Master Darren

By scotland calling

Published on Mar 12, 2019


Master Darren 2 by fatsow

M/m, Humil.

Disclaimer: The story is fiction. It contains descriptions of sex and is here for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult, stop reading. If reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, read no further. If you read further, you accept that you wilfully gained access to this material, that you are an adult aged 21 years old or older and that this story does not offend the standards or violate any law in your area. The author is happy to get feedback

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"In the meantime though, we need to finish up in here" I said, wiping my arse. I looked down at fatsow. "Is it clean?" I asked, turning around, bending and spreading my cheeks.

"Yes Master" replied fatsow.

"Good" I said. "In that the case it won't have any objection to licking my asshole then will it?" It moaned. It actually moaned. And I got an instant boner. It shuffled up to my arse. then gingerly poked its nose into my butt crack.

"Get a fucking move on you useless old idiot" I hissed at it. It dived in, licking and slurping. Credit where its due it wasn't bad for its first attempt at a rim job. I made a mental note to make it more challenging in future.

"Time for fatsow to get face fucked. Open wide." It obeyed. I thrust in deep and enjoyed the warm tight hole. Grabbing its ears I pulled it deeper until it began to gag. Then I slowly and rhythmically slammed its head backwards and forwards by its handles, sorry, ears as I outlined the basics of its new existence.

"So, I have its former name. Luke. Were fatsow's parents religious by any chance? No? Mine were. All smells, bells and fancy dress as far as I'm concerned. Though some of the clergy took a keen ... or perhaps I should say a deep pastoral interest in me. In return I taught them that there are more things you can do with a candle than they ever thought possible in their wettest dreams. Innocents really. Some of them still come to see me for spiritual guidance from time to time." I said absent-mindedly.

"I have its former name, its address, email addy and mobile number. After it's been to the bank and brought me what it owes me, it will be free to have breakfast and drive home in its nice respectable car. It'll still be a low life piggy bitch though so I'll take all the underwear it has here. Don't want it getting ideas above its station."

"I've downloaded WhatsApp to its phone. On its drive home I'll probably contact it from time to time but not keen on having a cunt use the phone while driving. Don't want to lose an asset and all that time spent in training it. I'll instruct it to perform little party tricks for me. Nothing fancy, just a pic of its midget willy, that sort of thing. When it gets home, strip naked, contact me and switch on its computer. I like to keep an eye on my stable over the internet from time to time, however disgusting they look." I stopped and looked down. It was dribbling the slime it had choked up.

"Good girl. I somehow think its throat pussy is going to get a lot of use." It didn't react so I snapped my fingers. It looked up. I walked off. It followed, crawling and dribbling pussy slime as it went.

"Rim me" I ordered. And I lay back on the bed, pulling my trousers and pants off as I did. It perched on the edge of the bed and set to work as I slowly stroked my cock with one hand. After about ten or fifteen minutes I ordered it to stop. I stroked harder and faster. Strings of cum shot out. It was epic!

"Don't just look at it you moron! Clean up this mess!" It turned and started to crawl back to the bathroom. "Not with a towel you wanker, with your tongue!" As it crawled back I squeezed out some last drops of nectar onto the floor. Then it obeyed the order and licked up every drop it could see. Off me, off the sheets, off the bedside furniture, off the floor. I couldn't help adding a few gobs of spit to the mess just for fun.

"Better be thinking of getting dressed and getting me my money" I said as I dressed myself. "It's quite a walk there and back for someone of its bulk. And don't even think of using its car. In fact give me the keys." It obeyed. "See it at breakfast then."

I slept like a baby in the time left before breakfast but the alarm went off all too soon. I got showered, dressed and wandered down. It was standing near the door. It looked awful. Half slept and sweaty. God knows how long it had been standing there. I smiled. It shuffled over towards me. I didn't break my stride. Just headed straight outside towards the car park. Simply getting a breath of fresh air, if anyone was bothered. It scuttled after me.

