Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 14, 2005


This is chapter six of the continuing story. This story is the part one of two parts. Not sure who Jonathan's son will bring with him to the estate. Suggestions are welcome.

Jonathan awoke slowly from his deep sleep. It was mid morning and he lay there slowly awakening to the feeling of something warm and wet sucking on one of his nipples. With his eyes closed he reached up and put his hand on the soft hair of the boy suckling on his nipple. He caressed the hair and tried to focus his mind on who it was he had fucked before falling asleep at his usual 3 or 4 am. The gentle sucking was pleasant and he lay in a blissful state of semi consciousness slowly recalling who's pussy he bred during the night. He finally remembered it was brad, one of his favorites and stable resident for almost a year. Jonathan let out a long sigh and the bitch sucked a little bit harder.

Jonathan let the boy work on his nipple for a while longer then put his hand on top of his head and urged him down. Following Jonathans direction the boy worked his tongue slowly down his masters hairy chest and stomach, pausing for a few moments to worm his tongue into his navel. Jonathan allowed him a few moments of tonguing then pushed his head till he boys mouth was near Jonathan's flaccid but thick cock. The boy placed his hand under it and cradled the thick tube. The head hung over the side of the palm of his hand and the boy took the mushroom head into his mouth, sucking the soft fleshy meat with a slurping sound, drawing the head to the back of his mouth. With his nose nestled in his master's thinly cropped pubic hair he very gently suckled on the cock, like a baby feeding at it's mother's breast.

Jonathan lay immobile letting his bitch's sucking action settle into a slow steady rhythm. Then, he relaxed his sphincter and began to empty his distended bladder. Like all of Jonathan's brood of bitches, this one had been trained to crave his masters hot piss. He didn't need to be trained to like it, it was natural for a bitch Jonathan had broken to want his master's piss. But, the ability to let Jonathans thick flaccid cock worm it's way to the back of his throat and to swallow while gently sucking and tonguing his cock was a learned skill. Before they could come to Jonathan's bed they trained on a special dildo outfitted with a pump which would deliver it's warm product at a rate equal to the master's morning flow. Jonathan's piss was a very heavy stream, and those who heard him pee into a toilet were often surprised at the heavy sound of the stream hitting the water and 30 or 40 seconds it would take to empty his bladder.

Jonathan laid there blissfully enjoying the feeling. Few men knew how good it felt to have their cocks gently suckled and tongued under the head while they pissed. It was not just a feeling of ultimate power over his bitch, it was a genuinely wonderful sensation.

When his bladder was finally drained he contracted his muscles and ejected the last few streams, then allowed his bitch to gently suck the last few drops from his cock. The boy knew to continue sucking until instructed to stop. It was the master's decision when to stop and the bitch would continue sucking till told otherwise.

As Jonathan became more awake he remember ed his son was coming to visit that day and it suddenly put him in a very good mood. He loved when his eldest son, ,JJ came to visit. They had much in common and he was one of only a handful of men around whom Jonathan could truly be himself. As he opened his eyes he couldn't help but smile. It would be a good few days.

He wondered what his son would have in store for both of them.

In a playful mood Jonathan grabbed his bitch and pulled him up so he was face to face with him. He went to kiss him then pulled back, "Damn, nasty piss breath," he said, laughing.

Sliding his hand down his bitches back and to his round little ass he slid his hand over the crusty dried cum surrounding the bitch's pussy and stuck a couple of fingers inside. Retrieving some of the thick, unabsorbed cum from the bitch's pussy, he placed his slimy fingers in the boys mouths and let him suck hard. Jonathan smiled and said, "you were good last night. I only had to spank you once. Tell the trainer you need to work on leg muscles. You were letting them drop to the bed after only 30 minutes of fucking. I don't like having to hold them up for you. "

The bitch turned red and looked down, "yes, daddy, I'll work on it."

