Master Jason and Fag Sean

By Jim Email

Published on Apr 10, 2019


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**This is a fictional fantasy story. RESPECT, CONSENT and SAFETY are MUSTs for the real world. The story is exaggerated and just for fun. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The doorbell rings. "Answer it faggot", Master Jason commanded.

The faggot opens the door to Mike and Spencer. Two very hot men. Faggot would never have access to this Alpha world if not for Master Jason.

Mike is two years older than Jason. The same solid 6'2" as Jason. The only friend that could give Jason a challenge if ever in a fight. Mike took Jason under his his wing when Jason started his job on Wall Street. A sort of mentor but Jason caught up pretty quickly and achieved the 6 figure salary in less time than Mike did.

Spencer is 2 years behind Jason at 26. He is 5'10" with long dirty blonde hair that he is constantly pulling out of his face. Just by looking at him you can tell he was a skateboarder when younger and as would be expected smoked Camel Lights. He is the younger brother to one of Jason's ex girlfriends. They hit it off right away and stayed friends after Jason dumped her sorry ass. He is a bartender at a bar not too far from Jason's home. Spencer hooks Jason up with free drinks all the time...not that Jason can't afford it but it is only right as Spencer sees Jason as the top Alpha of the group and looks up to him as an older brother.

Spencer walks in, bumps into the faggot but doesn't acknowledge him. He enters as though the faggot is not even there.

Mike gives the faggot a swat to the balls. "Ooowwww". Then grabs his nipple and squeezes and twists while saying "what's up faggie?" As a reflex the faggot moves his arm up to try to push Mike's hand away. His arm makes contact with Mike's as he realizes what he has just done. He panics lowers his hand at the same time Mike pushes the faggot to the ground. "What was that faggot?!" He gives the faggot a hard kick and walks in to join the other Alphas.

Ashamed and scared faggot crawls into the living room. No one mentions faggot's brief loss of sensibility trying to stop a Superior from doing as he wishes to the faggot.

"Take their beers to kitchen, faggot and get back in here."

faggot does so and returns with fresh beers for the quad of Alphas.

Master Jason points to his feet and says "mouth". faggot drops to the ground. Removes Master's shoes and socks and begins sucking and licking them.

The four Alphas are shooting the shit. Talking about the game that is on the tv, Todd's troubles with Lisa and other recent pussy conquests. No one is paying the least bit attention to the faggot on the ground because, well, why would they? These are real men. Conversation and opinions of a subhuman faggot do not concern them. When something is needed, then faggot will be acknowledged.

Mike lights up a Marlboro RED. faggot starts to get worried. Master is having him work his feet but a guest is in need of an ashtray. Shit, what should he do? Spencer lights his Camel light. Fuck! Two Alphas will need to dispose of ashes and there is no other ashtray in the room. faggot look up to Master for guidance. Master knows exactly what the faggot is thinking but gives him no answer. faggot panics...if ash falls in the floor, he will get beaten. If he pulls off Master's feet, he will get beaten. Master looks down and is loving the predicament faggot is in. He enjoys seeing the worry in faggots face. He loves the power that he has over another human being.

Not disappointing Master, faggot realizes that Sir Mike is close enough that he can reach his palm out and make a cup for him to dispose of his ashes. This takes care of one but what about Sir Spencer? faggot moans and look up at Master. Finally Master gives faggot an out. He points and snaps his fingers in the direction of Spencer and says "ashtray".

faggot crawls on his knees to Sir Spencer and open his mouth. Spencer feeds the faggot with his Camel Light ash. faggot then dumps Sir Mike's ash from his hand into his mouth.

Both Master and Todd light up. All four Alpha Men have cigarettes going. faggot is trying to keep up crawling on his knees from one muscle smoker to the next taking all the ash they create. One by one, each Alpha finishes his cigarette. Each one drops their butts in the faggots mouth with no regard for when it ends up. That is not their problem. While performing as an ashtray, faggot did not notice beers getting low. Master stands and grabs the faggots hair and pulls him into a standing position. He grabs the faggots jaw between his thumb and forefinger. He squeezes tightly and gets into faggots face. He says quietly but sternly "The beers are empty. Your job is to pay attention to everything. Do you want any of my guests to sit here with no drink?"

