Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jun 15, 2006


Part Three - even the keys to the house

Master Cowboy was very pleased with the evening's events. He knew when He first arrived and had me eating His ass that i would be begging to do anything that he wanted. He buried my head in his ass and ordered me to clean it up. He made me beg to buy Him the drugs that He wanted and got His funky asshole emptied and cleaned. He was on His way to owning His personal slave. His best buddy Master Slick had shaved my head and body hair as the first mark of ownership. They had let me know that i would live in a cage during a great deal of my training, and they would train this slave to be a urinal, ass licker, cum sucker and anything else that They desired.

He had planned with His buddy Master Slick to come over and help Him make me into the slave that He had decided to own. Master Slick now had me caged like a dog and i had to drink their piss and service their cocks on demand.

Master Slick had brought His video cam with Him as they had planned. From now on every step of my conversion into Master Cowboy's slave was being filmed so that my Master could have all the perverse things that They made me do documented so that Master Cowboy could use them as blackmail against me if i ever thought of trying to get out of my ever deepening situation.

i guess there is something to be said about being aware of what you wish for.

After one night of watching how i loved to get high and turned into a pig slave; Cowboy had spent the next week planning for this very evening and the lifetime that He planned for me as His slave.

As Master Slick pumped my mouth full of His cock, Master Cowboy laid back and urged Him to do anything that He wanted to me, His personal slut hole. He provided a never-ending narrative as to how He loves to see me used. He had decided that He was to be my Master and there was no turning back. i was to become His slave `slut hole' for as long as He wished.

They both fucked my mouth and ass through the bars of my cage and always used condoms to catch their cum which Master Cowboy stated would be saved for future use.

When they took a rest they whispered together out of my earshot. Their conversation was continually broken by their uproarious laughter. They continued to smoke what was left of the stash that Master Cowboy had picked up on his venture out in my (His) car until they were about out. Master Cowboy grabbed the nearby phone and made a call to someone, obviously arranging for another pickup. i could not hear what they said. When He hung up the phone He grabbed a dildo mouth gag and shoved it down my throat and locked it in place. They also shackled my wrists and ankles to the cage bars, got dressed, and left the house telling me to be a good boy and they would bring me a surprise. i was left in the dark of my self-created dungeon, not able to move or cry for help. i guess that i had really gotten what i had begged for the weekend before.

Truthfully, i had begged other young men and street punks that Pete had brought by in the middle of the night, but they assumed that i was just begging to be made a slave because i was high. i have to admit that the drug did turn me into a sex whore. i had finally gotten to the point where i was convinced that no one in this awful town had the guts to take me up on my offer. Then, last week this hot skinhead redneck was brought to my door and took me seriously. i remember him saying that he had never had a woman treat Him as great as i had, but i was very surprised as to how the evening had progressed. i was not sure what to expect when they both returned, but i was pretty sure that it was going to involve more men. Little did i know that this was to be my last bit of freedom forever, and that whom ever He brought back was expert in breaking a person's will and would be the beginning of my trip into slavery.

i must have fallen asleep, because i awoke with a start at the sounds of several pairs of boots tramping overhead. There was much laughter, and i heard someone yell down the stairs.

"Enjoy your last moments of freedom slave. From this point on there is no turning back, whether you might want to or not" a rich deep bass voice yelled. "The slave makers' are here and your new life as slut hole' is about to become reality."

They all tramped down the steps, each carrying a candle so that i could not see them clearly. They each took positions around my cage. i heard zippers being opened and the next thing i knew four Men were pissing on me from head to toe. Master Cowboy laughed with gusto as he flipped the light on. Looking down at my piss drenched, naked body were Master Cowboy, Master Slick, boi (the young punk from last week), and a mean looking skinhead that i assumed had yelled the warning to me.

"This is Skin Master Rebel, slave," Master Cowboy informed me, "I certainly hope that you will enjoy what he has in mind for you as much as I am going to. He is one tough ass skinhead, all the way from London. He has done more things than you can ever imagine to wimp ass fuckers like yourself and He will be staying on as My head trainer to help whip you into the fucking ass slave that I want you be. After all that is what you begged me to do isn't it fucker?" he said very seriously.

"Answer me shit head. Your new Master has asked you a question," He demanded.

"yeuuuth Thuuuuur," i yelled back in response through the gag.

"Good then We shall begin to make you into My slut hole"

boi was ordered to unhook me from my bindings and remove my dildo gag. He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me to my Master's feet.

