Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jul 4, 2006


Part Seven -The Routine Begins

Before He went up to bed Master made a point to torture this slave as a reminder that i belonged to Him. He left my cock and balls bound up tight, but attached a rope to them and tied it taught to the floor. i remained strung up to the frame mounted on the monstrous dildo.

Master left me mounted for the remainder of the night. After Derrick left, Pete and the rest of the street punks enjoyed using Master Rebel's slave boi within the confines of Master Cowboy's dungeon. The only time that they really gave me any attention was if someone had to piss, and he would piss on me. If one had a mouthful of cum it spat it upon me. Whenever one of my former `boys' felt like hacking up a gob of snot he spat it upon me. By the time they had left i was dripping in piss, cum, and snot.

The next morning Master came down to the dungeon and untied me from the frame at last. Every muscle in my body screamed from the pain and exhaustion of my ordeal on the frame. He then lifted me up and allowed the arm size dildo to drop from my slave hole. Master laid me on the floor and unbound my genitals, but immediately began rubbing and massaging them with rough leather gloves. He then stuffed a fat butt plug up my ass, locked an extremely heavy metal rings in place around my ball sack. my balls were stretched to their current limit with several pounds of weights. He slapped them from side to side to watch the pain register on my face. i did not yell out or whimper as I knew that He would only punish me further.

"My slave is going to have very large genitals before I am through. it will wear some kind of weighted device everyday. it may also be strung up to the ceiling by only its balls or bound to a rack or the floor to have them stretched." He told me. "its slavery has only begun and everyday of its existence as My slave will be constant torture, pain, exercise, and abuse. it will learn to understand just what it means to be My slave. This process will take more than its just giving Me all of its money and possessions. Those are the first steps in its slavery. it must learn to worship its Master and acknowledge that its very existence is in My hands."

He then ordered me to service His cock, which consisted of Him face fucking me until He shot His load down my throat. He then washed it down with His morning piss and i gratefully thanked Him for the right to do so. He laid a bowl of oatmeal and scraps before me and waited until i cleaned the bowl and thanked Him again for His thoughtfulness. He allowed me to drink cold piss from the other dog dish and wash off the remnants of breakfast from my face. i knelt before him with piss dripping from my face.

"My slave will not be washed today. it is to wear all the piss, cum and snot from last nights use so that it learns to love the smell and feel of wearing men's juices as part of its existence as My slave. I want to smell just how foul My slave really has become."

"Today slave I have some things to take care of away from the house," He said. "Since I do not believe that I trust it yet it will have to be kept in bondage while I am gone. I will be going out to look for country property so that I can keep My slave in naked servitude where I will not have others nearby to interfere with My torture and training of it. I have already contacted a gay realtor and he will show Me what I believe is the perfect spot to continue with My plans for My slave and My Masters Club. If everything goes as planned I will be placing a deposit on the place today, thanks to slave's generous gift of its wealth to its Master. I already have a buyer waiting to purchase this house so it will not be long before I will have it where I can use it anyway I want. it will be naked for the rest of its existence with Me."

He stood me up and attached a wide crossbar to the ankle cuffs that i wore.

"Walk over to that corner where that large ring has been fastened into the base of the wall." He ordered. "Oh, hell with it, crawl fucker," He ordered as He knocked me to the floor.

i dragged my body to the corner, where He lifted me to my feet and locked the ankle spreader to the ring in the wall. He then locked my wrist shackles to hooks in the ceiling, which kept me hanging at about a forty-five degree angle from the floor. He next showed me a new metal cock cage that He had purchased and locked it around my cock and balls. To this he attached a large metal, five-pound ball on a chain, which hung from leather straps. i groaned with pain, but He backhanded me across the face.

"That ought to keep it from running away while I am gone," He laughed. "Remember that I told it I was going to modify its cock and balls. Before I am through its balls will hang half way to its knees and its cock will be stretched by way of penis pump and traction to be another three inches long. I may even give its cock injections of silicone so that it becomes fat and bloated. it will be a freak that every Master will envy Me for and pay to use for His pleasure. As I said, its training as My slave is only beginning."