" I know you will. You're still one of my favorites and we'll show the video of us at the next movie night, " said Jonathan

Giggling with pleasure the boy smiled, a delighted look on his face. Having a video of the masters cock pumping your tight pussy shown on movie night was a supreme honor. Jonathan stuck out his tongue and the boy immediately took it in his mouth and sucked it hungrily. The boy sucked hard, hoping against hope his master would get aroused and fuck him one more time. It was unlikely since Jonathan didn't normally like sloppy seconds, even his won. The boy would have to undergo several heavy enemas and a few days of letting his pussy relax before Jonathan would be satisfied his cunt was tight again. Jonathan didn't like cunts that weren't tight.

Finally, Jonathan pushed him away and dismissed him, giving his ass a hard slap as he climbed out of the bed. There was much to do.

Jonathan walked groggily to the bathing room for his morning bath. Awaiting him in the bathing room were four of his brood, who had prepared the room for their master's morning bath. The room, designed by Jonathan was kept at a warm 110 degrees. In the center was a waist high table with a thick padded top.

Jonathan climbed on and flopped down on his stomach. He let out a long deep yawn as his 4 bitches immediately set to work. One of them wet Jonathan down with a gentle spray of water kept at precisely 125 degrees, while the others rubbed his body down with a special liquid soap imported from Greece. Using only their bare hands they massaged his hairy skin lovingly. The bath was not only cleansing, it was therapeutic. Jonathan's muscles were sore from the fucking he had delivered to his bitch the night before. The hands worked on his sore muscles and got them flexible again. One of the bitches was assigned to his firm ass and he worked it carefully, massaging the thick globes, and taking special care to massage his tight wrinkled hole with soapy finger. He would continue the gentle massaging till he felt his master tighten his ass muscles, the signal to withdraw his fingers and spray all the soapy residue away. Jonathan turned over.

One of the bitches applied shampoo his masters hair while the others soaped down the rest of his body. A lucky one was in charge of the masters cock and balls.

Jonathan's cock was still sore from the activities of the night before. His balls were tight and tender. With lots of the rich moisturizing soap on his hands, the bitch slipped a soapy fist up and down his cock, amazed at how it stayed flaccid under such stimulation. The bitches other hand cupped his sack and slowly and methodically rolled his plum size balls in his fingers. This went on till they got the signal from the master it was time to rinse. Once in a great while, the fondling and massaging would arouse the master and he would fuck one of the bitches in the bathing room. This was a rare occasion, but one the bitches hoped for. This morning, the master was too preoccupied and after the rinsing presented himself for the warm towels and his morning coffee.

A visit from JJ was an exciting event. JJ was his oldest and of his three boys the one that had turned out the most like him. When JJ was 15 Jonathan had walked by his bedroom and spied him playing gladiator with his friend. In JJ's game his friend Carl was the slave and he was the master trainer. In

JJ's unique version of ancient history a slave was kept in line by having the master trainer fuck him doggie style on the floor. Jonathan was amused and proud that so much of his own genetic makeup was passed on to his eldest son. Soon after watching his son in action with his playmate, Jonathan took on the role of tutor. JJ was an apt student and like his father never thought twice about the societal rules related to being sexually active and preferring member of his own sex as partners. He had the same brilliant mind as Jonathan and in his own world sex was simply another one of life's pleasures, to be enjoyed and savored like a fine wine. But, at 15 he was undisciplined in his quest and didn't spend enough time prepping himself or the recipient of his lust. He would get his cock sucked for a while and then just fuck till he came. Not much subtlety or finesse, just quick release.

