Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 3, 2005


This is my first submission of one of my original stories to any website. If you have comments, criticism, or would just plain like to chat about the nature of the story, I'd welcome it. I really would enjoy hearing constructive criticism or any other comments you'd like to make. If there is any interest I will continue with this theme.

You can email me at

The usual disclaimers apply. If you aren't supposed to the reading this, then why are you?

Master Jonathan

By Storymaster49

"Put your clothes in this bag, and we'll hang it from this hook by the door. It'll be here when you are ready to leave. That is, if you are ever ready leave." Jeremy smiled as he held the bag for Steven, who was now down to only his briefs. Steven balanced himself with a hand on the wall as he slipped his briefs off and dropped them in the bag. Placing the bag on a coat hook by the massive oak entry door he gestured to a huge pit in the middle of the living room. "We'll wait for him there."

Steven walked hesitantly with Jeremy toward the pit, still not sure if this was such a good idea. Coming to a strange man's house on the basis of a 15 minute conversation in the video store with a total stranger was completely out of character for Steven. He was usually very cautious and thoughtful about every decision. But, something had drawn him to follow Jeremy to this place, and get naked, and wait for "him."

Steven had met Jeremy at the "Midnight Palace" video store while they stood practically shoulder to shoulder looking at the somewhat limited selection of gay videos. They were practically the only two customers, and clearly the only two customers interested in gay porn. Steven had pulled leather themed video off the shelf and was looking at the pictures of big hairy, leather clad bears rutting with young twinks, when he heard Jeremy say, "you into that sort of thing?"

"Well, not exactly," replied Steven speaking softly

"Yeah, me neither, " said Jeremy, "I mean, I like the big bear daddy types being in control and all but I can't get into all the crazy get up and the devices that always goes along with it."

Steven was a little surprised but also a little aroused at the ease with which this guy standing next to him was able to talk about what turned him on. It was the casualness with which he was referring to daddy bears and twinks, that had him aroused. The fact that Steven had strong fantasies about big bearish men controlling him simply added to the arousal and suddenly made Steven want to talk to this guy some more.

Stephen turned and looked at Jeremy. "I know what you mean. Why can't they just make a movie about a big hot hairy older guy who is in control. All that tying up and whips and chains and other stuff just gets in the way. "

"YESSSS," said Jeremy in a loud voice. He then quickly put his hand over his mouth and looked around the room while he giggled over his own outburst. Grabbing Steven by the arm he leaned in closely and talked to him as if they were old friends sharing a dark secret. "You are so right. I think the excitement of being controlled mentally is the real turn on. If a man controls you mentally and you do everything he wants just because you want to, then who needs all that other stuff. A man who really has you in control doesn't need to tie you down, cause you ain't going nowhere."

Steven felt as if this young guy standing next to him was reading his mind. No one had ever laid it out so simply and clearly. He had always felt the things Jeremy was describing but he had never really put it into words. He looked him over and noticed they were about the same age. He judged Jeremy to be about a year older then him, maybe 26. They shared the same body type, too. Not fat, but by no means what you would call thin either . They also seemed to be blessed with the same smooth milky skin, with virtually no hair visible anywhere. Steven noticed that like himself Jeremy had a full ass. He had noticed it before they even started talking. Steven always looked at other guys asses. His was round and full and he sometimes felt self conscious about it. Checking out other men's butts was his own way of seeing if he "measured up."

As they talked more and more about their shared turn on Jeremy started telling him about his own particular living situation. He lived in mansion owned by a man of incredible genius and ability. He became independently wealthy from his engineering inventions when he was 25, now twenty five years later he was retired completely from engineering and living off his immense wealth. His brilliance wasn't limited to engineering, either. The man had a profound understanding of human nature and lived completely by the philosophy that man's purpose was to reproduce and seek out pleasure. He had no interest in reproducing, but his search for pleasure knew no limits. It was this understanding in himself and a full acceptance of who and what he was, without the slightest feelings of guilt, that gave him an ability to know what motivated other people. Sometimes he felt as if he could read their minds. Where this ability was at it's most acute was sex. Sex with young, attractive men like Jeremy and Steven.