"Now shithead, answer your Master correctly." Boi ordered.

"Sir, yes Sir, please make me into Your slave, Sir", i begged in fear. boi shoved my mouth onto my Master's boot and ordered me to polish it with my tongue. i began licking his boots with all my effort until He was satisfied.

"I am turning you over to Master Rebel for some first class slave training. Whenever He is in the room you are to treat Him as if he were your Master. Do you understand slut hole?" he asked.

"Sir, yes Sir," i replied with a quiver in my voice.

"Then get your sorry ass over here and worship My skinhead boots fucker. I expect immediate and unwavering response to My every command, Is that understood fuck face?" Master Rebel ordered.

"Sir, yes Sir," i replied as i crawled to His boots and began licking them. They all took seats and Master lit a pipe and had boi give it all to me. By the time i finally was allowed to release it i had become a slobbering slave like my Master loved. i continued to lick Master Rebel's boots as they all took hits and then my true training began.

"On you knees with your head bowed fucker," ordered Master Rebel. "You are never to look a Man in the face ever again. you are going to become more slave then you could ever have dreamed of. you will forget that you ever had a life prior to becoming Master Cowboy's slave. Is that understood fucker?"

"Sir, yes Sir," i replied meekly.

"Good fucker, now run and get your Master a set of His new house keys and present them humbly to Him, and beg to become His true slave." Master Rebel ordered. i ran upstairs and retrieved a set of house keys and knelt before my new Master.

"Please Sir, take these keys and allow this stupid and lowly being to be your property and slave,"i begged. He took the keys from me and put them in His pocket.

"Now i will never have to knock on this house door again. This will become My house and you will be the slave that takes care of it for your Master. you are never to call anyone on the phone unless ordered by Me. You are to speak to no one unless I allow it slave. Before this weekend is over you will become bound to me completely. I shall select the tightest and skimpiest pair of shorts and one pair of very tight Levi's, one tight t-shirt, and the filthiest pair of work boots for you and all your other clothes will be burned. Those four items are all you will be allowed. However, you shall always be naked unless I tell you otherwise. Is that understood slave?" He commanded.

"Sir, yes Sir," i whimpered. i knew now that he was not kidding. i was starting a new life as this Master's slave and nothing would ever be the same again. i had no idea just how drastically changed my entire world would become, but I was about to learn at the hands of Master Rebel!

At just that moment Master Rebel hauled off and kicked me in the crotch with his steel-toed boot. He continued to kick me about the room while the others chuckled at what was being done to me.

"you are a complete asshole piece of shit. you are lower than all Men. In fact you shall even learn what it is like to be your Master's slave dog, my favorite kind of creature. you will learn to think like a slave. you will learn to live like a dog, so help me God or you will never walk again. He kept slamming his boots into me and kicked me from one end of the dungeon to the other until i ended at my Master's feet.

"Now tell your Master what it is that you will become fucker," He ordered.

"Sir, if it pleases you, i beg to be trained as your slave and your dog. Allow me to live in humble obedience to You. Please take all of my clothes away and allow me to become your personal, naked slave. Allow me to worship You as my Master and owner. Train me to be Your property that receives its sustenance from your graciousness in being my true Master."

"I accept you as my naked slave and dog, Master Cowboy replied, "You are nothing but a piece of shit that is subservient to my wishes at all times." He then picked a cum filled condom from the table beside him and held in front of my nose.

"Smell of my essence deeply and beg to be blessed with this cum as an offering of your submission," He said, while He held the open end to my nose and squeezed it tightly and covered my mouth so that all that i smelled was His cum.

He held it there until i had no more breath in me. He stated, "Drink this cum as an offering to My Mastery over you, this is a sign of your obedience to your Master and everything that you will become to honor and serve Me," He stated. He then held the end of his condom to my open mouth and squeezed its cold, viscous liquid into my begging slave mouth. He made me use my tongue to turn the condom inside out so that i consumed every thick drop. i then bowed my shaved head to the floor and thanked Him for His graciousness.

"Good slave," He stated, "I truly look forward to your training and O/our life."

He then invited the other Men to share in his slave's mouth and throat, but told them not to cum in me, but to cum in a bowl he had set on top of my cage.

"This will be saved for a special treat when Master Rebel believes that you have earned the right to taste of these Men's essence. As such, you will be accepting Them as dominate to you in all things, even the young punk boi, who is Master Rebel's slave. Even a slave boy will be dominant over you. When you are allowed to partake of what fills that bowl you will be accepted by this group of My Companions as Their slave and will obey all Their orders as you would Mine."

