Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 7, 2005


This is the second chapter in the story of Master Jonathan. I much appreciate the letters of encouragement from the first chapter. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am already writing the third chapter. Any comments are welcome, to include ideas on future stories as well as your feelings about this particular theme. Write me at Thanks

Master Johnson Chapter Two

By Ralph Tolano

"Sir, your two o'clock appointment is here," said the butler, holding the door to Jonathan's office open a crack.

"Take him pool side and offer him something to drink, James. Tell him I will be with him shortly," ordered Jonathan, not taking his eyes off the young man kneeling between his legs.

"That was better, but next time we will work on your tongue action.," said Jonathan, pulling the young man's face away from his cock. "Now, leave me," he ordered as the young man stood and looked longingly at his master's cock. At the command from Jonathan he quickly spun around and left the room.

Jonathan grabbed his thickened cock and pushed it down and focused his mind for a few seconds until his cock softened to it's normal flaccid, but bulky state. He wasn't yet ready for his guest to see his cock at it's full erect state. That would come in due time, but right now it would not have the desired effect. He had been developing this case for a few weeks and he thought this meeting might be the one in which he finally achieved dominance.

His guest was an insurance salesman one of his past associates had sent his way. Jonathan certainly didn't need insurance on all his estate holdings, he had that already. But on meeting the salesman he felt challenged . The salesman, Bob Edwards was about 40, great shape, very much a man's man. He had the salesman pitch down pat. Yes sir, a regular old Mr. pat on the back, talk about golf, take you to a strip bar, smoke a cigar, and sell you some insurance you don't need kind of guy. His entire pitch didn't mean shit to Jonathan. Those kind of men were the ultimate

turn off to Jonathan, These were man with no awareness of who they were or what they really wanted in life. They dismissed any fleeting thought that didn't fit their owned skewed self image. The only thing this man Bob Edwards meant to Jonathan was a challenge. He knew half way into his initial meeting over lunch at San Soucci what he had to do. Jonathan loved a challenge and while breaking this salesman down wouldn't be the biggest challenge of his life, he did think it would be the most worthwhile.

During that first encounter, Bob Edwards proved he was the typical alpha male wanna-be Jonathan detested. Edwards was weak and compensated with a lot of bravado and bluster about his own sexual prowess and experience. As the waitress walked away from their table he looked over at Jonathan and gave him a big wink. "Did you see the tits on that chick?"

Toying with him, Jonathan responded, "you like big tits, do you, Mr. Edwards?"

"Hey, call me Bob, ok? And, hell yes I love big tits.

What's not to like? Last week I banged this piece with tits the size of cantaloupes. Too much for one guy, but I didn't let any of em go to waste, if you get my drift."

"No, I am sure you didn't," answered Jonathan, barely able to control the sarcasm.

But it was his reaction to the wine steward that convinced Jonathan he needed to take action. After the stewart left to fill their wine order Edwards rolled his eyes and in a low voice said, "damn, could he have been any more of a fag? I hate it when they look at me like that. That look like I might be available. Makes me want to grab em by the balls and show em what a real man does with another man."

"Oh, really?" asked Jonathan. "Perhaps one day, Mr. Edwards, perhaps one day."

And so the wheels in Jonathan's head began to turn. This would be his next project. This was his only true hobby in life and while Edwards would present a challenge, it would not be his most difficult. On the other hand, the results would be so satisfying. To take this self professed stud and watch him beg for cock would be a sweet victory. Jonathan would have to do some research and play it through carefully, but in the end he would win. He always won.

Jonathan stood up and pulled on a pair of old shorts. Before he went to meet his guest he checked in the full length mirror and gave the shorts a slight twist to the right, making them a little tighter than normal and showing off his substantial package. He wore no shirt. It would make his guest slightly uncomfortable

and give Jonathan a psychological edge. It was all about edges. It was all about manipulating his quarry until it was vulnerable and then moving in for the kill. It was what animals of prey did to weaker animals, and that, in the end, was what this was all about.

Edwards waited patiently by the pool, drink in hand, surveying the obvious wealth of this new client. Insuring this client would not only bring him a substantial commission, but help him move back into position as one of the company's top salesman.