As Jeremy explained it, Jonathan was blessed with a genius level IQ and a self discipline that was unmatched. When Jonathan retired from engineering he dedicated himself to pursuits of the mind, and searching for ways to bring his mind and his body more in tune. His focus was sex, and the desire, or perhaps even obsession, to control his own sexual abilities through sheer force of gray matter. Most men, in the peak of sexual arousal, actually put aside most of their mental faculties and let their sexual urges take over. Jonathan wanted to bring the two together and over time he had succeeded.

Sexually, Jonathan was a total dominator. He did it quietly and forcefully and only rarely was physical violence a part of his means of controlling his "stable." He used violence only when the bitch boy he was using wasn't complying quickly enough to his demands and no other method of control would give results quickly enough. He never had to hit a bitch twice.

Jonathan's greatest achievment was his ability to control his cock. With nothing but quick moments of concentrated effort he could attain an erection and hold it for an hour or two. He had once held an erection for 6 hours just to prove he could do it. It wasn't necessary to hold erections that long and one of the side effects of prolonged erections, at least in Jonathan, was the overproduction of semen. His body would produce so much that it would get uncomfortable. Even under normal conditions he produced a greater amount of cum than most men, but after an hour or two of being erect he would produce over a cup. Seeing him cum after a long session with one of his bitches was a site no one ever forgot.

So, Steven stood in the pit with Jeremy. Nervous, anxious, but clearly excited with the anticipation of meeting this man, Jonathan. The pit was clearly made for sex. One side of the floor was padded with heavy foam rubber encased in a shiny satin material. Three sides of the pit were padded platforms one could sit on to gaze at the huge plasma tv screen mounted on the wall at the end of the pit. Spread all around the pit were foam blocks of all shapes and sizes which Steven realized were used for support in various sexual positions. Built into the wall under the long padded platforms were camera lenses. Cameras pointed at different parts of the pit also hung down from the ceiling. Jeremy told Steven that Jonathan loved to both film his activities in the pit and sometimes liked watching them live on tv.

Jeremy told Steven he couldn't promise that Jonathan would be interested in him and might send him away. If he did decide to try him out he should not be afraid. Jonathan never kept anyone against their will. He didn't need to. "Just remember, " Jeremy told Steven, "do everything he says without asking questions and he will give you experiences you will never forget. He has made some of us pass out from the intense arousal."

As Jeremy gave Stephen that last bit of information both young men grew hard. Standing there absentmindedly grabbing their cocks, Jeremy smiled and told Steven, "by the way, he's got the hottest cock you will ever see."

Jonathan was not a particularly tall man, standing about 5'11 and weighing in 225 pounds. He was hairy and large. He was what one would call barrel chested , since there didn't seem to be any fat on him at all, just a round but firm belly, huge massive arms, big powerful hands and muscular legs. He was average looking and wore his thick hair in a small ponytail .

Jonathan walked into the living room and moved deliberately and quickly toward the pit, looking directly at Steven as he moved closer to the young men. Jonathan, like the boys, was completely naked. His cock was flaccid and hung down over his plum sized balls. Steven glimpsed Jonathan's cock momentarily but then looked into Jonathan's eyes and was unable to break away. Something about his eyes controlled him.

"Well, what have we here, Jeremy?" asked Jonathan, never taking his eyes off Steven.

"It's a guy I met at the video store on my morning off. I thought you might like to meet him. He shares a lot of interests of ours, " replied Jeremny, putting particular emphasis on the word "interests."

Jonathan walked right up to Steven and took his hand. "welcome to our home, Steven. Has Jeremy given you some information on what this place is about?

"Yes, sir, he has," replied Steven his voice cracking slightly from his raw nerves.

"Excellent," Jonathan said, still staring right into Steven's eyes. "I will fill in the blanks in a moment"

Looking quickly at Jeremy, Jonathan quietly said "dismissed." Without uttering another word, Jeremy left the room.

"Well, well, let me see what we have here," Jonathan said, almost to himself , as he looked up and down down his new boy.

Jonathan slowly walked around Steven, examining the new prospect, gently pinching and pulling different spots while he muttered "yes, yes, very nice," to himself. When he got to Steven's ass he paused and cupped each buttock in his hand, hefting them and watching them dance a little as he shook them slightly. He murmured something pleasurable but unintelligible.

