Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 20, 2005


This is Chapter 7 of the Master Jonathan series, and the second half of chapter 6. This may be the last of the series. I'm running out of ideas. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcom

Master Jonathan - Chapter 7

Ralph Toland

Jonathan spent the morning tying up a lot of loose ends so he would have the afternoon and evening free when JJ arrived. JJ always brought guests with him who would provide unusual entertainment for both of them. With his healthy trust fund, JJ was able to travel the world and explore things few men had the time or the money to explore. Since the old man was the source of his wealth, it seemed to JJ that sharing his discoveries with his father was logical and fair. Besides, the old man got such pleasure out of the unusual playthings JJ brought home, it made the effort worthwhile.

Calling from the airplane JJ had left a voice mail for Jonathan that morning telling him he would be arriving at the airport around 2 pm and to be sure and send the driver to meet them. He ended the message cryptically, telling Jonathan to keep an open mind. Jonathan could hear a short chuckle from JJ before the message ended in a dial tone.

Jonathan was both apprehensive and a little excited by the voice mail. Keeping an open mind could mean anything. He wouldn't put it past JJ to bring a couple of women with him. While neither he nor JJ were particularly interested in fucking women, from time to time each had experienced straight sex as an offshoot of some other sexual experience. Once, Jonathan had turned a proper young housewife into a cock worshipping slut in order to enjoy the pleasure of watching her husband turn into a submissive. They had been houseguests and Jonathan had grown weary of seeing the man put her down and degrade her in front of his household in order to prove his manhood. She was miserable but put up with is simply because over time she accepted her husband's constants verbal assaults, and began to believe she was as worthless and unwanted as he made her out to be. One night, after a particularly vicious verbal diatribe against her, Jonathan had slapped the bully across the face several times and subdued him. Then, while the husband sat cowering with fear in the corner of his living room pit, Jonathan had fucked his wife. She had struggled and fought against Jonathan, but once he had her naked, she was as docile as Jonathan knew she would be. She had a stunning body for a woman of 35 and while Jonathan preferred a tight man cunt, he rather enjoyed fucking her. Jonathan didn't humiliate or mistreat this spiritually broken woman in order to subdue her, he simply made her feel sexually powerful. His hard cock impressed her and left her feeling desirable again. Once it was in her mouth and Jonathan was encouraging her to enjoy her own sexual power she became aggressive and open. She sucked on it greedily and took half of it down her throat. Jonathan worked with her for 45 minutes, letting her savor his manhood and feel his expanding mushroom head swell in the back of her throat. By the time he was ready to fuck her she was on her hands and knees, wiggling her well rounded ass at Jonathan and begging him to fuck her. Jonathan mounted her and for the next hour she took every opportunity to give her husband the same treatment he had been giving her for years. She would scream for Jonathan to fuck her deeper and tell him she had never been fucked to deep and so good. She would look over at her husband while she said particularly obscene things to Jonathan. She offered Jonathan her ass and told him he could have anything else he wanted. She told Jonathan she wanted to be his slut, his whore, his bitch. When Jonathan finally emptied his massive load of sperm in her she exploded in a frenzied orgasm that seemed to last minutes. As the final insult to her now broken husband, she stood with her back to him, and embraced Jonathan, giving him a long, open mouthed kiss. As she stood in Jonathans arms with her legs slightly parted, she contracted her stomach and with flatulent gurgling sounds forced Jonathan's prodigious deposit of cum from her pussy, letting it run down her inner thighs, over her perfectly shaped calves, to form a creamy puddle on the carpet between her feet. Pulling back from Jonathan, she smiled and with an earthy laugh told him "I hope enough of your sperm stayed inside to make a baby."

It had been an interesting experience, but Jonathan still preferred to rut with men. He hoped JJ's comment about keeping an open mind didn't mean he was bringing women with him.

At 2:30 the car bearing JJ and his guests pulled up in front of the mansion. Jonathan was there to greet them and opened the door to the limo with joy and anticipation. There was no one he enjoyed being around more than JJ. As he opened the door two little legs swung out and jumped to the pavement. A short boy who couldn't have been more than 12 jumped out and looked up at Jonathan and smiled. "Hi, Sir, " he said.