The last few years had been rough. His wife of 20 years had left him after realizing that his habit of bedding any available female with big tits was never going to stop. His attitude of "one woman is not enough for me" simply made the pill harder to swallow, so she left, walking out the door with half his money.

This new client was going to be his ticket back. He was a strange man and he Edwards oddly uncomfortable in his presence. The client looked at him straight in the eye and never showed any reaction . No matter what Edwards said this client would simply stare into his eyes and then say something unexpected. Selling was about getting the upper hand, and he had yet to get the upper hand. The client should never be in control, but oddly this client always seemed to be in control, and in a very deep and peculiar way Edwards was pulled to it. He didn't understand the feeling but it was there. He felt it deep down inside, deep in his balls. They seemed to tighten a little when this client stared at him with those powerful eyes. He couldn't begin to explain it, so as with everything else in his life he came up with a reason that would keep him from having to analyze it and discover anything new about himself. He blamed it on wealth. This client was wealthy beyond anything Bob could imagine and to Bob, wealth was power, and power was everything.

As Bob stood admiring the fruits of this man's wealth in the ornate indoor pool he didn't hear a barefoot Jonathan slip up behind him.

He jumped as a hand touched his shoulder and a voice said "how are you today, Bob"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," said Jonathan, not meaning a word of his apology. In fact, he meant to startle him.

Keeping his hand on his shoulder he gently squeezed , feeling the hardness from the daily workouts Edwards enjoyed. "Did James get you something to drink?" he asked, looking at the glass on the table. "Is there anything else you need before we talk business?"

"No...I mean yes, he got me a drink, " Edwards stammered.

"Very good." Jonathan said, pulling up a chair directly in front of Edwards and sitting down just slightly too close.

"Take off your jacket and tie, Bob, "Jonathan said in a tone that was more a command than a suggestion.

Edwards nodded and took of his jacket and tie and as he stood to put them on the chair next to them Jonathan put his hand on Edwards upper thigh and pushed him back into his seat.

"James, here please, " said Jonathan in a loud voice.

The butler appeared suddenly and as he walked toward the two men, Jonathan looked over and said "take Mr. Edwards coat and tie please, he won't be needing them for a while."

Keeping his hand on Edwards thigh he looked him in the eye and with a gentle squeeze said, "that feels better doesn't it?"

Edwards just nodded and took a sip of his drink. Jonathan slid his hand down Edwards thigh, letting it rest for a second on his knee. Giving him a final squeeze he let go. Looking in Edwards eyes he saw that familiar look of fear and excitement. He knew that look and he also knew it was likely he would capture his prey today. He would play out his game and make sure when he finally made his move his victim would surrender willingly, sensing any resistance would be futile. This was always the moment Jonathan relished and he could feel the stirring deep down at the base of his cock. He wondered to himself, "does he know that before this day is out he is going to have a cock deep inside his rectum, flooding him with enough cum to stock a New York city sperm bank for a year. " The thought almost made him laugh. He was enjoying himself immensely and even more so because he also knew that when all was said and done he was going to give this man pleasure he never even dreamed about, and turn him from a phony alpha male, into a quivering feminized bitch who lived only to service genuinely dominant men.

"So, Mr, Edwards, you would like to insure my real estate holdings," began Jonathan. "As we have discussed, it is a substantial amount of property and I am sure represents a major coup for you."

Edwards immediately piped in "Well, Sir, I am a millon dollar salesman so even though your estate is large it isn't any...."

Jonathan held up his hand, "let's not go into that Mr. Edwards. I don't need to hear how I am just another client. In fact, what this represents is an opportunity for you to develop a business relationship with me that could prove lucrative for years to come. I want us to trust each other, and before I trust anyone with so much of my wealth I like to know who I am dealing with. So, lets not discuss financial terms, lets discuss you and me. Let me learn who you are, and confirm in my own mind you are who I think you are."

With that, Jonathan stood up and said "lets go for a swim, Bob. May I call you Bob?"

"Yes, please call me Bob. May I call you Jonathan?"