One of the first thing's Jonathan had done with JJ was to teach him cum control. He had JJ sit between his spread legs on the big bed. With Jonathan sitting up and leaning back against the padded headboard JJ could rest his back against Jonathan's chest, and give his father easy access to his cock. It never occurred to either of them there was anything unusual about this, it was simply a training exercise. They watched some of the hottest gay porno movies on the market while Jonathan gently stroked and fondled JJ's cock. Every time JJ would come close to ejaculating Jonathan stop the orgasm. At first, the frustration level was intense and JJ would start to thrust up into his fathers tight fist when he felt a climax building, but Jonathan had a sixth sense about it and would place a finger on JJ's perineum and push hard, stopping the orgasm. The first weeks JJ would always be half crazed into the second hour of the training, his head rolling back on his father's shoulder and even a little drool coming from his mouth as he moaned in pleasure and frustration. Finally, Jonathan would bring him to orgasm and let him feel the extremely intense orgasm that was developed over several hours edging. The first time he brought his son to orgasm he was pleased to see that his son had inherited his own cum producing ability. The first shot had flown across the room and left a long thick rope across the floor. The rest had pumped out like a syrupy geyser, coating Jonathan's fist with a mass of the thick goo.

It was like he had dipped his hand in a tub of glue.

Once Jonathan had taught JJ how to control his orgasm and experience delayed gratification he introduced a third party into the training exercise. Jonathan has spent hours talking to JJ about what kind of man he liked to fuck, and never tried to get JJ to adopt his particular fetish for subjugating men to his will. JJ needed to resolve that issue in his own mind. He did make it clear that expecting someone else to understand his needs and give him what he wanted was never going to give him the sexual gratification he deserved, and that he needed to find out what his proclivities were and simply take it from other men.

The first time he allowed JJ to watch him in action was on JJ's 16th birthday. Jonathan found a 30 something married guy in an internet chat room, looking to fulfill his fantasy of sucking his first cock. Over a span of several chats Jonathan had figured out the guy was sexually confused and would be easy to turn into a compliant fuck toy.

When Jonathan led the man into his playroom and introduced him to JJ the visitor's reaction was not unexpected. He claimed he had made a big mistake and wanted to leave. He was expecting a short little rendezvous with a nice thick cock and then a quick goodbye. Jonathan grabbed him and stripped him down then spanked him hard for his insolence, leaving the bitch sexually aroused but frightened. Jonathan then proceeded to use him in every way possible while JJ watched with rapt attention. His old man's ability to both control his victim with nothing but a few strong words, the occasional slap, and a sixth sense of his fucktoy's sexual needs had a profound impact on JJ. He was mesmerized watching the bitch turn from a reluctant sexual novice to willing slut for his fathers strong urges. He particularly loved how his father quickly had the slut calling his own asshole a sloppy cunt, his cock a clit, and his mouth a fuck hole. When Jonathan finally had the bitch on his back, knees pushed to his shoulders and his cunt exposed and available to his poised cock, JJ positioned himself so he could watch the penetration .

He fully expected the old man to very slowly ease his lubed up cock into the tight little virgin hole. The bitch's wrinkled little cunt showed no signs it had ever been penetrated and JJ assumed it would take time and a great deal of effort to sink the massive cock into it. He was stunned when his father simply pushed it in as far as it would go in one long deep stroke. He was not surprised at the bitch's reaction but the loud scream of pain still made him jump. Jonathan looked over at JJ and tried to explain that he had always found a fast mounting of a virgin bitch was the most satisfying way to begin. JJ could not hear his fathers words over the thrashing and screaming victim and gave his father a confused look.

Jonathan, slapped the bitch, then stuck three fingers into his mouth and down to the back of his throat, causing him to gag and stop screaming. Jonathan then explained his mounting philosophy to JJ, while he held his cock deep inside the bitch and pushed down harder on his victim's legs, raising the bitch's cunt and allowing for the deepest penetration.

For the next two hours Jonathan gave his son a graphic tour of his sexual prowess. Within 15 to 20 minutes the bitch was fucking back, and within 30 minutes was begging Jonathan to fuck him harder and deeper. Jonathan ignored the bitch as if he didn't exist for any other purpose than to satisfy his powerful sexual urges. Occasionally, Jonathan would slow down and cuddle with his fucktoy and hold him while he gently slid his massive cock in and out of his slimy cunt.