Before Jonathan could answer another set of legs popped out of the open door and jumped to the pavement. An identical twin of the first boy popped out and looked up at Jonathan. "Hi, sir"

The boys were tow headed and their blue eyes were filled with excitement and glee as they looked at the mansion before them. One elbowed the other and said "WOW, this is going to be COOL."

At that moment, JJ stepped out from the other side of the limo and looked over the roof of the car at Jonathan. "Hey, Pops," he exclaimed with his typical wide grin. "Now, before you say anything, let me explain."

Jonathan looked down at the boys and then up at JJ and said "yes, please do."

JJ signaled to the butler, who was waiting at the front door of the mansion, "James, will you take our two young friends to the guest quarters?"

As the boys ran off with James following closely behind, JJ came around the car and gave his old man a big bear hug. "How's it going pops?"

"It was going fine, JJ," Jonathan answered, "only I'm not so sure now. What's the deal with the boys?"

"Let's go inside and I'll explain everything" JJ said, pulling his father by the arm toward the mansion.

Once inside and settled in, JJ joined his father in the pit. Jonathan looked at him, with a serious expression, "so explain."

"I've been to the most amazing place, Pops," JJ began.

"It's an island in the Caribbean owned by a man kinda like you, rich and interested in unusual things. The island is a resort for the fabulously wealthy and it caters to only the most unusual sexual tastes. These boys, along with a lot of others like them were taken from orphanages and raised there with lots of love and special training. They don't look a day over 12 but are really 14. They have been trained from an early age to treat sex as a pleasure and something to be enjoyed to the fullest. Nothing was ever forced on them but they were treated to the most sensual experiences from the time they were small. It is gradual process so they move through the levels of sexual pleasure and self exploration in a gradual way.

Some who don't choose to accept it are returned to good homes with a hefty trust fund. Those who stay, do so because they love the openness and freedom they have on the island."

JJ paused, letting Jonathan take in what he was telling him.

"These two," he continued, "are among the best on the island. They have a natural and open love for older men. They will do anything you ask, and do it happily. I paid 50 thousand dollars to have them for three days and they are at their prime. They have learned how to kiss passionately, how to use sexual language that is right for the moment, and how to make a man feel like a million bucks. But, get this pop," he said, leaning in close to Jonathan, "they've never been fucked."

Jonathan leaned back, thinking about everything JJ had told him. A part of him wanted to send the two boys packing and smack JJ for even considering what he was suggesting. Another part of him was visualizing one of the boys in his arms, his porcelain skinned legs wrapped around his waist in a passionate embrace.

"So, for arguments sake, lets assume I go along with this. Is it really worth 50 thousand dollars to get a blow job and some fondling from one of these boys?" countered Jonathan.

"No, no, that's just it pops," said JJ, "for the past year they have been going through a series of ever increasing stretching exercises to allow them to accommodate a man's cock. Even a cock as big as yours. They spend hours with a specially designed device in their little butts. They started with tiny pencil thick ones till the most recent, which were the size of a 10 inch and very thick cock. The dildos not only are shaped like a man's cock, but they have small electronic probes on them that are remotely activated from time to time to stimulate their prostate. They don't just accept the dildos, they LOVE them."

With that, Jonathan sat back and looked at his father, waiting for his reaction.

"I'm not sure, JJ. You know I am open to almost anything new and different when it comes to the pleasures of the body. But, I've always had a thing about young boys. I don't like the idea of using someone who isn't in a position to make the right choice. I'm just not sure."

"Look, Pops, I would agree with you if these were just kids of the street, but these boys have been raised to love men and love their own sexual prowess and pleasure. If you just sit here and do nothing they are going to make the first move. It's not like we will be doing anything they wouldn't want to do anyway. "

Jonathan remained quiet, thinking. "Let's do this," JJ continued, "let's let them just play video games or whatever all afternoon and you and I will catch up on stuff. Then after dinner we will spend time with them, and if they don't make it clear they want to do anything with either of us, we will send them off to bed and call it a night. How does that sound."

Jonathan sat, contemplating everything. All he could think about was a naked young body squirming in his arms. And his usual rules about age and youth slowly evaporated. "Ok, we'll try it. But no coaxing or suggesting anything. It's got to come from them."

