Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jul 8, 2006


Part Eight - Things change

It had been about two months since my Master had branded, tattooed and ringed me. There was no doubt that this was not some fantasy dream that i was having. i was His permanent property and He always treated me as such.

He had sold what had been my house after i signed a Power of Attorney giving Him the right to handle all of my affairs. He sold all the furniture from "His" house except an antique bed that He always slept in. i always slept in a cage, cell, or tied at the foot of His bed. He also had a closeout sale of the furnishings from my former Antique Shop. He selected a variety of furniture and accessories to help decorate the farmhouse He had purchased and sold the rest for to add to His already growing bank account. He had started me on a workout schedule to modify my musculature. He wanted His slave to be extremely well built, so He had me pumping iron about two hours each day just after i drank his morning piss and had my bowl of "dog food" that He began lacing with steroids and testosterone.

After every strenuous workout, i was abused and tortured. How He used me depended upon His feelings at the time, or some devious idea He had dreamed up over night. i, of course, thanked Him for anything that He did to me and begged for more.

Besides my muscles, He devoted much time to stretching my slave balls. It was His goal to have them hang as low as possible. He told me that He would lock ball weights on my balls in ever-increasing size, and He would put a tight metal ring on my ball sack every month for the first year of slavery. He even warned me that if He found little satisfaction by how His slave's balls hung at that time He would have me castrated, and have heavy metal balls placed in my ball sack instead. He wanted His slave to have pendulous balls that showed how much its Master cared for it.

i prayed that He would be pleased with the twelve rings that i would eventually be fitted with and forego the castration. However, i had a feeling i might lose them in the end anyway. i was His "bitch", and He had warned me that if my two holes were not enough to please Him, He would remove my male organs and surgically have a pussy formed to replace them. i would then become His total "slut hole". Since He had only fucked females before He took me as His slave, i could not be surprised if He had me altered in the end. He told me that if He did not do it that my next Master would!

i constantly warned me that if i did not please Him in every way imaginable that He would sell me to the highest bidder. i had no choice in the matter, except that i wanted to remain with Master Cowboy forever. i would do anything just to remain as His low life scum slut.

So, slave life continued as usual for the few weeks before He prepared to move out of the house and into the farmhouse. Each day i would hang by my balls for longer periods. At the end of the first month, He presented me with a tight metal ring for my ball sack. He took an open metal ring, grabbed `His" slave balls and pulled downward. He then fitted the small ring around my ball sack and with a pair of heavy duty pliers clamped the ring permanently in place. i was pleased to wear it and looked forward to wearing twelve such rings around my ball sack that would stretch the sack about six inches in length and there would be a locked chain attached so that i would always have a leash available for Master to lead His slave with. He was going to enjoy walking me around with a leash attached to them. i now had three solid metal rings fitted to my balls, one for each month of service to Master Cowboy.

The farm He had purchased with the funds i had signed over to Him had a house and barn which sat on about ten acres of property that would allow Him the privacy that He wanted to continue my training. He planned to start a Master's Club on the property so that He, His friends, and those that He signed on as members would have a place to party and work over Their slaves.

Once He had the farm to where He was satisfied, the group of Masters that had purchased "shares" in His club would throw Their "Grand Opening". Master told me how He looked forward to how He would put me to use for that event and all others that followed. i would be the always be the lowest slave at the event. He would have me naked on a leash attached to my new nose ring and i would have to do many humiliating this, such as felch a Master's cum from His slave's ass and lick up the mattress that they had used for fucking. He would lead me around like a dog while He performed as "Master host" of the events.

Finally, moving day arrived. Skipping His usual morning piss, He fed me, and watched me work out. When i finished He led me upstairs to await the movers. He hired some young men, which Master Rebel recommended, to move His furnishings. This included His bed, a large antique throne-like chair, the things that He had kept from the shop and house that He would use to furnish the farm with, and all the dungeon furnishings. i of course was included in the dungeon furnishings. He had me kneeling naked in the living room. When the movers arrived, He ordered me to greet them at the door. i opened the door and knelt before them with my head lowered

"Whoa" the first young man hollered, "What have we got here?"

"That is just my slave, don't mind it. it will stay out of your way unless ordered otherwise. Of course as part of your contract you have the right to use it however you want to, understand," Master stated.

The first young man stuck out his muscular arm and shook Master's hand.

"Oh by the way, I'm Bob and the other guys are Jimmy, Doug, Tim, and Roy."

Bob had already decided that for the money that My Master was going to pay they could deal with a naked slave. In fact, the young man that was the "boss" of the group eyed me as if he was going to enjoy using me. He grabbed my balls as he passed and asked Master's permission to take His slave down to help move the dungeon.

Master welcomed the turn of events and led us downstairs. The movers stood in awe of what surrounded them and asked if they could see an example of how Master used the space.

"Certainly Bob," Master replied. "You will refer to me as Sir."

He told the "boy" to lead His slave over to its Master and order it to "push-up position at His feet. He did as Master directed him and ordered me to position at my Master's feet. Master then pulled out his cock and began to piss on me to the movers' surprise. Now i knew why He had skipped feeding me His morning piss. Master had decided to use the piss shower to break the ice with the group. i would find out as time went on that He already had ideas for the use of Bob.