Jonathan did not answer but just kept staring into his eyes. "Shall we go swimming?"

"I'd love to. Do you happen to have a spare set of swimming trunks?" asked Edwards.

"Oh, Bob, it's just the two of us. I always swim naked. You can do the same," Jonathan said, grabbing his shorts by the waist band and pushing them to his ankles, then flicking them aside with his foot.

Jonathan watched Edwards eyes and noticed he was looking right as his cock, as he expected him to. Then trying to act as casual as possible Edwards lifted his foot up over his knee to take his shoe off.

Losing his balance he reached out for the back of the chair. Jonathan reached out instantly and grabbed his arm before his hand reached the chair.

"Let me help you, " said Jonathan, holding on to his forearm. He gripped him tight until the shoe and sock was off, and then reached around his back to steady him as Edwards lifted his other foot up to remove the remaining shoe and sock.

As Edwards moved to unbuckle his belt Jonathan stepped back and watched. Men never stared at other men as they removed their pants, and it made Edwards uncomfortable but strangely excited. He had no understanding of his feelings. He had never tried to understand these kinds of feelings and so he let it pass. He would sort it out later and file it in a safe place in his mind. Someplace where he didn't have to cope with new feelings.

As the pants feel to the floor Jonathan reached up and started to unbutton Edwards shirt. To do so he had to step in closer and he his face was only inches from Edwards. As he unbuttoned the last button he let the back of his hand slide across Edwards hairy stomach. As Edwards shuddered at the strange feeling, Jonathan looked him in the eye and smiled almost imperceptibly.

He stepped back slightly and let Edwards take off his shirt, leaving him only in his dark blue briefs.

"Only one item left, Bob, then we can enjoy the pool. "

Edwards pulled his briefs down and let them fall around his ankles. He stood up and desperately fought the urge to cover his cock with his hands and pull his legs together like an 8 year old taking his first public shower. He had never felt this way. He always displayed his manhood as if he were a rooster in a hen house, strutting around for all the world to admire. This new feeling was strange and mind reeling. His mind was going a mile a minute and he couldn't grasp any threads of the fleeting thoughts long enough to make sense of them. One minute he wanted to cover himself and run away and the next minute he wanted this man to grab... NO, NO, he didn't think that. It was simply a passing wisp of a thought. It was just a bad thought that everyone had. It wasn't a desire it was just a feeling. The kind of feeling you get when you look over a ledge and feel the urge to jump. He doesn't want this man to touch him any more than he wants to jump off a building.

As Edwards struggled with his senses, Jonathan took him by the arm leading him to the steps into the pool.

"Join me, Bob."

They walked into the heated pool and flexing their legs, lowered themselves down till only their heads were above water. Jonathan moved close enough to Edwards so their arms made contact off and on as they enjoyed the warmth of the pool. Jonathan said little, allowing his guest to continue feeling the discomfort of silence.

"What would you like to drink, Bob?" Jonathan asked.

"A beer would be fine, thanks," answered Edwards.

Jonathan moved to the edge of the pool and pressed a button on an intercom built into the wall just above water level. A voice came out over the speaker, "Sir?"

"James, have one of the boys bring us a couple of draft beers, if you please."

"Right away, Sir," came the reply

In a few moments a young man of about 17 came out wearing nothing but a pouch to contain his cock and balls. The pouch was held in place by a very fine cord going around his back and attaching to a cord that went under his balls and up between his round bubble butt. He carried a tray and stood a few feet from the pool, waiting.

Jonathan looked at Edwards and said, "I don't like drinks in the pool. If they spill it contaminates the water. I am very finicky about cleanliness, Bob. Come, lets have our beer at the table."

Jonathan stepped out of the pool and took one of the drinks, and them looked toward Edwards, waiting for him to follow. Edwards hesitated then slowly started climbing the three steps out of the pool. When he reached the second step his cock broke the surface, Jonathan was pleased and not at all surprised to see that Edward's cock was semi erect. In his own mind he had no doubt Edwards had convinced himself that Jonathan would believe that his semi rigid cock was in it's normal soft state. Jonathan knew better. Something in Edwards had stirred when he saw this young boy, showing off his body.