"Deal" said JJ. "But remember pops, these boys act younger than they are. Because of the free environment they have grown up in they don't take on all the macho and budding pubescent attitudes of typical boys. In some ways they very childlike, and in other ways they are more grown up than a lot of college guys. When it comes to sex they are very grown up and mature. Their bodies look a lot younger but that's because they were recently waxed of all hair. If you add their naturally innocent attitudes about everything but sex, you'd swear they were 12."

"How do you know so much about this, JJ," Jonathan asked.

"Well, pops," said JJ, smiling with a twinkle in his eye, "I was on the island for two weeks and lived with a Thai boy for the entire time."

"I see, " said Jonathan, shaking his head and smiling.

"One last thing, Pops, please don't use these boys the way you use most of the bitches in your stable. These boys won't understand any attempt to dominate them. They will do anything you want to do and will come up with a lot of ideas themselves. But if you start demanding things, they will be totally confused. So, can you just lay back and enjoy the evening and the next few days without getting into your typical role?" JJ put emphasis on the word role.

"No, no, I already figured that out, JJ. You know I don't always have to control a situation with a dominating attitude. If it happens like you claim it will happen I will just let nature take its course.

"Damn, Pops, this is going to be great," said JJ, slapping his old man on the leg.

Jonathan and JJ ate dinner alone, using the time to catch up on all of JJ's travels and the comings and going of his brothers. When dinner was over they moved to the pool area and shedding their clothes, climbed in to relax in the warmth of the heated water.

As they floated around JJ suggested they have the twins join them, and sent James after them. When the twins arrived poolside they were both wearing the tiniest of speedos. They weren't what you would call thongs, but certainly a good half of their milky round butts were visible and their still developing cock and balls were snug and outlined by the tight material.

As they stood at the edge of the pool they broke into big smiles and looked around at the opulence. "Wow, this is coolest pool I've ever seen, " one of them exclaimed.

They both dove in at the same time and swam underwater up to JJ and Jonathan, each coming up next to one of the men and holding on to their arm as they kicked to keep their head above water. Finally, Jonathan's twin reached and put his arm around Jonathans neck and relaxed his kicking. Wiping his hand down his face to clear the water from his eyes and nose he looked at Jonathan and asked, "what should I call you?"

"What do you want to call me," asked Jonathan.

"Well, on the island I call all the older men who take care of me, Daddy. Can I call you Daddy."

"Daddy is nice. And, what should I call you, " asked Jonathan.

"I'm Jeremy and my brother is Joshua. You can call us that or anything else you like."

"Ok, it's Jeremy and Joshua, then. For now, anyway," said Jonathan, smiling broadly at JJ.

Jonathan felt strangely comfortable with the boy. The boy was a naturally friendly child and felt really comfortable holding on to his neck. Jonathan reached under the boys upper thigh, pulling the buoyant lad into a sitting position on his forearm.

Looking over at JJ, Jonathan could tell he felt the same level of comfort with Joshua and was wiping the boy's wet blond hair out of his eyes. There was something appealing about the boys, something Jonathan had not experienced before. The boy felt natural in his arm and he had a sudden urge to kiss him. Leaning forward he gave him a small peck on the side of his mouth. Jeremy smiled, turned, and gave Jonathan a kiss on the lips. It wasn't a provocative kiss, but it was certainly more than just a friendly peck.

When he pulled back from the kiss, Jeremy reached around Jonathan's neck with his free hand and pulled himself in front of Jonathan and wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling tight on Jonathan's neck till his chin was resting on his shoulder. Jonathan, startled by the sudden intimacy of the moment, put his hands on the boys buttocks and held him in place. The feel of the smooth round globes in his hand set mild stirrings though the base of his cock. He gently kneaded on Jeremy's fleshy rump.

Leaning back so he could look Jonathan in the eyes, Jeremy asked "you want me to take my suit off??

"Sure, if you'd like."

"Yeah, it's scrunching my balls up. Hold on to me."

With that he held on to Jonathan's arms for a moment till he felt the man's big hands under his armpits keeping him afloat, and he reached down and pulled his speedo off, letting it sink to the bottom of the pool.

