Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 8, 2005


This is chapter three of the continuing story of Master Jonathan. If you haven't figured it out, this is pure fantasy. I appreciate all the great emails and I have tried to incorporate some of the things you have requested. I enjoy all your emails and appreciate the comments and suggestions and experiences you have told me about. The next chapter is an introduction to chapter 4, coming soon.

Master Jonathan Chapter 3

Ralph Tolano

Thursday night was guest night at the mansion. It was a special night for Jonathan's stable of bitches and the preparations got under way on Tuesday. There was much to be done to make sure everything came off without a hitch. Jonathan stayed out of the preparations other than to answer questions that might come up about some detail.

Guest night had started a couple of years before when it became apparent that his bitches needed more than just an occasional night with him to keep them quieted. He found that squabbles would start because of jealousy over who might or might not have spent more time with the master. Once broken by Jonathan, men often reverted to being children, keeping score on every single moment with Jonathan to find out who was his favorite, and competing to see who get most of daddy's attention. Although it amused Jonathan that his babies could be so petty, he also realized he had to do something before the household became untenable.

The staff were complaining about the tension in the living quarters and felt if nothing were done it was only going to get worse.

So, Jonathan studied the problem and came up with a solution that had worked superbly. It had occurred to Jonathan that what was affecting his brood was nothing more than horniness. He laughed at his own inability to foresee this problem coming. After all, they were all total subs and took almost no pleasure at all in sex with each other. They would often sleep together just to have that feeling of closeness they craved, but when it came it sex it boiled down to who was going to what and to whom. His bitches were such total bottoms that they didn't even like to have their own cocks sucked unless it was by a dom or master , and the only man who fit that bill was Jonathan. Fucking was out of the question. Once broken by Jonathan, no man had any desire to fuck another man. His only desire was to open his legs and give entry to the cock of a real man. Sometimes, Jonathan would see two of his babies kissing each other passionately, but on closer observation he would clearly detect a lack of passion. When he kissed one of his bitches they all got boned up, and that wasn't happening when two of them kissed each other.

The solution was simplicity in itself. If Jonathan couldn't service all his brood of 25 to 30 bitches often enough, he would bring men who could. Now, there was no way Jonathan was going to allow any man he hadn't broken to have free reign of his residence. It was not only a bad idea because of the problems it would cause among the bitches, but because Jonathan knew that within days he would not be able to control the urge to break him and turn him into a feminized bitch. So, Jonathan's solution was to host a party of sorts; once a week, on Thursdays, for selected guests.

The first guest night at the mansion took some doing. Jonathan had to think carefully about the kind of men he would invite to his gathering. He met with the member s of his staff who were in charge of the stable to find a solution. They knew the bitches better than anyone and would help Jonathan figure out what kind of men should be invited. One idea thrown out was to invite bodybuilders. The bitches were kept amply supplied with various kinds of sexual stimulants and one of their favorites was body builder magazines.

Many of them masturbated looking at the oiled up buffed bodies of Mr Universe and his runner ups. But, Jonathan rejected that idea. In Jonathan's mind the very idea of wasting so much time building your body implied a deep sense of insecurity, and Jonathan didn't want those kind of men around his sluts.

After much discussion and brainstorming Jonathan decided he would invite dominant or top men with lots of experience, and self awareness. Equally as important was to find men with insatiable sexual drives, stamina, and a capacity of extraordinary sexual creativity. How they looked made no difference, it was performance that counted.

The search for the core group of 8 took months and had it not been for the internet would have been impossible. His staff signed up for every bear, dom, and daddy web site that had an open membership, and began sending out discreet e-mails describing the offer and requesting applications. The first part of the process was all handled through emails. As the first group was separated out a check for 100 dollars we sent to everyone of them to ensure they knew this venture was on the up and up. They were told that those selected would be invited to a very select gathering.

The questions were mostly about experiences and attitudes. They filled out a questionnaire of hundreds of questions that would help Jonathan and his team sort out the good candidates from the men who where playing a fantasy. Pictures were requested in a variety of poses, including dressed, naked, and in a state of full arousal. They were given a series of sexual situations and asked to write a few paragraphs on what they would do, or how they would react. Finally the list was down to 50 men.