Master slapped me hard across the face, then turned away and walked out the dungeon door to the patio. i was left to hang with the weight hanging from my cock and balls. Anytime that i moved the weight began to swing and make my agony even worse. Although He had not gagged me before leaving i knew that it was useless to try yelling for help. When i and converted the basement into a dungeon i had made sure that it was soundproof. Little did i know a year ago when i completed the dungeon that anyone would take me seriously when i begged to be made into a slave. Now i hung in that dungeon which had become my home. i had been taken as a slave and now hung with my slave balls stretched by the Man that had finally accepted my plea, Master Cowboy.

Master returned after ten long hours of agony. He proudly strutted toward where He had left me, and gave the chain a hard tug and then kicked it so that it bounced off the back wall and continued to swing as i moaned in pain through clenched jaws.

"I believe that I told it not to utter any sound unless ordered," He barked as He once again backhanded me.

He picked up two large clamps. Stretched my right (slave) nipple out from my body and roughly snapped the clamp in place. It made the nipple hang quite low from my chest. He did the same to the left (Master) nipple. i kept my mouth clenched tight and tried very hard not to scream.

"Much better slave," He said as he played with the clamps and continued to tug on the chain. I have much work to do on its cock, balls, and nipples before it has what I consider `slave equipment'. He hung another weight from the chain hanging from my nipples.

"it will never be able to hide the grotesque size of its slave nipples, nor its slave cock and balls even when I allow it to wear any clothes."

"For its information I found the perfect property and am going to buy it. It is sitting empty so I will be able to move us in within the month, because I paid for it in cash thanks to My slave, " He gloated proudly. "I guess it is good for something after all. you are My cash cow."

"I think that I need to celebrate the sale of this house and the purchase of "The Farm," He said thoughtfully. " I am going to take it to get its first permanent slave mark to wear on its right pectoral. It shall be a brand of My initial marking it as My slave where everyone will be able to see. There will be a surprise for it once it is wearing My mark", He smirked.

He unlocked me from the wall and removed the weight from the cock cage and the chain connecting my nipples. He then led me out to the patio and hosed me down lake a dog to clean me for my next ordeal. However, He allowed me to remain wearing the cage and threw the pair of worn Levis and ordered me to dress. As i put on the pants i could barely stuff my slave cock and balls with the remaining weights attached into them. They created a huge bulge in the worn Levis which no one was going to be able to ignore. He attached a leash to my steel collar and led me outside. He got in the panel van and yelled out the window to me that He would meet me in parking lot of a busy grocery store a few blocks away.

i had to walk several blocks through the neighborhood where i attracted numerous "gawkers". It was even worse in the parking lot, because He was not in the vehicle when i got to it so i had to stand at "parade rest" in front of the van. This particular store attracted most of the gay men from the surrounding community, and a gaggle of them gathered around me staring and laughing at me before My Master walked over and unlocked the vehicle and ordered me inside.

"I must say that its attire, huge crotch bulge and swollen nipples seemed to attract a lot of interested observers, He laughed. "However, it passed My test by standing as it should and never raising its head or answering any of the "fags" taunting questions. Just wait until it is marked with its Masters initials on its chest. There will be no doubt in anyone's mind that you are only an owned piece of property."

Master Cowboy drove to the Tattoo, Branding and Piercing shop that Master Rebel owned. Master ordered me to strip as soon as we were in the door and grabbed a hold of my neck shackle and dragged me to a room in which Master Rebel was getting prepared for my brand. Master ordered me onto the chair, which was much like a padded bench one found in a doctor's office. He opened the front of the pants that i was wearing and pulled out my caged cock. He then began to tie me down with black leather straps. One was strapped tightly around each ankle and thigh. Another was strapped across my lower abdomen. He and Master Rebel attached a strap around each of my wrists and upper arms and another held my head securely in place. A ball gag was secured in my mouth as Master Rebel pulled the curtains that separated the room from the rest of the shop so that i was tied down and nearly naked for everyone to watch. If it were not for the metal cock cage my slave cock would have stood straight up in the air. Instead it filled the metal tube with only the bulging reddened head poking out.