When Edwards had taken the drink off the tray the young servant boy set the tray down on the table and walked over to the a stack of towels by the pool. Grabbing two he headed toward the two men. Edwards reached out his hand to take one and Jonathan said, "no need for that. Eric will take of it for you."

The young man put one of the towels on the chair and then wrapped the other around Edwards, rubbing his shoulders then moving down his back. His rubbing was vigorous and it made Edwards body shake. Jonathan noticed a slight increase in the size and stiffness of Edwards cock. The boy then kneeled, rubbing the towel up and down his legs, ending with it up around his cock, which he rubbed roughly with the towel. Moving toward Jonathan, the boy proceeded to dry him off as well. When he had finished with Jonathan he stood back, waiting for instructions.

"You may leave, Eric," Jonathan said

As the boy left the room Jonathan stood staring at Edwards.

"Was that enjoyable?" he asked Edwards, staring intently into his eyes.

"Well, you certainly have some unusual servants," Edwards answered

"That's not what I asked. I asked you if you enjoyed it? Jonathan said, a little more force in his voice.

"The water was very nice, very nice, " answered Edwards, again avoiding the issue.

Jonathan stepped close to Edwards and looked him in the eyes. Edwards leaned back slightly at the invasion of his space, but before he could move away, .Jonathan reached down and quickly wrapped his fist around Edwards balls, he milked them hard a few times till he had his thumb and forefinger tightly gripping his sack right below his cock, then he squeezed firmly, the bottom of Edwards ball sack hanging out from below Jonathan's fist.

Edwards let out a deep gasp and put his hand down to Jonathans forearm in a vain attempt to break him free of his grip on his balls.

"WHATTT...," gasped Edwards, but before he could say anything more Jonathan increased his grip and interrupted him.

"Shut up and listen," said Jonathan in a low but commanding voice. "I've been watching you all night and observing you for weeks. Whether you know it or not, you are right where you want to be. You gave up to my domination almost as soon as you came into this house tonight. You felt things you haven't felt before and things in you stirred that have been dormant forever. What you are feeling now is the real you. This is what you really want and I am here to release it for you and give you what you want. Right now you are battling two feelings, one is total humiliation over what I am doing. I am holding on to your balls and controlling you and it feels degrading,

and oh so damn humiliating it makes you dizzy. Am I right? And the other feeling? Why, that is sexual excitement such as you've never experienced. All those big titted women you've fucked can't compare to the feelings you are experiencing now. And, right this minute your mind is buckling, folding, collapsing in total confusion. The old Bob wants to run to the safe place, the new Bob wants to let go and feel this new excitement."

Jonathan stared at Edwards, and waited for a few moments. Then Jonathan leaned in even closer, "Well, Bob, surrender or run away, it's your choice? By the way, Bob, no matter what you choose you still get my business. I don't blackmail or extort for what I want, I get it through force of my will. Tell me, Bob, you want to stay here with me all night and let go for me? Just nod if it's yes."

Edwards just stared at Jonathan for a few moments his mouth slightly open. Finally, he slowly nodded up and down.

Jonathan eased the pressure on Edwards balls slightly.

"Good Bob, let me now explain what is going to happen. This is the last time I will call you Bob. >From now on you are my bitch and I will call you whatever strikes me as appropriate at the moment. You may call me Sir or Daddy. One last thing, do not say no to me, do not hesitate to follow my commands, and follow my demands with enthusiasm.

With that, Jonathan leaned in, placed his free hand behind Edward's neck and pulled him into a full deep kiss on the lips.

Edwards was stunned to feel a man's lips on his and even more stunned to feel a long thick tongue working it's way down to the back of his mouth. The stunned feeling was only momentary and was immediately replaced by sexual surrender. Despite a fist wrapped around his balls, his cock got instantly hard and the head rubbed against Jonathans hairy leg, sending shocks of lust deep into his cock, through his straining balls, and into his rectum. He wanted this man like he had never wanted any woman in his life. He could feel the old alpha male Bob slipping away and the new submissive Bob filling the void.