Those 50 men were sent an airline ticket and the name of a hotel where they would be interviewed. Jonathan conducted all the interviews. He conducted these interviews as if he were hiring the next CFO for one of his companies. It was all very matter of fact and a candidate's ability to answer the most graphic sexual questions in a straightforward way moved them to the top of the list. They were also shown a series of naked pictures of men and boys of ages varying from 17 to 40 and told they could ask any questions they wanted and then select the 4 they would most like to fuck. Those who asked questions mostly about ages and sexual preferences didn't score well. While Jonathan's stable was mostly boys of 17 to 28, he had several 30 and 40 year old men as well, and he didn't want doms who only went after the young feminine ones. If they asked questions about who they were, if they enjoyed being around dom men, or if they could carry on a conversation they were moved way up the list. If they asked if the bitch in the picture was happy and stable it almost assured them a place on the quest list. A man who simply wanted to dominate another man without caring about him was not acceptable to Jonathan. A dom had to love his conquest

Finally, a background check was made. If they had any history of violence they were rejected out of hand. A little force and a little slap from a confident dom was an attribute, but a man who hit for pleasure was in Jonathan's mind as low as a child molester.

And finally, the list was assembled and the 8 selected men were sent a packet containing a beautifully engraved invitation, a round trip airline ticket, and an RSVP card. They were told they would be spending 3 days at the mansion and that the invitation was rescinded if they did not arrive before 12 oclock on Tuesday. All the RSVPs were returned accepting the invitation.

When all the guests had been picked up in limos and brought to the mansion they were each escorted to their respective suites and told to shower and report to the meeting room at exactly 2PM. They were given a bag for all their belongings and told that for the rest of their time in the mansion they were to wear no clothes or jewelry. Even watches were forbidden. The selection process had ensure that none of these men would have any inhibitions about walking around naked.

None of them cared if they were more endowed than any other man, or of their bodies were in better shape, or any of the other myriad surface things that so many men worried about. These were consummately confident men who's attitude was "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me."

Once gathered in the meeting room Jonathan entered and stood at the front, gazing over what his weeks of hard work had produced. It was as mixed a group of men as you would find at any random gathering, except there was nothing random about any of them, and Jonathan was well satisfied with what he saw. There were your classic big hairy bears, with big barrel chests and large round bellies; there was one coal black man about 6'8 that was best described as massive, with arms, legs and a chest that suggested a lot of time on a construction site hauling steel beams on his shoulders, his giant flaccid cock matched the rest of him. There was also a smattering of very normal looking men of no distinguishing features, and one rather small skinny man that didn't seem to fit even though the weeding out process had shown him to be just what Jonathan was looking for.

"Gentlemen," Jonathan began, "welcome to my home. In a few minutes you will find out why you are here. You have been selected for an event which has been months in the making. As you sit there, naked, and at ease around other naked men you assure me I have made the right choice."

The men looked around at each other, wondering what they might all have in common. These were men not used to measuring themselves against other men, so the looking around was out of curiosity and not for comparison purposes. One man raised his hand and was rebuffed by Jonathan.

"I will entertain questions later, if at all. For now please just listen. I believe in short order all your questions will be answered. I will not give you too many instructions because when all is said and done, each of you has been selected carefully and will behave as expected, without the requirement of a lot of rules."

Jonathan paused for effect and then continued "My wealth has allowed me to pursue full time my passion for breaking men, and turning them into my own private stock of horny sluts to be used for my own particular sexual passions. On the other side of this compound is a building known as the stable. In it reside 26 males I will, from now on, refer to as my bitches. I ask you not refer to them as men because it disturbs both them and me. You may call them babies, boys, sluts, cunts, bitches, or any other name that suits your fancy."

Jonathan paused again, watching the slow signs of understanding begin to appear on the faces of his guests. He continued.

"One bitch of my choosing is brought to my quarters every night to service me. On a regular basis my scouts bring me interesting candidates and I break them into the kind of compliant, sexually driven sluts I enjoy breeding. Most of those stay to join the stable. My problem, gentlemen, is that at one bitch a night, it means much of my brood goes for several weeks without being used in the way that keeps them at peaceful. Jealousy, petty fights, and signs of depression are becoming common in the Stable. I thought long and hard for a solution, and Gentlemen, you are it. You will help me keep my stable of bitches happy, and behaving as one big happy family."

Jonathan paused, and looking around the room he was pleased to see that most of his guests had sprouted erections. None of them made any efforts to hide their state of arousal since in their minds being erect was about as normal as wearing glasses. They simply didn't care.

"And now, gentlemen, some of the rules. On Thursday afternoon you will be escorted to the Roman room. It is a large room meant for relaxation and escape. It's main feature is a small pool sized hot tub. The water is kept at 120 degrees so it is comfortable but not dangerous for prolonged use. Around it are several smaller Jacuzzis of different shapes and temperatures.