When he was facing Steven he looked him in the eye once again. "I am going to explain the rules once and only once." he said. "The rules are very simple really and neither negotiable nor elastic. You follow all my rules or you leave. You may leave anytime you want, but once you step through that door you never come back, under any circumstances. You are here by your own free will, however in this house my will is the only will that counts. You are probably wondering how I can have both my complete will obeyed but still allow young men like yourself to leave anytime they want. You will understand why, shortly." Jonathan paused, letting it all sink in.

"As time goes on, if I choose to let you stay and if you choose to stay, you will come to learn the subtleties of the rules and understand what your limits are in this house, and with me. In the beginning I suggest you not try and flex the rules. They don't bend easy. I rarely hit but if you bend a rule and I think you need immediate correction I may hit with an open hand. It is more of a signal than a punishment. I find a slap on the face or ass, while not painful, is humiliating enough to gain your undivided attention."

Jeremy had never been this aroused, and it was all simply from words and instructions. He didn't understand it, but he also knew, as so many young men before him, that he was in the right place. He would no sooner leave this place than cut off his own arm. He would do anything this man told him to do and accept anything dealt out to him just to be in this man's presence .

"And, who are you in this house?" continued Jonathan "You are my bitch, my slut, my whore and my cum receptacle. I own you. You no longer have an ass, you now have a pussy, a cunt, a twat or whatever else I choose to call it at the moment. I don't fuck you, I breed you. You and all the other bitches in this house are my stable. I have three middle aged men I am mentoring on how to dominate other men and occasionally I use some of my bitches as training tools. If you are selected you will submit totally. A reward for being a training tool is a night in the master bedroom with me.

Steven's cock was standing at full attention and a long string of precum dripped out of the shiny head. He felt completely dominated and never more aroused. His breathing was slightly labored and he felt as if he didn't cum soon his balls would explode.

Jonathan finished his instructions by telling Steven, "I will never tie you up, make you wear any kind of s&m attire, or hurt you just for the pleasure of hurting you. Sometimes, I will have to inflict pain simply because your pussy is still not used to accommodating a cock of my girth. In a short time will come to crave it. You can call me sir, daddy, Uncle Jonathan or anything else you like that doesn't imply we are equals. Take your pick, but if you ever call me just by my first name, hey you, or any other term best reserved for your friends, the punishment will be swift. Do you understand?"

Steven nodded. Jonathan's reaction was instant. His open hand caught Steven on the cheek and sent him reeling backwards. As he felt himself losing balance he reached out his hand and Jonathan grabbed him by the arm and brought back on balance. " You never nod at me, you use words."

Steven's face stung from the slap, but it only served to increase his excitement. "yes, daddy," he said, the words slipping effortlessly passed his lips.

Jonathan stepped closer and put his right hand behind Stevens neck, pulling his mouth to his. Steven felt Jonathan's tongue immediately push into his mouth. He was instantly aware that he had never had a tongue go that deep into his mouth. Steven realized that among the virtues Jeremy had mentioned about Jonathan, he had not mentioned this fantastically long tongue. The tip of Jonathans tongue was so far back in his mouth that at one point he almost felt a gag reflex coming up. To resist he pushed his tongue back and attempted to get it into Jonathan's mouth.

Jonathan broke away from the kiss, holding Steven's face inches from his own. "This is one of those subtleties I told you about", he said quietly to Steven. "The only time you put your tongue in my mouth is when I pull my tongue out of your mouth. Otherwise, you let me tongue fuck your mouth till I am finished. Got it."

"Yes, Daddy, " answered Stephen, earning him a slight smile from Jonathan.

As Jonathan stepped back, Steven was surprised to see Jonathan's cock still soft and splayed smoothly across his massive balls. His own cock was twitching and bouncing, a long string of pre cum continuing to leak from his piss slit. Jonathan stood back from Steven bowed his head slightly and put the palm of his hand against his forehead, appearing to be in deep concentration. Within seconds Stephen could see Jonathan's cock begin to grow. It was the most amazing and sexually stimulating thing he had ever witnessed. Jonathan's cock was growing at a steady even rate, and it was growing into a magnificent specimen of cockmeat. Steven was mesmerized.

