Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jun 27, 2006


Part Six The ways of slavery

After Master Cowboy had finished with my torture the previous night He shoved a large butt plug into my asshole and tied it firmly in place.

"That will keep its hole from returning to its previous size," He laughed. "I plan to keep widening its hole so it can easily take both of its Master's arms at the same time. it will be mounted on ever larger butt plugs and dildos until its hole becomes My pussy; all wide and juicy."

He then had me crawl to the cell and He locked me in for the night. i would remain there for a week, although i no longer had any sense of time. He locked the leather hood on my head again and set up the ear phones so that I constantly heard His voice reprogramming my slave mind. I was fed liquids through a tube in my mouth and had a catheter inserted through my penis into my bladder. The other end of the tube was attached to a second tube in my mouth so that I was constantly recycling my own piss.

After days i felt the ear phones being removed from my head.

"Wake up asshole," Master Cowboy commanded as He disconnected the tubes and removed the leather hood. My eyes took some time to adjust to even the low lighting of the dungeon. Finally I made out my Master's form standing just outside the cell. I realized that Master was standing in front of the cell with His hard cock jutting from His Levis and i took it in my front hole immediately to drink Master's piss.

He placed a bowl in front of the cell when I was finished. i crawled to the bowl and what i saw and smelled could only be canned dog food.

"That's breakfast slut," He laughed. "it had better eat every bit and lick its bowl clean. it does not want to make it's Master angry this morning. We have lots of work to do,"

When i finished, He tossed the tight, worn Levis at me and ordered me to put them on. They left nothing to the imagination. My cock was rock hard from the extremely tight cock ring that He had allowed me to wear and my slave cock bulged as i tucked it into the jeans.

"Master Rebel, boi, and I are having an estate sale today to get rid of all of your belongings." He informed me. "I have sorted through all of its previous property from the house and business. Everything in the house goes except for some furnishings that I selected to use later and the computer equipment. it will need that equipment later to post ads and web pages on the internet selling its services.

He led me upstairs on the leash and attached it to a large throne-like chair that He must have found in the shop. People were already lined up at the front door waiting for the sale to begin. boi had been made to post signs all over town and in the bars announcing the sale. i was made to kneel at Master's side as people wandered through the house and the tables set up out front. All transactions had to be finalized by Master Cowboy, and the money put in a large metal box that He made me hold.

Everyone looked at me very strangely, but gladly turned over their money for the wealth of antiques that i had once owned. Master played with my slave cock to make sure that it remained hard and almost bursting through the worn pants. He also twisted and pulled on my nipples until eventually taking a pair of large tit clamps from His waist. He pulled first the right nipple from my chest, aligned the clamp over the nipple and allowed the clamp to snap shut encapsulating my nipple with excruciating. i wanted to scream, but with great effort clamped my jaws firmly, swallowed hard and held my screams within as He snapped the other clamp on my left tit. The large clamps bit harshly into my skin as a heavy chain attached to them hung as an anchor constantly pulling on my nipples, stretching them so that they would continue to grow into the `slave nipples' that my Master was so determined to create.

There was also developing a huge wet spot on my Levis from where my slave cock was constantly drooling masses of pre- cum. Many people just showed up to gape at me kneeling leashed to the chair, wearing tit clamps and watching the stain in my jeans continue to grow. Master sat back, gathered the funds and chuckled. He whispered in my ear that they were charging an admission fee just to get a look at His slut.

"I suppose, after this event, I shall be forced to sell the house as well," He laughed. "I have always wanted a place in the country anyway; someplace where I can keep my slave naked all the time. I will start looking in the morning and put this place on the market."

When the sale was finished sometime in the afternoon, He ordered boi and i to clean the yard and house up. The street was still backed up with vehicles just riding by to look at us. One car of street punks threw beer bottles at us and called us "twinks, fags, fuck bois and so on.

When i looked up from my cleaning task i recognized the guys that were taunting boi and myself. They were all street punks that had used me from time to time. These were some of the street boys that Pete had brought by my house in the middle of the night. Pete always told them that he was my master and would strip me as soon as they arrived and make me beg to suck their cocks.

Master overheard them and invited them to stop and "cop a feel" of the fag bois.

