Master Is Nice?

By ShyBiGuy

Published on Sep 2, 2019



Master is Nice?

Hello everyone, I am furryfoxboy27. You may know my previous story, exploring with dad at the camping trip. After reading a story, I decided I took my view point of how the whole master slave relationship should go down. Please remember to donate to Nifty. I have donated and it fills me with joy, knowing that I have payed to help keep this wonderful website alive. You should too!

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"Stand up, whore." Master said.

I couldn't feel my legs. My asshole clenched weakly after the viscious fucking I recieved from Master. I tried to stand up, only to have my legs give out. I landed on the floor with a thump.

Master sighed. "Such a stupid slut. Can't even stand up right." He reahced out and lifted me by my waist.

I whined and groaned before he slapped my ass firmly. I think it left a mark.

"Shut it, slave. You serve me. End of story. What I say, goes. Got it, slave?"

"Y.. Yes, Sir." I struggled to breath, let alone speak. I could almost feel my hard cock, but I mostly felt the blood rushing to my head. Master walked me down the hall in his arms out of the bedroom to the living room. He drew the blinds open and planted me on all fours, facing the window. It was dark out, but the lamp posts illuminated the street subtly. With a thrust, I knew my place again. I moaned and throbbed as he thrusted deep into my used asshole. I've been with my master for a week now, but it feels like a life time. I've enjoyed it a lot, but I don't like being a slave 24/7. I want to say something to my master, but who am I? A slave. I have no role,

no place to speak out of turn. It feels like I'm stuck in a sexual hell.

"Take it bitch boy! Take it you filthy slut!" He growled as he pounded into me, slapping his balls against mine as I saw some late night joggers running past the lamp posts. I blushed with embarrassment, knowing they could see me being fucked by my master.

"Yes, Master! Fuck me harder! I want everyone to see how well I take your cock!" I gripped the window seal and clenched my eyes shut. I tried to milk his cock with my ass, but I was too used to be of any use. I had to merely lay and be fucked, hoping to be able to cum by the end of it.

He pulled out of me and grabbed my neck. He closed his grasp, tightening around my throat as he lead me to the front door. He opened the door and sat me on the ground before forcing my head to take his cock. His eight inch cock. I was a mere six inches, nothing compared to my Master.

"Look at your little cock! Stupid slut looks like a raisin! Bet your fucking pencil eraser can't even cum!" He boasted outside as I blushed harder and my cock throbbed wildly.

I licked up his shaft while he thrusted into my throat. I tried to suck him to give him more pleasure so he could finally cum. He's been holding it in for the last three hours. I looked down past his cock as I saw mine being chocked by a cock ring a size too small. It started to hurt a few days ago, but now I can't even feel it. I looked up at my master and moaned and whined. I started patting his hairy thigh. I needed air, I needed relief, I needed to be myself instead of just a mindless slut. He yanked my long hair toward him as he finally shot his seed deep into my throat. I managed to take in some air through my nose. He pushed me away and I fell on the pavement of the driveway. I started to cough into my arm and sniffle. I looked up into his eyes as a tear slowly traveled down mine.

"Master... Are we done?"

He chuckled. "Not even in the slightest, bitch. And don't speak out of turn!"

"Master, I'm hurting. I can't take this anymore... Please Master."

He rolled his eyes with a smirk and kissed my chapped lips. I sighed and moaned into the kiss before he pinned me down and shoved his tongue deep into my mouth. I wrestled with his tongue, knowing I'd never dominate him. I'd always be his small prick, bitch boy, stupid slut, worthless whore. He pulled away and I saw the smirk fade from his face. My eyes were still wet with tears I had held back for too long. He craddled my head in his hand as he looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong, sub?"

"I.." It was hard to talk. My throat was raw from his cum and cock. "I want to stop, Sir. I can't feel my dicklet. It.. hurts to speak. I just want a day away from being a sub, Sir. I want just one day to not feel like I'm a nothing, useless, slave."

He looked around the dark neighborhood before picking me up and taking me inside the house. He laid me down on the kitchen table. He looked down at my cock and sighed.

