Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jun 19, 2006


Part Four - signed my life away

They kept feeding me popper and smoke, as well as the alcohol that Master Rebel had spiked the enema with, and i turned into the sex pig that Master Cowboy had been looking for. As my Master was telling me about the filming, blackmail, and selling of His slave's services, i got so turned on that i had squirmed my way past his elbow. He massaged my prostate with His hand; warning me not to shoot another load of cum until He ordered it or i would be severely punished.

When He finally pulled His arm out of my guts, i saw that boi was greasing up Master Slick's arm, so i realized what was coming. i was to spend whatever time that they wished having my asshole fisted. Next Master Slick formed a fist with His hand and just plowed it into me passed His wrist. He ordered me to "climb His arm" and fuck myself with it. i squirmed and whined, but did whatever He told me until my hole was beginning to feel extremely well opened. Meanwhile Master Cowboy stuck a funnel in my gapping mouth and poured some straight Vodka into me. He then pushed my head downward and worked His massive cock into my throat and began fucking my throat forcefully. He grabbed a hold of my head and using it like a cored melon, fucked it madly while spitting in my face. He hawked up huge gobs and covered my face with it until it was running onto the floor. Also his deep thrusting of my mouth hole was creating a massive amount of snot that made my hole a slippery mess that He seemed to love.

"That's a good fuck hole slave," he groaned as i was getting used by two Masters who were fucking my holes wildly. "you are going to make a good slut hole for Me and my friends to enjoy. This is just a taste of what you have to look forward to once you sign My slave contract in front of these witnesses. Remember to let the camera see what a low-life slave that you are. I can't wait to share it with potential clients, as well as setting up a web site on the internet that will allow the world to see you as My slave slut hole. I have some great plans for your future, and I know that you do not want to disappoint me."

Master Slick finally was ready to shoot so he pulled out abruptly and shot His load in the bowl that Master Cowboy was saving. Next Master Rebel dragged boi to my ass and had His slave lick my ass clean so that he would have "a nice clean hole to fuck". Boi was then ordered to spit all of the juices that he took from my ass and add them to the mess that was filling the bowl.

Boi then was ordered to stuff my ass with `grease' in preparation for Master Rebel. Master Rebel stood between my legs and spread more grease on both of His hands while giving me a wicked grin and wink. He then slowly worked both of his hands into my now gapping ass hole. Of course, my insides were well greased and juicy and it took him no time to work both His hands into my hole. i could feel him lock His fingers together, which formed into one large interlocking fist that he proceeded to push deep into me. After awhile He pulled out one hand and Master Cowboy shoved His cock up my hole.

"Alright Rebel", Master stated, "How about jerking my cock off deep into this slave's begging hole?"

Master Rebel wore heavy leather gauntlets on his arms. He shoved those into me along with his arm and started to stroke off my Master's huge cock. After what seemed an eternity Master Cowboy came with a holler and shot His huge load. i could actually feel His cum spurting as His cock jerked. When He was finished, He ordered boi to his knees and made him felch His cum out of my hole along with any other juices that were there. boi knew not to swallow any of it but dutifully spit it into my Master's "ceremonial" bowl.

Master Cowboy then drove His fist and arm deep into my ass and proceeded to forcefully fist fuck me, making my hanging body begin to swing with each arm movement. He eventually had my body swinging to and fro to the point that i was actually fucking myself.

He kept on plunging into me until He was punching me, pulling his arm all the way out and shoving it in up to his bicep. i finally was in a state of delirium when i heard this far off voice crying ...Mmmmmasterrrr, please..

When Master Cowboy heard me starting to speak he stopped His fucking, but left His arm deep in my gut.

"Were you trying to say something slave, `He asked

"Sisirr, yes Sir, permission to speak Sir" i moaned.

"By all means let us all hear what you have to say that would interrupt the fucking of "My hole", He stated sarcastically.

"Yes Sir, Master, please Sir, allow this slave to sign Master's slave contract, please, Sir", i cried.

With that said he pulled out His arm and ordered me taken down and dragged before Him. i knelt there with my head bowed as He spoke.

"This fucker has asked Me to allow Him to sign My contract which will bind "it" to me as a permanent slave" He gloated. He ordered boi to retrieve the contract and lay it on the floor in front of me.