With a mouth full of cigarette butts faggot say "no Master" the best he can without dropping any contents.

"Get your fucking act together or I swear to God, the four of us will beat you to an inch of your life. Get the fuck going now!!"

faggot hurries off to the kitchen and disposes of the butts and open 4 bottles very quickly. He hurries back to the living room and kneels and hands out the beers.

"Corner, faggot" was all Master had to say to get the faggot to the other side of the room and kneel on the uncooked rice in front of the corner. Over the next half hour the rice will dig into faggot's flesh and he will shift weight left to right to try to lessen the pain but it will be no use. Faggot will certainly feel this punishment and remember to make sure each Alpha Man is taken care of.

Now Master can put his attention to his guests. "Alright guys, as soon as faggot finishes his corner time he's all yours. Who want to fuck him first? He is good and tight".

Jason has no problem getting good pussy anytime he wants so he doesn't use his faggot for sex a lot. He likes keeping him tight so when he does it feels that is much better. Also, he doesn't want faggot to get too used to cock up his ass so it will be sure to hurt each time. Jason does not want the fucks to be too pleasurable to the faggot. Sexual pleasure is for REAL MEN...faggots are just a means to an end.

Spencer speaks up first. "Call it! I'm ready to bust a nut. The last two nights at the bar have been dead."

"You got it Spence!"

"Yeah dude! You got duct tape?"

Jason yells out, "yo fag get the duct tape, and another round of beers in here NOW!"

Faggot arrives and hands out the beers.

"You're up Spence"

Spencer goes over to the faggot and says "down and turn around". The faggot kneels and faces the television. Spencer takes faggots arms and pulls them behind his back. He takes the duct tape and wraps it around the wrists multiple times.

"What about his mouth?"

"Nah, man. I want to hear the faggot scream in pain. I'm going to rip his ass apart!"

"Lay down faggot" Spencer commands as he pushes the fag down. The guys all laugh at the fag. Spencer stands and kicks the fags ankles apart. "Whoop hooo" Spencer yells as he laughs and undoes his jeans. He starts stroking his dick. It get hard almost immediately. He gets down and spits onto the faggots hole. He spits in his hand and strokes some more. He gets the large tip right the faggots hole. He begins to push in slowly. He gets the tip in and says out to Jason "Damn!! He is TIGHT!"

The Alphas howl. Chants of "fuck the faggot" begin. Spencer continues to push in slowly. He wants faggot to feel every inch. Spencer is stretching the faggots hole. The faggot is hurting; he feels his ass on fire. Faggots back is arched. His head pops up and his mouth opens with a cry of pain. Spencer smacks the back of his head and pushes the last part of his cock deep inside. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" from the faggot "OOOOHHHHH fuck yeah!!!" from the man!!

Spencer pushes the faggot flat on the floor. He holds the fags taped arm down and puts all his weight on the faggot - shoving his rod in balls deep! Cries of "OOOOWWWWW!!" from the hole are ignored. Spencer gyrates faster with "Take it faggot.

With each thrust Spencer's dick feels the hot inside of this faggot. "Ahh" "Ahh" "Ahh"

"Ooohhhh it hurts! PLEASE Sir AAAHHHH!!!

"SHUT UP faggot!!" Spencer smacks the fags head and pulls out half way and SLAMS hard while his whole muscular body falls onto the faggot. Solid muscle is crushing faggots body with an Alpha dick filling his hole.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tears are dripping; cries and sobs are all the faggot can muster.

"Keep crying faggot - that just makes me want to fuck you harder!" He looks to Todd "light me a smoke." Todd grabs Spencer's Camel lights and puts one in Spencer's mouth and holds a zippo flame up to the tip. Spencer takes a big drag. Pulls the faggots hair back blows it right at the side of his face.

Spencer continues to ride the faggot hard while dragging on his smoke. His cock is getting massaged by the faggot's insides. He flicks the ash onto the faggots back. Some lit embers fall on his back but that's the least of the fag's concern. Spencer is fucking HARD and smoking HARD. faggot is in pure agony. He continues to moan and cry. His pain is met with only ridicule and laughter from his fucker and all the Alpha onlookers.