Then he wrapped his legs around Jonathan again and pulled himself in tight. Jonathan put his hands under the boy's butt as much to get a handful of round flesh as to support him.

Jonathan looked over to see JJ and Joshua in a deep kiss, oblivious to what he and Jeremy were up to. As he very slightly massaged the smooth skin resting in his hands, Jeremy reached down and adjusted his own stiffening cock. Once he had it pointing straight up and squeezed between the two of them Jonathan could feel the boy cock grow into a respectable 4 inches or so. It was still in the earlier stages of puberty, but certainly getting there. Jonathan reached under further till he would take the boys tight ball sack in his fingers and fondle them. He took each of the boys little almond sized nuts and gently rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger, sending a sudden shudder through the boy.

"Did that hurt?" asked Jonathan, with concern in his voice.

"No way, that feels really good."

Jonathan resumed his gently exploring, basking in the feeling of relaxed pleasure this boy was giving him. Pulling him back from the embrace Jonathan looked at him and asked, "you want to go to bed with me, baby?"

The boy smiled and nodded, and hugged Jonathan tightly. Jonathan began wading to the pool steps with the boy clinging tightly to him. Looking over at JJ, he said "we'll be in the play quarters if you care to join us later."

When he had carried the boy out of the pool he let him down and wrapped him in a huge towel. Jeremy stood there pulling the towel tightly around himself and watched as Jonathan dried himself off. As Jonathan finished drying himself he allowed his body to respond to the boys allure and his cock stiffened into an erection. The boy looked at it, then up at Jonathan, and smiled.

Jonathan reached over, pulling the towel off the boy and rubbing it over his still wet chest and and tummy.

Dropping the towel on the floor he reached down and picked the boy up like a young bride on her wedding night. "C'mon baby, daddy wants to make love to you."

The boy put his arms around Jonathan's neck and said "I want that," as he kissed him on the cheek.

The play quarters was a room Jonathan reserved for multiple partners to enjoy sexual encounters. The three king sized beds were placed strategically around the room and had only silk sheets and lots of pillows on them. When Jonathan used any of the beds the silk sheets had to be thrown out since his prodigious flow of cum left them permanently stained even under the most rigorous washing.

Jonathan placed Jeremy gently on one of the beds then adjusted the lights till they were bright enough to see boys alabaster skin yet dark enough to set the romantic mood he wanted. Once he was satisfied with the lighting he moved to a chest of drawers and pulled out a bottle of thick creamy coconut oil he reserved for special situations like this. As he set the bottle on the nightstand next to the bed he looked down to see the boy, his cock twitching in anticipation, his arms outstretched for Jonathan.

Jonathan climbed on the bed next to the boy and embraced him, pulling him to him and kissing him full on the mouth. The boy snuggled up close to Jonathan, his cock up against his upper belly, his mouth open, waiting for Jonathan's tongue.

Jonathan slipped his tongue hesitantly into the boys mouth, not wanting to choke him by pushing to much down the back of his throat. For his part, Jeremy wanted more, and sucked greedily on Jonathans tongue, wrapping his lips around and pulling it into his mouth.

Feeling the boys cock rubbing against his stomach, Jonathan placed his hand on the boys small heart shaped ass and pulled him close. The feeling of a small body against him, urging him on with his thrusting, forced a long sigh from Jonathan's mouth. He felt fully aroused and at peace.

Jonathan pulled the boy away from the kiss and looked down at the smallish cock that was feeling so delightful against his hairy stomach. A thread of precum stretched from a small tangled mess in his stomach hair to the boys purple cock head. The cock was beautiful and an image of perfection. It was pure white, and cut, with a perfectly shaped deep purple head. It stood straight up with the top of the it almost touching his smooth stomach. The boy reached down and grabbed his cock between his fingers and stroked it a few times. Jonathan quickly grabbed the boys hand, pulling it away.

"Wait baby, Daddy will make you cum in good time," Jonathan whispered. "We have all night."

The boy looked past his own cock and gazed at Jonathans throbbing member. Jonathan's cock looked to be three times the size of his own and he could only guess how much thicker. He reached down and wrapped his small hand around it. Histhumb and forefinger did not meet. The sight of that small hand trying to wrap around his cock sent shivers down Jonathans back.