As Jonathan's tongue explored his new bitch's mouth the sexual energy in his loins was building. This was when Jonathan was most alive. This was when he felt powerful. He felt an urgency to mount his new bitch and breed him. If not for his powerful self discipline he would have pushed Edwards to the floor and fucked him right on the spot. But there was much to do, so much.

Jonathan pulled back from the kiss and let go of Edward's balls. "Come," he ordered as he walked into the house from the pool room, Jonathan following quietly behind. As they passed the kitchen Jonathan stopped and spoke to his butler.

"James, I will be busy with my new bitch for the rest of the night. In about 4 or 5 hours please bring us some hot washcloths and towels. If I am still coupled with him, just place them on the table at the foot of the bed, and you may retire for the evening."

"Most certainly, sir," responded the butler, a slight smile crossing his lips.

Edwards, hearing himself referred to as Jonathan's bitch to be used for the night only served to increase his excitement. His cock twitched and started to spill precum. He had never been this peaked.

Edwards followed Jonathan into a big bedroom with two very large beds. Jonathan turned grabbed Edwards cock, squeezing it slowly as he spoke. "The far bed is where we sleep when we are done. I don't expect to be finished with you till 4 or 5 am. We fuck on this bed. You will not get on the sleeping bed until I am finished with you and you have cleaned yourself of my cum. Is that understood?"

Edwards nodded, but didn't quite understand the need for two beds. What he didn't kow was that Jonathan produced indordinate amounts thick cum. When Jonathan was finished with his usual 3 or 4 hour fuck session with a bitch, the bed was usually covered in thick pools of cum. The amount was staggering, and sometimes the bed was slippery with the thick cream. The smell of cum would fill the room.

Jonathan moved to a smooth leather wingback chair. Sitting in it he beckoned Edwards to him. Jonathan opened his legs and motioned Edwards to kneel between his legs. Edwards kneeled then looked up expectantly into Jonathan's eyes. Jonathan's mind wandered to the many times he had been in this position. A new hot bitch kneeling in front of him, totally unaware of what was coming in the next few hours. Believing this was going to be a night of pleasure and not really understanding that the next few hours would be life changing. Pleasure would mix with pain, excrutiating pain, as a thick hard cock penetrated their tight virgin asshole. The pain would give way, and the pleasure would peak and peak beyond anything they had every experienced. Then they would surrender. A woman's body would no longer hold any appeal. They would set out in a quest for cock. If not allowed back into Jonathan's realm they would continue to seek out other strong men to take them like weak bitches. Many would feminize themselves in an effort to appeal to doms with a fetish for fem men. They would turn into cum addicts. Forever craving having their pussy bred by healthy, powerful studs.

As Jonathan's mind came back to the present he allowed his erection to develop. His new bitch looked down at the growing cock with wide eyes. When it reached it's full size the bitch reached up and wrapped his hand around it. His fingers would not wrap completely around the thick girth and he could have put one hand above the other and still not covered the purple, glistening helmet. As he held it in his hand a large bead of pre-cum formed at the head.

"Ok, Baby, time to taste your first cock," Jonathan said softly. He didn't feel the need to be forceful with this new bitch. He was surrendering so totally that force wasn't needed. He might have to get forceful later when it was time to mount him, but for now, he realize control was going to be more complete with a gentle touch.

Edwards lowered his lips down to Jonathan's cock and sucked the drop of precum off his cockhead. He then slipped his lips down over his cock head and started to use his tongue on the piss slit.

"That's good baby. Nice start." Jonathan said softly. "In the next little while I am going to teach you to take me all the way. You must follow everything I say and concentrate . If you do what I say you will be fine."

For the next hour Jonathan guided and instructed his bitch on how to take the cock by focused breathing. The bitch wanted to do it but wasn't concentrating on his breathing, so when Jonathan would tell him to relax he would gag. A couple of time Jonathan had to slap his face to get his attention. Finally, Jonathan's cock was slipping all the way down his throat and the bitches nose was pressed against Jonathan's pubic bone. Jonathan sat in his wing back chair, head back, letting the pleasurable feelings work through his body.

