Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Aug 12, 2005


Only because of an overwhelming number of requests I have written another chapter in the continuing saga of Master Jonathan. I appreciate all the emails and the encouragement. Keep it coming.

Master Jonathan Chapter 9

Ralph Toland

"So, explain to me why I would be interested," Jonathan asked the man sitting across from his desk.

"I'm not sure," he answered, "but your son told me all about you and what you like and don't like and he said you might be willing to help me. I guess I can't answer your question. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time."

He stood up as to leave , slowly getting up, discomfort and embarrassment clearly exhibited by his body language.

"SIT DOWN," Jonathan ordered, in a raised voice. "Don't come here asking for favors and then walk out before I have decided we are finished. I haven't said no to anything yet. You come in here asking for help and then give up as soon you don't get an enthusiastic yes. Christ, how do you make it through life?"

Jonathan sat staring at the man in front of him, waiting for some kind of reaction other than fear and humiliation. His oldest son had asked him to chat with a "friend," and help him out with his problem. Jonathan had been involved in many bizarre situations, but this was the most bizarre to date.

"Let me see if I have this right. You are 36 years old and you have never had sex with a woman or man. My son told you about me and you found yourself having some sort of reaction which you are unfamiliar with. You have a weak sex drive and have never had the urge to pursue sex with anyone, and now you think I might be able to unlock some sort of door for you. What exactly are you asking for?"

"Uh, I don't know really," he answered, looking down and rubbing his palms nervously up and down his lap. "Your son said you had a harem of sorts and I figured if I could hang out with them and watch, or something, maybe I'd get the same feelings I had when he told me about what goes on there." He paused, groping for words. "I'm sorry, I am just really confused, but these feelings are kinda new and I've been thinking about them for a long time."

Jonathan sat staring. A part of him wanted to laugh, a part of him wanted to feel sorry for this 39 year old man who had missed out on so much, and a part of him wanted to slap him for being so weak and indecisive. After a few minutes of watching the man Jonathan finally spoke.

"Ok, Eric, I'll try and help you." Eric looked up with

anticipation . "First off, I'm not letting you hang out, as you call it, with my bitches. I allow very few men to roam freely about my stable, and in this case it is out of the question. But, if you want help releasing these desires you claim you have never experienced, then I might be able to help. I don't have time for a lot of games so if you want this help from me there are some rules you will agree to right now. Otherwise you can leave.

Jonathan waited for a reaction, pretty much assuming the man across from him would choose to walk out. Eric nodded and said "ok."

In a few minutes I will have my assistant take you to the guest quarters. This evening he will come and get you and bring you to me. Once you have decided to come into my quarters you will no longer have control of the situation. You will not be asked your opinion about what I ask you to do, and you will not offer one. If I tell you to do something you will do it." Jonathan paused, gauging Eric's reaction. "Do you agree to all of this so far?"

Jonathan saw a slight look of doubt sweep across Eric's faced, then replaced by hint of excitement. Eric nodded.

"You know, I don't like being nodded to when I ask a question. Yes and no are perfectly good words, although I am not used to hearing the word, no."

"Yes. I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous."

Jonathan was encouraged by the man's sudden desire to submit. It meant he would be easy to subdue if he became resistant to any of Jonathan's unusual sexual tastes.

"Just to put your mind at ease. No one is going to hurt you. Some of the things I do to you might be uncomfortable at first, but you will find that pain and pleasure are parallel sensations. I get no pleasure hurting anyone. The more compliant you are the more pleasure you will experience. I think I can say with some confidence, we are going to open some big doors for you tonight." Jonathan said, a slight smile on his face.

"I understand. I'll do anything you say," Eric answered quickly, the nervousness and anticipation obvious in his voice.

"One last question, Eric. What was your relationship with your father like?" This was an important element for Jonathan. His answer would tell Jonathan a lot about how to work this man.

A perplexed look swept across his face, but he answered immediately. "I guess not great. He was kind of demanding, never really said much to me except when he criticized everything I did. I didn't really measure up to him. We don't talk much anymore."

"I see," said Jonathan, pausing. "And, did you spend a lot of time trying to please him."

