Master Dom

By RougeAgent

Published on Jan 28, 2020



This story is solely intended for adults interested in homosexual BDSM erotica. Turn back now if this offends you or is illegal.

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Master Dom Chapter 3

"There is the matter of your failure as a dom, as well as the resulting financial loss. More and more, I am getting more extreme requests from my clients. So as an experiment, you will be prepared and made available to this clientele. That will both address your punishment, as well as the financial component. These doms will assist me. The one most successful in their mission will be promoted, and potentially groomed to replace me in a few years. And let 's just say, you don 't want to be the least successful. " All the doms we 're listening intently. Master pulled my hair hard enough that I thought it would be pulled out and whispered "I think that will sufficiently motivate them, don 't you? " I whispered back, "Yes Master. "

"We will start by making you look the part. Each dom submitted a sketch of what tattoos you will receive. The winner has received the prize of making you suffer for one hour in the manner of his choosing. I was going to surprise you and let you see the final work, but the tats are extensive and will take weeks. I think you should see it now so you can reflect on what a freak you will become. " With that, Master held up a sketch showing my back. Centered between my shoulder blades was a large dart board. In curved letters above the circular board was "I LOVE " and below "PAIN " Master explained, "This should remind you that you exist for others entertainment. The game can he played with actual darts or a whip. As you can see, there 's a bullseye on your ass. On your left thigh, just below your ass is PUNCHING and BAG on your right thigh with 2 arrows pointing to your balls. I know they don 't look like an actual punching bag like they do in the sketch. But one of these doms will be responsible for stretching and enlarging them before they are tattooed to look like a punching bag. You 'll also notice a series of piercings along your back, shoulders, arms, legs and even your ass. Those are for restraining you and spreading your ass. Now here 's the front. " Master held up another sketch, similarly adorned with ring piercings, including my cock, which was tattooed to look like a snake with diamonds studs pierced through my cock head for eyes. SLAVE was written in bold block letters on the forehead, a sketch to the side showing a winter hat could cover the wording. Above my cock "WHIP WHEN HARD " But the chest was the worst. It had a large Nazi symbol between my nipples and below read, "CUM AND PISS LOVING PAIN PIG WHORE WHO HATES NIGGERS, SPICS, ARABS AND CHINKS "

Master had doms of all races, this tattoo was strictly make make the clients want to hurt me. Master let that soak in, then said "Those are the groups of people who have requested extreme slaves. Yes, when people see you there will be no mistaking the reason for which you exist. Now, I have to keep good on a promise. " He motioned for the winner to step forward. The winner reached in his bag and handed me a shirt made from some strange thin material. My shoulders were still stiff and sore, so that combined with it being skin tight made it a difficult task. He explained, "Master said I can 't scar you. This is super thin Kevlar. You 'll feel all the pain of my whip, except the cuts. " I bravely turned my back to him. He chuckled, "I 'm not done preparing you. " He attached a parachute to my balls, then a short chain, which he then connected to a cinder block. The length of the chain held me on a half squat. "Now walk in big circles, making sure to pass Ryan so he can see you. " With that he whipped my back and the hour started.

I started to drive myself forward just as the whip cracked on my back. He was right, the pain was full force. As I struggled forward, I thought my balls would get ripped off. But he wouldn 't risk that, else he would replace me. Each step was an ordeal. Every so often I received a lash. He would swoosh it through the air, allowing the pain to register and keep me off balance as to when the next lash would be delivered. Then without warning, he stepped on the cement weight and shouted "Faster or I 'll beat your feet and start the time over. " I fell to the floor, with the pain from my balls radiating through my entire body. In my crouched position, my legs burned but nothing close the the pain in my balls. Step by step I moved closer to Ryan. I could see he was still bound and bobbing his head. I was only a few feet away and the only sound I heard was Ryan slurping, no gag. As I passed him, his eyes turned to me. I do know know if eyes can smile, but if they can his were. Again the dom stepped on the weight and barked, "Give slave Ryan a kiss. " I dropped down to all fours, he turned his head and opened his mouth. Cum covered his lips and chin, more hung from the roof of his mouth and I couldn 't see his tongue. "NOW! Or you 'll replace him. " I leaned in and planted my closed lips on his. The whip struck my back as I was told "A proper kiss. " I turned my head and opened my mouth. Ryan immediately pushed a mouthful of cum in my mouth. "Turn and let me see. " I turned and opened wide. He used the handle of the whip to push up on my jaw and told me to swallow. I actually welcomed the order to get it out of my mouth. Ryan resumed without being told to. The dom removed his foot and whipped me to resume my trek. As I started off, I saw that only 13 minutes had lapsed. As I passed master, he had a new slave servicing his cock. The boy was young and smooth. I would guess 13 or so. Master stroked his hair affectionately as he easily took Master 's 10 " cock to the root. As I staggered by, he guided the boy 's face to me and when I saw him I actually stopped in my tracks, stunned by his beauty. He spoke in a tender tone, "See what happens when you disappoint me? " In a voice as angelic as his face, he replied "I won 't master. " He gently guided him back to his task. A lash to my back signaled me to keep moving. Round again I went. Most of the doms, has to adjust their hard cocks as I passed. The pain on my back had caught up to the pain in my balls. I was horrified to pass Ryan again and my fear was justified. Again he stepped on my ball weight and spoke to Ryan. "Need to piss boy? " Ryan slowly nodded his head, a crack of the whip across my back told me all I needed to know. I took his soft cock in my mouth and he immediately let loose all his pent up piss which I was sure to swallow completely. When I finished he was fully hard. As I passed Master this time, the boy sat on his lap, his smooth arm around Master 's neck. Master gently edging his smooth cock. His toes curled and he moaned gently. The boy oblivious to my presence. Master knew my preference in boys and being so close to this one and not able to touch him was part of my torment. I trudged by, eventually making my third pass to Ryan. Again I was stopped. I looked back and waited, it didn 't take long to hear "Shame to let that hard on go to waste. " I started sucking him, taking my time as this was preferential to my walk of shame and pain. But the dom quickly figured out my ploy and started whipping me. Ryan seemed to enjoy my punishment and shot a huge load in my mouth. As I passed my Master a third time, Master was hand feeding him his own load. This time the boy made eye contact with me. Master whispered something in his ear and his eyes went wide and he smiled with excitement. He kissed Master and thanked him. I passed the timer and only 2 minutes left. That good news was dashed as I was told that I 'm finishing the lap. I approached Ryan and told myself that all the indignities had been completed. As I felt the tug of his foot on the weight, I learned my last task. "Tongue bath. Miss a spot and it 's another hour for you. " I started at his feet, making sure to get in between the toes. I worked my way up hid legs and made sure to run his ass thoroughly before working his balls. I used a pattern to ensure that I did his entire torso. I thought about biting his nipples, but didn 't think it was worth the risk. I moved to his rank pits, then arms. The pits were challenging with his arms bound, but nothing compared to another hour. I finished off with a very dry tongue on his neck and face. I started off towards Master and was treated to the sight of the boy slowly moving up and down Master 's cock. The boy 's blissful expression looked like he was enjoying it more than Master. Master sat comfortably while the boy did all the work. His smooth legs were toned and watching his muscles flex nearly made me cum. I made my way back to the starting point, the parachute was removed and I collapsed exhausted.

Next: Chapter 4

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