"Which is its car?" I demanded without turning. It pointed out a blue Ford. As we walked towards it I questioned it.

"Enjoy the trip into town?"I asked innocently. "It felt good Master." I smiled.

"All good then?" "Oh yes, Master, it felt grateful thanks for the gift of being able to really be useful to a Real Man, an Alpha Male." Grinning, I held out my hand with its car keys in it. It took the keys and squeezed the cash into my palm.

"That better be all there bitch or there'll be hell to pay" I said under my breath. It whimpered slightly. I noted the car registration number then walked back to the hotel for breakfast leaving it standing.

The morning passed quietly. I messaged it a few times. "Pic of its midget willy. When - in the next 30 minutes. Where - it can choose." Sometimes I think I'm too soft hearted. It obeyed.

When it got home it loyally contacted me. I had been home hours before and was having a late lunch. I told it not to eat until I had inspected it, making sure it saw that I was eating while it wasn't. Of course, I had it twist and pull its titties a bit. Got to keep the training regular after all. And that was it for the next week. Oh, except for the daily updates I got on WhatsApp. I wasn't the least bit interested in where it was or what it was doing, other than its titty practice, but I felt I was helping to give its worthless life some structure.

On the Friday I replied to one of its messages. My first reply in almost a week but its messages were obediently coming through several times a day. I think it was learning not to annoy me. "Today do not eat anything after breakfast. Tonight contact me when it sets off."

When it told me it was about to start its drive down I put on some music and relaxed with a beer. Later I fixed myself a curry and another beer. As I ate I sent a message to it. I knew it would pull in as soon as possible to read it. All it said was "Phone me."

"Hello cuntface, how are the fat titties looking forward to getting all swollen and sensitive? Mmmm, me too." I purred. "Where it it now?" I gave it instructions to a car park next a local pub not far from the motorway. "Park there. Move into the passenger seat and strip to the waist." I would have preferred naked but I didn't want to get it arrested on our first date!

I saw it pull up and park. I watched it get out of the drivers seat and walk round the car, open the passenger door and get back in. It slowly took off its jacket, then its jumper and shirt. It put its seatbelt on. Then sat and waited. It wasn't a warm night and its titties stood out erect and stiff from its flabby manboobs, easily visible under the lights of the car park. Too bad not many people were about. Eventually I wandered up slowly from behind the car and opened the passenger door. it almost leaped though the roof of the car. I had to smile.

"Ooh daddy, did I startle it? I'm so sorry. Here let me give it something to take its mind off it" and I plonked my bag on its lap. I opened the drawstring and brought out a leather collar. Nothing too fancy, quite high though, with D-rings alternating with spikes. Its eyes widened.

"Put it on daddy. I want to see if the collar suits it." It hesitated. "Doesn't it want its present? Naughty daddy." It grabbed the collar and fumbled with it, but got it on.

"Wonderful. Here let me just make it more secure." I tightened the strap and then clipped the padlock in place. I will say this in its favour, it does a pitying look very well. But looking up at me meant it wasn't looking down. It couldn't anyway because of the collar but it was a good excuse that I couldn't let pass up. So I grabbed its titties, pinched and pulled. "Never look me in the eye again you useless old lard bucket" I hissed as I dug my nails in.

"Yes Master Sorry Master. fatsow understands, Master" it babbled.

"I do hope so" I replied, smiling and reluctantly letting go. "Just this once turn and look at me again daddy" I requested. It turned. I spat a large ball of spit at it. It landed just above its nose and started to dribble down.. "It suits it" I said.

On the drive back to my house of fun I explained a few things as it leant across my lap sucking and licking my dick. My parents had been an elderly, old fashioned couple. It was prudent to save they believed. They had taken out life insurance policies. They had planned ahead for their retirement. What they hadn't planned was a sudden death at just the time I was finishing my finals. Poor me. I flunked my finals and appealed to the sympathy vote. On appeal I passed. I'd have failed anyway as I spent more time fucking around than swotting but no point in letting the opportunity go to waste.