"Hey, why the hell not," the front passenger yelled, and car full pulled into the drive.

"Hey Man, that's Bruce," yelled Pete. The guys all walked to where i was standing in my tight worn pants. As i looked up i recognized Pete, Arthur, Matt, and young Sammy as they walked over to where i stood. They immediately began to grope my crotch and directed humiliating slurs at me.

"Is this asshole now Your slave?" the driver asked Master. "Are both their asses for sale as well?" i recognized the driver as Derrick, a hot young street punk that i had fallen in love with about a year ago.

"Yes they are slaves and are both always available to serve deserving men" responded Master Cowboy. "Well if it isn't Pete, the asshole that introduced Me to this slave. So you came by to see what I have done to your former `friend' have ya? Who are these other meatheads anyway? We could probably work out a deal on my fag in the tight jeans," Master stated. "he gets off on the rough stuff now, if ya know what I mean."

"Hey Cowboy, long time no see," Pete said as he shook Master's hand. "All these guys have used Your new slave at one time or another. That blond one is named Derrick and Bruce really fell hard for him. The others are Arthur, Matt, and Sam. They are all street punks that I picked up from time to time and brought over to ole Bruce's house to get their cocks sucked by that whore. Arthur and I saw the signs for the estate sale at one of the local leather bars and wondered what was happening with Bruce. Now I see, I sure would like a go at him now that you have transformed him into a real time slave. Ya got someplace indoors we can play?"

"Sure Pete. its name is now `slut hole' and this slave could always use some rough handling. You missed out on a really good thing when you let this fucker slip out of your hands. it just gave Me its house and everything that it owned, so I guess we should celebrate."

"That other nearly naked punk there is owned by this other Master and He would probably go along if He gets something in return. However you will have to ask Master Rebel there if He will allow it."

The punk named Derrick walked up to me, grabbed my swollen crotch and spit in my face. He grabbed me by the collar, pulled me off my feet and slammed me down on my knees in front of him. He had changed some from the last time i had worshipped his cock. He had built up massive muscular arms and pecs. He was now covered with tattoos. There was a barbed wire tattoo around his neck and each bicep. When he turned around he proudly showed off his back to me. He was covered from below the neckline to below his waist with a massive tattoo depicting dark winged angels with huge swollen cocks with a man impaled on each. He turned back around and gave me a wicked looking grin.

"Well, well, look at the smart prick now. You finally are a real slave after all aren't you fucker? I am going to enjoy using you and watching you be a real faggot scum. I can hardly wait to get my boots shined by you before I kick the shit out of ya," Derrick said. "My buddies have been looking for some real slave meat to work over. I think that Your Master and us can have some fun with you fucker."

"With Your permission Master Cowboy, I would personally like to get this ass hole inside where I can see it naked again" Derrick stated.

"I think that can be arranged Derrick", Master replied. "Why don't you use that leash and walk it to the dungeon door in the rear of the house." He turned around and strutted through the front door.

Derrick grabbed the leash, pulled it up tight, gave it a harsh yank and dragged me down the hill to the dungeon door. He made me kneel at his feet until Master opened up the dungeon and then Derrick dragged me into the room and threw me to the floor.

"Yes Sir, You got yourself a right nice playroom here Cowboy," Derrick said as He pushed my head down to His lick boots. "Your slave seems to have collected a few more interesting play things since I last used it down here. We should have us a great time with Your slaves Master Cowboy. Maybe You and I could work on breaking in this one at My feet for awhile before letting the gang loose on em?"

"That sounds like a plan to me Derrick, especially sense the fucker fell so hard for you while it was still a free person" Master said. "Right now I could use me a toilet to drain My Cock in and appears that you have a fine one over there." He strutted over to one of Derrick's buddies that wore only skimpy shorts, pulled His meat out , grabbed the boy by the hair, pushed him to the floor and ordered him to open wide if he expected to share in any of the `treats' that He had to sell.

Master Rebel jerked the tight pants off of boi and shoved it to the other guys that had shown up with Pete so that they could begin abusing His slave as well.

"Have at er boys, BTW, boi there will do anything You want it too, or it will pay for it."