"Sign the contract immediately. Do not read it, because I want to see that you have complete trust in me to be your Master and that you willingly bind yourself over to Me as My permanent property and slave."

He handed me a pen and i signed on the appropriate line. He grabbed it up off the floor and stated,

"I accept this fucker into permanent slavery to Me by signing My name in front of these witnesses. They will each sign the contract attesting to the fact that this slave has begged for it and all that it will entail. it is my slave to do with as I please. its wishes are of no concern in any matter, since it is no longer human but my chattel."

"boi, bring the ceremonial bowl and set it on the floor in front of the slave, Master Cowboy ordered. boi did as ordered very rapidly.

"slut hole, lap this bowl of Man cum clean as further acceptance of your fate." i lowered my slave head and began lapping the cum offered to me knowing full well that this was only one of many humiliations to come in my future.

i was trained and used all weekend by all three Masters, as well as being humiliated and made to service slave boi. As time progressed i realized that Master Rebel was a drug dealer and boi was His runner. For the rest of the weekend Master Rebel supplied drugs for the Master's play, but also set up "shop" in my house to sell drugs while he was there. Whenever buyers came to the door i was to greet them naked, invite them in, and kneel before them to take their order. Master Rebel would remain in my second bedroom, which i used as a computer studio. i had to crawl back to Him with the customer's order and take it out to the buyer in my mouth. If a "special" customer showed up Master Rebel offered my services as His drug whore. boi acted as my "slave keeper" and always had me on a leash.

Between "deals", i was constantly used as a slave whore by all the Masters. They continued to fuck me, abuse me, and humiliate me. All the while i was being filmed. None of the Master's or clients faces were shown. Often they would wear masks to cover their identity if they were involving me in some particular group action.

When they finally decided to get some rest i was locked in the dog cage. They slept upon various futons in the dungeon. Master Cowboy, of course, slept in my former bed, which was now His. He had my cage placed at the foot of His bed.

"As my slave you will sleep at the foot of My bed unless otherwise ordered," He told me. "Tomorrow morning after your piss breakfast you will fix Us a real meal and kneel between My legs while We eat. Of course, you will have your Master's cock in your mouth while We eat in case I should have to piss again. When you have cleaned up the dishes you will report to Me in the dungeon so that you hear the reading of the slave contract that you signed."

Master Cowboy woke me the next morning when He unlocked the cage. He ordered me out and fed me His morning piss. I then scurried off to cook breakfast for the Masters. While I sat on the floor between Master's legs He would drop scraps of food on the floor and order me to "snatch them up". The other Masters did the same and I cleaned up every morsel. I finally was allowed to drink each Master's piss and as another humiliation was ordered to drink boi's piss as well.

Master then had us adjourn to the dungeon where I immediately knelt at His feet with my arms behind my back and my head bowed. As i knelt before my Master the camera was turned on to record the event.

He had slave boi bring over the slave contract to read for all to hear. This is when i first really knew that my life had changed forever and completely.

"I read the following document as public notice to the agreement," boi stated.

"Contract of Permanent slavery

This document details the terms and conditions of the servitude of the slave formerly known as Bruce Lansing, referred to as "it" in this document. Master Cowboy, owner of this property, is referred to as The Master in this document. This document represents the final decision ever made by it. By signing this document it relinquishes its mind, body and soul into permanent bondage to its Master.

All future decisions are made by The Master, as the slave exists only to fulfill the will of The Master. it willingly and voluntarily assigns any and all rights to its mind, its free will and its physical person to The Master on a permanent basis. it surrenders any and all rights and privileges automatically upon the signing of the Agreement. it acknowledges and accepts its status of inferiority. it exists only to fulfill the will of The Master in total obedience, in absolute humility and in complete submission to The Master. it accepts all decisions made by The Master, as those decisions are final and absolute.

Absolute and total control requires that no limits, safe words or preexisting parameters are accepted or respected. The Master has absolute power to do with the slave as He sees fit, in whatever way that pleases The Master; the slave worships and obeys The Master in all things.

The Master may alter its external physical appearance on an ongoing basis, including shaving, branding, piercing, tattooing, permanent hair removal, tooth extraction, and the installation of permanent chastity devices among any and all other practices, modifications or procedures The Master chooses to implement. Special devices and techniques to modify and permanently change the shape of its body, including but not limited to its dick, balls and tits."