"The trauma of the sudden death of one killed off the other in a matter of months. All that planning. All that saving. Waste not want not. I inherited a small detached house in what passes for a nice suburb of a grotty town. I inherited the savings. I inherited the life policies. So you see daddy when I said i didn't need its money I was being truthful."

"Two points to remember though daddy. One, I'll most likely keep taking its gifts, even if I don't need them as it would be rude not to wouldn't it?" I could see it nodding out of the corner of my eye. "Two, I don't always tell the truth, and never if lying is more likely to get me what I want."

"My parents had opened up the basement in the house as a den for their only child to have some privacy. Sentimental old thing that I am I still use it. Although it's a bit more closed in than it used to be. And sound proofed. fatsow'll like it. it'll be staying there when it's not performing for me and any guests I may have round." Its body stiffened at the word `guests'. How sweet.

"Here we are daddy" I said as we arrived and I parked in the garage. "Leave its jacket and stuff in the car, it won't be needing them. Walk two paces behind me, eyes down. When it gets in, kneel, thank me and strip." I walked out of the garage by its back door and into my house of fun

It said nothing but obeyed perfectly. "Thank you Master for letting fatsow become your whore, for letting it visit you, and for offering to train it." It was kneeling, naked. All 110 kilos, give or take, of it. Gross. And with about as much sex appeal as a turd. Luckily for me the appeal isn't primarily sexual. I smiled and threw a fundoshi at it.

"I have unusual tastes I know but revolting isn't one of them. Put that on." While it worked out what to do with it, I continued. "When did it last eat?"

"Breakfast, Master" it said.

"Excellent. I made myself a curry and made too much. I put the left overs in the fridge for it. It can have them when it's finished the ironing. A dozen or so shirts, boxers and pairs of socks. I don't usually iron my underwear and socks but then I don't always have a maid come to stay and offer her services." I permitted it to stand while ironing and I went into the living room and flopped onto the sofa to have another bottle of beer. When it had finished it crawled through to say it had done the ironing. It waited kneeling on all fours, head bowed. It was learning, slowly.

I took my top off. "Clean my pits" I ordered. It crawled across and sat on its hind legs. As I put one arm behind my head it leaned forward and started to lick. I hadn't put any deodorant on that morning and I'd made sure I'd had a thick jumper on all day. From time to time during the day I had felt the sweat trickling down. It was now nice and funky. fatsow screwed up its face.

"Taste good?" I asked. "Yes, yes, Master. Very tasty. Thank you Master." "Take its time then. Savour it. After all there's only one more pit left after it's finished that one." It licked enthusiastically and my mind wandered to other thoughts. When I refocussed it was still licking with enthusiasm. "Other one" I ordered. Nothing happened. "Other one" I said louder as I put my other arm behind my head. It scampered round and started slurping the other fetid pit. "By the way, for its information I don't like having to repeat myself." It shrunk down into itself when it heard that - but didn't stop licking. Good sign.

After I was satisfied I stood up and went back into the kitchen and it crawled after me. I inspected the ironing. "Adequate" I muttered. I went over to the fridge, opened it and brought out the curry. All scraped into a dog bowl, very cold and very congealed.

"Here it is fatsow." I looked down at it. "It's named after a piggy. It's the size of a piggy. I'm going to teach it to live and behave like a piggy. And what better way to start by letting it eat up the leftovers, cold, in a bowl, on the floor. Aren't I kind? No hands now!" I placed the bowl on the floor.

"And after that we can have the shaving ceremony."

It wasn't easy for the piggy to eat with no hands and a high collar with spikes but that just made it all the more amusing. After it smeared its face on the meat, it nibbled a bit, gagged, nibbled some more.

"Oh I'm sorry daddy, is the rice all stuck together? Perhaps if I spit in it it might help." I helpfully spat into the food but it didn't seem to help.

"No? Perhaps some warmer liquid will help. Follow me to the shower." I walked to the shower room carrying the bowl, after all I'm not completely heartless. It crawled along behind.