"Yeah, a lot. It never worked though. Nothing pleased him. He'd just grunt and walk away when I told him about something good I did."

Jonathan nodded, as he heard what he already had figured out anyway. "From now on, you call me Dad or Daddy."

"Ok," Eric answered.

"Ok, what?" Jonathan asked, firmly.

"Ok, Daddy."

Leaning across his desk Jonathan pressed a button on his phone, summoning his assistant. In a few moments the door opened. His assistant entered and Jonathan gave him instructions.

"James, take Eric to the quest quarters and prepare him for a night with me. I think the usual is in order. Full pubic wax, good scrubbing." Jonathan paused, looking at Eric. "And have Bruno give him a full non-sexual massage. He is a little wound up, and I think a massage would do him good, don't you think, James?"

"Yes, sir, a massage from Bruno looks like it is definitely in order." With that, James led Eric out of Jonathan's office and to the quest quarters.

At about 9 oclock Eric found himself nervous but excited. The massage from Bruno had definitely eased the overwhelming tension his meeting with Jonathan had produced, but as the moment to be escorted to Jonathan approached he could feel the tension coming back. He looked at his naked image in the mirror. The waxing had been painful but not nearly as much as he had feared. He had never shaved his pubes so the look was new and strange, but brought out feelings in him he couldn't quite understand. As he looked at himself in the mirror he vowed he would let Jonathan do whatever he wanted. He sensed a life changing experience waiting for him, and he wanted desperately to go through with it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock at the door followed by its opening. James peered in, "It's time, Eric."

Eric looked down at his nakedness and asked, "what should I wear."

James smiled, and leading him out the door said "you are quite alright the way you are. "

Jonathan lay naked on his bed. Laying on his side, with his arm bent and his head resting in the pal m of his hand, he waited for Eric to be brought to him. He had thought off and on all day about the approach he would take. He finally came upon a simple plan he felt sure would succeed. Eric was simply unaware of his own sexuality. For reasons only years of therapy might uncover, Eric had never really experienced sexual pleasure, and had subconsciously denied it to himself. Jonathan's plan was to bring him to the edge of orgasm and hold him there for a long time. This would force him to feel the raw feelings of desire that an approaching orgasm brought out in everyone. At the moment of orgasm most people were at their most vulnerable, most open to suggestion, and willing to do anything to experience the release an orgasm delivered. At the same time, Jonathan would use him as a fucktoy and let him see how much his body could create desire in another person, be it man or woman. He would use Eric for his own pleasure, thus showing the man he was capable of being desirable. The breakthrough would come when he experienced his own orgasm at the same moment Jonathan flooded him with the copious flow of cum he was uniquely capable of delivering. Jonathan had to admit he was excited at this special challenge and could feel the familiar stirrings at the base of his cock that he always felt when he was about to conquer.

James brought Eric to Jonathan's bedside and with a soft "have a pleasant evening," he left.

Jonathan patted the mattress and said, "come here, lay next to me on your back."

Eric quickly complied and laid down next to Jonathan, nervously trying to figure out what to do with his hands. He was afraid he might do the wrong thing so he simply rested his arms by his side. He lay separated from Jonathan by a few inches. Jonathan reached across, grabbing him by the waist. "Closer," he ordered softly. Eric scooted closer till the whole side of his body was up against Jonathan's. He could feel Jonathan's leg up against his hand, and his soft but thick cock pressed against his arm.

Jonathan reached down and grabbed Eric's leg, pulling it over his own, leaving Eric with his legs spread. Jonathan gently slid his hand up and down Eric's inner thigh, trying to calm the slight shaking Eric was still experiencing. Looking into his eyes he told Eric, "we are both going to have deep pleasure, you'll see."

Eric suddenly felt a little calmer and answered "yes, daddy," bringing a smile to Jonathan's face.

Jonathan reached up and and put his and on Eric's mouth, slipping his middle finger between his lips. "Wet it," he said quietly.

Eric lay frozen momentarily at the unexpected invasion of his mouth. Except for trips to the dentist, no one had ever put their finger in his mouth. Wanting to please he quickly began to slide his tongue across Jonathan's finger, but his nervousness had left him with a dry mouth and the finger felt dry and rough. Jonathan pushed his finger to the back of Eric's throat causing him to gag. The gag reflex caused the saliva to flow and Jonathan moved his finger around inside his mouth. "That's better," he said.