"I'm going to fucking cum dude" He continues to pound. As he just about to release he stubs his cigarette out on the faggots back. The shock and pain causes the faggot scream a high pitched yell. his body bucks up and he squeezes his cheeks tighter around Spencer's shaft that causes him to shoot a huge fucking load into the faggot.

Spencer screams "OOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!! FUUUUUCK!!! OH FUCK! Damn. Oohhh" He collapses onto the fag to the sound of applause and laughter from the guys.

Spencer pulls out and sits back. "Fuck" He breathes heavily as Todd hands him his beer. He takes a few gulps.

Pointing to the faggot, Jason says to Mike "Help me with him" The two largest men in the room grab the faggot with ease and put him ass up draped over the back of the couch. Jason continues, "Spence, have him clean you off".

Spencer goes behind the couch to the faggots closed mouth. He smacks the fags head and says "open up". faggot slowly opens his mouth. Spencer shoves his softening cock into the wet opening and the faggot starts to suck him clean.

Jason says, pointing to the faggot's ass, "Who wants this end?"

Todd gets up. With the faggots hole dripping with Spencer's cum its easy for Todd to slip right in to the tight boy cunt. Faggot yells out releasing Spencer dick. Spencer slaps faggots head, "suck it clean faggot!!"

Faggot let's out a cry but complies. He wraps is mouth around the re-hardening dick with tastes of cum, his own insides and tears. His head is forced all the way to Spencer's pubes with each thrust Todd gives. Todd takes faggots duct taped arms and pulls them up then pushes them higher. With each thrust his arms are pushed higher and harder. They feel like they are going to be pulled off as his insides are ripped apart. His ass is burning again. A hard thrust and a push of the arms to their limit causes the faggot to cry out and lose his grip on Spencer's cock again. Spencer grabs the faggot hair and gets in his face. "Keep my fucking dick inside your mouth, you piece of shit!!" A hard SLAP then Spencer reinserts his meat into the faggots face cunt.

The hoots and hollers from the guys grow as Todd is ready to cum. He grabs the faggot's waist and pulls him back on his massive tool. He sees Spencer thrusting hard too. Its only a matter of seconds before faggot is filled with ALPHA cum in both holes.

Todd, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Spencer"OOOHHHH FUCK!" Todd, "FUCK YEAH!!" Both Men are drained. Spencer simply walks away.

Todd pulls out and slaps the faggot's ass. The faggot collapses on the couch and loses his balance and bounces to the floor with a loud thud. None of the men pay any attention.

Jason says, "guys, let's get some food in the kitchen". The four men go to eat leaving the broken faggot on the floor in pain. Jason steps back and pulls out a knife from his pocket. He makes a small cut to the duct tape. "Get that tape off yourself fucker" then walks away.

faggot hears fresh beers popping, laughing Alphas and food being eaten. The men have seemed to have forgotten all about the faggot laying in pain on the floor. He doesn't know what to do. He figures that if Master wants him, he'll say so.

After some time Jason yells "faggot crawl in here!"

Faggot, sore from all that has happened to him today, makes his way into the kitchen.

"Your dinner is ready faggot. We all made it for you" Jason says. faggot crawls to his bowl and looks at it. "We all chewed up a few bites and spit them in your bowl. Wasn't that nice of us faggot? If you're going to eat be sure to thank us"

faggot crawls to each ALPHA: To Todd: kisses both feet and says "thank You Sir Todd for giving faggot dinner"

To Mike: kisses both feet and says "thank You Sir Mike for giving faggot dinner"

To Spencer: kisses both feet and says "thank You Sir Spencer for giving faggot dinner"

To Jason: kisses both feet twice and says "thank You Master Jason for allowing faggot to eat and for giving faggot dinner"

"You are welcome faggot. Now go eat"

faggot crawls to his food bowl and eats the food that was given to him. When finished he turns to his water bowl and begins to slurp it up. He is surprised to taste only water. No piss and its cold. Master has rewarded faggot with pure cold water. faggot feels so good. This is a clear sign that Master is pleased with faggots performance tonight. faggot has a big smile on his face as he drinks his water knowing he has pleased his Master.

---------------- Thank you for reading. I welcome thoughts and ideas -

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