Master and Derrick threw me to the floor and ordered me to strip. When Master threw me onto my stomach, and Derrick whistled loudly when He saw the plug up my rear hole.

"Look here Boys; this Master has Himself a slut hole that's all plugged up. Do You mind if I yank that fucker out of that hole so I can shove my fist up it?"

"its all yours Derrick," said Master Cowboy proudly. "its hole needs a lot more work to get it to the size that I want it to be."

Derrick untied the rope and grabbed a hold of the plug's base. He twisted it some and then popped the big fucker out of my ass causing me to yell and fall backwards.

"Well, Derrick, it would appear that my slave needs some punishment for not being able to keep its front hole shut," Master barked. He then proceeded to grab the inflatable dildo, shove it deep into my mouth and pumped it up tight.

"That ought to keep its yap shut while We work on its other end," Master said.

With that one of the other punks got the Crisco off the shelf and brought it over to grease up my gapping hole so that Master Cowboy and the boys could start their work.

"Ya know what Cowboy, I got me some heavy chain in the car that would make us a great ass tail for this fucker," Matt said and ordered the chain brought in. When Sam, the boy in the tight shorts returned with the large chain he dropped it on the floor in front of me. When i saw it i almost started to cry. The chain had to be at least ten feet long and heavy enough to pull down a barn. Master and Matt began shoving it up my hole with both of their hands. In short order they had about two feet worked up my hole. They all laughed as Matt dragged me over to where the boys were fucking Master Rebel's slave. They deflated the dildo gag and took their turns face fucking me as i was dragged around the room.

They attached the chain to the wall and continued to fuck my front hole. One of the punks grabbed some rope and began to wrap it around my cock and balls. He wound it around the base of my cock until it was stretched to its limit. He continued to wrap my cock tightly until just the head was exposed. They all took pleasure in whacking my bound genitals. After slapping them around until they ached, one of the punks took a chain with a hook in the end, clipped it to the end of the rope at the cock head. It was pulled tightly toward my chest and locked to the collar that i permanently wore. i lay there with my ass attached to the wall, and my legs in the air while they began kicking and stomping on me and made me beg my Master to allow them to lease me for one of their wild parties once i was ready.

"Guys, it would give me pleasure to lease my slave out after some more training," he said. "it needs to start making its Master some money to pay for the body modifications that I want to begin on it."

Finally they held me by the arms and Master Cowboy took hold of the end of the chain and slowly pulled it from my rear hole, i let out a long agonizing moan as He pulled. As soon as it fell free, Derrick shoved His arm into me and impaled me to His forearm.

"Cowboy, I look forward to reaming this piece of fag shit's ass hole and impaling it on a torture post at our next `Whack Out Weekend' party at the bar. it would be the center of our entertainment. I would love to see this fag greased up and sliding helplessly downward on a huge dildo while we drink, smoke, and use it for entertainment. In fact Cowboy, you are invited as the guest of honor for allowing this fag to entertain the hundred some leather men, skinheads and punks that will attend."

"Yes Derrick, I will look forward to that weekend. In fact, I may even have facilities to rent out for you to use," he stated. "I am in the process of selling this house that my slave has signed over to me and find me a country place where We can use our slaves whenever and however We want. You and Your bois will get a chance to buy in on the venture if You want. I am going to be forming an "invitation only club" that will be used for the training of slaves so that they will be useful in keeping Us entertained.

"You got yourself a deal there Cowboy. My boys are good workers as well as party animals, and look forward to helping get the facility set up as well as using it," stated Matt.

"Right now this slave needs further rear hole work which I would like you all to be witness to," Master stated. "This piece of shit has just begun its training to become my total slave. it has signed a slave contract and has signed over Power of Attorney to its Master. Everything in this dungeon is video taped so that I will have record of its training, torture, and humiliation. I have hoods for you all to wear so that your faces are obscure, should you choose."

"Master Rebel's slave "boi" will help me get it set up in the sling," He continued. "Derrick, do you have a boy that will grease its rear hole up so that I may fuck it to prepare it for the next step, which you should get a kick out of."