Finally, after more than 2 hours of heavy fucking he turned to JJ and told him to ask James to fetch Antonio. As JJ left to find James, Jonathan looked down at his squirming, whining fuck toy and said, "I'm almost done. What you've been waiting for is almost here." Then, Jonathan flipped his bitch on his back, lifted his legs and pushed his slippery cock back into the bitch's gaping cunt and went balls deep.

As he long fucked in and out, JJ and Antonio entered the room. Antonio was one of Jonathan's brood and was particularly fond of his master's cum. He knew what was coming and knelt at the foot of the bed, waiting. Jonathan took a couple of long deep strokes as his balls contracted and moved up tight to his cock. He held his cock deep and hissed through his clenched teeth, "oh yeah bitch, here it comes."

As the first shot of hot cream exploded from his cock the bitch's eyes grew big. It felt like someone was filling his ass with hot liquid. Jonathan pulled out only a half an inch then thrust back in. making the bitch's ass cheeks shake. He held it while his cock spewed another thick geyser of hot sperm. He continued this till he had drained himself worth of two hours of built up semen. He relaxed on top of his bitch's body for a second then immediately pulled out and climbed up next to the whimpering fucktoy. As soon as his cock was out of the stretched pussy, Antonio placed his open mouth over the gaping hole and started to suck. The cum ran out of the freshly fucked rectum and filled Antonio's mouth. As Antonio sucked the hot nectar into his mouth, Jonathan held on to his new conquest and gently stroked the bitch's cock as he softly kissed his neck. The sensation of the cum being sucked from his pussy and Jonathan's gentle stroking brought the bitch to his fourth and last orgasm, but produced only a thin drool of clear semen.

As he held and caressed the bitch he explained to JJ that it was important to combine some gentle lovemaking with the hard fucking. As he explained to JJ, "the bitch needs to bond with you, or you are nothing more than a stronger man, satisfying your sexual needs. Bonding is what turns them from a compliant and submissive bitch, into your own sexual slave. They want you to possess them emotionally, and you need to give them a reason. "

None of this was lost on JJ, but he was so preoccupied with the sexual performance and strength of his old man, he didn't quite absorb his fathers genius for creating the perfect sexual slave. Indeed, JJ would never become the dominant power his father was, nor did he care. He loved to fuck men of all shapes, sizes, and ages. And while men would come crawling back to his father to feed some inner need to be dominated, they would crawl back to JJ to attain the sexual bliss he had given them. JJ's power laid in his ability to figure out what men wanted and give it to them.

It didn't hurt that he had grown up to be a strikingly beautiful man. He was 6'2 with thick black hair, perfectly chiseled features, a thick matt of chest hair, powerful arms and legs, and torso that formed a perfect v from his shoulders to his firm waist. His ass was well rounded but became a chorded mass of muscles when he was thrusting his cock into an eager rectum. His cock was drool material. Whenever Jonathan would see JJ's erect cock he would kid him that he had inherited his "cock genes, with some extra." Jonathan had refused to have JJ circumsized at birth and was now more pleased than ever. JJ's cock would stay sheathed in a smooth and supple foreskin until it finally reached it's full state of erection, at which time it would outgrow the amount of available skin and allow half of his purple helmet to pop out of the snug sheat. Men loved to pull back the remaining foreskin and expose the shiny head to their greedy mouths. JJ had fucked more than a few porn stars and producers and they had all begged him star in one of their films, convinced he could be a huge star. JJ didn't need the money because of his generous trust fund, and had no interest in fucking men other's had chosen for him.

So, it was that Jonathan anticipated with impatience the arrival of his son JJ. Besides, JJ always brought along a few interesting men for he and his old man to play with. He was always so full of surprises.

Next Chapter, JJ's Visit.

Next: Chapter 7

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