"You want to play with your Daddy's cock, Jeremy?"

The boy nodded and crawled down as Jonathan rolled to his back. Reaching over, Jonathan grabbed a couple of the pillows and put them under his upper back so he was sitting up slightly and could watch the boy work on him.

The boy wrapped one hand around the base of Jonathan's cock and the other above it. Above the upper hand was three inches of hard cock meat which the boy took that into his mouth, gently sucking and rubbing his tongue briskly under the purple helmet.

Jonathan was mesmerized by the sensation and the image before him. "Who trained you like this, baby."

The boys shrugged as he continued ministering to Jonathan's throbbing cock.

"Now, you didn't learn this on your own, baby. Someone must have taught you."

The boy pulled his mouth away from cock and as he had been taught, kept his bottom lip in contact with the cock. Jonathan recognized the technique immediately and knew this boy was no amateur. Keeping the lips or tongue in contact with the cock was essential to keeping the state of arousal continuous. As he rubbed his bottom lip across Jonathan's cock slit he said "my oral daddy taught me. Am I doing ok? Do you like it?

I want to make you feel good."

Jonathan grinned at the ridiculousness of the question "Oh yes baby, you are making me feel very good. Did you have Daddies who taught you other things?"

Jeremay smiled and nodded slightly, then took Jonathan's cock back in his mouth.

The boy made love to Jonathan's cock forever, or so it seemed to Jonathan, who lost track of time as he laid there letting his cock throb and twitch from the boys expert mouth.

Finally, Jonathan grabbed the boy by the arms and dragged him up his chest till his mouth was above him.

Pulling him down he gave him an open mouth kissed and tasted the flavor of his own cock. The boy was thrusting himself against Jonathans stomach in an effort to release the cum that was gurgling deep at the base of his little cock.

"Slow down baby, you're going to make yourself cum," warned Jonathan.

The boy looked at Jonathan and said "I like cumming. I can do it lot's of times in one night."

Jonathan stared at the boy momentarily then shrugged his shoulders slightly. "have it your way," he said smiling and suddenly caring that the boy have as many orgasms as he could give him. It was an unusual feeling for Jonathan to care if the boy or man he was fucking had an orgasm. Normally, it was of no consequence and in his mind simply a mild annoyance. The only time it mattered was if his cock was buried deep in his bitch's rectum and the orgasm made his sluts ass lips tighten around his cock. Then it could be a mildly stimulating feeling.

Rolling over he placed the boys tight butt on pillows so it was raised up, his legs naturally relaxed back towards his shoulders. The boy's cock was leaking precum in heavy rivulets around his little inny belly button. Jonathan looked down at the glowing boy in the darkened room. His skin was a smooth white alabaster, with two little tight nipples framed on his small chest. He wasn't skinny and there was still a tiny roll of baby fat around his tummy. Jonathan marveled at how perfect his body was. His little ball sack that had been drawn up tight after emerging from the pool had now distended and was laying languidly against his perineum. His 4 inch cock was twitching spasmodically, anticipating whatever Jonathan had planned.

Jonathan put his hands under Jeremy's knees and pushed forward gently, lifting his tight butt a little higher. "Spread yourself for me, baby," Jonathan asked.

Jeremy put his hands on his smooth globes and pulled them apart, exposing his tight little hole. Jonathan leaned forward and put his mouth over the wrinkled boy pussy and began to run the top of his tongue around the edges. Jeremy leaned his head back and moaned loudly, thrusting his boy cunt up against his Daddy's tongue.

"Oh daddy, that feels so good. Push it in me daddy. Fuck your baby with your tongue."

It was the first time he had heard the boy use any strong language and the contrast of the melodious alto voice uttering those sexually charged words sent a tingle through Jonathan's cock. He pushed harder and the tight little ring received him, spreading itself open, and inviting his tongue to penetrate deep. Jeremy pulled his legs back further and let out short little "nnnnnhhhhh" sounds over and over as the hot tongue wormed it's way almost to his tiny prostate.

Jonathan could tell the boy was very near having an orgasm so he pulled his tongue out and watched the little ring of tight flesh slowly clamp shut. He marveled at the flexibility and tightness of the boy pussy he had just eaten.