"This just might turn out to be more fun than work," Bob laughed.

After finishing His piss my Master showed the youths all the equipment in the dungeon. They especially liked the idea that i was kept in a cage and treated as a dog.

"Do you think that we could use it as our piss dog while we work Sir?" Bob asked.

"Oh by all means. it would like to drink the piss from you sweaty workers. In fact, you could probably get a blowjob if you ordered it. You can do anything that you want with the slut. Consider it as a tip beyond your moving fee," Master offered.

He attached a funnel harness to my head and ordered me to remain in "position" unless told to do otherwise by the "boys". i remained kneeling naked on the floor as He went upstairs and left me alone with the young movers. The boys huddled around and taunted me. They referred to me as faggot, toilet dog, shit head, low life, piece of shit, and the other mocking words and phrases.

"This will be one hell of a day guys," Bob said. "We got us a real slut slave ass to use and humiliate. I think that we can get more than a toilet out of this deal!"

The first thing that Bob did was to unzip his pants and piss in the funnel leading to my mouth. i swallowed as fast as i could to avoid the funnel backing up. The other guys pinched my exposed nipples, and slapped my hardening slave cock. One hauled off and kicked me in the stomach, while another grabbed the chain attached to my wrist shackles to hold me upright. They laughed at my plight, and began spitting on me. Bob coughed up a mouthful of snot and spat it into the funnel as he continued to piss.

"Consider that as lunch fucker," he laughed and turned away to begin packing things.

His work mates were off to help, but Roy decided to tie my cock and balls to a ring in the floor first.

"Hey guys," he yelled, "I don't think that our little slave will be going anywhere until we let "it". I'm going to be hav'in me some fun with this fucker. You know the phrase "whistle while you work? I think them seven dwarfs must have had them a slave to keep them that happy".

They began to box up some of the equipment and continually asked what each item was for. However, with the funnel harness in place i could not speak. Finally, i nodded my head to the stairs, and Bob yelled up to my Master.

"Hey mister, can you tell us how this stuff is used? Some of it' like whips and stuff I can figure out, but there is a lot of stuff that I have never seen before." my Master marched down the stairs with a very aggravated look on His face.

"First thing, Bob, y'all will call Me Sir. The slave refers to me only as Master, if I allow it to talk at all," He stated in a no-none sense way. "You didn't know that so I will forgive you for now. As to what things are and how they are used, I will answer your questions. Bob, why don't you send one of your "boys" up to the kitchen? I left a cooler of beer there. I know how thirsty you must be getting."

"Yes, Sir, we are a bit thirsty. Besides, it will make us need to piss more so we can use your "toilet", Bob replied. He sent Timmy up to fetch the cooler and looked thoughtfully at all of the rings and hooks in the floor, walls, and ceiling.

"Bob," Master responded to the boy's questioning look, "those are all used to tie or lock the slave up to depending upon what I am planning on teaching it. Right now, you can see its hands locked behind it. I see that one of you figured out the ring on the floor below it, or its cock and balls would not be stretched downward. I commend whoever did that, but you should really ask its Master if you can use it for anything other then a urinal."

"I am sorry Sir," Roy responded, "I saw the chain and it only seemed natural to fix it to the floor so that it could not squirm around."

"That's fine Roy," Master said, "You did a fine job of further controlling it. You see it is being trained in its purpose in life, which is to merely be My property to do with as I please. All of the equipment you see here I use to teach it lessons. For example, that bench over there is used to strap it to for torture, which helps break its will and aids Me in the process of teaching it to be a better slave."

Timmy had just returned with the cooler of beer. Master opened it and gave them each a can of beer.

"Why don't you take a seat and I will show you some of the DVDs of its use," Master stated. "I always record its sessions in the dungeon, or any where else it is used. The DVDs and photographs are filed in a locked safe. it knows that I will use any of them as blackmail if it should ever try to run away. Of course it only has three pieces of clothing to wear and I keep those locked up as well."

He put a DVD into the player. It showed a session where I hung spread eagle from the ceiling while Master fist fucked my ass. They were in shock as they watched Him work his fingers in my waiting hole. They gasped when they watched His fist disappear up my ass, and groaned loudly as they saw Him shove His arm in to His forearm.

"This is especially interesting," He laughed, "let Me turn up the volume so you can better appreciate the context of the images."

"Alright now shit head," His voice coming from the video, "I want to hear it beg to crawl up My arm to the elbow."

"Sir, please Sir, let this low life fucker use its ass to crawl up its Master's arm," i begged.

"Go ahead slut, show Master what a true fuck hole that it is, He ordered.

They watched in shock as i worked His arm further into my ass by wiggling up it until my asshole was just below His elbow.

"Good slut hole," He stated, "Now Master will take you beyond its last limit and shove My arm in past the elbow. As they stared at the screen, they saw Master's elbow disappear into my ass. Master shut off the DVD, having proudly made His point.

"Sir," Bob asked, "That seems impossible. Is it real or has it been altered to make it look as if your arm were in soo far?"