Pulling his finger out of Eric's mouth, Jonathan moved it down between his legs and searched around for the tight little pucker of Eric's virgin ass. On feeling the tense ring he pushed his finger in till he had penetrated to the second knuckle. Eric lifted his ass of the bed, reacting to the sudden intrusion and let out an "unnggghhhh." The invasion caused him to grab Jonathan's arm.

"Let go of my arm," Jonathan ordered forcefully, and Eric quickly dropped his hand back on the bed.

Jonathan expertly found Eric's prostrate with his fingertip and began gently sliding it back and forth. At first Eric squinted his eyes and squeezed his ass tight around the invading finger, his body trying to expel it. Jonathan was undeterred and kept up the gentle massage, knowing he would soon get the reaction he was looking for.

Slowly, Jonathan noticed an easing of the tight clamp Eric's ring had on his finger and he knew he was getting the desired affect. As the ring opened Eric's body began to relax and his cock began to grow. It was not a particularly large cock but well shaped and crowned by a deep purple shiny head. There wasn't much to admire in his cock and to Jonathan it made no difference anyway since it was simply an appendage. Jonathan's only interest in men was their mouth and their pussy, and the pleasure they could bring him.

As he continued to massage the little almond shaped muscle, he noticed pre-cum forming at the head and knew his plan was working. Eric was beginning to moan slightly at the sensation and occasionally lifting his ass a few inches off the bed to give Jonathan deeper access. Occasionally, Jonathan would push his finger deep into Eric's ass, bringing a moan of pleasure. Jonathan kept up the massage for well over half an hour, stopping when he felt Eric might have a spontaneous orgasm. Every time he stopped he heard a whine of frustration from Eric, followed by a thrust from his ass as he vainly attempted to get more stimulation.

Finally, he pulled his finger out of Eric's tight ass and pushed it into his mouth. Eric was startled but quickly sucked the finger hard, running his tongue hungrily around it. Jonathan smiled to himself and was pleased with how quickly Eric was becoming a slut.

"Ok, bitch, time for something new, " Jonathan said as he slid up on the bed and leaned his back against the headboard. "Kneel between my legs."

Eric climbed between Jonathans legs and looked up at him. "What should I do," he asked.

Jonathan laughed slightly at the complete innocence in the question. "You are going to suck your Daddy's cock, that's what."

Jonathan had allowed himself to get fully erect while he was finger fucking his bitch and he was already beginning to leak prodigious amounts of pre-cum. To anyone who had been fucked by Jonathan this was totally expected. To Eric it was definitely not expected and he looked down in amazement at the way it ran out his piss slit and down the shaft.

Taking Eric's head in his hands he looked him directly in the eyes. "Here is where obeying me is EVERYTHING.

You don't listen to your body, you listen to me. You swallow when I tell you, not when your own instincts tell you. You DO NOT pull away from my cock. If you feel you can't breath, ride with it. I will pull back when I know you need to breath. UNDERSTOOD?"

Eric nodded and was rewarded with a firm slap across the cheek. "UNDERSTOOD, CUNT?"

"YES, DADDY, " Eric almost yelled in sudden shock. The slap was a complete surprise as was being called cunt, but he felt his cock twitch with pleasure at the role he was succumbing to. He was feeling things he had never felt. They felt good. In fact, they felt fantastic and all he could think about was how much he wanted these feeling to go on and on.

"Ok, suck Daddy's cock and listen carefully to my instructions," said Jonathan, in a softer tone.

Eric took the head of Jonathan's cock into his mouth and hungrily sucked the pre-cum that had coated it. It tasted slightly bitter but in his state of arousal he swallowed it hungrily. Jonathan had Eric's head still in his hands and he slowly pulled him down the thick, veiny shaft.

"Don't try and swallow. If you gag just go ahead and gag, but don't try and swallow. Let your saliva flow," he directed.

Eric felt the thick meaty head sliding down his tongue and hit the back of his throat. An uncontrollable gag reflex took over and he opened his mouth wide in reaction, his eyes closing tightly as his body convulsed. Jonathan backed off a few inches and Eric took a big gulp.