Jonathan took the little hairless ball sack in his hand and massaged it as the boy continued moving his head back and forth on the pillow, grunting and whining as his body begged for release. Putting his head down Jonathan took the boys quivering cock between his lips and slid them down the length of his shaft. The young boy pushed his cock up hard against Jonathan's mouth, banging his pubic bone against Jonathan's upper lip. Jonathan began a firm and constant sucking on the boys cock, feeling it grow bigger from the vacuum he was creating in his mouth. Suddenly the boy let out a long high pitched squeal and Jonathan felt a hot thick liquid mass hit the back of his throat. Jonathan continued sucking as Jeremy spasmed through 4 heavy squirts of thick boy cum. When Jonathan felt him finally relax he pulled the cock out of his mouth with a pop, keeping his mouth closed. He had not swallowed any of the boy's cum

Climbing over the boy he held his mouth a few inches above Jeremy's. Taking his thumb, Jonathan gently pulled the boys mouth open, letting a long string of cum fall from his mouth and into his boy lover's open mouth. The boy swallowed the first offering after which Jonathan lowered his mouth down giving the boy what was left. They kissed passionately as the boy ate his own cum ravenously, like a baby bird being fed by its mother.

Jonathan pulled away and reached for the bottle of coconut oil on the night table.

Sitting back on his own legs, Jonathan opened the bottle and poured some of the thick cream on his finger tips.

"Time for daddy to put his seed in you, Baby," Jonathan said.

Jeremy looked up at Jonathan with glassy eyes, still not fully recovered from the intense experience of a moment ago.

"Breed me, Daddy. How do you want me?" Jeremy asked.

"Let's start with you just the way you are, then we'll try a few different positions." Jonathan said softly.

Jonathan took some of the cream on his fingertips and gently rubbed it all over and around the boys tight little pucker. Then, putting a heavy glob on his fingertip he pushed it passed the tight sphincter, searching for the boys little prostate. As soon as he found it he rubbed his finger across it and the boy spasmed slightly, pushing back against the invading finger. Instantly, his little cock got hard and twitched a few times.

As Jonathan was spreading the oil inside the boys hot rectum the door opened and in came JJ and Joshua. Joshua had his legs around JJ's waist and had him mounted on his hard cock. his hands enveloping the boys round ass. With every other step JJ would raise and lower his his fucktoy up and down on his glistening tool. Joshua's forehead was resting against JJ's shoulder and he was making low guttural sounds as JJ's hot cock slithered over his excited prostate.

JJ carried the boy to a straight back chair in the corner of the room and sat down with the boy still impaled on his cock. He continued to raise and lower the half crazed boy as he looked over at his old man, prepping Jeremy to be fucked.

"Damn, not again," said JJ suddenly pulling Jeremy away from his chest, forcing the boys to drop down on his cock till it was balls deep in his rectum. Jonathan looked over and saw JJ's balls up against the boy's stretched ass lips. It was hard to believe there was 11 inches of thick cock deep inside the boy's body.

"He came again," muttered JJ in disbelief. "I think this is the 4th time. This kid just keeps cumming and cumming. It's amazing." And with that he grabbed him by the waist and started fucking him up and down on his cock.

Jonathan turned back to Jeremy and pulled his finger out. Taking a little of the lube in the palm of his hand he stroked his own cock a few times to coat it.

Putting his hands on the boys lower thighs he said "you ready little man?"

Jeremey nodded and as Jonathan poised his cockhead near the boy's entrance he saw the tight little sphincter open up slightly. The boy had been trained to relax his little pussy to accept a man cock. Jonathan just shook his head in amazement. This boy was a constant surprise.

Jonathan placed his cockhead up against the entrance and pushed. It was warm and very tight, but put up little resistance. His cock slipped in and he pushed till his trimmed pubic hairs were against the boys perineum. When the boy was completely impaled on Jonathans hard fuck tool, he pulled his head back and let out a long groan, then pulled on his legs to lift his ass higher and allow for that last little extra bit of penetration. The boy lived to have big, man cock buried deep in his tight rectum, and this one felt particularly good. He hoped this went on all night.