When Jonathan finally came out of his 30 second trance

his cock was about 8 inches long and extremely thick.

He allowed Steven to stare at it interrupted for a few moments, knowing his cock played a significant part in his ability to control men. While larger than normal it wasn't huge. It's true beauty lay in it's definition and proportion. The shaft was straight and ended in a perfectly shaped cock head . Jonathan was circumsized so the skin along his shaft was stretched tight, emphasizing the pulsing veins. His cock head was purple and shiny. Jonathan kept his pubic hair trimmed extremely close to give his cock an even larger appearance. It's thickness is what set him apart. Steven guessed it had to be almost 7 inches around.

Almost instantly, precum started to form at the slit of Jonathan's cock. Steven would discover that Jonathan's ability to produce pre-cum was unique. While Jonathan had never measured it he suspected that he produced two or three ounces during a typical

2 hours session with a bitch.

Jonathan moved up close to Steven and put his hands on his shoulders. "When you suck my cock, don't fight it. I know your limits better than you do. If you feel you are going to gag just gag. But don't pull away from me or resist me. No matter how it feels, I will give you ample opportunity to breath. Eventually you will learn to take it all the way down. Now, get on your knees."

Stephen immediately knelt in front of Jonathan, wondering how he could possibly take more than half that cock in his mouth without choking. Still, he was determined to give Jonathan everything he asked for.

Holding Stevens head by a hank of hair on top of his head , Jonathan took his cock in his free hand and held it up to Stephen's lips. "Lick the precum off," he commanded.

Steven immediately used his tongue to take a big long lap under Jonathan's cockhead , scooping up all the pre cum and leaving his huge purple head glistening with spit. Jonathan then pushed his cock head past Stevens lips, and held it there. Steven looked up at Jonathan, lust and surrender written all over his own face.

"What the fuck are you looking at you stupid cunt," Jonathan uttered quietly but forcefully to Steven. "If I want my bitch to look at me I will tell her to look at me. You keep your eyes on what you are doing and I'll let you know when I want you to look at me." With that Jonathan slid his cock three quarters of the way into Stevens mouth, causing him to gag and reflexively pull back.

"Watch that pulling back from my cock,' Jonathan warned Steven. "I realize you aren't used to this, but I will only take so much and then I will begin to use force, "

As Jonathan continued to push his cock back into his throat, Steven began to realize that Jonathan had an instinct for when he could take no more and would pull back and let him breath a little. After about 20 minutes of cock sucking he began to relax and trust in Jonathan more than his own sense of panic at the blocked airway. Soon this relaxation allowed Jonathan to put more and more of his cock down Steven's throat.

Within 45 minutes he almost had Steven deep throating him. It was with a sense of deep satisfaction that Jonathan finally slipped his cock all the way into Steven's mouth and heard him moan with pleasure. Almost all his bitches eventually learned to take all his cock meat. But few had ever mastered it this quickly. He sensed this bitch was special, and with a mounting sense of excitement he looked down on Steven's round ass.

"You are doing well, baby," cooed Jonathan. "You were born to suck your daddy's cock, weren't you? Rub your flat tongue under Daddy's cock, baby. It feels so nice."

Jonathan had changed from grabbing his hair to gently holding and guiding his head as he fucked gently in and out of Steven's mouth. Steven felt his own cock twitch at the change in his Daddy's tone. He knew just when to reward his bitch with gentle words, thought Steven.

"Ok, baby, Daddy's had enough of this, time for something different," said Jonathan, gently guiding Steven to his feet.

Moving to one of the padded benches Jonathan sat down and gestured to Steven to come over. He patted his thigh and told Steven to lay across his legs. Steven stretched himself out face down on Jonathans lap with his stomach across his thighs. "Move up more, I want your ass where I can see it," Jonathan directed, his tone going back to it's more forceful timbre.

Steven scooted up and laid his hard cock between Jonathan's thighs, wiggling it around till he was comfortable. Jonathan had his hands on Stevens ass and was gently kneading it and feeling it's soft fullness.

"Let me have a look at your pussy," Jonathan said as he gently spread Stevens ass cheeks open.

