Master Darren

By scotland calling

Published on Jan 21, 2019


Master Darren by fatsow

M/m, Humil.

Disclaimer: The story is fictionalised, contains descriptions of sex and is here for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult, stop reading. If reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, read no further. If you read further, you accept that you wilfully gained access to this material, that you are an adult aged 21 years old or older and that this story does not offend the standards or violate any law in your area.

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His name is Darren. No, that's not true. His name is Master Darren. He's in his 20s. I first saw him at the lunch break. He was sitting at the table diagonally in front of me. My eyes maybe lingered a fraction too long as he caught me staring and looked over. And smiled. Just a short smile but a killer smile. My heart jumped. My dick swelled. I looked away.

He was young, slim, with strawberry-blond short hair and clean shaven. And very, very easy on the eye. I didn't see him after that the entire afternoon. Well, the conference room was a big anonymous place, in a big anonymous hotel, miles from the nearest town. I thought no more about him. My mind was full of being motivated into a good little company drone.

Then the dinner came. You know the sort of thing. Big final meal at the end of the conference so that the directors can show how generous they are, once a year. Where every one drinks too much because there's a tab, so its free, and its only once a year. Ten at each table. Tables reaching out to the horizon. Hundreds milling around, looking at the seating plans and sitting down.

I found my seat, sat down and looked around. Straight into that smile. Were the gods playing tricks? Were my eyes playing tricks? No, it was him. Sat opposite me but not looking at me now. The courses came and went. I made small talk with the ladies on either side. The magician got up on stage and did his stuff.

Then we cleared the room and squeezed into the bar as the dance floor was set up. I went to chat with this demi-God. A smile played briefly on his lips. He asked me if i was married. He asked me where my room was in the hotel. He smiled again. "Get me a drink, would you" he said and held up a tenner. It was not a question. I obeyed, meekly. I took the tenner. "G&T" he said. I joined the queue, got two gins and came back. I gave him his change and his drink. He smiled again.

We chatted some more. "Do you live by yourself?" "Footloose and fancy free, eh?" I may have blushed at that one. "Hold that, I need to go for a piss" he commanded holding his glass out to me. I did, but we were standing next a table. When he came back I was still holding it. His smile got bigger We chatted a bit more, what we liked to get into in our time off and so on.

And then suddenly he said, "I'm sure I'll catch you later". He smiled that killer smile and walked off. Much later that evening. Much, much later, I was in bed. While I slept, slightly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my bedroom door. "'A visitor?" I muttered, "Tapping at my bedroom door? At this time of night?"

But sure enough someone was. Slow and quiet, but insistent. It must have woken me. I switched the bedside light on and went over to see who it was. I only sleep in shorts but my mind was too fogged to worry about that. I opened the door. The demi-God was standing there.

As soon as the door opened he reached his arm in and behind my neck. He pulled forward. My lips crushed against his as he pushed me back and closed the door behind us. He released his grip once he'd pushed me onto the bed. "Oh I do like a faggy daddy" he hissed. "They're such fun." He saw my confusion.

"You might think I could have any guy I wanted. You'd be right and I do. You might think I could have any girl I wanted. You're right. I can and I do. But a faggy daddy? They're the best. So meek, so compliant, so pitiful. So hungry, so desperate, so grateful. So obedient aren't you daddy?"

" Get me a drink.' Here hold that.' Remember? And here's me, what, half your age, less than half your age? Giving a grown man orders. Senior in years. Senior in the company. but in reality just a faggot bitch for any real man of any age that knows the signs. Makes me horny, daddy."

I wasn't quite awake. I wasn't quite taking this all in. I wasn't understanding. But once his his hand forced its way under my waistband, grabbed my tackle and started to pull I was listening. I was giving him my full concentration. "Look" he said "its quite simple. I'm a young innocent lad. I'm slim and good looking. You're fucking fat, old and bloody ugly. Did you invite to come to your room or did I choose to visit a fat, ugly, old faggot? Which is more likely?"

"I knocked on your door. You must have been lying awake waiting because you opened the door almost instantly. As soon as I got in you started pawing me. All I have to do is shout something appropriate. Shall we say `Get your fucking hands off of me you dirty old pervert' and folk will come running. And who will they believe?"

"Or you can accept that I now own you body and soul. You are now my slave until I choose to dump you, like a used condom. And given how ugly you are that may be soon. But then again I won't really have to look at your face much because it will always be bowed down in my presence unless I say otherwise."

"Christ knows, I didn't choose you for your looks. I want your soul, daddy. I want your holes. I want your big, fat body as my toy, to play with, to do as I like to. So faggy daddy which is it to be. The truth, which no-one will believe or your submission? If you freely, willingly and voluntarily wish to become my slave, please kneel at my feet" he said, releasing my aching balls.

What could I do? I had no choice. I knelt at his feet. His smile was the biggest I'd seen it yet. "When you've got em by the balls their hearts and minds will follow" he chuckled. "And I'm not even touching you. Now. But where are my manners? Thank you faggy daddy for giving me, no, for gifting me your heart and soul. I shall use them wisely. By which I mean entirely for my own selfish pleasure and most likely your pain and humiliation."

"Open my flies" he ordered. I obeyed. "Get my cock out through my boxers." I obeyed. A long fat cock appeared. "Oh dear, there's some pre cum leaking. Wipe that up with your fingers will you, there's a good girl." What could I do? I obeyed. "Now let me see you lick it off your fingers" he said. I obeyed.

"You know", he was whispering into my ear now, "a lot of people think manboobs are a turn off. But when they're toppled with fat, baby-sized sow titties, then that's a turn on" he said as he stroked my chest, moving his fingers to my tits. "Need to grow these, daddy. Need to give them lot of care and attention" he said as his fingers pinched down and pulled. I yelped.