While Boi read on i began to go off in a trance thinking of just what all of this really meant. This was now made very real to me and i knew that Master Cowboy would do anything that He wanted to do to me. This was what I had always fantasized about while never really believing it would ever happen, and then along came Master Cowboy. This smooth skinned, shaved headed, extremely hot man was now my true permanent Master. i was His low-life, naked slave. i began to tremble uncontrollably, but remained with my head bowed before my new Master. i was shaken from my trance when I heard boi reading further.

".slave slut hole will sign legal documents giving Master Cowboy complete Power of Attorney over all its financial affairs. it will sign over the title to its car and give Master Cowboy legal ownership of its house and business. it shall own nothing!

"This document was signed by the slave formerly known as Bruce Lansing. This document was accepted, witnessed, and notarized on this date."

"slave slut hole, make it's slave cock available for caging," Master Cowboy ordered. i spread my legs wide and thrust my cock and balls forward to Him.

"Close its eyes while slave boi, attaches the cock and ball cage," He commanded. i felt slave boi lock a cold metal contraption in place around my cock and balls.

i opened my eyes and saw a rigid metal device consisting of metal bands that formed a cage that was locked in place encasing my (Master's) cock and balls. At every joint on three sides were inch and a half pointed spikes sticking outward which made it impossible to put my legs together without having the spikes puncture my inner thighs and crotch.

"Lie back on the floor and show everyone the cage that your Master has allowed His slave to wear as a sign of My ownership. It shall remain until I decide to replace it with something else. This slave is now mine permanently, and shall begin its slave training in earnest as of this moment," Master Cowboy exclaimed.

"This spiked cage is a reminder of its new life," He continued, "it is My property, to do with as I please. We shall begin serious training which will require it to close its shop until further notice, so that it can devote its mind, body, and soul to the work of becoming its Master's lowly, naked slave."

"String up this slave to begin its torture," He ordered. i was dragged across the floor and laid on a rubber mat. The heavy chain was removed from my neck and Master locked a solid metal slave collar in its place. Metal shackles were locked around my wrists and ankles. Master Rebel lit a propane torch and proceeded to spot weld each restraint in place. i was now wearing my first slave "attire" permanently. He locked chains to each side of the collar and attached them to hooks on both sides of my head. Another huge chain was locked to the collar and attached to a hook directly above me in the ceiling. my wrist shackles were locked to hooks in the floor at my sides. my legs were "spread eagled" and the ankle shackles were locked to hooks the pulled my legs wide apart and exposing my Master's new cock and balls bound in their new spiked cage. A ring gag was buckled around my head holding my slave mouth wide open and available.

"As beginning training "it" will remain in that position while We all have some fun with it," Master Cowboy stated as he knelt above my head, working my right nipple. He pulled the nipple harshly out from my chest and snapped a nipple clamp to it. He did the same with the left nipple and leaned down on them hard, causing tremendous pain. However, due to the ring gag i could emit nothing but a moan. He slapped me across the face and ordered me to make no further sounds unless ordered.

They left me like that while they lit up a pipe and began to use slave boi as their plaything. i was made to eat their asses, suck their cocks, and service each of them in any way it was ordered. i spent my first day of slavery in that position while they either ignored me or abused me as they chose.

Master Cowboy allowed Master Rebel's clients into the dungeon to witness a slave being tortured by its Master. He even encouraged them to piss on me or in my open mouth. All the while, the video was recording everything that was done to me, all for my Master's records and use. He had slave boi photograph me, and take copies to Master Rebel's regular clients to encourage them to come over to the house, buy their product and watch a slave serving its Master. Finally, late at night i was released from bondage and locked in the cell that I had built in a corner of the dungeon.

"This next week we take care of your house, business and your car, fucker," stated Master Cowboy before heading up for some rest.

"your slave life will become even more real as you sign that Camero over to Me, and sign a Power of Attorney giving Me full control over My slave's previous life," he said as he headed up the stairs. i could only lie in the cell and realize that i was a Man's slave at last and had no way to escape my future. i tried to remember what the contract that i signed had outlined. It was a certainty that i no longer would enjoy the former freedom that i once had and would be formed into Master Cowboy's "slut hole" for as long as He decided to keep me.

Next: Chapter 5

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