"Well slave, with this brand of your Master's initial it will be permanently marked as My property," Master said. "This is only one of many body modifications that I have in mind for it."

With that said Master Rebel took the branding iron from a brazier in the corner, held it up to my face for me to see and then applied it to my right chest. i screamed behind the ball gag and could smell the burning flesh as He held it to me and i passed out from the pain.

i came to as Master waved a popper beneath my nostrils. Master Rebel was gently applying a soothing salve to my wound and telling me to keep it clean so that it would not get infected. i looked toward the window and saw a dozen customers watching my torture. i felt every bit the slave that Master wanted me to be and gratitude overcame the pain and humiliation of the ordeal.

"Thank You Master for allowing this slave to wear Your initial for everyone to see and know that i am Your property," i weakly said. "This slave will do anything that it's Master wishes and looks forward to its further body modifications with humility."

"Know this slave," Master spoke in my ear. "it has pleased Me this day and has earned the right for another mark to be applied. Master Rebel wishes to tattoo it with the words "Property of Master" above the "C" brand."

i remained strapped down as Master Rebel swabbed the area above the brand with alcohol. He then picked up His tattooing needle and began applying the words to my chest. i winced in pain, but never uttered a sound until He was finished. They allowed me to drink from a glass that They had filled with Their piss. Stupidly, i believed that they were through with me for the time being until i saw Master Rebel setting out needles and a large steel ring on the counter.

He swabbed my nostrils with antiseptic and picked up a pair of clamps which he stuck in my nose and clamped down on my septum. Next He took a huge needle and very quickly shoved it through my septum. i jumped in my bindings but did not make a sound. Master picked up a very large ring which must have been a zero gauge and at least an inch and a half in diameter. He handed the ring to Master Rebel who then mounted the ring through my septum. Once he had closed the loop with a pair of pliers He let it drop heavily onto my upper lip. i now wore a huge slave ring in my nose. No matter where i went with my Master my new marks and ring identified me as a slave.

They then unstrapped me and slowly lifted me to my feet. i was turned toward the mirror next to the window and looked in awe at the markings applied to my slave chest and the ring through my septum. i knelt and kissed both of their boots, totally unaware of the audience that watched me. Master had taken this slave up on its rambling of wanting to be owned and with determination had made this slave's dream a reality. i was now and forever marked as a slave.

He ordered me to remove the worn Levis that i had on and made me stand naked before the audience that had gathered in the shop. He and Master Rebel walked out to a sitting area in the shop and ordered me to crawl out behind them. Master made me squat naked beside Him as They talked about future tattoos and rings that Master wanted to mark His slave with. Before He was finished, i would be covered with tattoos that Master Rebel would design especially for Master. i would eventually have a full body tattoo, large nipple rings, a PA, several ear rings, and numerous other piercings.

Master pulled out the skimpy rubber shorts that He had purchased for me and ordered me to dress. i could barely stuff my cock and balls with the cage covering into the extremely tight rubber shorts. He also handed me the worn pair of work boots that He had kept for me and ordered me to put them on. i did as ordered and knelt before Him, kissed His boots and thanked Him for the markings that He had so generously given to me.

"Yes slave, it now looks more presentable as My slave. I enjoy sharing its slavery with others and now it is beginning to look more and more like a slave and something quite out of the mainstream. Everyone that sees it now will have no trouble detecting that it is not an ordinary human being as they are. it is now marked and dressed as a sluttish freak. Master Rebel and I have decided that We wish to go out to the leather bar a couple miles down the street from here. Of course, We will be driving in comfort, however I have decided that I wish for My slave to walk to the bar and show off its new markings and shorts."

i was scared beyond anything that i had experienced previously. i would have to walk over two miles to get to the bar that Master was going to. i understood why He ordered me to do this, but was fearful of what might happen to me. So far everything that had happened to me had been under the control of my new Master and although i had experienced great humiliation and pain and torture, i had never been sent out alone in society as an obvious slave.

"Please Sir" i begged, "what am i to do if someone stops me or messes with me in any way Sir.'