"Master Rebel You may begin with your training of this novice slave. You are to do whatever it takes to break its will and EGO," He commanded.

Master Rebel picked me up by the collar and dragged me over to the center of the dungeon, directly above the drain. He unlocked the metal chain around my neck and replaced it with a very large gauge chain weighing many pounds and securely padlocked in place.

"you will always wear this slave training collar until you earn the right for the permanent metal collar that your Master has chosen and which He will have welded in place around your slave neck as a sign that He has accepted you as his slave. He will then continue to mark any part of your body that He wishes. You will wear His brand, and tattoos that mark you as His property for all to see and know. Over your time with Him you will be recreated from the man that you were and into the owned slave that you will become."

He then attached two leather bands, one under each armpit and raised me so that my feet were off the floor. Next He had boi bind my ankles and attach them to a hook in the floor. He then Had boi shove an enema tube into my ass and ordered him to release the fluid to fill my intestines. He did not stop until my stomach was bulging as if i were pregnant. boi then removed the tube and shoved a plug securely into my ass so nothing would leak out. Master Rebel then shoved a dildo gag into my mouth and strapped it securely in place.

Master Rebel took several steps back to survey my plight and began to whip my entire body with a cat-o-nine tails that had small knots as tips on the end of each. i hung there screaming behind my dildo-plugged mouth as he applied the flogger to me, making very sure that my ass as well as my cock, balls and my entire body was being covered in bloody red welts. This continued for at least thirty minutes before he set the flogger down and walked over to take a big hit from the pipe. He ordered boi to remove the gag from my mouth, then reloaded the pipe and ordered me to take all of it until he removed it. He then held his hand up to my face and pinched my nose and covered my mouth tightly. He finally allowed me to breathe once i was hanging nearly passed out from lack of air. At that point my cock grew to an immense proportion and spewed cum across the dungeon. i hung there totally wasted as boi was made to lick up all of my cum and then to feed it back into my mouth. My Master ordered me to swallow my own cum and to thank Master Rebel for His affection.

"Sir, thank you Sir for the whipping and allowing me to felch my own cum from boi's mouth," i replied with some difficulty. My bowels were about ready to explode as boi was ordered to unfasten my ankles. He lowered me to the floor and led me outside to the patio.

"Release the plug from the slave's ass boi," Master Rebel ordered. As he did so, he jumped back from where i hung as the liquid that had filled my guts exploded from my ass. It continued to empty in several gut cramping episodes until i felt empty at last. boi then took a hose and again filled my ass up and allowed me to release it. He continued this until the fluid was clear of all shit.

"Now we are ready for some hole exploration," Master Rebel laughed as I was led back into the dungeon.

boi and Master Rebel lifted me up into the rubber sling that I had made. They then attached my slave collar to a hook above my head and stretched my arms out tightly to the sling above my head. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and proceeded to grease up my hole. Next He attached my ankles to hooks in the sling so that they were spread wide and taught.

"Alright everyone, now we can get down to some real ass plowing," ordered Master Cowboy as He stepped up to where I hung. He was the first to stand between my legs and have His hand and forearm greased up by boi. He then twisted first His fingers slowly into my hole, and then slowly kept adding fingers until they were in to His knuckles. He the slowly worked His whole hand into my waiting ass until my sphincter clamped around His wrist. boi gave me a hit of popper so that i would loosen my hole.

"Climb your Master's arm fucker, we are about to see just what your slave ass can do," my Master told me. "you have three other Men dying to feel the inner warmth of my slave's asshole and begin to stretch it until you can take two fists at a time. Master Rebel is also going to beat My cock off inside of you, so get prepared for some deep work." i began to squirm my ass up Master's arm until i had finally reached his elbow. He than began to fuck my ass with enthusiasm until he was punch fucking me, withdrawing his entire arm and punching his clamped fist deep within me.

"Ahhh, he exclaimed we shall have lots of fun with this tonight. We will continue abusing "it" until "it" finally begs for us to stop. Remember the magic words will be `Master, please allow this slave to sign Master's slave contract.' When those words are released from "its" fucking mouth we will take it as a clue that "it" truly needs to be my slave and are ready to take the next step in your slave development."

"Oh yes, be sure to always look toward the camera that is recording your humiliation. I want full documentation of your degradation on file to use as blackmail, but also to show potential clients of your abilities so that I can lease your body and slave service to anyone, or any group that wishes to pay me for it."

Next: Chapter 4

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