"Sorry about the carpet it's looking at daddy. Hideous pattern but Mum chose it. Last forever she said. She was right. Unfortunately." When we got there I placed the bowl in the shower. "In it goes, fatsow." It crawled in after. "A shower of warm liquid will help I'm sure, piggy."

"Thank you Master" it said. I could only just stop myself from bursting out laughing as I unzipped my flies, pulled down my boxers and pointed my cock at the back of its head and pissed long and hard. I showered it up and down, from its head to its vast gut and back. Some even went into the bowl!

"Eat up daddy, I'll get annoyed if turns up its piggy nose at its Master's gift" I warned. It was pitiful to see it try to gobble down the soaked sticky remains. Pitiful - and very amusing. Who needs to waste time with games when you can have a live performing pig? I waited until the bowl was empty. More or less. As I said I'm not heartless, at least not in the early days. I do get bored easily but I usually manage to think up something more entertaining.

As we were now in the shower room I felt it was now shaving time. The shower room was a good place for the ceremony I told it as fatsow had to be hairless round its genitals before I would allow the cage to be put on later. It looked confused so I explained it all slowly. I got out the hair remover. I told it to read the packet carefully and get started. I said I would be back in 15 minutes. And I explained that if it didn't do a good job there was always an alternative. And I showed it my cut throat razor. That did the trick.

As it started to smear the smelly paste over its balls I went off to get the leash. I've seen enough faggot pricks, in both senses of the word, to know what they need. I'd give it a cock cage from the basement to put on later. One with holes for spikes to be screwed in or a lovely large pink silicone number? Not very subtle when worn, which is precisely the point! Or why not both?

When I went back it had made a reasonable job of it for a first attempt. I used an electric razor to remove the patches it had missed. "Genital hair is for men" I explained. "Real men. Alpha men. The fact that on the surface fatsow looks a bit like a man is misleading. It's only good manners that we make it obvious that fatsow is a cunt. Two fuckholes on legs with a body in between to serve as a toy to amuse others. Capeesh?" It nodded. "Good. If it's lucky I may give it a couple of viagra and not allow it to come. See how I feel, eh?" I clipped on the leash.

"Time for bed" I said as I turned and walked off back down the hall. It crawled after me and followed me down the steps into the basement, manboobs, belly and balls wobbling. The floor had had its coverings removed and was now bare concrete. There was an old loo and a shower in the corner from my younger days. There were a variety of toys to play with hanging neatly along the walls. There was an A-frame, a bench and a sling. Everything was wood, metal, concrete, silicone or leather. Nothing soft, except one large blanket.

When we were at the bottom of the steps I turned and unzipped my flies. "Get my cock out" I instructed. It obeyed. "Suck me" I ordered. It obeyed. Once my cock was nicely swollen and filling its upper cunt I leaned down. As my body pressed onto it, it meant it was forced deeper onto my cock. And then I could reach down and under it. I found them, I pinched them tightly and I pulled hard. Its reaction got my dick even harder, if that was possible. I stood up. It stayed put.

"It gets cool in here at night in spring" I said "and I'd rather not have it coughing, sneezing and having its nose running all over the place while I play with it, so it will wrap itself in that blanket before it goes to sleep. Its piss pot is next the blanket." I turned and walked over to the wall racks to select a couple of items. I returned with metal ankle cuffs and metal wrist cuffs.

"Hands" I said. It held its hands in front of it like a good cuntboi should and I clicked the cuffs into place, the chain tight between them. Then I walked behind it and clicked the ankle cuffs into place. The chain between then was long enough to allow a shuffle walking but not long enough to allow it to climb the steps. Satisfied, I went up the steps stopping only to check it had rolled itself in the blanket.

"Just so as it knows, I didn't shower this morning daddy. And I won't be showering tonight or tomorrow morning either. Sweet dreams, daddy" I said as I climbed the steps and switched out the lights. No need to lock the door!

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