"Ok, let's try it again, but this time don't swallow or I will take action."

Pulling Eric's head down again Jonathan watched as half his cock disappeared in the open mouth. Eric gagged again and opened his mouth wide , convulsing. Jonathan eased back and this time Eric willed himself not to swallow. The saliva poured out his mouth and down over Jonathans throbbing cock. "Better," Jonathan said, encouragingly.

Once more Jonathan pushed down on Eric's head watching his lips slide halfway down his cock. This time Eric was able to control his gag reflex for a few seconds. When he did gag it was less dramatic than the previous two attempts, and Jonathan only pulled back an inch before putting it once again in the back of Eric's throat. Jonathan kept up this rhythm for a while, watching the gag reflexes diminish. Finally, he was able to hold it in the back of his throat till Eric's face turned red from lack of oxygen, then he would pull it out momentarily so the slut could breath.

The training continued for a long time till Jonathan could see Eric's lips almost reach the base of his cock. It pleased Jonathan to see how well Eric had adapted his normal reflexes in order to accommodate Jonathan's needs. As Eric worked on his cock Jonathan spoke softly to him.

"I've turned you into a slut. From now on, men are going to beg you to suck their cock. Few men can do what you are doing and you will be every man's favorite fucktoy. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. You have surrendered to me, you have turned yourself over to me and become a bitch ready to serve my needs. The only thing left is to turn your tight ass into a manpussy that is always ready to take a cock. Once I have broken your cunt in, you will have become a man whore, a cum pig, a thing to be used. You will beg men to fuck you and you will do anything to get men to shove their cocks inside you and breed you like the cunt whore you are. "

The words made Eric delirious. The more Jonathan spoke the more he lost himself in the total surrender he was experiencing. He had crossed a line and he never wanted to go back.

After what seemed hours of servicing his masters cock, Eric felt Jonathan pulling his head away from his cock. As the cock left his mouth several thick strings of spit ran from his lips to Jonathan's cock. Instead of flopping on his leg, Jonathan's cock stood straight up, twitching and continuing to leak precum.

"Lay on your back," ordered Jonathan.

Eric knew what was coming next and looking down at the massive piece of meat between Jonathans leg, a shiver of fear ran up his spine. Still, he was beyond protesting or challenging what was coming. He was Jonathan's whore and no longer had the capacity to even think about his own needs or fears.

Laying on his back, Eric watched as Jonathan reached for the night table and retrieved a bottle of dark yellow oil. Positioning himself between Eric's legs he told him to lift his legs and hold them back with his hands. Eric quickly complied.

Jonathan squeezed a generous amount of the thick oilon his finger tips and spread it between Eric's gaping cheeks. Taking another squeeze on his finger tips he smoothly inserted two fingers into the tight little muscle ring and pushed them up as far as they would go, moving them around vigorously, and ignoring Eric's groans of discomfort. Satisfied he had Eric's virgin cunt well lubricated, he leaned over and put the oil back on the night table. Moving back between Eric's legs he grabbed him by the ankles and spread his legs wide. Positioning his cock head against Eric's ass ring he held it in place as he leaned forward, allowing Eric's legs to slide down his arms till they were resting against the inside of his elbows. Jonathan gracefully leaned forward and as he dropped to Eric's chest slid his cock deep inside Eric's upturned ass.

Eric let out a long wail of pain and struggled vainly against the sudden and powerful intrusion. His struggles were tempered by the weight of Jonathan's heavy body. Jonathan held Erics legs forward so his ass was pushed up against his thighs, his cock held deep inside. Jonathan laid his head on Eric's shoulder waiting for the desperate struggles to stop. Jonathan knew there was no point in telling his bitch to calm down. Eric's reactions were normal and he couldn't control them. Besides, Jonathan loved to feel his bitches struggle beneath him. It gave him sense of power and control one only got from breaking a virgin mancunt.

Eric's struggles continued for several minutes, his hands alternating between raking across Jonathan's back, and gripping the headboard in a vain attempt to pull himself free from the painful invasion.