Thick wrestling matts have been placed at random throughout the room for your comfort when using one of the bitches. Different shaped pieces of firm foam are scattered throughout the room. I have found they are excellent for keeping a cunt up and in good position for deep penetration. Jars of lubricant are kept supplied throughout the room, but I urge you to use it sparingly. Some of the bitches will come to the gathering already lubricated and I suggest you check your bitch's pussy before you mount him so you don't overdo the lube. You will find multiple small rooms off the main pool room. They are fronted with glass and have no doors, however taking your bitch into the room signifies you want to be alone with him.

Others may watch your activities if they so choose, but entering the room means you are to be left alone. Do not go into a room when it is being used. If you are playing with on of the bitches in the main room, in the pool or one of the Jacuzzis it is understood you are open to the participation of one of the other guests. The bitches will never approach you when you are fucking one of their stablemates unless you invite them over. Indeed, the bitches will not approach you anyway. They may look at you longingly, but unless you approach them and take them, they will keep a respectable distance.

Jonathan let all this sink in, then continued. "You will not find any toys in the pool room, nor anywhere else on the premises. Frankly, toys are the crutches of mind lacking in creativity. I do not allow any of my babies to be hurt in any way. If they require discipline you may slap them in the face or ass with an open hand. You may slap them on the ass forcefully, and some of them may require it. If you need to slap them on the face you may not pull your hand back more than 18 inches. Face slapping is to get their attention and not to causes injury. I know none of you seeks pleasure from hurting others and I ask you to pay careful attention to this rule. If you break any other rule of the house you will be given a warning. If you hit one of my babies harder then necessary you will get no warning, and you will be escorted from the compound. If you enjoy spanking for pleasure that is allowed, but if you appear to be getting carried away you will be stopped by a proctor who will be monitoring the room."

Jonathan looked around the room, making sure this particular rule was fully understood, then continued. "You will find these bitches to be submissive and compliant. They have all been trained by me to do exactly as they are told without a moments hesitation.

You will experience sexual pleasure from my bitches the likes of which you have never experienced before.

I ask you to remember that all my babies need servicing and the more of them you breed the more likely you will receive return invitations. You may do anything you wish with them so long as you adhere to the no hitting rule. For those of you with a particular taste for water sports there is the wet room. It is clearly marked. All of the bitches will accept your piss and enjoy it. You may not conduct that particular activity anywhere outside of the wet room. It is big enough for more than one couple at a time and it is the only room that does not imply privacy. You may enter and participate with other couples if you so desire. You are required to shower before you leave. I know from my research that a couple of you are skilled at delivering piss enemas. When you are done, I admonish you to give your bitch's pussy a douche. The necessary equipment is in the wet room. I will not tolerate urine in the main room. Finally gentlemen, scatological activities are prohibited anywhere on the premises. "

Jonathan looked at his guests and smiled. "Just a couple of loose ends before I let you go back to your suites. The gathering starts at 2 PM on Thursday. The stable will be fed a high protein liquid meal at 11 am and then given enemas at 1pm. When they come to you their rectums will be clean. When the party ends at 6 I expect every one of them to have a pussy full of cum. And to help you, there will be 100 milligrams of Viagra issued to each of you at 1:15PM. Please take it gentlemen. I know all of you have extreme stamina, but you have not been exposed to the kind of stimulation my stable of bitches is capable of delivering. It might help you get in that last good fuck at 5:30. I need you to service all of them. One final item. All of the bitches have their nipples pierced with a small hoop bearing a pearl. The pearl signifies my cum has flooded their cunt. A pearl with a small diamond mounted on it signifies the wearer was able to swallow all my cum without spilling a drop. It is a cherished item among the bitches. One of them will have a large pink hoop that indicates it is the bitch I have selected to join me in my quarters on Thursday night. You may not fuck that bitch. You may use his mouth and any other part of his body you so desire, but your cock must not penetrate his cunt. He will not get jealous because he is aware he will be with me that night. Gentlemen,

the compound is yours to explore. Stay away from the Stable, it is clearly marked and behind a gate. If you come across one of the bitches they will avoid eye contact and stay away from you. Do not approach them.

I ask also that you refrain from masturbating from now on. I can't enforce that rule, but I promise you it will be worth the wait. I look forward to watching you on Thursday.

Chapter four, The Party coming in a few days.

Next: Chapter 4

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