"Your tip is almost blue. That cock ring is cutting off circulation and it's been on for too long." He tried to slip his finger under it, but he couldn't. He went over to a drawer and pulled out some scissors. He cut the cock ring off and I moaned out in pain.

"It hurts! It hurts! It's like pins and needles, Master!" I arched my back and panted heavily, trying desperatly to free myself of this situation. He kissed my lips and held my limp hand in his. I tried to hold his hand the best I could as tears streamed down my face from how intense every little movement affected me.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He rubbed his thumb across my chapped lips before lowering his head. "You need water, you're dehydrated."

He went to the sink and pulled out a cup. He filled it with water and lifted me up before tilting the water into my mouth. I tried to swallow it as fast as I could, just like with Master's cum on the first day. He pulled the cup away from me.

"You gotta take it slow, Boy. Don't rush this, just this once." He slowly let me take sips from the cup until it was empty. He turned away from me.

"That cock ring may have damaged your cock. It shouldn't be worn for more than an hour. It could cause erectile dysfunction."

Erectile Dysfunction. My biggest fear. Some guys drive cars, or buy shoes, maybe shoot guns or play sports, but we all have a dick. We all love our dick. To not be able to get hard on our own? That would lower my self esteem all the way to hell. I started to cry audibly now.

"Hey hey, it's okay, boy. You'll be fine." He wrapped his arms around me and I collapsed in his arms. I felt so defeted, like nothing mattered anymore. Like it was all worthless. He rubbed my back and whispered into my ears.

"It's alright boy. I'll be right here for you. Not as your Master, as your boyfriend. I'm sorry for pushing you as hard as I have been. I should have taken a few moments to give you some down time."

He looked into my eyes. "Do you want to go out on a date?"

I trembled and shook my head. "Last time, you made me wear a vibrator the whole time."

He took my hand into his. "I promise, this time won't be sexual."

I looked down before finally saying "Okay."

He rubbed my back. "Here, let's get you cleaned up in the shower. I'll take you out to get some food and we can have a relaxing night."

I felt like I shouldn't belive him. He's my Master though, he hasn't lied to me before. I just feel weary, like anything could happen. He lead me to the bathroom and turned on the warm water. He helped me into the shower before covering my body in soap until suds started appearing. I winced whenever he touched my cock or asshole, both have been so overused. He guides me under the water as the soap washes off my body. I hum softly under the warm water works. He turns off the water before wrapping a towel around me.

We walk out of the bathroom before he helps me put my clothes on. We walk out to his truck and I smile, ready to sit in the front seat. We take a slow, quiet drive out to the city before spotting a McDonald's. We park and get out before we order some food and sit down to eat.

I start devouring my food. It's been so long since I've eaten. Master chuckles at me and ruffles my hair.

"Thank you Master."

"Please, call me John. I know you're used to calling me Master, but maybe we should save Master Slave time for home and just worry about being ourselves in a happy relationship everywhere else."

I blush a bit red before nodding. "Thank you, John. I'd like that a lot."

He smiles and reaches over to rub my hand with his thumb, making me feel warm inside.

We finish our meal and get back into his truck as we drive back home. I hold onto his arm and rest my head on his shoulder. we pull into the driveway and walk inside the house.

"That was awesome! I hope we could do that more often." I smile.

He looks away for a bit. "I'm sorry that I've hurt you. If you want to leave, I understand."

I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. "Listen, I don't know what you're thinking or feeling, but I still want to be your sub. Just let me be human sometimes too. I like eating out and wearing clothes. I love being yours. I love your cock, I just don't want to suck it 24/7. Maybe we could have a safe word so that when things get too intense, we know to stop."

His smile let me know everything was alright. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."

"How about butterscotch?"

"Sure. Do you want to continue where we left off?"

I just giggled and nodded. I dropped to my knees and pulled his cock out of his pants. I started sucking his cock as I moaned against it, making the vibrations send a shiver up his spine.

"Butter scotch!"

I pulled away and stood up. "What's wrong?"

He smiled at me and kissed my lips. "It's the start of something beautiful."

I smile and nod as I rest my head against his chest.

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