Finally, Jonathan let go of the temporary pleasure, realizing it was time to breed his new conquest. Jonathan put his fingers under his bitch's chin and gently lifted his mouth and held it, his saliva coated cock resting against Edwards chin. Jonathan smiled at the sight, proud of how far he had taken this bitch in such as short while.

"I promised you'd find this profoundly moving, didn't I," asked Jonathan, holding his fingers under the bitch's chin, while he slowly dipped his thumb into the oozing precum on his cock head and rubbed across Edwards lips. "Right now your mind is confused. You have stepped across the line and you can't go back, but you are happy with that, aren't you? You've never surrendered to anything the way you have surrendered to me tonight. Well, the night is young baby, the night is young." Jonathan paused and slipped three of his fingers into his new fuck toy's mouth and pushed them to the back of his throat. He could feel the far back of his tongue and there was no gag reflex. He smiled at his new bitch. "You are going to make a lot of men very happy with this new skill."

Jonathan stood up, pushing Edwards off balance. The bitch scrambled to get his balance and landed on his ass at Jonathan's feet. Jonathan reached down and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him roughly to his feet. Holding his arm he led him to the bed and instructed him to lie down. The bitch scrambled on to the bed and laid on his side, waiting nervously but expectantly for his master to join him. Jonathan went to a dresser and pulled open the top drawer.

"I am about to take your virginity, baby," said Jonathan as he absentmindedly pulled tubes of different kinds of lubricant out of the drawer, studying the labels before putting them back and picking up another. "Do you remember what it was like when you fucked some young innocent girl with freshly ripened breasts?" he asked, looking over at his bitch.

Jonathan waited for an answer but his bitch said nothing. "That wasn't a hypothetical you cunt, I expect an answer, " he said, in a low but menacing voice.

"Ye ye yess," the nervous bitch answered.

"Yes, of course you do.," Jonathan continued. "And do you remember how powerful you felt because you knew that you were able to conquer her reluctance by persuasion and the power of your will?"

"Yes," responded the bitch

"Well, that is what I am about to experience," Jonathan said, taking a tube and walking toward the bed. He climbed onto the bed and laid next to his new submissive lover pulling him close. As he continued talking he squeezed a dollop of orange cream onto his finger tips and dropped the tube on the floor. "You see, you are my conquest. I am about to take your virginity the way you took those young girls back when you were a young and rutting male. "

Jonathan slid his arm under his slut's neck so he was cradling him, and then put his free hand between Edwards thighs. "Spread your legs, baby."

Edwards was shaking with fear and anticipation but he opened his legs as ordered. He was well past any resistance. He would do anything his new master told him to do. He simply knew no alternative.

Jonathan cupped his fingers so the lube would stay in place till he found his target. Pushing his hand down below his slut's balls he quickly found the entrance to his pussy. Without pausing he inserted two fingers into his tight little cunt. Edwards let out a little grunt at the sudden pressure but Jonathan acted as if he didn't notice.

"My, you do have a tight little cunt. No doubt about it, you are a virgin. I think I will enjoy this very much. You know, nothing feels better than a tight virgin boy pussy wrapped tightly around my cock. I live for it," Jonathan said, as if he were talking to himself.

Continuing to work his fingers around the inside of his boy's rectum, Jonathan looked down into his conquest's eyes. "In a minute I will be mounting you.

You will find it painful at first, but just ride with it. My goal is not to inflict pain, but frankly your pain is not my concern. I intend to breed you and fill you with an enema size load of cum. It will take time, I love fucking and I delay my dump of cum until I have had enough. That could take hours. Don't ask me to stop or tell me you are tired because it will only compel me to go longer. Once the pain is past you will most likely cum. As with most of my bitches you will most likely cum multiple times tonight. Cum spurting out of your cock is insignificant to me and does not mean we are done. We are done, when I say we are done. Understood? " asked Jonathan.

"Yes," whispered Edwards.

Jonathan pulled his fingers out of his bitch's tight cunt and examined them for a moment. He then took the slimyfingers and shoved them into Edward's mouth. "Suck them clean, bitch."

