Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Sep 29, 2023


"Now slave I wish for you to lie down on your back so that jake can work on that wild pubic hair that you have growing down there", He said as He grabbed hold of bengi's cock and balls and gave them a good harsh squeeze that dropped the slave to the floor. slave jake rolled bengi onto his back and began cutting the new slave's pubic hair. When finished, bengi had a one inch wide strip running upward about two inches and an outrageous punk hair style which was really going to set his college mates to hooting.

bengi cringed as he thought about the reaction Master Robert would get from bengi's friends, but he did not care in the least. He now had a Master and a purpose in life. he would from this day forward be the slave that Master Robert had made. he was Master's property and would soon learn the ramifications of this new role in life.

Master Robert pulled on the boys new "cue" which hung down his back and ordered bengi to eat his Master's asshole. The boy sucked for all he was worth so that he could taste Master Robert's ass and knew that he would be expected to do so every day because Master had told him that he would be trained to be His slave toilet among many other things. ____________________________________________________________ ____________

Master Robert proudly entered the "private" dining room set aside for the Masters that had donated funds to be partial owners of the Ranch. All other paying guests would be eating in the common mess hall connected to the bunkhouse.

Robert was followed by His pair of naked, collared slaves walking three paces behind Him. When He reached His place at the table slave jake immediately pulled out its Master's chair at the table. The table was round in reference to King Arthur's round table since all of these Masters were of equal status. Once seated, slave jake knelt behind its Master's chair. Robert grabbed a hold of slave bengi's cue and pulled the slave under the table so that it was kneeling between its Master's legs. As Master Robert's toilet slave in training bengi would feed from its Master's hand and be available to drink His piss.

"I see that You have acquired a new slave boy Robert," stated Master Cowboy. "it appears to be a cute little thing. Is it the boy that You picked out at the entrance yesterday?"

"Yes Cowboy, this new slave boy approached Me at the entrance and has not left My side since then. As you all can see it now wears My collar and has been shaved of its long blond locks and now wears a punk Mohawk with a tail down its back for My convenience. I have decided that I will let it continue to grow its `cue' like a Chinese coolie so that I have a nice handle to work the slave with. I thought it would be a rather nice touch for when it is displayed publicly before its former friends. You know how much that I love to humiliate a slave Cowboy; almost as much as you do my friend."

"Ah yes Robert that I do. I am looking forward to seeing just how you will bind it for the bondage competition this afternoon. I am not sure that it can out do My slave `thing', but I certainly hope that it will at least be a creatively unique competitor."

"Yes my friend, I have an interesting solution to its bondage and hope that you will enjoy it. Of course I hope that my slave wins so that it can be used by you personally as its prize. This darling little slave boy will never be quite ready for your serious usage."

The Master's seated at the table laughed uproariously just thinking about the bondage competition and what unique entries there would be. Each was known for His competitive nature and serious approach to bondage as a method of slave control and training.

A group of naked slaves began to serve breakfast to the Masters. When the slave serving Master Robert placed His food before Him, Robert whispered something in the slave's ear. The slave bowed in response and hurried off to the kitchen and returned with a bowl full of food scraps consisting of cold oat meal mixed with leftovers from last evening's dinner. Nestled on top was one raw egg which Master Robert had explicitly ordered.

Robert set the egg aside and scooped up a handful of the mess and placed His hand below the table and ordered slave bengi to "gobble up its precious treat". bengi nearly gagged from the look and smell of the garbage in his Master's hand, but began to eat like a pig as Robert ordered. he licked Master's hand clean and thanked Master Robert for the sustenance. Robert sneered and handed the bowl with the remaining slop to slave jake and ordered him to feed the remainder to bengi. As this was being done Robert joined the other Masters in their breakfast of sizzling steak and eggs. Occasionally He would drop scraps to the floor for slave jake to clean up with his mouth. He ordered slave bengi crawl out from under the table and squat with his mouth wide open. As everyone in the room watched Robert cracked the raw egg and allowed the yolk and slimy whites to fill the youth's mouth. With another gaging sound bengi forced the slim down his throat and thanked his Master. bengi was then ordered return to his place between master Robert's thighs and to release His Master cock from the cod piece in which it bulged and hold the turgid penis in its mouth to await His piss. With all the coffee, juice, and water that He was consuming there was a plentiful bounty of warm piss to feed slave bengi.

