pain he was causing me at the moment, dam I'm getting a hard on and hope he doesn't notice it too much, but I really, man getting turned on by all of this. I wonder what I have gotten my self into, should I run or stay. Sir then said in a stern voice lose the underwear boy now and make it quick. With that I used my thumbs to push down my underwear, just then my eight inch uncut dick fell to attention and quickly folded them and place them on the pile of my stuff. Sir reaches for my ball which are the size of golf balls and squeezes them slightly to see if I would react, my dad like to squeeze them from time to time so I was use to having them played with rough, sir grabbed my dick and gave it a quick strokes, nice boy, were going to have a lot of fun with those balls of yours before you leave this weekend boy. With that sir went to a cabinet and pulled out a leather lace and tied it to my dick and ball, sir said we can stop this any time you be given a word to stop what ever we are doing, and if you say the word daisy we will stop but you have to leave and never come back here again never speak at all got it boy, yes boy said in a strong voice, now we can get your training started, and then led me down the bathroom and into the tub. First you will learn to keep your body smooth at all times, you will be shaved from head to toe and you will keep it shave or you will be punished understood boy, boy said YES SIR, whit that sir produces a electric barber shaver, on your knees boy, with that boy kneels down and waits for his master to begins the shaving of boys new life, with that sir proceeds to cut the hair off of boys head, first swipe was down the middle of boys head, and after that done tell boy to stand and to raise his arm to the sky and shave his arm pits, first the left then the right, boy you don't have too much hair , I like that. Sir tells boy to face him and spread your legs and with that sir shave all the hair on boy crotch and I see all my hair fall into the tub. By this time I started to leak precum, sir the stated you will not cum till I tell you so, its going to be hard, with a rock hard cock and being shave is so hot and new to me. With all of my hair gone just having some hair stubble, I don't know if I could hold out or not. Sir then reached for some shaving cream and put it all over my head and brought out a straight razor and sir told me not to move or I might cut your boy. Yes sir, I will not move sir, first he shaved my head, then my armpits and worked his way down to my balls and dick. The feeling of being shaving was too much for me and shot my load. Sir boy I told you not to cum unless I told you so, sorry sir I couldn't help it sir.

Luckily sir had just finished shaving my balls and dick. And sir slapped me real hard on my ass and left his hand print on my left cheek. The he told me to turn around and spread my cheeks; I turned and spread my cheeks with any questions. Sir took the razor and shaved my hole, and turned the shower on the cold water. Dam, it was cold and sir told me to rinse off quickly, I quickly rinsed off so I wouldn't upset my new master, by this time my cock had gone soft, sir handed me a towel, dry off quickly boy, move it boy, I dried off as quickly as I could and when I was dried sir grabbed my dick and ball and put on a metal cock ring which barely fitted but got it on thick steel cock rings, and it was cold against my flesh. Sir told me to follow him and I tried to keep up with him., my dick started to grow to semi-aroused state and my sexual frustration was growing with each passing minute, we entered a room down the hall, sir roughly pulled both hands behind my back and before he could utter another word sir placed wrist restraint on my left wrist then my right and I could hear padlock clicking then locked them together, and then proceeded to put some on my ankles and also putting padlocks on each ankle, I was in shock but also found it exciting sir then took me to a saw horse and told me to straddle it and I complied and sir fasten my ankles to each side of the sawhorse, then unhook my arm which were behind my back and told me to lay down., I did as I was told and he fasten my wrist to the other two legs of the sawhorse. The sawhorse was paddle and had leather covered, I never smelled leather except for my dad's boots. I'm frightened to find out what a waits for me next. With my ass exposed and sticking up I can only wonder what sir has in store for me. as I look around I can see a wooden cross a cabinet with a lot of leather stuff and the room doesn't have a window, the only lights from the center of the room, in on Conner is a metal cage and on another wall is chains handing down, so this must be what they call a dungeon room or play room, this is scaring me a bit, I wonder should I use the word or should I see were this leads too. Sir had left the room at this point. Sir walked back in wearing some black shorts and harness on, nothing more, didn't say a word and walk to the paddles and stuff were hanged on the wall, I didn't see what he took off the wall and walked behind me and said this is for shooting your load with out permission, I heard a whoosh and something hitting my ass, whack, the sting sent pain all through my body. Sir said, I guess your going to learn my rules the hard way, with that another whack at my ass this time my whole body moved and each time sir whacked me the plug felt like it was going in deeper to my hole. I was trying to brace my self for the next lashing, each time sir spanked me he told me a rule I must follow, whack, no talking unless spoken too, whack, you are to be naked in my presents, whack, do as you are told without hesitation, whack, you kneel at my feet or stand were I tell you to stand, whack, you look at the floor at all time unless told too, whack, you address me and everyone as sir or mam, whack, I didn't know how much more I can take I said to myself of this and whack, you will not touch your body unless its to wash your self. Then sir stopped walked behind me and pulled the plug out, when he did that I could hear air being sucked out of my hole. Sir then starting to rub and inspect he work he had done to my ass, it felt good to have him rub my ass. It was burning hot and expected to be beet red. Then the phone rang and sir left the room, I could not hear what was going on, it seemed sir was gone for a long time , sir returned and unfasten my legs and wrist from the sawhorse and picked up the leather lace the was attracted to my balls and cock and followed him to living room. Sir open a dish on the table and put tit clamps on my nipples, these had screws on them sir adjusted them so they were not digging too much in to my nipples, let see how long you can wear them. I'm expecting company soon you answer the door and ask who they want to see, got that, yes sir I said. With that sir took the leather lace and tide up my balls and cock more, even though I still had the cock ring still on. I could feel my balls and dick ache but I knew better not to complain. About an hour or so the door bell rang and I went to answer it and, I was turned on to open the door naked to a stranger. There at the door was a young man in his late twenties, dressed in a flight attended uniform. The man ask to see Mr. Williams please, I said sir please come in, the man checked me out and walked pass me. Sir was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans. The man address my master as sir, and asked if he could stay over the weekend, sir said dog boy you may stay and with that , dog boy started to take his uniform off , sir asked when dog boy had to leave, sir my flight leave Sunday morning at 11am sir. Thank you sir for letting me is able to serve you sir. Sir just stood there and told dog boy that this boy is in training and to be treated as such, all dog boy could say understand sir. Dog boy was naked and sir pulled out a thick black dog collar and put it on dog boy's neck and put a padlock to make sure it was on tight. I could see dog boy had both nipples had big rings hanging down and a Prince Albert on his eight inch cock which seemed to pull his dick down more the usual and to my surprise the guy had no balls at all, and no body hair from the neck down. I was shocked, it's the first time I seen a man with out no ball, dam.

Next: Chapter 2

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