As Edwards hungrily sucked and slurped on the gooey fingers, Jonathan rolled one of his knees between Edwards legs. Pulling his fingers out of Edwards mouth he pulled himself to a kneeling position between Edward's legs. He grabbed Edward's hairy legs and hooked them over his arms. Holding his legs up he lifted the bitch up and gestured to a thick cushion next to Edward's head. "Put that cushion under your ass so your pussy is higher," he commanded.

Edwards grabbed the pillow and put it under his upraised hips. Jonathan lowered him as he looked down between his legs, checking if it was high enough for him to penetrate with maximum depth. Lifting again he ordered the bitch to pull the cushion back more. He did this maneuver several more times till he was satisfied his target was well positioned.

Jonathan's cock had been hard for over an hour and the head was engorged with blood from the sucking his bitch had performed. He placed the head of his cock against the tight pucker and then pushed very slightly to make sure it was in place. When he felt his cockhead nestled against his victim's cunt he leaned forward and in one long smooth motion he mounted his prey. His cock was all the way in before his bitch knew what hit him. Before he could react and instinctively push away, Jonathan was on top of him, the weight of his body against his chest, his arms pulling the bitch's legs bag toward his shoulders effortlessly. The more the bitch tried to push his legs down the higher he raised his pussy up for more penetration.

"Stop moving, now," Jonathan yelled.

The strength of the command was greater than the instinct to escape the pain and Edwards stopped moving. Jonathan did a mild grind into the tight cunt, letting the walls of his new slut's rectum adjust to the invasion and settle down. Once his cock was comfortable Jonathan stopped moving. In typical fashion, Jonathan simply held him in place, enjoying the inner sense of power he felt from taking his new bitch's virginity. He mused on the fact that no cock had ever been where his cock was. He was the first, but unquestionably, not the last. His mind wandered for a long time, relishing both the physical and the psychic release he got whenever he popped a new cherry.

The bitches breathing was labored at first as he struggled to overcome the pain that was shooting through his ass and up his back. Slowly, the breathing calmed down and became more relaxed. Jonathan pulled out very slightly and then pushed back in. There was no reaction other than a slight groan. It surprised Jonathan a little since usually it took a lot longer for a virgin cunt to get used to a cock of Jonathan's girth. He moved his cock slightly and heard a definite groan. "The bitch is already enjoying it," he thought.

Jonathan pulled his cock half-way out and pushed back in. This time the moan of pleasure was unmistakable. He put his lips down to his sluts ear and whispered "feels good, doesn't it?"

"God, yesss," moaned Edwards.

"You like your tight cunt being invaded by a man's cock, don't you. This is the best thing you've ever felt, isn't it? You feel totally dominated by a stronger man and it makes you feel like a little slut bitch, and that is a wonderful feeling, isn't it?" whispered Jonathan directly into his ear.

Edwards was repeating "yes, yes, yes," to everyone of Jonathan's perverse questions.

Jonathan pumped harder as he continued whispering, "you are a little cunt aren't you. You are a filthy little bitch whore that loves to have her cunt filled with cock meat. I'm gonna fuck you all night and you are going to beg for more. Tell me what a slutty bitch you are. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me, cunt, beg me.


Edwards was totally out of control. He was insane with lust and his cock fired his first of many loads between their two stomachs. Jonathan would not notice the thick cum on himself. Before the next hour was up they would both be bathed in sweat and the sluts cock juice would mingle with it and coat both of them.

Jonathan continued his rutting, the tempo increasing so they were both panting. Edwards fingers would drag across Jonathan's back, pulling him into him, and then move down to his ass, trying to coax him deeper into his stretched cunt.

Occasionally, Jonathan would slow way down to regain his strength. He would cuddle with Edwards, kissing him fully on the lips and gently stroking him as his cock worked in and out of his cunt. As soon as the bitch would get comfortable with the gentle lovemaking, Jonathan would revert to rutting hard and deep, keeping the slut off balance.

At one point Jonathan reached up and flipped a switch on the headboard and a plasma tv hanging at eyelevel on the wall next to the bed flickered on. The scene on the tv was a live image of Jonathans ass flexing as he drove his cock into the bitch. Jonathan commanded , "down," and the voice activated camera moved down till not only his ass was visible but also his cock, going in and out of his sluts cunt.