Jonathan bent forward over the boy and hooked his arms behind the boys knees. As he leaned forward it naturally pulled the boys ass to meet his thrusting cock. Once he found the most comfortable position, Jonathan settled into long deep strokes, pulling his cock out almost to the head then slamming it home, stroke after stroke after stroke.

JJ looked over toward his father and could see the small round ass raised up to accept the veiny, thick cock. As Jonathan would pull his cock out, the boys tight little asslips would grip the fleshy rod and pucker out, leaving a trail of slime and lube along the thick tube.

JJ pulled Joshua off his cock and carried him over to one of the available beds. He put the boy on his back, put pillows under his round butt, and began fucking him just like the old man was doing. The sounds of hairy man thighs slapping soft boy ass was intoxicating. JJ watched the old man's hairy ass flex and relax as he thrust his cock in and out of the tight little boy cunt.

Jonathan pulled his cock out of the boy and quickly flipped him over on his stomach. The pillows that had raised his ass in the air were now were under his stomach and forced his ass up higher than his legs and torso. Jonathan roughly forced the boy's legs apart then grabbed his hips and pulled him onto his cock. Looking down, Jonathan was intoxicated by the image of the tight, creamy white globes spread obscenely for his thick cock. The contrast of this massive hairy thigh and stomach, against this creamy dimpled ass that drove Jonathan almost over the edge. It was taking immense concentration not to cum, and finally he gave up trying. He would fuck the boy two or three times if he had to, but right now he really needed to cum. But, he wouldn't cum in his ass this time, that would come later. This first time he wanted to see the wonder in the boys eyes when he saw Jonathan's massive cock erupt in geyser after geyser of thick man cum.

Pulling out of the boy, Jonathan dropped back and sat on the mattress, his legs folded under so his heels were on either side of his thighs. He leaned back and supported himself with the palms of his hands behind him on the mattress.

"Come eat Daddy's cum," Jonathan told the boy.

Jeremy quickly crawled over and took Jonathan's cock in both hands, taking his cock head and several inches into his mouth. His hands slipped up and down on Jonathans lubed cock. Jonathan stared at the boy's actions and moaned.

"Don't be frightned baby, daddy is going to feed you a lot of cum. Swallow what you can and don't worry about the rest.

The boy moaned in anticipation and then lifted his mouth off Jonathans cock and held it wide open, only inches above Jonathan's piss slit. Then he took his hands and began sliding them down Jonathan's cock. As one hand would reach the base he would move it to the top and chase his other hand down the slippery pole. Jonathan's jaw dropped at the intense sensation this was creating deep at the base of his cock. His cum was boiling and screaming to erupt, but the boys was forcing it back down and giving Jonathan a pre orgasmic sensation such as he had never experienced. Suddenly, the pressure became to great and the first stream of hot semen came shooting up Jonathan's cock, erupting with incredible force. It shot into the boys open mouth with a splattering noise even JJ and his fuck boy could hear. It was like a giant water pic in Jeremy's mouth, and most of it came out and back down over Jonathan's cock and the boys hands before he could close his mouth and swallow. As he swallowed what was left, another surge shot out through the piss slit and hit the boys closed mouth, running down his chin and dripping down on his arms. He opened his mouth but turned his head slightly and the next shot struck him on the cheek. The boy giggled at the cum bath he was getting and then simply moved his face around, hosing himself with squirt after heavy squirt of Jonathan's hot sperm. By the time the last squirt fired from jonathan's piss slit the boy was awash in cum. He leaned back and smiled, heavy gobs of the thick white goo hanging from his bangs, running over his eyebrows and nose, and covering his cheeks. He lifted his hands in front of his face and spread and closed his fingers, showing long thick strings of the thick man cream between his small digits. The boy was in heaven.

Jeremy looked over at his brother who was still being fucked savagely by JJ, and smiled. "Wow, I've never seen this much cum before. This is hot. "

He leaned into Jonathan, who opened his arms, took the cum covered boy in an embrace, and held his wet face to his chest. Bending his head down he sucked a small rivulet of cum off the boy's bangs and then kissed him on the mouth.

Pulling away, he told the boy, "go get cleaned up and come back to me. Daddy wants to make love to you all night.

Next: Chapter 8

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