Master Jason and Fag Sean

By Jim Email

Published on Apr 4, 2019


"Up, faggot!" A kick to the cramped heavy steel cage that was his home. This is how Sean, well the faggot formally known as Sean, awoke. The latch was unlocked and faggot knew to crawl out and kiss his Master's feet. Now faggot crawled out the bedroom door. Once out of his Master's view he could stand and run to the kitchen to fetch Master's coffee quickly. Faggot had learned that delay equals punishment. Master allows faggot to be on two feet if out of Masters view and if it will help faggot serve him more quickly.

Now back at Master's bedroom door, the faggot gets back down on all fours. Well, technically three as one hand is needed to carry the coffee cup. With head down, the faggot gets right next to Master and raises cup up in the air until Master is ready for his first sip and takes the cup. Faggot stays in his "all four" position while Master drinks coffee and tends to business on his phone.

As soon as faggot hears the click of the zippo, he knows to get into kneeling position to serve as Master's ashtray. Eyes closed, head back and mouth open. Master is having his first Marlboro RED of the day. This was always a highlight for faggot. No punishments/pain yet for the day while enjoying the sweet second hand smoke. Good not only because that smoke was just inside of Masters body but he really missed smoking himself. When he was Sean, he enjoyed smoking. He is no longer allowed to smoke. Master said that life's pleasures such as alcohol, smoking, money and orgasms are only for real men which faggot is not.

Faggot has the timing down and can tell Master is almost done with his RED. Just as he thought that, the lit butt was dropped in faggots mouth. faggot swirls saliva quickly to extinguish the cherry to avoid getting burned.

That was faggot's sign to crawl out, run to the kitchen and prepare Master's breakfast. From day to day faggot has no idea how long Master will be. All he knows is that the food better be on the table and hot at the time Master arrives. If it sits there too long, faggot must figure out whether he should make another serving so the waiting food is hot. Today was a lucky day for faggot. As soon as he set the plate of pancakes on the table Master walked in. faggot went to his place next to Masters chair and knelt there (head down) and simply waited.

Finally Master spoke first words to faggot directly. "So, what is on your agenda for today faggot?"

"The only plan is to please You Master Jason. faggot does not make decisions on plans or activities. The only goal faggot has each day is to serve You Sir."

Master Jason laughs and says "Good answer faggot". He rubs faggot head and then abruptly stands up. Faggot hears the click of the zippo again and gets into ashtray mode. It clicks shut and faggot hears a long exhale and can smell the smoke penetrate the air.

"Not this time faggot. We're doing things a little different today. The guys are coming over later so we're pushing the daily beating up earlier. Downstairs, NOW!"

Faggot crawls to the basement door and down the stairs. He assumes the usual waiting position for the beginning of each beating.

He stands against the far wall, face touching the rough concrete with limbs at a wide X. He never knows what position he will be put in, what type of beating it will be or how long. All he can do is wait for his King to decide how he will hurt.

He hears Master walk down the steps. He smells the Marlboro smoke in the air. Although he has accepted that the beatings come frequently he never gets used to it. The beatings hurt. He often cries. He also knows its simply part of being a faggot. The daily beatings remind faggot of his place and the Superiority of real men like Master Jason. He is free to leave at anytime but loves serving his Master so this is just simply part of it.

Master approaches faggot and roughly grabs fag's right wrist and twists. The faggot yells out in pain as Master twists more. It feels like his arm is going to be pulled off his body. He drags the faggot over to the saw horse that is bolted into the concrete floor. He bends the fag over and fastens steel bands/chains around wrists and ankle which are chained to the base of the saw horse. Master squats down in front of fag and grabs his hair to put fags face directly in front of his. Master takes one final deep drag on his RED and says "Are you ready faggot?"

Knowing that it is the only appropriate response, faggot lies and says, "Yes SIR!". Master exhales a huge cloud of smoke in the faggots face "Then let's start". Master stands and drops the cigarette butt on the floor and crushes it out beneath his heavy boot and walks over to the display wall to choose the first instrument of pain.