"Look at the screen," he commanded.

Edwards looked at the scene of his legs hooked over Jonathan's arms, his hairy ass flexing in and out as he drove his cock home. What took Edwards breath away was the close up on the split screen of his own cunt lips wrapped around Jonathan's cock. As Jonathan would drive into his pussy, his balls would conceal the bitch's pussy lips and drape themselves all the way down his ass crack and over his tail bone.

"You have a very sexy pussy, baby," said Jonathan. "Look how the lips grip my cock as I pull out. You like that, don't you? You love that a strong man like me wants to use your cunt for his pleasure. "

Edwards moaned and shot his third load of cum on both their stomachs. He was dizzy looking at the scene on the tv screen. He loved looking at his own ass, his tight sweet cunt that from now on would be reserved for strong virile men.

The next two hours were a blur of positions. Edwards was exhausted but still being pushed to heights of ecstacy he had never before experienced. He had cum about 5 times and never touched his own cock.

Finally, Jonathan realized it was time to breed. He was tiring and could feel that familiar ache at the base of his balls. His body had been churning up cum for hours and it was time for release.

Jonathan sat up on the bed, his back to the headboard and gestured Edwards to climb on his cock. He adjusted the camera so it was pointed right at his cock as it entered the bitches cunt. He looked into the bitches glassy eyes and said "When I tell you to get off you are to immediately climb off and take my cock in your mouth, understood."

"Yes, Daddy," Edwards mumbled.

Jonathan grabbed his bitch by the hips and started to raise and lower him on his cock. He was very close and when he felt the cum rising up his turgid cock he slowly lowered his bitch down onto his cock until he knew he had reached just the right moment, then he forced Edwards down hard and deep, causing his cock to erupt with the first of many powerful geysers of cum.

The first eruption fired deep into his slut's bowels and Edwards eyes opened wide as he sucked in a deep breath. As the first shot left his cock, he raised his fucktoy by the hips and then brought him down hard, shooting another monster load into edward's rectum. As that eruption filled Edwards tight ass it forced the previous load down and out, and Jonathan looked into the camera to see cum squirting out around the bitch's ass lips gripping his cock. When he lifted Edwards again, the rest of the first load and much of the second load poured out of Edwards pussy and coated Jonathan's balls and inner thighs before forming a huge pool on the bed. Jonathan forced Edwards down and a loud, cum slurping farting sound came from around Jonathans pussy wrapped cock as streams of cum were expelled all over his legs.

"Off, suck my cock," Jonathan commanded loudly, pushing Edwards back.

Jonathan's fuck toy climbed off quickly, a long rope of cum stretching from his pussy to Jonathan's throbbing cock. Edwards took the slime covered cock in his hand and wrapped his mouth around the swollen purple head. Jonathan put his hand on top of Ewards head and pushed down hard.

"Swallow, bitch," Jonathan commanded, as another thick rope of the thick cock juice disgorged from his cock, causing Edwards to gag violently and open his mouth wide, allowing all the cum to run out over Jonathan.

""Close your fucking mouth, you stupid cunt, and SWALLOW," Jonathan commanded again and forced the sluts head down as a fourth thick rope flew from his cock. This time Edwards managed to keep his mouth close and fight off the urge to gag. He swallowed and took half of it down. As he swallowed the remaining cum, Jonathan shot another load in his mouth. Edwards struggled to swallow as fast as possible but spilled most of it down all over Jonathan's cock.

Jonathan pulled Edwards off his cock and commanded, "lick me clean."

It was the last measure of humiliation. As he licked he could look over and see his own tongue slurping up thick drools of cum off his masters cock. Twelve hours ago he was a cocky salesman, thinking he was going to pull a fast deal on a wealthy businessman, and now he was slathering sperm off a fat cock, and loving every second of it.

Jonathan looked down at his new bitch, licking and slurping with relish. He smiled slightly and thought to himself, "this boy will make a nice addition to my stable."

Next: Chapter 3

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