"slave will do whatever anyone orders it to do", Master replied. "I expect to see My slut slave show up at the bar with some money that it has made during its walk to meet with its Master. I believe that it is slutty enough to attract the attention of numerous gay men as well as straight. As my slave slut I expect to see financial results sooner than later. Do not think that just because it signed all of its assets and property over to its Master that it has done all that it is going to do to add to its Master's wealth. I expect it to be a cash cow well into the future. If it is not going to earn its keep then I shall have to sell it off. Is that understood slave?"

"Sir, yes Sir, i responded respectfully, "Your slave will always do whatever it takes to remain Your slave and to make it more obedient and worthy every day of its lowly existence as Master's slave slut, Sir."

"That is much better slave," Master responded. " it is to charge $20 dollars for each blow job and $50 dollars for each ass fucking that it gets. Gang bangs go for $100 for each four individuals. Is that understood slave?"

"Sir Yes Sir."

" I am giving slave a small notebook that it can carry in its crotch. Every man that uses you is to sign it and list just what He did to it. Is that understood? It is to keep its earnings in its boots and present everything to its Master when it arrives at the bar. If it is not there by ten PM I will leave and it will have to find its way home. If that should happen slave will pay dearly for its mistake."

"Sir, Yes Sir. slave understands and will get to its Master quickly, but it will be certain to make Master money in the process Sir."

"Very good slut hole, I expect to see results from its journey to meet its Master at the designated bar. I also expect it to have made some money in the process. Now get your sorry ass out of here and get to work slut."

i left the tattoo shop trembling with fear. i had never done anything so brash in my entire pitiful life. i was now a street slut for my Master and had no idea how to go about it. However, i did not have to walk far before i got results. It was obvious that i was a slut by the way that i was dressed. Luckily i had enough covering my body to avoid being arrested on sight. Within the first two blocks i had cars slow down and honk, or simply slow down to gape at a male whore. Somewhere in the third block two youths grabbed me and pulled me into an alley.

"Hey slut, where do you think you are going in such a hurry?" one of the young punks demanded. "We have been watching you since you came out of that queer's tattoo parlor fucker. You are dressed like a whore so you must be a queer whore fucker. I think that we deserve a good blow job if not more just for not beating the shit out of you."

"Sir, yes Sir. i am the slave slut of Master Cowboy and He expects me to service anyone that asks Sir. However, i have been ordered to have everyone sign my Master's log book and pay His slave Sir."

"Like some kinda shit we are going to pay for what a slut should do naturally" laughed the second youth as he began to pull his already hard dick out of his pants. "Just what does your Master charge for His slave's services anyhow?"

Sir, i have to charge $20 for every blow job that i give Sir."

"Like shit bitch" he laughed as he threw me to the ground and shoved his cock in my face. "Now open your slut hole and suck on a real man's cock you whore. We got a whole gang just around the corner that we are calling right now. We are going to rape you whore and there ain't nothing that you can do about it", He said as He back handed me across the face.

He grabbed my head and the other guy stuck his fingers in my mouth and pried it open. He slammed his hard cock all the way down my throat and began to face fuck me while the other one began to pull off my shorts.

Just then a vehicle squealed into the alley and out jumped Master and His buddy Master Rebel. They immediately plowed into both youths and began to kick the shit out of them. By the time they were finished the two punks were crying for mercy and scrambling to get the hell out of the alley any way possible.

"So slut, I see that it cannot even do a simple thing like get itself fucked without its Master coming to its rescue. Get its ass into that van and We will take it to the bar where it will be sure to make lots of cash with its slut holes."

Master proceeded to the bar and led me in naked on a leash. There was no doubt in anyone's mind as to what i was and just who it was that owned me. i spent the entire time at the bar with my leash tied up to a urinal and had to drink anyone's piss and cum that demanded it. They were lined up at the rest room door after paying Master for the right to use His slave as their toilet. By the time Master dragged me out of the bar i had sucked every one off at least once and drank gallons of strange piss. Master made Himself a pile of money using His `cash cow' that night as He would many nights in the future.

Next: Chapter 8

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