Once bared he took his finger, wet it with his mouth, and put the tip inside of Steven's ass. As he was pushing side to side very gently he kept up a running commentary, as much for himself as for Steven's benefit. "Nice pussy lips. Nice and firm but yielding. Will make a nice snug fit. Smooth and hairless, too. " He paused with his probing, and bending forward he put his tongue up to his pussy and felt it's smoothness. "You shave this cunt, bitch?" he asked Steven.

"Yes, daddy," came the breathless reply.

"Time to check how sensitive your clit is," said Jonathan, sliding his finger down past the second knuckle. Finding Steven's walnut sized prostate he gently slid his finger tip back and forth across it. Steven's reaction was instant and he thrust his cock in between Jonathan's legs. Jonathan pulled his finger out of Steven's ass and smacked his ass with as much force as he could bring to bear.

"Stop moving, you out of control little bitch, " yelled Jonathan. "I decide when you can cum, not you. Rubbing yourself against me like that can cause you to cum. You do that one more time and I will put a ring on your cock and make it impossible to cum, and that will cause pain. I don't like pain, but if necessary to control stupid little slut cunts like you I will do it. Am I clear, you useless slut." Steven let out a struggled "Yes, sir."

Jonathan pushed Steven off him and stood up. "Ok, it's time to pop your cherry. Once we start we don't stop. The rule about leaving whenever you want does not apply when my cock is inside your pussy. Once I get started we will go about an hour, maybe 90 minutes. None of your pleas to stop will gain my attention. However, I am sure you will discover that after the first 10 minutes any begging for me to stop will be replaced by pleas for me to go deeper and harder. Furthermore, I don't use condoms. I fuck bareback or not at all. I will cum deep in your pussy and all over you. There is enough to go around, as you will find out. This is your last chance, do you want to leave now?"

Steven had a momentary urge to run away. He was not afraid of what this man would do to him in the next two hours, he was afraid of what he would do to him forever. He sensed that the fucking he was about to get would be the best he could ever have and all future encounters would pale in comparison.

Steven heard himself say "No, sir, I want to stay."

"Very well. Lay down on the wedge shaped foam so your pussy is up and open for me," commanded Jonathan.

Steven immediately moved the wedge to the middle of the room and positioned his butt on it so it was raised up high. "Now grab your legs, pull them back a little and spread then," Jonathan ordered as he pulled a small jar of white cream from a bag he picked up off the floor.

Jonathan knelt between Stevens open and twitching ass.

Looking at Steven's face, framed between his open legs he said "from now on you are free to say whatever

you want if it is related to the pleasure you are feeling. You are not to demand anything from me nor tell me what to do. You may simply express verbally what it feels like. Understood?"

Steven looked up then realized his mistake and dropped his head back and answered "Yes, sir."

Jonathan let this break in the rules slip because he knew that soon he would be dealing out a mixture of pain and pleasure the likes of which this bitch had never known. He looked down at this hot cunt in front of him and lowered his mouth to it.

Steven was completely surprised by Jonathan's mouth on his pussy. It was unexpected but highly pleasurable .

Jonathan's tongue instantly pushed it's way deep into his pussy and worked it around in a frenzy of lust. Steven pulled his legs further apart, hoping the added access would encourage Jonathan to go deeper.

Almost as soon as the rimming started it stopped. Jonathan knelt between Steven's legs and after placing a small amount of the white cream on his two fingers he applied it around the edges of Steven's pussy lips.

"This will help some, but it will still hurt," Jonathan offered.

Jonathan knew that pain was the true controller. He had long ago discovered that pain mixed with pleasure could turn many men into sexual slaves. Something happened to a man when a more powerful man was giving him pleasure and pain at the same time. It was only natural that when another man was pinning you down on your back and mounting you with his cock you were being subdued and dominated. He was breeding you, making you his, and turning you into his slut.

It was with this thought in mind that Jonathan put his cock at the entrance to Steven's pussy. In a few minutes any last doubts this bitch had about who his master was would dissolve. Once he had penetrated and started breeding him the ultimate surrender would occur. It always did.