When the Master's had finished their breakfast Robert led His leashed slaves from the dining room. Each slave had a heavy chain leash attached to their collars and were led out into the farm yard as naked dog slaves. The paying common guests were exiting the chow hall and had to pass by Master Robert and His slaves. When begi's former pals sauntered through the chow hall door they gathered around where bengi knelt. They began taunting the slave and laughing at its new role in life.

"So boys, I take it that you find your former pal's new condition amusing," Master Robert growled. "I wish for you to humiliate this new slave of mine further by emptying your bladders in his mouth. slave bengi is now a toilet that craves drinking men's piss."

With that invitation each of the youths undid their pants and pulled out their cocks. They cued up in front of slave bengi to make use of this convenient toilet. bengi was totally humiliated to be offered to his old friends as a toilet but he knew that he had no choice in the matter. bengi opened his mouth and took the first youth's cock deep into his throat and waited for the flow of hot piss. In very short order bengi relieved each of the six youths of piss and knelt on the ground in a pool of piss that had run from his over filled mouth. The young men laughed uproariously and slapped bengi's wet head when they were finished with him. bengi knew that this was just the beginning of his training and kissed Master Robert's boots in gratitude. Robert then led His slaves to the slave preparation area in the barn to prepare them for the bondage competition.

Master Robert had a locker in the prep room and opened it and began to gater up items to use for the bondage of His two slaves. The first thing that He selected was a metal chastity device which consisted of a very restrictive metal cage covered in red rubber to eliminated the chance of any rust buildup on the device. The red metal cage was linkd to stainless steel chain. He wolked over to bengi and ordered the slave to spread his legs to make his crotch available. Robert manipulated the slave boy's cock and ball into the tight cage and then ran the chain between bengi's crotch and pulled the chain around his waist. He then locked the chain and chastity cage firmly in place.

"This slave chastity device will be the only clothing you shall wear along with the heavy studded leather slave collar locked around your neck. My slaves are not allowed to touch their crotch at any time and are never allowed to cum unless ordered by its Master. Is that understood boy?"

"Sir, yes Sir," bengi replied as he stood before his Master in his new items of slavery.

"Good boy, now slave jake and I shall prepare you for the bondage exhibition this afternoon."

Master Robert locked bengi's hands behind his back with heavy padded leather wrist cuffs. The slave's ankles were locked together with leather cuffs as well. Next Master Robert and slave jake began to hogtie bengi with heavy rope of twisted hemp fiber. When finished the young slave lay helpless upon the cold concrete floor. slave jake was ordered to roll a heavy iron tripod framework so that it stood directly above where bengi lay. There was a large winch attached to the crossbar at the top with a heavy chain and metal hook hanging from it. Master Robert then dragged several heavy chains across the floor and draped them across bengi's naked body.Each chain had a very large metal hook on the ends which hung down on the floor next to bengi. slave jake took the first hook and attached it to the wrist cuffs and then attached it to a hook which hung from the winch. Another chain without a hook on one end was locked directly to the lock on bengi's slave collar while the end with the heavy hook was worked into the boys asshole. This chain was the hooked over the hanging hook as well. These attachments allowed the slave to be winched up and off the floor where he was suspended from the three ends attached to his body. Master Robert laid down on the floor below the suspended slave, unzipped His leather pants and pulled out His hard cock. He then grabbed bengi by the blond frosted hair remaining on its head and swung the boy forward and shoved His swollen cock deep into the slave's helpless mouth. He proceeded to swing bengi fron where he hung and face fucked the boy until He shot a load of Master cum deep into the slave's throat.

"That is a very good slave boy", He proclaimed. Slave bengi shall be suspended like this once the exhibition starts and be made available to all that choose to use it's throat for their pleasure. I assume that this extreme suspension shall turn my newest slave into a very proficient cock sucker by the tine the exhibition is finished."