Jonathan ignored Eric's pleas to "STOP, STOP," and his cries of "IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO MUCH, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT." Jonathan smiled, listening to the anguish he knew would soon be replaced with moans of pleasure.

Slowly, Eric's struggles calmed and he lay under Jonathan panting. Jonathan raised himself slightly and looked down into Eric's sweaty face. "Suck on my tongue," he ordered.

Putting his open mouth against Eric's lips he felt his bitch hungrily suck his long tongue deep into his mouth. Eric couldn't get enough of the thick tongue in his mouth and tried to suck it to the back of his throat as he had done to Jonathan's delicious cock moments before. The pain in his invaded rectum was easing and he was beginning to feel a delicious full feeling deep inside. He tried moving his ass around slightly and the pleasant feelings grew stronger.

Jonathan, sensing the change in sensation Eric was experiencing pulled his cock out about and inch and then slowly pushed it back in. He was rewarded with a soft groan from his bitch. He pulled out a little more and pushed in again. The reaction of pleasure from Eric was more pronounced and he continued building his rhythm. Eventually, Jonathan was pulling his cock out till the base of his cock head was gripped by Eric's supple ass ring, then he would push it back down to the root. Eric was writhing under him, only this time they were the struggles of someone overcome by desire.

Jonathan pulled up off his bitch and with his hand supporting him on the mattress began to fuck his willing bitch in earnest. Jonathan was strong and his enormous strength was at its most pronounced when he was pounding a new conquest. He rammed his cock deep and hard, his balls slapping loudly against Eric's upturned ass. Looking down at his bitch's face he could see the expressions of total surrender. He eyes were glassy and small rivulets of drool leaked from the corners of his mouth.

"That's it bitch, take my cock. Lift that cunt up so I can pump you full of what you want. Tell me how much you like it, TELL ME," Jonathan commanded.


Jonathan looked down at his cock as he pulled it out of Eric's stretched pussy. The tight little ring of muscle was holding it's strength and would grip his cock as he pulled it out, stretching outward along his shaft till he pushed it back.

Jonathan fucked Eric for over an hour, flipping him into different positions and getting his cock back into the tight hole as quickly as possible to keep his bitch peaked. Occasionally, he would sense Eric nearing an orgasm and he would push firmly and painfully against his perineum to frustrate the bitch's need to cum.

When he fucked him on his hands and knees, Jonathan grabbed the sluts hair and pulled his head back as he pounded his cock in and out with quick, powerful thrusts. Nothing he did to Eric failed to elicit groans of deep pleasure and cries to GO DEEPER.

Finally, the moment had arrived. He would allow the bitch to experience a mind altering orgasm, and flood his rectum and face with an extraordinary volume of hot sperm. It was Jonathan's trademark, ejaculating an amount of cum equal to ten healthy men.

Flipping him over on his back, Jonathan pushed his cock deep in his ass and held it deep, letting his balls contract and churn as the cum built up power. Looking down, he order Eric to jack himself. Eric grabbed his own cock and began to stroke hard as Jonathan pulled his cock out a few inches then push it in with a long, loud groan. Eric sensed the eruption deep in his bowels and it felt like a steaming hot enema, bringing him instantly to orgasm. His cum shot up across his chest, over his face and onto the headboard, leaving a long thick strand of viscous cum handing from the rail. He continued jacking and shot a giant stream across Jonathan's chest.

Jonathan fired off a second thick hosing of hot cum inside his bitch's hungry pussy, then pulled it out, and took it in is fist. Pulling down on his cock he fired a long rope across Eric's chest, then climbed up and grabbed behind the bitch's neck and lifted his lips to his cock. Pushing his cock into his mouth he let go of a fourth heavy rope of the slimy fluid to the back of Eric's throat. Eric gagged and Jonathan pulled out, shooting the remaining two heavy loads across his face, covering him in a heavy coating of cock juice.

As Jonathan pumped the last remaining cum out of his cock his orgasm receded and he collapsed on the bed next to Eric. Both men lay there panting softly as their pounding hearts slowed down.

Eric finally spoke. "I want more. I want you to fuck me again and again and again. I want to be your fucktoy forever. Please daddy, make me your bitch."

Jonathan quietly drifted off to sleep.

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