Jonathan didn't believe in easing a cock into a waiting pussy. It just delayed the inevitable pain anyway. Better to get it over with quick. He also only used enough lube to make it comfortable for his himself. Pain was the signal to his bitch the conquest was beginning, a cunt full of cum was the signal the conquest was complete.

Looking down at his cock, poised at Steven's cunt, Jonathan pushed forward deliberately and with an steady and long thrust.

Stephen's reaction was instantaneous and loud. He let out a long "noooooooooooo" as the invasion sent jolts of pain up his rectum and into his spine. He reached out his arms and pushed against his invader's shoulders in a futile attempt to stop the overwhelming pain.

As Stephen struggled and squirmed beneath him Jonathan ground his cock slightly trying to get Stephens stretched pussy lips to open up and accept the penetration.

"Stop squirming bitch, you are only making it worse," ordered Jonathan.

Stephen slowed down his squirming although it was impossible to stop moving altogether because some of it is was uncontrollable. Big tears streamed out of his scrunched up eyes and his teeth were bared in agony.

Jonathan knew the worst was over and that in a short while the extreme pain would begin to recede only to be replaced by pleasure,....intense pleasure. He held his cock deep inside Steven and wrapped his arms around him. He held him there for almost 15 minutes, tonguing his ear and letting Stephens cock be his guide to how quickly the pain was receding. He knew, obviously, that once he felt Steven's cock growing hard, the pleasure was overcoming the pain. Holding his cock deep inside Stephen felt good, too. Stephen's pussy was warm and snug. He could feel his pussy lips gripping the base of his cock like a perfectly fitting cock ring. Occasionally, Stephen's pussy would contract and milk his cock. Jonathan has complete control over his orgasm. These contractions would have brought most men to instant orgasm, but for Jonathan it was just a pleasant feeling.

Soon, Jonathan felt Steven's cock begin to stir. He also could feel Steven squirming to get his growing cock shifted to a more comfortable position. Jonathan pulled his cock out a couple of inches then thrust back in. Steven's reaction was instant and it was clear there was still some pain. He thrust again and this time the reaction was less pronounced.

Jonathan pushed himself up off Stevens chest and pulled his cock out and pushed it back in, checking Steven's reaction. He did this several times till he noticed that Steven was not only hard again, he was meeting his thrusts. Now the fucking could really begin.

Jonathan pulled out of Steven and flipped him over on his stomach. Before Steven could react and understand what Jonathan wanted he felt hands on his hips pulling him up to his hands and knees.

"Spread your ass cheeks and open your cunt for me," he heard Jonathan command.

Steven spread himself open and was immediately impaled on the massive cock. He grunted and was going to pitch forward when Jonathans massive hands grabbed his hips and pulled him back onto the giant fuck tool . He couldn't ever have imagined feeling so stretched by another man's cock. This was a totally new experience and sensation, and he felt like a total slut. He couldn't control himself anymore and he started saying things he never thought he would hear come from his own mouth.

"I love the way you are breeding me, daddy, " Steven yelled. "Don't ever stop breeding your hot bitch. I want to be your slut forever. I want you cock in my pussy everynight. FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME. BREED MY HOT CUNT"

Jonathan for his part was simply aroused at the sight of his thick meat sliding between these two round and creamy ass cheeks. It looked so hot seeing how his cock was spreading this bitches pussy, and when he would pull back the slut's pussy lips would grip his cock and stretch out the way a rubber glove clings to finger. He knew it felt good to his bitch, too, and was one of the reasons he used as little lube as he could get away with. This new bitch was a one in a million catch. Not only was he a fast learner with a nice round ass, but his tight rectum was the perfect sheath for Jonathan's cock. He didn't think he had ever fucked an ass that felt this perfect. The walls of his bitch's ass were warm and snug and his cock felt like a velvet glove was wrapped around it, milking it and taunting it to cum.

The coupling went on for an hour. Jonathan knew how to pace the breeding session so both could rest while continuing to fuck. For about 20 minutes Jonathan had his bitch straddle him while he was sitting up. He pulled his boys head down to his shoulder and cradled him while he kept his cock deep inside his tight boy pussy He would use his free hand to gently lift and lower the bitch down on his cock. At this point his bitch had mentally disengaged. This happened frequently as the lust, pain and acceptance of their new subservient life took hold. Steven let his head roll about on Jonathan's shoulder, some drool escaping and running down Jonathan's chest as Steven went in and out of reality and sleep. This was the point Jonathan anticipated. It was when the bitch was fully his and would give himself to Jonathan without question, forever. It often didn't happen the first session, and sometimes a little force or pain had to be used, but when it happened like this, it was the best.