slave jake was ordered to stand naked before Master Robert while Robert began to dress the boy in a leather bondage suit that had been made to order for jake's body. Robert first covered the boys entire body with a thin film of grease so that the tight fitting leather would slide more easily in place. By the time Master Robert had finished slave jake was bound in a heavy leather bondage suit which covered every portion of its body from head to toe.The suit was covered with metal grommets threaded with black leather lacing. The lacing ran up the outside of the entire torso from ankle to arm pit. Master Robert expertly tightened each lacing until the suit fit like a tight leather glove. Grommets and lacing also ran up the outside of each arm from wrist to shoulder and were also tied as tight as was physically possible. Another row of lacing ran up the front of the slave's torso fron just above its crotch to the neck of the suit. The suit had heavy leather strapping stitched up both arms and legs with large D-rings attached so that the boy could be bound to the wooden fromwork. It was to be suspended spread eagle from a wooded frame and used by the young, muscled boxers that had worked slave thing so proficiently yesterday. Since slave jake gad not witnessed that performance he had no idea just what heavy sadism was to be loosed upon his helpless leather covered form. While slave bengi was to be a mere sideline event, slave jake had been entered in the bondage competition and Master Robert expected very extreme measures to be used on His slave since the competition had been arranged by Master Cowboy as one of the main exhibitions of the weekend.

When Robert had tightened the suit very firmly in place He snapped a leather cod piece in place. Leather mitts were locked over both of the slaves hands and black leather combat boots covered its feet and ankles. With the work nearly completed Master Robert stood in front of the leather bound slave and admired His work. He walked up to the slave, grabbed the back of the slave's neck, pulled it forward and kissed the slave long and hard.

"slave jake, you have served me well for the last five years. Unlike other Master's I love My slave boys and you are especially loved as my personal slave property. Since I have taken a new slave boy this weekend it is time for you to be trained further. This bondage torture is the first extremely sadistic exhibition that My slave has ever endured. This competition is both humiliation and exhibitionism, both of which you shall be experiencing much more of as you slavery to Me progresses. I do this out of my desire to see My slave put on display before all of the attendees of this weekends debauchery. Everyone shall see just what it means to be My slave and I know that you will perform gratefully for your Master. Of course as My slave you have no say in this matter, but I wish to hear My slave beg its Master to make use of it for My pleasure. beg slave!"

"S-Sir, Your slave begs its Master to be used in any way He sees fit to further this slave's bondage to Your desires and pleasure. As Your slave i understand that i have no rights and am my Master's slave property. This slave wishes to be trained further in any way its Master sees fit and I thank Master beforehand for this new added dimension to my slavery SIR!"

"Very well stated My slave. Now as I lock this leather hood over your head and lock it in place around your neck know that I shall be cutting My slave off visually from this world. Everything it shall experience shall come as a complete surprise. you can scream as loud as you want but you shall not be heard. This shall be an extreme test of slave's devotion to Me. I know that it shall come out of it ever more attached to its Master as My slave property. Whatever prize it shall win shall be tattooed in its flesh permanently. If it should not place in the top four its name shall be changed to that of a dog and it shall spend its life in a dog cage and be fed only dog food. If I should have to turn slave into a dog it will be trained as such and then sold to whatever dogMaster I choose. So I wish slave good luck in this exhibition as I shall hate to lose it as a slave."

With that stated Master Robert slipped the hood over slave jake's head and laced it tightly in place and snapped a leather flap with a ball gag attached over its mouth. it was now in complete darkness and could only hear very muffled noises. slave jake would not be released from this severe bondage until the exhibition was completed.

Master Robert strung slave jake to the wooden framework and rolled it out to the arena where He left it to think upon its use and wonder just how it would be used and by whom. The exhibition would begin in thirty minutes but the slave no longer had any sense of time, only darkness and solitude.

Master Robert returned to the preparation room and rolled slave bengi out into the arena. He set the framework holding bengi off to the side where a cordoned off space had been arranged for this toilet slave. it would serve any and all boys and men that desired to relieve themselves of beer piss or cum from their Man balls. Master Robert stood back and looked at His slaves in their bondage and a very wicked smirk spread over His face. He was going to sit back and enjoy watching His slave's show their worth. He was very sure that both would perform well, but had doubts about just where slave jake might end up in this extreme event. He knew the other Masters well and the slaves that were to be exhibited. His smirk turned into a scowl as He imagined just what might happen to slave jake. He would truly hate to place His slave on the auction block, but that was a possibility. Every Master had to sign a contract to enter their slaves into exhibition and Master Cowboy has sadistically placed a clause in the contract that any slave not placing with an award for it's Master or any slave which could not endure the extreme competition in any way could be forced onto the auction block if Master Cowboy so dictated. Master Cowboy, as Robert knew so well, had developed into an extremely sadistic Master in the long months since acquiring His first slave now called "thing".

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