"I will let slave tell you that," He responded. "shake its head "yes" if it really happened," He ordered. As they turned to look my way, i shook my head up and down to let them know it was very real indeed.

"That is truly amazing Sir," Bob said to Master. "I would never have believed it possible without seeing it, and having your slave confirm it."

As he stood up to get another beer, a large bulge was apparent in his crotch, and a wet spot on his Levis was forming as well. Master looked at him trying to cover up the obvious from his partners and laughed loudly.

"Well Bob, He said, "you must have liked what you saw on that dvd. It is rather difficult to cover up that cock bulging in your pants and the growing wet spot tells me that you have no underwear on."

Bob's fellow workers giggled and asked him to get them another beer "as long as you are UP." With that they all burst into laughter, and Bob turned a very bright shade of red.

"Alright fuckers, it is time to get back to work," he ordered, but they continued to howl and roll on the floor. Master walked over to Timmy, grabbed his crotch and laughed.

"It would appear that Bob was not the only one turned on," He laughed, which stopped the laughter. They all adjusted their cocks in their pants and stood up thanking Master for showing them one way to use His slave. Roy strutted over to where i knelt, pulled out his half-hard cock and proceeded to piss in the funnel.

"Come on guys, lets all give this slave a good stomach full of our piss," Bob ordered, "It would appear that it loves to be humiliated and used."

They each took their turn at the funnel and my stomach began to bulge from all the piss, which sent them into uproarious laughter. Then they started to pack up some more of the items that Master had in His dungeon.

"Can we use it as we work Sir?" Roy asked.

"Of course," Master replied, "I already told you that you could.

Master then pulled Bob aside and told him to go upstairs with Him. i would find out later just why. Master had decided that He would like to play with the young man and told him to come back to the house after they finished for the day.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon Roy removed the piss funnel, unfastened me from the wall and floor and led me over to the bondage table. They all got involved tying me up. It appeared that there were some sadistic qualities in each of them, because by the time they were finished i was totally immobile and experiencing pain from their first attempt at "torture". They started to strip off their clothes and continue to work in the nude. Doug however, seemed reluctant to join in. He was an obvious skinhead and laughingly called the rest "fags".

The others did not seem to mind however. As they continued to work, each would take a turn at fucking my face where it hung off the table edge. Doug even got into the action by placing a metal bar below my waist and attaching it to chains hanging from the ceiling. The arch that it put in my back made all of the shackles tighten, causing me to moan. Doug stood beside me, grabbed my cock and balls tightly in his hand and pulled them as far as he could from my body.

"Tell me how much you love the pain "fag boy," he ordered. Does the faggot like to be humiliated by "real men? Go on tell me shit head, tell us all how much you like it."

"Sir, yes Sir, it loves to be used by all of You Sir. it loves the pain and abuse Sir. it loves to be naked and humiliated Sir. That is what it is for, Sir."

"Do you all believe this fag? it really does get off on this stuff. I guess that it is time for it to be fucked by a "real man"; He said as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. "Make that cock good and hard so that I can shove it down "its" fag throat and face fuck "it" like the "bitch" that it is," he ordered.

While the others cheered him on He rammed his cock all the way down my throat, grabbed my head and face fucked me with a vengeance. When he was ready to cum, he pulled his cock out and shot his massive load of cum all over my face. He then rubbed it around so that my face was covered with his sticky juice.

They all laughed and went back to work. Just then Bob returned from upstairs adjusting his pants. His hair was roughed up, and it was apparent to all that my Master had been playing with him. He sheepishly went back to work with the others, taking notice of my position on the table.

"Well, it appears that we all have had some "awareness training" today, he said. "This job has turned to be quite a different experience for us all. I see that you have been doing more than just packing."

"Hey Bob, give it a try. it really gets off on being used. We have all gotten great fucks from it," said Doug.

Bob walked over to my head, opened his pants and pulled out his dripping cock. He dangled it in my face, teasing me with it.

"So fucker, I hear you give good head," he taunted.

"She likes to be called "it", said Roy.

"OK it, suck my cock. I want to shoot cum deep inside of it. He then whispered in my ear, "I will see it later today for some special action."

He fucked my face as if he had not had any sex in weeks. As he reached a climax, he grabbed my head, shoved his cock down my throat and pumped a load into me.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear "It looks like we will be seeing some more of each other. Your Master has invited me to come back after we quit for the day. It seems that he wants a "real" boy to play with. I can hardly wait to get to use you as a slave. I think that I will get off on this Master/slave thing that you got going here."

He pulled out of my mouth, tucked his cock into his pants and zipped them up.

"All right guys lets get some work done. It looks like it is going to take another day so we can take off a bit early," He ordered.

They worked hard for another hour or so as i remained bound to the table. Each of them used me as their urinal once again. As they left each came over and slapped me hard on the chest. They continued slapping me all over my exposed body until it glowed red and burned with pain.

"That ought to keep it satisfied until its Master releases it. No telling what he will do with it tonight." Bob stated. They all laughed loudly as they walked up the stairs. Bob looked at me from the bottom of the stairs and said, "Can't wait to get my hands on "it" again soon, very soon fucker."

Next: Chapter 9

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