He grabbed my jaw, turned my face upwards towards his and his eyes drilled down into me. Into my soul. "Naughty daddy. Mustn't yelp. Understand?" I nodded, meekly. "Good girl. Now suck my dick." I obeyed. I opened my mouth, my upper cunt as he has trained me to think of it, and enveloped his rigid cock. "Good daddy" he cooed. "Now just hold your cunt open while I have a nice comfortable fuck" he said, then rammed his 8+ inches in, to the hilt. "Yessss" he hissed. He stood like that not moving for ages as my throat stroked his cock.

When I started to gag he held my head in place. As my gagging got louder, he released me and looked around. "Isn't it great all the rooms are en suite?" he said. "Get your wallet and phone and follow me" he said quietly as he walked into the bathroom, dick swinging. I obeyed. I got my wallet out of my jacket and my cell phone from off the bedside table. When I entered he was siting on the toilet, trousers and boxers at his ankles, idly stroking his cock.

"Kneel at my feet. You're going to experience a blumpkin. Kneel. Kneel and suck as I take a shit. While I look through your wallet and copy the more interesting names in your phone directory to where I can get to them." I obeyed. I knelt. What else could I do? I opened my mouth and started to suck his cock.

He farted a few times and then I heard it drop into the bowl. Then I smelled it. I have never smelled another man's shit before. Fresh shit. I didn't realise then that I would smell more, often. Sometimes from even closer. I concentrated on his cock to try to block out the smell. I suckled like a baby on a teat while he looked through my wallet.

He asked me who some of the names in my phone contacts were. I told him. The ones he thought were more interesting he asked for more details on. "Is he gay? Does he use you? We'll have to fix that." "Will she be upset to know you're a low life piggy, a faggot, a subhuman piece of shit? Better do as you're told then."

"So" he said eventually, "there's £50 in this wallet. Doesn't interest me, I don't want it, I don't need it." He paused. "Daddy, would you like to thank me in any way for accepting you as my bitch?" I nodded. "Really!" he said feigning surprise. "How would you like to thank me?"

"Please take my money." I said. "Please take the £50".

"Oh dear" Darren answered. "You were right first time and then you went and spoiled it all. `Take my money' you said and then you went and limited the amount. Naughty daddy. Bad daddy."

I started to cry. "Please, please, I'm sorry, take my money, take anything you need."

"Oh daddy, you're so badly behaved." First you limit the amount. Then you talk without giving me my proper title and finally you insult me by saying I might need it when I already told you I didn't. Bad, bad daddy. Try again"

"Please, please ... " I started. I stopped, not knowing how to go on. "Please, please, Master Darren, please accept a gift of my money as a token of my humble gratitude."

"Oh dear, wrong again" Darren said. "Referring to yourself as a person. That's very naughty." He paused. "Look, can I suggest something that might help you, daddy? I accept the £50 in the wallet as your kind gift. Plus £50 for spoiling the effect, £50 for not giving me my title, £50 for insulting me and £50 for referring to yourself as a person.

"But there's no more money there", I sniffled.

"Ah, yes, true" Darren said. "Or even alas, yes, true. For you." He smiled. "Tell you what, daddy, another £50 for not having enough cash ready and I'll call it quits. I'll need it before breakfast though."

"But, but, but ..."

"Yes?" said Darren.

"Yes, Master." He smiled again. "Your daddy faggy knows that there's a cash machine in town. Daddy faggy can drive there in the morning and take out the money for you."

"Good girl" he said, smiling. "But you will walk there and back."

"But, but, but the town must be at least 4 or 5 miles away" I whimpered.

"Then you better start soon", Darren said. "And add another £50 for questioning my order and not agreeing instantly. I make that £300."

"Yes, Master." I said. Head bowed. Defeated. Broken.

"I'll get more when you come to visit." Darren said. I looked up in astonishment.

"Yes, Master" I said, careful to agree. "Although it might be difficult."

"Difficult? How can it possibly be difficult? You live, what, just over 200 miles away. If you leave after work on Fridays you easily can be here by 10. You're unmarried, you live alone, you have no regular weekend commitments. There is no difficulty. No difficulty at all. Another £50."

"Oh, and for future reference, firstly, as you are now a thing and no longer a person it will call itself scum, fag, pig, worm, whore, that sort of thing. Capeesh?" It nodded. "Hmm, fat bellied old git with tits like a sow. Well, not enough like a sow just yet, but with training ... Ok, got it. From now on it's name is fatsow."

"Secondly, when fatsow arrives next Friday I will fit it with a chastity device. Well when I say fit, I'll get it one, it will reimburse me and it will fit itself into it. A small one will do."

"Thirdly, I'm going to be giving it lessons in what it is and what it must do. Giving it the benefit of my skills and experience, Training it." He paused.

"And fatsow will be honoured and grateful and happily pay for the training, Master"

"Really? How sweet of it! I would never have asked it to, but since it mentions it I won't be so ill mannered as to refuse its kind offer. I have tit clamps and weights. We want its sow titties to be measured in centimetres by the time we've done, don't we?" It nodded.

"And I have cock rings and ball weights so we can stretch its ball sack. Unlikely we'll be able to get it down to its knees, but we can try can't we". It nodded.

"Master?" it asked.


"fatsow would like to pay for the hire of the equipment."

"Agreed. Now, I will text fatsow as it is driving over next Friday. It will pull off the road to read the text as it will tell it where it will meet me. I will then drive fatsow in its car to my place. For a weekend at the house of fun. He smiled again. fatsow's cock didn't lurch this time.

Next: Chapter 2

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