They had been fucking for well over two hours when Jonathan decided it was time. He could feel the build up of cum deep behind his cock and new that if he didn't release soon it could get uncomfortable. He pulled Steven off of him and had him lay on his back on the padded part of the floor. He again commanded him to pull up his legs as he kneeled between them.

"When I cum, I will shoot most of it deep inside your pussy in order to mark you as my permanent bitch. But, the rest I will spray on you. I expect you to make yourself open to it. If I put it up to your mouth you will open your mouth and accept as much of it as I want to give you. Do you understand, bitch?" asked Jonathan

"Yes, daddy, " replied Steven.

Jonathan put his cock up to Steven's cunt and pushed in. It went in smoothly and easily and instead of searing pain, Steven only felt waves and waves of pleasure as the length of Jonathans cock slid across his prostate. Jonathan leaned forward and began to pummel Steven with long, hard and fast thrusts. The sound of Jonathan's thighs slapping against Steven's ass filled the room. Jonathan had complete control over his orgasm and the instant he decided to cum he would let it go. He looked down at Steven's drooling cock and grabbed it. Steven let out a long deep groan and pushed his cock up at Jonathan's grip. He would make Steven cum first then he would fill his pussy with cum. After three strokes Steven's cock let fly with a long ropey shot of white cream. It flew across his chest and landed in a long gooey string across his face. The next shot sent a rope across a shoulder and before the third one could come out Jonathan cupped his hand over the throbbing cockhead and caught it in a large thick glob on his fingertips. He reached up and rammed his fingers into Steven's mouth.

"Eat this, bitch," he commanded.

Steven sucked his fingers and swallowed every bit of the creamy treat.

Jonathan put his hands on the floor and willed his own orgasm to come. He pumped hard into Steven and then held it deep while thick white flow of sperm erupted out of cock and flooded his bitch's rectum. Typically, Jonathan would shoot about 6 heavy ropes of cum before it was over. Each eruption would be more than double what a typical male shoots in an entire orgasm. So not only were Jonathan's orgasms longer than normal, they were quite a bit messier. He pushed deep as the first eruption of hot cream flooded his bitch. He looked at Steven's face for the reaction he always got There was a look of total bewilderment on a bitch's face when they felt that much cum being squirted deep in their bowels. It was like an unexpected enema. Once they realized what was happening it got them highly excited and the second and third thrusts often pushed them into another orgasm of their own.

Pulling back, Jonathan pushed in again and flooded the boy's rectum to the point where it started to flow out around Jonathan's cock and run behind Stevens ass and onto his upturned back. He pushed in a third time and now the cum running out around his own cock was making wet slurping sounds.

Jonathan pulled his cock out Steven's ass and grabbed the slimy and cum coated cock with his hand, squeezing it to momentarily delay the next eruption of cum. He crawled quickly over Stephens stomach and grabbing him by the hair pushed his cock right up to his mouth.

"Quickly, open your mouth and put out your tongue," ordered Jonathan.

Steven complied and Jonathan let go with a huge load of the white sperm all over his tongue, much of it covering his lips and some even going into his nostrils. He pumped the next two shots at Steven's face, leaving huge long ropes of the thick goo running down his cheecks, covering his eyelids, and seeping into his hair.

As the last of Jonathans thick load came out of his cock he stood up and examined his worn out bitch. He loved this moment the best. The moment of conquest when he stood over his bitch and took possession. Looking down at this young man, his once tight asshole distended and raw and filled with another man's hot cum, he would always feel a sense of power.

This morning this young man was just another gay kid looking sexual adventure, and now he belonged to another man.

The only thing that could top this feeling was when he took a perfectly normal straight guy of 30 or 40 and turned him into his personal bitch. Those were truly the moments when he felt his own power. But, that is another story.

To be continued, maybe......

Next: Chapter 2

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