The wall is to the side of the faggot so he has no idea what the Master will use. He grabs a long wide paddle with holes in it. He swings it in the air and the fag can hear the WHOOSH sound as wind goes through the holes. WHOOSH WHOOSH. The fag recognizes that sound and starts to shake with fear. Master already has a grin on his face when all of a sudden: WHOOSH SMACK!! "AAAHHHHH!!!" WHOOSH SMACK!! "AAAHHHHH!!!" WHOOSH SMACK!! "AAAHHHHH!! OUUUCH!" WHOOSH SMACK SMACK SMACK!! "AAAHHHH Master, NO Please! Please.... WHOOSH SMACK! "AAHHHH STOP! Please ple...." WHOOSH SMACK! "OOHHH NO! I can't take any..." WHOOSH SMACK! "STOP PLEEEASE"

Master goes to the faggot face and grabs a fistful of hair. Pulls the faggots face up to meet his own. "Are you trying to tell me what to do faggot?!"

" Sir. It just hurts so much" the faggot cries with tears dripping and nose running.

"Of course it fucking hurts, faggot. Its called a beating for a reason you dumb bitch!" He let's go of the faggots hair and smacks the back of his head. "Stupid faggot"

Master goes behind him and unlocks the left ankle. He turns his back to the faggot, lifts the left leg up and puts it between his muscular legs. Master squeezes his legs tightly to keep the fags lower leg and foot exposed. Master pulls the paddle back and once again: WHOOSH SMACK! right to the bottom of the faggots foot. The faggot shakes in pain. His leg tries to break free but of course to no avail. Master Jason's vice like grip has no give. WHOOSH SMACK!

The faggots blood curdling screams do no deter Master. If anything it empowers him more; this is HIS faggot and he can do whatever he wishes. 3 more smacks and he drops the foot and refastens the ankle. "Now for the right one." Master repeats the process on the right foot. "Count these ones faggot!" WHOOSH SMACK! "AAHHHH 1 Master Jason" WHOOSH SMACK "UUUGGHHHH 2 Master Jason" WHOOSH SMACK WHOOSH SMACK "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" "Number faggot or we go back to 1" faggot crying somehow manages to get out, "3 Master Jason 4 Master Jason"

"Big finish faggot" WHOOSH...nothing WHOOSH....nothing WHOOSH SMACK!!!!

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 5 MASTER JASON!!" faggot let's out a good cry as he locks the ankle back.

Back to faggots ass, one more big multiple hit WHOOSH SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "AAHHHHHH UUHHHHHH OHHHHH...FUCK!! FUCK!!! (sniffle) OHHH (sniffle)..AAAHHHH The faggots body shakes. He pulls at the restraints.

The Master hears the chains rattle as he laughs at the pathetic faggot. He puts the paddle back and grabs the whip.

Master flings the whip into air - CRACK!

Just the sound of it terrifies the faggot.

"You going to tell me I can't use this on you, faggot?"

Through the tears, faggot replies "No Master Jason. Whatever you say"





"What do you say, faggot?" "Thank You Master" "Do you want more?" "If you want, Master. Whatever you want is what faggot wants, Sir!"

Master lines up right behind his sobbing property. "Those red ass cheeks need some highlights." CRACK!! Right on the already throbbing left cheek. Then CRACK, the right one. Two more on each side. CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!!! "OOOOWWWWWWWW. AAAAHHHH"

The faggot is breathing heavily. His body is shaking. Master walks back over to put the whip down but turns and does a half dozen more right on the faggots back. Then turns back and chuckles.

Silently he walks over to the faggot and undoes each restraint. The faggot knows better than to move until instructed to do so. Master goes over to the base of the steps. "Come thank me, faggot"

The faggot jumps off the bench and crawls to Master. He open mouth kisses Masters right boot. "Thank You Master Jason for reminding faggot of what it is". He then repeats it on the left boot. When done, faggot stays down with head bowed.

"Alright faggot, I'm going for my run. While I am gone you are to clean the entire kitchen, dust and vacuum all the rooms. This better be done by the time I return or there will be hell to pay. When I come back you better be on all fours waiting for me. Now, you stay here and when you hear me leave you may come upstairs and begin."

With that, Jason goes upstairs and closes the basement door. Faggot painfully walks up to the door and listens closely for Master to leave. As soon as the back door closes, faggot emerges and quickly begins his chores. He has no idea how long of a run Master will be doing today so he must work fast. After today's beating, he can't take a punishment so soon.

Next chapter: The guys come over

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Next: Chapter 2

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