"You bet Cowboy," Derrick answered, pointing to the young punk named Sam. "This boy has pissed Me off one time too many and I think that I am going to make him into My own slave. Get your ass over here "butt face", He ordered. Sam came running when Derrick called. The nearly naked, tattooed punk ran to Derrick, and dropped to his knees and kissed Derrick's boots. Derrick took out a knife and sliced the pants off of Sam.

"He really no longer has a right to wear clothes anymore. He stole some drugs from me one night and now he is going to become my personal piece of shit and will discharge his task fully exposed to the camera. I would especially like a copy of its performance here. His name is now butt face"

butt face dug its hands deep into a large can of Crisco and came out with a huge gob of the stuff. He then proceeded to stuff it all up my asshole using both hands and shoving it in as far as his wrists.

"I thank You for Your slaves help," Master said. "I love to see slut hole used by other lowlifes. It reinforces the fact that My slave is truly the bottom of the pecking order. Now I shall fist its ass to get it ready for its mounting on the next size dildo in its ass training."

Master then proceeded to work His fist into "His" hole. He slowly twisted His fingers while slowly, but surely forcing His arm into me. The guys were hollering, cheering, and calling me all kinds of degrading names. Some even went so far as to spit around my Masters arm to help lube it. Derrick strutted up to where my head hung from the sling and coughed up a huge gob of snot, pried my mouth open with His hands, and spit into my mouth. He the ordered me to "chew it up and swallow my gob" as He held my mouth shut and forced me to chew it and swallow. Master only smiled wider as He saw this degradation being preformed on me while the gang hooted, and hollered, and called me "snot eater". In fact, this would be what they called me whenever they were allowed to use me' or when i was in their presence. Master worked my ass well, filling me with His arm and fucking my ass so hard He had the sling swinging and the gang cheering for more.

"More ass, more ass more ass, Master Cowboy," they yelled. "Fill it up good and deep. We know that it is a real fuck hole and wants it bad."

"Yea, Cowboy," yelled Derrick, "I can hardly wait to be able to use "it" as an arm warmer myself one day. it will be a great centerpiece, mounted on a massive greased post, wiggling with its arms tied behind it and the gang spitting beer and snot all over it. butt face, bring over that big Dildo that Master Cowboy has laid out and lay it in His greased hands so that we can all enjoy seeing "it" impaled on that big black monster," Derrick ordered.

butt face picked up the huge dildo that Master had set out. When he brought it over he held it up for all to see. It was at least three inches in diameter and about sixteen inches long. It was truly monstrous. The boys greased it up and handed it to Master Cowboy. Master worked that monster all the way into my opened hole as the gang cheered Him on and laughed at what a complete "fuckhole" that i was.

it was finally sinking in that i would always be a freak, and slave. i would always be shown off and humiliated wherever Master went. He enjoyed showing His slave slut hole off as His complete property to use and abuse whenever and wherever He chose. This was to be my way of life, forever. i had no choice any longer in the matter. i was His total piece of slave shit to be used however it pleased Him. i would learn as time went on that what i had been through so far was nothing compared to what He had planned for my future as His property.

Once He had the dildo seated up my ass. He untied me from the sling and carried me over to the "Mounting Frame". Here is where He strapped me tightly down on the seat so that there was no way for me to get off the dildo. i was strapped into the metal framework for hours and days at a time. Each time that i was put through this torture, the dildo would get larger and the period of time on it longer.

The punks were having a grand time and i knew that they looked forward to the time that i would be leased to them for their bar party.

Derrick walked up to where was bound and whispered in my ear.

"slave slut hole, I count the minutes until "it" is in my possession to use," He warned. "I remember how you used to beg to worship my cock and beg for me to make you my slave. Well, I have grown more twisted these past couple of years sucker and I have no problem working a slave over now. When I pay your Master enough drugs so that I can get my hands on you for a night or a weekend you will know what it feels like to be broken by this dark angel. I will put you in your place, impaled on my cock and you will be treated as the piece of shit that you are. I see what your Master has been training you for slut hole and you will always be the lowest, most worthless slave ever. you will even be made to worship all of my buddies. I look forward to when you are My personal toilet and snot eater."

Derrick then slapped me hard in the gut and hacked up a huge gob of snot and spat it in my face. He then turned and proudly strode out of the dungeon laughing.

Next: Chapter 7

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